Newspaper Page Text
is 2 3 I ff i? jr & ( V& V ! Soillfttllillff to Intomt II --n v uwiwu TO TGI JIT nDmsmr the Housekeeper. We have iust receiver! now imnArfVn - Trtrt,. rocenes. Cast your eye over this list: , MEESEFriBage de Brie, Fnp e fiNgnufa, itilfaa Psmise, Hollas er Uzxz, fwnijile, California Fi Grea, Imperial, McLaren's, Uiinrpr, EtiL, Elc. Chicken Loaf (a dainty dish), Veal Loaf. Cottage Loaf, Ban Lsaf, Frank Bratwnrst Saosap, Hebraist Sausage, BHiini i Ham Saosags (by Use poandJ, Scotch fierrisg is Tea Sauce, Snails (Genuine French), Brimsiy Bloaters, Etc., Etc. The Porter Furniture Go. 'BETHEL AND HOTEL STREETS IllPOHTElts N'D PrvLP.hs IN Furniture Chamber, Suits and upholstery '3FWJSSBKB flBSf. '-5&X Chiffoniers" Chairs, Tables " v Side Boards Divans China Closets Extension Tables Direct from Eastern Factories CALL FOR MAFRIE BRIZARD & Recognized As the Best. W. C. PEACOCK Phone 4. J its- Theo. H ROGEF FAMOUS FRENCH BRANDIES. & CO., Ltd., Sole Agents. . Davies S Co., SUGAR FACTORS IMPORTERS OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Llovils, s S I : Ltd. at' , AGENTS FOR - Steamship Lino, "liritish & Foreign Marine Insurance Co. Northern As'Suua'nco Go. (Fire and Life.-- ,-? Canadian Pacific Railway Go. ' Pioneer Lino of Packets from Liverpool. The UNION GRIL ' 0P DKtf MH) lGrT An Experienced Caterer will Attend to Outside Orders. Suppers for Theatre Parties JHORT ORDER5 Fresh Oysters, Game in Season, etc., AT ALL HOLJFR Grill Room for- Itadies and Private Parties Up Stairs' KIHQ JTREET, NEAR FORT ; GEORGE LYCURGUS, Proprior Sce iWHITFRnFFinilR J irVEjlUu LVD i ill &, J 1 W. E. BIVENS, I S&YS OEHMiK VOTE ! Sa aj ( Propect street, commanding view of ., ,i..- ih ecity. . ! S. Klegant House of seven rooms, large grounds, on LunalHo street 7. Five-Room street. House on Beretania S. Tour Lots in Kaimuka Tract- A bargain. On very easy terms. 9. Lots near Kapahuli road, S7o to $200 each. Easy-terms. , i. The Furniture of a Cottage. T '$$??: a Ji tstf TOR RENT. - -v $.- rr?T.3fer jk -' W. --. aC iuiviyiia',e'Oi '. ..- o rooms. ALL Ilorse IFuriiisliing" Goods OX HAND. Plantation Orders Solicited at Living Prices. . California Harness Shop, G39 King Street, Lincoln Block. . Telephone 778. &- r i. --. .s :H FOR SALE. $" Lost. !& -," A few fino lots (about 100x200) on Manoa Heights, commanding an view over Waikikl and ocean. Price. $1,750 to ?2,000. A beautiful corner lot (120x150), high grounds, in beat portion of Kalihi. Cash, ?S00; balance on easy terms. A large lot on good street in Kalihi; area, about 15,500 square feet; good view, lerms easy. Lots (50x100) in various parts of Kalihi, just past Kamebameha Schools, on easy monthly installments. A 10-years' leasehold at Kakaako, near new foundry, with four cottages. FOR LEASE. A valuable business site on Mauna- 1 kea, near Hotel street One acre ground, ,between Liliha street and Insane Asylum road; good residence sites. A large lot, with 109 feet frontage, on King street at Jvapalama, just pasfthe rice field. rApplptO' FOR RENT. One New.Motiem Cottage, centrally located. ' '- i- - v" ?'- - "-' J. ESCMACK Real Estate AgentMerchant St. 3PV' fe. ua 3ia 3a, a second-hand Sterlisg Bicycle, Xa 1725, from In front of Associated Charities Hotel street A, of ?5 will be paid to party retarding this weel to the Pacific Cycle Co., .Fort tmt - " - ' JuZ2r&; "Vr-i ., - . - - in .iw ii- IS FOR H'HHLET. . "Oar . law will be repealed and free coinage of silver will be foisted upon the country. The Germans do not want this. They are probably the most levelheaded European people who come to live here. They know they are better here, can make and save more jnoney than they did In the fatherland, and" they are not people who are led away by flights of imagination. "An effort is being made to bring the Germans into the Democratic line by scaring them with the bugaboo of Imperialism, which, it is claimed, would compel a large increase in our military forces. Many of them have come here to escape the strict military laws that are ui force in Germany, and naturally they would not favor anything tending in the same direction in this- country. "I am glad this subject has developed this early in the campaign, because the Germans