Newspaper Page Text
!r:?,c IK '1 Mr .13 vv . ' ' to ' V ' gTy " "wry &' "v y ""w'f',ws'''it ihiiiii "T m..,Zr. fa,, ,n,ii.,yfrri,wreli,uw Jmm VOL. II. NO 69. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1886. WHOLE NO. 222, CHAM By AMBON. CHAPTER VII. Continued Uut iffrs. PuroIbTi ndiiwnse 1110. As If nnyoho coulil aver look llko Charmlan I Cliarmlnn in a bcxltcv of cloth of gold, which fltnhorllko a fjlovo, vrithn, train of satin of tho tnma .color, itpriiikJcil with gold, with bright rniulo of jownly cf every color In the rniitbow on her shoulders and in her hair a ihes (It for Cleopatra a dress which suits hnr sjilondtd Eastern beauty to perfection, though Lady LouImi Purofoy says It is "senrcoly suituhlo for rt jjirl of her ngol" My dross meets with Lady Louisa's unqualified admiration, which fact affords mo no sntlsfation since site dislikes Cliannim I would much rather sho disliked mo too. Tho ball is delightful. Tho roorni, with lights, with beautiful dresses, with flowers and mirrors and gilding, room to me llko a (Hmpsoof fairy-land. And though I know bo few peoplo, I find myself provided with purthcre foi every dance. The Count do Iloquentonrt dances with mo very often. Dudley Probyn condescends to ask me once or twico, Lord Lorraine danco3 with mo. be sides a dozen others whose names I forget. And Charmlan dances ull lil'iht of course. I seo Dudley Probyn with her and a crowd of other men; but I do ngt see her and Lord Lorraine ouco together during tho evening. And yet I do not think they have quarreled, Charmian's eyes follow him rather wistfully, I fancy, and she has lot her happy, radiant look It may bo thai sho is only tired ; but once I think I see the old eager friglitenol expression in hor eyes which was in them for those three or four last days at Tiaiiquilln, and then I wish the ball were over the mu sic deafens mo, the sound of the "dancers dancing in tune" makes my bead ache. I am dancing with Lord Lorraine, and I tell him how tired I am of it all, and how I wish wo wore going home. Ho seoilw surprised, and asks me if 1 have not been enjoying myself; and I answor Vaguely, yes, but that I havo had enough of It, and Charmlan looks weary. When I nlontion Charmian's name, he draws his dark eyebrows togother as if ho did not care to talk about her; nud I wonder aguin if they can havo had another quarrel, and, If th,ey havo, what it can havo been about "Charmlan, may I come in!" "Yes of course." It is the morning after tho ball. Wo have breakfasted in our own rooms. Charmlan is still in and slippers,, though It is nearly twelve o'clock; but I have been reading in the library for the last hour or two, not lilting to disturb li?r as Jeannetto " Ixad told me she soomoJ very tn ed. "Why, Charmlan, what alia you I Are you ill!" I havo thrown myself upon iny knees before her, scanning her face with anxious, frightened eyes. She is sitting in the deep old chair, leaning hor head back against the cushions. Her face is quite white; there are dai k shadows under her eyes. "111?" sha says, laughing strangely. "No, I am not ill. What put such an idea into your headl" "You look so white. Has anything hop-pound J Oh, Chaniiianr' For she has put up both hands to her face, with a cry like soma wounded animal, a cry which, low as it Is, seems to go through my heart. "Dear Charmlan, can't you tell mo what la tho matter? Charmlan, I shall go to your aunt if you do not tell me this minute I Oh, Clinrmlau, dou'tl" I try to take down her hands, but she will not let mo; and sho still keeps up that low moaning cry, "Havo you quarreled again?" I ask at last. "No." "What is it then? Can't you toll me, "You," she says, In a curious sobbing way, though there aio no tears In her eyes "you to take him away from me, of all peoplo in the world I" "Wliat do you moan?" I ask, stupefied. "He cares for you, Susan, more than for mo I I I found it out last night l" "Charmlan, aio you mad?" I exclaim, shrinking back. "I think I nm mad. But it is the truth. Ho saw no ono but you last night. Ho never camo near me tho wholo evening he has been so cold, to changed. I thought it was because he was angry with me still that it would be all right after a littlo that he only wanted to punish me. I thought that as long as I could. 