K ;; i ALONG THE WHARVES A Race is on Between America Maru and Australia. HAD WARM POLITICAL DISCUSSION THE KIN ATI ALMOST WENT AW AT WITHOUT SAM PABKZB. The Dunreggan Sailed Yesterday in Tow of the Fearless Mauna Loa Touched the Bef Harbor Notss. As the Australia passed the America Mara yesterday on her way out of the channel. Captain Lawless tooted three blasts on the ferry boat's whistle In good-bye to the crack Japanese liner. Captain Lawless too, tea with CapUtn Going on the America early in the ait ernoon and those who w ere around say that the two commander had a good sized Lit un the result of the trip to San Krancisco. It s ttils waj : Th Australia a short time ago was thoroughly o'verlwuled and cleaned at San Francisco. She i3 thai ef ore in very good condition to make speed. The America Maru is Al ways, in condition for a run, Knovvih this. Canuin Lawless took up the proposltiou of Captain Going and h outioine of the race between the twj bteamers will be a nice little French dinner, which the captain arriving last at San Francisco will have to pay for. I he Australia left seventeen hours before tho America Maru will leave, 3nd with this handicap Captain Lawless thinks he should beat the America Maru at least six hours to San Francisco. Captain Going has contracted to pa.v the Australia on next Sunday and to beat her into San Francisco by anywhere from two to five hours. The Australia btarted going as soon as alio got rid of the pilot and If she keeps up her lick the America Maru Kill have to hustle mightily to beat hor. Hearing of the little wager the captains the spirit of betting ioemed to take possession of thi people on the water front, who will be: on almost anything, and several good sized wagers were laid on the result - of tho race. The Australia seemed to be tho favorite and the backers of the Japanese boat were bet to a standstill. The America will tall for Sin Francisco at 9 o'clock this morning. WHARF POLITICS. If Hugo was an Irishman he wouid be termed an agitator He is not Irish, however, aut his love for politics is great He llkos to talk and those who llstiiu to him may gain information that is of value. He is a rank republican. He believes In the party and says what he thinks w Ith regard to the democrats and especially the independents. Yesterday he addressed a large crowd of natives on the Pacific Mail wharf. "When he gets excited his oIce on a high falsetto tone, and as he was excited most of tho time he was speaking yesterday, there was a continuil screech on the wharf for about an hour. Hugo has one advantage over most speakers. He Is stone deaf and conse quently is not bothered by any noise that may be made while he is speaking, and It would take the combined efforts of a six-inch rifle and the siren en the Jimmy Cummins to drown the shrillness of his voice when he turns It loose. During his spouting yesterday several other men on the wharf tried to talk him down. He didn't know what they were saying, but he turned his talk at them and guyed them unmercifully. to the great amusement of the large crowd, and after he had his auditors In screotns of laughter for quite a while. at the expense of the men who tried to Interrupt him, they let him alone and he held the attention of the crov d for over an hour more. Hugo does not like Wilcox. He told the assembled multitudes what ho thought of him and his party. H roasted him to a turn, telling thm that Wilcox, while he said that he was working In the interests of the Hv wallans. really was not He was work ing only for