will have time to Tead and study what the actual conditions are as to our militaryforces, comparing them with their fatherland. Germany has over 52,000,000 people. Its standing army is 600,000 men, an average of about eleven and a half soldiers to every thousand people. The United States has 76,000,000 and a standing army of 65,000 men, which is equivalent to S6 hundredths of one soldier to every thousand of our population. While Germany has nearly eleven soldiers more per thousand of her people than we have, there cannot be the slightest chance of the effect of imperialism being experienced in this country. "Even our present Increase of about 25,000 me"h Is but temporary, as the law authorizing it expires on July 1, 1901, just a year-from now. As a matter of fact, tills country has not been affording sufficient protection to its citizens in proportion to their increase. If our German friends will study the matter in this light they will see that we are as far removed from militarism and imperialism as we were fifty years ago." By Authority. Territory of Hawaii, Island of Oahu, Honolulu, July 10, 1900. The following appointments have been mads in the Judiciary Department of the Territory of Hawaii: Henry Smith, Clerk of the Judiciary Department George Lucas, James A Thompaoa and P. D. Kellett, Jr., respectively, as First, Second and Third Deputy Clerics of the Judiciary Department for the First Circuit. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS WEST OF NUUANU STREET AND GENERALLY KNOWN AS THE BURNED DISTRICT. The Superintendent of Public Works hereby glve3 notice to all persons, property-owners, in that portion of the city west of Nuuanu street and Tnore generally known as the "Burned District" that he is desirous of meeting all such interested parties at his office. Executive Building', on Wednesday, Jul ylS, 1900, at 1:30 p.m., for the purpose of considering proposed Improvements, alterations and opening up of streets in said district Proposed new streets are as follows: To extend Smith street from King to Queen street To extend Smith street from Bere- tinia to "Vineyard street - ' . To extend ilaunakea street from' Beretania to Vineyard street -" To extend Kekauliki street from Hotel street to Beretania street .Plans of said proposed changes will be presented for Inspection. JOHN A. McCANDLESS. Public Works Office, Honolulu," July 11, 1S00. HEGULAUOXS CONCERNING PUL MONARY TTJBEP.CULOSIS. 1. Resolved, That the Board of Health do hereby declare Pulmonary Tuberculosis to bo a communicable ana a preventable disease and that all practicing physicians and the Superintendents of all hospitals, sanitariums, dispensaries, asylums, prisons and schools be required to report to the Board of Health, all cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis coming under their care or notice within one week of the time that such cases como to their knowledge and that such' physicians and superintendents be also required to notify the Board of Health in caso the house or apartments occupied by a person having Pulmonary Tuberculosis, should become vacant by reason of the death or removal of the patient. 2. Resolved, That all houses or apartments in which a person having Pulmonary Tuberculosis has lived oe disinfected to the satisfaction of the Board of HesU&israen son of the death or renovaL of tie tubercular patient, before beiig again "permitted tCbbeoccHpied. Jt - Dated at HouolslH, July; Hi im C. B. WOOD, President Board oTHealth. ATTEST! CHAS. WILCOX, SseraUry, &. i x- 3Ir and 'Mrs. H. Hols lave cone to Jianaser Waltoa of Pabala felt for sid General Charles Blcfc, secretary of , . rT , . . -s. . jCs A. 3L Pam left for the i r .., Republican National Committee. Oar far the Manna I. to-day. "to make everybody believe tie . . ., .. . . German -rote this year will go to the ! from'SHanea. KaaaL " - " Democratic party, tat there is not th- i L Hoaaef the Joy. slightest liielihood of this oeins the ffol news mission last nicht. in isn ice uerman3 TOieu icr I n, t, Ar vu,;, t.,,,1 . President ifeKInley. They are strong believers in the advantages of a gold standard of currency. This the Repub lican party has given them. Thev know f "t - iMijyon. .v(uv ar r Central