1 wonder now how I could havo boon so stupid how I could still think ho loved me all theso daysl" She speaks in nn odd, jerky way, with short sobbing breaths, llko a hunted creature tbo anguish I .1 'luntod creatui e looks at mo out of. her gi 0 it uilatod oyes. "I don't know what strango idea you have got into your head," 1 say, speakiug very quietly, though my teeth aio chattering. "I don't even know of whom you are speaking. Is it Lord Lorraine?" "You don't know 1"-laughing harshly. "Yes, It is Lord Lorraine, Ho is your lover now, Susan, not mine. And and it haa killed me I" 'You ore mistaken," I bay, rising to my feot and speaking very coolly. "Lord Lorraine is no lovor of inino." "Ho is in Jovo with you." "Ho is engaged to you, Charmlan," "Ho is not engaged to mo. Our engagement has never boon renowod. I ought to have known his lovo for me was dead dead 1 llut 1 thought ho was only punishing me, Jly own love bllndod 1110; I might huo known when ho nevor askod me to Bay I was sony I might haro guessed he uevor meant to liave anything more to Bay to me that ho was willing to forgive ine because because he did not caro." "I think you havo taken leavo of your senses, Charmiau." "I think I have. But it Is no matter. I don't blairio you, Susan " ' Iliate hlml" I oxelulm furiously. "I always hatod him. Don't speak of kiln to mo any more." "Women who bate them some men liko bost," sho says, smiling stiangely. "Charmlan, I belle vo Lord Lorraine cares more for you than for any one else in tho world." "If ho cared for me, could he maks me suffer such tortures as I suffeied last ulght?" "Ho may not 'havo known," I suggest, against my own conviction "Hij did know his eyes wero cruel. I do not believe ho ever leally loved mo It was only that my love flattered him; and I suppose ho thought ho cared that night at Cairo, But wo wore not suited to each other and they havo been dinning it into his oais. I am flie ho is Ice; my lovo would have weailod htm, and then I should have died. As well die as lastl" 'How can you caro for him hateful wrotchl" I exclaim vlndlctivoly. "Oh, hushl" sho says, Binillng folornly. "I adorohlm; If ho thrust a daggor Into my hoart, I should dip kissing his hand." "Then I cau scarcoly pity you," I say sovorcly. "Pity mo 1 I want no pity. What is your pity to nio or anything now that I havo lost his lover What Is the wholo world to met don't valuo my life at a pin's point I could not live and endure such Intolerable anguish could not live I" , , She lcoki beside herself. I do not know what to say to comfort her. And the worst T of It is that I believe in my heart Lord Lorraine does not care for her. It Is so odd his never having spokon to her about the renewal of their ongagomohtl And, as thoro was no quarrel.his avoidance of hor society can mean nothing but that bo is tired of it. But that he cares for any ono olso except himself I do not Imagine for a moment I pity her from tho bottom of my heart, for I know how oxqulsitely she suffers I suffered mybelf whun Jack forsook me, though 1 never rcully loved Jack, and Charmlan loos Lord Lorraine with all tho mad wild lovo of her pas sionate Undisciplined heart Such a love is almost incomprehensible