Newspaper Page Text
M. OAT, J, k Co. . 0 THRUM Fcrlstrcet CRYSTAL SODA WORKS ., Hotel streeet Call at what you drinks. JHve Cent per Copy. nhe call "BIZ" A meeting of the Woman's Church Aid Society will be held in the Y. M. C. A. parlor at half-past two o'clock this afternoon. Mr. Thos. Lindsay of Nuuanu street requests an announcement, that he was not the Thos. Lindsay charged with drunkenness in the Police Court day before yesterday. The brigantine W. G. Irwin, in command of Captain McCulloch, arrived in port esterday afternoon, seventeen days from San Francisco. She 'brings one day's later foreign news. . ...T. ...- , , i. In consequence of ill health, Mr. Geo. Cavenagh has retired from the management of the Polynesian Hotel, on King street. Mr. H. Barber will in future attend to all business in connection with the restaurant. A three-mile race will take place at the Yosemite skating rink this evening, between Hartman of Honolulu and Thos. H. Lewis of the Triumph. The race will be for a prize, and will commence at half past eight o'clock. . ' 1 y Captain W. M. Waterbury of the United States ArnWj. andwife, arrived in Honolulu b;Ct)trfgantitie W. G. IffJlUJCesterday afternoon. Captain "VVaterbury and wife came to the Islands for a visit, and will return to the States in a short time. The demand for copies of the pill is far ahead of the supply. By the time the session is ended those now in use will be as full of emendations, alterations, additions and subtractions as the first rough draft of the American Declaration of Independence. A large hole was dug yesterday Nuuanu street to net at one of on the water mains which had sprung a leaic. Quite a largo crowd of natives and sailors gathered to watch the work which proceeded with intermittent libations of the "festive" from a black bottle. t 1 " Boooration Bay. At the regular meeting of Geo. W. DeLong Post No. 45, G. A. R., last Tuesday evening, a committee was appointed' to arrange a programme of ex crcises for Deception Day (the 31st inst.) which falls this year on Monday. Entertainment at tho Y. M. O. A. The members of the Young Mens Christian Association will entertain the crew of H. B. M. S. Triumph in the Association Hall this evening. An interesting programme has been prepared, in which both the sailors and the members will take part. The members and their friends are invited to be present at half past seven o'clock sharp. A Shooting Match. A shooting match between six marksmen from the Triumph, and six of the Honolulu Rifle Association was held at the Casino yesterday afternoon. Although a strong wind was blowing at the time, some good shooting was done. The Honolulu team beat the man-of-war's men twenty-three points. Mr, C. Nicoll, of the Honolulu team did some remarkable shooting, making nine consecutive bulls-eyes at four hundred yards. Tlie Voloauc By the steamer Kilauea Hou, which arrived from Hawaii yesterday, the report to the effect that the Volcano had resumed activity was confirmed Mr S, G. Wilderreceived a letter from Mr. J. H. Maby, manager of the Volcano House, stating that at eight o'clock Saturday morning, the 8th inst., the Volcano broke out with great force, filling Halemaumau to its former level with boiling lava. This news will be received with pleasure by residents who have not seen this Hawaiian wquder, and also by intending visiters to the Islands. The debate in the afternoon session of the House yesterday was full of "wise saws and modern instances." Aesop's fables were drawn on to points; the boy being advised to aim at the sun in order to hit something high: the frog trying to emulate the ox in point of size, and the moun tain that labored to bring forth a mouse all were-used to give point to remarks. Just aT the audience were looking for some rnember to be reminded of "a little story" the House adjourned. Tho "Myrtlo" Ball. The ball to be given by the Myrtle Boat Club will take place at the Central Park skating rink this evening. Preparations have been made for dancing, and a most enjoyable time is The "kitchen" or stall will Toe situated on the Waikiki side of the building, where refreshments will be served. Tickets can be had at J. M. Oat & Co.'s and at King Bros.' stores. As this ball is given to raise funds tor the use of the club, it is expected that the friends of the boys will help them along by purchasing a ticket, whether you go or not. Building to ho Sold nt Anotion. Messrs. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., have instructed L. J. Levey, the auctioneer, to sell at public auction, the building known as the International Hotel, situated on Hotel street between Nuuanu and Fort streets., The building was damaged to some extent by the late fire, and is to be sold with the understanding that the purchaser will remove the same within thirty days after sale. The walls of the building are coral and lava rock with slate roof. The sale will be held at Mr. Levey's salesrooms, Queen street, at twelve o'clock noon, Saturday next. 1 . An Exulting Runaway. A lively smashup occuned on Mer chant street at about five o'clock last evening. A horse attached to a brake was standing in front of W. S. Luce's wine store at the time mentioned, when the horse took fright and started out Merchant street toward the Government Building, at a 2:40 pace. Two hacks were standing, one on the southeast and one on the north-east cornel of Fort and Merchant streets, and drivers could get out of the way, the frightened horse had dashed into first one and then the other hack, breaking one of the shafts of the first hack and the hub of the right of the second. Clearing himself, and still dragging the brake, the horse dashed along the stieet. .When in front of J. A. Lunings office, one of the wheels of the brake caught on a hitching post, but instead of stopping the frightened steed, the post was broken off like a straw. A little further on the brake caught on a wagon belonging to Mr. Graham, breaking the shafts of the brake, and thus freeing the horse which kept on its way, leaving the demolished brake behind. Fortunately no one was injured. Tlioy Say: That the Legislature is trying to answer the great political problem of how to pay expenses ; that people who live in glass houses ought not to throw political brickbats ; that the debate in the House yesterday waxed warm in the afternoon ; that Mr. Dole leads the Opposition in a dignified manner which carries weight ; that the rubbish was being burned on the burnt district yesterday ; that the lobby is a favorite place for members who love the weed; that the representatives of England and America were present at the session yesterday; that the Chirjesci are in favor of the passage of the bftl taxing Chjnamen fur their sick and ih digent countrymen ; that the native string bands are tuning up their in strumentb again for night reveling ; that there will be a gay time on boart' the Triumph that the sailors have gay times ashoie, opposite No. 4 Engine House on Nuuanu street j that the' tashion in ladies' hats Js going to such an extent that the hats are taken off when entering a doorway ; that the Myrtle boys are all getting ready for the good time ; that the let makeri lav for the tourists ; that Jimmie William, plays the fiddle as well as Miss Joran ; that one of the Honolulu Rifle Team made a good score yesterday after-noon ; that runaways are all the go , that two fiberty loving horses made . break for freedom last evening j that one of said horses made a bad brake , that several sailors from the Triumph made more fun than a circus on Merchant street yesterday ; that there will be an ocean race between the terns Eva and Win. Renton ; that both of said vessels sail for Han Francisco to-1 day , that the society young men are jealous of the attention paid the men' of-war's men by the pretty girls fat the entertainments ; and that the enter tainment to be given at the Y. M. C. A. this evening promises to be a success. Polioo Court Items. Wi'.dksdav, May 12 th. H. Day, remanded from the nth inst., charged with larceny; nollt pros, enteicd. H. Day, charged with leaving the Kingdom without a passport; discharged. Sam Kaaua, Kukia and Ulanui, charged with rescuing a prisoner; discharged. Alin, alias Ngai Jin, alias Ting Chan, and Koon Man, charged with perjury; remanded until the 14th inst. Wing Moung, charged with having opium in possession; remanded until the 17th inst. Aki, remanded from thev nth inst., charged with drunkenness; forfeited bail, $6. Chun Yin, remanded from the nth inst., charged with gross cheat; remanded until the 17th inst. Joe Robinson, charged with violating express rules; remanded until today. SHIPPING INTELMGENOE Vessels Expected lrora Forelcn Ports. Bremen, Ger. bk Furst Bismarck, Von der