Newspaper Page Text
THF HONOLULU iEPUBLICAKF, liUDAT, JANUARY id, 2$cp. I ft Yi !, vz. a " ' - '7 a K - 1 P. 1 15 O A T"" iA TVTTTiClT"? O' KJ ,r I ril TJLLAJJLLt ' . ! Rio CeitO Clejer CeailmzSii&t i pare Time During Visit? ttfBrotlffiiiU r rTr i Occurred AnimescrimnQ-P-An m. w . w &-. r ii. a m m - i f vta i ;l riMa ?:i&fij Tliiii-i-i I UnhS mAtn - WT. "-stacaiii i'Viiariuiyy. ai i . . .- - : g a IfUo Cato?tetfpaWraHpPir ik llahai 4kl Wi&iler &ilV 4t Jk i Ifomtaent JapwHW merchant and re- n i , . - U RJo Coto wag born in Yokohama. Apani e pnlistl in thjmencan firing th Spanish-AinVrlcan war. and Ifoved htR pluck on several occasions. IfYe months agofhe was BdBigned to ; tie Mare iBlafcdfXaVJVn and be 6cpecu to JoUT.8fiJwriUlehip; Sfca FrandacoVilh'xfnrsiOon of his firtoagb. I Skill as a Cartoonist. rM&W4ll1.kbt imMiic. ! feka KnKltBh liueotly and hie chir- CKniphr is excellent. But far surpass-: lK either afc'Jtee accarailishmenLK l hla great Km as a cartoonist. He :( fvasps me numor oi m. nkhuuu di a rfitare. Ci 'UiA feTTokeiMrof the ' iAnHiM4rKWpHM aptlV tmttbil works Aiave tilled forth praife from all who have seen them. -To each -sketch he adds iftually an original and witty com- wuse hidden in the palm tree groves ff Pawair.Ccatn3sRTfiln1;J a Jook In I Nogllith. It is an historical novel of Jtpan. TheTniftf;i5rta"FB(ery is 300 jSmm-b ago. and Is entitled. "Macamata. naehr.aafjJtewot.HwjU illustrate the novel himself and has if ready painted tha frontispiece. ldeabMan-of-Var. An example f hia wit and the pro- tjuct of hlaeisure nomenU is his de ilrriptiq of what an jdeal uian- of 4mr for jcflly eruii mightle in 1910. the mwt-of-lwar H dalleil the new bat Ueahlp ,"Oood jOld iTInie." It. has a WORKING- ON Cl.!SKV.i". 14 In HfannTfilll J wr : ' n ifFBacroamfcfnc. He was J al4tifa&$&W-!Mi of tie Raleigh i llttad Paflflc. lit the qufctneee 1)1 a ! ( AfiTl!XL:;jE,Q'l;EBT. Manager W'rflbJpCUieV"ililpTl SteaiMshiu Compaiiy. afoniSpeAoV P Vails Lind have been industriously t'work followin inxu;L a, uumber iqO due which th in-hon6oiudlj-ajl i .! ij . -1.3 -.-.. .1.. ... .,i- ! " "-" " "" " "' w ,l .uwi.l ... i..v niuB , of a registered mniLjWuch from Ho- WHuuaVi (ilaauiuThv.dbe tyam(y& Klnau jw 5S:C J J 4 .' Messrs. LlndpaUnWight recently lv palled on F. A. Schaefer. head of the -- - i tton. oi F .A Schaeur & Ciaud 'tracing tho:letter:.contaming the 4.100i ield' a ' co'n'sulUtion regarding;., the drafi to th Houokaa - VQ.stoffice the j unouut either in checks, drafts or j, trail is completely, lost. - rfWa"oleHer dt any description!