OCR Interpretation

The daily herald. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1886-1887, May 14, 1887, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047239/1887-05-14/ed-1/seq-3/

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I bo for nnlo pally at tlie
f 0 THRUM Fort street
I II Merchant street
JPrlco 15 Cant
JJliic ribbon entertainment to night
Cl Norris is golrttj to lite Coast
again on tlie Amelia
1 r
His Majesty will visit the training
ship Kaimiioa nt 1030 this morning
The Roynl Hawaiian Agricultural
v nays shovy opens nt 10 oclock this
n rnmg
the nuisance of unbroken proces
sions of road carts through the streets
suit continues
Mi Atnv Shcrwin did not sine yes
terday on account of the brief stay of
the stiamcr
1 1 in in
It is been decided to repair the ship
Hartford now lying nt the Marc
Maud navy yard
Mr J II Kciit Third Clerk of the
Supreme Court has been confined to
the house with fever for several days
The postponed regular meeting of
Honolulu Typographical Union No
37 will be held this evening nt 730
Mr Brewster purser of the Mari
posahas our hearty thanks for the latest
exhibition of his invariable courtesy in
applying news favors
Captain Hughes formerly of the S
S Wilmington is now in command of
one of the Pacific Mail steamships
running between San Francisco and
A luau is to be held in the Palace
grounds today by the Second Division
of the Liliuoknlmi Educational Society
at whirh music will be furnished by
the St Louis College band
Mr E C Macfarlane left San Fran
cisco April 27th for New York where
he would meet his brother Hon
George W Macfarlane on his return
from England and come home with
A consignment of satirical pamphlets
in verse and illustrated which arrived
by the Mariposa is- detained in the
Custom House to await the decision of
the Government as to whether the
brochure is admissible into the King
Today the Hoard of Health will
treat the Sisters of Mercy at the
Dranch Leper Hospital together with
the children of lepers in the Kapiolani
Ho nc to a drive up tlie Nuuanu Val
ley as far as the Halfway House Con
veyance has been engaged from the
Pantheon Stable The pnrtv will enjoy
themselves by a stroll in the valley and
a picnc
Ily the Mariposa arrived from East
Portland Oregon Miss Annie Curl
who was the affianced of the late Wm
A Dildine She came in the expecta
tion of finding him alive to take care
of him in what proved to be his fatal
illness The ead fact of her intended
hisbands death was a severe blow to
her Miss Curl was driven by Mr
Shaw to the cemetery where she
decked the grave of the lamented
young man with flowers She has re
quested that her thanks and those of
the late Mr Dlldincs parents be con
veyed to the kind Menus who so ten
derly cared for the dying stranger
Queen Kapiolani and party received
a very cordial reception in Washington
and at last accounts were being shown
round with the utmost hospitility
Hon H A P Carter Hawaiian Min
ister gave a dinner in Her Majestys
honor A special review of troops
under command of Gen Gibson was
held in honor of the royal party There
is a great deal of talk about Mr Lamar
Secretary of the Interior abstaining
from festivities in honor of the Ha
waihn Queen on account of her coloi
He is freely charged with feigning
neuralgia as an excuse fur his dis
courtesy llostons tender of hospi
talities had been accepted
The Exhibition
At the show of the Royal Hawaiian
Agricultural Society opening at 10
oclock there will be some rare plants
and ferns exhibited Orchids in bloom
ore to form part of the display Mr
Jaeger will have a great variety of
growing palms which at the close of
the show will be offered at auction the
proceeds 1o be for the benefit of the
Society The Royal Hawaiian Rand
will play at the grounds during the
