OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, May 16, 1898, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1898-05-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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iJST Telephone 841 jgC
KxuHpl Bnuduy
i Mrito Hall Konirv Stroot
Per Month nnywhore In the Ha-
walian Islands 60
1or Yenr 8 00
Ppr Year postpaid to Korolgn Ooun
tries V H00
Payable Invariably in Advance
K J TESTA Proprietor and Pub
Rcsldluc in Honolulu
MONDAY MAY 10 1898
On Saturday aftomoon tho jury
iu tho case of the Republic of Ha
waii vs Edmund Norrie aud Wm
Horace Wright by a voto of 10 to
2 acquitted Mr Norrio of tho
charge of libel brought against him
as waa admitted by tho prosecution
practically by persons officially con
nected with the Lihuo Plantation
although nominally by one of its
J3y their decision tho jury sot
their full and honest mark of appio
ciation upon the impartiality and
freodom from sympathetic bias of
tho Judgo tho gentlemanlike lan
guage and modest unassuming
mannors of tho counsel for tho proso
cution on the character of tho com
plaining witness and on the sense
of honor and eolf respect of a minor
judicial officer
It also placed a public estimate of
value on tho manliness of tho little
Independent iu venturing to publish
what it sincerely and honestly be
lieved to bo sad and painful truths
in regard to conduct on a planta
tion which has already received
Governmental reprimand for the
treatment of its laborers It felt at
the time of the publication of tho
matter complained of that it was a
grave risk to incur to attempt to
tell the truth in tho face of an or
ganization possessing great wealth
and vast influence and quite con
scientious enough to use that wealth
and influence through other con
scientious influences to crush this
journal It was- pneouraged how
evor by tho fact that many friends
tendered their financial aid if dis
aster ensued through discharging a
public duty
Tho proprietor and publisher of
The Independent is now at liborty
to state that had ho not received
tho information which ho published
from sources whioh ho beliovod to
havo been absolutely roliablo trust
worthy and unbiassed he would not
have permittod tho publication of
the articles objeotod to They were
published aa he believed for tho
public good and to right a wrong
and not as has boon falsoly imputed
out of malico against any person or
Arm Ho sought to fulfill a public
duty and tho verdict of tho jury has
justified him
No wonder that our oontempor
aries hositalo to publish facts that
are obnoxious to tho rnouied influ
oncos from whioh they draw their
sustouanoe whon irresponsible per
sons can bo thrust forward by
wealth to forco expensive litigation
upon them without any hope or
chance of redress or remuneration
when such prosecutions or raoro
truthfully speaking persecutions
fail They are conducted on strictly
commercial principles The Itdb
PENDENT is not
This journal is fighting tho peo
ples battles to tho beat df its abiK
ity irrespective rtf politics Govern
ment patronage or paltry pelf from
tho counting houses of the million
aires It pays its way an it goos in
tho hope that somo day in the near
future its labors will bo thoroughly
appreciated in kind
It is gaining every day in patron
age aud influence a sure indication
that it is travelling upon tho high
road to future success It cannot
bo intimidated by pursocutions and
it will always endeavor to avoid
giving offense improperly or unin
tentionally but it will nono tho less
continue to strike stalwart blows at
injustice and wrong from whatever
quarter they may emanate
We might iu any other land with
justico comment upon tho conduct
of this case but there wero so many
citizeiiH in court during the progress
of the three days trial that wo deem
it to bo unnecessary especially as
the open mouthed comments on the
streets coupled with tho determined
chnractor of tho verdict aro sufficient
justification for our wounded
honor and the costs of tho pro
ceedings whioh have been unjustly
forced upon us
Our couuboI havo won well do
served public credit and our grate
ful thanks for tho admirable aud
successful manner iu which they
downed their oppononts iu this con
tost Heros a hearty nlohn on be
half of tho community and ourselves
to you Messrs Creighton Hum
phreys and Goar and aw wieder
sehn to Lihue Plantation until wo
meet at let us say Borlin
Unhappily as tho judiciary and
tho Attorney General aro until after
our assimilation with the Amorican
system of politics non elective vvo
shall bo deprived of the opportunity
of displaying our gratitude to Judge
Antone Perry and General W O
Smith by nominating them for any
office in tho gift of the people
Tho Associate Editor of this jour
nal now takes the only opportunity