to my colder nature; but there is Afrlcun blood inChaimian's I 01 is. Her mother was a Castllian of '.lo.uish descent, whom her father A met when his legimcnt was stationed at Gimiiltar, and married, Very much HSJint the wishes of the family, though the gul mis noble as well as beautiful and good. But she was an alion a daughter of Heth and there was a certain Alice Probyn whom they wonted him to marry who afterward lived and died a spinster for his sake. But Chnrniian's mother was not long a thoni In tbn llrtJi of hor husband's family she Bavo her life for the life of her chid, dying at Algiers 011 her sixteenth birthday. All this Charmlan told me one day at Tranqullla, while we busked iu tho sunshine of my dreamy old garden. "Char.nian," I Bay, pushing tho cloud of dark hair out of the great wild eyes dailing, you must try to think of other people think how we all lovo you and by at and by you will not caie so much." I am kneeling before her, holding hor two hands in mine, when Jeannette comes to toll me that I am wanted in the drawing-room. T "fciay I am bus', Jeannette," I say, without turning my head; "toll them I cannot come." 'It is Lord Lorraine, and he wants you for only a moment," Jeannette persists: "I told him you were with Miss Dacre. who is not well; and he said to tell you that he would detain you only for a few moments, if you would lie good enough to come." "You had better go," Charmuin says, sitting up in her chair, her foverish eyes devouring my face. MHe does not liko to bo kept waiting." "As if I care I" "Oo you hod better go I don't want you here." She .actually takes me by the shoulder and puts me out of the room. But she cannot hurry my going down stairs. I am too stupefied to wonder what Lord Lorraine can want with mo, or to be surprised at finding no one else in the drawing room. He comes forward to meet me, shaking hands with me just as usual "I wanted to ask you a question," Miss he says quietly, and puts forward a. chair that I may sit down. CHAPTER VIII. Hi! has come to ask me to marry hlml I havo not taken tho chair he offered mo. am standing with my two hands on the back of it, staring at him. 1 can see mjbelf In the great mirror on the wall behind him, a quaint ihildlsh figure In my Bilk gown and shoes. At first I can scarcely comprehend what he is saying to me that ho la asking me, little Susan Coventry, to b his wlfo to bo a Countess. What would my father say If he could hear him? And what would Pleasant say old Pleasant, who has often told me nobody would ever ask me to marry him? "No, thank you," I find myself saying vaguely. "I am very much obliged to you, Lord Lorraine; but I could never marry you." Ho does not look very much astonished he expocted nothing elso, I daro say, at first. Ho renews bis offer, standing before mo quite gravely, and speaking In a stiff formal way I think ho is more nervous than I am, though ho is old and I am very young. "No," I repeat qulto positively; "you need not aslr mo, I.ord Lorraine. 1 could never marry you." "May I ask you one question, Miss Coventry?" "I I suppose you can." "Do you caro for any one else I" "I I don't know," I answer stupidly. "You don't knowl" ho echoes, smiling slightly. "Then, If you do not know, I do. And, as long as you do not caro' for any one else, there is hojio for me." "Thoro is no hopo for you there can never bo any." "Do not say that. A man is so constituted that ho will hope until he sees positive reason to dc&pair. And I do not yet despair of making you care for me." He has come closer to me and taken my hand, forcing it gently from Its rather obsti nate grip on the back of the chair, "Don't!" I exclaim Impatiently. "Please to let me go, Lord Lorraine 1" "I will let you