Newspaper Page Text
VY mufmw" iffriirtJry (Wwst." ' .'-' T"3 Tff.'T ffsKw i Daily Press. t'll .. . - ,.,.!., I.. I ! I.I VOLUME I. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1885. NO. 95 Coit of Kcoiiltiff n Ynolit. (PhtlnJolphln Times Intsrvlow. "How much docs It cost to keep a yachtf" was asked .of Nolls Olsen, the. tewnrd of tho Novi York Yacht club. "That depends on how big your yncht is and whether It Is a stcatnor or not. Tho usual wages paid to men employed on yachts ara rather moro than tho pay ' in tho merchant scrvlco and tho men aro bettor fed and clothed. Tho sailors, as a rulo, aro picked men and a ercat many of them aro Scandinavians. Thoro aro some German and English sailors and a fow Americans. Tho latter aro principally thoso who Imvo had oxperienco on fishing smacks and coaster's, that sort of training admirably llttlug them for tho work expected of yachtsmen. The averngo pay is $'J0 per month and $5 n month 'merit mbuoy,' that Is, for good behavior during nn cntlro season. It is customary to pay them nt tho end of tho year that sum for each month of service as a roward of merit. "The English system is quite different andccitalnly has its advantages from an economical standpoint. Tho men beforo the mast In au English yacht receive from 8 to -1 pounds sterling per month and a specified sum per diem board allowance. With this money thoy form their own mess and live as oxtravagautly or as cheaply as they chooso. Tho most lavish 'yacht owners in tho world aro tho Now York men, and tho prices paid and quoted here, it must bo rcmotnbercd, aro greater thau thoso usual In other cltloj. "Tho cook is a very important person on board a yacht. Of course, somo yachtsmen havo an expert at a faucy salary, but tho average cookiecolves from frl.i,U to $2. GO a day. The mate receives r about tho bamo rate of pay, and tho sailing blaster from s2 to if-i u day. Then in a stLum jacht tho engineers and nsslstauts receive about the samo rate of pay as tho and mates, and tho llremou the same ns tho men boforo tho most. In a steam yacht, too, must bo taken into consideration the cost of fuol and engineer s supplies, such as oil, cotton waste, packing, etc., otc. r nutation of ruroiti to Multirl.1. (Popular Helena' Montlily.l The outline: down of forests in malari ous countries has often proved an excellent means of amelioration; becauso, by removing every obstaclo to tho direct action ol tho sun's rays on tha.surfuce of the soil, its humidity during tho warm season is sometimes entirely exhausted. In spito of universal experience of this fact, a school originating with tho great Homan physician, Lanclsl, has sustained the contrary, counseling the malntonanco and oven tho extension of forests in malarious countries. Absorbent plants havo been suggested and used as a means of drawing humidity from tho soil, not without success In certain countries really malarious. The prejudico that the malaria is duo to tho putrescent decompositions of tho soil has, in Italy, led to tho choice of the Eucalyptus globulus as tho treo best adapted to combat the poison, tho idea being that the eucalyptus, which grows very rap Idly, dries tho humid earth, aud at tho samo time by tho aroma of Its lcaca destroys tho so-called miasmata No genuine instance of tho eucalyptus having succeeded in its allotted task is yet known to Dr. though he does not say, that its success Is impossible. Had ils'Ilalian patrons studied Its action in its native Australia, whoro it nourishes much better than in Italy, they would havo known that there aro euca lyptus forests In thoso latitudes where"! malaria is very prevalent, as has been shown by Professor Liversldgo, of tho University of Sydney. Jorsoy ApiIoJaok. IProntlco Mulford. Besides tho coons and weasels living hereabout thoro are