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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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if i Iff THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, MAY 8, 1910. TALES FROM THE ARCHIVE Defending Honolulu iniviviiTiiiMfiiwriyi D. L. MacKaye i ; 1 ? K I i f i 1 1 Mil 1, t , s.,,,.,! , , rdei 3 i' :i & ' i j y- rii, i , .,, 'if . . r' ? . ' I II I ! l'-:n i : : : .1 V.I i i hi' i't".iir'i in jiiiy other way then it i- :t" reseiit in order that it may be a va ia b!e. The spur from Punchbowl Hill! v t-ast of t he present Hritisii con-uiatP i a fiooil site for a land fort, it i-ciiiiuiau -is two approaches to the town anJ by reserving a broad road of loo vanls width straight trom it to Rofifrils of the department of war and the department of the navy of the Hawaiian government began late in the but the of the reeonl do not begin until the late '40. What docu ments are dated previously to ISoU are imiini'Ortant or uninteresting, relating mostly to the cost of the upkeep of Sait I'au, it would assist in the the Hawaiian Army which seems to have -caused an expenditure equal to that of the Hawaiian Band at the pre sent day. Much of it is correspondence between Lieutenant-General Liliuolio, commander in-chief, (afterwards Kame hameba IV; and Major Francis Funk, adjutant. These two ollicers kept up a continual -cross lire of correspondence concerning ''busted'-' guns and aeci- lieionse ot the harbor and an enemy mi oiib r to take it would be obliged to find artillery on Punchbowl lliil. I re-i-'i!i,meiol that abmir twetitv m-res be re-erved on this spur below the steep slope of the hill, being at a level of abmit j.lo j'cet above the sea. Civil Buildings. The above are the reserves 1 recom mend for military purposes but as it appears there are several public build ing for civil punmses required in Mo dems to ammunition. The brig Loe. noiuiu i think they might be arranged brought a ton of powder from San Fran- ; iis t0 '"rm Part the military de fense above proposed. I think the civil public buildings of the town snould al ways be so situated and so planned as to be capable of resisting an attack by musketry. The want of such pro vision has been felt in large towns dur ing popular riots and it ap'pears to me that such provision is peculiarly de sirable in a town like Honolulu where a native Government has to control a large and irregular foreign population. It is in fact the only kind of defense work required in the Sandwich Islands at present and in the early stage of the town very easily provided for. The principal public buildings at present re quired appear to hie 1st, a goal, 2nd, magazines for arms and ammunition, lird, barracks for soldiers, 4th, police oilieers. The folowing plan would make these buildings defensible in themselves against the sudden assault and also form nart of the militarv de- where Camp Very is now situated. This f,.I1M- ,,f the place, he named as a proper place for one of Goal, Magazines, Barracks, the most important forts of the city. ' 1, 2, 3. The Goal, Magazines and Accompanying the report is a map Soldiers i la r racks, 1 recommaud to be which he evidently copied himself and l'11'1 together on the site above men- , . ,. . , . T , . tioned on the .spur ot Punchbowl. It took trom one published m London m Js ;ui aJvalltagIe t0 h.,ve the8tf three Ijsoti. it give- a good idea ot tae town, buildings a little seperated from the the situation of the principal buildings town. There is space for all three on and the entrance to the harbor. This tbat sit,:' und Uey will of themselves , ii i-r t a iorm a land fort proposed for that latter was materially dinereut than at , 1 1 . , position and a place ot security tor the the present time, coming from a point Kings magazines and arms, ammunition that teems to be Ewa of the present and money. They should be placed so lighthouse and running straight inauka, :is r" t'"rm lilie of buildings facing ,- . ,v i i . -- f Punchbowl Hill, thereby covering the Cisco and tins for three years remained the chief event in Hawaiian military circles. Lids were also received to established a battery of eleven guns on one of the points near the harbor but there is little record of it. The first interesting document is dated 1S50 and is a report by an English army of ficer on the best method of defending Honolulu. Some of his recommenda tions seem to have been accepted but the chief interest, lies in the, picture of the town of Honolulu at this date which can be seen between the lines. Salt Pan point, wjiich he describes as a point to which the city might eventually grow and (at that time) difficult of access is the spit of sand ending in a saucer shaped basin of small dimensions. The report, in its entirely is as fol lows: MEMORANDUM Concerning the Military Defense of Ho nolulu, Sandmen Islands. Under the present circumstances of the Sandwich Islands, it appears to me that it would onlv be incurring un- ground in front from the fire of musketry from the top of it. The ex treme building should project so as to flank the others. A deep ditch should lie dug around them and the bottom of it planted with cactus or some prickly plant which would form a de fense in itself. Police Offices. 