Newspaper Page Text
4 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1910. STsAMOAN VOLCANO DISCHARGING INTO SEA inter . i:..,,. Australian irv una""- -- , Z waeral-manser ot thi i-tK ru . v o r.iiir d pish.-: t .'.ri r v '-it ;al ,ee!) - '.Vt the present .to toe ea. ! B. F. Dillingham ; . i i a i n . imp-on, of i . . it,., T ., t V i :l I. I : C ,t il iUI 1 11 (Ml I id. w here thev will j V. friends. They will i .tb- abroad. Mr. this country eleven nowrt for his activ r.g affairs. He is As-..;--at ion Footbal . S. MANCIIUKIA, AT SEA. S p. I m.. July Vj. J-S.j miles out of Honolu lu, smooth sea. fine weather. s. s. M A I ; A M A Signalled Seattle. Stiney who ha I W-o-s I.-.ugue. and fa wav to his old home j-ill Hu tour is tr bo.n ... - w.. , f(! ;,, Now Y.,rk and confer -ure. G. S- Yui'h another -uis- f t,e Amatenr Ati,t,tic ",. steamship man, was on ooar 1 t -,;,,. w'th a view to having Hawaii I tS"in,' 1 .amp ahore to si-end i tie ' ".'li-.1. in the un'.on. & V krir ; ,Ir; , f..W,te.l with the," leJbknr. and came ashore to w . iin. He Is manage! Me of the least line compame?. Mc4 of the through passengers were viio Jo Australians on their way to fs,to mi the United States. ;,Hen" Wise, the colored minstrel i tamlevi'le performer who played fjveral weeks at the old Orpheum, i back from the colonies after a . -,-t Mnno Stormed 111 HO- NEXT MAILS. Coast, Orient and Colonial. irisurai ex port Ti rri!frr or int- nrni. i a . 'ouii-rv 1 ti'. and J Mails are due from the following an points as follows: Ma a Si: led at eight "a :i"n v er. 1ork'San Francisco Per Xevadan. July 21. ! Yokohama Per Mongolia. July 3". i Australia Per Makura. Julv 19. Prometheus May "Test Machinery. j Victoria Per Marama, July" 22. The ntixiliarv s'ea-.'trr Prometheus, i Mails will depart for the following has V een !:M up ioi repair.- for points as follows: vera! davs mav n:ake a trial trip to- Sa n Franeisco Per Sierra, todav. v to test her :r.;i,'-hlc rv t.rc-paratorv j Yokohama- -I'er I'hivo Mani. Julv 20. E(5ata for a month's run at the X zr tl .lepartinsr for the niainlanc heater,. having been induced to Kay j Ii:irt 'tif thia lvP,k. jItr e til: ,1 Mia E A. rms.ei.ou. a r.....x.v..t j sMtrwo'man of Autralia. will remain j ,1 Territorv until the Zeaiaiolui ; Atst li T. M. Siattery, for Ery postmaster-general of the Ans tn'lian V.oBies, is bound for Canada. TkMakara's carro for Honolulu m e'uded 29W sarts sulphate of ammonia, 533 sacks dried blood. 120 cases canned lats, 50 cases whisky. 390 eases Geseri. 131 sacks maize, 1-1 sacks pol L carcases frozen mutton, 13 (artistes frozen lamb, 50 eases jam and 4 sacks coeeannts. For Fanning Island there were 270 packages merchandise. ' Be Makura left Sydney July 4 and itajpei at Brisbane July 6. Her voy j?e was snooth and uneventful. Sev tk of her passengers saw at a distance ftein rising from the beach on the kd of Saraii, Samoan group, where Ian from the great volcano, which is ngines are !!! wa her first long voyage, engines were found to be the latter I e.. , - T' i oo several davs in Honolulu, will return were ionnu 10 oe m t ro s;1!i l-ranci-eo a bad eondition when she arrived. The The marksmanship team from the Xa-engint-ers attribute the trouble to the j tional Guard will be passengers on the fact that nearly all engines on big ships Sierra. fail to run smoothly at firtt. j Big crowds will be at the wharves If the machinery is tound to be in i when the ships leave, and the Hawaiian good repair when the trial trip is made, I band will endeavor to give concerts at the L-r-aistrs t'Vveland and C hattanooga jboth places. an.t rue auxu ary sn. wi i leave ior j Harbor Charges Remitted. .an r raise 'm aiMi .