- Mr. Schaefer sta'tcy itkat.Vup id the 3iK-&Jl.i'Ji:J iii.. iii':..Sfc...Vnrcotit iro nntiin--;hfic lwvm learned ( tpnTBle jmper oi any description r itoTVftWoW t't) plaiitafonsl in th vicinity lotljlonokHa. Mr.;, Malt ndvice frm Hawnltsrat t')ar . -- T--"f - . LAND MATTERS BEFORE EXECUTIVE-COUNCIL .r-j-HAWAII HS SETTLEMEN-T SCHEME, - Land Commissioner Boyd Submits V f il.,,1.. cl AHalfratlnnc-ZSSmannnnV 5nrf , . iciuMifitesaR aarvBtmtiKreil'ai ie hubuuhvhv-iiniu, uwv " . Howitson, Jolii u Thome, WH1 76. dnuru la favor of A, j. Watts, sent to BUhou' &TC6mpany;. bankers, Hofneh. EC "1 Yayne, L '"" . 4,0'riMr 4 .SaVamatUo stop'uWientf tlid dVKft to ' Hutchtooi 08; ,l;tetrttMl m mkW ., . , . q.detelB JttliMJerion ltte6miluS the same jg'Mrs C H. (2) Ward" E?E ilflWIMVtl9-7MUII ;; wincrs arc i urnca uow "To X L5Ac Jractto H P, .Baldwin. . 6 "" ' Jll'v'i 1 -J ' - . V -- -v.- - Land matters occupied the undivid- attention of the .Territorial execuV Ive ooas V -fiJLL !.UJ I? JT) : vT JtWW. Mooreirsprteents.iojneution-, iw It W resa&rOmiuposea-Jead-to-HR-iUldKiaof a vt. ThV tokmkisA rei-racV 6TTSnTTn"koo!au: Say. adatioiu submitted bv Iind ,- The requests of several sHHtlement , - .h-v, VK r..n, -x.reuicl : Kasociatious were brought to the at- Incas and Artillery, TeanyH Play; foUott.rf ihA-otfacfri 3 .TO.'A Cir4A o at theipartQ-i N T F. BurghelU wade application for . -' ... . n . me het ' 1.890 acres, foe ioePpnIe,whotlmvo. 1: . " ..- ' -. , r . (prutee a setuemeat astocianun at ; . OUia. The appUcatfon will 1 . . r. refused. The Inndii&rtocated along He Volcano roiiandhn.the onlnion i.-...-jl.fVC. i-i,.- ' H U councU ShdHtigserv d for rtdeoce tots iustong cut up , V ,v -, . . , , c . Jolm T. Baker wanted 1.S00 acres at MMIieOiaucat joier bfs association, for nine persons. . .... t JKTjrBT 5R'f,1SAaBU s8oe!at!oo w1ft be gfvon a year A X' loLjUJ - JLEsi Sh i iitj ; i m . I hrp t-.4 "Tirrnni v 4. J A . J 's , - -: ' m speed of twehtTgbts fciibts and. JgKinahulu '.Sugar Go... ' Poniniwd ntlrlv -arlth ntnt arrrjir Plat, guaranty t,, sot, shelfand nijuww in armament yiecf is atOnoniearSuBar,Co 24-lnch loin.he. noise of -wjiievalpne ,-.l-.iw-'---.- Irtrtider, aadneetjf join Itwill sink wanjojpooat,. ,a 2r-2 tea '. Women and -Men in Crew. . , A further description isjn partraa . ;. ,:s .r-1 I.j-ir-rr,..JI. Al V TV. ! I". P. I'K f women., as well Ss men. This Is an ftmoVi- iion. but since history-has proven wo-' Eiaas Jifcnting jamtttytHere fiB no rea- a sonJwhr l4inotui:hotirae irirthtil vflm wMWWs&wz nw!r tir?M r nnTij .'-i-1t v 1"'. ! aavy. But this new arrangement the , , . . ,, , erew is elevated -botti morallv and fhysicalcvonn.uftms; to-, Vacco are things of the past. j "In the planujf the nppdrruecK. there te a boxing ring which. .though unco in- BIWS?5ff.Ilte.sctjftMrrj; - renlent place for the men to settle difficult arguments!' i; "A hair pullin ring for .women tou settle thelc, dis420 Oahu, $97.50; 5 Kihei, JltT-o Kihei. ; putes tes wiir be selta5l lrt-the' pflicers tor All Modern-Conveniences. "A regular American