OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, September 19, 1903, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1903-09-19/ed-1/seq-2/

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IBkup Buna
P 0 BOX 01
Katurad at tho Jim Offloo at Honolnla
H T as Boaona oltan tnnil
anuaomxxicn jiaszj
Per Month anywhere in the
vallan Islands CO
lor Year 6 03
Eer Ycnr pOBtpalil to Fovtljn Ooun
trlsB 8 00
Eayablo InTtwclaMy la Advance
JT J 3B3TJA Proprietor end Pub
Essldlue In Honolnla
The Advertissr ia an
paper if thoro is snob a thing
sdj whore in the land over whioh the
flag of tho United States 11 jats Ever
and anon it raises its eyes to heaven
like a dying onlf and solemnly avers
its Americanism and tho next morn
ing liuifes the Amoncan working-
man in the back in the interest of
the Japanese coolie It bays to the
public for purity in politic and
presses down with its heel upou the
men that make politics pure It
proclaims far and wide nu invitation
to the small farmer to corae and en
courages social conditions in Hawaii
that will make tho lifa of the honest
tiller of the soil intolerable On
the Fourth of July it ohouts itself
hoarse for the flag and on tho fifth
resumes a policy that will eventual
ly leave Old Glory to float over a
few wealthy plantorj a remnant of
Hawoiians that have been criifched
to earth and a seething mass of
Japanese coolies Referring to tho
meeting of the Trades and Labor
Council last evening whioh was at
tended by nearly a thousand native
and whitn eitlzano nnd voters to
voice a reasonable protect against
tho inroads of Japanese coolies It
Hawaii has a distinot intorosi in
this matter as we have among ua a
Russian walking delegate living
luxuriously at tho boot hotel and re
preaenting the American Federa
tion of Labor who saya thnt his
organization will stop the coming
of Japanoto field hands here and
oompol tho Territorial plant
ers either to employ white
men who refuse to do
plantation work or uogroop
who would visit us with the dnugnr
lil IJ -
This brings the prevailing issue to a
loonl head and shows us the kind of
provocation whioh is rouging Am
erican citizens ou tho Mainland into
ranks of self delete
This is a distinct and direct slap
in the face to overy citizen working
man in this Torriory and u warnlnR
to ony olhors that may have it iu
mind to come Tho Advertiser plain
ly chargea that ths citizen laborer i
an agitator a trouble maker n d is
uo good and endoavors to prejudice
tho public against him Tho hood
lum negroes brought down here by
tho Advrtisor crowd frcm the osap
joints of Southern cities oro used as
a means with which to discredit tho
honest and industrious oitzin work
iugrnon of the city Ia tho came
bronth tho anti American paper
lakia occasion to urgo the nocoaoity
for having more Japanese
Tho devil iu tho thicket is brought
to visw Tho Advpitiaer is working
to mako this country ono purely of
master and Errvnut Ita polio fol
lowed out will iu a vory few y ars
lead to just thnt In fact it has
alroody driven eevanty fivo per cent
of tho skilled labor of the Islands
from the country and others ere
leaving as fast as they can get awy
Continuing in the Bame manner it
will be only a question of time when
the sugar barons in their mansions
will be lords supremo and benoath
them will be their hordes of Japa
nese to do their bidding The na
tivo will have been aruBhed into a
corner and down forever Ameiioan
iem will have departed Tho Ad
vortisertho orgau of tho sugar kingB
and the Japanese coolies will have
It Eoema to ua that in the fight for
tho Americanization of tho Islands
as against Asiatics the start should
be made upon tho serpent head of
anti Americanicm the morning
Thu anti mosquito measurpo are
