Newspaper Page Text
Ji LOO AT, S'ElfS. A noonday meeting will be held at the Y. M. C. A. to-day. Since the departure of the Circus it ib very quiet around Hotel and Fort , streets. A party of about twenty ladies and gentlemen started out to the I'.tli on ' horseback last night. the Fire Department is expected to .- i.lurrve on board the Alameda which is . , due the 2oinst. A ethusiastic reception awaits him. The Women's Christian Temperance Union wilt hold its annual meeting this afternoon at half-past two, in the parlors j., of the Y. M. C. A. A full attendance '. is requested. ; ' Jack Cousins, who met with a serious accident last, week is slowly im-v "proving. Mr. James Dodd kindly fe '" ' . V. , w .! THE DAILY HBConolulit. Press VVlll bo for enlr. TinUr rxt tho lovln l5luoof3 : J, M. OAT, Ik. & Cj, , street T. O.TIIKUM,.,.,r rVttstreel N. F. UUKGBHd ,. King street WOLFB&CO Cor. King and Nuuanu sis C. J. MCCARTHY ...-. Hotel srcel CKifSi'AL SODA WORKS Hotel streeet sl'lee Cent$ ior Co;, .' An excellent haul of fish was made it" yesterday. The market was ovci loaded '- ' with mullets and other fine fish. .( ' The Circus has still a representative r, ' in Honolulu, in the shape of the large , ,y centre p jIc of the tent, which h left stnnninir. f Several members of the. Myrtle boat club deny the report that they have ' issued a challenge to the King's senior six-oared crew. The tin-whistle-little-boy has put in his appearance at laJt, and the old around town arc substituting ,- clubs for walking-sticks. Final instructions regarding the new . mail system is expected to be received on the arrival of the Alameda which is due about the 21st. inst. Mr. Chris. Miller is getting along admirably. His agency and transfer business is inpreasingf and it is hoped that his prosperity will continue. It is rumored that the .intends to commence active work soon ;'win repairing some of the back streets which need it badly. Maybe it is so. Mr. John Nott, Chiet Engineer of offered the hospitalities or his house to the disabled "veteran," which were accepted. The newly organized Portuguese band, consisting of twenty members, will hold its first practice meeting this evening. The leader arrived from Hilo last Saturday. They 'will meet ,in the Y. M. C. A. building. A Chinese express collided with a telephone post on Nuuanu street yesterday afternoon about half-past two o'clock. The result was a broken shaft, broken harness and a large quantity of Chinese profanity. It is reported that the gates of the Palace grounds were guarded yesterday 6y a man, with whip in hand, to drive dogs awayx another by his side to advise all white people desiring to enter that no haoles were admitted. Last night at about a quarter past nine o'clock, two natives and a Chinaman engaged in a rough-and-tumble fight on Nuuanu street near the first bridge. Both the natives were worsted and the Chinaman remained " monarch of all he surveyed." He went home, however, with one eye in mourning. 'A little before midnight, night before last, cries were heard in a Chinese house on Nuuanu street near lleretania. When the matter was investigated by 'two passers-by nothing could be learned, as' the house was entirely without an inhabitant, although it had diuhtless been occupied but a few minutes before. A most exciting chase took place yesterday morning on Fort street below Queen, street, between a native and his dog. The native had been to Fish market and had bought a piece of meat which the dog had watched and at last danght out ot his Jund. The native did not catch the "dog." Damage '"twenty-five cents. During the last week there has been a continual disturbance going on near the corner of Merchant and Fort streets. This notice is given so if the policeman , who is supposed to De on that beat should contemplate moving his sleeping quarters to that vicinity, he may ,De saved considerable trouble by being . warned before hand. There was a chicken roost at it is no moore. There was another - ichicken "roost at Makiki; if is no more. Absl theie was a third chicken roost at Makiki and Ipl it is not any more. 