saloon In oper-L witr ,t. ..,., ..A.AJ.Tift ariejljff)nnhrelu"ecKls'5Bmarked fpaturaKthfe .Hawaiian Orphanage and Indus f this newlv designed hian-ofwaf. J It kedD? tfiq spiritaioffhe imehifiight and utaKes' them feci as much'afhomc as if on jBhorp. uiyprcecjoui?. ami gossip robin ;are5 alsd'fprovidea.l The alnlng saloon Is hcautifnl and interest- if on horp. nA.di-prce,cjourt ar 3Slp robin arei also '(provided.! Tl ng. Waitresses wear scarlet uniforms with brass buttouir,-.'And,''3with the Jnow whUe lillen pmdcbijight shining u one njjmasme. himself in a king's rofhI -p1ilatP Chinamen Jo all the coottinfiadd'lsuch'aHeals are served as chop suey. yokomen and oth - . m r. , . Ciilria: piiv Mr. Cato wllljreinalnjicre until the' xpiraiiun oi ins iiiiiuusii, "IH.-11 uv wlTf retu'ri2 16 the 'CoaSti " i... ., ,.r- .., 1. ...I. V. t-q s'th : a- GCCTf: TN'"'"'''-' er Oriental fare. Shoe leather steak and iisu water !cdffe are thl5gs of 'the i J UM,H II I tlii i the draft was mailed, 9ii,or abput yt Conrad,. Mfg-Chas Nel5jpn,Rlchard time that the reported "robbery was(ColeKn st-J-.- ; NottMrs.Agata, nnmn,l(tH1 TJtTT-.imft-nn.l thP ntten- ilant 5Ul1ccpfaUedo.-?irrivO' with, f he' other mail from the plantation lTr frtojat rt fnTnrnnfinni rrtTi LffllBBK. VLTMynTr.P"''! TanR4?,?i&Dows0tf,.Midsa-'-Renipu;H,H -"T1-7.IVM J-jpW,t J W M :.l v $ HraftVthe postaH authorities and tlie ; 'Wilder Steamship omclals set 10 wotk tflftf mff4Ve fVfi pieC f F war inpossible. F-qc spine uaj's a'snuj WO" inposSlWe. rqcspine ua a mu - t hunt has len in progress, but alter r, acuaeier awiwiuai. " "". present time nothinS;(h,asTbeen ioarned by thQ.fireganlibg.tho.whercaiouts, . --. ,", - -- - , . . ;fer psj-meutri 3ViT '"""". ......... . , t. .nim. witum wiuvn v " .e.... tion. ? -.- j-i .an JFSSaPSBSSt 1 ' oicht membars ,-was recommended for ' His assGcfatLon will get. rtn , ,., , oq m;i nan7 l.UUU UVTiUO Ul i"W v -v u...v- - -; tobe .divided. irtQO acre-lots,- C. E. Moore s s appHcaUon in behalf) kiatiotfas. .noD-np . n-r.-.. x; -!.! ex:.-.. st"i-Vr. ! : Pi "r-t lllill M t4 . 1 . .1 . ' rtf nnm nr oiu-ji.ililjii. ww. . ers who want a tract of 96 acres in.! -Punacboins lot.4Nanti5. vHispplica; Hpu- waR,jdoniod,asthOand,.J)eIng'; uew. nuu, iii.f,ui . .vh"--- j nc purposes. Mr. Bnvdvrend the-draft of-a pro-, ;ii- SATURDAY. ' .i-A ; v 'w . t - ; . . --I f -J itaerHncas ana-HnArut!ryieam oa-i y a SaturdajuJiitezncoa,iziKaniolan:JJarkj' .rrtja" ' " jvjr;r sir ia'10,m,a P'54-'" composQ thnCffsnW'" ' Utoueaajsj' Mfc.s-Pf ter, Angus, W. DlUln h ar$ antoiiion Uctlnras-sutl&tb - Artillery Lieut. Hancock. Rob shtorton.iand-'Dolerhd-act; M &bltute ffor-. Dr, Mcdory, resfeed' fromlhe tea roe a sVort :?QAdoiy yh&l; - i N. J " ' TI. ago A permanent cccdrJTor Lhlifflg hasW. as yet been chosen. K SC4KO rocfiS'A2n,'Been3?