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: i!f ! f ft '5ar :t - fc" Mliimllllwr"lilrrw. - tfrpm p w i tim unci owaritPTiiiftfflj, Jifflumri THE HOOtrLU F.FJTBHCAS, SATURDAY, JULY li, 1500, THE IIQmPLfr REPUBLICAN. Published Every Morning Exaept Monday by theHobt. Grieve Publishing Company, limited. imZ7?riGiLL, kditor. - - - - TELEPHONES: Basinet OScu ,75 Emtorial Hoodm 123 Ra&ered at the Post OHkv at Honolulu IL L, as second-class raalL SUBSCRIPTION' HATES: Per Mont, by Carrier J 76 One Year, by Mali 500 Six MmjUms, br Mall 4 00 Three Moatba.'by Mail or Carrier. 2 25 HONOLULU. ILT, JULY 14. 1800. The word. Canton, as a ttetA lln In the newspapers, is bobbing ap quite numerottaiy, both from Ohio and China. Oa tfeiag can be urged In favor of country did not participate la the Czar's pence conference at The HSiie. Give the dragon his due. A ew party has ben organized in. New York to "purify State politics." The labor element Is behind it. It certainly ha mapped nut for Itself a most herculean task. The HetwMfcan is Jtart one month old to-day. It's a protty lively infant. Isn't it, for that ag And look over Its afreritetng columns at the business bowing. Good, isn't it? It Is about time the Boxers sent commissioners to the nations. Thrse are ovidcntly not up-to-date in statesmanship. They would do well U) engage a few of our idle American statesmen. Shall it go forth to the national ration at Washington that the Republican- Governor of Hawaii has strangled the party organization in the new Territory in its Infancy by making unfair partisan appointments' Akuika, boastt that it will add of gold to the wealth of the world. Secretary Seward's $7,000,000 purchase, much ridiculed at the time, was a mighty fine investment, no matter from what standpoint it Is viewed. There are many well-informed of Hawaii, active participants, too, in the various movements against the monarchy, who say that "this is American torritory." not "because of some of the old-timers," hut dospito them. "The Citizens' Guard" are foolish enough to think thoy had something to do with annexation. Tho "strenuous effort" will figure strongly in the pending campaign. It U. rvtnktiiic wild in nominntinc Gonoral Grant for tho Presidency in 1SS1, "the arduous greatness of things" that has always characterized the Re publican party. It is a part of Its entire history, and never more fully realized than in the last four years. J Tlie Democrats and Independents of Hawaii are entitled to representation upon the boards of registration In ovory district in the Territory. The Republican party cannot afford to be charged with being so partlsau as to refuse any other party representation upon tho boards. Such appointments would give color to the most groundless charges or corruption and dishonesty. The party must avoid this by nil means. Thousands of the friends of Thomas Brackett Keed -are sorry to note that ho is still sulking in his political tent. Political disappointments have so aoured the ponderous Maine statesman against tlie party which so frequently and signally honored him that even a 558,000 a year poultice in the shape of an Insurance retainer haTnot mollified him. His old henchman, Joe Manley, Is to the fore, however, and Maine will 'again be in the Republican column this year, as usuaU. The Republican believes there are good Democrats and Independents in every district In the Territory, who would mntcA vntimliln nwmlN of tin boards of registration men, too, who I nave tne esteem and confidence of the people in the communities in which they may live, irrespective of partisan bias and whose appointment would reflect credit upon the administration Shall It go forth to the country that tho Governor of Hawaii refused the Democratic and Independent parties representation upon the boards of registration? Manitoba, Northwest Territory, has about determined to adopt a prohibition law, and the liquor men are asking compensation in the total sum of $2,000,000. The demaad of the saloon men is generally regarded as reasonable. Inasmuch as they are engaged In a business that was legalised and regarded as legitimate. The Government is disinclined to allow compensation. and, despite the stroag proslWtioa feeling In ,Manitoba, there Is said to bo danger of defeat ualess tho liquor men are made whole. a part, at least, for the kdscs they will aaturally sustain. Bad sews cewes fro tfea, Stats, to the wheat crot of UttejpftrJi Bald to be a hl failure, aad th QM? .a cago expert. Saow, declares tfeaun&el situation Is a BatJoaal eakUBlty." resort oely half a erep, bt k tows ever iroa teat yr so that there k new a risible supply la that State of SW.ftM toss, it is U Jin great frala tt o tk