Newspaper Page Text
!N ?" y Y?7 t"r7 tjv i i yjt wi'.'imtwptwiiiinj1 H I'litlM or Mrt"'1"" ('" - i;1 i - 'iii yi. H'frft'' nin serai' K ylii.( ;4r HESS, '.' va VOLUME J Ui I. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1886. NO. 122. LIBERIA'S COLORED COLONISTa A Vlow of Their rrospecU Kdunntlon and Govornmont. Cor. Cincinnati Times-Star. "There Is just ai great an anxiety among the colored pooplo to go to Liberia as there over was," said Mr. Copplngor, the secretary of the African Colonization society and the Llberlan consul to the United States, as he sat Jn his rooms talking to a "How many pooplo has Liberia now, Mr. Copplngor" "That it pretty hard to onswor, for tho boundaries of Liberia are hot well deflnod in tho interior. It stretches along tho coast some 000 mlloi and far back Into tho interior, and includes in its territory a good many of the native tribes there." "How do these natives conduct themselves towards tho Llborians and their habits of civillzationF "In a manner highly satisfactory. Those who are brought into contact with them see tho advantage; of otvllization and education, nnd are quite willing and in many cases anxious to tako advantage of tho opportunity to adopt those customs. Some of the chiefs of the tribes in and near Liberia are encouraging tholr pooplo to adopt tho customs of civilized life, and aro sanding their children to tho sohools in Llborla." "There aro schools thoro then?" "Oh, yes, and good ono. Tho general SVStem of. crovernmnnf. fa lmami ,, that of this country, and the schools are good. There aro Jiigbor institutions of' learning, tho most important among them being the college, over which tho Kev. Edward Blyden preside He is a native of St. Thomas, of puro negro blood, and the niot educated colored man living. " He was - partly educated in hts native island, and came hero to complete his education, but finding difficulties and prejudices to encounter, wont to Europe, whore ho attended the best institution of learning. Ho is a fine scholar, flno orator and an ablo man." "How many colored people havo beon sent from this country to Liberia!" "About 10,000, most of them natives of this country. Bolides those there aro some 6,000 natives of Africa who ore sont thoro from captured slave vessels during slavery days, so that there have beon over 80,000 sont thoro in alL Of course, thew havo multiplied, so that there are many moro than this numbor there now, counting tho descendants of those sent from hero. They havo all the institutions of civUizatiou and good government, their congress, cabinet, court3 and supreme oourt, cities, municipal police, business facilities, etc., so that thoso who go there now do not go to tho new and uncomfortable surroundings that characterize the earlier days of Liberia." Tito Noted Mnrtello Toworg. San Francisco Chronicle. Travelers on the Irish nnd English coasts must haye noticed a succession of round towers in open and exposed positions that attract a gooi deal of attention. These aro tho celeb ated Martollo towers that were erootod toward tho close of tho last oontury, und wore doomed as ono of the chlot defenses in defeating an invasion by French forcoj. About a century sinco tho duke of Klohmond had just returned from tho where he had witnossed tho bombardment of a little town on the shores of Corsica by a well-equipped fleet. The cannon were of heavy caliber, but tho projectiles could make no impression on a little circular fort built of stone, which stood triumphantly a constant fire. Thoso wore not the days of rifled cannon. Tho duko made a note of tho circumstance, and when a model had to be adopted uiggosted the fort which had dono suoh in the siege of Martello. The town seems now to bo forgotten, but tho name of it in a corrupted form has, at least, got a foothold