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$ ' r M -- yT ?- f Tl ifTHE HONOLULU REPUBLICAN. VOLUME T NO. 27 HONOLULU, H. TL, SATIJEDAX, JULY 14, 190O PRICE JIVE CENTS 1 IR11L CASE III SUPREME COURT. Legacy of the Republic Bobs Up Serenely Again. " OE BOLT PRESENTS STRONG BRIEF. UTBSNUIaXROUS AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF HIS CONTENTION. t ;ijtiMiVionftl Questions which tha Right of Every Git- Ar Involved in the Case at Bar. The ewe of the Territory of Hawaii Wltttain 11. Marshall occHplod the att?ntkm of the Supreme Court afttrnooe. J. A. Magoon sitting ; Justice ia pJa of JneUce Perry, en i jut to California 1m mrch of health. The original title of the action was he RepHtolic of Hawaii vs. William 11 Marshall. It is one of those unfortunate legacies left by the Republic to Territory! and bristles with constitutional questions, involving the liberties of a citizen of the United States, denied a trial by Jury in tho lower ojurt and convicted of criminal libel iy nlao Jurors, not American citlzons. The case came berore the Supreme t ourt on exceptions. fhe greater part of the afternoon was oceuftietl in hearing the presentation of the defaHdanfe side of the case U Attorney JrT. De Bolt. Mr. De i,olt made an exhaustive argument. He 3 onounced -the decision rendered by j now Chief Justice of the Territory in the Marshall writ of habeas corpus a- erroaeous and contrary to all by learned American Jurists l taring on the case. In the voluminous brief filed in the i as by the dofondant's attorney the contention is set fdftn and supported "by an array of legal authorities that the- statute of the monarchy or Republic of Hawaii in dividing libel into two degrees and then failing to define the degrees, was nud is thereby ren dered Incomplete, inoperative and void, and that in attempting to delegate the j power of defining the degrees thereof j to the Magistrate, tourt or jury, it was (nd is thereby rendered unconstitu tional, such powerboing legislative an J not judicial. ""- The opinion of the then Justice Frenr i attnekod. Only one authority was quoted by the Justice, and this th-brief contends has no bearing whatever on the case. In discussing trial by jury tho brief j says that It Is a venorablo institution, jxH'uliar to the Anglo-Saxon nice, and -.sands as a bulwark shielding life, liberty and property from the tyrannical forces of mankind. The term. Jury, in the sense now v.ndeiv consideration, means twelve . ompotent men, disinterested and Any other number would not i.e a Jury. And that a verdict could only be rendered by tho uuaniuionb .iKwmettl of those twelve men is es tvgcntial and as niuch a part of the Juiy system as that a Jury must be tuulposod of twelve men. Such was th' iry system in England aud her Amerl-i-au colonies prior to aud at the time t f the adoption of the Constitution of lwe Unitod States. It, therefore, follows thai the Jury mentioned .md Mntomplatod in the Constitution of tlsSIjnlted States was and is a jury if twehv men. who could and can only, rentier a verdict by unanimous agreement. "S) The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and under it Congress has full and complote legislative authority over tho people of tho Territories. Whatever the legUlativo powers of a State may be upon the question now under consideration, it is without doubt that Territorial legislative enactments must not be Inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of tho United States. The right of trial by a jury and a verdict by unanimous agreement cannot be denied. By the annexation of the Renubllc of Hawaii by joint reso lution of Congress July 7. 1S9S, to the United States, tho same became an integral part thereof and a Territory m contemplation of tho law, and all ex- i Istinc municipal legislation ot the Hi- wallan Islands inconsistent with the loint resolution and the Constitution f ti,n rniied States was thereby re- r.:r :..; ceased to !,, the force i of law. The Constitution of the laUCl States, upon Joint resolution oeicg signed by the President and thereby becoming a law, extended to and covered the Hawaiian Island; and. when ou the 12th day of August, 1S9S, the President, through his special agent, took formal possession of the Islands and raised the United States flag over the Executive building, and required nil Government officials to take an oath to support the Constitution, how. then, can the contention of the defendant be doubtedo r questioned? Surely, these proceedings and the resolution were not idle aud mere valueless, If theConstltutfoa of the United States did not extend to these Island. Ihe brief claims, how, then; could any municipal legislation of the Hawaiian Islands be Inconsistent therewith ia a legal sense, such as was intended by Congress? The statute of these Islands, authorizing nine of a jury to agree upoa a verdict and to render the same, was la-consistent with the Constitution of the United States, and therefore was repealed by the Jotat resolution of Congress of July 7, 