OCR Interpretation

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, October 10, 1910, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047084/1910-10-10/ed-1/seq-7/

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, two
500.00 dw on
Limited. V
hat the reg
the share-
Ltd., will be
company it
Say, October
lahuku ul
3:20 p.
II and Wy
:15 a. ,
3:20 p.
1:15 p. a.
a 10:20
1 11:15 p.
huku, Wai
,. m.. '5:11
v& Mill aai
8:36 a.
'4:26 p.
p. m., o:U
a two-lw
;s honowd),
lay at 8;3i
n Honolnh
I stopi oa&
se outward
Pearl City
nnday Only
G. P.
. 1:00P
. 2:45
. 11:58 AJt
1:30 P-
2:15 P
3:00 P
he 2:20 f
the eitJ "
r 1. 190
NI d. I
'Strange Fate Hangs Over U. S.
Vessel Everybody Gets
levels and short stories, epl
Books, novels aim
1 ,.l treatises Lave been written
ob the i?
svcho'"gv ot the sea. ana now
it is that those
se3 in ships are
fcnUS. hut th'Te, i
wiio go a own
to the
more or loss supersti-
no euper-ti:iou about
the United States transport I'ix which
arrived here yesterday morning from
Manila, in the Philippines, and from
Miike. in Japan. The fact is that every
body on the Pis is en her married, or
zoinc to get married, or wants to be
earned. From ail oilicial accounts it
would appear that Cupol is the Helms
Love ?rt of ru.
model animal transj
! tne tate ot tne
cit of the univorse.
Relative to the
as: assertion it is ger-
jaane to
reniark ttiat tne 1'ix is tne
model animal transport ot tne universe.
Some vessel has to be the model and
yhv shmild it not be the Dix.' There
is talk about other vessels of the trans
port services of various countries being
tbe model in this line, but the ix in
manv years of serviee has proved her
self 'to" ho the very best in her line.
She has the reputation of losing less ;
nimals in transit than auv other ves-:
el of her class m tne worm, ana a rei-
i i . . i .
erence to the newspaper files will prove
he claim that is made. IneidentalJv,
thouTh it has not been as well noticed
-.. u. .n;m! pn.t of thp crame. tlit
as the animal end of the game, the
Dix also en.iovs the enviable reputation ,
of bein the neatest coal carrier of anv '
vessel in
thc T nite i States service. She
takes horses and mules troin the L nited
States to the Philippines and then, on
the way back, she brings coal for the
transport service to Honolulu and fills
her own bunkers, and yet she invaria
bly manages to keep clean. She never
comes into port with a speck of dir;
on her decks or a smudge of soot on
ler funnels. How she manages to do
it can be found out only by reference
, to the officers of the vessel who take a
great pride in making her the cleanest
coal and animal carrier in the Pacific
Ocean, or in the world, for that matter.
' The Dix arrived yesterday morning,
docking at naval wharf number 1 at
8:45 o'cloek and she will be here .any
where between a week and ten or
eleven davs, according to the amount
Of coal she has to discharge here. She t
took aboard about eight thousand toi
local omen or the united
Honolulu, Sunday, October 9, 1910.
r 9 i S: p
I ill
IIW 29 W, 54 71 7s 0) 3 H s E
I ! ! : i
UOI 98! 82 72 IT j tt 7C 5 "E
MB jk C2, 52 70 7S ! Of. 65 S kw i
' ! ' ;
1901 .0S, 80 71 78 ! T 70 5 KE !
iii j
ISM '.Mj 71 I 7o .0? S 8 NB i
tJ5 29.88, 81 ' 72 I 7tS ! Jl 66 S hi j
W Jisj 5S ; 72 1 78 I .0 sO l st ;
1807 28.1,7, ,4( ;2 ; 7s j a 67 1 we j
tec 29 t ii to 74 ' .ot 70 S ne
1M a w s0 ' 70 ; 7t. .Co' li 7
0 iCJT, H I ;i 78 T I 66 6 kr
eW)00j 62 llT'll? 02l 2 T;
i j ' ; i : i
XE. anj SV.
Section DireeUr.
. 2 - h 1- 2.
X ! .
