OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, March 25, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1901-03-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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Hxcspt Bandar
entered at tbo Post Ofllce at Honolulu
T sb Second class mail
Par Month anywhera In tha Ha-
walian Islands I GO
For Year 8 00
Per Year poatpsU to Forala Conn
trlta 8 W
Puyablo XnTarUbly in Advance
J TZBZA Froprlator and nl
Baaldlns In Honolulu
Governor Dole and his followers
arc endeavoring to slight the Leg
islature upon every occasion and
to show that the Executive com
posed of the great I Am and sup
ported by the minority of the Leg
islature should have the full con
trol of the affairs of the Territory
How very differently Mr Dole
spoke in 1887 wften he at a mass
meeting held in June of that year
spoke about the rights of the peo
ple He was then a member of the
Legislature and it is really refresh
ing to remember the following
words which fell from his patriotic
lips He said
Fellow Citizens There are two
thoughts to which I call your atten
tion in our constitution First the
King conducts his government for
the common good The second is
like unto it All men are allowed
to assemble to consult upon the
common good We have a right to
be here and we have assembled ac
cording tg law but we would not
be here today if the King had con
ducted the government for the com
mon good He has not done so I
am not here to talk about the minis
ters but about the King for he is
not conducting the government for
the benefit of the people I need
not detail the fact of bad govern
ment by the King to you it relates
to all departments of the adminis
tration interference with every-
thing appertaining to government
has been his rule and he has sold
his sacred Oath of office to the high
est bidder We remember the last
six years during which the rights
of the people have been trampled
under foot the representative
ciple of government has been prac
tically destroyed and public moneys
recklessly squandered These things
cannot go on
Mr Cecil Brown who was at the
meeting was evidently not an an
nexationist because he insisted on
having his bones buried under the
Hawaiian flag which will be rather
a difficult although not an uncalled
for event at present He stood up
for the legislative rights against the
executive and today he stands up
fpr the executive rights against the
Legislature Part of his speech de
livered on that memorable occasion
reads as follows
I am an Hawaiian and was born
under the flag and under it my
bones shall be buried Has there
been good government in the past
few years No Has the legisla
tive right been respected No We
want then a new constitution Let
us then go for a new constitution
Dole Brown Co always forget
that the writer of this journal has a 2d
wonderfully good memory and is
fcblc at all times to dig up ancient
history when the assinine remarks
of the great statesmen who now be
long to the has been fraternity
will be brought to public notice and
the taxpayers asked the reasons
why the virtuous men speak and
act so differently today from the
principles and policy laid clown by
them in 1887 The chaplains of the
two houses should be ordered to
read the remarks of Dole and
Brown quoted every morning for
the delectation of the Legislature
Without there is discipline in a
great church thcchurch will cease
to exist and it is the duty of every
Bishop or Pastor of a denomination
to uphold the rules and regulations
under which he received his office
A man who refuses to obey the or
ders of his Bishop as Mr Usborne
has done sets a bad example to the
people to whom he preaches He
shows defiance against the authority
of his church while he exhorts his
audience to meekly and humbly live
according to the edicts of the Great
Master and not rebel against the
authority of the Lord The people
who attend services in St Clements
Chapel may be as good Christians
as those who attend other churches
but they do not worship in the re
ligion in which they were baptised
and they have as surely withdrawn
from the Anglican Church as have
the Greek Catholic Church from the
Pope Mr Usborne has of course
a perfect right to establish himself
a Mohammedan or a Buddhist or
any other old thing and he can
build chapels wherever he pleases
as long as his dupes put up the
money But his congregation should
understand that they are not wor
shiping in a church which is under
the patronage of the Defender of
the Faith and that they simply say
their prayers and listen to sermons
in the same manner as many people
do in their own home and heart In
an interview with the Advertiser
the Bishop of Honolulu is reported
as saying
I do not wish to say anything
more said Bishop Willis yesterday
in an interview I have plainly
stated my attitude I have nothing
more to say and nothing more to do
I am secure in my position and the
unpleasant disturbance that has
arisen can in no way affect tne or
my church The organization at
whose head Mr Usborne is has
naught to do with the Anglican
Church it was founded outside of
the church and under another name
It is not a branch of the Anglican
Church in any sense of the word
and it has no recognition as such
here or anywhere else absolutely
no recognition
As to the motives of the body
under the title of the Episcopal
Church at Large I have little to
say Their actions speak for them
selves There is some personal feel
ing in the matter but perhaps more
ambition It was thought by the
parties who organized that associa
tion that with annexation I would
be displaced and my position filled
by an American Bishop and from
such appointee they hoped to gain
favor It seems to me that their
motives are very rlaiii and need no
What will be the ultimate out
come Why they will simply have
to stop lying thats all They will
simply have to stop lying Time
will surely settle this disturbance
and when it is settled the Anglican
Church and its arrangements will
be in no manner affected That is
all I have to say It is simply a mat
ter of time As to my general po
sition it is fully stated in the Phila
delphia Church Standard of March
mxuur ZulULdJ
The English Parliament has fron
times immemorial boeu considered
the foremost legislative body in tlio
world The individual standbi f
ove ry member of that great ww
bly of lawmaker is and must
above reproach The members
Parliament receive no pay but servo
their country from pur patriotism
and the dignity of the Parliament is
