a 4b LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Foast of the Holy row Ghost Whit8un Day or Pontooost to morrow Tho Kinau arrivod in port at 2 p m today Tho Silva divorce heard on May 21 case will bo All Hail to His Mxjusty Alphonso XIII King of Spaia Alphonso Xfll was crowned King of Spain at noon today New York Day by rTay ia tho bill at theOrphoum tbia evening The Merchant of Veniee this afternoon at tho Opera Houae Samuel Mahelona returned from tho Mainland yeaterday on the Ala meda F J Lowrey and W O Smith were returning paaaengera on tLo Alameda The Superintendent of Fublio Works will leave on Monday foi windward Miss Alice Oitlet a sister of Mis a Maud Gillet arrivod on the Alame da yeaterday Two hundred and fifty Jnpa aailod for the Orient on the Nippon Maru yeaterday Richelieu will be preioated by tho Warde combination this evooing at tho Opera Houbb The Rapid Transit Conductors are to be uniformed in blue Khaki is too cool for evening wear Default was onered against H Kauaihilo by Judgo Gear yesterday in the suit of Iaaao Testa Henry Cobb Adams has been appointed a member of tho District Road Board for Koolaupoko this Island A coronation medal of King Edward VII is on exhibition in a display window of the Pacific Hard ware Company Hugh Mclntyre returned from tho Coast yesterday in tho Alameda He will take the management of May Co Tho Alameda will sail for San Francisco at 10 a m on Wednesday instead old p m as has hitherto being the case The Alameda which arrived from San Francisco yesterday afternoon brought 65 cabin passengers 1G00 tons of oargo and -10 bats of mail The sohedulo of the Austin Put lishing Co waa filed in the U S Court yesterday showing assets of 5469488 and liabilities of 1100 2G Wo are informed that Bishop Willis will uot conduct the cervice at St Andrews Cathedral tomorrow morning as stated in our issue of Thursday lt Judge Gilbert F Little returned on the Alameda yosterday well planed with his mainland trip He will return to Hilo on tho next Ki nau and reopen Court Mrs Emma M Nakuiaa has boon appointed Commissioner of Private Ways and Water Rights for tha Island of Oabu comprising the Fourth and Fifth District Kentuckys lamoua deasso Mocrj Whiskey unequalled for its purity and excellence On salo at any of the oaloons and at Lovejoy Co distributing agents for the Hawaiian Island Captain and Mrs Haglunds youngest son Waltor Nott wbb ohiatened Sunday afternoon by the Rev Kincaid at their rosidonce ArtvertiBer Ohistencd is good III The soaial session of thn Elks last night presided over by Aotor Fre derick Warde was a most enjoyable affair the imposition of fines being quite an innovation to one uninitiat ed to its mystories Mr lrvin a woll known San Fran olaoo illustrator came down on the Alameda to take Mr Xardloya place on tho Advertiser Mr Yardley will return to thevoonet and then go east to study in n oohool of drawing and Sampsons Last Boat Washington May C Rear Admiral William T Sampson retired died at his homo In this city at 5 oclock this afternoon Tho lmmedlato cause of death was a sovero cerebral hemor rhage Ho had been In a state for Bcvcral days At tha bodsldo when the Admiral breathed his last wero Mrs Sampson Mrs Lieuten ant Cluverlus tho Admirals married daughter Admiral Sampsons two young sons Ralph and Harold Samp son Dr Dixon tho attending physi cian and nurses and attendants Mrs Sampson has broken down un der the sovero strain and as qulto III all during tho day But for tho critical condition of tho Admiral alio would havo been confined to her bed Washington May 9 With a pomp and circumstance exceeding that of any naval funeral In this country In recent years at least tho remains of Wil liam T Sampson Rear Admiral In tho United States Navy and commander- in chief of the United States naval forces on the North Atlantic station