4th. There will probably be two police oilices required in Honolulu, one necessary expense to erect iortineittious tor native and one for foreigners. I to defend the town and harbor of Ho- recommend the native police ofliee to lioluhi against a foreign enemy. It is be placed in the center of the square nevertheless extremely desirable in my to be reserved in the middle of the opinion for the future benefit of the town which should contain about two place that suitable sites for field bat- acres and the foreign police office to teries and laud forts should be selected be placed in the reserve to be made for at once and reserved in the hands of the sea battery. Eaeb or' these police the Grown and that the town shall be offices should 'should contain barracks laid out so that sites shall never be f,,r the policemen, rooms for the court encroached upon but shall always re- and lock up rooms for the confinement main avaible for the defense of the 0f prisoners during short periods and town as it hereafter may become neces- J eaee building should be planned so as sary. This has been much neglected in to flank itself. some of the Lritish colonies and the in- The broad road propped to be reserv- jtirious consequences ot the neglect is ,., t ini ihe goal to Salt Pan Point will now being felt in some, which it is now include the space between the King's wi-he.l to fortify. In ail large i ov hs pa lac a nd t he nat i e h orch ana would lateiy formed in the British Colonies ,-.rve as a boulevard fr the inhabitants this has been more attended to. Sites j of the town. for ail kinds of public purposes audi When the wharf" .abmg the coral reef military as well as civil have ijeeii duly! is to be made the Terra Puggoiana selected and reserved. which abounds in Tahiti will be found In selecting sites for military pur- j useful ts a cement, poses the principal object to be con-I (igiied ) T. !!. L1JS SN". suler.'d is tio- iieieiise oi me nariior i apt. hnval laigi neei- and after that t h King's magazines lion and money. Sea Defense. For the defease of the harbor the best English authorities oi tin- subject agree' that vea. batteries should be idaced to as u command tne anciiorago i opposite tin town ami not at the en trance of a full and that thev sh.iiibl be from twenty m thirtv feet above the I re- NETTIE HARRISON'S 4-DAY HAIR .sea. Upon examination of the small J tu,-yK- " ' only entirely successful and chart ot -Honolulu harbor published bv ; satisfactory preparation for the purpose. Arrow-smith of London m ls;;o and at- ! S,mple Harm'ess - Certain. Sold for 20 years, fQ " f rv m A n J ft J I I 1 I ,r f,,i ; ,cw imeu aim usea wun satistaction by security of the I arms, ammtin I V)0. fill hw iJl 1 ' i r i t harbor i'self. it at pears to me that their 7'V vu twin no leao, suipnur or other best sito no a - a' battery answe-ring to ! ln9rent. If -dyes" and -restorers" yo'puuiicu juu, ii y iro. u never laiis. i.uu. At an tirst-class druggists and BENSON. SMITH & CO 1 he po;i is th- extrenic di e pr. ill! broad a -u:,'A fiu King -) battel v tr..ut oi to an s it snoie con.j ing sis web per tally a it Tow u w : n i xteiot th-it ;. wa'k . i'i cog-- of :t as fr,r a the y.iU pan an be .-s, l-v --fist t--rt. 1 prefer tuts t lor to sen wa r-1 been use j dy com ma nds i he laud- j the anchorage but f-s j Oenrs l.roeille tteit ttie reel and j ti' where j olio acre FOPvT AND HOTEL STREETS over that !i:i- cast p. At least 1 for ' his bat ! evv. 1 n !-'"v 'if a fo-e.'ir space tironnd wtia i f. v io n ioi ; It . -OMiu hi lie 'i i i-id be that the ba!ter:e-) n'; it la- - hole length. If t he "'Id des'.'-e ;) have a diluting 1 slionb recotemeiol that it be " ;h- s-fe a nd t hat agreeably ions there be ;i Bill WILL DO IT. May's Old Kona Coffee ale . t toe iti-i-ja.-'' '.d Ttr.'teet Land Defenses. defer;-.' (.f the fowii the land i i be so s : oated to ,, i ppr ;ifii'' of the fiwi: and -co b:i:t ii-- at;d sh ou ' , p,.t .-de,! ;,v i, ei,er gro-i a I w th ' "t" .. r : i. rv. tin? tri !:-' p-i i j '!-g :i . !ta.e 111 u e -:-o;,1d be r,!;,eed. T -no answering to Is Eest. HENRY MAY & CO., Ltd Phone 22. o Of lb..;,,;.. b.o;s. I'nm-i! IPH ;P ,, I"''' to., hie. to d- o 1 1 a a ! w iebd be yorv ex Great Reduction Sale DRY GOODS, BEGINS TODAY 8:30. Ci IAN" KEE & CO. Hotel treet. "ihe e:;s- t.r Silt: r-'bablv tin 'e t he ; . . Hie .e : O iu-eOvS ,y ! I ,( 1 , , , -e;v and close ,, The ii.n-bi.r but it woobi ' cviee.i u,r;y i pi . 11 s ) V , . fo ("htnirtlft : not however ;i fortress tPeie "YAM ATOYA" ALL ittNDS OF SHIRTS AND PAJAMAS MADE TO ORDEE. 1246 Fort St., just above Orpheum 'AMD LTU H b H I R EG. U. S. PAT. C y ' SOLD BY Mo IMIcDirn(SrrrQy9 Ltd. FORT AND MERCHANT Just Received BEAUTIFUL PROM Parisian Ivlocfels HOUSE and LOT $50 INQUIRE Trimmed Pattern Hats - AND - Martin Grune 83 Merchant St. Tel. 786 French Fiowers and Trimmings If you want something good UYEDA Nuuanu St. HIS TREACHEROUS MEMORY. " Er may 1 eaU you Miriam. Miss Me Map,, J" "V- if v,-,;i like Mr '-,., ent. ;, c VeO ft,-,- ,..,. Ti ibuce. i- Tie "enee. 7 ' "hiea,'o Ueata Sandwich Everywhere 5 cents F. E. DAVIS, Agent. Nuuanu and Merchant Obtittibi-i 4f,n-t bfHi,ve .n cHntbin;;;; n;; .;!.;;k)n untii ow 1.1. f . - hflL ' " "'"g irom your arpeaipnce, I slould tj n until you bump ac3h;-t i'. --Jh'cago Kecord-H? I- j i "ll