vvhole day and there is no doubt that
all who attend will find much enjoy
went in the occasion
Tlie caucus in the newly elected
Liberal Council of Birmingham passed
a resolution against coercion in Ireland
by a vote of 95 to 6r notwithstanding
that the Unionist section urged the
Council in the sacred name of John
bright not to pass what was practi
cally a vote of censure on their honor
ed representative
supreme court
In the matter of the bankruptcy of
Marx Rosenthal before Judge Preston
May 13th Messrs W 0 Smith and
W K Castle for the netilinnrrs rrt
Schloss Co Mr W A Whiting for
respondent Mr Whiting files a dc
murrcrto the petition and asks fnr
day to be set for hearing argument
iMcssrs bnuth and Castle nrefnr to
have the demurrer disnoscd of nmv
The Court discovers that the Judge
before Whom till ntmlir niinn i -
i ii wnv11 urn iiiuui
had not fixed a tune for hearing and
that the issuing of -the process was
without warrant of any Court Mr
Castle moved that such an order be
now made nunc pro tunc Whereupon
the Court did make the following
order Upon hearing the petition of
Ccrf Schloss Co filed on the 5th
inSt and order tlirrrtrwl tn ttin Tnrelil
and it appearing at the coming in of
iiiu same oeiore me that the Justice
now absent from the Kingdom before
whom the petition was presented had
not fixed a time for hearing I order
that Monday next nt t t m Un ftvrl
as the time for the hearing Mr
Whiting in- open Couit waived service
of notice of said order lly consent of
the nartics Mr Whitintr witlwlrw tb
demurrer to be superseded by a mo-
fM4 In 11a 1 --
mannas me uiiuiuiuii ucrcin
Shipping Notes
Oceanic S S Mariposa Captain H
M I lay ward left San Francisco May
6th at 441 p mj first four days expe
rienced fine weather with liidit variable
winds but very heavy beam scaj since
then light wind smooth sea and rain
squalls arrived at Honolulu May 13th
at 535 a m tiuc 0 days 12 hours 54
minutes The Mariposa brought a
large quantity of freight for Honolulu
and had 10517 packages in transit
Shu had 16 cabin and 36 steerage pas
sengers for this port 2 cabin and 8
steerage for Auckland and 20 cabin
and 10 steerage for Sydney Of her
Honolulu steerage passengers 27 were
Chinese transferred from the S S
Oceanic at San Francisco and the
Mariposa lav in the stream on arrival
flying the yellow flag until these were
landed in quarantine The steamer
proceeded on her voyage for the Colo
nics at 2 oclock p m
Steamer Iwalani brought 6239 bags
sugar 122 bags taro and 37 packages
sundries steamer Surprise 3788 bags
sugar schooner Kauikcaouli 2200
bag sugar schooner Luka 2050 bags
Ilarkentinu Amelia did not get away
yesterday and it is doubtful if she will
be loaded in time to sail to day
Schooner Anna Williams master
sailed from Kahului May nth for San
Francisco with 1200 bags Wailuku
plantation 426 bags Waihcc plan
tation and 3615 bags II C S
Co sugar weight 741680 pounds
German bark Pacific arrived at
Hamburg April 27th from Honolulu
Darks Planter hence 15 days Ferris
S Thompson from Kahului 21 days
Saranac hence 16 days brig Clans
Spreckcls hence 18 days all arrived in
San Francisco prior to May 4th
llritibh bark Scottish Lassie is 90
days out from Liverpool for San Fran
cisco via Honolulu
German bark 1ctcr Godcffroy sailed
from Livirpool May 3rd for Hono
1 1 mi m
The Water Works
Mr Chas I Wilson Superintendent
of tlie Honolulu Water Works has a
gang of inen laying an eight inch main
on Fort street from the twelve inch
main on School strict to Ikretania
street Ground was broken on this
work Monday morning- the pipe laying
began Thursday morning and 900 feet
of pipe was laid by noon yesterday in
cluding the leading and caulking of
the joints The old three inch nine
which the new line replaces is found to
be very much corroded as may be