many human beings, descendants of tho Dutch. There are, it .is said, still living hereabout soma vcr. old people who speak Dutch or could If thoy wiahed. Applojaclc is tho favorlto bovcrago among this class, but thoy do not commence its cnorgetlo manufucturo until nearer tho sea coast about I ong Branch, whore popular belief inclines against tho killing of tho llsh hawks, whoso frequent nests aro conspicuous ou the taller trees (suggesting bushel baskets lodged thereon). " Kill a llsh hawk, " says a Dutch desconded .lorsoyman of this section, "and your cows will give bloody milk." -Thoy bclletoit and bollevo in applejack too. I drank once a hugo applejack punch concocted for mo by ono of these landlords (thoy wore building tho Long Branch it on pier at the time), and in fifteen minutes after tho fluid had bogun tho assimilating process with my organization I taw countless iron piers stretch ing awuy in dim tapering perspective far down tho Jorsoy coast. It is ono of tho most insidious of stimulants In its oITccts, any may not glvo a hint that it moans buiiness uutll it has been within you 'flfteon or twenty minutos. Slavery In fubi. At'anta Onstl'utlon. An edict of the Spanish Government which went into forco last year frees ono slavo In four every year. This will ox- tinrrttlsh slavery ou tho 1 island I in 1838. A largo planter from Cuba being vlewod said: "Blavo labor is not profitable in Cuba. I havo owned and worked COO on my plantation, but now tlo uot own a slavo and hlro all my laborers, and Hud it bettor and cheaper. " Tho value of slaves has so decreased under tho order for emancipation that thousands of them puichuso their own liberty and hlro thorn selves out to raise the money. Hand of DllVurent Nationalities. Poston Uudget.J Hands' of different nationalities differ. Tho (jerniau hand is thick, short, fingered, short nailed, with a wide paim, Tho Spanish baud is noted tho world over for in tapering fingers aud raro llexlblllty. Tho l ronch and Italian hand is long and capable of closo pressure, but tho English and America i hand Is tho host Unit, tlrmly set baud, blended with all tho variations of typical beauty known. Natural fins. , tExclinnKi',1 The natural gas is probably formed In the earth by a process of natural distillation from tho animal and vogoiablo remains of past geological opodis, and is nearly the iame product as wo distil Horn coal in tho rotorts of our gas factories, only instead of tho heat of our fires, the internal heat of thu earth, aided, peihaps, by chemical decomposition, has cuuscd its formation on a magnificent scale. A JJi'ofccmomtl (fliirlto. CLARENCE WILDER VOLNEV VA1LLANC0URT ASIirORD. ASIlruRD. A SHFORD & ASHFORD. Attorneys, Counsellors, Solicitors, Adco-eaten, Proctors, Conveyancer, JCtc. Office "Honolulu Hale," adjoining Post-office. DR- A. MeWAYNE, and suiigeon. Offick and Residence ;)4 Alakea street. Offick Hours? to ii a. m.; 6 to 8 p. si. . . 350-384 - HO. L. BABCUCK, 'teacher of tho Piano forte, the Address, car a Messrs. West, Dow & Co., No. 10J Fort St. i Honolulu. Rbsiuencb No. n lmma itrcet. 137-588 T M. WHITNEY, M. D., D, D. S. Dental llooms on Port Street, Honolulu ,,,H. I. Office In Itrewer'i Mock, corner Hotel and Kort Street!, entrance on Hotel Street. 310-361 JONATHAN AUSTIN, Attorney anil Counsellor at Law, Ami Agent to take Acknowledgements, .No. 14 Kaahumanu Street ....Honolulu 331-373 J NO. A. HASSINGER, Agent to tithe Acknowledgments to Con tracts for l.alior. Interior Offick IIiiniii ui b I alt-363 . , TOHN a. PATY, Notary I'uhllc anil Commission of Dials, For the States nf California and New York. Office ji uie uaiu 01 uisliop & Co. ' " ' HoNotULU. OAnu; it. 1. 