himself. Then Hugo told the natives about the experience of Congressman Roberts of "Utah, who was sent back from Washington because he had two wives. How would the like to have their representatives sent back here from Washington, leaving the Islands, without representation? It would be a great shame on the whole race Hugo Is tho man who many years ago this sent to England by the late King Kalakaua to bo educated In engineering. He remained In Europe several years until his apprenticeship was completed and then returned here. His vocation as an engineer Is gone, however, as an accident deprived him of his hearing. For several days past P. Hugo has had large audiences on the wharf and his talk Is always of politics and especially republican politics. Htn is a great admirer of McKinley and Roosevelt NEARLY LEFT SAM. The Kinau almost went off without Sam Parker yesterday. The vessel was delayed on account of barge full of M that was put alongside when W she was almost ready to leave, and .he started to take some of It, but it was seen that If she tfok it all she would not get away before late In the after JT ni. .L 7Cr;VJBcckky,DtCKa!auokalini H W Wil vessel -was .; liable to vT late, "t started ana up town to "see a friend" with a friend and just as the vessel was easting off 0. her lines the nominee for congress made his appearance on the wharf and had a hoi time getting aboard. He was greeted with a cheer as he appeared on the dock, As the, Claudine is laid up there ware a graat xttmiMr of otej PASSENGERS DIPARTKD. For Hilo and way portsr per ttmr Ki- Oct a-Urs J H Black, Gmrgt Hub- sau, wzFxT r"fF& - - iSSRJ v . ftc r - ""'"V. iu -"- "r .!?. -'&: .' f .-' ??r A 4 ' 5 - THE fiOKOLXJLTJ MBUPIJCAK, UTEDNESDaX OCTOBER, 3, 190(1. A1 -Jf - who -referred the Kicau to the 3&ai, whicl is running la the Claudius's place, and as a reselt the HIIo liner took r 11 the passengers she cosld carry. She I ft at 12:30. MAGNA LOA'S REPORT. Thi Manna Loa came in from Maui and Hawaii ports early yesterday morning. Purser Tuft reports as follows Clean 3d out Honuapo and left 2S3 bags of su;ar at Psnaluu. Little rain and smooh weather. There were 4,500 bags Jf sugar at H. S. Co. and cone 2t P. S. M- Np rain and smooth weathrr. The I fauna Loa touched bottom at bay. She backed oft without any tront e, and as far as can be learned the s earner has suffered, no damage. SHIPPING NOTES. Na -al row is filling up with ships agair. Yesterday being steamer day, there was j crush on the water front all day Iong. In making the dock yesterday the bowl ne of the America Maru partsd three times. Th America Maru has J26LSS0 In treas ire In her strong box for San Fran Isco. Th1 America Maru brought quite a lot of Oriental freight for this port whlc will all be fumigated. Th Fort George will have to wa't to discharge her coal until the Great Adm ral finishes at the coal wharf. Cai tain Wells, the assistant weigner of th custom house, will go to -hen the Euterpe goes, to weigh that ressel's coal. Tn e to his first love. Captain Dixon of th Dunreggan hired the Fearless to tow ilm to sea yesterday. The bark left arly In the morning. Thi R. P. Rithet went alongside the Mam a Loa yesterday to get sugar. She will e the next sugar boat to get away, unlei ? the E. B. Sutton completes hPr cargf. Th younger members of the lub have gone in for rowing wi;h a wil . They go out for practice evrv day ind there will be developed sev eral :ood oars against the time for the fresh -nan races next year. Th Walaleale went to Hilo yesterday i 3 get