Union to the Japanese last evening. J. T. De Bolt, the well known attor ney, leaves for Wanna this mornm?. f that, should the Democratic candidate j ?H frl of his trip pertains to legal for President be elected, which cf I coarse would mean Democratic control A ST-au . , I Georsre H. KobvrtiOn of C. Brewer .s of Congress, then the gold standard t Co, left vestenlav for Mololsai to en- . :." irl. . f ..J- 11 r -L t quire into the atfalrs of the American Sugar Co. Superintendent J- A- IfcCandless has gone to Maul and Lauai where he will locate some new wells for the Pioneer Mill Co, and inspect the roads of both islands. He will return by the next steamer. A Manifest Impossibility. Warwick Why is it that there are no skyscrapers in London? Wickwire There is no skv. From Puck. Good Medicine for Children If you have a baby in the house you will wish to know the best way to check any unusual looseness of the bowels, or diarrhoea so common to small children. O. P. II. Holllday, of Deming, Ind., who has an 11-months-old child, says: "Through the months "of June and July our baby was teething and took a running off of the bowels and sickness of the stomach. His bowels would move from, five to eight times a day. I had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In the house and gave him four drops in a teaspoonful of water. and he got better at once." For sale by all dealers and druggists. Benson, Smith Sz Co., general agents, Hawaiian Territory. The Honolulu Republican will be delivered to any part of the city for 75c per month or $2 per quarter. WILLIAM SAVIDGE, -: I)nl 1? iit'iii mi NO..: '206 JIERCHANTjg STREET FOR SALE. '- : . a-: - -.- LOTS AT KEWALO e . 7f r OAHURAILWAYANDLANDGO. TIfftE TABLE. From and After January 1, 1900. Statical. Hooolala Fe&riCtr W&I&aas Walalsa Kafcata "d:! rhata. wlala ....... Waiaas ...... - nraMtt!... SaoJra ...... otrrwAED. HaSXj Dallr DaUT BaflT Dany er - ex Son Son ajeo. &.KL. a.m. pxx. p.aa. Tda &03 11;B5 3iS 5:19 3:03 .: 1I: 3:K Si lOiia .... t;is .... ..... 11 ..... :td ..j. l?rWAED. 1 DaBy BaSSx SaHj -Daily Ss aea n.w. .vss. ajst P.B. 3iM .... Oi) ... . 7M 11 Sd8 a.y. dksix. r, a sjuxb. 3i 2 da 55 60S $B 13. t$4 SA3 S 3S 5iS tininnir jr.sf..f , .- r .'- i -i. ft' lu .. .r Special Sale. 100 DOZEN MENS- Balbriggan Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, J! -T. All sizes a cent garment, while they last you can take ai! you want at $4.50 a Dozen. WHITNEY & MARSH, Ltd. 519 FORT STREET. IRE .rr.?.! V vr rvv aON u ii cue, Hoa, Chick ess. &, AV x x: . r s WILL TELEPHONE FR SALE. Draft, 5arsM and Si&Ua Hcrao, Pltntation Sfal, Bis Draft rQ Mnlcs. SaiJIe a!, WV u.iivax MODERN XS LIVERY. 3 BUY or SELL SHIPMENT OP JUST OPENED. -a- Tf COMMISSION YOU A loth 5 Anything and everything in our Hn. Of the of Summer? , - Poetry If so you will like our stock of Summer Neckwear. Hero is concord -and rythm, sentiment and patriotism. The beautiful is worked into the most delicate shades of Silk, of which the like has never been seen before. .'. - The attention given to the making of beautiful Neckwear shows the Importance attached to it as an article of dress. Make your choice now and get the best at popular prices. A TOUCH OF ; GoodiTaste and - Good Style In our Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing Hits It out of rut" and 'adds' 25 per cent, to its value. It might pay you to look at our 'line. THE KASH" Two Stores, Two Stocks, Two Telephones 9G and 076 P. O. BOX 55S. 9 and 11 Hotel St. and corner of Fort and Hotel Std. l!HH! $40jo ? mm A. Big-Shipment just received, High Medium atidLow - ' - Frames. Fancy op Plain Finish. YOUR CHOICE 40.00. E.0HALL&S ON Limited, King Street GOLF and STANDARD SHIRTS V ROBINSQN BLOCK, Hotel ,$kei. --s Mwrtiiocwi'fc:'' .A. -,l! Sw xV 3 1 TEE HONOLULU BEPUBIICAX, SATGRDAX JULY U, 1S0O. j SALTER & WAITY, 2 Tel. Irs , 680. ... Orpheum Block. Grocers. . . p r r w r, j P5 r ra Q jgj pj 5 J M I I- STOCKS .& BONDS EDG . -..; , :-- FOR SALE. Lot-on 2. Business Lot on Eeretania street. 2. Business Lot In Chinatown. i. New House, eight rooms, half acre g i grounds, near car line. Verv cheap. j? i 5. BeautSul Residence Property on WASHINGTON. Jan friends, the Democrats. OF PEBS02TAI, INTEREST rftei.