S- a j M a;
is.: - - S:s c
Of b
at '
tn. p.m. p.m. p.m.; -seis
10, 8.4.J 1.6, 8.45 ..... rt 2: 5.55.Wn.ttf
! 3 1.6 U 25
i2'le.S5' l.fi!
J ' A-m
lo 11 Mi 1.6 0 S5
Pin.! i
14('2.5. 1.6 1.12
1" l- ' 1.5' 1 45
a.m 1 , i
C.SS I Cf 5.S8 5. !tf,
6.50 3.0i 5.55.a5 Q.02
i I I :
7.10 iM 5 57 1 fO
C ! i
7.3K. 6.U 5 57 5.33 2.0o
ivtcj 7.115 5 50 5.32 3,il
1 2 a j.e 2 iJ h
32' s 12 5 3-' 4.fc
juarter of the moon October 13.
116 tides t ifov,,.!,,. j 0:1.
- L ' "u'UUl KUU XlllO
out one hour earlier than at Hono-
Hawaiian standard time ii 10 hours
w minutea slower than Greenwich time,
Wing that of the meridian of 157 de
rees 30 minutes. The time whLitle
at 1:30 p. m., which is the sam
- "wnynch 0 hours 0 minutes. Sun
moon are for local time for
tmed Every Sail(jav Morning by the
V111CH. Ii, -( Wpfhr Rnro.n
ttede7or1?me?er rdinR r eor'
mN I tempprature, instrumental
to J, ywai gravity, and reduced
in a..! Are'p-Ce cloudiness Btated
wind ? m 0 t0 0- Diction of
bonr. ! 5-"erage velocity ; miie, peT
il g 8t 8 p' m' Velocity of
Prvailmg direction duriDg 24
- x L- I - - 5 . 5 i :
? 1 8 i .S3- !1M
5 rs Si !;,:".
-rlLLJ! iTLN Kl57o
i "t cf-a
;n MiiKe, but whether sue dis-'
4yu) of it here, or more, re-
i;ains t.
be determine.! hv nr,lpr
io ii she has not vet received. If she
discharges only the 4S00 tons she will
get oat for Seattle in six or seven days.
If she has to discharge everything "in
the way of coal except what" is neces
sarv to her own operation from her tn
.attlo and return to Manila, then she
w:!l be tn port ten or eleven days. She
will begin to discharge her freight the
tirst thing this morning
Master Is a Grandfather.
Captain Ankers is master of
Anders is master of the
r trans-port Iix. Ankers is a man of sis-
ty-two yeius oi age, although he looks
; to be about ten vears rounder. It is
. ..r ..., V . x,
'"'"ra.uj; iu mue mat ue lias recently
income a granurutner, tne nrst time lie
1 i , .. .
has ever teen a grandfather. Ills sou
in California, who is a member of the
firm of Haas Brothers, wholesale gro
cers, has within two months last past
become the proud father of a bouncing
gir!. Captain Ankers is just as proud
of the baby as is the father.
To re: urn : i the fact that the trans-
port Iix : lovers' boat, it must be,
-ii'l i i.. linu a I J acfl.ll 11U1CS UL
lo.i)ey;noon couples aboard the Dix this
trip, isar is, tne iaaies tney expect to
marry are up in Seattle, while the ,
pro-pectle bridegrooms are aboard the1
I'ix. Hence the situation of there be-
many halves of honeymoon,
(board the ship.
in.rd Assistant Engineer Jones and
' met s ewaiil l atterson dot ti liave
sweethearts awaiting them in Seattle.
Kefrigerat:r.g Engineer Smith is still
with the ship. Chief Engineer Har-
rover. who- taniuy is in lrgiina, lias
recently paid a visit home. He is a
married man and a farmer as well as a
follower of the sea. Away back in
Virginia he has a splendid farm and is
omt. n r.i.r - n i ; t r rviwcnccin.r t na nnncr
-i-" i 's .."w-., u.,..!...
, UlX "t -a the southern Stat
i First Ofnc-r LeSaek, who is r
to as the old-time pirate, in affec
' terms bv the lest of the crew, is
if nouiiieiu oiaies.
terms by tr.e test or tne crew, is an oht
tinier in tio-se waters. They say that
e is the man that gave up his state-
lulluli " vue vvMiuu, n i u
Kaua oi tuese lsianus wnen tuev
a oi tuese islands when tuev were
luled by monarchy.