during tho war with Spain wero today laid at rest Every department of tho National Government was represented Tho military and naval features of the ceremonies wero brilliant and Impres sive They wero conducted under di rection of Rear Admiral Terry com mandant of tho Washington Navyyard assisted by Lieutenant Henry George tho adjutant general Tho funeral escort was composed of the light battery of United States Ar tillery commanded by Captain Footo and drawn from Fort Myer the naval cadets from Annapolis 247 strong a corps that nover has paraded In Wash ington heforo save on several occa sions when a President was to bo In augurated a battalion of bluejackets from the North Atlantic squadron of which Rear Admiral Sampson was for merly commander Hollands Quoen in Eaogor Tho Hague May 5 It was an nounced from Castlo Loo at midnight last night that Queen Wllhelmlna had been prematurely confined at fi oclock Sunday evening Professor Rosensteln Dr Itoeslngs and tho oih or doctors woro In attendance Tho Queen suffered Intense agony At 11 oclock Sunday evening tho condition of Her Majesty was describ ed nt critical and small hope for ner recovery was entertained A message from Castle Loo sent at 7 oclock this morning says Queen Wllhelmlna Is allll nllvo Nono of tho doctors attending Her Mujesty left tho pnlaco last night and neither the Queens mother nor tho Princo can ocrt went to bod The confinement of tho Queen was long and difficult and artificial moans were resorted to Tho Hague May 5 It Is a disap pointment hut tho Queen Is saveil Such is tho general teoling regarding tho sad event of yosterday evening Tho oxtrerao seriousness of Her Maj estys Illness was closely connected with tho acute infectious malady from which sho waB convalescing and this complication Involved imminent dan cer of her doo th Tho Hague May 7 Advices receiv ed horo from Castlo Loo dated x oclock this morning declaro trat Queen Wolholmlnas condition again excites grave anxiety Another con sulfation of tho Queens doctors vas hold at 11 oclock last night Tho re sult of this consultation Is not known President Sam Resigns Port An Princo Hoytl May 8 Qon oral TIreslas Simon Sam President of tho Haytlcn Republic has resigned US offlce Tho Haytlcn Congress will nssomble May 12 to select his successor Tho Haytlcn Republic la completely calm Former President Jlmtncz of Santo Domingo has embarked on hoard a French steamer and Is oxpectcd hero Goncral Deschamps tho former Uov ornor of Puerto Plata Santo Domingo tho Inst llfce to surrender to tho Doml nlenn revolutionists who also embark ed on a French steamer has sought refuge at Capo Haytlcn Haytl President Sam was elected April 1 1890 for sovon years The Indfpenoenv month 60 cents per The First Local Mint Ono of the institutions ing the Public toam and the aggregation of each other for hero which has the speoinl attention of tourists as well ob the local people is tho Mint whioh is established on Nuunnu street oppoaite Queen Emma Hall It is interesting to enter the large main working room where general manager McDonqugh and his corps of aaaistants aro at work The cool and large lanai is a proper resting plnco and the vaults whore tho bars to be minted and beer are kept present a very tasty speotaoio The Mint ia optn from 581 a m to 1180 p m and during those hours tho work nover peases Visitors after looking over the place will find first olaa refreshments and the purest of Honors m m Nuptials at Central Union Mies Alice- Lawrenoo McCully and Mr Franois William Smith tho popular olerk of Hawaiian Ho tel wero married at hgh nnon to day at Central Union Church by the Kev W M Kincaid -A N Campbell acted as beat man and MisB Ada Whitney was th maid of honor Miss Lyons Miss Stokes aid Miss Sirs Robortaon were tho bridesmaids Williams Boys Sentenced The WilliamB boys who wore found