'Mr. H, Merger hasf a fourth fine Chicken roost nt Makiki and he kindly Invites the fearless parlies who have depleted Jiis neighbor's chicken rot sts to call on some dark night and interview his bin dogi" Jack" and (hey will be no more. Yesterday morning it looked as if the much needed repairing of , the King street bridge had at last commenced, but those so thinking were doomed to disappointment. A Government cart dropped about a sack of dirt in a place where more than a ton was required. By noon all traces of the work done .wcregone. Evidently the driver of the cart made a mistake and came back and packed off what he had dumped '-'"on tho dilapidated bridge. An article appeared in yesterday's issue of the Press, in reference to Mr. McCarthy's losing some money at the Myrtlo boat house, that might be mis understood. The article was written with the intention of placing the mcn bcra of the Myrtle Club in their proper light that it would be a gross injustice to entertain any suspicions what ever against members ct the club 111 connection witll the much recretted affair The rcgula monthly meeting of the Y. M. C. A. will be held this evening intheirparlorsathalfpastscven. Reports of the local work will be given. Secretary Fuller and Mr. Henry Water-.blouse will also present a report of the recent California States Convention to which they were delegates, hadies 01 gentlemen who may not be members of tiler Association if interested to hcai of the work will be Welcome to the meeting. Mi.s Ellen Johnson left her home last-night at about half-past six o'clock to attend a meeting at the Y. M. C. A. Up to half-past eleven the same evening nothing had been heard or seen of her. It is reported that at times sht is afflicted with a mental malady and it is supposed that during one of these attack she wandered in some unknown direction. Search was institucd with the above results. Later At about twelve o'clock Miss Johnson returned home alone. She lost herself and wan dered around China-town the whole evening up to the above time. The Royal Hnwstflan Band, under the leadership of Mr. H. Berger, will give a moonlight serenade this evening at Emma Square, at half-past seven o'clock : I. March Vfaapa nana lea Eo .Berger 3. Overture Mozart Huppe 3. Cornet Polkn The-First Kiss....Neumnn 4. Selection The Loinbardians tVcrdi Hoohcno 5. Selection Madame Angot, by request .... Lccocq 6. Serenade Defore her Ylndow Nehl 7. Waltr Sec-Saw Crorvc 8. Galop Like the Wind Faust Hawaii Ponoi. The 'King held his annual hula on the Palace grounds yesterday and latt evening. Only natives were allowed admission j foreigners without invitations were not admitted. The afternoon dances were attended by the Royal family and several foreign States official. American Minister Merrill being among the number present, Mr. Crcighton of the Advertiser was also an interested guest. The native audience was large and enthusiastic. The dancing stopped at six o'clock in the evening to be continued at half past seven. An extensive and luxuriant public luau was given at the Palace. Festivities will be continued to-day. The Planters' Monthly for November has been received, and, as usual proves to be full of interesting matter. The leading article of the number is entitled "Planters and the coming Election," which, while it alleges nothing specifically against the Government, rather tends to make the coming fight a per sonal One on the grounds that "Out of twenty-eight candidates who arc being supported by the whole power of the Government, twenty-six arc Government office holders, whose living and whose retention in office depends absolutely upon their unqualified support of the Administration," The various plantation notes