go in a moment," he answers, growing calm as I grow angry. "I knew you would not lliton to my suit all at once you are such a child. It was your enchanting simplicity which first attracted mo the very fact that you were indifferent to what another girl would have thought the primary consideration the timidity which made you avoid mo, because you had never learned to care for me for my own sake. But It is Just that lesson I want to teach you " "And which you will never teach me, Lord Lorraine." "I want to teach you," he. goes on Imperturl bably; "and I am a man who have never failed In accomplishing anything upon which I havo set my hoart." "But vpu'U never accomplish this." ( To be Continual, ) It is said that Branson Alcott was one day holding forth on the advan tagef of a vegetable diet, and urged the argument that if a man eats pork he will grow to look like a pig; the beefeater like a bull, and so on. Where upon somebody rather confounded him by dryly adding: "Yes, Mr. Al-1 ott, and he who confines himself to vegetable diet will be in great danger 01 nnaiiy reteinuung a very aiuan iiu tato," gMjdMjeeaEWtr iittinmniiHrifi 13fofccsiomil GTmIis. P P. GRAY, M. D., r PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, next door to the Honolulu Library. 8 to to A. M. Omen Hours: 3 to 4 r. M. ; to e r. M. Sunday, g to ti A. M. RBSlDKNCi:, Alakea St., Opposite Y. M. C. A. C M. WHITNEY, M. D D. D. S. Dental Room on Port Street Honolulu H. 1. Office in IJreaer's block, corner Hotel and Fort Streets, entrance on Hotel .Sueet. TDWARD F. HOPKB, V O UN S K L OH AT I, A W. No. Oskice: Room No. 9 (over tin Bank), Spreckels' Mock. p AKENCK WILDER VOLNEV VAILLANCOURT AMItORD. ASHrORD. SHFORD tX ASHFORD. No. tttorneys. Counsellors, 3oUrltorsf Advo. rates, Proctors, Conveyancer, Etc. Officii "Honolulu Hale," adjoining Post-office, ,1 ALFRED MAGOON. T. ATTORNEY AT LAIT, 41 Merchant Street, Honolulu. JOHN H PATY, Notary Public and Cotnmlion of Deed, For the States of California and New York. Office the Rank of liishop & Co. HoNOlULU, Oamu, H.I. A THURSTON. (Successor to smith & thurvtoh) Attorney at Late, No. 38 Merchant Strfet Honolulu C U. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Publle, Will be at his office, at 15 Kaahumann street, from to 10 o'clock A. si. during the Legitlatif session. 356-307 AX 7" R. CASTLE Attorney ( Law and Notary Public. So. ig, Merchant Street Honolulu Attends all the Couits of the Kingdom. ' SSMSSSMSRSRSillSMSSSSlSMSMeiSMiRmSRSR, business QIarbe. F. ALLEN. w Has an office with Messrs Bishop & Co., corner of Merchant and ICaahumanu streets, and he will be pleased to attend to any business to him. L AINE & Co., Commliun Merchant, Importers and dealers in Hay, Grain and General Produce. Honolulu H. I. 310-361 wevt, 11, m. Don, U W. MACFARLANB w EST, DOW & CO., Importer and in all kind of Music, Fancy and tlunane Good. Paintings, Chromos and Toys, Picture Frames and Comices to order. Moving and repairing Furniture a speciality. No. 105 Fukt Strict Honolulu 340-301 A L. SMITH, Importer and Dealer in Glutticare, Mertden Silver-Plated Ware, Bracket, Taeet, No. 83 Fprt Street...... Honolulu King's Combination Spectacles and Eyeglasses, L.ustral Wire Ware, Fancy Soaps, Picture rrames, Wostenholm's Pocket Cutlery, II, I. Chase's Island Mews, Clark's Spool Cotton, Machine 'Oil, all kinds of Machine Needles, "Domestic" Paper Fashions. Soie agent of the universally acknowledged Domestic Sewing Machine, E. WISEMAN, J Heal Estate Broker andEinployment Bureau. Rentt. Rooms, Cottages, Houses, and sells and leases Ucal Estate in all parts of the Kidgdom. Employment found for those seeking work 111 all the various branches of business connected with these Islands. 