110-361 ' JULES TAVERNIEK, '? Art tut. Studio : Room 6, Spreckels Block FoRT&TRBET HoNOLLLU. HuUR3: 3 to 5 r, U, J.j, T A THURSTON. (Successor to siiitii & tiiukiton) Attorney at Laic, No. 38 Miirciiant Strrkt Honolulu 356-7 D P. GRAY, M. D ruxsiciAS aud suitai:ox, Office, next door to the Honolulu Library. 9 to 10 A. M. Office Hours: 3 to at. m. 7 to 8 r. si. Sundaj , 9 to 1 1 A. M. " KUStDENCE, cor. Kinau and Pcnsacola Sts. ' '34-83 O . DOLEti Counsellor at Law anil Notary l'ublle, OFFICE, No. 15 Kaaiiumanu Street Honolulu TXT R. CASTLE Attorney, at Law and Notary Public. No. 19, Merchant Street Honolulu Attends all the Courts of the Kingdom. 310-161 Dustncas Q&irtUB. A S. CLEGIIORN & Co. Tmporleru and Dealers In tleneral Merchandise. Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Streets, Honolulu. A W. PEIRCE a Lo. Ship Chandlers and Commission, No. t5 Quben St t Honolulu. Agents iior.Uraiiii Guns and llomb Lans and Per. ry Davis' rain Killer. 310-361 A LLEN a ROBINSON, friitr In Znuibtir iu (iff fcfmfa Ing Materials, Paints, Gils, Nails, etc., No. 44 Qickbn Strkkt Honoiulu, It, 1. AUENTS OF SCIIOONBItS Haleakala, Kulainanu, ifeknuluolil, Mary Ellen, Ullaraa, Pauahl aud Lcahl, At Robimon's Wharf, L. SMI 1 H A Importer mill Dealer In Glassware, Merlden Ware, llraehets, Vases, No. 83 Fort Street. .....Honolulu King's Combination Hnectacles and Eeglasses, Uustrnl Wire Ware. fancy Soaps, Picture Frame. Wosienholm's Pocket Cutlery, 11. I. Chase's Island icws, Clark's Snoot Cotton. Machine -Oil. all kinds of Machine Needles, "Domestic' !)!.. . Sole auent of thA nnlvrcnllv nfL..A..t..l..l Y !..!.. Running Domestic Sewing Machine. DISHOP a CO., Bankers Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Draw Exchange on THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO. A,!J,h'I"''" NEW YORK, BOSTON, PARIS. FRAN E-MAIN, AND Messrs. N M. ROTHSCHILD & SONS, LONDON, The COMMERCIAL BANKING CO. OF SYDNEY, LONDON, lhe COMMERCIAL HANKING CO. ut avuNLV, SYDNEY, N, S. W. lhe COMMERCIAL HANKING CO. OF SYDNEY. MELBOURNE. VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA. The BANK OK NEW ZEALAND! AUCKLAND, And lis branches in CHRIS1CHURCH, DUNEDIN, AND WELLINGTON THE BANK Of BRITISH COLUMBIA, PORTLAND, OR, The AZORES AND MADEIRA ISLANDS. S10CK1I0LM, SWtDEN, lhe CHARTERED BANK OF LONDON AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. HONOKONI, CHINA. AND YOKOHAMA, JAPAN, NO nantatt a General Banking Business. rs BREWER a COMPANY, '' V.inlM.i Qeneral Mereantlleand Commission Agents Qubkn Street, Honolulu, WnE'n'r&.S .,0ne,, Jr" P,'"lnt and manager! Joseph O, Carter, treosuitr and secretary. Directors lions. Charles R. Bishop and H, A. P, Carter! : W. K. Allen auditor. $ncinctfj8 GTrtrtw. p B. WILLIAMS, Importer and Dealer ih 'iirnliiiro of llrery Description. Also Upholsterer arid Manufacturer. Furniture Warerooms No. tit Fort Street, Workshop at old stand on Hotel Street, All orders promptly attended to. as; 3-303 J c. It U ST ACE, formerly with bollrs & CO.) of holesalo anil lletatl Qroeer, hi, Kino Street Uniwn Harmony Hall. Family, Plantation, and Ship stores supplied at short notice. New goods by every steamer. Orders from other Islandfaithfully executed. Telephone No. no. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Me) chants, No. 80 Kino: Street..., Honoluli AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Agents (or The Hitchcock & npany s Plantation. Hie Alexander & Inlduin Plantation. T K, HuMead, or walalua Plantation. A. H. Smith & Company, Koloa, Kauai. J. M. Alexander, Haiku, Maul. The Hiiku Supar Company. The Kohala Sugar Company, Hamikua Plantation! The Union Insurance tympany ol San Franicsco The New England Life Insurance Company of Host n T he Illake Manufacturing Company of Boston D. At: Wenion's Patent Machines. Hie New York and Honolulu Prcket Line. The Merchant's Line, Honolulu and San Franciscii Dr. Jaynes & Son' (jelebrnted Medicines. Wilcox (t Gihh's Silver Manufacturing Compiny, Wheeler R. Wilson's Scwin; Maclilnes. EPl ADAr.lS & CO., Auctioneers anil Commission Meithiints. No, 46 Queen Street, .. Honolulu E D. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co. Importers aml'Commlsston JlrrchantH. No. 48 Queen Street Honolulu Oaiiu, H I 310-261 CD C. ROWfc House and Sign Painter, Pa'per Hanger, etc, Nn. 107 Kino Street Honolulu E O. HALL & SON (Limited) importers and dealers in Uardware and General Merchandise, Corner or Kmo and Fort Streets, Honolulu OFFICXKS: " I WlUlainW. Hall President and Manager L. C. Abies Secretary and Treasurer W. F. Allen Auditor Directors Thon as Mav E. O. White 16-307 C A. SCHAEFER at Lo. Importers and Commission Merchants, No. 30 Merchant Street Honolulu 310-361 rRANK GERTZ ' Jloot and and Shoes made to Order. No. 103 Fort Street, , Honolulu 310-361 FH OEDING, Vxpress and Drayman. Office. No. 81 Kins? Street. Residence. No. 47 Punchbowl Stcret. , Honolulu, Oahu, H. I. Freight, Packages, and Baggage delivered to and from nil parts of Honolulu and vicinity. Careful attention paid to moving Furniture, with WAGONS EXPRESSLY TOR THE PURPOSE. Office Telephone. No. 86. House Telephone. No. 00. 330-390 U W. MACFARLANE, II. St. MACFAELAN. Q- W. MACFARLANE &. CO.-. Importora, Commission Merchants and Sugar Factors. Building Queen street, I lonolulu. AUENTS FOR Puuloa Sheep Co, Hawaii. J. Fowler & Go's Steam Plow and Portable Tramwa Mlnless, Watson L Co's Sugar Machinery, Glasgow Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets, Liverpool and Honolulu Line of Packets, London and Honolulu Line of Steamers, Sun Fire Oflicc of London 4 3-304 TT HACKFELD a Co. General Commission Agents, Cor. Tort and Qubbn Street, Honoluli 310-361 TT E. McINTYRE a BROTHER Grocery and l'eed Store. Cor. Kino and Fort Sts C, Honolulu TJOLLISTER a Co. Wholesale and llnlatl Druggists and No, 59, Nuuanu Stifkt .Honolulu 310-361 TTONOLULU IRON WORKS Co., Afeutm Vngtnes, Hollers, Sugar Mills, Coolers, Iron, Drass and Lead Cuttings, Honolulu...,,,,.,. , ,,,, ,,.... I Machinery of every description made to onlcr, Particular attention paid to Ship's DlacksnmMii';. Job work executed on the shortest notice. TTUSTACE a ROBERTSON Draymen. All orders for cartage promptly attended to. Parti cular attention paid to the Storino and SmpriNQof goods In tiansit to the other Islands. Also, Ulack Sand and White Sank In nuantltles at lowest prices. OfKlcu Comer Kaahumanu and Queen streets Hawaiian Bell Telephone N". 33. Mutuil Telephone No. 19 ' JOHN ", WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer In General Mer-v, ehaudlse, N9. 35-31 QuERNSTRrs': ...,.,Honolulu 310-361 ' I mxtea Ataris. M. OAT, ,'jj.. & CO. ;. Stationers and News Dealer. lied Ituhber Stamp Agency Gazkttb Clock...... .No. j Merchant Street 355-306 I Honolulu. II, I one TOHN NOT Tin, Copptr and Sheet Iron Worker, ovts and llanae: all kinds, Plumbery stock aua metals, house furnish injj goods, cnanueiien, lamps, etc No. S KXahumanu Street .Honolulu J E..WISHMAN, Ileal Kstate Droher and Employment llureatt. Rents RooinsjCottaces. Houses, and sells nd leases Real Lstatelnnll parti of the Kldgdom. Employ- 11VII. IUUIIU JWI WIU9C CCK.1I WVIft 1U Mil tilt? YriUU branches of busjiess connected with these Islands. J 1ST N. B. Legal Documents drawn, Pills collected, FlooVs and Account kept, and general office work transacted. Paironage solicited.' Commissions moderate. I Honolulu, II (I. S-'yr AINE & Co., Commission Merchants, Imporlersand dealers In Hay, Grain and General Produce. , Honolulu 1 '. I'. I, ' 01 EWERS a COOKE; 1 - (Successors to Lbwbrs & Di:kson,) Importers and Dealers In Lumber and all hinds of llalldtng' Materials. No. 8a Fort Stseet 1 Honoliiii' 310-361 T AHLO. Dealer In Itlee, Tea, Silks and l'aucy Hoods, Hats, Hoots unit Shorn, llntn. Feed and Flour, Clffars and Tobacco, Also proprietor of Kice and Sugar Plantations at Kaneohe, Koolau, Waipio, Ewa, and Heela. COR. NUUANU AID ClIAILAIN Sts HONOLULU T YONS & COHEN, Auctioneers ami Commission Merchants, Corner Fort and Queen Stkeets, Honoiuli Sales of Furniture. Stock. Ueal Estate and n.n.Ml Merchandise promptly attended to. Sole agents for ncrican anu European mercnanaise. 