-.i.ui'iav UXAL omCE OF THE UNITED STATES WEATHEE BUREAU. Hoiolulo, Taesday. July lf. 1910. tHIKMU X c a n 22 S - e BC8 OC .... lie m H.:i HN Sc.ll;! t S ; H i si ; SI i T3 ! 78 ; i i 55 j U j SO U4 I 73 i 76 i I i i . 51 71 76 M 1 ! : 54 i 78 ; SC ; IK! SJ j "J ( 78 j m ,0Jj SO i 7P j 75 ; 79 i 71 75 i i X 82 ; 71 ; 76 i n .0i Si 19 I i t i i .C5 .10 .00; M 12 Clj T ! I Li T j .or.! T j .04! c 5 sS I "si Z!T JB NE NE B ... . r i v e 1-; ( 1 ; 1 NS i NE Many of the otii.-eis and men of the cruisers say they have enjoyed their sojourn here but they are anxious to reach the mainland. Other Steamers. The Ma: sen freighter INevadan will arrive from San Francisco tomorrow with mail. Th" Mauna Kea carried many tourists to Hilo yesterday. The Kinau left for Kauai j orts with a i'w passengers and a genera' cargo. 'Tin.- A.: eri'.-an -Hawa ian steamer Vir ginian will arrive frewn Seattle August 2 with a cargo of merchandise from New York and Puget Seetnd cities. The liner 'Vyo Mam left San Fran-ei.-eo for Honelnla yesterday. Civil Service Examination. A competitive examination under tiie rules of the ( ivil Service Commis sion for the positions of stenographer. tvj ewnter, ani s:en gra j-iivr ana ivpf- Superintendent Marston Campbell yesterday sent a communication to Ad miral Castries of the French cruiser Montcalm, informing him that all pilot and water charges for the warship were remitted. NEARLY 300 CABIN PASSENGERS LEAVING Today will be remembered for some time because it marks the exodus of more people than have left Honolulu i in one day in many a month. The liner Sierra, of the Oceanic Steamship Com pany, will take 207 passengers to the mainland, and the Mat son liner Wil helniina is to have 114 in the cabin, the total amounting to 321. When the winter touri-t travel w"as over the expectation was that the pas senger traffic would decrease, but ac cording to the number of people enter- g ami leaving tins port pa-t three months, there is little or no .-ha WM. B. STOCEMAX, Section Director. . KMEOIOLOQICAL RECORD. wl Every Sunday Morning bv the Jl Office, U. 8. Weather Bnre'au. I s ITHERM. W I S D fi! ! i 75 1 s a St i I ! -2-E 21 5 arj writer wui re "iei in uus tii" Julv 2tl Aj.p'licati.ns murt be sent to K. C. Stackabie at the customhouse not later titan 4:30 o 'clock in the afternoon of July 2.3. Tvo Liners Leave Today. The Matson liner Wiihelmina and the Sierra of the Oceania line will leave f.-r Mm Franei-t.o at ten o'clock this nioruicg. each taking a large number of pas-er.gcr- and fail cargoes of sugar, pineap; les, bauana-. ri ce tool other Ha waiian j.roduct. The steamer- will not race to the mainland, and the likelihood is the sooner rhan' the" Ma'tson liner. The 'tween himself and one of the offer foerra will take the mails. The WiiU-imina will carry 111 first -Class passenger. Mr,. 11. V. Mi-t. Miss Keith Mi-t. Robert Mist, Miss Edith Meier. Mrs. Dora von Tempsky, ne in the activity of globe-trotters. next winter's travel is as much r than last winter's, as this sum mer's pass utger traffic is greater than last Miiuni'T's. Hawaii will become a rival of many of the great European resorts. WOULD WIDEN A CHOCKED STREET (Continued from Page One.) man tuinn of the road e-.mmittee hag gled over some misunderstanding be- 11 t f,i m i a it a i 7, S 3 x Mis w L o A. von T ill fA I H:.4 61 :".f: fl 3 , 00S4 98 ! .04 74 il 1 .00 "iS , "li i .Cl fr.o SE KS SK N E to hel y vis - ; Mist. 11 Mr. 11 to th 12 j A. M W.7 i cl-c -kv form a party vill no to the mainland for an ed t- ,.r. Miss Meier will return home in .;. rmunv after a year's ,ere wrh an. '.mother, Mrs. t3 for ret" mdiE8 a?e COr" Prttn. ,S ,tfmPeratire, instrumental Hi lV cavity, and reduced a ,. , average cloudiness stated ! , from 0 to 10. Direction of !1 Wi 5 8ge TelocJty in miles per ! , w prevailing direction during 24 ! r - Section Director. 