Newspaper Page Text
WIUalUV py -ft,'- '.. " rt3K '-Vv "V. 3-c: .?lS -s ,w .,.,. ! - ---; .3. .r 75". a-i -' "Mh- iki'v fe,.ia'ysi;. te ?" X '--V. LJfifc tTjft ........ i.' ' rf T' :&?"" T- . SL " 3 i. & Tm.J r" J1?AlK,i,r ' , '''"- . - . !,. ". "-?-i- ...Vaf J. . S" l-.4. . a . r is - i: .- -" ....?- ' me -s '; " ' ' ."- . -? ..(.as ?' ... r : s r - - - - - w " -,. s v ... .-- - - jrr r ' sa 4t -IS- U, fr , ,- "iff J - ., , 3 -C ST- -. : "fijvifc, "T 5 " ' r . - -, !&&?? r -V .? 7 i -4 e - "" - . - "TT- fS 1'7JMF is- TF -." - -1 i V T ' J. ," r.t.J - i . J, -ii - r i -,- t. n '- .- . . - . . - . . . ,., 1.V ,- ujuu H050L1JLF, II TSlDAX JODX 15f lK 5 PRICE KETEGESTS sen! mm mm tki. Wliat People Tliink of Begistration Board Appointments. WILL MWl REPUBLieiX PIRH. 2EX0CKATS HIGBCLT ELATED OVEB THE GOVEBHOB'a BIiUKBEE. Dr. McOrew Says Tbur day's "Work Will Sesult In Strengthening Democracy and Enabling it to Carry the Election. There has probably been no official act here for years, and certainly none since annexation, that has so aroused public sentiment as Governor Dole's action in making appointments for the registration boards. It has been the subject of general discussion on the streets for the past two days. The strictures on the appointments come from all sorts and conditions of men. without reference to party Hues. They are condemned oy Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike, Trtth very few exceptions; and some of the severest criticisms heard have been made by. the former political supporters of the Governor's faction, who, for "auld lang syne,'' wish their expressions of opinion withheld in tnc hope that the appointments will be recalled and or bipartisan boards appointed. The general feeling seems to be that new appointments should be made more fairly representing all political parties In the Territory. There has been no objection to a majority on the registration boards being Republicans; the objection Is to all the members being of that party. Among a large number of opinions expressed to The Republican yesterday, the following wlil be found typical of A'arious shades of opinion: "I consider it an outrage," said Clarence M. White, a lifelong Republican and a r ent member of the late Territc jpublican Convention. "I am in ravor of an equitable distribution of the members of the boards of registration, according to representation tcrthenepubltcan. Democratic and Independent parties. As it is now, the Democrats and Indepenuents are entirely without representation." Mr. White roundly condemned th selection o Lortin Andrews as chairman of the Oahu board, stating tb.t he was In no way a representative of tnc party. "I want to congratulate The Republican," said J."S. Martin, the Tammany Sachem of the local-Democracy, "for the able fight It is making for all parties .In this board of registration matter. What kind of a Democracy have we without representation?" W. R. Farrington, member of the Republican Territorial Committee, said: "Tho most serious mistake in connection with these appointments is the precedent established of making the registration board representative of only'one party. As a Republican, I do not think the appointments will either make or break tho party. I shall do all I can at all tinies, in every way possible, to secure the success of thd party at the polls. If the Governor has made a move which Is likely to endanger the success of the party, 1 consldei it my duty to work all the harder for the party, Irrespective of any appointments or preferment of which I may or may not approve. I am first, last and always a party man, and i do not helleve In violating party and precedents." Dr. McGrew was seen Italsingh Is hand in the air. the doctor said with emphasis: "It is Just tho best thing the Dole government ever did for the Democrats of the Territory; I believe thes appointments on the boards of will insure the