Vrfng. Due May 15-20. H. Hackfeld & Co., Agents. GLASGOW, Brit, bk Birmah, Jenns. Due July 1-5. F. A. Schaeter & Co., Agents. t Hong Kong, Ger. bk Hydra, . Loading March 13. , Agents. Liverpool, Brit, bk Lapwing, De Gruchy. Due May 25-3. Theo. H. Davies & Co., Agents. Liverpool, Br. ship Isle of Erin, Nicholson. Loading March 10. Newcastle, N. S. Wi, Nor bk Riji, Loading March 23. Wilder & Co., Agents. Newcastle, N. S. W. Am. ship Ericson, Flummer. Loading Jan. 28. Newcastle, N. S. W., Am. bUne C. C. Funk, Glaser. Loading Feb. I. Agents. Newcastle. N. S. W., Am. ship Kate Davenport, Howland. Due now, Agents Newcastle, N. S. V., Am. bk Makah, Thompson. Loading March 23. Agents. Newcastle, N. S. W., Nor. bk Jalsaljarer, Stoesen. Due April 20-25. Agents. San Francisco, Am. tern V. S. Bowne, Paul. Loading April 17. H. Hackfeld & Co., Agents. San Francisco, Am. bk Ceylon, Calhoun Laid on April 17. H. Hackfeld & Co., Agents. San Francisco, Am. S. S, AlamedA, Morse. Due May 15. W. G. Irwin & Co., Agents. San Francisco, Am. S. S. Australia. Due May 22. W. G. Irwin & Co., Agents. San FRANCisco.Am.bktne Mary Winkelman, Backus. Due May 5-10. H. Hackfeld & Co., Agents. Merchant Vessels Now in Port. A.m. bctne W. G. Irwin McCulloch Am. steam bktne Mor'ning Star-. . . . .Turner Am. bktne Nellie M. Slade Gould Br. bk Star of Devon Mockett Am. bktne Geo. C. Perkins Ackernian Am. tern Eva Wikman H BM S Triumph, Rose Am. tern Wm. Renton Eschen 4.KMTALS. Wednesday, May 13th. Stmr Kilauea Hou.from Hamakua, Hawaii. Bgtne W. G. Irwin, from San Francisco. Schr Nettie Merrill, from Lahaina, Maui. Schr Haleakala, from Pepeekeo, Hawaii. Schr Ehukai, from Waialua. Schr Wailele, from Paia, Maui. DEl'AllTVIlBS. Wednesday, May 13th. Stmr C R Bishop, for Waianae. Schr Canute, for Hilo, Hawaii. Schr Waiehu, for Paia, Maui. Sch Ehukai, for Paia, Maui. rUSSELS LEAVING THIS DAT, Tern Wm. Renton, for San Francisco. Tern Eva, for Sin Francisco. Schr Halaekala, for Pepeekeo, Hawaii. PASSRNQEJIS. ARRIVALS. From San Francisco, per brigantine W.G. Irwin, Wednesday, May 12 Captain W. M. Waterbury and wife, L. B. Morgan and Mr. Winston. DEPARTURES. For Waianae, per steamer C. B, Bishop, Wednesday, May 12 H A Widemann, A Young, and A Drier. .VOTKS, The schooner Nettie Merrill sails for Maui, to-morrow. The schooner Nettie Merrill brought lgS7 Plugs sugar from Laha(na,Matti. The tern Wm. Renton sails for San at about noon to-day, taking a full cargo of sugar. The; schooner Waiehu brought 800 bags .sugar and 60 bags corn from Paia, Maui. She sailed again for the same place last evening. The schooner Wailele nrrived from Paia, Maui, yesterday morning, bringing 1,205 bags sugar. She sails again for 1'jia to-day. The schooner Ehukai arrived from Waialua ) esterday forenoon, bringing 387 bags sugar. S)ie sailed for Paia, Maul, last evening, The barkentine Geo, C, Perkins is loading sugar at the Inter-Island wharf. She will sail for San Francisco on or about rext Saturday, The American tprn va, Captain Wikman, sails for San l'rancisco this forenoon, faking 7,671 bags sugar, Domestic value, $43,500, The steamer Kilauea Hou arrived from Hawaii yesterday afternoon, bringing 3,623 BBMsWMslMsWWMMBBBMHMMMsWBMsMMMIWI f r"i fn r nSjS! r Hv . DAILYHiONOLUlitf F-KESS, THURSDAY, 'MAY 13,' ri886. sr . El..-V r: ,i 1 1 ?l tf .. 111! .fe ' D ft . D -Ml : 1 ''j ' -J U Ti- VC : 1 i 1 ' ' ' St Y , V r 1 f M :" ' fe' TUB V , Will bn for mulo flatly "t tlu Following IJlaoo : .. Merchant street Pantheon if you want for in the shape of No restaurant attachment or sideshow performance at Dodd's to palm off inferior liquor or beer. 1 'Persons using charcoal would do well to call on S. M. Carter, who has always on hand charcoal from the best of Island woods; sold in quantities to suit. Orders received lor the above will be promptly attended to. X.OCAI. NEWS. A meeting ' of the Honolulu Rifles was held at the Armory last evening. A blast was fired in the vicinity of School street yesterday noon, which startled the neighborhood. Mr. Winston of Burke & Winston, arrived by the W. G. Irwin, yesterday, bringing a large number of hoggies. The steamer Kilauea Hou, which arrived from Hawaii yesterday, repoits plenty of train and rough weather along her route. Proinnturo Oratory. The Independent member at large, who lets loose his bottled eloquence immediately upon tthe adjournment of the House each day, mistook the rising of Ihe Committee of' the Whole at noon yesterday for the adjournment, and broke in on the final motion with his usual vehemence. The took him aside to converse with him privately outside the door and with success. TI10 Ooeaaio Wharf to Tie Enlarged, Work will soon be commenced in extending and enlarging the Oceanic Steamship Coinpjny s wharf. 