- w :i.f,.:j.-ii, n.i-.,:..;..i t. -,-- 'r.-fa. Thursday. January 5. fci BkL: Asked. : MERCANTILE. . " ' j C Brevet -, Co. .-..-,- $...-? J4.IQ i N.v& SaebsMIVG. Go.. ...j.. - SQ - SaC. &: Co. ..-.- .'..;; j, 49. -t. SUGAR. .2vf 9 Mil LEwa Plantation Ca- 23 i 23 ti 275-" 2S 130, Hawaiian AgricuL Co.. Hawaiian Sugar -Co. r. Honoiaa. Sugar Ga. .... Honokaa Sugar Cof. IS i Kahukn,- Plan. Co..--. .. Kihei- JIan.-Cp .-..-..: i Wt 1.0 10 -302 1 160 100 ft - t o ... -. "Vrv pus1"!. v"-?--, .t. . . i?7c f: C" "" . -22' - nntai, cnr'pt-in rv, .,-,,." .-'.-Ho v... who-. . .. wv.- i . . . i iy Olaa. Spear Co pd.'... 12 "is" J,oiQwaiaijoainanjr. Jifl- Pacific Sugar MUL,rl. 210 1S5 175 in - !''-- raia Plantation to ranDOuon c pionfeef Mill Co. ::.!.-.' -.- jfr:" "Stf ' t't ""-"-. o- "-": WaISlna-JTsrlenL o..-" 5S- -'L.:.'. WaiTrikQ Sugar C6..:. .. .. ..": 350" iwaimanalo Sugar Co. . loS . .- .r xncnvn ,'vrf.iic ..,;" ' '" " Wilder.-. Steam. Ca,. tI .. t...,., U ,. .v-.L :.100;-' 8Q. , .?2 ..z.V 52T :-Y r.nI i a r.... ,.: o j w.T.and.Co.. BONDS.- Oahu Plan., 6 p. c 101 'art o SLLTai ?'3 30Af SA7FS a. A 3.fiU0 p3o;? Forty-six H. Tt. T. & qo - L. .Co., D0: i tf-; - , 'Kona Orphanage Meeting. :v rd A' njefetiup: of ' the s'to kholders of trial, School .Association Inmited; was.) ned at the ,kona . Orphanage- coffee starefyesierday morning at 10 o'clock" No ImpDrtanrTjusiness :was:"translat- ed, this Befng postponed to take place! at j meeting; wmch will be held three weiks frcim now. , ... -V ADVERTISED LETTERS". a.;. I.ptterr.'reinalnning- uncalled -,fdr in Hqnolulu Postolfice'up to JnnuarfSth, VJQ2, ' : : . -. -1 ' -V - r AbTaros "A,' " '"" -Lucas, Miss' Mary Anderson. Irs'M ' Maxve'llrrs-"d " Art6.,Prme6fo'4; Makee.Ttf Es'V ' z Abbey, Geo" C" v MaTjee, TMrnd 5l'r nsI-!3o)V W" ? - Marc.'t Mrs. J'H'-i' 31'erxV. T 'j ' L Berry: Howard W Mills;' II ' ' ' '" """"-' fi-" Blhke; Mrs l?dwii -MilWr,' Miss r" -' BrUhani'Mrs; H Miller, Mis A -" ' Brown, Miss A Morgan. Janies'' ' Brashear;: Harry McPhersan;Misa M Brown,- Mrs Jv - McCornndr.fW.. CampioK N;G(3). IcGrath, Tiiima& i Christian, Kate (2)McKenzie, BMr- Calbdrn'. Grace ? - McKenzie-W- R Copciand, O'E ' IcKenzie,-A-: . ' rtrtn:. t t . jifj., 1 t t. . v"""5.! "'? fV. wuiyou,: vicuiice PnmmlniTS F" .T Pnlmor Isnnp .. . Davidson.fT--J - . Peters, H d " - " - ' Diacon, -aVyery J -. . jPterspn, Fred C- uiuksou.. vviuiu -enier.- wm ?L0 WSOIl,. J . 'iteaironl'I Dr!aj.Qt fc .- . ' ' Richards,, G ,. UwightMas last. J Rowland, A, 1L, -. iii-f Evansen, Oluff, Robinson, Alfred .iPilvo.II.P. PVHor 11 ' ' Fplkttr 0nint f2 sinimn MK (Frist,.!; . SiutUjMrs.JJ.K. -- - ' -- ... . France. Miss.F SmithMrs Emma g.on Ed X I jSrlffMlS L Gritten, Henrv Steele, Annatte Harria, .Mrs'A;lC Stratton.