Democrats a -victory t the next election, and you Ky be assured we will take- every that Is offered us by the appointees to heat the party lth. The Democratic party ot tho Territory will be heard from fn o uncertain way before tha first actions are held." Kd Towse, jseafer ef the Republican Territorial Commltte s&id: "Let the ctnd committee take it up. That body'mwet niwwer for the 4wi the approaching cam- saisa." Mr. Hash Xtfatyr aald with great dldw: "Wei!, whatdW you j jct? Tfcwe appolatits are not a iBrprlse to e, ad they k2J JJ with betoi anyoa that la aerated the past of : seated hv Governor If yw x my he did not knw J ..,.,. uwiaii ware, utd wtuucaa Goveriwc 4e a pnir SStthii te simply a repetia of l Pfa 2L always la r Jif thir,frkd have Ltla the the 1 jJ52J hoards th- have lply afr wa party, a they woW aay other, - -, . . r IIIEinilUHEI. x&fea ifer wju Xnty , a " e "3 '-. 9flimA& , 2rttt ;k - A A ldia Ptibott;rf pubiiew W ycdy "? amt a wHitowwt wmwTTrrm afti mm h staricdia Honoldtu It was fnHLer stated that both the oatflfc and the editorial staff woald b brought down &flmtsanFrandL5eo.ond that teenes newspaper would have a millionaire Ibeckofit Farther Inquiries developed the fact that the project of. starting a. Democratic newspaper here had been under consideration for some time. One gentleman Eaid an effort had already been made to bay the evening Star, but bad failed. He further said that he had lately offered to bead a subscription list with 3000 to start a Democratic newspaper, and that he had no donbt the statement that other Demrcr&ts bad arranged to start a paper In the near future was true. He believed s good Democratic paper would -greatly aid in solving the political question and drawing party lines. Other Democrats, who were questioned, admitted that a Democratic paper would be established here ere the election. 5 THE BOARD OF HEALTH RAISES QUARANTINE. f Report of the Committee Authorized by a Majority of the Members Yesterday. Yesterday afternoon the following resolution was submitted to a majority of the members of the Board of Health and authorized for publication. The resolution is the report of the committee appointed at the last regular upon the qnestion of raising the building quarantine brought up during the discussion of the permit for the rebuilding of the Pantheon block: "Resolved, That all quarantine restrictions upon property condemned by the Board of Health on, account of tho existence of bubonic plague, be removed after the expiration of five months from the date of destruction by fire of the buildings upon such property. 0. B. WCOD, "OHAS. B. COOPER, "N. B. EMERSON, 'Committee.' A Chinese Shooting Hens. Two mounted policemen were sent up the Kuuanu valley, early last evening, in response to a telephonic message tbenco to the eifect that a shooting affray was in progress thereaway. It proved an innocent aifair, a Chinese simply shooting some chickens and celebrating his success by healthy yelling. A Record-Breaking Jag. Citizen Brisland holds this year's record for getting drunk and sober again. He was arrested and sobered and arrested again and sobered again. The third time the jag inocnlatiou "took," and at last accounts he was still drunk. Here is the time by innings as copied from the register at the police station: "Brislaud, dkn arrested July 13, 11:45 p. nu, discharged on bail July 14, 5 a. m.; arrested July 14, S:45 n. in.. dk., released July 14, 4 p. in.; arrested July 14, G:15 p. m. Three charges of drank will be entered against bin. on the calendar in i the Police Court Monday mornluc. Judge Wilcox will have to decide whether it was a continuous jag in relays or three distinct and separate ben'ders. CHINESE MASS MEETiHB DiSGOSSES SITUATION. It Was Decided Iiast Night to Ask the "United States to aid Reform Party. A mass meeting of tho Chinese residents interested in the Heform Party, in the celestial empire