Prince David and bring him back so that he will be here in time o regis er. It is possible the Kinau will beat the Walaleale to Hilo, however, and a this case the leader of the Democratic hosts will come back in the, Hilo liner. Th pilots expect to be In their old quarere In two or three days now. The ob of moving the pilot house was noth ng at all compared to the work of puttiig it in position on its foundation. As t le house is fixed now the boats will ae hauled out of the water when not n use. Th pilot boat boys who quit thir jobs ire out and injured. Their places have been flUea by a crew picked up by o le of their number who, after he had struck, got "cold feet" and re-turn d, bringing several strangers with him .vho wanted jobs. The new crew-are J 11 green yet, but the pilots think they will break in all right after a whil. . Th schooner Fannie Adele was d to have left Eleele for this place yesterday morning. She Is .expected soon as with the present wind she will be a )Ie to make a good run. While at E eele the Japanese crew struck en acco' nt of the way the coal was being put r shore in buckets instead of sacks. The strike was settled by the captain, howc 7er, and the vessel was discharged. Tin Fearless and the Eleu had race for a ship yesterday. The Star of Russia was sighted while the Fear ess was towing the Dunreggan to s a, and while the Spreckels tug still had hold of the bark the Eleu start d for the incoming ship. She had a go d lead on the Fearless before the latte boat saw the ship off Koko Heat . but the Fearjess as soon as she gots ghtpf the vessel bustled the along until It was safe to 1st go, md then started for the Star of Russ a. Of course she got there first, and o the Eleu had her trip for nothing. ARRIVED. Tuesday, October 2. Stnr Nilhau. Bruhn. from Maka- weli. Suir Mauna Loa. Simerson, from Lahama, Kona and Kau. S. ?. America Maru, Going, from Japan. Sh Star of Russia, Mortensen, 45 days from Newcastle. DEPARTED. Tuesday,. October 2. Stnr Kllauea Hou, Mitchell, tor Ki- hei. Slur W. G. Hall, Thompson, for .Naw.'.lwili, Koloa, Eleele, Makaweli and Vaimea. a. a. Australia, lawless, ror San Franilsco. Str r Kinau, Freeman, for Hilo and way jorta. Br bk Dunreggan, Dixon, for Seattle. uidr Maul, Parker, for Kahului an1 way orts Ga. sch Surprise, Gahan. for Kauai ports Str r Walalaele. Green, for Hilo. SAILING TODAY. Stc r Helene. Nicholson, for Paahau, Kukaiau, Ookala and Laupahoehoe; 5 ra. Stn r America Maru. Going-, for San Frrrn clsco. at S a. m. PASSENGERS ARRIVED. Fio n Maul and Hawaii ports, per strnr Maun Loa, Oct s Mrs Sam Kauhane, rs U Lane, W J Wilson and wife. W Pa!od.c, Miss M Mtlntvre, M M Bush. H Be'lis on, D Johson. T Younz. Miss A Pans W A Wall. Mrs R Averend. Mrs ku shuj, J G HenriKues. J Cowan, J Kliikoa, Mr Henry. J Roiankt,H WHxroth,ir ta3Ja, Mrs Kaneakua, MtsBjrba.C Copp, W AMcKav.D L Pools, Miss A Piwtlanl, Miss Aki. P seMen and wife. F Havseldrn. r. F V ' White. MtsTa.Ior, ! Mju. Kunr 5 on oecK. Per star Maru, from Japaa. Oct 2- Sh oda, C. Shioaawa. two European and Asiatic .