OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, October 26, 1898, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1898-10-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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Groat show of millinery at Sachs
Who is to bo Judgo Froars buo
Hilo is to have a steam road roller
at l8t
Tho S S China is sightod as wo
go press
Tho Australia is not expected bo
foro Saturday next
France is npparoutly ariniug for
some anticipated troublo
Bishop Willis roturnod to town
yosterday by tho Keau Hou
Tho troublo with tho Obippowa
Indians liaa practiually onded
Tho S S Aoraugi sails for British
Columbia at f oclock this afternoon
Regimental camp parado at Camp
MoKinloy take place at 125 p m
The stockholders of tho Waima
ualo Sugar Co will meet on Monday
Judge Stauloy has
missioned as Judge
tho First
Prosidont MoKinley waB enthusi
astically recoivod at Ohiuagoa Peace
Tho annual mooting of tho Olo
walu Sugar Co takes placo on tho
81st inst
Tho oDicial betting is 10 to 8 on
Colonel Roosevelt for Now Yorks
next Governor
Excelsior Lodge I O O F gives
a reception this evening to visiting
military brethren
Friday is tho last day for bids for
printing and binding Vol 11 of tho
Hawaiian Reports
The Chicago public Bohools 250
in number contributed 10000 to
the Lafayette fund
Read the advertisement of tho W
W Dimond Company whioh ap
pears in this issue
Tho Minister of Fiuauco has fur
nished vault room for tho U S pay
master in tho Hawaiian Treasury
The band plays at Makeo Islaud
to night Charles Kreutor gives a
cornet solo and Mr R Ellis sings
The sacred city of Jerusalem is
overcrowded with guests in antici
pation of Emperor Williamn visit
Prof Yarndley haB consented to
again act as choirmaster of tho
second congregation of St Andrews
W W Hall yosterday made
another substantial shipmont of
clothing for tho Enst Maui Seminary
fire sufferers
An Orloanist military plot against
the lifo of tho French Republic ha
Iieeu it is alleged discovered in
Paris and thwarted
The battleship Texas has been
ordered to Manila as Admiral
Deweys flagBhip tho Olympia coitig
to Hongkong for repairs
To morrow is tho last day to filn
fealed tendors with the Minister of
Finance for tho purchase of Ha
waiian Government Bonds
Private D V Dawson of Co F
Colorado recruits who died of
typhoid fever was buried this morn
ing from E A Williams undertaking
A fortunate capture of nine Italian
Anarchists by the Egyptian police
at Alexandria frustrated an attempt
on tin lifo of Germanys Emperor
planned to take place in Palestine
Tho Board of Health and tho
medical authorities of tho military
camps met yesterday and discussed
the sanitary situation In future
there ia to be cordial oo oporation
Apparently SpauiardB aro foment
ing a revolution against Aguinaldo
and in tho intorost of the retention
of tho Philippines by Spain Hard
fighting is roportod to have taken
It is now said that the Emperor
of China is to bo formally doposed
on Novembor 23d tho birthday of
the Empress Dowager and that
Prince Jim agod 13 is to bo his
A savago looking sow torrorizod
the town on Merohaut and Bethel
streets yesterday for a short while
Tho beast stopped outside Harry
Armitage8 and got sufficiently para
lyzed by reading stock quotations
to onablo the drovers to ovortako
and lassoo it
The bark Martha Davis Captain
Friis arrived from San Frauoisco
yesterday with tho following pas
sengers Carl K Hodomau J M
Howard Simon Gould MiBS E M
Fernbaok Miss Grace Fornbaok
Miss E A Howard O O Marshall
MrB H Friis
Qo Blow
En The Independent
According to the opinions of tho
Assistant AttornoyGouoral of tho
U S not Jack and tho Solicitor
for tho Department of Justice tho
Federal lows aro in full forco and
effect in Hawaii at tho presont time
Would it not bo well for some of
our officials to draw in thoir horns
and quit opon dofiancoand violation
of those laws Say for instance
Deputy Marshal Chillingworth
would bo much bettor and safer if
ho wore to dnvoto himself to other
work than capturing opium and
incidentally making cases thereby
for his family compact As opium
ia not a prohibited article in the U
S if tho opinions of the gentlemen
mentioned is tho true construction
there will bo sovoral pretty damage
suits whioh will tnbro than eat up
tho principal of the bond of tho
anti dopo young ofiicer
A Gamo of Pokor
most romarkable combina
tions occur occasionally in games of
cards but few people havo over seen
such a freak of tho goddois of
chance as was wituossod a few
nights ago at a friendly poker game
which of course did not take placo
in tho virtuous towu of Honolulu
A now pack of cards had boon
oponed tho cards shuflled cut and
dealt There wero five players in
the game and everyone wont in and
stood pat Betting was lively
and tho pot was waxing fat When
the hands wero finally called one
man held an eight full tbe second a
nine full tho third a ten full the
fourth a jack full and tho happy
No 5 au ace full Tho moral i
that thore is no suro thing in this
mundane sphere
A Charming Dance
About 800 society people wero
presont at Aiuahau last evening in