was held at the corner of Smith and Hotel streets, last evening. The meeting was attended by about twenty-five huudred celestials of every walk of life. There were four speakers, each of whom was attentively listened to during his discourse. The situation in China was goue over briefly by ail the speakers. The efforts of the Reform party were explained and a proposition was discussed to have a petition generally circidated and signed by the Chinese resident In the Territory of Hawaii asking the Presidentof the United States to use his good offices to uphold the efforts of the allies to control the acts of the Dowager Empress in the present difficulty and to stand by the young Emperor in his strtiKgle for the betterment of his country. The petition is to be made up here signed and delivered to through Governor Dole. jSTo speeches of threatening, nature against the Chinese Consel resident here were made, although he was openly accused of having sent the names of Chinese active here in the reform movement to the home government so that their relatives might be punished for the actions of the men here who are giving aid to the reform party Leung the reformer, did not gpeafc, and tha crowd was disappointed at hk failure to appear. There was a rimer about town yesterday that the. Guises Consul had asked for police protection ftoaa some of the Chinese here Deputy Marshal Chuliugsworth stated that be had heard nothing from the Coaeul nor had any guards been sent to the Consulate to protect it. TIE WI 1 Tie salt of Mrs. .H.MaoPbersoft acaWtatry F.M. Brooks has been wHbttrawB. !Tber wait to recover: ainfli jRofier all L to have been loan-: arf rteirrw Brwte wheu the l&UttUS w;MMaryeorlr:w oucdimxb: $b afjeattiottec; '-W befW Oort MK of thaoaBt was given Brooli : go4 "4a whens lie" wag, to wuirt tmmm& torinm at the bar, WbeKtrooJE'acoodln to tion. Bkely;3sadiia.rUiPhii aine Mrs. Porter oootiplatd teg fjM W fcaooaae Mf. Brooka. , ' It fa tnuteratood ftba Brooks mm fias n-W 2& f r t'a111!.1 .v So. .a-v,. m... .1 s &mvH,tA k. X1.V i iliiw i jr "v -. jq: iiit it iT i isftiirriiifiri I BEER StMtlHI Uii tt I uiom nils . f L 1U iUilof flmlllii I , ! "Pminfi w Great Potato 'i Blight. WORK OX TIE HOIO. OITLY AMEBICASS ARE ACCEPTED AS JURORS ON" arrjRDER cases. Candidates for Deputy Marshal Fred Clinton's Sad Accident Alien Hilo Office Holders. In a communication to the Hflo Tri- hune, H. W. Heashaw says that whU t , visiting the districts of Kaiwiki; : I and Olaa sometime .since; "hie attention : - was called to a blignt, of parasitic origin, widen had attacked i potato plants. In some ! the potato crop had fsc&xi absolutely ' ruined. As the disease is, or sooi: will be. widespread over the Island, 31 I Henshaw deemed the matter Importafs; enough to warrant the sending of specimens j '.. to the Agricultural Daflm.i. at Washington, with a requ&si tor information . as to the disease &ad .u r. treatment At the same time he included ! specimens of blight on" gtaus 1. 1 and lemon trees from Dr. Rag&eirs plantation In Olaa. The infort&a&ca requested has been furnished promptljr to the effect that usually the fungus need not be feared, and prevntLY measures are rarely found necessary. If, however, says the agent of th? Agricultural Department, it becomes necessary, probably either Bordeaux , mixture or ammonlacalsolutka of cop- j per carbonate used as a spray would I prove effective prevenuveness. Judging from the fact that the fungus you send attacks tne leaves and simpiy causes the decay of limited spots, 1 hardly believe that it will caase any serious damage. . The lemon leaves are affected by tfc disease which we know in this country as '.'scab" or verrucosis. It is pro duced by "" ". " J""-"""" nioilncTinrllim Thic gus w.Uv.U0i.v...uu. .v... i, "-""o- considerable aamage io tne lemon in- dustry in certain parts of Uie United States and has been the subject of some