in tho English language, and may puzzle an etymologist of the future, as indeed the tbword'themselves If a few rhould survive tho lapse of centuries may the Pickwicks of a coming day. It is now proposed to destroy these building and eroct In their places small iron forts in tho form of a snail's shell, that will form a difficult target to tho bost rifled camion shot3 at even a short range. The Advantage About It. S&n Francisco Chronicle "Undertones." There is ono shining and altogether delightful enjoyment to bo derived from total awtlnonco. I know that it is looked upon as a weak and unmanly thing not to be able to tako a tot But there Is this advantage about it that as men aro rarely moro amusing than when they are tight, the fellow who keeps sober has a groat deal moro" fun. I have known men of the most stolid and bard nature, when sober, blossom into comedians, singer, brilliant wits and good-natured humorists when a little under the influence of wine. WIno is always supposed to brighten the wits, but it is a much moro curious thing whon you find a follow, stupid when sober, become brilliant In liquor. But the peculiar tendency of mankind to do ludicrous and absurd things is always developed by drinking, and the blonded sanity and insanity of tUo.mlud, when control appears to be" lost is ono of the puzzles of life. "I do not remember much," said a friend, holding his head, "I do not romembor much about last evening. I know I lost my way, got away out of tho camp and wandered through the frost for an hour." , "How (I'd you get back?" "I fell over the hose from the spring, and J held on to it and followed it" Chemlonl Aotlon of Light. (Arkansaw Traveler. Professor A. Vogol observes that tho hemlock plant which yields confine in Bavaria contains none in Scotland, and he concludes that sunlight plays a part In the generation of alkaloids la plants. This view is by the circumstance that tho tropical Cinchonas, if cultivated in feebly-lighted northern hot-houses, ylold no qutnino. The formation of tannin soems to be influenced by exposure of the growing bark to the light, the proportion of tannin in the bark of the beech or of the larch having been found to Increase from the Je.s illuminated to the more Illuminated parts. Sewed or Pegged. (Brooklyn Eaglo, An American citizen strolls languidly Into a down-town roitaurant and obsorvos listlessly to the caretoss waiter: "Pie." "Yessir, sowed or pegged I" P, 8. He gets one with a falsa upper and ' cork insole. They bad soma with Scotch bottoms, but they corns hlghor. "See how plain a toil shall put you down," remarked the alligator as he swept the llttlo darkey within easy lunching distance. ' ' Russian proverb: Your elbow is near, tmt you can not bita it , .tfiiiiL $i'ofc&siomtI Atari. CLARKNCR WILIJBK VOLNFV VAIILANCUUKT ASHFORD. ASIIFORD. A SHFORD Si ASHFORD. Attorney; Counsellors, Solicitors, Atlvo. cnles, Proctors, Conveyancers, Etc. Officii "Honolulu Hale," adjoining Post-office. D iR. A. McWAYNE, PllYSIOIAN AND uminnnv. Office and Resi bunch 34 Alakea street. Ofpicb Hours 9 to li A.m.; 6 to 8 p. m. 359-884 sKn T tlADrfinv "' jr Teacher of the Pianoforte, Address, care Messrs. Wtt. Dnur . r. No. :oS Fort St. Honolulu. kfsidencf No. i, Emma street. 337-338 T M. WHITNEY, M. D D. D. S. Dental llootns on J.7i. .. Honolulu , jj t Offirff in Itll. . . ... Streets, . ,r 'tt?' turnl:r itoiei and tort entrance on Hotel Street. 310-361 J OHN H. PATY, .Votary l'ublle and Commission of Deal; ,, Vl?I V."5 and New Vork- Office at the Hank of Bishop & Co. HoNQiULU. Oaiiu. H. I. 310-361 TUL,ES.TAVERNIEK, At ttst. 1 I Studio : Room 6, Spreckels Block I Fort Street. iHoNoiULU. Hours: '3toF.'M 1 ' y gL,, T A. THURSTON. (Successor to smith & thurston) , Attorney at Law, ' No. 38 Merchant Street Honolulu 356-107 D P. GRAY, M. D., VllYSICIA K AK1 S UJtGEOX, Office, next door to the Honolulu Library. 