naturally supposed after a burial ot
nearly twenty years Six of the new
hydrants from Trov N Y arc to be
placed on the line mentioned
t 1 - r 0 1 I I
ing loose ui me corners 01 atuuui uuu
IJercUnia streets On the former line
there were but three of the old-fashioned
sunken hydrants Three fires have
occurred in this section of Fort street
within Mr Wilsons recollection of
about a score of years and the press
ure has scarcely been sufficient for a
garden hose Water will be admitted
in the new pipe on Tuesday next after
which the locality will be well supplied
for both domestic and fire purposes
Next week the laying of a new main on
Ucretania street connecting with the
one above described will begin
m 111 -
In ten hours the citizens of St
Louis Missouri raised 78000 by sub
scription and promised to make it
100000 during the week for the Na
tional Encampment G A R which
meets there in September In Decem
ber last the roll of the Grand Army of
the Republic numbered Nearly 400000
names An interesting document of
the organization relating to Memorial
Day will be published in this paper
within a few days
The services for the ttcthnl Union
congregation at the Lyceum to morrow
will be as follows Sunday school
and Bible class it ne nVWtt
The Rev E C Oggel pastor of the
ijemci union jnurcli will preach nt 11
oclock subject The Enthroned
Christ All cordially invited No
evening service
Services ntFort st Church as follows
Bible school nt omc a m r m
Cooke superintendent Public wor
ship with sermon by tlie Pastor at 1 1
a tn Ivpnintr ni mt CK
ject of evening sermon Puttinir
Away Childish Things All are invited
the Bishops congregation of the
Anglican Cathedral will htvp Mmnn
prayer with sermon at 930 a mj Sun
day school at 1045 a m Hawaiian
evcnsng at 330 English evensong nt
6 v M
The second Anglican congregation
Rev Geo Wallace tt irtnr Servifixi
at 1115 A- m Evening service at 730
pm Wednesday at 730 p m Holy
Communion on the first Sunday of the
month at 1115 a m The Sunday
School meets at 10 a m Scats free
at all services
The Roman Catholic Pntlifvtrit wilt
have high mass at 10 A M and bene
diction of the blessed sacrament at 4
30 P M
Y M C A Vntinfr Mrnt Plncc
for Bible study in thrparlor at 945 A
M conducted by the General Secre
tary Gospel praise service at 630 p m
Human Remains Unearthed
The workmen laying the water main
on Fort street yesterday unearthed a
full grown human skeleton buried nt
a depth of about Ihrcc feet and im
bedded in coral rock about a foot deep
Some relic hunter carried away the
skull The nnne1r1nce of ihr lnwrr
jaw suggested the fact of several of the
teeth having been knocked out in early
adult life for the bone was grown over
a space where the teeth should have
been It was further conjectured
from the delicate proportions of the
bones that the subject had been a
woman Possibly the skeleton is some
thing like a century old
A letter from San Francisco to the
editor ot this paper says Mr Syd
ney Dickinson M A of Boston visits
Honolulu by this steamer to deliver a
course of lectures on art and the old
matters His stcrcopticon views arc
very handsome He is a gentleman
and a scholar and his lectures arc very
interesting Mrs D who accompa
nies him is a bright lovely lady
A stone tablet inscribed The
Friend 1887 has been inserted in the
front of the building occupied by the
Press Publishing Company the Friend
and mikald oihees
He Who Runs May Read
That the best company for the policy
holder is the Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York Asselsi 14
000 000 S G Wilder Agent 1 w
SS Mariposa from Sin Fnncisco
Sltnr Iwalani frurnllamaUua
SimrSurpriM mm Mum
Schr Kaulleaoull from Kotultlele
Schr lula from KohalaUta
Fmidav May i
rklDAV May ij
S S Mariposa a the Colonic
Simr W O Hall for Uhalna Maalata K0111 Kau