3T N, II. Legal Documents drawn, Bills collected, Books and Accounts kept, atid general office work transacted. Patronage solicited. Commissions mod rrate, Honolulu, 11 1. OISHOP & CO., Bankers Honolulu, Hawaiian Ulanim Draw Exchange ou Till'. BANK OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO. And their agents in NEW YORK, BOSTON, PARIS. AND M. ROTHSCHILD & SONS. LONDON, The COMMERCIAL BANKING CO. OF SYDNK.Y, LONDON. The COMMERCIAL BANKING CO. OF SYDNEY, SYDNEY, N. S. W. The COMMERCIAL BANKING CO. OF SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA, Ihe BANK OK NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND, And Its branches in CHRISrCHURCH, DUNEDIN, AND WELLINGTON rilF. BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PORTLAND, OR, The AZORES AND MADEIRA ISLANDS. STOCKHOLM, SWtDEN, The CHARTKRED BANK OF LONDON AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. HONGKONG. CHINA. AND YOKOHAMA, JAPAN. 4ND 7rantMt Qtmrat Biinkim Busuttet, E. WILLIAMS, UtroRTxx and Dealer in Furniture- of Every Description, Alio Upholsterer and Manufacturer. Furniture Warerooma No. tt Kort Street. at old itand on Hotel Street. All orders promptly intended to. 353-103 BREWER & COMPAHY, (.Limits J.) A , General Jlcrcantitx and GommUtiop A genie Queen Street, Honolulu. Ollicer P. C Jones, jr., president and manager', Joseph O. Carter, treasurer and secretary. Director : lions. Charles K. Ilishop and H. A. P. Carter; V. V. Allen auditor. U-84 ' pD. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co Importer and Commlielon Merchant: 48 QumiN Stkikt Honolulu Oauu. 11 I A. SCHAEFBR & Co. Importer and Vommieelon Meretntnts, ao MaRCHANT Street Honolulu rjRANK GERTZ Jlool unit Shoemaker. Roots and Shoes made to Order. No. 103 Fort Street. Honoiulu 310-361 JOHN T. WATERHOUSE rnjiorear and Dealer in General ehandite. No. 33-31 Queen ' Honolulu 310-361 M. OAT, JR. &CO. .Stationer and New Dealer. Bed Rubber Stamp Agenoy Gabttb Ulock No. tj Merchant Street -306 Honolulu H. I. HACKFELD & CO., H , General Commiteion Agent. Cor. Fort and Queen Street ..Honoi.ul JT E. McINTYRE & BROTHERS Grocery and Feed Store. Cor. King and Fort Sts ,.... Honolulu a 10-10 1 OLLISTER & Co. H TF7iofaaf and Retail Druggist bceeonUt. No. 59, Nuuanu Stleet Honoluiu 310-361 H ONOLULU IRON WORKS Co., Steam Engine, Boiler, Sugar Mill, Cooler, Iron, Bra and Lead Catting. Honolulu 11. I Machinery of every description made to order articular attention paid to Shp's Blacksmith! ng. ob work executed on the shortestnotice. 310-361 P O. HALL & SON (Limited) IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware and General Mercltandlee, Corner or King and Fort Streets, Hoholi'iu orncERs: William W. Hall.r President and Manager L. C Abies ,,., Secretary and Treasurer W.F.Allen ..Auditor Directors Thon as Mav, E. O. White 16-307 H.DAVIBS & Co. Kaahumanu Street Honolulu General and Committion Merchants. AGENTS for Llovds, British and Foieign Marine Insurance Company, Northern Assurance Company (Fire and Life), "Pioneer" Line of Packets. Liveroool to Honolulu. Liverpool Office ....Nos 13 and ijlhc Albany o;. 1 y JTUSTACB & ROBERTSON, Draymen. All orders for cartage promptly attended to. Parti cular attention paid to the Storing and SmrriNGof goods in transit to the other Islands. Also! Black Sand and White Samu in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Opmp No. 46 Queen street, adjoining auction rooms of E. P. Adams Ac Co, Mutual rlephoe No, to Cl W MAC'AaLANK, H. a. G W. MACFARLAHE & CO. Importora, Ooinmiaaion Meruliantu nud Sugar Faotorm. Building. ..v., , ..Queen street, HoikjIoIii. AGENTS TOE l'uuloa Sheep Ranch Co, Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co's Steam Plow and Portable