- ; Harris. "iVrthur E' Steargtfr! Ohn ttarnsMrsy Harris ViVrthui Jjfjgj1! ph , Taylor. J A. fames "F- Tracy.'Mrs J T tfiMmvn. C 'WarrerirMrs Harr 114U1IC1, A Kitchen. Wm. Wimam, Mrs Wm Killitz. Maior Gen Williams. C.. , (2) ' Wright' R B J lie Clair, E df:or;iiB! CANNED FRUITS, CANNED MEATS, c ?fl2 f CANNED FSHJ U W fnP3J TEAS,- -JCOFFEES, SUGAR, FLOUR, and FRUjTS, COlf jtlflEllfl' rOMlflV HI 1 II U Boretania Street near Alakea. SiisWiiia Liiiis: Co. K. YAU p-OUNG,' Manager. Cortfer Alakea & Klnc'sts. KONA" COFFEE, ------ M Mi LVJAVAUfSM - -... 0- . ,?iiw ?c,t JY: A 'aw s w i :?t frt '-"' .-" "PSifiTo,6no!hloWrf TrflQ bCOuS U6 8180 Il68i W .-Cr. 5frA JS0O Ha: :wu w" r n fl ft 1 bl jFf I w H pB-7iir9unuBuuuuu 9 MfiiM t2i T H BW k v" t i,uuuuuur f - - - - r At Auetion WILL B; FISHEK, ATTCTIONEES. f On TUESDAY JAN. -J4th,. 1902. at, One O'clock n. m oa. the Premises.. That Valuable. "Lot .southwest corner King and Kekaulfke Street; fronting' SK) feet oir-King-Street jjj -lOt-feet on Kekanlike.Strt.3HCe-C 3ht ' upset price. 320,000, Ten thousand dollars can remain on thel -property atF jjeT.'centwnfr r .0 J .-HO&T .' .-" i,);ro-niC The pnrdhaser7 will - be- gnaranteed l-atf opportonity to lease the 'property c I atrpnce-M if her wishes 'tqdqi so, -on a ( fortv year-lease atOn&.Hundred!ana Twenty-fie Dollar jjerTmqnth ground r rent, ,'payment of 'rent to ''begin' Jnly.' lst.Ql9u2. The Lessee to pay all fake's and assessments and to erect forth-1 torcGstiot less" than -Ten.. Thdnsand ; Fine CabJnet Photos 0n,y $3S0 Dollars. .(The building, &.,be, kept in- Dozen. - ' ' Llefirs0tt)stntor thfbenent S'thVCor. of Mauiiaksa and KingSfs "TLe'ssbr. In the'evnt of loss' insurance , money up be used in re-buildingi W ILL E. FISHER, - mj. AUCTIONEER. kClENi-tCl LIMIT-ED- REFKED SUGARS, . .'.. ; .. 'Cube and: Granulated.- PABAFINE rilNT. CO.'S . J?aints, Compounds and . Building Bapers. ,,',.'. Ymi oils,; .' :;;;.:;: Lucol Raw and .Boiled. . : .Linseed Jtaw and,Boilei IOTUWKE . iSt&gSi-SiiWIS r colors. -- ;- :'.'"-' ' ': mEEaFHi-IZERS Alex; .Cross. &- Sons' 'high-grade ' i , r'HOTEL strpft -' rScotchffexUlIzersaaapted!"fdr t . rt - ?7 ,7. T- -L T ' sugar' 'cane-and coffee- --?.-..-.( Opposite Hawaiian -Hotel. .; i. h.-wu'"uw,o..jv ..utuiiu w. , ; tlllzers and. finely-, ground. ,;Bone meat STEAM PIPE COVERING; : ' Reed's tnat&qtp elastic sectlona pipe Covering. - - FILTER, PRESS CL0THSr- iueri and Jute,. . .. CEMEST. W&& BRICKS Ao-ents, Fftr IW'ESTER.N SUGAR REFINING GO.. San Francisco, Cal. EBALDWIN LOCOilOTIYB WORKS, IYB WORKS, Philadelphia, NEWELL. UNIVERSAL (Manf.