1. 1,1 333-393 11 Cohen M PHILLIPS a Co. Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Clothing. Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnishing Goods, Fancy Goods, lite. No. 10 Kaahumanu Street Honolulu M S. GRINBAUM a CO., Importers of General Merchandise and y Commission Merchants, Queen1 Street Honolulu. It. I No. 134 California street, San Francisco, Cal. II. A. CONSALVES. E. HUTCHINSON. jyr A. GONSALVES a CO., Wholesale Grocers, and WtnelMerchants, Beaver Block, Queen Street. Honolulu Post OflkeBot No. 309. Telephone No. 368. M W. McCHESNEY a SON Dkallrs IN Leather, Utiles, Tallow and Commission Merchants. Agents for the Roal Soap Company. No. 43 Queen Street , Honolulu 317-3 08, PACIFIC HARDWARE CO. Importers and Dealers In Hardware, Cut lery, aoois. Paints and Oils, and General Merchandise. Not74ANu 76, Fort Street Honolulu 310-361 THE WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN IN vestment Company (limited.) Money loaned for long or short periods on approved security, Apply to W. Li. UKLUN, Office Beaver Block, Fort St. Manager 344-395 H. DAVIES a Co. (La rs Ianion, Green & Cj ) .Importers and Commission Merchants. No. 4 Kaaiiumant St Honolulu agents for Lb) d's and the Liverpool Underwriters, British, and Foreign larine Insuiance Company, and Northern Assurance Company. 310-361 G. THRUM, Impohtino and Manufacturing Statlqner, Printer, Dook-. hinder, etc., And Publisher of the Hawaiian Almmar ij Annml Dealer In Tine Stationery, Books, Music, Tojs and rancy Goods. Fort Strbrt. Near Hotel,." Honolulu P. ALLEN, w Has an office with Messrs Bishop & Co., corner of Merchant and Kaahumanu Streets, and he will be pleased to attend to any business entrusted, 10 him. 'CM CLAUS SPRBCKEL1. WM. 0 ,RWN, g. irwin a co,; Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu,.,, , , ,if, j w ILLIAM McCANDLESS Dealer In Choicest lleef, Veal, Mutton, Etc. No. 6 QUBBN STRBKr, riSH MARKET. ramllynnd. Shipping orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished Jo Vessels at short notice, Vegetables of all kinds supplied to Older, Telephone , ,', ( jf0 ' 358-00 o WEST, II. M, DQW, C. W. MAIFARLANB DOW & CO., rnitinrfri'J 1 iil Dealers In all kinds 0 Music, Fancy and Javanese Goods, Furniture of all Mmk s.ul,,,. sr.1.1.. sn Paintings, 'loys, Pictuto Frames and" asecblil ' ,ovJ"e ,nJ repairing Furniture No,. 105 Fort Strebt...' Honolulu . 340-391 Eitjeimmcc Notices. ACCIDENT DEPARTMENT, PACIFIC Mutual Lift Insurance Company, OF CALIFORNIA. J. C. WILDER, AGSST, Assets, December 31, 1884.1. ....,.,,t $'1183,000 Policies lnutd against Accident for one day up to year. B OSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS, C. BRniV&R C., Agents for trie Hawaiian Islands. pRBMEN BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS, F. A. SCltABFKR tV Ct., Aetnl: Also acents for the Dresden Hoard of Underwriters. Vienna Board of Underwriters. For the Hawaiian Islands. DRITISH FOREIGN MARINE INSUR. ance (Limited) THEO. If. DAVIES, AGENT. lhe above agent has receded Instructions to re. duct the rates or Insurance between Honolulu and Ports in the Pacific, and is now prepired to Issue poli cils at the lowest rates, with a special reduction on freight per steamers. 