OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, July 12, 1901, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1901-07-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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Independent fO coDtB per
Senator Kahilinn eharced with
The Sierra arrivod unexpected y
this morning and after lomo delay
che was dookod at the Ocennio wharf
Among her passenger were Captain
Paul Smith Mrs W G Irwin
Dick Iver1 Hurold Speucer and
few othe8 The Sierra has talqn
the place of the Z alaudia for this
trip and will probably return to Sao
Francisco on Tuesday next
Porto BIcoa Damandi Will Be Recog
nized on July 25th
Washington July 5 President
MoKiuley announced at the Cabins
meeting today the last regular
meeting of the eummer that he
will issue a proclamation and begin
freo trade between the United
States and Porto Rico as a result
of the resolution parsed by the
Porto Rino Legislature yesterday
The pr ilitniii which is to toka
effect ou July 23th wtllbe prepared
assoon as th action of th Lignh
ture is oomuvioioatHd oQhislly by
Governor Alloiii July 2oh will bo
a holiday in Porto Rico to rairniw
morate the coming of the American
flag The President oxprossod him
self today as greatly pleaded that
Porto Rico is so promptly taking its
position with the rest of the
country of which it is now a part
Will Inspect McBrydo
The Mikahala left for Eleele
Kauai yesterday aftornoon on a
special trip
Among thoBO representing the
Honolulu Stock and B nd Exchange
on the junket are Oaarles J Falk
Harry Armitage A J Campbell JR
Gait Fred Lewis Robert Shingle
J H Fisher others interesed or
owning stock in the plantation who
availed themselves of the invitation
were W G Coopor of the First
National Bwik F M Hatoh Alex
ander Young W R Graham A W
Van Valkenberg Clifford Kimball
Isaao Dillingham Goorge W Potter
John F Colburn George Robert
son manager of Brewer Co M
M 0Shaughnensey of San Fran
oiBoo EJ Pollitz was unable to go
on acaount of pressure of business
in Honolulu Press representatives
also went
Russia is Vet friendly
Washington July 5 The Stale
Department was today verbally in
formed by M do WolUnt Russian
charge daffaires during the abscuua
of Ambassador CasBiui that his Gov
ernment was not djsinm of a trade
war between the oouutrjua which
had enjoyed friendly relations both
politically and commercially for fo
many years M de Wollant said
that his Governmeut had expressed
its intention of giving the American
side of tlio quostiou growing out of
tho imposition of the countervailing
duty nn Russian sugar careful con
sideration with a view of reauhiug a
settlement of the dispute that would
be satisfactory to bnthgovrnuieuta
Captured Boers and fauppllos
London July 5 Lord Kitohener
telegraphs to tho War Ofllue under
Mate of Pretoria July h as fol
lows j
Grenfell on July lit at Howell
captured ninety three Boers and a
lot of supplies belonging to Buyers
ntU of W C Wilder
William Chntinoey Wilder o o of
ho molt rnnpucUa eilistins t f Ha
waii diuil last evening at his
d niH the onus of death being a
hoidltss driving will have a hearing roku of anonlexv
iu the Ditrlpt Court nxt Thursday j -
J Hu was bora m Canada in 1835 of
When uejnnu a tiaon nurroy American parents during their tern-
huggy etc with oaroful drivers porary residence across the lino
ring up Telephone 118 Territory
SUble CoLd
The Worlds Eutertaiuers arn still
drawing a big audience at the Opera
House It ia a how worth Beoinp
His early reeollectioup howover
wore of New York bis parents hav
ing returned while William was yet
an infant and takou up their resi
dence in that State When nine
Ouly a few more performances will ier of K be moved with his
b given
Kentuckys lamous deissne Moore
Wuiskdy unequalled for itn purity
and exoelleuPd On sale at any of
the saloons and at Lovejoy Nc Co
distributing agents for thn Hawaiian
mrRiitp in IRlt tn Ontinrn Til
r j -
Here were pasted his outh and
early manhood and here ho re
ceived his nducatiou the facilities
for which however were limited in