response to au invitation from tho
Princess Kaiulani and Governor
Cloghorn to attend a reception and
Tho beautiful residence of the
Princess was tastefully decoratod
under tho supervision of James
Maguiro and the dancing hall and
dining room presented a beautiful
spectacle Tho Princess and her
fathor recoivod the guests with tbe
greatoot affability and after tho re
coptiou the dancing bogan to music
furnished by a Hawaiian orchestra
Luxurious refreshments wore served
during tho evening and tho affair
was altogether a pronouncod success
Tho Y M O A Welcomes Soldiers
All soldiers who arrived by the U
S T S Sonator are invited to use
tho baths at Y M C A daily from
9 a in to 2 p m also the educa
tional rooms for correspondence
The reading room and largo corre
spondence room aro opened daily
from 0 a in to 030 p in
Soldiers aud strangorsaro welcome
Our Local Qovornmont
A dispatoh from Washington
states that the Assistant Attorney
General and tho Solicitor for the
Department of Justice have both
passed informally upon tho question
of government now in forco iu Ha
waii It is hold that territorial
powers of tho United States aro now
oxtondod over the Islands and tbat
our Federal laws aro in full force
and effect Tho Solicitor of the
Department of Justico further holds
that native born Hawaiian can be
directors in the newly orgauized
First National Bank of Hawaii
P Ward a soldier ia undor arrest
for assaulting attorney Humphreys
Ohiueso cloik with a deadly weapon
to wit a knifo Tho man who said
that ho romombered nothing of tho
occurrence will have a hearing in
tho District Court ou Friday uext
An old white man who was fd
wandering on tho streets lato
night dresBod in a night shirt only i
was tauon to tno Queens Hospital
by the police
Is what we are aiming at
That we are selling1 goods
But we are Satisfied with the Small
est Profit Imaginable ail our offerings
are reliable Styles and Qualities com
bined with Our Low Prices are sure
trade winners
We would call your attention to a full
line of
French Challies all Wool Serges all Wool Crepoas
The Designs are Unique and are the very latest
Wo will commenco tho
display of our New Goods
on MONDAY October 31st
IIUU4 J 111 1J U - UJ ttb UU1UI I IT 1 - i
w e IlaVC WU1 lr1U OVC1
times both baths and reading rooms
aro reserved for regular classes and twonty fivc factories ill Ell-
membera vodo and the United States
and there aro more to follow
Wo beg to htato that be-
itween tho 1st and Joth ol
Novembor we will display
tho best assortment of Holi
day Wares over seen on these
All Goods arc marked in
plain figures
Come and inspect whether
you wish to purchase or not
riThe Peoples Store
VonUolt Block King St
Upholstering and Mattress Making
Matting Lounges
Dresser any size
Billiard and Pool
made to rdeoi
very oheap Box Couohos for Ladies
at Reasonable Charges Office Desks
Tables re coverad Awnings and Tents
Telopoline 928 MASONIC TEMPLE Alakea Street
For Printing nnd Blndlno tho eleventh
volume of Hnwallnn Beports scaled ten
dors are horohy Invited to b filed with
tho Clork of tho Judiciary Dcpn tmont up
to 1 oclock noon of FBIDAY NEXT tho
28th of October Bids to bj at so much
per printed page of the volumo of aboat
800 page i number of copies to bo COO The
stylo of printing and stitching the oight
of covor nnd gilt lotterlng to bo similar to
tho 10th volumo of Hawaiian lleports
A sample pago set up from tbo 10th
volumo showing face of typo of both tho
text and syllabus should accoiuruny each
bid together with snmplo of paper
stating Its weight
Bids should be marked Bids for print
ing and binding Volumo 11 Hawaiian
Itopons Tho disbursing ofllcer is not
bound to accept tho lowest or any bid
ler order
Olork Judiciary Tlopartmnnt
Honolulu October 21 1808 1020 H
Holders of water privileges or
thosopaying water rates aro heroby
notified that the hours for irrigation
purposes aro fromO to 8 oolook am
aud from 1 to G oolock p in
II Holders of wator privileges on
thoslopesof Punchbowl above Greou
street aud ill Nuuanu Valloy above
Sohool Htreot are heroby uotilicd
that thoy will not be restricted to
the irrigation hours of G to 8 a in
and d to G p m but will bo allowed
to irrigate whenever sutllcleut wator
is availablo provided that they do
not use tho wator for irrigation pur
poses for more than four hours in
every twenty four
Supt Honolulu Water Works
Approved J A KTNG
Minister of Interior
Honolulu H I Sent 7 1808
990 tf
Away from home
Write Well send
you want
Big- orders little orders
answers to questions any
As a painstaking druggist
prepares a prescription with
care and exactness and in
telligence so avo buy and pre
pare foods that will keep you
Customers find our prices
right and the food satisfac
tory so they can come back
and send their friends
We try to keep everything
there is to eat so that when a
stranger comes in ho can get
what hes been used to at
homo whether from America
or elsewhere
Streot Honolulu formerly A Bosas
Olllco United Btatoa Custom House
Brokers Accountants Bearohers of
Titles and General Business A gouts

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