9 to 10 A. M. Office Hours: to 4 r. m. t in B b. u Sundajs, 9 to n a. m. RESIDENCE, cor. Klnau and Pensacola Sts. 334.385 T"R N. B. EMERSON, 1'UTsicrAy Axn svnavoN. Office and Residence No. 196 Fort Street. . r(8tOJOA. M. Office.Hours ( 1 to 3 p. m. I 6:30tO,:30P.M IS hn.N,v .. Telephone No. 149. Q a. DOLE, Counsellor at Law andNotary Public, OFFICE, No. 15. Kaakumanu Street Honolulu ,?5-37 VXT R. CASTLE Attorney at and Notary l'tibltc. No. 19, Merchant Street Honolulu Attend all the Courts of the Kingdom. 310-361 Justness Gutrbs. A S. CLEGHORN & Co. Importers and Dealers in (loncnit Merchandise. Corner Queen and Koahumanu Streets, Honolulu. 310-361 A W. PEIRCE & Lo. ! Chandlers and Commission Merchants. ' No. ?5 Queen St., Honolulu. Airents fnr Hranil'c Hnna nnJ nA.i. t n " ' wuiiiu unu ferry r Yi V 1 Davis' Pain Killer. a 10-261 A L. SMITH, Importer and Dealer in Glassware, .mad. ,.cr, ware, Jiraehets. Vases. No. 83 Fort Street Honolulu SPC"":I and Eyeglasses, Lustra! Wire Ware, Fancy Soaps, Picture frames Wostenhnlin'ft PmW. 11 I . ,, I .- .-.: , --"-"-. ..wj, 4,, www a island 7"W,S' r?!arL's Sp00' Co"01'. Machine -Oil, all ...u u, iHiigiuneweeaies, "Domestic" Paper Fashions, bole agent of the universally acknowledged Light-Running Domestic Sewing Machine. 310-361 D1SHOP & CO., Bankers Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Draw Exchange on THE HANK OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO. And,heiri"I" NEW YORK, BOSTON, PARIS AND 'Messrs. NvvMi ROTHSCHILD & SONS, LONDON., The COMMERCIAL HANKING CO. OF SYDNEY, LONDON. The COMMERCIAL HANKING CO. OF SYDNEY, SYDNEY, N. S. W. The COMMERCIAL 11ANKING CO. Or SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, VliriORIA, AUSTRALIA. Ihe BANK OF NEW ZEALAND: AUCKLAND, And its branches in CHRIST CHURCH, DUNEDIN, AND WELLINGTON THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PORTLAND, OR, Ihe AZORES AND MADEIRA ISLANDS. STOCKI10LM,JSWhDEN, Ihe CHARTERED BANK OF LONDON AUbl'KALIA AND CHINA. HONGKONG, CHINA, AND YOKOHAMA, JAl'AN. AND 7 rait sat I a Central Banking Business, C BREWER & (Limits.) COMPANY, General Mercanttleand Commission Aaents Queen Street, Honolulu. Officers P. C. Jones, jr president and mamgerj Joseph O, Carter, treasurer and secretary. Director ; lions. Charles R, Bishop and H. A. P. Carter; W. F. Allen auditor. 3 1V84 HUSTACE, FORMERLY WITH BOLLES & CO.) it hole-sate and Itetall Grocer, in, Kino Street .Under Harmony Hall. Family. Plantation, and SIiid stores tunnlieil .it tlmrl notice. New goods by every steame;. Oiders from 111c uiucr iftitimiaiwuuiiy sxciwcu Telephone No, 119. .0L. Uusinc&s QTafujc. - E. WILLIAMS, Importer and Dealer in I'urnUura of Krery Description. Also Upholsterer and Manufacturer. Furniture Warerooms No. m Fort Street. Work, shop at old stand on I lotel Street. All orders promptly attended to. , 313-703 -ASTLE fit COOKE, Shlpplnu and Commission Merchants, No. 80 Kino Street.., Honoluli importers And dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Agents lor The Hitchcock & Company's Plantation. The Alexander & Baldwin Plantation. R. Halstead, or Waialua Plantation. , A. II. Smith & Company, Koloa, Kauai. 1 J. AI, Alexander, Haiku, Maui. The Haiku Sugar Company. The Kohala Sugar Company. Hamakua Plantation The Union Insurance tympany ol San Franicsco The New England Life Insurance Company of Boston The Blake Manufacturing Company of Boston 1 D. M. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New York and Honolulu Pr cket Line. 1 the Merchant's Line, Honolulu and San Francisco ' Dr. Jaynes & Son's Celebrated Medicines. Wilcox 6 Gibb's Singer Manufacturing Company. Wheelei & Wilson's Sewine Machines. 310-361, pD. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co Importer and Cominlsiton Merchants. No. 48 Queen Street. 'Honolulu Oaiiu, II I 310-361 CDC, ROWE House and Sign Painter, Paper Hanger, etc.. No. 107 Kino Street Honolulu 311-362 g O. HALL & SON (Limited) 1MIORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware and General Merchandise, Corner pr Kini, and Fori Strfrts, Honolulu officers: William W. Hall President and Manager L. C. Ab es Secretary and Treasurer W. F. Allen... Auditor Directors May. E. O. White P A. SCHAEFER & Lo. .TtflfloWrtr ttttil f7ntt,teotn.t No. 30 Merchant Street. Honolulu ' PRANK GERT2 Hoot and Shoemaker. Boots and Shoes made to Order. No. 103 Fort Street. Honolulu 310-261 P H. OEDING. JUxpress and Drayman. Office. No. 8i Kinp Street. Residence. No. 47 Pnnchbowl Steret. Honolulu, Oahu, H. I. Freight, Packages, and Baggage delivered lo and from all partsf Honolulu and vicinity. Careful at- tenlion paid to moving Furniture, with WAGONS EXPRESSLY FOR THE PURPOSE. Office Telephone. No. 86. House Telephone. No. go. 339-390 C. W. MACFARLANE, H. R. MACFARLANF. Q- W. MACFARLANE & CO. Iniportors, Commission Merchants and Sugar Factors. Building Queen street, Honolulu. AGENTS FOR Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co, Hawaii, J. Fowler & Go's Steam Plow and Portable Tramwaj Works, Leeds, Mirrless, Watson Co's Sugar Machinery, Glasgow GJasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets, Liverpool and Honolulu Line of Packets, London and Honolulu Line of Steamers, Sun Fire Office of London. 243-394 TT HACKFELD & CO., General Commission Agents. Cor, Tort and Queen Streets Honolul '210-361 H E. McINTYRE & BROTHER Grocery and feed Store. Cor. King and 1'ortSts Honolulu 210-361 ) TTOLLISTER & Co.' Wholesale and lletall Druggists and ' No. 59, Nuuanu Stlekt Honoiulu 210-261 TTONOLULU IRON WORKS Co., Steam Knglnes, Hollers, Sugar Mills, Coolers, Iron, llrass and Lead Castings. Honolulu,.,,.,, , H. I Machinery of every description made Uo order articular attention paid to blip's Blicksinilhi ng. ob work executed 011 the shorlestnotice, 310-361 LTUSTACE & ROBERTSON, Draymen All orders for cartage promptly attended to. Parti" cular attention paid to the Storing and SiiirpiNaof goods In tiansit to the other Islands. Also, Black Sand and White Sand In quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office Corner Kaahumanu and Queen streets' Hawaiian Bell Telephone No, 33. Mutual Telephone No. 19 JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, riiijioifcc rtml Dealer In General Merchandise. No. 35-31 Qiiern Stree Honolulu M, OAT, JR. & CO, J Stationers and yews Dealers, lied llubber Siniiji Agency Oazrttk Block..,,., ..No. 35 Merchant Street -306 Honolulu H.7I iau'". uJL business (Urn-be. TOHN NOTT, Vi 1 Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Stovs andttanges. of all kinds, Plumbers' stock and metals, house furnisli ing goods, chandeliers, lamps, etc No, 8 Kaahumanu Street...'. ...Honolulu 310-261' E. WISEMAN, J I Ileal Estate Drolter and . tin2loymcnt Jlilreau. Rents Rooms, Cottages, Houses, and sells and leases Real Estate in all parts of the Kidtttom. Employment found for those seeking work inl all the various branches of business connected with these Islands. KST N. B. Legal Documents drawn, Bills collected, Books and Accounts kept, and generil office work transacted. Patronage solicited. Comlnissibns mod erate. Honolulu, II 1. T A1NE & Co., 1 Commission Merchants) Impoitersand dealers in Hay, Grain and General rrouuee. 1 t Honolulu , , u, I 210-201 1 L EWERS & COOKE, (Successors to Lewers & Dickson,) Imitorters and Dealers In Lunib'er and all Mints of Jlulldina Materials. No. 8 Fort Street........... 