working woll iu many parts of tho
town A marked decrease in the vol
ume of the mosquito nuisance is
noticed by the night workers in tho
Advertiser office Formerly when
most down town lights went out the
insools ralliod in swarms about those
burning in the editorial and com
posing rooms of this paper Now
only a few stragglers come Adver
A better theory is that oven the
moequitoos have becomo disgusted
with the Advertisers political
Any person doubting the deter
mination of the citizen working man
to oppose tho onorouchment of cool
ies upon the standard lrade3 should
have baon present nl tho groat meal
ing in tho hall of the Trados and
Labor Council last evening Ia that 1
assembly we hundreds of natives
aud whiles men dulled in almost
very trndo and mechanical pursuit
Enthusiasm ran at tbo hishat point
all through but trpsciolly during
tho splondid address of Edward
Rocenburg Every timo the speakor
veutuiod encouragement to tbo oit
izsn workmen in tho present life-and-death
k Btrugglo against the
Asiatclhu applauno was tumultuous
fairly shaking the building Mr
Rosenburga address fell upou good
ground and will bear fruit The
citizen vvorkingmon nro togethor
and tboy must and will stand to
Publio attention was tecnuLy at
traotod to an imposing inoidont that
nleavjLQvqf Ar Bav The oom
8iV7 nr uiMfaaT rn mr jtMcwH 7
rn MinnfCEr tfnmn
bined tquodrons of tho United
States navy wore assembled in ordor
as tho Washington correspondent
for tho New York World puts it
to mako a holiday for President
Roosevelt his family and a few in
vited frieuds Tbo World corre
spondent says that tho bringing of
tho ships to the Presidents summer
home involved the expenditure of a
largo amount of publio money
amouoling almost to a quarter of a
million dollars and all for the pur
poses of providing a holiday for the
Proaidontthe niembora of his family
and his guests Tho World corre
spondent eajs Naval officers are
especially critical and point out that
Oyster Bay mooting resulted not
only in valuable loos of time to tbo
pqusdron which was interrupted for
one whole week iu tho summor man
euvrn but also in serious damage
to coveral of tho ship3 and smll
oraTt During tho review 2601 shots
wore fired from the six pounders
The cod of the Balutiug charge of a
oin pounder is 40 cents The Com
Honolulus population has crowd
ed tho boat houses wharves and
deck of ships in port to witness the
regatta events of today A general
holiday is being observed so that al
most everybody wan able to turn out
in the forenoon Tho band played
in tho Pacific Mail wharf
during the morning and this
aftornoon will serenade from
the deck of the tug Eleu Both
tho Myrtle and Healam boot clubs
have kept open houBB to their
friends Dancing refreshments and
the other incidentals of a jolly good
timo have been tho order Tho ao
quatic sports bpgan at 930 and will
conclude about 5 oclock Better
weather than has thus far prevailed
could not be desired
In tho six oared gig race Prince
Cupids boat was an easy victor in
21 minutes
The prettiest raceof the morning
was the senior barge won by the
Hoalanis by a distanco variously
figured from threo feet to half a
length The boats held woll to
gether from tho start though the
Healanis rouuded the buoy slightly
ahead Oq the homo run it was a
neck aud nook race Timp 1310 1 5
In tho Freshmon barge race the
Myrtl s had decidedly tbo host of il
maintaining the lead throughout
and finishing iu 1117 4 5 to tho He
lauia 1149 2 5
In the tugof war content sampans
2 and 4 won in 311
The yacht races started on timo
At noon La Paloma waa ahead in
tho Gwt class event The boata will
begin to rnturri about 2 oclock
I hereby announce that I am a
candidato for the otUuo of