and the Volcano at 10 a m
Stmr las MaVte for Kapaa at 5 ji m
Schr Vtaltele for Kuan
ikhr Kmrna for Kauai
Schr Kawallanl for Kootau
Am lAtne Amelia for San 1ranclsco
Ilk Hope for 1orl Townscnil
Klmr Surprise for Kuau
Schr Kaulllua for Kauai at 10 a m
Voolu In Fort from Foreign Porta
Haw lik Kalalaua Arniilronpr from Vaparao
Mlibn ilmr Morning Star 1 urner from South Sea
Am Lktne Amelia Ncwlull from Port Towniend
Am hk Hope icnhallow from Port Towntend
Am bark Koreit Queen Winding from San Fran-
Am hkine Malah Thompwn from Newcastle N
Arc Hep bark Oulllcrino Sandnunn from Tort
lownK nd for CnlUo IndUtrem Uaking
Ocrbk llmulci ll from Uvcnwol
AmbktnuSN Cattle Hubbard from San Fran-
Am tern W S Rowne liulimfrom Sai Francisco
Am bark Sonoma Crimiht from Ran Franciico
Ilrii baik Cilenaber Kollestnn from San Francisco
AmbarkCelon Calhoun from San FrancUco
Veasols Exjioototl iVoni Foreign Ports-
llrit lark Cerastes fiom Liverpool due May iao
llrbarklt L T from Newcastle N S W due
Am Ik 1imour llrcwer from ltaston due May
llrit bark ScotlUh Lassie Singer from Liverpool
due May o 3t
nktne Haitie Hangs Terrill from Hongkong duo
April 11 30
Am bktna John Worster from llriilth Columbia
due May 3030
Am bark U O Whitmorc Thompson from Depart
ure Day due May so 30
Am baik Chas II Kcnncy from Newcastle N S W
due June 10 to
llrit lark Scottlih Ianle Singer from Lherpool
duo une lo so en roulo for San FrancUco
From San Francisco per S S Maripow May 13 I
tlcrlram Til Lucas and chl M II Uelthawand
wife Mrs Sydney Dickinson T Vanity II Rosenthal
Mist Anna Cuil J 11 Soper W li Chcesebrouith 0
II llarlwoodand wife Mr Sydney Dickinson C lltn
nlnghovcr K M Chcescbrough and 30 steerage
For the Volcano p r stramcrWO trail May 11
Major Van Vllet for Maui an I Hawaii Miss I Ka
nena S Wilson l Anderson Mr llarnfi Id M Franl
Jin J Lyons Mis Hiompson Mrs Pr Urodje It Y
Glade C N Spencer and 70 deck
From Maul per steamer Surprise May 13yW I A
llrewtr and 3 deck
For the Colonies per S S Mariposa May 13
A Oieenwood M Kicdler W K Tern Mrs Meyers
and 40 In transit
A Want Supplied
The Elcle Book Job and Newspaper
Office corner of Queen and li streets
opposite office of the Board of Health
have in connection with their already
Extensive Printing Establishment just
received per S S Australia through
Messrs Palmer Key of San Fran
cisco direct from the manufactt ry
New York City a Gordon Job Print
ing Press One of the finest and best in
the world and of the largest size made
There is nothing in this1 country to
compare with it To examine this
line piece of workmanship is worth a
visit to tlie Elele Office It excels in
doing the Finest kind of work in the
shortest possible time
Merchants and others requiring print
ing of any kind at short notice and at
reasonable rates -will do well to give
tlie Elcle Office a call Telephone
No 544 mi
Smoke the Havana Cheroots to be
found atC McCarthys
King Bros arc making a specialty of
rcgilding and repairing old Picture and
Mirror Frames
F I lorn proprietor of the Pioneer
Candy Factory has on hand several
hundred pound- of chewing sticks
which cannot be competed with1 in
price owing to his extensive facilities
for manufacturing
Chas T Gulick Notary Public
Records searched abstract of title furn
ished and conveyances dtawn on short notice
Collection Aoency Mr John Good
Jr autliotited collector
Emnovmrnt Agency Mr F Marcos
special ngent
General IIusinkss Acikncv No 38
Merchant sttcct
ell Telephone 348 P O Box ai5
cPctu bcrtloemcntjB
llifcili Anniversary of tho Accession
of Her Majesty Queen Victoria
It is proposed to commemorate this occasion
by the commencement of a fund to be called
Incyvictoria Fund to be Invested for the use of
the lltitlsh Ucnevolcnl Society in aHoidlng
relief to lltitlsh residents who may be in