invcsUgaUon by the Department j ot Agriculture, xou win nna a siou ul ue uibcuse ami uikluuus ti treatment in Bulletin No. S of this dl vision, a copy of whicfi is maiieiF to you under separate cover. The potato leaves were in a bad condition and we find that they were undoubtedly affected with the potato rot fungus (Phtophthora infestans). You will find a description of this disease and treatment in .Farmers' Bulletin No. 91, a copy of which will be sent you'. This disease is more fully described in Farmers Bulletin No. 15 of this department, which may be accessible to you. on The potato disease bulletin describes the disease and recommends treatment as follows: This disease attacks the in leaves, stems and tubers. Generally, the first noticeable effect upon the leaves is the sudden appearance of brownish or blackish areas, which soon become soft and foul-smelling. So a sudden is the appearance of the disease in some cases that fields which one day look healthy may wither the next day or two, become blackened as though struck by fire. . The rapid spread of the disease, which is, caused by a parasytic fungus, is dependent in large measure upon certain conditions of moisture and heaL A daily mean or normal temperature of from 72 to 74 degrees for any considerable time, moist weather, furnishes the best condition for the spread ot the parasite. On the other hand, If the mean dally temperature eiceeds i degrees for a few days, the development is of the disease is checked. The tubers affected by the disease show depressed areas on the surface, . while withm. are blotches oretreaks of a' brownish or blackish color. TreatmenL This blight may be held in check by the application of the Bordeaux mixture. This is prepared and appliedas followsr Pour into S barrel 25 gallons of M. Clearwater; then weigh out .6 pounds of crushed bluestone, or copper sulphate, and after tying it In a piece of coarse sacking, suspend the package just beneath the surface of the water by means 'of a string tied to a stick laid across the top of the barrel. In another suitable vessel, such as a tub or half barrel, slack, 4 pounds of freih Jirae. Slack; the Usae carefully by pour ing on small quantities of water. Add su&ele&t water to. make ' 25 .gallons. As soob. asfrtbe blaestoae is dissolved, which will "require aahpur or more, poar the liaae, and 'bhiestoae solation together, barret for the E. purpose and stirring; coastantly. It 'sowetlnaes happess that saMcleet "lime knot" added, :a reslt the foil-age maylbe it for 'this "pmpose. JM steerlfKueMade In u f for two. or three r minutes;, if the ,: ia: it .for;t;'bc'th:Mlaaie8;;,fif.1the Wade shows ;a1eop?celored';ilBge. i add bliiBe.V!4BMcatiob the tre feW la: when the are 4 to Slcl! hihv:aad;l)e;reted at; , tatecAaiiilwaari' tuttll"'; 'flve":or'iXv tiaiOats,;hiVe,'b6eji made. ; in It ahW W awli th a ftae fiwees&wip., -Th-a; frBaiaark aprayr will - bveid . on c t A-- tt - - - - - - T am mnnwmwtt for ryiBx I rs, 1-A-. akta a tiurwj V. .'-& - 'kfni4 HfeXtel.Sile BajBroifti.' r k to M tK itiTe fa rai&rsd ra:ticr&, 'WccJ; of as- fm asd wfflmora to 'Hhuphda by tftr Th 4 A5i. rszrkwsu h, s lwa nlemed to J-? H 4?- I " -, - . i . . nT., I. H : Site- f. -: th !Vrr.' ;a-Jf - i TT, , w'.' . tT T , ,.. rting asfci ajtiga; -l&era it dfesdJfctsfasaeii ex- f tf '' rST?VSriSr -"l?o:" " Z " .'3L It . $m?m.m v fAnenwi L..i ZrTTS'ZlZlZ. T.- T" T, xvai" ,,w"5aP ,c -L. TWr.cotoftw ., :, .. 3ll,, '. f.. , v ': TT; "V'rC : "T. i ea -i.: r !.jcrr . ,fU! ! feivst ,V.I if I ?. J . . . .V ... ' r mi iiin Tsftna r.r w rarr.cory is i is certainiY unricjiii. aiT K,,f.f. Kt.nn w'hfii' Js vcl'.. kmiwn usl easstr&CLtiqs feiil zbskt f t I & let nj Cm,Wtufc JSt 1 jk J J ii.SU M2E j UOS 23 far'as -3 wl?! . ruralr 3- laSS , seventr wcraiss: cay with the force taat van bq caplsyefe aiui5.ii t ze iiacnise or nnsaayTiy iasidaMcKihicT. Trnfeh took Baa ca Jsae fidi'irss hy PrcfeJcst" Gchr on ;day.