at the coming election of theCouuty
of Oihu
Honolulu Sept 18 VMS 2G12
Tho Democratic Central Commit
teo hereby calls a mans meeting of
nil Democrats of OADU COUNTY
to not on a recommendation of tho
Committee to nominate a Demo
cratic tioket for Supervisors iu the
coming County Elootion Tho moot
ing will lo held in Wavnrly Hall
Hotel nnd Bathe otroets MONDAY
EVENING Sopiombar 21 1903 at
7S0 oclock
2618 2t
Vioo Ohairmau
T MWmrw nJT Tsxrirar
uoTHumi trtwwwcmwi
is often one of the most distressing after
effects of the Grip It may also be caused
by overwork worry mental strain or excesses
of almost any nature Whatever the cause
a debilitated nervous system means that the
nerves lack nutrition Feed the nerves and
life will renew its joys for you
The best nerve food and the most valuable
tonic because it both builds up the blood and
strengthens the nerves is Dr Williams Pink
Pills for Pale People Hundreds of wornout
depressed men and women have been made
strong nerved ambitious energetic and
healthful by this remedy
Araonc tho well known men of the newspaper profession U F
J Lawrence odXi Fourth Avenue Detroit Mich who for tho mist
hnon years has been at his desk overy day IIo snys
At ono ttmo I was In such n condition thnt my physlctansnld
I would huvo nervous piostratlon that would lmoto stopnows
paperMork or I would go to plccosir I persisted In doing It us I
wasdcstroylutwhatnorororeol had left Ilostllesh nnd had u
complication of nllments Mhlch unfiled skillful phjslclnUB An
associate recommended Dr Williams 1lnlc lllls for Pale People
and I gavo them n trial I cant tay that I recclodnny bonellt
from thertrst bo c hut derived vory good rosults from tho second
Thoygno mo strength and helped my shatterod nervcu so that I
could got a full nights rest
A grcnt deal of pain In the nmnll of tho bncl I nttrlhnted to a
derangement of tho kldnoys For this complaint Dr Williams
lInk Pills for Pale People worked wonders Soon nfter 1 bognn
tuklng them regularly tho pain ceased and I felt llko it now lnnn
I am groatly encourugod from tho rosults of using n few hoxos
nnd nm confident thnt tho pills will work n complcto restoration
of my former condition Vrom IXcning Xexu Detroit JJtch
Sold by all druggists or sentTpostpaidby the
Dr Williams Medicine Co Schenectady NY on
H JiKuu cents per dox d boxes 50
Woll now theres the
Yon know youll need ice yon
know ita n noossaity in hot weather
Wo bsliovo yoij are anxioua to gel
that ioe whioh will give you satis
Motion and vrod like to supply
70a Orduif frouii
m m lea k Flectrio Go
Telephone 8151 Blue Poit oeffl
Bon fion
Vim B Irwin G
WmaIswlu Irculdontds Manager
OIiuih Bpreokolo llrst Vloo Piosldent
W U JifTid Eeuoad Yioe Proaldent
H II Wbltnoy JrTrcaunrer Beoretary
inc J P08S Anaitoi
fl Ban ffmnolDo 11
White aud Blook Sour
Jin Quantities to Suit
- FOB-
Dump Oarto furniihod
tho day on Hours Notioe
Offloo with J M Mrajarrat Ca
Wright Building lierobnnt Stt
law u
Bt VT t Til T -
Fire Loss
- - -
A large lot of Horse and Uulo
ohoes nBBortod sizea
Galvanized Iron Bucltolo assorted
Band galv Im Tubs OLsortod
Sisal and Manila Bops assorted
Planters and Goose Nook Hoes
apportod oizoa
B B PickB Axo tPd Fiok Mat-
tocho assorted oizoa
Axe II oe and Fiok Ilondler as
sorted sizes
Bocdy Mixed Faints assorted
Agato Ware
The abovo morohandise must be
sold ohoop for cash by
Vm WmM WMun Go
816 Fort Street
From Silo
ill Waj
Telegrams oan noT7 be sent
from Honolulu to any place
on the lelnndo of Hawaii
Maui Lanni and Holokai by
CALL UF MAIN131 Thats tho
Honolulu Office Time saved money
saved Minimum charge 2 pel
iron SAiiii
Lilihn Street near King Only small
oash payment roeeived Apply to
m Merchant Stree

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