OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, November 08, 1904, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1904-11-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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Baldwin Locomotive Wobks Par
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fv Newell Universal Mill Co
Manufacturers of National Cane
Shredder New York N Y
Pabawinb Paint Company Sam
Fbakoisoo Oat
Ohlandt and Company San
oigoo Oal
Pacific Oil Tbanspobtation Co
San Fbanoisoo Oal
Oceanic Steamship Compy
Tho Fino Passenger Stoomon of Thin Line Will ArriTO and Leave
Thu Port as Horounder
In oonneotion with tlio sailing of the above iteamorc the Agents are
prepared to iaauo to intending pasoongero ooupon through tiokets by any
milrond from San Francisco to all points in the United States and from
New York by any steamship line to all European ports
For further particulars apply to
Gr Irwin Go
3 eneral Agents Oceanic S S Company i
fp m g a p I
LlOT1 Merchandise
30tf5i3SI03tfr SiEEIQiSSaTTS
Sdoab Refining
Feanoisoo Oal
Oo Sam
Lonta for LloydB
Caiiatliau Australinn Stoamship Line
British Foreign Marine Insurance Co
Northern ABBurance Oo Fm and Life
Canadian Pacific Railway Co
Fionofir Lirtfl of Packets from Liverpool
lis SpracMs So
San Franeuco Agents THE NEVADANJZ
BBitr Bxonisai ok
All JTBAHOIBOO The Hevsds Nntton
Bonk ol Bon Francisco
tOHDON The Union of London BmlthB
Bunk Lid
tUlW YOUK AmericEU jJsahania Hf
tlonnl Bank
CHICAGO Corn Kichage National Bank
IABIB Credit Lyonnais
11KBLIN DresdnerBant
Kong ScBbanghalBRnklnaCorpoiAtlon
Benka of New Zealand and AaetralRia
of Britten Worth Aiaerlox
transact Qiniral Banking and Xtta o
fDepoiUuBeoeWed Loans made on A
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Principles Adopted For The
Party To Stand On In
Adopted in Territorial Convention on
Monday August 22 1904
Reaffirm Allegiance to Democracy
Wc the Democratic Party of the
Territory of Hawaii in convention
assembled do reaffirm our alleg
iance to the Democracy of the Main
land and to the fundamental prin
ciples upon which the Democratic
party was founded and which have
been consistently emphasized by
that party ever since
Pledged to Mainland Principles
We pledge our hearty support to
the platform of principles adopted
by the St Louis Convention and to
the National standard bearers of
the party in the coming campaign
Judge Alton B Parker and Henry I
j Davis
Centralization of Power
In dealing with Territorial mat
ters we first and foremost enter our
protest against the qentralization of
power in the Executive branch of
the Territorial government and the
means adopted to secure that end
The executive is an appointive one
in this Territory and not responsi
ble to the electorate and is already
clothed with inordinate powers un
der the Organic Act
Exaction of Resignations
Not content with this however
it seeks to own and control the Leg
islature dominating the primaries
with office holders and henchmen
for that purpose Though profess
ing a desire for clean government
it has by the exaction of undated
resignations from the heads of all
The refusing of government em
ployment to the citizens and tax
payers of the Territory unless they
sign a pledge of fealty to the Re
publican Party
The forced levies of assessments
from office holders for political pur
poses creating fear of dismissal
from office for supposed disloyalty
to the Executive and its henchmen
Hunting down and defeating Re
publican candidates for office whose
independence might be a bar to the
consummation of its ambitions
Established graft and machine
methods never before attempted in
the history of these Islands
All of which we maintain is c
eulated to undermine political inde
pendence and the right to open
ticism so necessary to maintain
honest government
Control of Legislation
We charge that the manifest de
sire of the Executive Department
of the Territorial government to
dominate the Legislature is particu
larly unfortunate as it means be
fore long the elimination of that
body of intelligent independent and
fair minded legislators who have
always been found in the legisla
tive assemblies of these Islands in
the past and who have done so
much to preserve good government
and the balance of power between
1 taSXConfinueiJ tit 4lh jjo70
Red Hot Sbot From One 01
Democracys Strongest
Delivered at tho Orphoum Saturday
evening October 22 1904
Fcllaiu Citizens I am not an Auto
crat I am a Democrat I have identi
fied myself with what I consdcr to be
the peoples party the Democratic party
a party that embraces all classes of so
ciety and believes in the doctrine of tin