-t'National Cane .Shredder" - - Newark, U. S. A. 1 OHLARDT & CO., - " ' r - San Fra-ic'scs, Cal ' , , ! RISDDN IRuN AND LOCOMOTIVE rWORKS'. ' San Francisco, TJal. Furniture V0rk3a Specialty. All Orders Promptly Executed. SBTG LEE TAX CARPENTER ' CONTRACTOR PAINTER 54& King Street Honolulu, H. 1. THE EAGLE SALOON GEO. J. CAVASrAtrG-HT, Proper. Always on -tap. Cor. Punchbowl and Balekauila. Sts. J C, LOVEKIN- " ST0CK and BQND BROKER ' ',. ...402 Mi g;IdiBfM- - - SEATTLE BEER 4-: VA On.Dran.glit or-inBotUea "CRITERION", r ...";. .t cr- rjii-.c. WM. H. BABTS rjLxti J t STAR BLOCK " 1290 Fort Street, Near Kiikn . p. oIbox so. METAL . ROOFING f fGALVANrZED IRON SKYUGHTS AND VEKtiLATORfe. 5 I nine ivn r.irrrcn urnDL' . j fife nu uunur, ii vti j HONOLULU, H. T- " - i , r. j. BcssTT.r. E.K WATSOX! PBSSEIL & WATSOr ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS-. AT-LAW- . Magoon Building. ... ' Cor. Merchant and. Alakea ., , Phone Main 328. . : : rr, rr-: : : ,, ll,,,. ft, ,U-.-..2i U0I1M K ndbblliii. NOTARY PUBUICJ Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses, etc , o .. .. --Rcmovea. to the etc Offfces of MacfaTlane S: Co., KAAHTDrAXU STREETv Rl SuiumacjQ . PHOTOGRAEnElL 1 ' - THOMAS UNDSAY : .JIairafattiiring. Jeweler: r And watchmaker. 530 FORT STBEEL P.O. BOX 544 ! ..HO VB BLOCK- J.W.A.Redkouse;I 1 -,..-i. , -Wi- r.-. ... .- . waicn ana unranomcier maKcrr ,-. - . . ,, , f. . . . . .,. , . . Plain and complicated watch Vork -a r specialty. ' t Campbell Block ' Merchant Street' Opposite Republican Office JISffB O m?V I ' iliSIl if -fall E Tflr W ? 'Wi REA L ESTATE A G E N TS ,StQ.CK BROKERS 307 Stangenwaid Building : i : .Phone 223 Main, ALBERT -KALLWEIT -NICE t QIG-AR . STAND. .. Ajlintnlnl Uninl (CUlnn j Tobaccos of All Kinds;'" ALBERT BERtyDT7 f FIRST CLASS TAILOR. CLOTHES, MADE ,TO .ORDER .,..; . gleaned and. .Pressed.,, ,, " ";: rHdL sTREEir;. .;, , , Adjpjnjns -. Hotel. .Stablesjr-bnposlte '0,,, .'.. . Hawaiian Hotel. , --: -rj 1 j i . i f 50o, Cvr, of UeretanTa i,ve aaiT Pun-hlx wl it , All WorkDonebyHandi I Lace Curtains, Silk and Glove ' ? Gleaning a Specialty. 2S03r)IJE & CO. 2B j lit tw in i i i mi Tnls introduction the newspaper gives yon. nmAlGood Paper Adds Dignity IOS KING STREET. ' G- J., WALIiEB, - - - Manager. Wholesale-and Eetail BUTCHERS and MAVY CONTRACTORS; DR. W. R. BOGLE CHIROrODUT. ' Hoom 18. Arlington Building. COBNS AND "INGBQWING TOE NAILS EXTRACTED The Woodworker is the man on whom the fault falls if a carriage breaks; ITTS "V ? his business. to see that .every thing dovetails and fits to ,a ' T that the screws will hold and Mhat the- strain will be equally - diyided-.through.out - m duR 0PS we have four of thesemen, all experts in their line. t-we eSX carriage -we turn out "antee : W. W.WRIGHT ..,....,4,:, .