that locality in those enrly days
The Wilder family were theu poor
and when the subject of this sketch
had attained the propor ago to start
in tho woild for himself he learned
the painters trade at which to
gether with undertaking the busi
ness in which his father was en
gaged at Geneva ho continued uu
til April 1RG0 when becoming in
fected with the gold favor ho join
ed the fortuuu huulers who turned
their steps westward with pikes
f eak or buRl as their motto Ar
was the fase with many ho return
ed iu the fall of the Bami year to
Geneva after several months of
hard aud profitless labor He then
continued the painting business on
his own account until the breaking
out of tho war Upon Lincolns
first call for troops in 1801 VV C
Wilder was the first mnn to enlist
in the first company tht was or
ganized in the State of Illinois
They went into cutnp at Soringfield
preparatory to Uih organization of
the first Illinois Regiment of In
fantry All of his company were
not wanted however to fill the
regiment and twmity four of its
members including himulf return
ed home Upon thu call for three
vears troops W 0 Wilder assisted
iu organizing an independent com
pany of cavalry uhich muster
ed into service on the 7h of July
1861 and immediately sent to Mis
souii and afterwards mrged into
the Fifteenth Illinois Cavalry as
Company H Mr Wilder wis tweet
ed first lientpnunt and upou the re
signation some months latHr of his
predecessor ho was made captain
The company a rived at Jnraon
Barracks Mo ou the 10th of
August From St Louis Capt
Wilders regiment marched through
Arkansas to Yicksburg aud ueut
under tho firt command of Sher
man Captain Wilder was in the
battle of Arkansas Post the bittle
of Chickasaw Bayou the lirs battle
beforo Vicksburg ami other engage
ments until Maroh 1803 xvhen ill
health compelled him to resign
from the army aud return to Gene
va whore after partial recovery he
went to work at his trade
In 1809 his brothur S G Wilder
who was then in Honolulu snt fur
bim to come to Hawui which he de
oidnd to do lauding here in May
1869 Ho immediately went to work
for his brother ou the Kualoa plan
tation but after remaining two and
a half yearr the plantation was
closed and thd subject of this sketch
returned once more to Geneva
Here he remained at his aid employ
ment until his brother engaged in
ihn lumber business and again SbDt
for him to come to Honolulu which
he did in 1873 bringing with him
his wife and three children lie
was employe I m lumber tallyer for
several jears and for Gve or six
years before his brother died bad
entire oharge of the business After
that gentlemans decease W C
Wilder assumed control of the
whole concern aud has Bineo con
ducted it iu his own interest aud
that of his brothere esta e He
alsj succeeded the latter iu the
presidency of the Wilder Steamship
Company and of the Kahului Rail
road Company and to all the poai
tions which the death of his brother
left upon his shoulders W O
Wilder has filled the dutieH thus do
volved upon him with tact aud ex
ceptional ability
The funeral will take plage bis
aftornoon nt B oclock from the
family rpsjdonro on Petisccola
street K V Georgn L Pearson of
tho Methodist Church oQirUting
Tho pall bearers will be W F
Allen H P Baldwin S B Rose
John Oudorkirk A S Hartuell and
John A McCandloss
Adbs Modern Fables
A Cross Country Tourist ripped
at a Back Door aud bepau to Pau
Handle the Lady of the House
I was a Missionary in China he
said The Boxers got away with
my Wife and three Children My
ticket ran out at the Ssndwich Is
auiis and I had to swim the rest of
tho Way I am now working to
ward Altoona vhtAe my People are
in the Ice Business
I dont believe a Word of it she
said in witheringTones
I knew you wouldnt so I didnt
take any Pains with it enid he I
suppose I would have got the same
kind of a Bump if I had bnen a
Flood Sufferer or a Victim of the
Trusts I find that the New Wuraiii
uau no longer Lo got at by crud
Fiction Sinco yuur S x bi gin lo
learn the Hopes ycu wont I elieve
anything a Man tells you Yuu are
all from Missouri and thejw got to
