OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, August 05, 1905, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1905-08-05/ed-1/seq-2/

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IJBsccpV UuudT
BaMredal tho Cot
Oino l ilonoluli
Doootid elMi wall
1 wv
ih0 U
Month anywhere 00
let Year inroiim Oon
ForoiRn w u
itt Yaar postpaid to g QQ
ifrWIaTrUblyla Ayiw
and Tab
Koldlus In Xlonoinla
Thb iNDtrENDKNT 1 decidedly and
eraphatlqally against tho proposi
tioo inado publlo by T H Glbion
superintendent of Ike Boys Indus
trial Sobool at Walalee formerly
batter known as the neformatory
Sobool tbat the proposed borne and
sobool for tbe non leprous eous of
leprous psreols for wblob purpose
an appropriation was made by the
last Legislature be established acd
sid a part of that institution It
was not nor was it erer tbe inten
tian of bo Legislature that audi
a home be established at a part of
tbo reformatory Institution for the
loojrlgible youths of tbo country
N n leprous boys oan not be treated
as incorriglbler but more an un
colvlng Station Wo bellevo tbo
introduoer to be uono other than
Ropreeontotlvo W J Ooolho and he
nover for ono moment thought or
intended to see tbat homo put up at
or near tbo prusout alto or in tbe
vicinity ot the Reformatory Sobool
down oouutry at Waialeu He nover
for o momont dioamt that tbqso un
fortunate boys should bo treated as
lu asking for a horn it was tho
intention if we mistake not that Its
maintonanco should recolvo tbo
some atlontiou from tho Board of
Health as the presont borne for tho
daughtora of like unforlunato par
out Tblaquiation nevor entered
into its consideration it being deem
ed that tho appropriations for the
Board Rare amply auQlsleut tor all
its noods other than for the building
and ila furnishings Itwaamver
Inlundod that It should oomo under
the Educational branch aa tbo Item
is placed under Healthaud with tbo
Intention that It bo placed urd r
tlm earo and control of either tho
Roman Oatholiu brothers or sialeis
But now comoa a proposition
wblob has boon couduotod in a rub
rosa and eurroptitlous manner by
tho Executive to tnorge it as an od
junot to tho Reformatory And we
Bay that it should not bo Should
it booomo a faot it would then opon
up an aveuuo of dangor and on tbo
question of health alone tbo two
should not form ono but mutt be
treated separate and apart
Although the proposition may bo
advantageous to tbo Qovsrament
suob edvatago should not be taken
Into consideration In our opinion
the pooplo should outer thoir most
solemn protest against attempting
to mix tbo clean and healthy but
tnoorrigibles nQvertbelesstvlth those
of their pwn kind who are ostensibly
clean and healthy but with a
elbllity of being unhealthy and may
be tainted and contaminated and
who will always be deemed auch and
will not be oven able to live down
their former unfortunate position
in llfo
Tbe most surprising atatomenj Is
that made by Mr Gibson tbsthere
is uot muoli odium attached to a
boy from this school especially
among Hanallans and If those boys
from Molokal came here they would
lose tho atlgma that would oing to
them as lepers U they wer hrruuht
up in a separate sobool V chl
leoge this statement andVaim ihat
it Is not true Mr Gibsou might as
I well have said tbat because tbt y aie
uative there would not be much
odium atlaohed to thorn for what
furtunates being brought into being cares ho or vthey as to what becatpA
wliito one or bob parents were of them as thoy have no future
a our gad fore tbem There may not bo muuh
odium but tbe stigma will be there
During tho - Legiilaturo and a tho same and remain with them
at tho timo tlu ilom for tbo pro aj tur0Ugij nfo
poed home was offered the
tivo being in the House it was tho Batter to keep the two instllutKus
Intention of the introducer that it separate and apart from cue another
should be established at or neor the than to inergV tU ioiuimlr
Kapi lsni bome at tbe Kalihi Re- one head It would bo more
factory iq tho end and tho oountry
bo bettor aervod in tbe long run
Buroly that would bo far bettor
than to open up a now souroo of
danger by endangering others for
tho mero bqUo of making somo mean
ly show nt being ooonomioat Pro
ventiou la better than euro and a
stitob in limnVsvos nine
Becaltso Honolulu lacked tbe ma
terlal a man had to bo aent for to
roturn and hold ollloe asAssistaot
County Attorney Isnt this a rlah
Republican nay of doing politics
Even tbo most partisan of Ropub
llcaua are congratulating the ataud
laKen by Democrat Trout and they
ato pleased that tho County Is for
tunate in having him bb treasurer
Yra suroly an honest man Is ono
of Qoda noblest works but politic
ians think othorwiio
If Supervisor Jaok Lucas Is oor
rnctly reported as having said that
Tmnl alinilM tin Yn nlmiM in nttnnrt 1
to hia butlneaa as bo was uloclod to
office as well as thoy were tbon bo
knows for ouor whore and how bn
stands This from Jack wo con
eider qulto a oompllmout but lie
saysono thing one timo pud votes
tbe otherway at another time
The faot remaiua that Trent ap
parently board ot t for he did get
tho August warrant without
any discount whatever so that the