are full and interesting as they always are and the other de partments of the Monthly are varied and well sustained. The Hawaiian Colonization Land and Trust Company have issued a preliminary prospectus setting forth the merits of the Honouliuli, Kuhuku, and Kawailoa and Waimea ranches. The introduction to the prospectus contains the following clause : " The object and purpose of this company shall be to purchase the land and leases .herein-1 after described, also other desirable property in the Kingdom which may be offered for sale or lease upon favor able terms, and sell 'or sub-lease them for colonization purposes, in lots or parcels to suit purchasers, and upon terms which will make it not only possible but convenient for those with viry limited means, to gain a 'foot hold'' in this country," Occasion will be taken here after to review the scheme at greater length. They say : that the Hawaiian politi ca. focus is centering upon the labor question as the planters see it : that the hulas at the Palace yesterday were held to furnished a chapter in the King's new book ; that the editorial in the Planters' Monthly on ''Planters and the coming election" was straight from the shoulder ; that the person who has been writing unsigned letters about Marshal Soper wijl get his fins entangled in the Government net ; tnat the man who laughs at the doings of the present would most probably be lauuhed at himself, if he were fortunate pnougli to get into office ; that the most dubious of all events in the way the privy council or a police court jury will dicide ; that Mr. Chas. Furneaux has brought out Ihe Honolulu Command- ery, ISo, 1 K.. rs banner wonderfully j that tie Circus will give some more shows when they come hack : that the Hotel street boys are thinking of or ganuing a serenading band to compete with the natives ; that nobody in Honolulu can guess what the expression "that beats the natives" means j that the three hardest words in the English language for a man to utter are "I was mistaken;" that a Fort street nan declares that the three words "I deliberately lied" are still harder to utter; that the police court judge says that the last three are almost always true at least in his expe rie,nce with criminals; that the Myrtle boys will decline, through manly pride, to row over a race once lost ; and that music swells the hearts of men and the throats of midnight cats on Fort street DAILY HONOLULU PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1885. The banner received sohictime age by the Honolulu Commandery No. 1 K. T., bearing Upon one side the figun of a woman holding a kahili and upon the other n crown and motto, has beet repainted, by order of the Command ery, by Mr. Chn. Furneaux, artist. The Commandery decided that tin design of the native woman was not al together an appropriate one and Mr Furneaux has ropuhwd that side of tin banner. In place of the original desigi an artistic and vivid picture of tin crater of Halemaumau, truly represent ative of Hawaii, has been painted ii Mr.. Furneaux s bold yet delicate style The banner will be on exhibition at tht studio of the artist after Thursday foi several days. The picture, ns Matet above, was painted by the order of the Commiindcry and meets thcii unqualficd approval. choice liurinn Prime California fresh roll butter it tins on ice, call and sample. Henry 'Davis & Co, No. 95 Fort Street. riiEsii jx.voii vies Daily, from and after date at Melllr & Haliie'b, Confectionery. FRESI1 CEEA3I CAKES A BOLAIJIS. Dally, from and after date at Meller & Halbe's Confectionery. ait t pit so. Merchant Vessels Noar In Port. Ok'ne Mormino SrXi , Bray Bktne DlSCOViiilV Mine, Uktnc Llla I lowi Uk Vicioria Cross Robinson Dgliie W O Irwin ; Turnei Schr RaindoW i Davit Altim'ALS, Saturday, Nocmcber 14 Stmr Likelikc from Maul Stmr Jnmcs I Douscu from Mnlokat Stmr Ivinau from Maui and Hawaii Stmr MoUolil from Molukat Stmr James