Captain Ankers himself knows these
waters like a spellingbook. He was
aboard the S. S. City of New York of
the Pacific Mail company which ran
between Australia and the Cnited
States In 177.
Doctor Feiguson is still the ship's
physician, having been with the Dix for
seven vear
Ithougu he has recent lv
taken a leave of absence
Third Assistant Engineer Foshee is
contemplating holy wedlock, being lone- ston, w. L. Waldo, Geo. B. McClellan.
ly and almost melancholy for want of c. W. Miller. Mr. Hodson, L. E. Wal
a' soul mate. . . : ' lace. Miss Miller. W. II. Findley. Mrs.
Second OL'icer Crangle, ,w hen ho gets
to Seattle, will likely enter the state of
wedded bliss. -
First A?s, stunt Engineer Smith, who
marred, contemplates adopting a
uoy. o it may iv cieariv seeu iiiai
the Dix h, much inclined to be steered
bv Pan-
lt may be icatked that the officers of
the D;x are sentimeutally an. 1 somewhat
religiously inclined, for last night, be
ing the evening of Sunday, they held
a sacred coert on the.staVboard side
of the deck Wjfh a phonograph, the as
sembled 5 ofiicers listening to sacred
selection. 5 -
A.-H. and P. M. Clash.
SAX FR.AXCiSCO, Sede'iiber 21.-
A sharp fie ht for the export tra 1 of
San Franciseo to European points has
broken out between the Pacific .Mail
and American-Hawaiian steamship com-
n.'iiiies'. New rate sheets sent out nv
8 the Pacific Mail reveal a substantial
I cut below the schedule of the American-
Hawaiian. For the last two years the
American-Hawaiian has been enjoying
the bulk of the business. The Pacific,
Mail's slash in rates has brought it
the lion's share of the business and its
boats are sailing with h'-avy cargoes for
European points
Th1 move on the part of the Schwerin
company is regarded as part of its plan
to iiet ahead of the service which Bates
Chex.-rrorgii will estaoiisti on cio-
have the rates been
a sixtv-i:
ay service is promised
between h
and Hamburg in connec
tion with the lines sailing from (olon.
The law billing includes all import
ant si ipping centers of Europe, snob
as London. Hamburg. Constantinople,
Copenhagen, Liverpool, Bremen. Ant- j
werp and Pars. 1
Ln-b r tliese new rates quantities of J
California fruit products have begun 1
to move. (aimed goods, dried fruits;
and other articles of California produo- j
ti.m a'e finding an easier market than j
fo- imnr vears nasf.
fi. .. t' . .', 1..., -..f., .r.r nn iristnnee
t lie iji'ti'i",! j . 1 ' -
of the size of the Pacific Mail cut. j
Heretofore the business has been mov- ,
ing by the American-Hawaiian boats j
via Tehuantepec on the quoted tariff
of shilling" 4 lence per long ton of I
224H pound-." The Pacific Mail has put j
out n rate of 15 shillings tlat. For ;
-1 , . 1 1 ... . ..... ii.. !
le- tiian cMrUaa lor tne meriea a 1 1 a
.;;. .. hns maintained a rate of M shil
lings 4 pero-i
to carrv a m
, The Pacific Mail offers
irmum of 2-" cases at the
f. sliiiii
g r:ie.
iTolon rate inaugrated by the
Mail, figured in American
amount- to pi.n per long ton.
I The t
! iu -.h-
vltY to New York p--r long; Ton
to s-s pc The size of the cut
I. on, loii schedule may thus be
To li:,n i
the same slash has been
made. To i "oi.. Tihagen the Pacific Mai
h.a- :-.r :n' a rate or - snaims r
r.enee. a- ajaii'.st tto shillings P"' pence
of the Ani.-i i
1 r: -1 1 aw Milan. 10 omimm- j
hediile has been lowered!
;inoj'!e he sc
bv The Pai-fi
.Man to n- siminig- -
pence. -1
pence fi
ian. T-
ore '! tne . menca m-i i i i-
Al-xandria the Pacific Mail
i -:ri!r to f.4 shilling S pence.