North- west, however, where the main loss i sustained. The combined yield of the Dakptas and Minnesota is estimated si but, 5,0v0,000 bushels, as against 200,-090.000 last year and 2&&&J6G9 In 1SS3. In view of th"s statementsCaicajie wheat ought to be a good buy PARTISAN APP0INT2IENTS. In selecting the boards of registration for the Territory, Governor Dole has. In our opinion, done the Republican party of the new Territory almost irreparable barm. It is hard for many men to acknowledge themselves in the wrong, but Governor Dole can do much to reinstate himself In the confidence of all fair-minded people if he will promptly recall the appointments made and reappoint new boards. In every State and Territory in the Union since registration and election boards were established, it has been the universal custom to make these boards non-partisan or bi-partisan. It has not only been the unwritten, but the written, law that registration and election boards should be composed of men representing all political parties. whenoveranyStatehas varied from this principle fraudulent elections have re-suited, and the voice of the people has been overridden by dishonest methods. The Infamous Goebel election law of Kentucky, under which the election of lost fall was held in that State, placed the entire election machinery in the hands of the Democratic party. Under it Mr. Taylor, who was honestly elected Governor of the State by a majority of several thousand votes, despite acknowledged frauds, was counted out of the office by a partisan Legislature. Republicans and honest Democrats throughout the length and breadth of the land denounced the Goebel act as the most iniquitous law of the kind ever enacted. Under it party feeling in the State became so aroused that rioting and assassination resulted. Senator Goebel, who stood as the embodiment of the law, and who was to benefit by its infamous unfairness, not to use a harsher term, was assassinated In the capitol grounds and the great State of Kentucky disgraced. All this from having partisan boards which knew not the meaning of fairness. It is the universal" rule in every State and county for the duly organized party committees to recommend to the appointing power the names of ble party men to servo pn the registra - tlon or election boards. With a nar rpwness worthy of a better cause Governor Dole utterly ignored all party organizations in the Territory. Iloth the Democratic and Republican parties were duly organized in Hawaii two months ago, Both choso Territorial committees to represent the party organization. The Republicans have gone further and organized precinct clubs In the Island of Hawaii a splendid party organization. Governor Dole was appointed Governor of Hawaii as a Republican, and as such ho stands as the representative of a Republican administration at Washing ton. Any acts of omission or commission that he may make while in office are charged against the national administration at Washington. For him to ignore the party organization in the Territory is to put himself above party and Is virtually a reflection upon the Republican President who appointed him. In appointing the registration boards for the TerritoFy, Governor Dole ignored the party organization of the Territory. The Territorial committee was not asked to recommend a single man for tlie boards. Likewise was tho treatment accorded tho Democratic or ganization. The Territorial committee was not asked to recommend any one: it was in nowise consulted o. given a hearing; no more was the Independent party. So-called Republicans, close personal followers of the Governor, wire appointed, regardless of their standing in the party. Notwithstanding this, the Republican party, as a party, and not tho personally, is held responsible for these appointments. The Republican party, in all its history, has been too big and noble and generous and grand ever to resort tc such unfair partisan appointments as the Governor of Hawaii has been guilty of. In New York State, despite tho frauds perpetrated by Tammany, the Republican parry enacted honest election and registration laws, providing for bi-partisan boards, the Democrats having equal representation witn the Republicans. Following tho notorious election frauds In the Cincinnati In 1SS3, the Republican Legis lature passed a new election law providing for a bi-partisan board of and registration, and as many Democrats as Republicans were on the board, and dishonest elections in that State have been unknown, ever since. The State of Maryland elected a Republican. Goversor and Legislature in 1SS3 for the first time In its history, 3nd one of the first laws enacted by the Republicans was one providing for