- Only Amtjrtcaibr Jurorsi The case of Ar$r sreraers, chargo with killing hssan sr Honokaa Tuesdaf iconilagi The venire o juror was exhausted. Noi person other iSana citizen of the United States was permitted to sit as a Juror, a decision which bars many residents of the. district The trial of Nahaiea. will follow that of ileyners. Charles Williams will dafend him sna after that case Is finished thcio of two Japanese, charged with murder,- will be called, Tor Deputy Marshal. J; Hi Bowman forwards by this mail to Konolulu a petition to Slarahal'Eay 4jr owntas siarshat of . , . t i : t -. bia!ne5t aaen, says the Tr" - :me fe BmwsaSR Toss .been night v..tchs:aii ta sard hw& &I1iit'a 4Sjuoas. of taas pa t ii:c era! tft.'es premsjlh ? road the- a'Jt'a - ,05!,.. '.wU as gefieraliy prsertins good; order. A - It 8U& UnW." Oinal ss'r ass; tat ,' :"n srr T-v - :- vJisv tvk': are siism ht.rf as wl e in Ho- .;-;, i h&zivLt rUetro ifnier . tha aiu$&r Is eafc? I j. y nv'4 tlcwa ?aJ jattl tor it t least a year at whith time tay wi!3 be able to qualify. The StotUh A Qniei Jliittla Dinner. Mrs. Dr. Carnchaer g4e a delight ftil diacer to friends at fce BU i r . , .. .. -i. .. . . ; by Manager. Mcmocih.exeeaed thing of the kjajfsotjan np at that hOa - t?iry for a lotft&. Mrs Ys gats wer&j&dfee and Mrs. i Miss Basr.$ S m.;Paf&er. .;. rp aanfc Yidi. 1 Srs. Harriet SS&XaJESBis, Ka-1 W. a. "f'ctlv'Dri'iia Qmce au;i : viC '..-' iitlo h;r.:a . j j ! - Hrjraio'By. The Tribo Sas-the foHowin? edi torlallyr. "Tp;sha tho Advertise r ! io j everyone Tae ancestors ot tne mcuern lif!in rnmnirsolv as ,tha Nobk Romans - ustti t0 sspeak of the peace- Myafaalgoa cf a province, when they iig there except a few banes and an ottiasional chimney. Tfc Advertiser will .probably swell up. with over Its a in pouring oil on tne troubled waters when it -has brought the Uepublicsn Jwurty to the same happy condition." 1'red Glinon's Aza Shattered. Says the Kilo Tribune: Fred Clinton, -formerly manager of the Telephone Central at Honokaa, met- witb an accident last Tuesday which is likely to result In, the amputation of his right arm. He' was hunting wild hog3 l Mauna Kea, between Humuula Sheep Station and the Shipman ranch, company with Henry Easton and another party. He had just shot and bauly wounded a wild boar, and, running to the animal, raised his. gun to give him his coup de grace with a blow, supposing the rifle, which was repeater, to hav no more loaded cartridges in it. ihe usual result, with unloaded guns took place, and the gun was discharged, sending a bullet through the arm, shading the bone. His companions got him to the ranch and sent for the nearest physician. The latter, however, did not arrive for more than twenty-four hours, and in the meantime hut little could be done to relieve the sufferer. On, Wednesday he was taken to Honokaa. Notes. - Mrs. Julien Monsarrat, at Kapapala, quite HL J. VT. Mason is making business trip to the Eastern States., Jtulge Lyman and family are spending the week, at Kaumana. Miss Ulinoe Hapai will make the round trip to the Coast on the Roderick Dhiu F. C. LeBlond and wife and Hon C. LeBlond leave for the Coast by the Jtoderick Dhu. Attorneys Pddgeway and C S. Smith are both in attendance at the Honokaa term ot court. aOss Margaret Bice, leaves for .the Coast by the Roderick Dha, after a visit of several "months la Hilo There were eleven passengers for the j volcano on the Kbaau, yesterday.. They are guests at the It is said that another saloon, license for Hilo will party heiag the. applicakL Mr. and;Mrs.chdeB. pareBts' of Mrs. B.TUchards arrived by the Dhu and will reraain iadelEitelv. . Roderkk,Bbs; lands in, Puneo, retarBe4By the KinAU zJt, Tft 1 a.short'Tsltto 1 from ranuTes ana t rieads ia Califocmia., -1 . : HLJS::,Eatoa for 2HbiriHteyraafcce.''.K Jiaoaa,. A.e& aas Hti: auKKw utieu' usae (KjAe.uijHHu 'sm " . JV C " J LJSv.. B-.