. , .... .: tt.i :
! has enr
r nenee fiirnre
a ga i nsf
or the Amen
The Kosu; i- nne
has kept its mtes
... !-..i hr. mcrican-llawai-
ian ' It Is believed that these two lines
will T:'f'T-are in some way to meet the
-iii'.t:on In a few davs Bates & Chesf-
bro-igh win inaugurate their dispatch
-ervice ;i'.' T-thmus of Panama and
: II
, '.1
ri habibfv become an mi-
t-tar.' factor in tne rate war.
Survey Cutter Coming Here.
ding to advices from the C'oasr.
Coast, Orient and Colonial.
Mails are due from the following
points as follows:
an Francisco Per Chivo Mam, tomor-
I rnw-
Yokohama Per Tenvo Maru, Oct. 13.
--vusrrana rer .Uakura. tomorrow.
Victoria Per Marama, Oct 14.
Mails -will depart for the following
points as follows:
San Francisco Per Tenvo Main. Octo
ber I.".
Y,,l.-, p- r-i.; -r.,,
; - . ivu.unu...
ooo n : oi .uahiiia, tomorrow.
O . . r i r i . . .
,"-.vuucv rer Aiarama, uei. !
Sundav, October 0.
M. X. S. S. Wiihelmina, from Hilo,
a. in.
IL s. A. T. Di, Ankers, from Manila
via AlillrP -TTnnn
j: str. Likelike, iroir
Xapoopoo, S:."i)
i. m.
Sir. Wailele, from Makena. 0:3-" u. r.i.
str. Mikahala. fiom Maui and Molo
ai ports, a. m.
Str. Kinau, from Kauai ports, i. m.
P. M. S. S. Mongolia, for San Fran
cisco, 10 a. ni.
T. K. K. S. S. Chivo Maru. from San
Irancisco (two days late).
C.-A. S. S. Makura, from Sydney via
O. S. S. Sierra, for San Francisco.
w a m
I S S W ho m na fir San Pmh.
Cisco, 10 a. m.
Per P. M. S. s. Mongolia, for San j
Francisco. October ft Alice Macfar-I
lane. Mr. and Mrs. Maofarlane, W. 11. j
Friedly. Emil P.erndt, V. Waterhouse,
Mrs. A. H. Waterhouse. Tsok Kai Tse,
Mrs. and Miss Angus. Paul Withington, !
A. V. Perelstrous, W. P. Stevens. L. j
Stevens, Mrs. L. Henriques and Miss:
Henrirpies. Samuel King, E. Kopke, I
Midshipman S. V. King, U. S. X.
Booked to Depart. I
Per O. S. S. Sierra for San Francisco I
October 12 Mr. and Mrs. X. E. Gedge, I
II. A. Lee. Miss L. G. Johnson, Mr. and j
Mrs. J. J. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. C. L.
Zehrinsr. X. Scharlin. Miss X. B. Win
c. . Waterman, S. Scully, II. T. Moore, ,
Miss F. Kellv, Miss V. Kellv, Miss I.
Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Lysle, Mrs. F. B.
Haight and daughter. II. II. Scovel,
W. W. Mackey, Mrs. II. L. Hilton, Mrs.
v . a. oaiuuei, iiui nuiugiuu,
(Army and Navy.-)
Dix. I. S. A. T.. from Manila, Oct. 9.
Kukui, U. S. L. H. T., Keriger.
Thetis, U. S. R. C, Cochran, from
cruise, Sept. 8.
(Merchant Vessels.)
Ilerzogin Cecilie, Ger. sp., Leith, Oct. 7.
Kilchattan, Br. s.s., Xorfolk, Oct. 3.
M. Turner, Am. schr., Port Hadlock,
Sept. 26 (Pearl Harbor).
Philippine. Am. schr., from Fort
Bragg. Oct. 7.
! S. C. Allen, Am. bk., Port Ludlow, Oct. 3.
! Sierra, O. S. S., San Francisco, Oct. 7.
Wilhelmina, Am. s.s.. Hilo, Oct. 9.
Buford at San Francisc5.
Dix. in port.
j Logan, from Hon. for Manila, Sept. 16.
j Sheridan, from Hon. for S. F., Oct. 6.
j Sherman, from S. F. for Hon., Oct. 5.