as yet accorded to him owing to
tho technicalities of our one sided
laws of disclaiming oven the re
motest personal responsibility for
the publication of the articles in
this journal which havo recently
been the subject of a criminal pro
secution with whioh his name was
connected aud whioh name by the
decision of a boyish police magii
trate has been tainted with the
temporary stain of a conviction
Where is there any redress for him
for this gross insult Who can tell
tho future results of that decision
on a professional man although it
was meanly atoned for on the evo of
acquittal of his senior Editor The
Assooiato Editor never hunts for
libel suits and this is the first in
stance in a newspaper oareor of over
25 yoars on many newspapers that
oho has hunted him to be defeated
at the finish It may interest the
hounds of the laws maohinory in
this hunt to know that it is over SO
years ago since tho writer was ad
mitted to practice law and that too
in a country in which the honor and
integrity of all conneotod with the
law are regarded as priceless jewols
He has also arrivod at years of dis
cretion or he would froely print his
personal views of tho conduct of the
oase He reaorvos them however
or the time when the people will
have tho say iu tho oleotion of tboir
Cricket Match
Thero was a good attendance out
on Saturday afternoon in tho old
baseball grounds to witness tho
cricket match which aftor a splendid
gamo onded iu a victory for A St
M Mackintoshs Eleven by a score
of 46 to 26 runs
H L Herbert and S P Woods
wero tho only two batsmen to mako
doublo figures eaah scoring 12 runs
for their respective sides
A St 0 Piiauaia and Bev Mr
Lane oarried off tho bowling honors
tho former performing tho hat trick
There will be practice again on
Wednesday afternoon at tho resi
duueu of tho Drkitfli Oatuunuuiouurt
Brown va Brown
Brown owns a roan horso which
can boast of less speed even than
tho roan rnaro that did tho boys up
last Saturday Tho othor Brown
did own a nio clean straw hat be
coming to any handsomo youth and
dignified broker Both Browns do
business on tho samo stroot So do
tho gontlo breezes which have a
privllego on our thoroughfares and
in Bpito of tho wonthor bureau aro
poorly regulated
Brown with tho hat walked out
of his oQIco this morning A gust
of wind took his hat off and deposit
ed it undor tho feot of tho othor
Browns roan horse which left it
thero possibly to find out whotbor
it wan a whisp of hay an articlo
which ho rememborod with pleasure
from his colty days Brown with
out tho hat wont for Brown with
the horse holding down the hat and
demanded damago while the owner
of tho roan made couutor claims for
storage the demolished straw hat
boiug iu the custody of his horse
A very interesting law point has
arisen and it is oxpneted that all
the members of tho bar will
take a hand in this serious issue
and do them up brown
Shirt Waists perfoot fitting G5o
at N S Sachs Dry Goods Co
From Kapaa pr stmr James Ma
kee May 152700 bags sugar for
C Brewer Co
Persons requiring tombstones
should apply to Fred Harrison who
has a choice lot of now designs no
Dr Berger delivered a most inter
esting lecture at the Y M O A
yesterdav afternoon to a large audi
ence Tho ornhestra furnished ex
cellent music
Capt Paul Smith having been re
elected Captain of Co A and tho
event was celebrated in a pleaant
and nuccorsful social manner on
Saturday evening
Ah Loy tho dimmutivo Chinese
burglar will rest from his labors for
inree years in uanu Jail it is a
wiso sanitary precaution to keep him
from the noxious night air
Timely Topics
Honolulu April 39 189S
Tf bo the proper way to
get it is to buy an
the Mill that rims in the light
est wind that will not rot
that will not blow down in a
gale of wind and will regu
late itr clt in strong or light
breezes In addition to the
foregoing advantages it ha
another which will recommend
itself to somo people and
that is tho little fact that it
will pump more water than
any other mill at present
known to the woild
Come and see us in regard
to prices
Tue Hawaiian Hardware Co l
268 Fort Stkeet
Honolulu May 8 1S98
In many forms is
now prevalent in Ho
You cannot be too
careful of your food
and drink
Cleanable Refrigerator
will keep away the
a erms Tt takes v ery
little ice to run them
and they are sold on
easy terms
We have all sizes
Gome and inspect
Solo Agents
m n r ii sy r
We will begin a New Month with
We have scoured the Earth for
the most
And they are now gathered together
and ready for Inspection at Our Store
on Qoeen Street
Which having been personally selected and Bought for Spot Cash
Values are such as have never been offered here
Gome Early and have First Choice
33- IK23I3RJR Queen Street
i t

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