Makeu from Rapaa, Kauai. Sch Lenhi from llnnalei Bgtne W G Irwin from San Francisco SUNDAY, November 15 Stmr Planter from Kaiiat Wednesday Nov. 18 Sch Ualcakala from 1'epcekco. Stmr C R Bishop from Waianac and Kauai Stmr Waimanalo from Waimanalo liin'AJlTCJtES. Saturday, Nov. 14 Bk Ceylon for Hongkong O S S Mariposa for San Francisco Schr Llholiho for Waimea, Kauai Tuesday Nov. 17 Schr Rob Roy for Sch Knwallani for Koolau Sch Domitila for Kilobit Stmr Walnianilo for Waimanalo, Stmr James I Dowsett for Molokai Stmr Kinau ? r. M. for Maalaea & Hawaii. Stmr Likelikc, 5 p M, for Maui bclir Alary t. t'oster lor Kauai Schr Mahuokawai for all ports in Koobu Wednesday, Nov. 18 Stmr Iwalaui 4 v M for Ilamoa, Paauhau, Ho nokaa, St Kukuilnela Stmr Mokolii 5 p. M. for Molokai Stmr James Makee 5 p. m. for Knpan, Kami Stmr Planter at 5 P. M. fpr Nnwiliwili, Koloa, Eleele, Kekaha and Waimea. Stmr Kilaura Hon, for Hamakua ports Schr Leahfor Hanalci Kauai rXSSlCJ.V LEAI'IVU XUI.S IAX. Thursday, Nov. 19 B'une Morning Star for South Sea Islands PASHEyOEttS. Arrival. From Maul, per stmr Likelikc, Saturday, Notember I4M Iiiko & wf, W HI Daniels D Topmey. A M Sproul, G P Wilderj W H Cornwall, D D Hawkins & wf. A II Smith G Weight, Mrs Baker, MUs Lindrord, Wm Landfnrd, F L Wintci, M Kcaloha, G Kraiip & wf, Mary Antone and 91 deck. From Molokai, per stmr Mokolii, Saturday November 14 P Bro wi Mm Hart, D Lokana Mrs Amea, Kuamo & 40 deck. , From Maul and Hawaii, per stmr Kinau. Saturday November 14 If K Field, Miss Joseph, Miss Miller, M smith, Dr B(dwell, A N Brown, C A Douglas G R Setley, AT Geiger, T R Brown & wf, Geo Nakanuahi, W E Rowell C C Webb Miss Emily Norher, Miss Mary tiucKie, miss Anpie iiuckie, J .)liss Miss A Lishman, Wm Kinney, C Williams, W L Kaholokahikl, W P Lumaheihel, Judge E Preston, W A Whiting, II C Aut!n &wl, I wanineaukal (c wl, I Stupplcueen, Moki Koki. T Nilipo. V L Wilcox, L Chong, Y lfellibeJir, H tenth, W ll Patten, Mlss'F Wluht. I Briuht. W1 Ationc wf & 2 children, and 1 14 deck passcqgers. From Kauai, per stmr Planter, Sunday, November 15 Rev J BHanaike, O Scholtt, B wfv Mrs F M Simpson, Capt 1 Ross, WBIaisdell, W C Dart, 7 Chinese anil 85 deck. Drpnrtuvei, For Maul and Hawaii, net stmr Kinau Tuesday, November 17 Mrs Tahlnary, Miss Rathburn, Mr Gunning F W Glide, Mrs Howland & family, C Along, Miss 'Landfnrc', Mr Landford, Bro Bertram, Hon A S Cleg-horn, j Lyons, Mr Wilder nnd ico deck. For Maul, per stmr Llkelike, Tuesday Nov. 17 H Mayer, C F Bildwln, J Lucas, W Monarrat, Wm Dunbar, J Green, R Luye, MrWood)ear, Mr Taylor, J Kltlchi, Miss Mary King. Buncarno & son, J Francis, F Shatlley, Cuaco, V Chapman, W Little, Mr Maitin, R James, Dick Saunders, V Culhert, T Tolbeit, S Nelson, G Womble & 75 deck. SOTES. The bktne Ella will sail about Saturday. The bktnc Discoeiy is now lying out n the stream. " The schr Emma is undergoing a thorough repairing. I Thc schr Halcakala arrived from Pcpeekco, Hawaii, she brought no freight. The stmr W. G. Hall Is due to-morrow from Maalaea, Kona and Kau, The bktne Morning Star will sail to-day for Microrfcsla, sue will be gone about fom months, (Stucntl uct'tiocmcntc. OIj .A.TTS' HEADQUARTERS ; 1 1 13 oiEisr. With an excellent assortment of New and Seasonable Goods t In keeping lthj(jhe usual extra quality of novelties and desirable 15? i W Bwks, Toys, FancyGoods, Christmas Cards, For which this, establishment Is noud. ".MSI " wr Special Holidav Editions of Poets, V In fine bindings, Persian and Turkey Morrocco, Alligator and Seal Skin, Tree Calf, Plush and Cloth. Prang's Vihe Cards (plain and fringed), Xmas Aloha (fringed) Bookmarks, Fine Plush 'Goods,' Celuloid Setr, Brackets, EBONY FRAMES &CABINETS, Steam and Electric Toys, , New Toys and Games, PACIFIC COAST DIARIES FOR 1885 (Pocket and Office sties.) Drcka's Dictionary Blotters, Papeteries, Juvenile Books (a fine assortment), Etc., Etc., Etc ; ' ' ' Together with a full and complete line' of Stationery and Blank Books. All orders faithfully attended to. Prices as reasonable as good Goods will warrant, and cheapest In the long run. . THOS. 0. THEDM, 104 Fort Stroot. 