310-361 FORTUNA GENERAL INSURANCE COM. pany of Berlin. F. A., SCHAEFER & Ce., AGENTS. The above Insurance Company, has established a General Agency here, and the undersigned, General Agents, are authorised to lake risks against the dangers the Seas at the most reasonable rates and on the most favorable terms. 310-361 GERMAN LLOYD MARINE INSURANCE Comoainr of Berlin F. A. SCJAEFER tr Co.. AGENTS. 1 he above Insurance Company has established a General Agency here, and the above signed. General Agents, are authorized to take Klsks against the dangers of the Seas at the most reasonable fates, and on the most fa. Tumble terms. n 3-761 FIRE Company of Hamburg' A.JAEGER, AGENT. Building, Merchandise, Furniture and Machinery Insured against Fire on the most favorable terms. mj1 FIRE INSURANCE a jl company. F. A. SCAEFER & Ce AGENTS. The above firm having been appointed agents of this company are Drerjared ta Irsiire rltlt .riinti t fire on atone and IJrlck buildings and on Merchandise stored therein, on the most favorahis trmt For particulars appl at their 310-301 Ml LIFE INSURANCE COM- pany, of New York, S. G. IVILDER, AGENT. Assets, December 31, 1884 $103,876,178 jl Policies IsSUed On the T.lfl. T.rm mnA Pnnn.n.n. P'"- - M tf NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE Company of Boston. CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS, iNCORroRATin 1835. The oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance in uie untied states. Policies Issued 01s the most Favorable Terms Losses paid through Honolulu Agency, $40,000 .V- 4U1 NORTH-GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE Company of Hamburg-. . UACKFELD & Ct., AGENTS. Capltaland Reserve Retchsmark 8,830,00 their Reinsurance Companies, " 35,000,00 The Agents of the above Company, for the Hawaiian Islands, are prepared to Insure Buildings, Furniture jiiercnanuise and 1'roduce, Machinery, etc, also Sugi. and Rice Mills, and vessels in the harbor, against loss or damage by file, on the most favorable terms, a 10-361 ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE NEW Insurance Company of Boston, Mass. INI 0RP0RATED 1835. Assets January 1st,, 18S4, nearly $17,-000,000, Polices Issued on the most favorable terms, and Lrututcijr alter swo Payments. EXAMPLE OF PLAN ! Insured age 35 years 30 years Endowment Plan for 35,000; ylmtuai Premium $$4!i,B0 VTe. Td-up Ins, At the end of the ad Vear, $ 389.85 S S4S jd " 46a,70 840 4th " 43 35 I.IJO Stll " 831.85 .4i5 6th " 1,0x9 00 ,095. ' 7th M35.U .970 8th .45;.7S ".335 1,676.05 3,500 10th ' 1,911.65 3.755 nth " iiS7o 3.x5 isth " .4iS 3.3SO 13th ' ,68500 3.48 14th ' 3.7" ' 15th " 3,363.9a 3,945 tilth " 3 $75-35 4.165 ITtll ' 3.93 15 4.380 16th ' 4,148 S 4.590 . 19th " 4,613.70 4.800 oth " 5,000.00 S.oooJ The second and subsenent premiums are likely to be reduced by (nereatinf annuil dutnbutitnx ef tur Hut, t3T Applications can be had of ; and full Information will be given by the Agents, 356-37 CASTLE &- COOKS. . -- I.. 1, I I I PI, PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF UNDER C. BREWER CV.. Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. 310-361 TRANSATLANTIC PIKE INSURANCE Company of Hamburg-. It. UACKFELD CV Azentt. Capital and Reserve Reichsnuuk 6,000,00a ' their Re-Insurance Companies " 101,650,000 Total , , . , , Retchsmark 107,650,000 Tho Agents of the above Company, for the Hawaiian Ikl.mdi, are prepared to Insure Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise and Produce, Machinery, etc., also Sugar and Rice Mills, and vessels in the harbor against loss or damage by fire, nn the most favorable tetms. 