1S9S, annexing the He-public of Hawaii. The Caress of the United States j has Its existence and can exercise no ' powers, except by virtue of the Constitution. Wherever Congress srfks to . legislate for what wa theretofore for- eign territory the Constitution ma' precede or at least accompany such I legislative act. The Constitution is the ; very life of Congress. . The decision rendered by Jndze , Lochren in the United States Circuit Court at Minneapolis, supported by 1 numerous authorities therein cited and i bearing directly on this case, is made I pert of the brief. ; W. O. appeared for the i Jodd estate, asked ton days in whleh to Hie a brier. j. A HOST RASH WAGER Made by a Tailor, Not of Tooley, But of Fort Street. A Democratic tailor on Port street has made a moat rash bet It is so seldom that the sporting fraternity of Honolulu, whether it be borsemon Democratic tailors or those who draw to a bob-tail flush, depart from a sure-thing line of policy, that this wager of the Democratic tailor is worthy of being heralded to Ililo and the rest of the world. The bet is this;, if MeKinlfy ia elected the tailor furnishes a Miit of clothes to the backer of if Bryan is olected the McKinleyiU pays for two suits of clothes and eontinuos to wear those which he now possesses. the repiibugjui committee. rr VnUj 2IEET NEXT MONDAY TO ELECT OFFICERS. Uvoly Times Anticipated In Selection of Leaders for CominGT Campaign. There promises to bo lively times at the meeting of the Eupublican Territorial Central Committee next Mondny eveniug. Tho promised entertainment will bo in the solcctiou of permanent oillcers, who will hnve much to say in the management of the coming political campaign. George W. Smith is prominently mentioned for permanent chairman of tho committee. There is some talk about tho Native Hawaiian members of tho Committee putting up one of their number to contest tho honor with Mr. Smith. The Hawaiian however, are divided in their preference and a number of them will support Mr. Smith. Holsteiu of Kohala is an avowed Smith man. E. R. Hendry is said to have the call for permanent secretary. His friends say that he is tho mau for tho place; a gentleman of experience, capability and erwit pnenrv. a?, in ihe case of Mr. Smith there rs onie opposition tt Hendry. The. TYfibads of W. II. Farrington have been urgiug nun to mnso tue run against Hendry. It is understood, however, tbnt he is adverse to make the run. h GHAHGE OF FLAGS WILL SOON BE MADE. Thu Collector of Customs will soon begin tin registry of the inter-island vessels. As soon as tho proper blanks are received from Washington the work will commence. All tho vessels except the new Wilder Co's steamer, Kaiulani, will be given American registry and tho Captains will have to become American citizcus, if thoy wish to continue in command of their vessels. The Kaiulani was nover given Hawaiian regis try and so will be unaffected by the change. All of the captains mjtwth companies, aud most of tbo olQcers. are elegible to citizenship. The fuct that ' pome of them are not navigators will not affect their gttmdiug as the navigation laws have been specially to fit tuo conditions existing in Undo Sams now possessions and Alaska. I THERE WAS MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. The Principals in the Assault and Battery Caso Make Things Hum in PoUco Court. One would have been led to believe he had run into a natural gas company's meeting had he happened into Judge Wilcox's court yesterday morning during the trial of Griflln for assault and battery on Harvey LeRoy. The defendant was his own attorney. He wan helped out by the Jodge several times when ho got stuck on questions. After he began his examination, ot the proseculiiiK the fun began. Question werp a,ked entirely ; foreign to tuo case at oar, oui wv uuun iuw how things were going and entered into il.n . .! b2 AS? 4 I.A kk f lit tAHlAHf i . . ! "t?fi'1""i,""5r.,""V,t!","J 1H" "?? ?Buwa auu ,r marw of mvism that were anpareiitly ,,, , ;nfm mrtiu The 4Vk JJ IUV nuiv whole ;?eone loading up to the fight in which Grililn battered JLeRoy was gone over. The defendant nagging at the witness and the witness getting back. They got so interested in tbeir dispute that only the restraining presence t the Court kept them from renewing hostilities. The spectators snickered, some of them laughed out loud and oilieer Haurahan was so wrapped up in the case that he forgot to pound on his desk and point his linger in. Greco-Koman attitude at the disturbers of the court's dignity. Everybody enjoyed the show. When tho case had lasted about &a hour his honor reminded the defendant that life was short, and iuae was fleeting, The defendant didn't seem to have anything to spend but time aud was prodigal with it After heariag both sides of the assault and battery case and all about a robbery and aaother case ia which th two men were mixed up, it -didn't take Wshoiwrloag to separate the wheat from thechajf, and be fined the etdat f99 d costs; advising Ma to purchase a boftl