bipartisan election boards under which. the old repeaters of Baltimore eouIJ aot perpetrate their work. The whole history of the Republican party Is one of justness and fairness, aad it falls to Governor Dole of the hw Territory of Hawaii to change ail JU& bright record of the party hy ap. ipwauas regmrauoa Boards la every district la th Territory aaade, up of Bepablic with .but ok pewible exception. ,As ohairoaB of the rkttratioa board is the IslBd of Oahu. Muv GmJ rsorSpoiMM Mr. XorrU Awirewsu who ws one of the men turned down by the taU CouaHl of Sute for a , sitioa npoa the Court of Claims, ilr. ! Andrews" affiliations are not tvith th rank and file of the party, but with a small minority which was repudiated In the primaries in May by the votes of the straight party men He rcala I not have secured the endorsement of the members of the Territorial committee of Oahn. and no appointment could have been made that would have been more displeasing to the real party workers. As a wrecker of the Republican par? of the Territory of Hawaii, Governo-Dole has made a most admirable star in these strictly partisan appointments. He should at once proceed to undo the wrong he has Inflicted upon his party and upon the Territory. Xo creature is greater than its creator, and no man is greater than his partv. irAWAIIAN STATEHOOD. The possible demand of Hawaii for admission to the American. Union as a sovereign State is just now agitating the statesmen on the mainland. It has given some of the more tfmid over there a political ague. It will be seen by an editorial from that able, and usually level-headed and fair, newspaper, the Washington Post, republished on this page, that Hawaii's ambition in this direction is not to go uncontested. Indeed, the Post is disposed to chaff us and to speak disparagingly of our population. It even goes as far a? to threaten to shut us out by Constitu tional amendment. That's unkind, to4. say the least. The Post ought to suspend judgment until it knows us better. We are not "whoopers" over here, and as the statistics demonsrate, there is a lower standard of illiteracy in the Territory of Hawaii than in the District of Columbia or in 90 per cenKpf the States and other Territories of the Union. Hawaii has a population nearly double that of-Arizona. Its inhabitants will surely compare favorably with those of Oklahoma and New Mexico, either as to the whito or the brown people. "The back counties of Hawaii" will cast as intelligent a vote as the "Hoop-pole counties" of Pennsylvania, where they are said to be still voting for Jackson,' the "Cracker" counties of Tenne&see. the blackbelt of Georgia and Mississippi or the Tarantula-juice counties of Indiana. And if the people of "a back county in the State of Hawaii" prove themselves good Ameri- cans. loyal and law-abiding, whv I shoul(1 nofe they have right to;BpSf t "the balance of parties in Congress" equally with any other section of the United States? This is not a "whoop" for Statehood, but for justice. Hawaii has been admitted unreservedly as a Territory, of the United, and is entitled to all the rights and privileges accorded Territories on the mainland. It would now scarcely bo possible to pass a Constitutional amendment that T:ou!d apply-adversely to the political rights of Hawaii as an integral member of the American federation. Such an effort would be in violation of our treaty rights and the at least implied contract between Hawaii and the Union contained in the Organic Act. The Post, however, need not excite itself over "this sort of nonsense," as it is pleased to designate what should be a laudable ambition on the part of Hawaii. This Territory is quite content with its present political status. There is no serious agitation for Statehood here, and those who onco thought that these Islands should have been admitted as a State have accepted the situation loyally and in entire good faith. Of course, the Statehood germ is here, and every true American has been inoculated with it. It is tlie hope that stimulates every effort toward tho upbuilding of the Territory, and it is a prospective right which the people of Hawaii will not surrender without protest. Now will the Post be good? HO STATEHOOD FOB UWtllJ From U10 Washington IN$t.) Only one of all the sixteenth amendment propositious that have been offered and discussed iu the past thirty years has teemed to the Post to be desirable, or to have any chance of adoption. That one was proposed during the recent session of Congress, its purpose being to limit the area of the United States proper to our continental domain. In other words, it proposed to bar all of our insular acquisitious from Statehood. The Post would like to have