3ICl6( THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND - Globe Insurance Company. BISHOP cV CV., AGENTS. MTABISIItn 1036, Unlimited Liability to Stockholders, Assets. $37a.93 Reserve t 7i5o,ooq income ro 1(841 Premiums received after deduction of re- uisui , , ,...,.,, f ,000.000 Louts promptly adjusted and paid here, 313364 TTNIONMARINBINSURANCE COMPANY vr ui oau rrancisco. CASTLE cV COOKE, AGENTS U d iSff. gripping. INTER-ISLAND H NAVIGATION (Limited.) THE 'BEST ROUTE Tu the Volcano of Kilauea, Via Punaluu. Hawaii. niMm JUD STAUKCH Stmr. W. O. JIull Mahtlani.) Capt. BATES Purser SIMERSON. LEAVES HONOLULU AT 3 V. M. TRI MONTHLY ON Tuesda' Dec 1 15, Friday, Dec aj, and Tuesday, Jan. . touching at Maalaea Maul about is a. rrt. Kailua, Hawaii about 10 a. m. Keilakeakua, Hawaii , about noon. And other Kona ports, arriving at Punaluu at 6 P. M of the day after leaving Honolulu. On the following morning, 5 A. M. she arrives at Jlonuapo. Returning she will leave Kail at 9 A. M. on Monday, Dec. 3t, and lliursday, Dec 3.1, touching at all way ports, including Maalaea, Maui, at 6 a. m., and arriving at Honolulu 3 P. M. on the day lollowing her departure from Kau. The steamer pauses along the entire coast o' the leeward side of ilawaii, affording Tourists a panorama of charming Scenery, and will stop at Kealakua Bay where sufficient time Is allowed to visit the monument of CA1TAIN COOK. Tourists by this route reach Punaluu at 6 o'clock r.ti., on the day after leaving HONOLULU being only one night oa the vessel, and making the entire passage in smooth water. At Punaluu finest Hotel on Hawaii, and from here Tourists will be conseyed by Railroad to Pahala, thence by stage coach to Half-way House, at where Horses and Guides will be In attendance to convey them to the Volcano. Ily this routethe entire trip is made In fivi and a hiilf dAys, allowing Tourists two nights und one whole dayat the Volcano House. THIS IS THIS ON1.X CAUllIAGE ItOVTK Tickets for the round trip J0, which pays all expenses. t3T Apply to HARRY AKMITAGE, Acent for the Ii I. S. N. Co.'s "New Route to the Volcano." at I. I. Williams, Photographer, No. 103 Fort street, Honolulu; Oral Office of the 1. 1. S. N. Co., on the Esplanade. Steam Navigation Comp'y, (LIMITED) (Mnlulani) - Bates , Commander Will run regularly to Msalaea,'Maul, and Kona and Kan, Hawaii. Steamer Planter (Lillnoc) Cameron Commander Leaves every Tuesday at j p. h. for Nawiliwill, Koloa. Eleele and Waimea. Returning, will leave Nawiliwill every Saturday at 4 P. M., arriving at Hono- uiu, every aunaay at 5 A. M. , Steamer Itvalaut, Freeman Commander Will run regularly lo Hamoa, Maul, and Honokaa ana Paauliau, Hawaii. Steamer O. It-. Bishop, Macauley Commander Leaves every Friday at 8 a. m. for Waianae, Oahu, and Hanalel and Kilauea, Kauai. Returninj eaves Hanalei every Tuesday'at 4 r. M., and tiiuching at Walalua and Waianae Wednesdays, and arriving at Honolulu same day. Steamer James Makee, Wrir Commsnder Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai, For further nartlculars Indtilre at the office of Inter. ,"t. .. . . isiana steam navieauon o , Honolulu. J. ENA, T. R. FOSTER, 343-394 Secretary.. President. NAVIGATION CO. PACIFIC (limited) . 0011X111117 and Commission Agents. Center QUEEN cV NUUANU Streeti, HsntMi. Regular vessels for the ports ot Mahko on Maul - Laupahoehoe, Honomu, Paukaa and llllo on Hawaii: Koloa Hanapepe and Walmea on Kauai, and Walalua on Oahu, And anyother ports when inducements ofTer, Persons laving freight for any part of the Islands be forwarded from San Francisco by way of Honolulu, or direct shipments from Honolulu Will do well 10 enquire first uf the Pacific Navigation Co;, before making final arrangements. Goods Intended for shipment by any of our vessels received and stored free of charge 11 our bnilding at any time. Apply to the captains on board, or to A. F. COOKE, iiltf Manaeer Pacific Navigation Co. SCIIOONKR DOMITHA. J.IPAIKO, Master. J Malae, Kaneohe, Ueela, Kahalitu, Will 11. hole', Walkane,land other Ports 011J10 Coast of Koolau, Oahu, . CHARLES BREWER S Lo 37 Kilby