(eerage. TD SU AID 3C0O?' - ?a?!?iU'?r5,i,ii f - I M 3a 1; S.Ui l-6,-J 1-Sr; 5 J3 S.S13 JU.5T V It It e l.citr 3.2 .ats sis U's-it. ' H4i.m. Wei. l.CGi. S.U. I STZJT3 i a.i Tfcar Fit 1 2lj 1 3 1 SJ T.t T.Ili J.Mf 4.14 Sat 63 2.tB 1.3 a. g aej 3.sr San. ?, s.ts i. 2.S0, s.n; t.a3.afs.el s.ct Mon.' j4 3 i.r 3.j t.aj a.K'i.iajs 42! . Fall ixooa ca ihesiii ml 2:15 . m. DIA3I0ND HEAD SIGKAi STATION, Oct. 2nd- Weather clear; wind Light North-east. MOVEMENTS OF S' Steamers due and to sail for the next thirty days are as follows: ARRIVE. Steamers. From. Due. Rio de Janeiro fl. F Oct 9 Moana S. F Oct U, Coptic 6. F. Oct 17 American Maru a. F Oct 2J Australia S. F. Oct 24 Mlowera Victoria Oct 27 DEPART. Peking S. F. Oct 9 Alameda S. F Oct 12 Gaelic a F. Oct 19 Aorangi Victoria Oct 24 Hongkong Maru S. F Oct 27 Australia S. F Oct 30 bell, Chas Clark, Jr,T F Hope, wife and 3 children, C E Moore, C C Kennedy and wife, Gerald Kahauielio, J A Smith, Mr Bannister and wife. Miss S Jtcobson, Geo W btajler, Uus Johnson, H Howell, J R Higby, Mrs J Richardson and daughter, apt F S Cillette, wife and 2 children, H E Soule, N B Gthr, E Strout and child, Mrs W L Stanley, Miss McMillen, Miss Willis A G Walsh and wife, Mrs J T yright, A C Steele, H J White, David Lyman, J W Scarle, Wm Merebugh, W A Robimon, R H Atkins, J Richardson, J S Bailey. J H McLafferty, A B Loebenstein, Mrs H Rowland and child. W H Aiixer. Chas McGonagle, Capt L Mathias, Mrs W.od, H r Hambley, W C Achi M Chiya, Samuel Parker, Dr M L Beers, Mrs W T Knowlton and child, Mrs E R Foisom, E J Cotton, J Law, A S Cantin, John Cathcart, Chester Doyle, Wm Booth, Ed K KobayashJi E M Bonkopsky and DrT Katsunuma. Per S. S. Australia, for San Francisco T F Stevenson, Mrs Simpson and 2 children, C N Weaver and wife, T B Richards and wife, Captain Greig and ,wie, J G King and wife, Mrs Miss Porter, H 0 Haysling, Mr and Mrs KiqghQrn, B Tucker, Mrs G C Stratemeyer and 5 children, Mr and Mrs Thirkield, Mr Remsenbuger, Mrs Berger, Miss A Lishman, R M Robertson, W G Green, B F Cooke, Mrs H C Austin, Miss A Rallins, Mrs C H Dasher, Miss Sunter, Mrs F Anderston, Mis Averdam. W Fink, WT how. Mrs S I Shaw, Miss E F Smith, J M H T Marsh, L S Abraham, T S Young, Miss E Allemann, Miss L F L Hoogs wife and daughter, Dr H Hayes, L A Rostin, E W King, E IC Wood and wife. Professor Berger. It C Panlsmelr, J G Rothwell, R H A Allen, Colonel Macdonald and wife, Mrs Corbett and child, Colonel and Mre De La Vergne, Mrs Ryle George Rodiek, C S Hall, Miss M Miss A Twombly, Major Griegg and wife, Miss Grelgg, Miss Bard, Miss Mathewson, M Stafford and child, Mrs Richmond. When you cannot sleep for coughing It is hardly necessary that any oue should tell you that you need a few- doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay the irritation of the throat and make sleep possible. It Is good. Try It For sale by Benson, Smith & Co., general agents, Territory of Hawaii. PORDY & BARON. SHIP CABPENTEBING, BOAT BUILDING, SMITHING, AND GENERAL REPAIR WORK. Shop: SUMNER'S ISLAND Phone S06. P. O. Box iftl. Honolulu ROCK' FOR BALLAST. ( White and Blaclc Sand I In Quantities to Snit Excavating Contracted For. Coral and Soil For Sale. , iBDump Carts furnished hy the day on Hour's Notice. H. E. BITGHC0CK. Bethel St. next to P. O. r Mor Hnse ResUnrant Corner Bog & Alskea Streets. Meal3 served at all hours. to First class in every detail AH CHUCK, at K Proprietor. Nint Bartrr Shop ArUavtM Kook, JOXOaS AAJtBSSS. HMdM ' THE PACIFIC) HEIGHTS rr. 3& Beautiful and l Refreshing ait an AltfltMde of 200t0000vftc Location. The lots shown on this plot are locatea upon the Pauoa Valley slope of PACIFIC HEIGHTS at an elevation of from 200 to 500 feet above sea level. They adjoin THE PACIFIC HEIGHTS' Electric Railway, and have a frontage upon Fauoa Road, now being widened and macdamizcxl. - - Attractions. Located on high ground, excellent scenic and marine views are to be had-from all lots, and being upon the line of our Electric Railway, power and electric lighting plants, ready transportation and electric lighting can be secured at very reasonable rates. Water will be supplied at the rate of $15.00 per year for each lot or at less than city prices from our Pacific1 Heights water system. 