6SHf M RS. THOMAS LACK, No. 70 Fort Street, Honolulu. . - 1 IMMIITSK AND BULK IK BE WING MACHINES . AMD OSNUINt Vaf; Attachment!, Oil anil Aecimortc. ' aoknv rem tiik White and trio Light-Running New Komi; Muchine Howard's Machine Needles, nit Und Corticell's Silk, in ul( colors and iltes : Harbour's Ltnen Thread, Clark's O. N. T. Machine Cotton. Mine. Dmtrot's RitialU put Paptr Patterns AMD rUILICATIONS. Dealer In RirLES Rivoi.vr.K3 Gums ai d Sportino Goods, . S11 re, I'owdsk, Can, and Mktallic Cartkiocks KEIIOSESB aXOFJSS, in all . Lock and promptly attended to. ' jSV05 MELLER & HALLE'S Ice Orream DP&vlor ' '" AND CONFECTIONERY Lincoln's Blbok, King Street, A FIuo Assortment of CANDIES AND CAKES, ALWAYS ON HAND. PARTIES SUPPLIED. ! OENTBAL J?A.RIC SKATING RINK, Corner Jieretnnla ami 1'unchb'ptcl Hit., , ,., J I rsslll SSmK skate jH HIV pAT.APn.Ee.iBBl IHp SSsIp UAR.ia.te9ti Kr This cool and attractlre Rink hai been overhauled and telinishcd and Is now In perfect condition, 'Die proprietor findloj, after expedience, that wood is unterviccable forKOLLCU SKATING has, at sreat expeme, laid a Patont Coinposltlon Floor, That will couvlnce anyone that t1 It of Its "" ., FOtt HASH IX.HKATItta. Cleanllncu, etc., It has ru tjual, OPHK EVK11Y EVENING. (Sctmitl bci'tistmcntfi. acxxvirrErj. NEWS.BOOK, Job Htcutn 'Printing Office CAMPUELL'S NEW DUlLDtNO Merchant street,) IS PREPARED TO DO ALL WORK ' y '' 1 1 Tho Highest Style of Typographic Art wiimixk m WEDD1NO VIStTlNO OR BUSINESS CARD INVITATIONS, MENU CARDS) CARDS, LETTER, MOTE, STATEMENT or BILLHEADS, t ' - , '1 . . ' SHIPPING RECEIPTS, ' MONEY RECEIPTS, CERTIFICATES OF STOCK ' CONTRACTS BILLS OP LADING. t 0 CHECKS, drafts: ,u, ORDERS, NOl'ES TICKETS' " ,IiOcislIintl'Moron.ntllo Blanks, "i "; LAUEL3. V ' "BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, ETC. The above, In connection with tht and Blank Book Monnfaotory, EnaUea tb offic to lajr claim to conuxlency la all deputments, as each la under tho cart ot etpenenctd wnrkmen. : The Stationary Dopartmont 1 - - 4 Wilt carry a lull line of papers for smcuttng BLANKS '" . i rfj of all dMcripttoat, or for tpecial iltea orcUx ot Blank Books, la addition to tht ujual full lueortmetit of Commercial, Lejal and Offlco Stationery. Alt onlart falthlullf attendtd to and jrtur patronaga reepectfully THOS. O. THRUM, Mamjer Preet I'uMUhlnj Co., (Limited,) BooKs Relating: to Hawaii. Our Journal in tht Pacific, JarveV History of the Hawaiian Iilaoda. . Andrew's Hawaiian Dictionary, Andrew's Hawaiian Grammar. Whitney's Guide Bosk. Miss Bird's SU Months In lha Sandwich Islavda. Mils Gordon Cummins ' Firt Fountains. Hawaiian Almanac and Annuals t Hawaiian Cook Book revised edition. Hawaiian, Phrase Books. Easy Lessons for Hawattans. WORKS OUT OF PftINT A Pow Oopioa Only. Hawaiian Club Papers. i Honolulu Directory and Historical Sketches of tht Hawaiian Islands. Hasilnger's Custom Housa Tariff and Digest. The Islander an I ro. weekly lournsl, March SO November, 19j. Together with an excellent variety; of MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, ' V ' ALBUMS. Tor salt by il I ' . ( ' TUOS. O. Tit BUM, 100 Vrt St cncntl e&uuEt'tistmcntB. O. KT. MXUJLJELJ&. GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Vr I beg to notify the Public In general that I have opened an office on MERCHANT STREET, in conjunction with Mr. J. A.J Mti(;onn, for the purpose of attending to the wants of the residents of the Hawaiian Islands who may need an Agent. I do not confine myself alone to the Business Houses, but also to the domestic class who would wish mc to attend to any matter. of business, especially to making purchases either In Honolulu or San Francisco In any line tff General