1.... Honolulu 310-261 T AHLO. Dealer in Dry-Goods, Jttce, Tea, Silks and j ancy uooas, Hals, juaota anil Shoes, llran, Feed and Hour, Cigars and Tobacco. ' Also proprietor of Rice and Sugar Plantations, at Kancohe, Koolau, Waipio Ewa, and Heeia. Cor. Nuuanu and Chaplain Sts Honolulu 200-260 T YONS & COHEN, lttr(ioepr and Commission Merchants, Corner Fort and Queen Stkkets, HonoluLu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly attended to. Sole agents for American and European merchandise. J. Lyons, 232-283 IL.L.C01IEN M PHILLIPS & Co. Importers and tfliolesale Dealers in vug, jioois, niioes.Jlats, Men's Goods, Fancy Goods, lite. ' No. to Kaahumanu Street Honolulu 210-261 M S. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants, Queen Street '.....'.. Honoluiu. H. I No. 134 California street, San Francisco, Cal, M. A. GONSALVES. E. HUTCHINSON. TUT A. GONSALVES & CO. 11 holesale Grocers and Wine Merchants, Bfaver Block, Queen Street. Honolulu Post Office Box No. 309. Telephone No. 368. PACIFIC HARDWARE CO. Importers and Dealers in Hardware, Tools, Paints and Oifs, and General Merchandise. No. 74 and 76, Fort Street Honolulu THE WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN IN vestment Company (limited.) Money loaned for long or short periods on approved security. Apply to W. L. GREEN, Office Beaver Block, Fort St. , Manager 344-295 T-HEO, H. DAVIES & Co. Kaahumanu Street Honolulu General and Commission Merchants. AGENTS FOR Lloyds, British and Foieign Marine Insurance Company, Northern Assurance Company (Fire and Life), ' Pioneer" Line of Packets, Lherpool to Honolulu. Liverpool Office ...,Nos 12 and 13 The Albany 97-iy nnHOS. G. THRUM, Imiorting and Manufacturing Stationer, Printer, binder, etc., And publisher of the Hawaiian Almanac and Annual Dealer in Fine Stationery, Books, Music, To)s and Fancy Goods. Fort Street. Near Hptel, Honolulu 341-261 F. ALLEN. w Has an office with Messrs Bishop & Co , corner of Merchant and Kaahumanu streets, and he will be pleased to attend to any business enirusted to him. CLAUS SPRECKELS. 1 mi, a irwIn. wr G. IRWIN &CO Sugar factors and Commission Agents. Honolulu , , 11, 1 38 ILLIAM McCANDLESS w Dealer in Choicest lleef, Veal, Mutton, Etc. No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market. Family and Shipping orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to Vessels at short notice. Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. Telephone. . , , , ........,. No 13. O WEST, II. M, DOW, C. W. MACFARLANE AXTEST, DOW & CO., Importers and Dealrs in all kinds of Music, Fancy and Junanese Goods. Furniture of all kinds, Sewing Machines, Mirrors, Paintings, L'hronma and Toys, Picture Frames and Cornices to order. Moving and repairing Furniture a speciality. No, 103 Fort Si rkut.. Honolulu 140-391 lL,i ,.J.. Buummcc otkec. ACCIDENT DEPARTMENT, PACIFIC Mutual Life Insurance Company, OF CALIFORNIA. S. G. WILDER, AGENT. Assets, December 31, 884 $1,363000 Policies Issued against Accident for one day ub lo " y"r. 04.f JgOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS, C. BREWER & Co., Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. 210-261 TDREMEN BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. F, A. SCHAEFER t Co., Apntt. Also aeents for the Dresden Board of Underwriters. Vienna Beard of Underwriters. For the Hawaiian Islands. 210-261 BRITISH FOREIGN MARINE Company. (Limited) THEO. H, DAWES, AGENT. The above agent has received Instructions to re-d- .u"? i Insu.ran between Honolulu and t forts in the Pacific, and is now prepared to Issue poll cies at the lowest rates, with a special reduction on freight per steamers. 210-261 FORTUNA GENERAL INSURANCE " of Berlin. F. A. SCHAEFER dr Co., AGENTS. The above Insurance Company, has established a Oeneial Agency here, and the undersigned, General Agents, are authorised to take risks against the dangers of the Seas at the most rea.onable rates' and 6n the most favorable terms. 