1 To persons who will begin the erection of houses within., 60 days, we will make special inducements in the matter of transportation of building' material over our railway. We can recommend thisJ property as being especially desirable and attractive to persons seeking choice locations for homes of moderate cost, f Low Prices, Good Terms. On Monday, October "1st, we will begin the sale of these lots upon following" prices, terms and conditions: Prices of lots range fromx $400 to $750 each according size and location. One-fourth cask at date of sale, balance in installments and terms to snit purchasers. For further , Brills 1 K , WarinJbGo .", J??Mi:',tr p.' J .S ---- fc! " S '" ,-mm& 10 :lr f i i' 50i ? r vrz J ft rj -.. iCP CD, J Cfe X A (D X - ' - ft 7 ! Ky 0 o 3 tn (T (9 ' o 0 o J , CV. o V .sVi : v . i.. & Jt -5 ir " 7W -v 1 "E3Vjr,.:. ,t 'A rr" Sfto ", Jf g: ft " L T. ' S. -i . ,.!. c r .". 'St- & ." , i&fr s,rtk i$ T fc . J J v- sJS t. : ti s f41 t r .-. .&"&? particulars apply to PROGRESS BLOCK. - Nw m j s C6.?V f o wtfft ft ? A) l" ? ' 0) V 1 ' 1 i 1 iv i t f t v l!ft ??. - ?:;. A t - : I &l - 1 n '. J- v - .TfcteS ' y - o fr tj lfc' - m -v I i -- b. VIA' t V -3 1 H f 4. A mw Pt r m u ? a ft v? faG.lrwi&Co Offer for Sale: &'vmeifrr fg REraEDSUaAKS. , . . HI i I Cobe and Grannlated. Tf PARAFFLNE Pmints, Compoonds and Buildings Papers. PAKT OILS, Locol Raw and Boiled. Uaseed Baxr and Boiled. INDURINE, Waterproof cold-water Paint, to; aide and outside; in white and colors. FER TILIZBES A!ex. Cross A Sons' Scotch fertilizers, adapted for sugar cane and cotfeo. , Jf. Ohlandt .fe Co.s chemical and finely ground Bonemeal. STEA3r PI PK COVERING, . KevHl's patent elastic boctioiml pipe Covering-. FILTER, PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jute. SEMENT LIME & BRfCKS Agents For fWKrfl'EUX SUGAR REFENTNO CO, "T" San Francisco, Cal. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Philadelphia, Pa, U. S. A. NEWELL UNIVERSAL iffLL CO (Manf. "NaUonal Cano Shredder,,) New York, U. a A. OIUjANDT&OO, Sun Francisco, Col. i -?- IUSDON IRON AND LOOOMOTRrE WORKS. San Francisco, Cal. Hawaiian Navigation Co. GASOLINE SCHOONERS. Surprise sails from Honolulu every ten days to Lahainn andMnkena, Maui, and all the Kona porta of Hawaii. Alternating (Tuesdays or Fridays) with Steamers, this gives Kona a'5 day service. Eclipse sails from Honolulu as soon as possible after arrival for Kauai ports, Koloa, Eleele, Hanapepe, Waimea and Kekaha. The vessels carry freiKht and gere and insure quick dispatch. For further information apply to the agents. t M. W. McOHESNEY & SONS, Queen Street : : : : : Honolulu. 313m ut. Q. iRUiff oc;o. Wm. Q Irwin. . .resident & Manager Glaus 8preckela First Vice-Pres. W.M.Giffard Second Vice-Pree. H. M. Whitney, Jr . . Treas. & Sec't. Geo. W.Ross Auditor, SUGAR FACTORS JTfi AND 3omii88ior; ipts. .-...v ? AGENTS FOR THE Oeeanie Steamship Co. Of San Francisco. Cal. Hawaiian Ballasting Co. NO. 16. QUEEN ST. K H- l EVANS, MANAGER. ' Foundation Stone, . Curbing, Black and fc. White Sand ?- AND ' fe Soil of all Description for Sale. Drays for Hire. Wkn Tn Eo To f ULCTB AT THE- AINDSOF Houae in Every DetaiL MBS. G. B. ROBERTSON, Manager. Wailoko. MaoL MIlllllMMMIltHMIMI SUnU BER W A VwinBotlt. 4tk lGe i ' , CRtTERrON lllllllllll X ? V 3 a. r l S- -. " -'X &r r 3 $ ; i