of Hanraiaas "Get Onto Yoarself aad to go ad in no more. Defendant in a tragM voice gave notice of appeal and the nest case was celled. :CIMMTi BOSOM DEPARTMENT. I Containing Extracts of ! the Late Organic i Act. i .,..... , BOARDING RULES FOB YESStLS. THE REGULATIONS TO TAKE EFFECT OX THE THTRD INSTANT. The S,ulo Under United States law is Very Strict and a Heavy Penalty Provided for Those Breaking- it. The following circular from the Treasury Department regarding the boarding of vessels has lately been received at the Custom House here: Treasury Department, " Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C., June IS. 1900. To Collectors of Customs and Othere: The attention of collectors of cus toms, other officers of the department, masters of vessels and others is invited to the following provisions of the act approved March 31, 1900, entitled "An act concerning the boarding of vessels:" "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury" is hereuy authorized and directed to-prescribe from time to time and enforce regulations governing the boarding of vessels arriving at the seaports of the United States, before such vessels have been properly inspectedjand placed in security, and for that purpose to employ any of the officers of that department. "Sec. 2. That each person-violating such regulations shall be subject to a penalty of not more than one hundred dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both, in the discretion of the court. "SeCjJl. That this act shall be supplementary to Section 9 of Chapter 374 of the Statutes of 1SS2, and Section 4C06 of the Revised Statutes. . "Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect thirty days after its passage." The provision5jOectioniS, of Charter 374, of Xhirstitatcsof August 2,82, which relate only to vessels whereon emigrant passengers, or passengers other than cabin passengers have been taken at any port or place in a foreign country or dominion tports or places in foreign territory contiguous to the United States excepted) are as follows: "It shall not be lawful for the master of any such steamship or other vessel, not in distress, after the arrival of the vessel within any collection district of the United States, to allow any or persons, except a pilot, officer of the customs, or health officer, agents ot the vessel, and consuls, to come on board of the vessel, or to leave the vessel, until the vessel has been taken in charge by an officer of the customs, nor, after charge so taken, without leave of such officer, until all the passengers, with their baggage, have been duly landed from the vessel; . For a violation of either of the-provisions of this section, or for permitting or neglecting to prevent a violation thereof, the master of the vessel shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars.." The provisions of Section 4C0G of the Revised Statutes are as follow:s: "Ever' person who, not being In the United States service, and not being duly authorized by law for the purpose, goes on board any vessel about to arrive at the place of her destination, before her actual arrival, and before she has been completely moored, without permission of the master, shall, for every such offense, be punishable by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars, and by imprisonment "for not more than six months; and the master of such vessel may take any such person so going on board into eustody. and deliver him up forthwith to any constable or police officer, to be by him taken before any justice of the peace, to be dealt with according to the provisions of this title." Pursuant to the act ot March 31, 1900. the following regulations for the boarding of vessels are prescribed, and will be enforced by the officers ot tho department: 1. These regulations shall not apply to a passenger steamship of a regular line, but they shall apply to any other merchant vessel arriving from a foreign port or from a portln another great district (except from a port.Jc an adjoining State) or from Porto Rice or Hawaii. 2. It shall not be lawful for any person, with or without the consent of the master, except a pilot, officer of tha customs, health officer, agent of tho vessel, or ceasuL to go on board of a vessel aotJjiijiFess, arriving at any seaport ofiSfferlted States, until the Saroeea -properly Inspected "by the trustees and quarantine officers, and placed in security by being brought to the dock or anchored at the point at which cargo is to be taken or discharged. 3. It shall not be lawful for the master of any vessel, notln distress, arriving at aay seaporjt of the United States, to allow any persoa or persoas, except a pilot, officer of the customs, health t officer, ageet o the vessel, or consul, except as provided la regulation 5, to go on heard ot the vessel, until the vessel has bea properly iasgected by the caa&uas aad quaractise oSScers. aad placed in seearity hy being brought to the dock or anchored at the point at which cargsls to be taken, or discharged. The keeper,- runner, or any agent of a sailors boarding- hoese, or I any parson, soliciting seamen for any J , purpose, shall not in any case be al- ; I lowed to beard any vessel until such i ': dock or anchorage has been reached. I ' 4. It shail not be lawful for any ?e?