OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, April 02, 1903, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1903-04-02/ed-1/seq-2/

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Hgaasa i inmnnHiHHW
zoopt Bandar
F O BOX 81
Eateredat the Po Offlos JattHonoluln
H T bs Beoond olBBB mall
Sec Month anywhere In tho Ha
wailan islands B
lur Ttear
Bar Yearpoitpald to Foreign Oonn
8 uu
Payablo InTarlnbly In Advance
V J MBXA Proprietor nfi Eur
FBANK GODFBEY City Editor antt
Business Manager
BealdlnK in Honolulu
The late Prince Albert K Kunui
baett was not the last of the Ea
mehamehas as there are otters yet
living who claim descent from that
line of great and renown chiefs and
monarcha But he was truly the
last of his line that is of those
who descended from John Young
one of the great Kamehamehas
foreign warriors and by that mon
aroh created a chief and married
him to a high chiefess Eaoanaeba
the maternal grandmother of the
late princfl None remains today
to perpetuate John Young the Eng
lishman but of his fellow-country-min
companion and partner iu the
affairs of those early pre missionary
days Isaac Davis there are many
But of the laBt of tho Eameha
mehas permit us to call attention
to one of the ball bearers being
balls carried on pole representing
the ancient sacred or kapu sticks
all the newspapers mentioned ia the
account of the late princes funeral
one young man as Kamebainoha
grandson of Eamehameha V It is
well known in Hawaiian annals that
Eamehameha V was never married
but he is reputed to be the father of
one Eeanolani lately deceased and
she was the mother of many child
ren surviving this young man
amongst them Apart from IhoBe
reputed offsprings of ono of the Ea
mehamebaB there are yet others
who claim more direct and legiti
mate descent Still the late Eeano
lani was always looked upon by the
later monarcha and chiefs as a di
rect descendant although held by
many others as only a reputed one
yetif the late prince was a Kameha
xneha she must have been ono and
her children as well Tho only dif
ference has been in the bringiog up
where one received an eduoationtbe
other did Hot being brought up in
the country and away from favorable
associations lacking contaot with
those of superior intelligence
We are not aiming at discredit
ipg anthing sad anybody but we
believe iu sotting nintters to rights
so that those who run may know
and those who read may loam of
things unbeknown The briDgiug
up of tho lato princo had niuoh to
do with his being associated with
his foslor parents Eamehameha III
and his consort Queon Ealama and
was therefore looked upon as their
son An argument to dispel this
illusion out of tho minds of many
if it tuiy b3 lakon as such was tho
proclaiming of Prince Alexander
Liholiho by Eamehameha III as the
heir to tho throne as well as to all
his private estate he failing to
nominate his reputed son Euauia
koa to bo his successor Of course
he was too young at the tim but
thou a regency might have boen
oreated during bja minority yel
that was not the desire of the then
sovereign Ho kuew what he was
about and acted nccordinglyaud as
well according to the dictates of
his royal will That was how tho
late princo failed in being raised
to the monarchy his nature and
temperament being already known
in hia early days
Still a heritage has been left to
those of our day especially to those
living at the present time and since
the absorption of the country by a
one time friendly nation who pojed
sb such and made the people feel
that tho friendship early creaUa
was earneat and of long duration
that there are yol many more chiefr
reputed as being high living to tojl
and to show in of the psstglory
of those of high birth according to
the Hawaiian usiges and customs
It is something never before known
during tho days of tbo Monarchy
days wbon chiefs ruled as monarcha
of all they surveyed and who wore
the sovereigns over all the people
foreigners included but has only
become known since the Monarchy
is no more and is of the past
During the last days of the
monarohiotl regime just prior to
the countrys absorption by a
greater and mightier power our
new lino of chiefs and ohiafesEos
wdre hardly known as sucb al
though there was only a curtain
social recognition and nothing
more But fiince annexation and
lastly during the arrangement for
the funeral of the late prince it
was quite a conundrum to see and
to learn of many new ohiefj and
chiefessas many of whom cannot
nor dare hold themselves up to the
Hire of public opinion
It seems rather peculiar thai at
this late day when tho Monarchy is
no more many should want to be
known as having p st chiefly dis
tinction Aud yet it is uows to sue
so many distinguished puople not
kuown to bo such formarly but all
have beoome American citizens
since It is perfectly siokoning and
disgusting Of the relatives and
friends of tho late princo and oth
ers whose genoalogies are fairly
well known we have nothing to say
But pedigree seems to ba the main
distinction now aimed at by hereto
fore hardly kuowa personages
We think that it is about time
that Senator Klauokalani was done
away with as leader of the Hawaiian
party His usefulness has passed
and his days art numbered We be
lieve that younger better energetic
aud more advanoed blood should
take hold of the halm He has beep
rrfVTvrrvtnnrtitaetiminnKrntiirr imintMaaaoi miiimi imMnnwmiwM
more of a stumbling block in the
way of its success and prosperity
for without hitu fusion with the
Demooralio party would havo beon
accomplished long ago
Much discussion was indulged in
yesterday afternoon and evoning by
tho House over its Bill No 94 to
encourage diversified industries
Speaker Beckloy on the floor spoke
strongly in its favor and in tho inter
est of the small farmer saying that