1 he high fence at the lower end of the wharf is to be torn down and the wharf extend ed to the upper end of the Inter-Island wharf. The necessity for this change is the docking of the steamers Austra ha and Zealandia, both ot which are longer than the Mariposa and Alameda, for which two latter vessels the wharf was originally built. Tho Dolmto. bags sugar and I horse, from Hakalau, She reports rough weather and plenty rain along her route. The schooner Hnleakala armed from keo, Hawaii, yesterday, bringing 1,030 bags sugar which she discharged into Hackfeld & Co.'s warehouse. She returns to Pcpeekco to-day. The steamer C. It. Bishop sailed for Wala. nae only, at eight o'clock yesterday forenoon. She will return here this afternoon, and sail for Hamakua, Hawaii, on or about next Saturday. The brigantlne W. G. Irwin, Captain Mc-Culloch, arrived in port yesterday afternoon, 17 days from San Francisco. Captain Mc- Culloch reports having experienced light winds and calm weather until four days previous to arrival here. She brings a cargo of general merchandise, and is docked at the Oceanic wharf. Wcto .Hblicrtiscmettte. Building at Auction! I am instructed by Mesiri. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. to sell at public auction, at my salesroom, ON SATURBAY, MAY 15th, At 12 o'clock, noon, the Coral and Stone Building known as the International Restaurant and recently damaged by fire, situated on Hotel street, in the rear of Rose Lane. Purchaser will have to remove buildine within thirty days, as It will be sold for the purpose of demolition The roof of the building is covered with slate and the walls are built of Coral and Lava Fock, TEEMS CASH. LEWIS J. LEVEY, 2 1 Auctioneer. (general Jtfibcriiscmcnts. JUST ARRIVED, Ex. Bark Jas. S. Stone, j t AND FOB SAXJE, AN ASSORTMENT OF CARRIAGES, WAGONS, CABRIOLETS, Ftc. tn part as follows, vii: Open Ivers Buggies. Top Brewster Box Buggies, Top Brewiter Phaeton Burrim, Open Democrat Wagons, ' Canopy Top Wagons, Concord Wagons, Extension Top Cabriolets, Hand Carts, Mufe Carts. C. BREWER & CO. Honolulu, April 13, 1886. 193.1m c is:, m: muEHBi. GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. 42 MERCHANT ST., HONOI.UX.TT. In coniunction with Mr. I. A. Matroon, will attend to all matters of business for the residents of the Hawaiian Islands who may need an Agent. I do not confine mvself alone to the Busi ness Houses, but also to the domestic class who would wish me to attend to any matter 01 business, especially to making purchases eitner in Honolulu or San Francisco, in any line of General Merchandise. To the Business Houses, I will give my careful attention in all matters pertaining to General Business, viz : Adjusting and Accounts, Distribution of Bills and Circulars, Custom House Entries, Buying and Renting Real Estate and Personal Pro perty. ar All Legal Documents will be carefully and neatly drawn up by Mr. J. A. Magoon. I will attend to all matters entrusted in my care in a careful, courteous and neat manner, and with quick dispatch. , Agytt lor Klinkner & Co. Red Rubber Stamps. Telephone j P. O. Box 113. 1 61-iv H. F. BERTELMANN, Contractor Buide No. 86 King Street, HONOLULU, H. I. itcto SbbcrtiJscmcnijs. Fferjfh & Peacock 23 NuUanu St., Honolulu. . WNOto I mtoyt V 4.v .. uoo 5MML ; Urn, J WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. SOLE IMPORTERS Ortftrs VUled Promptly, nd Guaranteed. P. O. Box 361. Both Telephones, 46. Telephone No. x OF S. I.achman & L'o.'s California Wines, John Ex-chaw's No. t Brandy, J! PelUson'1'7 and 10. year-old! Brandy, J. J. Mefcher's "Elephant" Gin, H. W. Smith 4 Co.'s r 'Thistle Dew' Whisky Coattt Co.'s " Plymouth' Gin, &c. A FULL LINE OF THE Most Favorite Brands Ales, Beers, Wines. SPIRITS, LIQUEURS, ETC., Constantly on hand and for sale at the ' LOWEST MARKET RATES. all pCONOMIC STATIONERY. LEGAL CAP PERFECTION PADS, Letter, Un Good 0 HOPP & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers Jin FURNITURE Uf every description. Mattresses and