Merchandise. T$ the Business Houses I will give my careful attention in all matters' pcrtainiilg to General Business, ii) Adjusting and Collecting Accounts, Distribution of Bills and Cirrulurs, Custom House Entries, Uujing and Renting Real Estate and Personal i Properly. tar All Legal Documents will be carefully and neatly drawn up by Mr. J. A. Magoon. By attending tcT all matters entrusted in my cate in a careful, courteous and neat manner, and with quick dispatch, I hope to be favored with a part of the pubtlc patronage. Agent for Klinkncr & Co. Kcd Rubber ' O. -. W stamps. v. in.. mi44L.Kii, r ' Telephone ; P. O. Box 113. J 42 Merchant Street. Cl-iy "ECONOMIC STATIONERY. 1 ' LEGAL CAP PERFECTION PADS, , t HODDER'S LETTER PADS, t Letter, Cap and Note Blocks of first quality' paper. Legal Cap, Letter and Note Blocks of ruled Manilla paper, plain Memo, and Nota I ' blocks, M. & II. form blocks for Blllf, Statements, Wash-lists, etc,, Or Paper PUT UP In ANY FORM Desired At TttOS. a. TltRVai'H Fort Stubst Stork.'. HEADS, LETTER HEADS. NOTE HEADS AND STATEMENT HEADS printed to order by the j PUESS PUBLISHING COMPANY NEATEST JOB PRINTING united to order at tht Satuk imV Prms office 1&7B. Twelfth Year "THE HAWAIIAN ALMANAC, AND, ANNUAL" FOR 1886. First in the Field and foremost in the estimation of the ' ' - "pap. Will be issued during (December, in time for, .the January mail.1 " ''"'" ' ,yn ' n New features of special interest are sought for and added from time to time, and np pains or expense is spared to merit the confidence accorded it from near 'and far. i ..i . Advertisements are now in order at regular rates ; no fancy prices charged. Orders are already received for the for ,yardance of a large supply, as soon as issued, jhroiighcjut these islands and abroad. Parties desiring early copies will please forward their orders. THOS.G. TilKUM, Publisher. : THE EEESS PUBLISHING, . , vCOMEAFT, I i. " r is... '" - J U ' .T NEWS, BOOK and JO aro. Q9 axESuoxaLAjfcT'r stebet. i , rf . - W - i Woddliip;, VialUnjj'f r BustnesaCards, Invitations, Menu Cards, T -is , ' Shlpp!ngRecelpta, Money Receipts, ' Certificaies of Steele, Contracts, Dills Tickets, Lejral and Mercantile Blanks, i i - , ' NEATLY, ELEGANTLY, PROMPTLY, a Ruction nlcc. JCJAL NOTICE! Ju$( received n consfgdmeni of Wax. Dolls; -. " (Dressed and undressed), ",ft.fiabT Carriages, " ' ' , ': Accordeons. A splendid lot of Oil Jfcftpitinffs, , AimI qicoffrwpw, idx? jTjfiTiaiti.' 1 Atso a few cases of Extra Manila Cigars, Show Ca'ses, And a small line of Ladles', Misses', , Men's arid Youths' Boots; Oaitors & Shoes. i All of which will be sold to 'the tradt st reasonable prices. , , - ZTOlfS Jt" COIIKSS, AucttntfirD Jt Comtntitlon Mercfinnt ET ETC., ETC. VJSITINO CARDS, PLAYING CARDS, SLATE , llncle and double. Duplex cap and letter cltpe, , bhipman's Letter, Cap and Invoice Filet, Rub. ber Copying Sheets, CopJIng Brushes, Dampening Bottlt, InVitands Paper j WclahtvSeatinrWai black and red, Paper Fanteners, Legal and Notarial ,Seal. Moore's Blptters, Blotting ' Padii. Prograrmrit'TasseU, Key Kings, Pins, ' '" Sillc'Tottel'PinkTape, together with the THOUSAND AND ONE OTHER ARTICLES usually found in well, appointed Stationery Stores, '1 nourtnttoclcconstiibicof r,Enanns,mivnyAr.s, bays ana ca sit fulf bound, In Demy and Medium Sires. Ledgers, Journals and Records, Half hound, In Cap, Deny and Medium SUta. Cap iLnng Day iBoolcs and Single Entry Day Books1 half bound, Two-third Day Bookf, Narrow Order Books, Trial Balance Books, ' Caih' liooki, Qto. Records ' ,jl '.1 and Journals, SAMS rnos. a. Tiraujr. Fort Stkest Stos isse. of .PuTDlicatlon; ' ' )Uc : , v, - t',1 B PRINTING OFFICE , t ! BallProfirrarames,' Letter, I J . I w , n i, . I ' , f T . i r - Note, Statement or'Blll !-;td of Lading-, Checks, Drafts,' Orders, Notes, V s.i -i ' Labels, Books, Pamphlets, etc, i u i SURELY and REASONABLY DONE. 'PIMM. O. IS$ y