-?. The lfet.'f , shi to theipsicayirekx 'eamtmr Hllo wlU be focward to.Bol,.tt cthKinTtiav '5. p G T&mf&Wl )jmasiBgi&i&;Hntimrai r . . . MB . Mte . Bars Ctr w .i'l www m atar jk; ', mstm nummrUimmam .- Tfc ftsur Jtti ottimmmA. jurr ft-ca Hiio WW J. I QMSar, W wry, McLaia iM mum. I lt tmtmvmmit Hilo wmtmmw a ITIU .-. HMflnnft VtwirHHMHHS9LBBBHHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH tfi 1 1 rfl WWmMnMaWlMWWfflBiMlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl t & QsoxqsSs The feas I wiU2r ce Kill jacmptiy I rsid to any t "If i3t3ts arj ob rjrerrsti io In ovtrssskrf. dr abased. i iaas harass mad to week, a call br f telephone to ih I'feHc staSoa will be J proniptiy repanad to by lbs frocks f officer. Pleas sasd name-, isatmber of 1 ali your own name, which will ;not be I wautui Sociefr for the prevention, oi I craeliy t animals protects all persons I wao seess to, nelp taera in eanmrxoi tacdWECanuot ixeip lneme Hi3SX CSAiX Epnolclu. H. 1. JztJy 14, 1S0O. , Persecuting his Grandmother. li. Yaknam Lamsai, a local Chinese merchant, has received word from China that his Rrandmother, So years old, has been thrown Into a dnugeca. on account of belnc; a member of tfcu Bow Vfor43 of this city. Hi father antl gnuifsthcr have thus far escaped by Sight sharing a worse fate. jye6 UITLE xOSJESIS TO ilifJIIIfl n BOYLE, 2?ho'Cairfe ialffpmter Botums to Hoaaleia ,fhb i Ghester A. Daiylo. m persen&'noii in tie Fourfls5 tltsJeJai oircftu ; . wi'H'i.'j :U.JiJiC ... i :i. S13J 5 anrt at t,ofi&ta& 4fidtp Litt-T- Ji4 i 5!V. dvto jj .1 r'.s id ;.i- f ? vcr io Hu!i- i;-, i would ekA ltoW hiai ta ,-- ifrrt in hU eoort. lur. Dale w... - . ;,. b,5 aesa ijerr filet"! by the CHcf iu ' oj bfrtj if be whs alvwi N v !i . f ht8d4it. Cl:t! ,;.. fih 4wA b - ws& cuii&j -. ' tXHifl SJM WO: ld f n 3fr. y, r ... 1--" ' ' " ' "- " ' ' --.- - drawn in rte W&, ha'en'rf tUllMRimSItt FTBR i15C T 5 T Jl5tTi njxa 7FB M.m. 1 i t'l Jat .,- ,- ufstMlillilililb, Says They Were Ik OV Actuated hy Partisanship. PARTIES MOT GLEI8LY 1EFIHE8. "WAS UKACaDAlNTED PO- I.ITICAIjI.X.WITH: kAKT op - EIS APPOINTESS. 3Tone of the 3Ten Conxaissidned wiH be Asked to Resign, but will Continue to Serve on. thalSoards. - , ' "Gbveraar Dole coavBrsedxai" length.. with a aboathisaiiomhees onviha Bosrfciif Bistratiou for thfc pBrrilo.Qf ."Ba.- TAaiu me .ioerjiO was earigr: oifiee aad was engaged Ju. J?k v:hnn the Hjpnbiieaa's tepitelntivft ea- it.rftd life , ittmrtmnt t rv ., . jpoa tneui. " . :' Er&of :-,', l-Ti 1 t ;.-s "fBAt lW ji ?v,y --li" c Le iit: re- vt.H zmeh sr .1; vfEriican bed o&jbt action .--." ihs Kaner. -1 tlaiok that wtMitu bwaj b coniiag Joa't you . mt., . .. ... i.,i.j. , li'porjfer duclahn vl in the ioaJjoiBtio plants .n,aQ" - i' .'- s .WtlJ;l think It imve been." iOEyd th BvTeruufc&iKL I IM&k "istne usual way pimaxl fc on 1.-" T i,, mi -a i ;nEi( i , "- W Zii J.VS.JUV - vfui i Sftfcsirttf.iMV tj.iire ; i-I io 'js ig.ieataa esi thi io v 1 OIEUIUIIIU) uavi"v ja aira38a;"&an oloswly jarty tbiifc pejillenun or this man ueiougs. ppnintmeuts 1 bad no desire; in fsct it did-not enter my mind to have any one party monopolize the membership on the Boarda.of Begistration. "The position of Chairman of the Board of Hegislration of Oahn was first offered to .Major J. IT. Gamara. Heis, so Inudwstand, n I selected Siajcr Catnsra, not on account of his polities, but because ne had filled a similar position before and had ililed it satisfactorily. His experience, I though?, valuable as a member of the xutl. Major Oamara refused to ser.e on the board." Bnt. Governor, coaJdu" t this Hitltwliich ron mention in selei?tinirfhe members ot the boards hevo been less- ened or obviated by calling in as advisers the Chairmen of the Democratic, Eepnblican and Independent organizations?'' suggested the reporter. "Only two political organizations," answerea tne uovernor, tions in regard to appoinments on the