- 5 son in charge of a tugboat, rowboat, or f 1 other vessel to come alongside and put i ! anv nerson. exceot as authorized br law I 1 or regulations, on beard an incoming ! vessel heretofore described. i 5. The collector, or otter chief officer of the customs, where there Is no I collector, upon application by the own- j i er or agent of a vessel, is authorized to issue permits in special cases and on satisfactory grounds to persons, other than those above specified, to board j such vessel, subject to the master's consent, after it has been properly in spected by customs and quarantine offiecrs, and before It has been placed In security, as above provided. In case of emergency, permits to board a vessel before It has been inspected may ba Issued; but any person to whom such permit may be granted shall be subject to customs and quarantine regulations. In the C3se of vessels provided for by the act of 1SS2, above quoted, permits shall be issued subject to the limitations provided ia Section 9 of that act. A permit shall not in any case be issued to the keeper, runner, or any agent of a sailors boarding house or to any person soliciting seamen for .any purpose. 6. Upon boarding a vessel for customs or quarantine inspection officers of the department will furnish a copy of these regulations to the master. Copies of the regulations may also be furnished to pilots and masters of tugboats with the request that thoy be supplied to the masters of Incoming vessels in their charge. 7. Boarding or other officers of the customs, officers of tho Marine Hospital Service, and other officers of the department boarding an incoming vessel shall also ascertain whether any has boarded the vessel in violation of law. and if so shall roport the facts to the principal officer of the customs at the port. S. The Revenue Cutter Service is specially charged with the enforcement of these regulations, but any officer cf the department shall report to the principal officer of the customs any violation of the regulations which may come to his knowledge. 9. The principal officer of the customs shall report the facts to the United States Attorney and also to the department. 10. The principal officer of the customs, or the officer commanding a cutter, or the principal officer of the Marine Hospital Service at any seaport, when he deems it desirable and it is practicable to do so, may detail any person subject to his orders to remain on board a vessel to secure tho enforcement of these-regulations, until the vessel has been placed in security, as above provided. In the case of deep sea sailing vessels, eueb detail shall be jnade, whenever practicable. .jSf II. Atra12ni3s caU9.4Ufe! vision of fife 5ieF coquiiitheaepar'tr ment to enforce, these regulations Officers of the department will be vigilant in enforcing them. 12. These regulations shall take effect July 23, 1000. O. L. SPAULDING, Acting Secretary. AH AID GOHHITTEE 0BBAN1ZED. WILL COLIiECI FUNDS FOR THE INFTRltART. A creatine Held Yesterday at Dr. Slorett's Office and Esecutivo Committee Elected. A number of prominent ladies of Honolulu met, at the Invitation of Mrs. A. B. Wood, in Dr. Slogget's office yesterday at 3 p. m. and organized an executive committee to collect funds and generally help on the infirmary. This institution has, for the past year been doing much good work among the poor of all nationalities in a quiet aad im-ostentatious way. During that time over two thousand treatments have been given by many operations have been performed and much suffering relieved, neither creed nor nationality being taken into account On the other hand onlv the fact that the applicants are too poor to par for a doctor's f ice has been considered. These henevolent ladies, whose names are as well known for good deeds, as they are prominent in society, cannot he too highly commended for their present action, and it is to be hoped that their efforts to raise the necessary funds to carry on the good and most necessary work will meet with a generous response from the public The committee was organized by the election cf Mrs. H.E. Waity, president; Mrs. J. K. Gait and Mrs. Harry u llcox. !S2i2Llfc LeWCrS' secretary and treasurer. Those present were Mrs A. B. Wood, Mrs. Waity, Mrs. J. Lucas, Mrs. H. Wilcox, Mrs. J. H. Craigh. The following ladies sentregrets that they were unable to attend yesterday, hut stated that they would be present at the next meetingr Mrs. W. H. Graham, Mrs. B. F.Dillingham, Mrs. Mrs. J. W- McDonald, 3lrs. G. TC.R. King. Mrs. C.B.Cooper, Mrs. a J. McCarthy and Mrs. Henry Holmes. Alrthe above ladies, together with thfe ofBeers. will form the executive committee. This committee will relieve Dr. Slocgett of the work of collecting fundi for th,e Infirmary. Hither- to he has had tMs