supreme power of the government being
exercised directly by the nconlc and
not by any particular class or individual
1 Ins doctrine derives its origin from
thc Declaration of Independence where
in it is enunciated
Wc hold these truths to be self-evident
that all men arc created equal
that they arc endowed by their Creator
with certain inalienable rights that
among these arc life liberty and the
pursuit of happiness That to secure
these rights govcrnmcntsi are instituted
among men derivins their iust Powers
from the consent of the governed that
Mlicncver any torm of government be
comes destructive to tltese ends it is the
right of the people to alter or abolish it
and to institute a new government lay
ing its foundations on such principles
and organizing its powers in such form
as to them shall seem most likely to
effect their safety and happiness
Hence we see that the form of gov
ernment conceived by the sturdy chai
acters whose genius brought into being
the great American Commonwealth was
based upon the principle of common
consent The medium through which
this consent is expressed today is tin
ballot box This box is the peoples
law gicr It is as much the expression
of the will of God as that of man lor
Gods hand has been displayed in no un
certain manner in the affairs of our
great nation during all its past history
It controls the destiny of the American
government and of the American peo
pic British statesmen like OConncll
Grote Macauley Cobden and Gladstone
championed the cause of the ballot box
in England until finally in 1872 Glad
stone secured the full introduction of
the suffrage This is the instrument by
which the supreme power of the govern
ment is exercised directlv by the people
and the people should guard and cherish
this sacred right as jealously as the gov
ernment does the specie in the vaults
of the national Treasury
A man who barters his vote is not fit
for American citizenship It matters
not whether the commodity received in
exchange for the vote is money or offi
cial position it is barter and it is brib
ery and it is a crime against liberty
and against conscience and against one
of the grandest institutions of the Re
public and it is a direct attack upon
one of tlie leading forces in the van
guard of civilization
I need only cite the law on elections
from the Penal Code of this Territory
n support of these assertions
Par 1491 The following persons
shall lie deemed guilty of an election
Section i Every person who shall
directly or indirectly personally or
through another give procure or lend
or agree or offer to give procure or
lend or who shall endeavor to procure
any money or office or place of employ
ment of valuable consideration to or for
any elector or to or for any person for
an elector or to or for any person in
order to induce any elector to vote or
refrain from voting or to vote or re
frain from voting for any particular
person or party or who shall do any
such act on account of any person hav
ing voted or refrained from voting for
any particular person at any election
Section Every elector who shall
before during or after any election di
rectly or indirectly personally or
through another receive agree or con
tract for any money gift loan or valu
able consideration office place or em
ployment for himself or any other per
son for voting or agreeing to vote or
for refraining to vote or agreeing to re
frain from voting or for voting or re
raining to vote for any particular per
son or party
Section 6 Every person who shall
directly or indirectly personally or
through another make use of or threat
en to make use of any force violence
or restraint or inflict or threaten to in
flict any injury damage or loss in any
manner or in any way practice intimi
dation upon or against any person in
order to nidi e or compel such person
to vote or r friin from voting or to
vote or refr ii irmn voting for any par
ticular pertinn rr part at any election
or on account uf such person having
voted or n trained from voting or vpted
or refrained from voting for any par-
lticular person or party or who shall lv
No 2964
abduction distress or any device or con
trivance impede prevent or otherwise
interfere with the free exercise of the
elective franchise
Deprive the people of the libera
exercise of the suffrage and
they will have the sword
tamper with the franchise of the indi
vidual and suppress the popular will
and it will seek relief in open violence
It is therefore highly essential that
the department of the government com-
missioned with tile grave duty of en-
forcing the laws for the protection of