Street, Boston, AGENTS OF HAWAIIAN PACKETS, General Commission Agents, Special attention given to the purchasing of goods of the Hawaiian trade. Frelrht at Inn est rates, PLANTERS' LINU TOR SAN FRANCISCO. C. Jt COMPANX Agents j Merchandise received Storage Free, and liberal cash utpc iiioi ou snipments by uus lias, Shipping. Wilder's Stcarnsl Company. rxaavEOOTBru vmHsflssMMt New Route to the Volcano Via Keatihou. ROUTE AND TIME TABLE T E KIN A C KING, ..,, , 4, ,i4 1 ti COHMAK0E Leaves IIONOI ULU, II. I. at 4.00 o'clock r. M. each week. Touching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makena, Maul, Mai ukona, Kawalhae, Laupahoehoe and lillo. Hawaii, and will make two trips to the Volcana each month, leaving Honolulu on the first Monday following the arrival of the mail steamers from San Francisco. When the steamer arrives on Monday the KINAU wil leave on that day. PSSENGfR TRAINS will connect with the Kinau at Mahukona. The KINAU WILL TOUCH at Honokala and Paauhau on down trips from I lib for Passengers If a signal Is made from the shore. The steamer KINAU will make the Volcano Trip, reaching Keauhou on Wednesday ii.oming, gUJig Tourists two days and two nights at the Volcano House. tickets for the round trip 450 00. which pays -all charges, lhe KINAU will arrive In Jfonolulu Sunday morn-Ings on Volcano 'Irips. Oil HIlo 'lrits, II1 leave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturday morntuuv 1.1 Ki: LIKE. Loeriulv. CosistAMrM Leaves Monday sat 5 p. m for 'Kaunakakal, Kahu. lui, Huelo, liana and Klpahulu ; and for Kranae, and Nuu every other week. Returning will stop the alove ports, arriving back Saturday mornings. "For mall and passengers only. TUB KILAUEA HOW. We,"art Command.. Leaves regularly for Paauhau, Koho alele, Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohina. Laupihoehoe, Hakahu and Ono- TI1E LEHUA. Davi" Commander Will leave regularly for same ports as the Kilauea Hou. T11EMOKOLII. McGregor Commands,. Leaves each Monday at 5 r. M. for Kaunakakal, ha. malo, Pukoo, Lahaina, Lanal, Moanul, Halawa", Peleunu and Kalaupapa. Returning leaves Pukoo Friday at 10 a. m. for Hinolulu. arriving Sa.ur.l. morning. K. G. WILDER, Pres. S. B. ROE, Sec'y. asttf ' Australian Mail Service.-For San Francisco, The new and splendid AI Steel Steamship " MARAROA," Of he .Union Steamship Company, New Zealand 7.11 uc uucai uonoiuiu iixm Sydney and Auckland on or hbout December 10th.; And will leave for the above port with malls and pas sengers on or about that date. . , For freight or passage, having accommodations, apply to WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents. For Sydney and Auckland, lhe O. S. S. Company's fine AI Steamship " MARIPOSA " Will be due at Honolnlu from San Francisco on or about December 26tix, And will have prompt dispatch with mails aud passengers for the above pons. lor freight pr passage, having superior sccom. modtioii, apply to WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents. For Sydney, N. S. W. The Magnificent .Steamship " A. TJ S T It JL I.. I A , BROUOH Commander Will leave fur the above port on or about January 5tn, 18S6. For freight or, passage, apply to 94-td H. HACKFtI,D & CO., Agent New York & Honolulu Packet Line MESSRS. C. II. CKOSSIIAN I BRO. tVill dispatch about December 1, 1M5, a Vessel from New Xark for this Poir direct. Merchants and Others Wishing to Ship bythls Line wjll please for. ward their Orders as earl) as possible. Very Truly, Ht" CASTLE COOKE. Honolulu At mts. Keep your horses cool and healthy, and avoid excessive sweating- by having them clipped with the NEW LIGHTNING HORSE CLIPPING MACHINE, Now in succeMiru' operation at the 0 JmcA6i,I unit tfiueiijifrcii. 4Vim4 . C. B MII.ES, Proprietor. n .- M , zA LIT .-. u &r ,v, .j V , .itti - i ?. i (, :M v. '1 ?