boards the liepubucan Club and the Republican .Club of "In selecting D. L. Naone to serve on the Oahu Board, I knew him to be a Republican; but I didn't select him because he was a Republican. I thought him a competent man for the place. I didn't know whether 2L A. Gon-salves was a Republican or what his politicalieanings were. I selected him to represent the Portuguese. I heard afterwards that Gonsalves was a Republican. "In the districts of Hilo, Puna and Hamakua I didn't know what were the political proclivities of E. E. liichards, but I took it for granted that be was a, Republican.H. J. JLyman, I understood, was a Republican, but X was. unacquainted with M. T.Hale's politics. "In the districts of Kan, Kona and Kbhala, George P. Tuliock was recommended by the Republican Club of and J.K. Nahale and Samuel 1 believe to be good men. I know both of these personally. "In the districts of Maui, Molakai and Lanai I didn't know to what parties i. W.,Hardy, R.O.Searle. and S. Iveliinoi belonged, bat I was satisfied that they would fulfill the duties of the office impartially. They are all good men. ulu the Kauai and 2iiban district I thought Charles A. Rice was a i?: the family wa?RepuWtcan. W. G. Smith and J. B. Hanaiki I am unacquainted with politicRliy. DLakihg my .apootBtaients," said the Governor feelingly E bare bees1 Bctnaf ed by nq,pariisan motives. .My-selection have bees, wade, as X believe and certaialy wish, foe;, the welfare ' ' of tbeTerritoryr . . Yvul yoarevoke aay;of the aked the rBorter. --, ' " SftS&Si aspolatwl can, re-, ,- iriki, w Vu"-ii.u: . . '- .5 v.. ai. At, " 'Mr. MberlJLlfoowi jfrMQrae&Mi p.rsotti by IWr; g; 1 2Wo, at greois kr welHcafiraawaiiiaBcK ?" ..rfc fs v - 'j? j2 -' - 9Vt:. , '"-s- -- . 'W-3 T ." " SSff ., .'.-.. -':' 'Tin if is.! lhv Foe yrotAioai irf J --0,1 "i& " .?wr . rr. 2 tv WM - - - Editor T tlw nmrnitiliraii 5iV!f.1i??.ff51iljmc vl ead :. - ' ti ' '" -. , that .lue lines re cast ta pfcss.uii peaces. He has many, friends in fijfea 1 smi has oeen retHpiaat ?f maay s. dial Lis enforced so- - HUu 4jrtr. 4 ' JJ.WJ SAYS HE i DSAnnJCANB JStE ACSESY. .. t 'V Iho. Troub'e Orowc Ont ofan OCer cf Appointment on tio rattou Board. " " ' J. If. Vivas, oue of tho leaders of tho Portuguese Colony, complains bitterly f about the. way he was thrown do.?n by the governmenf. Il$s story as told n-Republican reporter yesterday is as follaffw 'A week ego to-day Wray Taylor came to mo aud waut?d to know, if I wottld accept a position on the Board of Registration. I replied in the 011 two conditions: First, that I wouldn't be bossed by anyone, especially by it malahini; second, that I should have an otBceiu the old building, Honolulu hale, opposite tho postollke. The building is very centrally located and of course convenientto my present office. Mr. Taylor told me that he was sent by tha government and seemed well pleased with my proposition. "Nothing more was said about the matter until Thursday of this week when Mr. Taylor came to me, again between the hours of 1 and 1:30 in the afternoon niaking further overtures to me to aceeptthe position. M The Governor, said Mr. Taylor, Hvill not bnd himself to any conditions on those appointments. What do you say about it?' I answered! The Governor can do as he dam pleases about it. It is immaterial whether he appoints mejor not! Later I ascertained, that prior-to Mr. Taylor calling on me, the Governor had made his Board of Registration appointments. 