something awfully sacred aud ut
terly utter dont you know
And jot on March 5 1901 a few
weeks after tbo death of the Rood
Quoun of Grout Britain a most
scandalous scene was enaated in
Parliament and for the first time in
tbo annals of that ausust body
we borrow the term from Senator
Kftlftiiokalaui did policemen enter
the floor of the Houto and chucked
out Irish mctnbsrs wbo declined
to obey the Speaker a moit exalted
porsouage and who figuratively
speaking spat on the awful diguity
of the House Tho Irish members
didnt say dont touch mo tothe
Sergeant at arms as did Senator
Cecil Brown in our awfully diguifiVd
Parliament tbe other day and if
they did the alao
a sacred personage knew his busi
ness Tho scene can hardly be
imagined and we givq as a ltson
to our looal Parliament a few ex
tracta from au Irish journal in
which the soandal ia reported -
The Houst throughout the
evening was discussing the educa
tion vote of 17301000 in Commit
tee of Supply Deputy Speaker J
W Lowther was in the obair The
Nationalists contended that tbo
grants to the Catholic schools were
insufficient They also opposed tho
rote on other grounds
About midnight Mr Balfour the
government leader amid loud pro
tests from tho Opposition moved
closure to which the liot 8 agreed
by a vote of 220 to 107 Mr Low
ther then put tho vote the Irish
Members groaning and shouting
Gag Tho membera began to file
into the division lobbies but some
of the Irish mostly new members
kept thtiir seats talking loudly
among themselves and venting their
The Irish members refuted to go
to the division lobbies and the chair
man waited a considerable time aud
then requested the members to pro
ceed to the lobby Mr Flaiu
speaking for his comrades said
Wd feel it to be our solemn d
to make a protest against the
which all the Irish votos have L
closured It is a scandalous pt
The chairman replied that it was
impossible to gn pack upon the de
cision of the House The Hour
had deoidod that tb question
should be put and it was bis duty
to put it Ha addel that if tbo
Irish members refused to go into
the lobbisa ho mutt send for tho
Mr MoHugbsair You may
fetch jour policemen but wa will
not vote
The Speaker was sent for and
named which means ordered to
git twelve Irish members who
had declined to obey tho Ohair
Tho mombers named refused to
leave tha Bouse and after an inter
val tho police were summoned The
Speaker appealed to the named
mumbars to leave quietly Their
comrades shoutod Dmt so
Send for Lord Roberts and similar
The House messengors first at
tempted to remove Mr Crane who
slippod to the floor and hugged a
bench The messengers vainly tried
to lift him His comrados surged
around him yelling encouragement
aud taunting the messengers when
the latter after a hot struggle had
to admit themselves beaten
Then at a signal from the ser
geant the door of the House was
opened and about twenty police
men appeared advanced to Crane
and surrounded him He clung to
the benches and after desperate
struggle was liftod by ten constables
and dragged struggling from tbe
The Irish ropmburs cheered and
criod Siia Ouo cried You
will lw ean nut of South Africa
the rutuf vv yourselves Then
tin I lui began singing God
S y and the Homo was
couvci to au indescribable
Patrick OBrien asked the Speak
or to use bis influence to induce Mr
Balfour to agree to au adjournment
of the debate but this too was re
Again iho cohort of policemen
appeared This time they wre
ordered to take Patrick McEughof
North Leitrim but thev grabbed
Patrick White of North Meath in
sUad Whito though n snowy
haired man gave a dozm heavy con
stables immense trouble to reroovo
him The Irishmen onroursged him
in his struggle prying out It
takes a dozen English policetrcn to
overcome one Irishman and shout
ing Shamel Coward Well
beat you aa tbo Boers are doiugl
William Lundon of East Lme
rick a man of seventy with white
beard and in indifferent health was
next set upon by the police Tbe
poor old fellow resisted as well as
his aged muscles would allow
while his colleagues cheered him
Member after membor of tho Irish
faction was then removed and the
most disgraceful sceue enaetad in a
Parliament came to a clore That
the House of Commons doesnt bo
lievedn having police interferons
can be seen from tbe action the next
doy when by the unprecedented vote
of -126 to 0 the House buried a pro
posal offered by Lord H igh Ceci
son of Ljrd Sliibury to here
after imprison all uniuly members
Wo will now present Dr Russell
and AkiuB with a police whistle
each wborewith to scare unruly
At tho Hint
On March lfi tnern will bo a
meeting of the directors of the
Mint to discuss the question of
coinage and the bIzr of the equiva
lent to be poured out for a quartsr
The stockholders are requested to
oi et Inter on in the new beer gard
en back of the Mint and there ex
pnub their views on dividends aud
e funds Tbe President
h t tboro will be a full
Iaripoa will leave
this San Francisco on Wed
nesday uc 27th iust at 3 p m
5S 3t
ThoS S Zoalandia will also
have for the port of San Franoisco
on Thursday the 28th iust at 12
oclock noon Tbe latter vessel
has been refitted and will take
Cabin passengers
General Agents Oceanio S S Co
5a 4t
Just Received
Meet Cfcandons
Sole Agents forHawaiian Territory
The Independent 60 cents per
i i
Tho Kapiolani Tract ox
tends from King street to the
Beach A road 60 feet wide
will be opened on the eaet
bide of the property adjoin
ing the Kamehameha Girls
School said road will extend
to the sea
Cross roads will be opened
between blocks Every lot
will have a frontage on a
road The elevation vaiics
from forty feet high to ten
feet high above sea level
No swamps around the
premises No freshet will
enter the property
There is au offer to buy a
part oL the property by a
great 1 ufacturing com
pany fiances are the
offer m pted There
is every 1 liove that
the prices of lots icrease
in a short iime jvner
of the pn cify wt e all
chan c
wiiinu one miiw
1 -
o Ul
if Of
the Post Office
The Government water
pipes are laid along the upper
portion of the property
The priees are the cheapest
of any tract within two miles
from the center of the city
The terms which1 will be
given to purchasers will bo
the best ever giyen byany
real eBtate dealer or broker
during the last twenty years
in Honolulu
For terms or more particin
lars apply to
Or to
Surveyor and Manager
of Kapiolani Traot Co
S M Kanatani I
Real Es te Dealers and

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