25!LjTOr AND MOON. n,d Mr-. c' aTl' oa a bi.s L'r. V . p.. :.. tie National i o New York to Is t hospi: it 1.: I- ha; -.' . O. ,-'m;tn wio go r a aeation and J. g.'ig to San Fraa s iiiission. r s ir-'eia; -general of land be also referred scathingly to tue wants of some owners concluding his ; remarks with a query n to why some owners did not ask for diamonds to stud the new gate-post,- and stone walls asked for. 1 Many letters were read from owners in which ail offered strips- of laud fronting their premises, with certain provisos as to what sh-uM t-e -lone to make permanent betterments. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur John-tune offered 17""- sijuare feet, on condition that a wall be rebuilt with stone posts. Pfotenhauer asked that a wall 1 1 . n e YV. re built, and a water cours,; covered over Tl 1 W r 1 1 tv -j f 1 tv : an ,,r Eastern eitfesid possibly changed soH.ut tne water 1 continue to now .1110 '. . v . 'premises. L. L. McCandles, made a I iiberal offer. The Hi-hop E-tate made I a liberal offer and so did E. F. Pishop. Edirar Henrioues stated that -ome pro; 1 , MARINE TIDINGS. j 1 By Kahuku Wireless. II I m.. July It. J-33 miles out of Honolu- I ilu. smooth sea. fine weather. D ) s. s. MA UAM A Signalled Seattle. I D HOMES FOR SALE AT KAIMUKI 1 New modern house. 5 rooms lot is 75x135 feet $2300 2. 5-room bungalow, new on car line, lot is 75x150 $2800 3. New, modern bungalow, lot 75x150 on good mac adamized road $3350 4. Modern home, 2 large lots, 30,000 square feet, splendid view, garage, servants' quarters $3800 IN MAN OA New, modern bungalow of 6 rooms; convenient and artistic; large lot, nearly 1-2 acre, on car line.. $5750 IN THE CITV We have number of exceptionally good bargains in the city. If you are interested in town property we will be glad to show you what we have. TRENT TRUST CO., Ltd, COME AND SEE OUR " New Automobile Salesrooms" They have just been opened in the rear of the Alexander Young Building Entrance from the alleyway near King Street. A beautiful line of Automobiles on display now. THE VON HAMM-YOUNG CO., LTD. KING AND BISHOP STREETS 11 - a : ' : ami en his way he Perry, Ohio, to wit ,. rk r ma fish i p contest. 'helm ma s cargo will consist ons t,t siiitit. 20-tiO bags of 1 r..;L. - el bananas, canned ;! .; o : r i.-. aim luuuin-o. i ...-... ..i-. ' no- we ; iraii-ier poo ti:.i - was some return t-T re;tnturenieni. j H(wever. he agreed to do what he couid i i ;n line wttii imi i-MV .ae.eti' -. who las been spending j A. F. Judd si ertv he Tnaiiao-ed I'M'ionsrfd to a Whom tte was a a a ue vu exact t: . I; the H i v, s ( rka a hei..:re . 1 1 w i r ot a a not be a-eer- t t : ere w ill be more ward ot co then A - r 0 -3 iM y.35 5.-2v f. ii 1- - jVV.l( Il5;u 35 5.30 6.43 8.5. I, U 2.42; 7.57 11.13 5 2 l 30 6 42 k -c r W B.25U.t.4 5.3lE,41 U-C- 4.510 1 ...... fen. 02,! ionr earlier than at Homo j low11 time i! 10 tours j fcfeg-thS I' haa Greenwich time SO b.4; lhe meJ':an of T'7 de ! boIeronp l0fal time for ! OCEANIC LINER SIERRA for San, Francisco with a large wider thoroughfare for the increasing auto business. He reiterated the offer of the Bishop Estate to donate land, their t' heinc more than 2(Od j feet and there are no fences to move. I He hoped that nothing would intervene to block the proposed improvements. I J. li. St.encer smoke from the stand point ef a member of the "ountry Club with a membership of 300 members who would welcome the extension of the rapid transit line, and also for the popu lation below Laimi road which had to walk from three quarters to a mile to reach the car. and there were other' hrivlng communities there which were nearly a mile from tie- carline. An endorsement from the Kepubllcin chib of the thirt'-enth precinct of t?e flit h district, for the widening of the road bv the county, was read and pass ed to the road committee. Chairman Qninn will make a qutek est 'mare of the cost to wider, the road accrditig to the offers of owners, but believes ;t will cost about $0000 to haild fences ami set curb-. Roads. Roads. Roads. Ti.