such a provision as that implanted in our fundamental law, but it has Utile hope of such a While we believe there are millions of patriotic citizens srho share our opposition to insular Statehood. we see 110 encouraging prospect that Such an amendment will command tha support required to place it in the Constitution. WerefertothL$sibjectat this time beeaweTot the fact that one of the political parties in Hawaii pledges itself tO'"support any organization in the TJuif ed States which win work to make Hawaii a Stain of the Union. If insular Statehood were constitutionally prohibited, the inhabitants of Hawaii would not be exploiting that sort of nonsense, uor would their fellow citizens of tlie States be troubled with anticipations of a possibly coming time wnen itesidential elections may be decided anil the balance of partiea in Congress be upset by returns from a lack county in the State of Hawaii, But if oar in Hawaii will take the troubla to stady the history of New Mexico aad Arizona, they 1 at wiUpobably conclude to M their of 'th next o? sense sore remote feaertfo& do all the wbeopl&g p fer Statehood. 3f eaawMle, in order to for 1hos far-off whoopees t work on, this generation skoakl .isdnee about 130,000 and lutUigjfc whit people to migrate to Hwil"aud "srrow ti with the country v ,3 ROBERT CRIEHE Publishing Co. Ltd. wnr. jrtrsKisH Artistic Printing, Up ta Dats Binding, First Olass Job Work Piantaiion of all kinds Stationery at short notice Wl FFRINT Letter Heads Bill Heads" Statements Envelopes! Programmes Invitations Cards Circulars Posters Etc., Etc. we: Bill Heads Statements Pay Rolls IExpense Accts ""i Manifests Pl'tn. Blanks Agency Bl'nks Calendars Diaries Bank Blanks Etc., Etc. w 1IMD I Ledgers Cask Books Journals Blank Books Check Books Pay Rolls Invoices Bank Books Stock Books Record Books Etc?, Etc. Having- succeeded to the old established business of the late Bobert Grieve, It-will be our'aim'to uphold the reputation so long held by him for first class work in overv department of the printing office, while our increased fa cilitiee enable us to fill orders much shorter notice than heretofore. Address all orders to , 3 GEORGE MANS0N, We are showing the Largest Assortment of European Rugs We have ever handled at prices that cannot be repeated, as the present Duty on these lines is prohibitive. 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If you are still looking for a " TEA." that suite yon lot us help yon. carry the most complete line of choice "TEAS" in tho country. HENRY MAY TWO I' THE WATERH0USE STORE, Bethel Street, Telephone 24 iy&toW.yzrSir t. w t . . - j. .".." ' i V SMOKE ti CHAUNCEY 5 CENT THE A ERLESS atu V iSERVIRC AINT A J Wo & CO.. LTD. STORES THE MclNTYRE STORE. Cor King and Fort Sts. Te! 22 ' .. . .-- L S M i'-. V r &$f M. DEPEW, CIGAR. Mercantile Co., AGENTS, QUEEN ST CLAUSSPRECKEL& WM.G.1RWLY. Glaus Spreckels & Co., Bankers. HOXOLULr. - - - H.T. San Francisco Agents The Nevada National Bank of San Francisco. DHAWEXCKAJfGS OX SAN Nevada National Bank of San. Francisco. LONDON The Union Bank of London, ltd. YORK Exchange -l-P' S9 National Bank. BCEICAGO - ifeKhnnta' National PARIS-Credit Lyoncate. BERLIN Dresdner Bsnk. HONGKONG AND and SlghaiBaah TfeoC New Zealand. VIOTOKTA' ANT VlVOOTrron -n m. 4 anusa (orxa Amcric. . Deposits Received. Loaas Jtfade on Approved ecarity. Coauasrcial ana TraveUrs Creditlsaawl. BUlsof Sold. COIXECTIOKs igSOXPTLT AC. SRno oe;ee The Washington SOLE COR. F"OFT AND NOTICE. Under the United States law, on and ? ter June li, 1300, all shipping receipts must bear a 1-cent Documentary War Tax Stamp on the original, duplicate and triplicate. Shipper.- ve requested to affix the stamps, ncrvrding to law, as freight cannot be eived otherwise. Shipping ittein: must contain statement of the contents of packages. INTER-ISLAND STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD. WILDER STEAMSHIP CO. Five Dollars Reward. Five dollars reward 'Kill be paid to the person who returns the Sterling bleyde. No. 1725, to the Pacific Cycla Co; ASSESSMENT XOTICE. "Stockholders are hereby notified that the Fourth Ase&SBiesi of 5 per cent, or Two aad One-half Dollars per share on the Capital Stock of the lTE!iW TELEWl W MM Ui., is due aad payable July 1 at, at the oiSce of the undersir&ed, 411 Fort street. J. H. FISHER, Acting Treasurer- Inter-Island Telegraph Coitd. Heaolulu, Jtradl, 1900. The Hwohiia Republican will be aV liTersd uraayipart o tha city for 75 THE 1900 STERLING rnniNi fk $70.00 $80.00 latest imp'-O" :iti, lightest ami easiest PACIFIC CVCLE C0.. SOLE AGENTS Watchmaker Jewelek. XO. 8 K2MG ST. KKAJtnnJAXTJ P, 0. Box 1020t " fti 4 . . . J 0 fi - . r i " .( JT i& MtJt'&Li.kA t'L . y