210-261 GERMAN LLOYD MARINE INSURANCE Company of Berlin ' F. A. SCHAEFER & Co., AGENTS. The above In'urance Company has established Agency here, and theabovesigned, General Agents, are authorized to lake Risks against the dangers Sf the beas at the most reasonable tates, and on the mos't fa. vorable terms. HAMBURG-MAGDEBURG FIRE Company of Hamburg-, A . J A EGER, A GENT. I Building, Merchandise, Furniture and Maclilnery Insured Airnlncr Kirw .. nn li. ,,. mn. r.. LI.. . T ' v ,a, Ktvuiuuic icrms, 310-261 HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INSURANCE Company, ' F. A. SCHAEFER & Co., AGENTS. The above firm having been appointed agents of this company are prepared to irsure risks against fire on btone and Brick buildings and on Merchandise stored therein, on the most favorable terms. For particulars apply at their office. 310-361 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE of New York. I S. G. WILDER, AGENT. Assets, December 31, 1884 $103,876,178 51 ,.. .. vl, Acrm anQ r.nuowment Pjaib NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE Company of Boston. CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS. INCORPORATED 1835. The oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance v,uiupany in me united states. Policies Issued on themost Favorable Terms Losses paid through Honolulu Agency, $49,000 VTORTH -GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE - wviwim ui namDurK, H. HACKFELD & Co.. AGENTM. Capital and Resrv Reichsmark 8, 830, 00 uicir Reinsurance wmpanies, " 35,000,00 The Agents of the above Company, for the Hawaiian I&kinH. nm nrnn.,1 tn !n.i. 11. ..U r.. ,, r 7: r Jrz , ., . """""IBs, runmure Jn" .?, . " To", fliacninery. etc., also Suga, and Kice Mills, and vessels in tho harbor, against los or damage by fire, on the most favorable terms. 210-201 NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company of Boston, Mass. INIORPORATED 1815. Assets January 1st., 1884, nearly $17,-000,000. Polices issued on the most favorable terms, and auautuiuy alter Two Payments. EXAMPLE DP tun ' Insured age 35 years 30 years Endowment Plan for Annual Premium $342.60 Pd-up In. At the end of the id Vear. $ 280.85 $ S4S 31 " 403.70 840 4th " 643 ij 1,130 Sth " sil.Bi I.4U 6th " 1,029.00 .9S ' 7th 1,333.1s I.970 8t,h . MS0.75 .3S 9'h 1,676.05 1,500 10th ' 1,911.65 3.75S " :; ".woo 3,oos nth ',41545 3.'53 13th " ,68.JS 3.48s: 14th " 3,967.70 37o "s'h ;; 3,263-90 3,945 h 3S75J5 4.6s 4.38o 18th J' 4,148 jo 4,S9o ' 9'h 4.013.70 4,800 20th " 5,000.00 5,000 The second and subseqeut premiums are likely to be reduced by increasing annual distribution! 0 ' sin. tills. Ill 1 tar Applications can be had of; and full Information will be given by the Agents, 256-367 CASTLE & COOKE. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF UNDER' C. -BREWER & Co., Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. 310-261, TRANSATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE Company of Hamburg-. . HACKFELD & Co., Agents. Capital and Reserve Reichsmark 6,000,000, ,' their Re-Insurance Companies " 101,650,000 Total .,,....,.,...... Reichsmark 107,650,000 The Agents of the above Company, for the Hawaiian Islands, are prepared to insure Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise and Produce, Machinery, etc., also Sugar and Rice Mills, and vessels in theliarbor against loss or dairage by fire, on the most favorable teims. 210-261 "HE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND Globe Insurance Company, BSffOP&Co. AGENTS. ESTAUISHBD 1836. Unlimited Liability fo Stockholders. Assets,. ....i$37.