show yoU PerhapH you have seen
the Joke iu the Rsiubow Weekly
about tlie easy BoiifU wife who
- a 1
wepa at my Hard Lack Story and
gives me a Suit of belong
ing to his Nobs and then makes me
wrap up a few paragraphs of Lunch
and take along with me I am
hUnting for her but I never find her
except when I am smoking But
every Day I como across the Ono
that hands me a few Statistics to
prove that there is a General de
mand for Lab ir I ask for a Hand
Out and I get a Homily Lovely
Woman has begun to Post herself
on Iudustnal Couditiuis and she i8
no longer Workable Consequently
I am starving here in a Land of
Plenty The kind Brakemen per
mit me to ride on the Blind Bag
gage or sit up on a Gondola where
tho Coal is nice and Soft but when
I alight at one of these Towub
where thoy have Milk Can3 stand
ing around and go out to tease
about a fistful of Chow I encounter
Mrs Foxy Quiller who reads the
Ten Cent Magazine and I get
nothing but language Last Night
had to Flop in the little red
Knowledge Box dowu at the corner
t was that or Pound my Ear on the
dewy lurf Today my Digestive
Apparatus probably thinkB that my
Throat has been cut And yet
when I come hero and begin to hint
around about Solid Nourishment I
can see by tho Minerva Gleam in
your Eye that you are going to give
me that old Gag about sawing a
Cord of Wood
By the sweat of began the
Lady of the House
I know the Quotation front
wards and backwards paid the
Tourist It is the perennial Stand
By of all the StingieB who want me
to do SI 10 worth of Toil for a plate
of Cold Vittlea that js no longer
good for anything hut Hash If
I am humiliated iuto Working
I wont take my Pay in Sweepings
from the Break fast Table aucl thats
no idle Bu Room Jest I will join
i Union and compel the liken of you
to pay mo GO cents an hour for
lighting my Pipe But I oaunot go
to Work Yju have heard of the
Unemploy it Well I am one of the
Diemphed The Unemployed are
not working aud the Disotuployed
ire under Contract never to come
dowu to iti I dont dare to accept
a Job or I would efface the most
piotureiquB Type of our Times aud
one that is a ooriBtant Inspiration to
the Vaudeville Actor Besides I
am tiif Only S ipport of an Army of
Editorial a d Space writers who pet
Good Money for their Stuff about
che Tmup Problem
I hadnt thought of that Bid
the Lady of the House 1 will
broil you a Steak aud then write a
Paper about you for our uext Club
Moral That which is not Good
for anything else usually has the
Makiiig of a Magrzue Article
N Y IleraM
HIDJ jam
P O BOX 380
Or some other kind of Biscuit or AVafur
Etc Etc Etc Etc
Just received a fresh shipment of the above at
mskis a ffffii
II js 1
Use IMlagll it r the Outside1
And lEPSTtrrol r thQ Inside
These are COLD WATER PAINTS and are the Best
Substitutes for Oil and Lead and are MUCH CHEAPER
Fish Lme and Hooks
We are opening a Line of these at our Fort Street Store
and will soon be in a position tosupply all demands
k Large Stock of GLASSWARE
Fb Expected on the TV Gr Irwin and will at once be
opened at our Bethel Street Store
h rja erv u a g g be
Agents for Lloyds
Canadian Australian Steamship Line
British Foreign Marino Insurance Co
Northern Assurance Co Fire and Life
Canadian Pacific Railway Co
Pioiipnr Lino of Pwlcotfi from Liverpool
Sanitary Steam Lanndry
Co Ltd
Having made larRo additions to
our nirtoliinnrv wp am now able to
rtt thu iMu u 2d ceutn per dozau
Satisfactory work and prompt do
Jnery piiurniiteed
No fear of clothing boing lost
from strikec
Wo invite inspection of our lnun
dry and methods at any time during
busiuo88 hours
Ring Up Main 73
and our wagons will call for your
11 work tf
Ono New Locomobile No 377
Stylo 2 tuado by The Locomobile
Do of Amorion of Nowton Mass
U S A patented Nov M 1899
Very little upoJ the property of the
late Joseph Hojeluhe and run by
One Bicycle
iu very good order
For particulars apply to Mrs
Heleluhe at Washington Place or
toF1 TflHta Ihisnflioo
Hotel St near Fort
On Draught or iu Bottles Ice Cold
1710 U

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