3r. Taylor being of the council was probably present at the time. II think I have been the victim," concluded 3Tr. Vivas of doable-dealing, chicanery and treachery," ATKINSON'S SALARY. The Season Why Austin Kefases to Audit his Claim. Auditor H. G. Austin has refused to audit the salary chum of Alatau T. Atkinson as superintendent Minister of Poreign Affairs and Public Istroctioa were one office under the kite Hepabtic. In the Organic Act the Minister of, Foreign Affairs ia abolished. The Aaditor holds that under, instructions froa President McKinfey, the salaries of officials shall bepaid out of appropriations foe; corresponding offices under the BepnUic As Atkiusoe is not fulSlliag dstiea of the fbrer Sioiwter ot Foreiga Affairs fee can't pnll ddwa hi salary wad. Ifr. Aildaio is ,aot worried rer th "aaatter. , 4 , ,he fjGriMiMelNW bepe4ed tik'tjB9etrjeyoe,a eSeac . ' To United mdm ltmom ,f ,. i V?S" 3, . .i,r J ' 'Tow;ateJa;rsKtMycUa. ;iae "''' .iwnuMWMuig 'United.l' spmweaf txMsverniBe yor uoua. .f ,j& ', Vi'Hefoh.; tfemr wOl b atrikW fwwaaaoajaay nejdeet or irrlaiity wtn proaapy reponea to ost&eu. &. W. IWT lflll!l HIP1 mm mm mm uunn fain m,:s ft- &!- mi t mmn hmxu Judge Kumphrays Has Sonor of issuing tlie Order. mm. BET0r1RluLET$!nR. JCXY TO CONSIST OF GOOD A2TD TSTJS Attorney George A. Davis Gives His Views Dpoa thaI?w Existing: i tha ? Baby- Tfrftor y. To Jadce Kumthrevs Smones hm of tsedB the w: ordar for a. "ratee fet gnaad jury a Ui !.o-v lrrftoKy cf Haa:i. Th rd, whit 4 'was ksned ytawrdAy, tn th Ctrcalt f !': nrst Circuit, lilaad ef C,tb3 Tarritory Hawaii. Asb .. D. l;v Orca Tcn Far s ; t : tt, he ted s'5?5 Cirt vi i? itrf ISIR.i, as tae hyt r .1. !. 1 foatncp:i vi jS" Au?f, A. P 1K t ho k' i I ."t ih J"- 1 a. ... s,iio :". . ? ;nU -. theth d v - ... , - ..- - 'Shi Mli 1 ttO tot,lJK Jit (V.i !j9s.t t?ra and thfit - uiaue an!" tibt dfc.rt thce n.ttl! ! j the order of a? cnn.;. "And that y3u th :'.gh3' rffif : -4 Car! - carfs :.n.f j w'.; p; ::Ve rt. " p'?jfa :..-. . . cnted this wrlttt, Hn - you Vf not. ."Witness Ihe Hen. A. First Judge of tSft fr ,u nattnt the 1 1 Z tMttMiiAMirt c fctrst or of Hawalf. this fourteenth day of July, A. D. 1300. (Seal) HENR? SMITH, "Clerk." . "Note No person who is not a raa'e citizen of the United Steeps and 31 'trs of age .and who cannot "speak, read ami write :ha English language shaft he a quallftVi grand juror In the Territory of Hawaii." WHAT THE ORDER. 3KEANS. No More Kailroadinc of Accused Men to tho Penitentiary. The time has passed? in Hawaii.' sad George A DavfKWiiSapprlsed that First Circuit Judge Tiumphreys had issued an order for a. venire" for a grand jury, returnable August "when men accused of a crime Jshalf be railroaded to the penlteallary without first being Indicted by a grand jury. Wo have at last justice In these Islands. No rasa can now be tried and convicted of a crime without ihe unanimous verdict of twelve jurors. "Every lawyer at the Honolulu bar conversant with American jarfspru dence Is tired. Is weary, of this evasiveness and con teat Ion tint parties charged of crime and tried after the 12th ot August 1S9S. when the flas went up were convicted by a Jury where the twelve jurors disagreed, and without the accused parties being first indicted by a grand Jury. Such a is no more nor less than anarchy. How any lawyer conversant. with American jurisprudence, even, foe a fee, can advance- such a theory id b. yond'my cnderstasdlag. Ton might just a well contend that Hawaii is act now a part of the Baited States. This theory that Congrms, br eaactseet. legislate the Com 'jiWuMoc -of the United butes. Is tW"net Hacy. Without the ConeUtailoa d3ia . would be no Coagreaa. How u. gress, which is the creature fs "tfca, Coaatitutfcn, dleute to Its ttmtecpH"'" is ike rankest Boeseage" -. t . - HIT MUii PtilS Thra Eaj4red Theaaad e b nt Sack' to Chiaa. o& th Xipfaa Mara. Several hundred ihWHad, SfasOa cjpurs arrir a the Ooptie iwt ii-day. K Th .large dealers in thwe goods ara pwftrisg io return thew. Twe hn. dred thoom&il eSgur will b tahaq baekby the NHpon 3far o th 17th. - It h eeatKaaft Ti, tiw Hl atmti tihmiHxmik, iQQ, for the' return of lam .He, ha al i4 a hmA o llQWwith thei.a otttetek tec imj wurdlv i, ,! v. r. ' 'i vJC'jJ" -; - ' Th wnuimm KomtOi inuudnm 'ha kjtte h ajbaowo iU bar mmMmwmwMmmwmmmn .. .- .-M M .1 v s H t 1 :t 'a M t!