OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, January 08, 1900, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1900-01-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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Exeunt Bnndny
it Brlto Hull Kouio Btroot
P O BOX 81
Per Month anywhere In the Ha
waiian Islanils go
Per Year G 00
Per Year postpaid to Foreign Coun
tries 8 00
buyable Invariably In Advance
JT J TESTA Proprietor and Pub
lisher -
Residing in Honolulu
Now that the Council of States
has opened the way into the treas
ury surplus the Advertiser is ladling
out taffy to the Minister of finance
A very decided change of wind
A correspondent writes that a
charge of 4 is made for fumigation
per individual in the quarantined
districts If he is correct in his as
sertion we would like to know who
gets the ooin
It is currently reported that the
authorities do not tell the truth
the whole truth about the plaguu
that is upon us Better tell the
whole truth and establish confidence
rather than half truths and call
down the curses of our citizens
The Board of Health sloughed
off Mr Keliipio to make way for an
abler man Why not slough off
another barnacle who has no better
claim to a position on the Board
than that his father was a mission
ary and that his Bon carried a gun
in 1895 It will be cheaper in the
end to pension the son of his father
The train from Waialua was held
up at Moanalua on Saturday even
ing by a person clothed with brief
authority and the passengers were
told that they could not go into
Honolulu The arrival of the cap
tain of the guard and a railroad
official both clothed with authority
plus common sense and the train
moved on One would think that
Waialua was an infected district
not Honolulu
Too much credit can not be given
to the Fire Department in its splend
id work of burning down the con
demned portion or Chinatown It
is a hard work for the boys but they
go at it with a will and Ohi3f Hunt
has proven himself a first claRs gen
eral in fighting firea It is not an
asy task to control fires of the
magnitude of those daily occurring
The Department does it however
and the soldiers put their bayonets
through every microbe trying to
In contradiction to the Advertiser
Harpers Weekly says that Secretary
r Root is the ablest lawyer in the
f MoKinley Cabinet Concerning the
Secretarys recent assertion that the
constitution of the United States
does not necessarily cover the newly
acquired territory Mr Dooley says
That Mr Root is the first Secre
tary of War that ever showed that
the constitution of he United States
in applicable only in suoh cases as it
is applied to on account of its ap
plicability Just so
Dr Day expressed surprise to find
bo many physicians absent from the
meeting of the Medical Sooiety of
Hawaii Any person at all acquaint-
f1 ed with the genesis of the aforesaid
sooiety will not be surprised The
society was eatabliBhed on tho mu
tual admiration plan and to work
politics for all that could bo raado
out of it Most of the physicians in
whom the people have confidence
wore conspicuous by their absence
from the meootintr They do not
need to work politics to meet their
On tho waterfront it is thought
strange that the Honolulu Iron
Works whose premises run from
Queen to King streets in tho very
rniddln of an infected district can
run its shops and yards whilo a Chi
nese who has a saw mill in tho same
district is compelled to shut down
How to tho line gentlemen of the
Board of Health and let the chips
fall where they may The patience
of our Chinese citizens is very com
mendable and may continue to be
until they come to believe that they
are discriminated against
We dont think the Honolulu
Steam Laundry can afford to intro
duce methods which deprive its
customers of their linen and land
the employees in jail The theory
that unolaimod washing is the per-
quesites of the employees may work
in San Francisco but will cause the
shutting up of the placo in Hono
lulu Even the Chinese laundry
men dont borrow the collars of
their patrons The explanation in
the court on Friday as to how wash
ing gets through the marking de
partment without being marked was
very puzzling indeed The manage
ment of the laundry is now aware
that new methods must be adopt
ed at once
We wonder what the a m news
paper has against Mr Dillingham
that it should re publish the hog
wash that appeared in the S F
Examiner that has a price per line
about Mr Dillingham The article
was written for foreign consump
tion probably to help unload a
block of Olaa and other below par
shares on the simpletons of the
mainland One quotation we are
constrained to make from the arti
cle puts into Mr Dillinghams mouth
the statement that he did not want
anybody to lose a cent in dealing
with them Our citizens who sub
scribed for his Waialua shares will
be glad to learn of the change of
heart Mr Dillingham has exper
ienced by going abroad and will
await bis return to make good their
Iosbos for
which Mr D is argely
if not altogether responsible We
have heard it said that the present
paralysis of the share and money
market of Hawaii was due to too
muoh Dillingham Pelapaha
Confidence in the Council of State
must be shaken when a proposition
to refer to a committee an appro
priation of the treasury surplus for
meeting the expenses entailed by the
fight against the plague can be re
fused because the bulldozer of the
Council does not wish to commit
Surely such gentlemen as Cecil
Brown A V Gear and A G M
Roberteon are representative men
and their proposal to refer to a com
mittee was not obstructive in any
sense butCionsiderato of the rights
of taxpayers The appropriation
firBt made to the Board of Health
had only been used to the extent of
twenty five per cent and a delay of
two days to allow a committee to
report would have worked no injury
But then the taxpayer may go hang
when the boss of the Council opens
his mouth The failure to allow a
committee to scrutinize the proposed
appropriation of public money looks
badly in view of the fight that has
been waged for months paBt to com
pel the Minister of Finance to open
the doors of the treasury for the re
lief of the Bhare market Open and
aboveboard should be the watch
words of the Council
Insure Tour House aud Furniture
3rx XjGDE3Ji
For Insurance Company of North
America and
New Zealand Insurance Company
Wl ly
5r t
- - Tmi mmiy
asy Toms
This Desirable Property bounded by Beretania Puuahou aud Kiug
Streets on the town side of tho McCully Homestead is now offered for
ssle The extension of Young Street passes the laud An Artoslau Well
on the Premises supplies the purest water The breezes from Mnnoa
Valley render the locality extremely healthful The Property is ou the
line of cars and the Rapid Transit cars will run through or by it
There is no better or more refined neighborhood in Honolulu
t0T For Terms etc apply to
At J A Magoons orfice next to P O
Or to J LIGHTFOOT on tho adjoining premises 1390 lm
I am daily opening up Goods
Purchased by myself which are well worth
1 your inspection
The Assortment comprises the Chocest
Dress Goods Laces
- And everything in our line that was ever
shown here
Ho 10 Fort Street
For the
of Customers
Commencing with tho
New Year and tho New
Beg to announce that their
Store will open each day
until 530 p m
Importers of Crockery and
Glass and House Furnishing
Sole Agents for
Jewel Stoves and
Gurney Cleanable
Wonderful Display
To Please the Little
Ones at Home
Dolls Toys Games
Christmas Presents for
Young at
the Old and
Special Designs in New Dress Goods
These Makes Fine Christmas Gifts to Wives and Daughters
Special Value in New Up-to-date Millinery
The Yery Latest Designs and Colors
Lace Curtains
In s Groat Variety of Patterns and at Special Prices
Others Show Rugs We Sell Rugs
All Sizes and at Prices that will Make You Anticipate Your Need
Table Linens and Napkins
Beautiful Designs at Holiday Prices
Magnificent Line of All Wool Blankets

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