Tramwa) Works, Leeds, Mirrless, Watson & Co's Sugar Machine?, Glasgow' Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets, Liverpool and Honolulu Lint of Packets, London and Honolulu Line of Steamer, Sun Fire OlTice of London -ASTLE & COOKE, Shij'ping and ComiHlstlen Mete'i'iul, No. 80 Kino Street ,. Hi.M.vUll lUrORIERt AND IK GENERAL MERCHANDWK Agonts (or The Hitchcock k Company's Plantation The Aleiander & Baldwin Plantation. R, Halstead, or Waialua Plantation, A. H. Smith & Company, Koloa, Saual J, M, Alexander, Haiku, Maul. The Hslku Sugar Company, The Kohtla Sugar Company, Hamakua Plantation' Tli Union Insurance Company al Sen Fniuceno. The New England Life Insurance Company cf Holt. The Blake Manufacturing; Company of Boston D. M Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machine. The New York and Honolulu IVcket Lin. lh Merchant's Line, Honolulu snd San Francisco Dr. Jaynes It Son's Celebrated . edicllies. Wileoi Gibb's Singer Manufacturing Company, VTlwaU &Wlaou'Bwlni MuaiUee, business l ..'ftHfliu. f 1 T EWERS ft COOKE t U 6 (Successor to Lrwem tDt'tifoMt . . 1 t Itnpo rtare and Vealere in lAtmber dud iiV, kind of Jluilding Material. " No. 8a Fort 'Street, .,... .Honolulu B TWT PHILLIPS & Co. Importer and IVhole'tale Dealer in Cloth' ing. Knot, Shoe, Mat, Men' Goods, Fancy Good, Etc. No. 10 Kaahumnu Street ........Honolulu CLAUS SVRECKELS. I WH C IRWIN. w M. G. IRWIN & CO. Sugar Factor and Committion Agent. Honoi.ulO ,H. 1 one w ILLIAM McCANDLESS Dealer in Chniceit Beef, Veal, Mutton, Etc. No. 6 Queen Street Fish Market. Family and Shipping orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to Vessels at short notice. Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. ..,...., No 13, 358-00 T.L' yoNs, sttiritonro' and Cmmnietton Merchant, Corner Fort and Queen Stueets, Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly attended to. Sole agents for American and European merchandise. 333-383 H USTACE, c. cics formerly with bolles & CO.) Ilholeeale and Retail Grocer, in, King Street., Under Harmony Hall. Family, Plantation, and Ship stores suoplied at short notice. New poods hv everv ttram... Orilr. frnm the other IsUndfaithfully executed. iciepnone no. xio 8 J AHLO. Dealer in Dry-Good, Biee, Tea, Silk and Fancy Good, ITats, Boot and Shoe, Bran, Feed and Flour, Cigar and Tobacco. Also proprietor of Rice and Sugar Plantation at of Kaneohe, Koolau, Walpio Ewa, and Heeia. Cor. Nuuanu and Chaflain Stj Honolulu ' M S. GR1NBAUM & CO , Itnporltr of General Merchandise and are Committion Merchant, Queen Street Honoluiu. M. P No. 134 California street, San Francisco, CaU THE WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN IN vestment Company (limited.) M oney loaned f"r long or short periods on approved security Apply to W. I,. GREEN, Office Beaver Block, Fort St. Manager 34-05 M. A. GON1AITRS. E. HUTCHINSON. -" ONSALVES & CO.' irholesaln Groci r and Wine Merehantt, Upaver Block, Qukfn Street, Honolulu Post Office Box! No. 300 Telephone No. 63. nnHOS. G. THRUM, Importing and Manufacturing Stationer, Hook-idler, Printer, Bookbinder, etc.. And publisher of the Hawaiian Almanac and Annual. Dealer in Fine Stalionery, Books, Music, Toys and Fancy Goods. Fort Street. Hotel, , ....Honoluiu 341-361 or Cocrtcrrtl Jluucrtiscmcnts. TWT ETROPOLITAN MARKET. KISO STREItT, C J. WALLRR. Proprietor Choicest Moats from iFlnaat Herds, Families attd.shipping supplied 011 short notiee and at Lowest Market Prices. Ml meet delivered from this market arc thoroughly chilled immediately after killing by means of a Cell-Coleman Patent Dry Air Refrigerator, Meal so treated retains all Its juicy properties, and Is guaranteed to keep longer after delivery than meat y 350-363 MBS. THOMAS LACK, No. 70 Fort Streot, Honolulu, IMPORTER and DEALEK IN SEWING MACHINES AND CEktllKE Attathmvnft, Oil and Accessories, AcrN' roa THE Willi e andlneLlcHT.RUNNiNe New Home Machine Howard's MachiuVNeedtes, all kinds CorticeU's Silk, in all colors and sises ! 