work to perform be- sides givinc his services free. In, a rapidly growing city the size of Honolulu and institution for tho of ear and eye diseases is as necessary as a hospital for incurables or an insane asylum: and it is an en deavor to extend the usefulness of the infirmary that the present aid commit- I fu)vi2)vum(,Kihiuui I vUviM.Uii,,vi; .UIUUJ.U 1 the personal exertious of Mrs. A. B. Wood and her friends. The Postmaster's Commission. Postmaster Oat seen yesterday and said that while h had not 33 yet received his cQcuafesion, whkh was wrongly issued undsc brother; he mkderstocd the federal authorities here bad recently recaived a. teiezr&ra iroai wasBuiEigiV'SByme f the error bad' heen eorrected aad the coeuaswioa forwarded.', PPITIHIS TOOK ffl Bl SURPRISE. Httot JXLUl0Heti.lUll UVei Oe- lections for Boards of Registration. REPUBLICANS DON'T LIKE THEM. THET BEIEVE PARTISAN APPOINTMENTS HURT TEE PARTY. Democrats are Very Indignant at Being- Deprivod Representation and "Will Make Vigorous Protest. When Governor Dole sent out his list ofnames of citizens to constitute the boards of registration throughout tho Islands he gave the people a genuine surprise. He did more than that, he caused a commotion among Republicans and undisguised Indignation in the ranks of the Democracy and the Independent party. A careful canvass made by Democratic and Independent leaders yesterday. Is said to have developed the fact that every member of the boards for the various Islands is a Republican; that "there is .not a Democrat nor an Independent in the whole bunch," as a leading politician said, last night. Judging by the drift of comment on the streets and in the popular resorts, the dissatisfaction with the appointments is not by any means confined to the two political parties, which express themselves "so shamefully ig nored." Many good Republicans denounce the selections more vigorously uian do the Democrats or the Independents, me objections advanced are not as to the appointees themselves. Not only are the boards comprised wholly of Republicans, "but they nearly all belong to the family compact," as one Republican put it. The Governor appears to have allowed himself to put the important matter ot registering the voters of -Hawaii in the hands of his immediate personal followers, a clique or faction of partisans not even satisfactory to his own party. Unless all signs fail, the Governor is sure to regret his action in this mat- . Jtls unnuestionablv the most un- fSS'pulaFE&a most uu -American act the administration has performed since the establishment of the Territorial government. At least three different movements are already on foot on this Island to protest against the boards of registration as now constituted, and there is little doubt that other Islands will also be heard from in protest. These protestants will represent the Democratic and the Independent parties and an element in the Republican party that believes a full partisan boardVill be the severest blow the national administration can receive it this crisis, and that it will almost inevitably prove fatal in the face ot the November elections in the Territory. "In selecting a board of registration, the Democratic party should have been considered," said Charles J. McCarthy, chairman of the Democratic Territorial Central Committee last evening. "We have not been consulted at all. The first intimation we had of what was going on was when we saw the list of names as published in an evening paper Thursday. The name of no member of the Democratic or the Independent party appears in the list, as given out by the Governor. We believe the board should be strictly non-partisan. We would waive the right of a majority on tho board; we believe the Republican party should be accorded a majority, they being in power. But tho way the board Is constituted th Democrats have no representation Under American nrecedont. rboards have always been appointed, and I cannot conceive why the custom should not have been adherde to here. There never before was so much reason for a mixed board of registration as now, because of the projection of a new form of government, with the details of which many of our people are not familiar. "The powers of the board of registration are very great," continued Mr. McCarthy, "and of the highest im- eTecrs to raster ad tLfore coat trol their privilege of voting. They are the sole judges as to whether" or not anupplicant for registration canread, write and speak the English or Hawaiian language. I say this Is a great power to place In the hands ot a set of men, all cf one political faith, for the fact that partisan feeling sometimes runs very high. The serious part of the business is that no matter how hoaest the men on such a boar! may be, suspicions of unfairness.-of dishonest intentions and all that sort of thing are sure to arise, only to add fuel to partisan spirit already In all probability too highly inflamed. The mle la tte St&Ues te to jx no&- partisan or bi-partisan boards otregls traticn and the President recognized this principle when he named two Democrats on the Territorial judiciary. "What will we do?" said Mr. McCar thy. "What can we do? I doubt if a protest would help us any now. Then, toflL we haven't had time to do ---. 