Civil riirlltS PSnprilllv time irnvnnim
elections already cited should be en-
jr v nun ijuiuiiu uiub jn urucr
to insure fair and impartial treatment of
the rights of the parties at issue in the
present campaign and to prevent any
outrage of the ballot box at the com T
ing election
Lord Chief Justice Holt of England 4
thug expresses his sentiments on theJ
suffrage Let the people vote fairly
Interference with a mans vote is fnv J
behalf of this or the other party If
such cases come before me to be tried
I shall charge the jury to make the of
fender pay well for it
My fellow citizens I charge you to
permit no unlawful influence and no dis
honorable inducement to stand between
you and vour honest convictions oh
election day Dont stifle your manhood
by allowing yourself to be browbeaten
into subservience to political principles
which arc repugnant to your best judg
ment and don be a party to making
any man a custodian of public interests
to whom yoifwould never think of com
nvltmg evcntlic smallest of your own
private interests Dont do it Vpte
for the man of your choice and favor
ins election solely on the grounds of his 4
personal merits and the merits of his
party platform Dont put men in power
who will stigmatize themselves their
party and the Legislature as well E
tell you candidly that I purpose asking
no man to give me his vote unless he
feels morally certain thatl will not be
tray the trust he thereby reposes in me
1m Ia a jl i
mi imuui uua i sanctuary mar neeas
to be1 cleansed it has been degraded in
the past to tiie low level of the political
spoilsman and it remains for the men
of moral courage in this community
men wiio are neither the advocates nojr
the tools of party servility to elevate
and dignify it at the coming election
One of the factors that contributes
largely to the selection of sound timber
for legislative bodies is education and
I am proud to stand upon a platform
that advocates the extension of the
nilblic SChnnl SVCtpm en ne in utrikm rf
comprehensive course of manual aridt
agricultural training and an elementaryVVj
v ivu vjuvcriinieni inus m A
Stillillcr into tlir vntitli nf flic TrriirU
the principles of industry and good
i wind uit mime wcuarcvfl
of this Territory so much depends f
An Associated Press cablegram to thev
Pacific Commercial Advertiser pub
lished in its issue of October 2i 1904
reads as follows
Lake Mohonk Oct 2istHawaii
was the text of several addresses at the
Indian conference yesterday Gorham p
of Hawaii said that tlfe extension of
the suffrage to the native people was a
great error Recent legislatiye acts of
telligence and morals 5
Now I consider this an unqualified L
slmiflpi nf ihi Hnu niifin nannl Tt S d Ji
direct affront to every man in this Ter Mjft
rlni li 1Mn f TT t tf
iv mm a uiul Ul Xliiwauuil uiona ii
in his veins If I were a Hawaiian I j
WOll 1 lint tppl lk p rnl lllrr nnnn In it
pie of my race for n vpte of thanks to
this trpntlpninii wlin Ima en frlr QtiH 1
---- v J
so puunciy traduced their character
Just as though this community had
never known such excellent Hawaiians
as Henry Smith Mark Robinson John 1
iiiui svurmiain rernanuez rainier tr
Woods Jas F Woods A N Kepoikai 1
jioen r low j a low Lurtis r y
and a host of others whose intelligence
integrity and moral worth are unques
late in their ranks an earnest desire for
the very best representation in the legis
lativc chambers of this Territory Let
them select their best talent at the
caucus and by so doiiur disbar the
less set who after the close of the sev
sion have to be investigated by a S
Grand Jury You cannot afford to
allow the reputation of your race to be
compromised by the deportment of ut
terly irresponsible men Remember you
are on trial and one of the complaining
witnesses has charged you with having
the franchise unlawfully in possession
TllQ Democratic partv Is anxious to be
jour advocate and all it asks as a re
tainer fee is a vote of confidence at the
coming election Will you give it iQ
I am not here to cxtoll the virtues ofM
the Hawaiians nor to capture theirm
votes with a flattering tongue but I am x
here to protest against charges which
are manifestly unfair to them It has
been unfoitunate for the Hawaiians that
their eHucation in Civil Government has
bien left hitherto to the tender mercies
o the pulitical desperado with the re
i it that an elemint which is in no wise
c 1 iieu to represent tue race has been
t iMtated into the Legislature through
tte medium of the suborned and rowdy
c metis Then why censure the race for
t le deeds of the few when in our own
Continued to Jih vwn

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