- :
Geodetic Purvcv cutter Ex-
plorer, Captain Dibrell. has finished her
j work iti P.ritol I.Jay and will proceed
. to lioiioiuiu. J lie revised map ot A las
iii which tin.
work ot thf l.xiiorer
j fj.rures
is to be issued this winter and
will be a big improvement. 011 previous
publications of the kind.
Puts Volcano Nearer.
Says the San Francisco (.'all of Sep
iember o11:
"The Oceanic Steamship Company,
by arrangements ju-t completed in Ho
nolulu, has made it possible for the
man with just two weeks' vacation to
include in his holiday two ocean trips
and a
hvc-dav stav in tlie i eiritorv ot
Hawaii with a visit to the famous vol
cano of Kilauea thrown in for good
a great
The volcano is one of the
of the world and was never in
r state of activitv than it is
now. l!ef ore it- terrible grandeur ora
tors hae found themselves dumb and
famous writers b?reft of a vocabulary.
"For the convenience of those whose
outing is limited to two weeks, a steam
er will leave Honolulu for Hilo at five
o'clock of the evening that the Sierra
arrives in Honolulu.
" In the transportation world the now
; arrangemen
i3 regarded as a triumph.
j for in spite ot the great distances cov-
j erod the trip can be made in leisurely
j rl,infort. L'ntil this arrangement was
made, three weeks was the shortest
possible time in which the ground could
be 1 overed then only occasionally.''
1 jv.
The Late Captain Mackenzie.
A recetit Scotch newspaper
1 the toilowing coiic.-ri
ng Captain Mac
; keiiyie who will
remembered here a
j master ot
I '
he hark let mm r-'n : I
iuful nitei'igeiice has just f
! reached Pysart
of the
death at
ieiu. of i
sea, as
'a ota ! H
i the result of
an ace i
1 Uonahl Mackenzie. oi the
bark Kill ma I
ii1'- which at tne .nr.e was on a vovap.
lie. which at Hie rinu
from Santos, Brazil, to Newcastle. Now
j South Wales. It appears that on Sep
t ember seven days before arrival at
jthe latter port. 1 a
i tained fatal in.iur
apt a in Mac kenzie ss i
s tnrougn tailing
vessel, presumably!
tront t!e piop ot t
j on ring roug:i we a
j which reached h:s
I vesterdav, states
relatives in Dysart
that his bolv was
(. buried at
iptaia Mackenzie, who
ST. PETERSBURG Reference wa
made some time ago. iu the columns of
the christian Science Monitor, to the
eflect that the boy scout movement had
spread to Russia. The Russian organi
zation, while modeled on the lines of
the movement inaugurated by General
Baden-Powell, appears to differ in on?
important detail. The British boy
scouts are prepared with a view to
their becoming good and useful citi
zens, and not with a view to their being
specially trained as soldiers.
In Russia, however, the movement ap
pears to be connected with the army,
since the minister of war lends consid
erable support to the movement as be
ing of great assistance as a necessary
corollary of short service with the col
ors. It is said that there are already
ten thousand boys enrolled in the Rus
sian boy scout movement.
Painter (to his servant) "Now
carry this picture to the exhibition gal
lery. But be careful, for. the paint is
nor quite dry vet."
Servant "Oh .that's all right. I'll
pur on an old coat." Fliegende Blaet
ter. The 66
Touring Car or Demi-Tonneau $1350 f . o. b. Detroit
Demi-Tonneau (Detachable Tonneau)
Standard Equipment : Oil and Cas Lamps, Generator,
Splitdorf Magneto, Horn and Full Set of Tools.
Wheel Base.
Gauge ,
Tires ...
Horse Power
Cylinders ...
Cooling.. ..
.Roy a! Blue with mahogany
and solid brass trim.
.Four or five passenger.
Rear seat 52 inches wide.
.110 inches.
.56 inches.
.34 x 312 inches.
.Two sets, contracting and
expanding on rear wheels.
Four en Bloc.
.4 inches.
.4 inches.
.Water gear driven pump
on same shaft as magneto.