111 bout's Linen Thread, Clark's O, Ni T, Machine Cotton. J AfHt. Demortsfs faliablt Cut Pays Patttmi AND fUaLiCATKINS. Dealer tu ItirLEi Revolver Gun at J SroKTiNs Goods hot. Powder. Cam. and Metallic; Caetridcms1. KBBO.IBXK STOVES, in all Ue. Sewtag.Meenlne, Loelc aad GuvReuemtifproasptly sswodeJte, - Incurancc Notices. TNION MARINEINSURANCE COMPAHY . of San Francisco. CV! J7XA IU1A AUElVJi. norpbiated 187. OSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. C. BREH'&K if Ce., Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands. BOARD OP UNDER PHILADELPHIA , writers. C. BRBU'ER & Ce.. Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. 910-361, DEPARTMHNT, PACIFIC ACCIDENT Life Insurance Company, cadi OS CALIFORNIA. S. G. WILDKR, AGENT. Assets, December 31, 1884 . . ,i,oi,ooQ Policies Issued against Accident for one day up to the year. 94'tf leave FIRE IHSUR. acee Company of Hamburg. A.AEGER,AGENT. Building, Merchandise, Furniture and Machiaery Insured against Fire on the most favorable term. DREMEN BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. K A. SCHAEFER & Ce., Act". Also Rffenti for the Dresden Board of Underwriters. Vienna Board of Underwriters. For the Hawaiian Islands. FOREIGN MARINE IHSUR. BRITISH ance Company. (Limited) THEO. H. DA VIES, AGENT. The above agent has instructions to reduce the rates of oetween Honolulu and Isi, Ports in the Pacific, and is now prepared lu Umis poll at the lowest rates, with a special reduction on '. freight per steamers. 310-361 u UTUAC LIFE INSURANCE COM. M pany, of New York. J. G. WILDER, AGENT. Assets, December 31, 1CS4 ,....$103,876,178 51 Policies Ueued on the Life Term and Endowment plan. GENERAL INSURANCE FORTUNA of Berlin. F. A. SCHAEFER & Ce., AGENTS. The abort Insurance Company, has established a General Agency here, and the undersigned, General Agents, are authorized to take risks against the dangers the Seas at the most reasonable rates and on the most favorable tei ins. GERMAN LLOYD MARINE INSURANCE Company of Berlin F. A. SCHAEFER A Co., AGENTS. The above Inurance Company has established a General S. Agency here, and the above Mgned, General Agents, authorized to take Risks azainst the dangers of the Seas at the most reasonable sates, and on the most fa vorable terms. HAMBURG-BREMEN Company. FIRE INSURANCE F. A. SCJAEFER & Ce., AGENTS. The above firm having been appointed agents of this company are, prepared to irsure risks against fire on Stone and Brick buildings and on Merchandise stored therein, on the most favorable terms. For particulars apply at their the TVTBW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE 1N ance Company of Boston. CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS. INCORPORATED 1835. The oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Company in the United States. Policies Issued on the most Favorable Terms Losses paid through Honolulu Agency, $40,000 NORTH. GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE Company of Hamburg-, H. HACKFELD & Ce., AGENTS. Capital and Reserve Reichsmark 1,130,00 " their Re-Insurance Companies, " 35,000,00 The Agents'of the above Company, fot the Hawaiian Islands, are prepared to insure Buildings, Furniture laiih'S rtfliea estH 1VAr4is e nf iBliinAn 1 C. tkivuniiuui. nu IUUUH, Aab.l lllt.l jr. Cel, KleMJ lJU4 and Rice Mills, and vessels in the harbor, against lot. uamaRc Dy me, on tne most lavoraoie terms. 