7 7 . i tning; tne transaction ratner cazeo as; we have to nlead 'surprise.' as- the lawyers say. Bat we will get together tomorrow and talk the matter oyer and possibly determine apoa a-plan of action, If any action that we might take should promise to bring about a chaage In tho personnel and ihe political oi tne board. A. G- M- Robertson, who was oee of the Soor ieaiers in the. Territorial itepuhllcaa Coaventioa. saM to a Re- pablican reporter Jast evening: T hardly know waat to say about tha personnel aadcomplexioo of the new board of registration. Every Republican, however, knows that, although I alleged to be Republican, the board Is not representative of the Republicans of the Territory. "For instance, take Mr. Andrew. He was turned dowa in the primaries, in the convention and by the Republican party of Hawaii. These appointments of Governor Bole have been made under the spirit of the oH regime aad upoa racial lines. Under the Territory there should not and must not be race distinctions made 1c appointments. We are all Americans, and we must follow American methods. I do not know that anything can now be- done to change things, as the appointments cave been made; but I consider them un-American. "The Governor should have asked the advice of the Republican Central Committee; had he done so he would not have erred by neglecting to give the Democrats representation on tho board. This would have been the fair Republican method of doing things. I would not object as a Republican to an entirely non-partisan board, were such a thing possible. I do not believe the Republican party of the Territory will endorse the appointments, and I know that I. for one, do not endorse them," Mr. C. H. Brown, chairman of the Executive Committee of tho Republican club of Hilo, was seen last evening and said: ; "I believe It would have been politics if the Governor had first consultd tho Republican Territorial Committee before making the appointments. I am not so certain about appointing Democrats and non-partisans on the board of registration, but I am very clear that the Governor has not appointed such representative Republicans as would have been recommended by the central committee of the party. Such a course will throw a doubt upon the Republicanism of the chief official of the Territory, and will have "a tendency to make a breach In (he party, where unity Is our end and aim. I believe every Republican In the party should enter a strong protest against the appointments, which I have no doubt will be done." MARSHAL D. A. RAY LOOKING FOR A DOG. A Canine of Utility, one Possessing- Teath and a Bite Cause of tho Search. And now Marshal Ray, before he ha3 taken the oath of office even, is besieged. The paint to the steps of his cottage is worn off. and projecting nails of the lanai's floor attest the seriousness of the case. ThoMarshal is aroused at the most unrea?8nnr)le"'hour3 ofthe night by the violent banging of his door. Even the sacreduess of his mosquito bar is invaded by craning necks and obtruding heads. Marshal Ray is thinking about getting a dog that his nocturnal clumbers may not be disturbed; a do with teeth and a spirit eye a disposition to take hold, rainain fast and stay with his quarry. And what is it all about? office. The Marshal will have a number of deputy marshalship3 at his disposal. He is a peaceable man, bat mortal, as he is, he likes a little repose. Among those prominently mentioned for a deputy marshalship M. T. of this city and C. H. Brown of Hilo. H a petition willcarry these men into office they will get there. Both men,s petitions horizontally or perpendicularly are longer than a wireless telegraphy mast PLUMBING PUNS AND SPECIFICATIONS FILED. Yesterday morning Campbell & filed plans and specifications for the plumbing of tho new addition to the United States poatofiice in Honolulu. Several improvements will be made in the new building. Among these will be a women's toilet on tho second floor and a toilet for men ou the ground floor. There are in addition wash basins and sinks to be placed throughout the building for the use of employes. The same firm has also filed plans aud specifications for the fine residence of Win. G. Irwin at Waikiki and for the Automobile Company's building on King street fe JOYFUI. NEWS 3CISSION. First Meeting' Held in its New Quarters One of Power. The Joyful News Mission held its first meeting in its new quarters, formerly known as American League Hall, corner of Xunanu and King streets, last night The program was one of religions excellence. There was congregational singing. 