county of Oahu gefi the face value
for tts allowaaco for the month from
tho Territory Advertiser
The above frora a looal artlole u
not oorraetm j Trent did not ejet the
August warrant oashedaa ho hai
not yet received its but be has
ranged to cash Itat par
ItWas nover expected that Smith
as obatrmtln would play fair and do
buslnoss ih a businesslike manner
for tho publio Ha probably thioks
that ho is still in tbe former 1G
advisory oouooil and working oulhri
rubit in poIioyUof those timef
and that everybody who are not In
with them are oot as gooii as they
are and that they are the onlyones
r V f
who arereal good and true BXi
v M
How is the followlog fromftbls
mornings Advertiser for apinoa of
iJiiaeionary rot whloh baa ben
i - i
and Is the usual tblpgw v
if ij
I advised President Roorovelt
said Governor Carter alter bis con
rrcP9 to accept my resignation
bat hu denlined to take my adviae
On lhM pontrary be advised ma to
withdraw my resignation and I de
cided to lake his advice That is tho
whole story In a nutshell
Tresiuror Tront informsus that
uiiif u yuuuK wuiiihu uirrn iinr 111 10 uiem
YVorrrea jjaB
4 Bofnesl j
Or Wliiiam Pink Pills for Ple Peonle sre Pnr
ale by all druddists or will be sentDortoaldi
on receipt of price 5o cents per box six boxes
25o by trie DrYilliams Medicine Company
Busineslmern often
express thesopimonitht
xnere is onenmnrJtYrhicn
will prcventwomenrfrom
completely Fillind mans
T -
- piatekini tnc lousiness
l Iworld thevcantibeftie
Ik IDCtldcdliUDoni bccuehpTil
WP ftirU tftft APton lla rA4hWm Ml
w mw vowm fc o bi buiniiioMiy
Yvuumn are conipeiieav to siaoKforwrauo times
yyiiku xncy are unaDie totcnatoisociainor
i uubivju i ntii appcaranteiftpiainuyi in
dicates their condltlonand they re reluctant
to be 6eenevcn by their fricndJRed Uht
businesswoman says to such sufferers
Mrs a W Mnruflpld M Farrnr Htroot Dotrolt Mich larit Sv
A complication or foinala nllmonu kapt ma awake ntghti anal
rroru mo out l could cot uo relief from inuUlclne nnd hop wa flip
Clujrnwny from mo A roan lady In ray oruptoy cava rue a box or
rVllllama 1lak lllla for 1ule 1aople I took thorn nod ti aula
luroitnvuiguwur uieuriumo in inonia i oouffiu more na titer
cured ino aa limy nlnoeurod lorerAl other lxople to nir knowledge I
If you tiouldnik any of lliodriurliln or Detroit wuo r
yonnif women Tbeio pllle certnlnly build up tlie tiervoui eyitein and
AinljinlnpM womntil am nlMd to recommend them aether did
ror mo tlinn nny filiyelolnn mid I ran elvo Dr Wllilama lluk
Piore for Ill 1 0 loopto credit for my general good health to day
vJtimntLTauy nv uur hcyt uooh ilain TAurai
to Y7omtN6cnT j rcc to any aaarcaa on requertjr7
Johnson garbage warrant was pre
routed him for paymeut What kind
of a man la this Smith anyway T It
seams that he Adoma Lucas and
Ooz uontilrnd to forco Trent to pay
but thny oountod without tho Trcas
uierwlio held the trump by prompt
ly refusing thnlr demand They are
a lunny lot of busiuoes men
Vo are informed tbat Chairman
South made a Blalomouttbat they
v meaning the Board of Supervisors
wanted Treasurer Trent to go out
and pay the laborers at their places
of employment but bo would uot
uousent We happened to be prrs
ent at the moating at which Mr
LAdams said tbat Mr Trent was an
outsider and did not bear any suob
suggestion fronifeilbor Smith Adams
or the Board We did hear Trent
make the proposition to pay the
men directly but tho politicians
would not boar of It mid promptly
turned him down Surely politics
wilt come nook to rooet soma Aimer
aod now tbat time is upon them all
it nnco and mush sooner than ex-
onus BrasoBXiM wm a ibwih
15X3 SpcMs Go
Jan rranoiaco Jgcnti riU NEVADAN
AH FltAHOIBOO The Nevada Nation
lUnk o Ban Franolsoo
fOHDONThe Union otXndon8mIths
Bank Ltd
inV VtK 4me loci i50iauii V
tlonal Bank
OHIO AOO Corn HzohaRe National Bank
ll ilttt nvAllf fvnnnAli
3 had a ta k w lb OhalrmauTSmlth rjiiiMii DreadnerBank
rnUtlvH to Ihoio bUket warrants iconirUbantdialDauliluRCorporaUon
that ha Would Eanka of Hew Zealand innd AnatralRla
and MiHf hn tnlil him vitlOJJA AND VANOOUVBK Bank
uot pay them If presented M r BrStlshHorthAniarlea
Smith then told MrTrent that ho r m
would see that thoy were pot and flwwa Banhlng Ctoa f
tbot individual warranto would be JSutlmu
rjepoiUa UccelveU Ioatia made on Approved
6ulv last Tuea Hecurlly Commercial and iravelkra Credrt
maiift OUl Tina was vui met ucn jwutd jjm o jjxclinuge bought and fcold
day anl boKre be htiY of ii and rjolleoUon Promptly llftocountad JPor
Without uoliue tho uow uotqd Sam Q27
A Fernandez Son
Impoitets and Dealer n
Agricnltnral Implements
Hardware Cutlery Stoves Leather
Skins Shoe Fludjngs Fish Hots
Lluen and Cotton Twine Rope
Stool and Galvanized Wirn Cloth
Poultry Notttug Rubber Hose
Paints Oils Colors Vamlsbes
Brushes and Geuoral Merchan
Agents For The -
of Liverpool EuglandJ
v of Loudon England
iMATinMAr iMiiiniJAMnpnn
of Edinburgh Sootland
of PhllatMphia
Call and iuspoat tho beautiful and
useful display of noods for pres
ents or for poraonal use and adorn fc
Lex Bulldluy SO Forb Strom
44lto 60
B JtiMa Nacton toi Smith Sts
Telopheno Main 189

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