It is also proposed to celebtate the day by
an entettainment
Donations for cither or both of the above
purposes may be made at the lltitish Vice
Consulate or tn Messrs Illshop Co
bankers or Messrs Spreckcls Co banker
who have kindly consented o receive jay
ments or to members of the Committee
Per order of THE COMMITTKK
Iicthol Union Church
Union Church will 1m held at the
Lyceum on
At 7130 p m oact formally upon tho propo
sitions formulated for the union of the lletliel
Union and lott Street Churches Copies of
me anove pioposuions and lorms lor voting
will be sent to each member
Ily order of the Ilelhel Union Church
Honolulu May 12 1SS7
Contractor mid Buildor
Estimates Furnished on Wood DrirH or
Cubtnut mitl Ctirpontor Worlc
ijoiiii 10 uruor
SG Klne Street
Dell Telephone 107
Ribbon League will please take notice
that there will be a business mcetinc at the V
M C A Hall on Monday evening next the
16th Inst at 7130 pm A full attendance is
Letter Cap and Note Uloclcs of first iUality paper
Legal Cap Letter and Note lllncks of ruled
Manilla paper plain Memo and No
blocks M H form
- for Hills Siatimeii
Wusli listt etc
Or Vijtr PUT UP Jn ANY PORM Ccjlie
ily Tints r ruitvjiS
i tVi FohtKikmii
it you tyxwi to know all the new
you must read the Mkrald
lew ucftlccntcnta
Agricultural Society
Will be held this year in the Society large
Hall at the Government Nutsety on king
street and adjacent grounds on
Satoday May 1U
lletwccn the hours of 10 a tn and 5 pm
rxhibiu ate Invited in the various divisions
named In the schedule given below
Division I Horticulture
Prizes will be given as follows
1 For the best vatiety of Fruits
3 For the best special Fruits
3 For the best growing Ferns-
4 Fo ttlic best cut Hoses
5 For the best cut Shrubs and flowering
6 For the lest growing Palms
7 For the bent Orchids
8 For the best Uouiuct
9 For the best Floral Designs
10 For the best Vegetables
Division 1 1 Dairy Produce
1 For the best Fitktn of Duller 10 pounds
or more
a For the second best ditto ditto
3 For the best pound of lluttcr the ex
hibitors being housekrepers making
their own lluttcr
4 lor the second best ditto ditto
5 For the best Cheese
Division III Agriculture
1 For the best Hicc
2 For the best Cereal other than Kicc
3 For the bctt Fodder Plants
4 For the best Sugar Cane
5 For the best Sugar
6 For I he best Hawaiian Honey
Division IV -Domestic Manufactures
1 For the best vatiety of Malt
a For the best exhibits of Mens Hats
3 For the best exhibits of Womens Hats
4 For the best Knpa
5 For the best exhibits of Calabashes
made from Hawaiian woods
u For the best Howls of Wood or Cocoa
7 For the best exhibits of native made
Ornaments of any description
S For the best exhibit of Artifieial Flowers
and Wreaths
9 For the best home made Saddle
10 For the best home made Harness
Division V Pottltxyand HirdsJ
Priies will bo given for exhibits of a high
class character in all classes of DomcMlc
Fowls and Cage Ilirds
Prites will also be given tor meritorious ex
hibits in any of the above Division although
not falling within the published classification
also for the best exhibits of Jams Jellies
Pickles and other Preserves made in the
The necessary accommodation for exhibits
will be provided by the Society
Notice in writing of intention to exhibit is
requested Illanks for the purpose can be had
at the office of A Jaeger Ksq Kaahumanu
street or from the undersigned
Exhibits must be in place before the open
ing of the Show or they will not be entitled
to compete for prizes
Admission 50 cents children half price
Members of the Society will be admitted free
nn presenting their receipts for subscription
for the current year
Any person can become a member of the
Society by paying the annual subscription of
Subscriptions nre payable to A Jaeger Esq