guity yesterday afternoon of tho robbery of Wards jewelry store appeared for snteuoo hefore Judge Robinson at 980 this morning Ed gar alias Hlokory Williams got d yearB and Tob Williams 2 years in Oahu prifon And Now For tho Championship At the Anla warehouse this even Works Pacifio Hardware pullers will face tho ohampionship contest and a prize of 20 Fore cast of The Independent The Pub lio Wirk should win Forfeits His Half FJ Quinn the haokdrivor who was arreoted yesterday for violating section 32 6T the Hauk Regulations to wit driving a prancing horse As he did not appear in the Pi lice Court this morning Judgo Wilcox dealared a 10 bail forfeited Tho Kapu Wahine Club will go into mourning next week when Ralph Yardley departa for tho Coast He was one of the jovia members of that organisation OHTjnOH 8EHVIE3 St Andrews Cathedral Whit sun Day 7 a m Celebration of tne Holy Uommunion IU a m Pulo Kakahiaka 11 a m Morn ing Prayer and Sermon 830 p m Evensong aud Catechising 730 p m Evensong and Sermon Services at St Clements Chapel Episcopal Wilder avenue Puunbou Celebration of the Holy Com munion First Sunday of the month 1105 am every other Sunday 715 am Saints days 645 am matins and sermon 1105 am evensong and sermon 705 pm daily prayer at 945 a m Roman Catholic Cathedral Low masses Holy Communion 6 and 7 childrens mass with English ser mon 9 high mass with native ser mon 1080 rosary with native in struction 2 solemn vesper aui benediction 7 St Augustfo Chapel Waikiki uov tamer vnieuiin at 8UU a ra oalebration of tho Mass and Ser mon Central Union Church corner Borotnniaand Riabardastreotf Rov W M Kincaid pastor 950 a in Suuday sohool 1100 a in publio worship and sermon 630 pm YP SOE prayor meeting 780 pm publio worship and sermon Tho Catholio Church of St John the Baptist at K alibi waena in ohargo of Rov Fathor Clement to morrow May 18 Whit Sunday or Peutooost 8 n m Solemn High Mais tho Kyrie Gloria aud Credo of J L Baltmumfl mas will londerod by tho two oholrs of Mo nnalua and Kalihiwaona under tho leadership of J H Van Giesen Sermon aud oolleollon KawaUhao Churoh 10 a m Sabbath School 11 a in preaching by Rev H H Parker 630 p m Christian Endeavor Sooiety 780 p m EugliBh eervioo Rev Wm D WwtuiveH SPECIAL SALE OF GARDEN HOSE I- We havo a largo stock at prices to suit every purse FISH LINE AND TWINE Wo now have a very complete assortment received direct from the manufacturers Paints Oils and Varnishes Brushes Some FornisIiiDg Goods Tools and Implements of llie Most Approved Patterns Stovi s for Gasoline Kerosene Wood and Goal THE PACIFIC HARDWARE CO LTD Port Street Art Rooms and Bethel Street Department SPECIAL j I Selected Highland i WHISKY I WTwrm Xr mahttav I W O PEACOCK CO LTD 1 Sole Agents J 1 i I i A SMOOTH SC0TGI WHISKY DRINK I NO OTEER I ri - I Thon II Hovipc M Rn VA IMPOETEES OF General M AND erchandise SOMIiSeiOltf fcCEJKaESLATtfTfa Igente for Lloyds Canadian Australian Steamship Lino BfAish Foreign Marine Insurance Co SrorthernAEPaance Co Fire and Life Canadian Pacific Railway Co Pioneer Line of Paolretfl from Liverpool EOR RENT Cottages Rooms Stores On the promises of tho Snnitar Steam Laundry Co Ltd botwoeu South and Quoen stroots The buildings aro oupplied with hot and cold wator nud electric lights Artesian wator Perfect tanitation For particulars apply to On the pro raises at thoro otlloo of j I A Matfoou 88 - SanitarySteam Laundry Co Ltd GREAT REDUCTION IN PBIGjBS Having made large additions to our maohinery we are now able to lnunder SPREADS SHEETS PIL LOWSLIPS TABLE CLOTHS TABLE NAPKINS and TOWELS ut the rate of 26 cents per dozon oash Satisfactory work and prompt de livery guaranteed No fear of olotbing being lost from strikes We invite inspection of our laun dry and methods at any time during business hours Ring Up Main 73 Rprl our Yffloru will coll for you U work t