-.9'3 Reserve, 7,500,000 INCOME FOR 1884: Premiums received after deduction of re-Insurance $9,000,000 Losses promptly adjusted and paid here. 213-364 UtUONMARINEINSURANCECOMPANY CASTLE '&' COOKE, AGENTS, Incorporated 1875, 10-161 ' fS'it. fc.W, Shipping. STEAM NAVIGATION (Limited. J THE BEST ROUTE To the World-Renowned Volcano of Kilauea, Via Punaluu, Hawaii.! . ' THE NEW ADD STAUNCH Stmr. W. Q. Hall MalulanV) Capt. BATES Purser SIMERSON. LEAVES HONOLULU AT 3 P. M. TRI MONTHLY ON Tuesday, Jan. 26, touching at Maalaea Maui .......about 12 &. m Kailua, Hawaii about 10 i. m. Kealakeakua, Hawaii about noon. aiu uuivi iiuua f vi si auijiuu at uuaiuu ui w 1 in of the day after leaving Honolulu. On the following .! . A f U ! -. TI Returning she will leave Kau at 9 A, M, on Thursday, Jan. 21, touching at all way ports, including Maalaea, Maui, at 6 a. m., and arriving at Honolulu 3 P. M. on the day lollowing her departure from JCau. The steamer passes along the entire coast of the leeward side of Hawaii, affording Tourists a panorama of charming Scenery, and will stop at Kealakua 1 Bay where sufficient time is allowed to visit the monument of CAPTAIN COOK. ' Tourists by this route reach Punaluu at 6 o'clock p.m., oil the day after leaving HONOLULU being only one night on the vessel, and making the entire passage in smooth water. I At Punaluu there is the finest Hotel on Hawaii, and from here Tourists will be conveyed by Railroad to Pahala, thence by stage coach to Half-was House, where Horses and Guides will be in attendance to convey them to the Volcano. By this routethe entire trip is made in five c nd a half days, allowing Tourists two nights and one whole day at the Volcano House. THIS IS THE ONLY VAMIIAGE IIO JTE Tickets for the round tilp $SO, which pays all expenses. I 1ST Apply to HARRY ARMITAGE, Acent for the I. I. S. N. Co.'s ,4New Route to the Vnlcino " at I. T. Williams, Photographer. No. 102 Fort street, Honolulu; Or at Office of the I. I. S. N. Co.. on the Esplanade. Steam Navigation Comp'y, (LIMITED). Stmr. IF. O. Hall ( Bates Commander Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Kona and Kau, Hawaii. Steamer Planter (Illtnoe) Cameron t ...Commander Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. m. for Nawiliwili, Koloa, Eleele and Waimea, Returning, will leave Nawiliwili every Saturday at 4 p. u,, arriving at every Sunday at 5 a. m. Steamer Itvalanl, Freeman , Commander Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Honokaa and Paauhau, Hawaii. Steamer O. Jt. Bishon. . Macauley .....Commander i.cuvc ever rnuay ar o A. H. ior waianae, Oahu, and Ha al iand Kiliuea, Kauai. Returning, eavesllanalei every Tuesday at 4 P. M., and touching at Waialua and Waianae Wednesdays, and arriving at iiuiiuium ntaiuis viayi Steamer James Malcee, Weir Commander HWill run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai. For further particulars inquire at the office of Inter-island Steam Navigation Co , Honolulu. J. ENA, T, R. FOSTER, 243-294 Secretary. President. JACIFIC NAVIGATION CO. (limited) Coasting and Commission Agents. 1 Cornet QUEEN & NUUANU Streets, Honolulu Regular vessels for the ports ol Maliko on Maui Laupahoehoe, Honomu. Paukaa and Hilo on Hawaii ; Koloa Hanapepe and Waimea on Kauai, and Waialua on Oahu, And any other ports when inducements ofTer. Personshaying freight for any part of the island be forwarded. from San Francisco bv wav of Honolulu. or direct shipments from Honolulu will do well to enquire first of the Pacific Navigation Co., before making final arrangements. Goods intended for shipment by any of our vessels received and stored free of charge in our (ire-proof building at any time. Apply 10 the captains on board, or to A. F. COOKE. 