3!any testimonials were given by those who have recently taken on a new spiritual life. Evangelist J. Leslie McCorab made a stirring, earnest and eloquent sppeal to those out of the fold to accept of salvation. Police Team. The following men will compose the police team in the shoot at Iwilei this afternoon at2o'clo?d: Capt Eobt. -Parker, Capt Kanae, Lieut. Gardner, Lieut Pohaku. and officers J. AFernandez, Peahi, J. KawaL Henry Cockett, C Lambert, Geo. Hubbel sub. Band Conceit Today. The band" will play this afternoon at i0 o'clock at Enuna Square with th touowing program in nonor ot tae French natural holiday. -M&!-Ua , Atwr ...dItaa itA .ASA ....4.. V,...,,.,..iO9ft0. TfceTfanii'HtiiiUii'' ? 4 X .... " 2? ti& ? SELLING TICKETS 10 IHTKSSEKEB. How Crowds at the O. B. & L. Co.'s Depot are Handled. A STATION AGENT'S EXPERIENCE. HOW QUESTIONS ABE FIRED AT HTM BY INTENDING PASSENGERS. E. Cooloy, tha Xaa in Charge af tha Ticket Ofllee, has His Hands Extremely Full at Times. A. E. Cooley, the ticket agent at the Honolulu station of the Oahu Railway, has probably more people to handle la one day than any other two matt In town. Five times a day he opens tha little window ot his office and deals ottt tickets and answers questions. On would suppose that almost anybody could sell tickets. Almost anybody can sell tickets, but could they sail tickets to the right person at the rigfet price at the risht time and for th right place? The ticket agent sits at his window On his right Is a case He handles the coin with Sis left hand and dispenses the cardboard with tho right. There are many kindfoS " tickets, each at a different price. Wjsbt his customers alf English-speaking hla duties would be comparatively easy, but Japnneso and Chinese make up Tfea greater number of passengers, with many Portuguese going to work on These people have all tholr own Id of the way the English language should be spoken. Cooley has hla wtey of Interpreting It. For instance, a CM- " nese approaches tho window, and, his coin, ho states- that he wants to "Go down below, come bosk." Instead of selling him an asbestos ticket on a through train for Hades, the agent knows by experience that the nun wants to go to Honoullull. Another favorite way ot expressing a oirc to 5U tu Uic vaissv lilaUU Hi "HWIC stop. Llttlee more this side." TK last construction of English Is the Japaneso way. Sometimes a man will appear at the window with a blank stare. He deposits his money aud is asked where ha wants to go. He points to the cash and answers. "Train go." In a case like this Cooley sells him a ticket that will use up the amount of cash presented. On all matters pertaining to tat trains, the ticket agent Is an authority. He has questions fired at him all day long. Questions take time; and when a stranger gets at the window, plants himself squarely, and begins to catechise Cooley on tho workings of , the road, the ticket agent Is in hia glory. He likes to tell tho man allA about It. The stranger likes to ask" questions and presumes that because he has heard that there Is no rush In this country he Is at liberty to gain much useful Information from the man behind the window, while forty or fifty people behind him are waiting their turn at the window. Sometimes a lady will arrive. Somebody has told her, or she has an impression, that whenever she arrives at the depot there will be a train ready and waiting to take her aad her belongings wherever she waats to go. Sh goes to the station and sees nothing that looks like . passenger train In sight. A descent Is made upoa the ticket ageat to fiad out about things. Here is the conversation: "What time does the next train go? "At 11-03, .madam." "What time is it now; please?" "Nine "Is that the right time or train time?" "That Is the right time, madam.'" "Will you tell me what time it Is by train time, please?" "Nine twenty-five." - "Where Is your clock? I think I 4 will set my watch. Did you cay the next train went at 10 o'clock?"' "No, ma'am. " "The next train that leaves comes back, does it not?" "Oh, yes!" says Cooley. "What time does the train return?' "At 2 o'clock." "Thank you. How much is thefare? "Where to?" aak3 Cocley. "Why, to Waikiki and return. saya the stranger lady. Then the ticket man faints. But of course strangers hae to ask questions to get information. There are twenty-two stations on the road, and first and round-trip and half-fare tickets for each station. The names of the stations are printed upon the tickets, but to identify them there are marks used, so that conductors. In handling them need not read the destination printed thereon. At the ticket window things hum. especially on Saturdays and Sundays -.and money rolls In and the tickets 30 oat In very rapid order. To keep things straight and make no mistakes; la change or tickets takes a cool head. Sometimes as much as has been taken In. This aVno'. appear to be a great sum, but when oae considers the fact that the tickets fro iipk fall An a kIUm " - vu 4Ui WiiC OU1UU4. & eaaage ast be made la aearly ery ease. &4 that each ticket must ke&iBped, H will show good average Ah Atchison girt who imagine she baa a proud, imperieas wanner, would be surprised to know that her frieeda apeak of her a 'spitfire" i- 4