Acting Treasurer
lly order of the Hoard of Management
1 any debts contracted without my written
order JAMES D0D1
Honolulu Vprll 35 1887
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
Office No 11 SiireckeU Illock Honolulu II I
V O Box cv
itcvo phcvliBcmcni0
The S S Ausl
attractive stock now opening compiling
American and Frenclt Nunst tiling torcign
and Domestic Gingham Scertiekers and
Prints Nociti In Wash Fabrics Elc
High Novelties in Checks and Plaids
All the popular Styles in Silk and Satin
Lace covered etc
Prices completely slaughtered The largest
assotlmcnt in REAL FLOUNCING
A fine display of Oriental Laces Spanish
Great llargalns in Tnrcbou and Linen
Hosiery Hosiery
Just received a complete line of Ladles
Children s ana Men s nnc Hosiery in plain
and fancy styles
Fancy linen embroidered Handkerchiefs at
greatly reduced prices
Special Sale of Corsets
We desire to call the Ladies attention to
this special depattment A complete assort
ment of Hustles and Hoopskhts constantly on
hand Ladies will find It to their advantage
to examine our goods before putchaslng else
Summer IJonncts Summer Hats Magnificent
The only place In Honolulu where stylish
Millinery can be bought at low prices
We offer special inducements A fine as
sortment of Childrens
Ostrich Tips Shaded Ostrich Pomponcs
Plain Pomponcs Plumes Hat
Ornaments Etc
Ladies take a look nt them whether you de
sire to purchase them or not a real bargain
A Word to our Gentlemen Patrona
Another knock nut Fight to a finlsht
Competitors completely demoralized This
means business ami tlont you forgtt it Every
body invited to the gtcat Slaughtering Match
too fine worsted Suits at ant price
50 Pair of Stylish Haiillne Cotkscrcw Pants
too Pair of llroadclotli Pants
150 Suits of Handsome four button Cut
away elegantly trimmed and made at bed
rock price
Latest novelties in fashionable Neckwear
from 25 cents upward
Full finished Vienna and tlalbrigan Suits
from 150 upward
A complete line of fine Felt nnd Straw
Hats at greatly reduced Prices
Such us On Long Sui Sing and Goo Lot
also Japan Tea and many other brands loo
numerous to mention
A fine assortment always on hand of new
styles of Ilamboo Lounges and Chairs of the
latest pattern Extra line and strong Cam
phor trunks in all sizes
A No 1 Chinese plain and coloicd Mat
ting Chinese Pongee Silk at very low figures
Chinese white Silk by the yard or piece
Chinese Tissue In nil shades Chinese Silk
Chinese Grass Cloth white brown and
black by the yard or piece at greatly reduced
A No I assortment of Chinese Silk Hand
kerchiefs plain and embroidered hemstitched
colored border etc
Chinese Silk Sashes of every description
Chinese plain and embroidered Slippers
Chinese Fans in all styles
Call and See Goods and Prices at
Corner Hotel and Fort Sis Honolulu
At the lowest figure of the finest quality o
Warranted genuine made of the pure Juice
only and guaranteed to stand
Wlll not deteriorate In quality forany number
pf years Large quantities exported every
year by some of the largest commercial fitms
of this city to dilferent pans of the United
States and the German Empire
Manufactured ntjtfie
Pioncor Steam Qnndy Factory
nnd Bakory2
Established in 1863
Practical Confectioner Pastry Cook p
Hotel between Niiuanu and Fort Streets
Hoth Telephones No 74
Phonography Taught by tlio
Now Card System
Coast I am prcpue to give lessons in
phonography shorthand 1 by the above named
system to a limited numlu r of ladies and gen
llcmen In order that a full course may be
giyen before my relurn to the Coast applica
tions should be made on or before Mundar
rday i6lh For further information call at the
office of N F Ilurgess 84 King street or ad
dress P 0 box 377 tvnolulu 1 0
i ii

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