2Htf Manager Pacific Navigation Co. FOR HILO DIRECT. THE HAWAIIAN SCIIOONEK dom i;t I l a J. SANFORD,(Master. M For freicht lor oassaee Inuuire of the Caotain on b ardor to PACIIIO NAVIGATION CO., 100 2111 Ae"Vs. CHARLES BREWER & Lo 7 Kilby Street, Boston, AGENTS OF HAWAIIAN PACKETS. General Commission Agents. pciai uuvMiiuii Ktvcu iu wic puiiiutftlllK ui glMJUS gi the Hawaiian trade. Freight at lowest rates. PLANTERS' LINE FOR SAN FRANCISCO, ft UHEWXlt J COMPANY Agents Merchandise received Storage Free; and liberal cash advances made on ahipmenti by this line, a - d -. .It! AStktMh Shipping. Wilder's steamship Company. fLIMITBD.) gjgi New Route to the Volcano Via Keauhou. :: A- 1 - ROUTE AND TIME TABLE XUE ICINAU Kinc ,..... .Commanded Leaves HONOI ULU. II. I. at 4.00 o'clock r. m each week. Touching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makena, Maui, Mai ukona, Kawaihae, Laupahoehoe and Hilo, Hawaii, and will make two trips to the Volcano each month, leaving Honolulu on the first Monday following the arrival of the mail steamers from San Francisco. When the steamer arrives on Monday the KINAU wil leave on that j. P4.SSENOER RAINS will connect ith the Kinaii at Mahukona The KINAU WILL TOUCH at Honokala and Paauhau on down trips from Hilo for Passengers if a signal is made from the shore. The steamer KINAU will make the Volcano Trip, reaching Keauhou on Wednesday morning, giving' Tourists two days and two nights at' the ' Volcano House. i t Tickets for the round trip $50.00, which pays all charges. The KINAU will arrjve in Honolulu Sun'day morn, ings on Volcano Trips." On Hilo Trips will leave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturday morning. LIKE LIKE. LoRSNIK'' Comuamdee Leaves Mondays at 5 p. m for Kaunakakai, Kahu. lui, Huelo, Hana and Klpahulu ; and for Keapae, Mo. kulau and Nuu ever' other week. Returning will stop at the above ports, arriving back Saturday mornings. For mails and passengers only. THE KILAUEA llOV. WE,SBART COWHAND. .Leaves regularly for Paauhau, 'KohoIalelerOokala, Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupahoehoe, Hak.lau and Ono-mea. . & THE LEHUA. DAV,KSA Commander Will leave regularly for same ports as the Kilauea Hou. THEMOKOLI1, McGhecok ..Commander Leaves each Monday at 5 p. m. for Kaunakakai, Ka. malo, Pukoo, Lahaina, Lanal, Moanui, Halawa, Wai. lau, Peleunu and Kalaupapa. Returning leaves Pukoo Friday at 10 a. "m. for Honolulu, arriving Saturday morning. S. G, WILDER, Pres. S. B. ROSE, Sec'y. 25ttf OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. ;k tkliL Australian Mail Service. For Sydney and Auckland. r The xxtw and fine AI Steel Steamship " MARAROA," f th:ilVrdnueSonPolurn7sa?TraZn:a,"d Cisco on or about ' Jonuapv 22.1. 1 .... Atwf iBBH ! . .. & if ..1 . .. -... .,a.Cp,uiuptuispaicn witn mai s aud isea. gers for the above poits. COMMoSaTIONS, arplyToy'nS aYtK AO. WM, G. IRWIN fr m Agents, For San Francisco, The new and splendid AI Steamship " MARIPOSA " or cfe!SSB,.?SrfB.o??r. ."."''. J". -. ..v..v.u.u Hum fcjuuey ana AuCkiana on or about February 13th. i- And will leave for the above port with mails and paa COMrJlSr!ATlbNSS,SaP&y,ioVinK SUPER,R C WAI. G. IRWIN & CO., ,0?-,d Agents. For San Francisco. The Magnificent Steamship "AUSTRALIA," HltOUGII Commande, Will leave fur the above port on or 'about reliruavy 0, 1886. For Sydney, N. S. W. The well-known Magnificent Steamship " zealandia;" H. NVEBBER . . Commander Will leave for the above port on or about FEBRUARY 2, 1886. - ' For freight or passage, apply to II. HACKFELD & CO., Agents. WRITING PAPER, WRITING PAPER - V Now In stock, with additional Easlcrn Invoices en , 1 5 route. A fine variety of I lie ofl ' .vi CONNECTICUT V A L I. EY iM,l LLS First Quality Cap, Legal, Letter, Note and BUI Paper, Assorted weights! Also Marcus Ward' IiSh Liner Flat Folio and Note paper, plain, or can be ruled up to suit any 01 dcr.' 1 At THUS. a. lllllVM'S. 'Jfil. "N AjQj HtSUfe, 3,(.44(S&a.' & i V & $t :i 4 i If JI Utfl Ul I . H i 4 1 fi -I M tyu