Hawaiians ought and should be
small farmers But among those who
spoke againsl its passage we are
mora than surprised thatBUoh an in
telligent Home Ruler as Representa
tive Fernandez is should be so an
tagonistic to it as to accuse those of
his party as being against their con
stituents in a measure because this
was a measure affecting the revenue
and upon which he was challenged
by Mr Beckley anotHer Home Ruler
We think Mr Fernandez is some
what out in his calculations for in
stead of affecting the revenue in any
way very materially it will in due
course of years enchance it more
than what it is now nil
Tho total expenditure for theNuu
auu one mile bridge to date as report
ed in the House yesterday by Super
intendent Cooper amounts to over
515000 and yet there is a further
request for another 6000 inserted
in the now noted Eaaergenoy Bill
making that public work cost over
20000 But aocording to Chairman
Vida of the Public Expenditures
Committee said that over 32000
would complete that bridge as he
has been informed that another 10
000 would soon be asked as being
necessary for its completioo which
is altogether quite different from
the original estimatedl0000ow in
the records of the Public Works
Department If this is the true
state of affairs in -regard to that
bridge work it is well in a certain
measure to hold up the Emergency
Bill a little longer and find out more
about other public works wrongly
estimated but which has cost the
taxpayers more than what they
should have been
Souato Bill No 131 relating to
the disposition and control of the
Chinese Fund Brown bill passed
third reading almost unanimously
in tho Senate yesterday The pro
position is to take it out of the hands
of the Government and place the
samo under the control of a trustee
who is o be required to give bonds
or furnish other security approved
by Ihe Governor and Treasurer for
its safe keeping Senator McCand
lesa has another bill on the subject
to turn the fund into the current
account of the Government making
the Territory responsible for it but
was not considered although defer
ence to next Monday so -that
both bills may be considered
together wqb voted upon aud
lost Jt may be advisable to pass
the control to a trustee- and be an
accommodation to the party or cor
poration handling it but we some
what favor the proposition of turn
ing the same into current aooount
aud that the Legislature provide for
its withdrawl But those who favor
ed the bill now passed are business
men of known intelligence and we
must giye way to them
H Hamano has paid into the Unit
ed States Court the sum of 1000
for violation of the oontraot labor
laws and tbo second suit against him
I will probably be dismissed
teh u Ajsfc
1 1 mi mwimrwnMwrt
Date Steamer From
Mar 4 Neuraskau San Francisco
G Alameda Son Francisco
10 Nippon Marti San Francisco
10 America Maru Japan China
11 Moana Australia
11 Aorangi Viotoria BO
17 Ventura Aust ralia
18 Sonoma San Francisco
18 Siberia San Franoisco
20 Korea Japan China
21 Novadan Man Francisco
26 Coptic San Francisco
27 Alameda San Francisoo
28 Gaelic Japan China
10 Nippon MaruJapanOhina
10 America MaruSanFrtnoisoo
11 Alameda San Francisco
11 Moana VictorioB C
11 NebraskanSou Francisco
11 Aorangi Australia
17 Ventura San Francisco
IS Sonoma Australia
18 Siberia Japan China
20 Eorea San Francisco
26 Coptic Japan China
28 Gaeliu San Francisoo
31 Nevadan San Francisco
All Commissions sb Notary Public
throughout the Territory issued
prior to the 30th day of June A D
1900 are hereby recalled and new
commissions will bo issued in their
stead on being applied for
Attorney General Territory of
Attornoy Generals Offioo March
30 1903 2466 Rt
Owing to the prevalence of inseot
pests and blights on the plants and
trees at tho Government Nursery no
further distribution will be made
until further bnuae
Superintendent of Public Works
Houululu Territory of Hawaii
Department of Public Works Mar
31 1903 2167 3t
TO -
All fay Stations
Telegrams oan now bb sent
from Honolulu to any plaoo
on tho Islands of Hawaii
Maui Lanai and Molokai by
CALL UP MAIN 131 Thats the
Honolulu Office Time saved money
saved Minimum oharge 12 per
Brace Waring Go
Esal Estate Bolder
OB Fort 0t near King
3utLDiNa Lots
housho and lots and
Lauds Fob sal
iv AliJfcLMi -
Parties wishinc to dlanois ob rt
For ESveryToociy
nro now putting up their BEST
Number SOAP in GO pound Oases
family size at 2 25 per box deliver
ed free to every part of the city
Full oases 100 pounds will be de
livered at 125
For nil empty boxes returned in
good clean condition 10 and 20
cents will be paid
Every Family in the Islands
should havo a oase of Soap at this
price The best Soap made for the
Kitchen and Laundry Try a case
It is cheaper than buying by the
Order from tho Agents
M f McChesney 4 Sods
Queen Street
2136 tf
SamtaryStaam Laundry
Go Ltd
Having made large additions to
our machinery wo are now able to
at the rate of 25 cents per dozen
Satisfactory work and prompt de
livery guaranteed
No fear of olothing being lost
from strikes
We invite inspection of our laun
dry and methods at any timo during
business hours
Ring Up Main 73
and our wagons will call foryour
14 work
Fire Loss
- --
A large lot of Horse and Mule
shoeB assorted sizes
Galvanized Iron Buckets assorted
Rand galv Im Tubs ot sorted
Sisal and Manila Rope assorted
Planters and Gooso Neck Hoes
assorted sizes
R R Pioks Axe and Pick Mat
tooks aBBorted sizes
Axe Hoe and Pick Handler as
sorted sizes
Ready Mixed Paints assorted
Agate Ware
The above merchandise must be
sold ohoap for cash by
The Hawaiian Hardware Co
810 Fort Street
JWhito and Black SonrJ
In Quantities to Quit
Dump Carts furnished bi
tho day pn Hours Notioo
Offloe with J M Monsorrat Car
Wright Building Morobant 6tt
1690 41

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