-r- was a stack of p.-tit'ons and . reports n'i referring to vn.ib. and ; "nalrti:-iti it i - pur in a w.ol edg" S wi,. w i-'n reterero-e to all of then--. He .i , v ,.o, -e. 1 ling a r-ci.t in Koolae I - oko. e:;;;...i .;-.. Waihee K-.haboi road. ! -:'l c n-'tru.-' f r about 'iV; Tt v- t 1 .... ,i be bC:t. A report was niade by the eomtr i t.o :i":, ;- a r."tir.d tre-ishmd trip of li road eorrmitiee f0 inspect road build ing. The member found the new K"i Lana road all right; work going on rapidly tit Kipapa Gulch and near 11a leiwa Hotel; expect soon to have road completed to Hauula courthouse. The Kahana beach road contract is almost completed. Hauula petitioners asked for the ex penditure of half the $2a00 pPr month being spent every month in Hauula dis trict. Mr. (Juinn stated that the com mittee was doing better than that. It was spending all the .2"t."0 in that is trict. working towards Hauula. The homestead road is in first-class eondi tion. As to Wainnae district and the ap propriation of . lOt'iO for road building and the building of a road from Wai anae to Ewa. the report stated a road was being built towards Nanaktih. It is impossible for the board to appro priate this sum as there is no money for that, district and what money has been used has been judiciously spent. The same committee said something with reference to the objection of Mr. Mncfarlane about the county engineer ' surveving for a road through the Ahui : m.inn" Ranch lands without the latter ' i onetit. The committee said this was i 3 new road which was commenced on - the ether side of Heeiakea beach lead ! it. a'on-' towards Ahnimann. committee has thrown up its hands ami says, "at the present time there are no funds available." However, the board dug up .$33"". (51 as final payment on the Kahana road of which the late John Emmeluth had the contract. A Saving Department. Doctor Maekali. city physician-, pre sented his report, showing a balance of $311 for the last six months. There were other figures but Doctor Mar-kali believes he saved the couutv about -7- ' all told. The appointment of food and meat inspectors, he believes has greatly im proved the conditions of selling of poi, vegetables, fruits and ice cream. HELENE IRWIN MAY GET HOME hfel and eitv N Wan' Iferrv Waterliouse Trust C.-.m-fft red to advance the tlV! nec 'o bi: il l a 2-V'o foot road in Pv elev to !,.- reimbursed before the it;.'-.-, out tnere was the county n ey. natte' was tuaee.i betor" an opinion. avenue. Kaimuki re?den "r repaid, but the road out o on as -o wheti ,rl-T- f.-, v borrow tn' ( Continued from Page One.) tie has acquired a strip of fifty feet adjoining his own property, and fifty feet has also been s.,1,1 to Oenera! Davis. Fnited States Army, retired, for hi- daughter. Mrs. Ilarri-on. The 40. fee lying T.ewper. yet unsold, will hf disp,!se-l ,f jri similar frontages, and several will be sold imrnodiat.-lv. the bargains to be concluded today. ' All '-ales are being conducted through the Henry Watrhonse Trust Company. Ties valuable beach frontage i ahr: the only property along the beach offer ed for sale ;-i several years, save for a piece -old from the Hatch property nnd another acquired by C. O. Bookus. both lying fur-Tier Ewa on the beach. Mr. Irwin -eaves today for San Fran cisco in the 5. S. Sierra. - t k h ', i -Oft-. O- IK . - I e' ' i S T ' f H I ! - ; 1 tl ill ;!!,' t - i el rH p. .4 !i I... .1 ii! III '4 '. I III 1 I 1 S I ill" r ' 4 ro