-i ., .... .,-, 'i"; -' - : j-j.;i nil trfi f BEMEMBEB ,La . I i RBMEMEER DBcmir- A?tiS btyix; Is StiU On. itEMEMBBRT - W T A:jrcx3CX: TWE A" U r. ;' 5ME WTSWS ' YR1E$B... '-, A - A' A' THE advertiser's best friend- is the. medium t)irob:!i , which he obtains ths "biggest returns, for' tili nioay. One medium which i3 used "by; advrtiirers to "a great extent Is tnef circular' or ' bdk'let. Tlie circular 'or booklet 1s; always Ineffective, unless- It te Tery handsome handsome enough, to attract the jyq of the man to whom it 4s sent, -no matter how. busy he .may ba. A booklet hand some enough. "to. do. .this almost always costs' from three to four cents .apiece. .Th.'ere is the mailing to count' in (two cents a copy, of course): there Lr the trouble in settlnjr a. list 2 -i f d f .7 T.I 2 r. df name's, and tt riddreSsIrig.. Altogether, tha cost will flguni ' ttpttor abont' jevon cents a copy for a good bookt.-c Two ..-.-tliousand c.KHiatoa in a booklet Is rery large. Two thou sand circulation at seven cents Is $140. T propose to show that you, can invest Sl4 in nevtspnrer space and get returns - y ---;.. .! , c ,, Ave loTd of what you would j f . 'c;v,(' (t,'' ' :" ff; ; Newspaper Space fs Valuable fi. . i! ..... , .. -" ln-ine nrst piaoe( meee is me cost., ror nu you can get - a good-sizeil space jn, a .newspaper of good cFrcumtibn rdr'-S' quite a Iorig'time. You "know: jour newspaper ratesj youroaa. . figure-it out to suit your .can. So much for 'cost, Now for Effectiveness J mi You must tell your customers howaucJtxouxQOds are gbing-tu cost. Air advertisement without a price Is like meat withopt salt rit will, do jou no "gdotlT ; Hbw 'ca'if'you -lutr y nripest in a. booklet when you arc doing a strictly-retail busl- y. nessTj Ypit ha6 conjpetitors; .yoa have to change-your - 5 prices constantly to meet theirs, and to meet other , exi--;y gencles. The first change 61 a price" will kill the effective & ' ness oT a. booklet, and. where arcyour Yoilr advertisement in a newspaper may be changed ns. many times tw- you! de sire. You are constantb up-to-date. . . S ,h' &' 1 1. The Newspaper Si.- 2,B . ib J'-s ,', 1".. Any kind of a newspaper' lias mb$ circulation than you'V - "; can bbtafri through a'j booklet, for? 11 10. Newspapers 'reach' -JJr " -tne heart of -the home. Evor--qne reads-hom,. and they, are y;. '": trfor. mare' certalhrtonobtalri clps'eatte'ntlpn than any' printed, "y --' 'i!.matte:,-.which-you would-send.1 If ydti se'ht"printed - matter -J' of your own accord, to .persons' w7o' lb n'dtkndw yoo,.'yoli 'y would .be nutting yourself face to face with them- wihsut. s-J. . guarantee. They. Jiave nothing, tp, judge. .the quaUty, of. youc J, 1 "'-' gooui T)y, arid"' they can only take what vou say pn our own f :'"Tt' paper and In your own-way. 'Anybbdy'ba'ri'say'as much as ' r- -:they please.. - t i . '' : . : .-J , -: -WTien your matter appears In-a nsw3napc;.of,goo4.jireu- j latlon and sood. standings the newspaper is a .guarantee for,.J. what you. say.. .Newspapers arp always bartlcnlr as" to whm ' y ' ' - their adveftlsejs are. (I sp(ak of good- newspapers always.) "& Your ads will gain a value besides their idhnrontjne." They.