The von
was .-t years of age. was a native of
Ic'ith. but his family have been resi
dent in Pysart for many years. Pre
vious to taking over the command of
the Kilnvallie and this was his first
voyage Captain Mackenzie was for
fourteen years in command of the bark
Edinburgh,- Much sympathy is felt for
his widow and family of two daughters
aud one son. who reside in High street.
Dysart. to whom the painful intelli
gence came as a great shock. Deceased
was a brother-in-law of the late Cap
tain Herd. Dysart, and was highly
respeeted. ' '
Shipping Notes.
Steanor Mikahala arrived yesterday
morning from Maui and Molokai ports
and stei.mer Kinau came in from Kauai
Steanur llelene yesterday morning
arrived from Xapoopoo with fUoo bags
of sugar and HO head of cattle and no
Steamer Wailele arrived yesterday
morning from Makena. It was too
rough at that port for lmr to take
aboard cattle
Mat -.!i' steamship Wilhelmina ar-
rived eaily yesterday from Hilo. Sho
wili leave here at ten o'clock in the
morning of Wednesday for San Fran
cisco, at which hour the Oceanic steam
ship Sierra will also get away.
There i- an immense amount of credit
due not .oily the draying facilities and
operations of the firm handling that end
of the bu-inoss, but also t" the steve
dores who have been handling the dis
charge .t the coal from the eight col
Palama Lots For Sale
New Tract Just Opened
The opportunity
to purchase a
iot near to the
city- is offered.
You can get
a splendid
iot for as low
a sum as
$200; others
for sale at
$3r0, $37o,
573, etc.
Trent Trust Co., Ltd.
EvcsiraaiQ:' 30"
Ask for a demonstration
Metzgcr Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich.
liers for the naval station. They have
done their very best without a mur
mur, working to the limit and doing
overtime for the sake of making a good
job and saving the Puited States dp- j
murrage which otherwise might have j
amounted to several thousand dollars. i
Continued from Page One.
the last dav of registration was en
titled to registration. This practically
means that a person can not vote unless
he is twenty-one years and one month '
old at the day of election, a ruling that 1
some of the politicians claim flies in!
the face of Providence, nor to mention,1
the Constitution ami several other
minor authorities.
At the last moment, when Charlie
Chillingworth brought in some young
men who come under this head and de
manded their registration. Yierra and
Holt refused, but the chairman renigged
on the previous decision and per
sonally registered them. Then the other!
two members of the board resigned.
Thev contend now that those men are!
not regi
'.! according to the minutes
ot th
They also claim that the chairman
was permitting them to be bluffed and
1 uildozed by leaders of both parties all
day. and that he' refuse. 1 to stand by
tl.em. Ceorge Dais. thev claim, tried
to run in a ''dummy'' on them, a mm
who was de.af and dumb and couldn't
write either Hawaiian or English. They
claim to have proved him stupid and
Radiator Vertical tube enameled press
ed steel shell
Ignition..... Jump spark, dry battery and
Clutch Improved cone with coil
Drive Shaft.
Transmission Selective sliding gear on rear
axle. Ball lock makes it im
possible to cross and strip
Speed . Three forward one reverse.
Lock Gear shifting lever can be
secured with an ordinary
padlock, protecting owner
against unauthorized use of
Co., Ltd.,
a'most tin imbecile and refused to regis
ter him and further claim that Davis
gave them a piece of his mind for it
Other kicks have also been "regis
tered" against the conduct, of the chair
man by the two "insurgents," but sail
chairman still smiles his happy little
smile and waits serenely for the ruling
from the supreme court.
(Continued from Page One.)
of how that quarter appeared on the
floor at the time it did, but they availed
her not.
On the way down to the station witi
his prize Fennell stumbled on another
Bussi.ui who had several bottles of
"dago" inside, one bottle outside ani
thirty dollars in coin in his pocket.
Several oilier similar ornameuts to tho
landscape are also awaiting the usual
"three and costs" before Judge At
drade this morning.
The curly-haired little sprite of the
house came running to her father in the
study and, throwing her arms about his
neck, whispered confidentially in his
"Oh. papa, it 's raining! "
Papa was writing on a subject that
occupied his mind to the exclusion of
matters aside, so he said, rather sharp
ly. "We!!, let if rain." '
"Ye. papa; I was going to," W13
her quick desponse. Harper's.

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