Bedding. ' Special attention given UPHOLSTERING, Ot all Unds K" Jobbing done at reasonable rates. Jvo. 7d King Street. HODDER'S LETTER PADS and Note Blocks of first auahtv paper. nil Lao. Letter and note mocks ot ruled Manilla paper, plain Memo and Note blocks, M. & H. form blocks for Bills, btatements, Wash lists, etc,, Or Paper PUT UP la ANY FORM Desire By Titos, a. Tnitujt'a I So FotStt. NEATEST JOB PRINTING eicuted tn order at the I'skas office. TAKE NOTICE! TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : CAPT. STALLION, CLUNEY HAS A FINE Young Venture, Jr., Sired by Young Venture, First dam, Pachen, Mare j second dam, lilack Morgan, Mare. He will stand YOUNG VENTURE, Jr., for the season on the corner of Punchbowl and Queen streets. Young Venture, Jr., is four years old, very stylish, kind and gentle. Many horseipen consider him as good a stock horse as any in the qpuntry. TERMS 1 Twenty;five dollars for the season. CAPTAIN CLUNEY, 2i5.f Corner of Punchbowl and Quaen Streets. liA&dtiLtiA j it .t JL .jift ii W ..J ia ) Mt A4 1 Taro Flour! (S'cucrnl ,SU)bcrttJ5mcnt6. ruit and Taro Company OF WAILUKU, MAUL 6 Taro Flour! Taro Flour! Highly recommended by physicians, and used by everybody. A boon to the sick and convalescent. ' A valuable article of diet for the healthy. l'oi made from this flour possesses cleanliness never found in .ordinary " poi. - It makes by far, the best mush.. Taro cakes, muffins, rolls, bread, griddle cakes, Rems, and puddings of unrivalled excellence can be made as readily from this as from ordinary flour. FOR SALE BY ALL GllOCFBS. DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING POI.-Take the desired amount of flour and mix very thin with cold water, beini; sure there are no lump',. Confine this in a bag or cloth and place in a kettle of boiling water, and let it continue to boil ii to 2 hours, until cooked. When done (while warm) stir with a stout spoon, adding a little water until the whole is well mixed. Let this stand from 5 to 6 hours. Then add water in small quantities, mixing thoroughly and kneading until the desired consistency is obtained. Owing to Its great purity it will take from 3 to 4 days to become acid or sour. 202.3m, Have just received ex. barks "Jas. S. Stone' very fine lot of goods in their line, including superior ourning un, 130' o and "Natuna," a Downer's Kerosene Oil, 1500 ; Electric Kerosene Oil, 150 ; iTOHES Cabes Charcoal Irons ; assorted sizes Pumps j Refrigerators, all sizes ; Galvanized Cut and Wrought Nails, assorted ; Galvanized Corrugated Roofing, 6, 7, 8 and 9 feet lengths ; Galvanized Ridging ; Galvanized Screws and Lead Washers; plain annealed Fence Wnej Barbed Wire j black and galvanized Fence Staples ; Canal Barrows; Garden Barrows, assorted. PLOWS AND BREAKERS, of all sizes' wanted ; and Cane Knives; and cases Lard Oil. ff. Spades, Shovels, Picks, Mattocks, Rakes, Hoes all kinds of Packing ; Also, a fine lot of Cotton Waste; Barrels, pure iMz.A.nsriLXj.A. :r,o:p:ej, all sizes, from inch to 5 inches, and Sisal ,Rope of all sizes wanted. 1 Besides a thousand other articles, not mentioned above, which are all for sale ( AT LOWEST MARKET HONOLULU RATES. . STEAM LAUNDRY IS WOW. COMPLETE. The Drivers ,of the Company will notify Customers tt Seven Days prior to Calling for -n B. F. DILLINGHAM, President & Manager. Clothes. Successors to Dillingham Co., and f, n f NO CHINESE EMPLOYED. H. B. Telephone 100- -P. O. Box, 406. JAS. G. SPENCER, Secretary & Treasurer Pacific Hardware Company lYo. 74: and 70 Fort Street. T A 5. .- . Sairiiier 'Nott NEW GO.ODS BY LATE ARRIVALS: "GOOD NIGHT" PREMIUM SAFETY KEROSENE OIL, 1500, just received. Recommended by the-New York Board of Underwriters. Carriage Whips. Bridles qf superior manufacture. The HICKOK CALCIUM BURNER, power. Hardware,- Agricultural Implements, House Furnishing Goods, Silver Plated Ware. New Goods constantly ai riving. PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., H, E. McINTYHE & i Honolulu. A. IM PORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed. Coruov and ICing Stvootn. New goods received by every packet from the Eastern Stales and Kurope. Tresh Cli fornia Produce by evety steamer. All orders faithfully Attended tq, and Goods delivered 1 any part of the city tee of charge Island orders solicited. Satisfaction itaranicil. Post. ce Hox No. 145 j Telephone No. 93 l ly f