- fy, will be vouched for, and this is- not to b despised. You ;yj, , . hare a certain fluctuating trade, which ,(s always valuable,, . 'jj and whlph needs seme sort of an Introduction to your store.' J" W ' 'mi. J" x . x 'ml : You are known by tho company you keep, you know, V and if your ads' appear in a paper which holds' Itself up be- J', fore the masses as a leader, you will ba known as a patron'- V of what is good, and you will obtain trade from those whom AJ . it Is worth tradinsr with. ?". --t ": ---"-- a.' wn ;iii Hffirif: un all scores JL.consiuer newspaper aavenisrng ny tar y- 1 W '-(JrtHe'liest..IOn4n4(scdrciof able to constantly change 1 st of dtrect and immediate returns;. and on the-score of, being . . introduced to people, to strangers, as a store which can at- ford to. annqunce its news to ivery one in ii "dignified" and y straightforward, manner, and this is the manner which brfags- V' trade that pays,. . .'. .,-. , j. f .5. 5 : -' The aboVe--article, -written1 by one of the best-Informed advertising- men In the country. Is in line with' the business policy advocated and -maintained bj THE HONOLULU REPUBLICAN.- rHls description of a good newspaper and its superior merits, as. an advertising medium' is distinctly appli cable to an essentially reliable and dignified family papr of large circulation, such as THE REPUBLICAN. . : &::,:.xt:: The Onion Expresses. Office with lyening Balletin. ' 10 King Street .-:- tr Telephonb 8b We move safes, pianos andfnmltcre ve"haul freight and lumber. 'We sell black and white sand. We meet all incoming coast steamers. We qbecJc-baggage on. all outgoing earners. . . -. '. - Manager. Board, $4.50 per week meals,, 25c isacn - PRIVATE R03M F8R UBIES. EvsayTaxEsSi-ciace ne popular .tvescauranc ttKM .1-. Jordan's I .- . j RE1&EM-BER ! -i.-J -; L-.t- '13 ax: 3 O 3UJAV 3HT J ;'- fc""f Jya njt r.T? - 'i cl -sea. ! i;rii4 vt;3 -:3)orf s.-ia !x - .Mpfcoin .iam tv y v . :r '.-. f -,-f - -yV t. g- $ . .r . get through a. uootuuu , i. l w.- .. . -. .zr ow iastancajiuuch.beUtr. thaa I ,JJ. ' . , v 'V Is Effective '.V .... ... j . ..--1 cheapness; on the score of' being your-announcements: on the score New York City. J' 15: V.' I ENCORE SALOON Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigar3. ''" "" RYAN & DEMENTr1 'Northwest comer HbTel and Nuiianti ""r " ' 'Streets.' ' ' '" " ' ' . -.;;..,. 1- ' -. i - - nonblnld Brewing and if ailing : ( uuufiui auu rxjiuea iieer. King street, opp. 0-. R, 'c ' ' Depot & L. Ca "ST RYAN & DEMENT,'' Prop. .'5:5S&3?$aS5&- LXjmanucStieejLJ8:k,otClab Stablgs. "FfngthHouSe:77' ' "" r- N ;.J1aeZBaTfber3tHotf3e? . -7 -i b-1-:? 'caHJneilmpprter.Cijarsiir-f la i-exs sij oi lSS09t?P9i Stand. T 3 r . 138iCS3ae83X I1 s i .- j hi" o 19 la o