110-261 TRANS-ATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE Company of Hamburg:. . HACKFELD cV Co., AgtuU. Capita! and Reserve.,..,.. ,. Reichsmork 6,000,000. ' their Re-Insurance Companies " 101,650,000 Total Reichsmark 107,650,000 The Agents of the above Company, for the Hawaiian Islands, are prepared to insure Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise and Produce, Machinery, etc., also Sugar and Rice Mills, and vessels in the harbor against loss or damage by fire, on the most favorable ttlm. 0-361 LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND THE Globe Insurance Company, BISHOP & Co. AGENTS. SATABISIIEn S6 ltilimiforf Liability to Stockholder. Assets , , , . . $Jf ,oij,gi j Reserve , ,,. 7,500,000 INCOME FUR lS8s: Premium received after dednction of re- Insurance , $ Losses inptiy adjusted and paid here, 313-364 EW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE N' Insurance Company of Boston, Mass. INIOErORATED iSlJ. Assets January lit, 1X84, neatly Polices Issued on the most favorable terms, and absolutely after Two Payments. EXAMPLE OK rLN '. Insured age 35 years 30 years Endowment Plan for $5,000 Annual Premium $24l.30 V'l'e IM-up Ins, At the end of the sd Vear. ; sse.ej $ MS jo 4.7 C40 43.J I.IJO Sth J1.J MIS th " l,oo oe . i9S 1th' ,M.S I.970 tth .J0.7$ MJ5 oth 1,676.0s a, 500 oth 1,01165 .755 nth " .57 9 3.ooj th ' S,4S 41 3.So ijth " a, 685 00 3,4B 14th ,067,70 3,7 11th " sith " 575 JS ss 17th ' 3,9) t 4,lo sith 4.43 4,399 19th " 4.37 . soth 5,000.00 The second and tubeiei( premium ate likely 'la be reduced by imriilur aiuiUJil tttitrttnllent ( , JOT Application eats be had, of ; and fall larbnaatloa nll be given by the Agenie, , W m V COOKti Shipping. r's 3ajjf New Route to the Volcano Via Keaulioii. ROUTE AND TIME TABLE TUB KIN AC K.1NC , COMUANKE Leaves HONOI UI.U, H. I. at 4.00 o'clock t. M week. Touching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Maktna, Maul, Mai utona, Kawaihae, Laupahoehoe and HUo, Hawaii, and will make two trips to the Volcano eadi month, leaving Honolulu on the first Monday following arrival of the mall steamers from taan Francisco. When the sttamer arrive on Monday the KINAU wil on that day PASSENCIR KAINiiwBl coon wkh lk Kinaa at Mahukooa The KINAU WILL TOUCH at Honokaia aoJ Vaauhau on down trip from HUo for If a signal is made from the shore. 'Ihe steamer KINAU will make the Volcano Tlf, reaching Keanhon on Wednesday morning, giving Tourists two days and two nights at the Volcano House. Tickets for the round trip $50.00, which pays all charges. The KINAU nill arrive in Honolulu Sunday moraines on Volcano Trips. On Hilo Trips, will leave Honolulu on Ttied)i, and return Saturday merning. L1KKL1KK. LORENIEN. COUSIAMCER Leave Mondays at 5 r. 11 for 4Kaunakakai, Kahu Ituelo, liana and Kipahulu ; and for Keanae, Me- ulai and Nnu every other week. Returning will stop tnc above potts, arriving Lack Saturday mornings. ror maiU and russeneers only". TMK K1I.A VEA MOV. WM.SARfH...., COHStAXDEB Leave regularly for Paauhau, KohoWelt, Ookak' Kukaiau, Honolulu, Laupahoehoe, Ilakalaa and One- mea. TUB LEIIUA. Davie Command Will leave regularly for ami port a the KUaEsa Ho. THE MOKOLII. McGrbooe Command! Leaves each. Monday at s . m. for KaunakaVal, Ka malo, Pukoo, Lahaina, Lanai, Moanui, Halawa, Wai fan, Peleunu and Kalaupaia. Returning leave Pvkoo Friday at re A. M. for Honolulu, arriving Saturday morning. G. WILDIR.'Pre. S. U. ROSE, See'y. M If BREWER & Co, Kilt Street, Boston, AUMXTB OF MAW All AX PACKETS. General Commission Agent, Special attention given to the purchasing of goods of Hawaiian trade. Frcirht at lowest rate. PLANTERS' LINE FOR SAN FRANCISCO. C. BREWER Jk COMPANY Agent Merchandise recened Storage Free, and liberal cash advan cesmadc on shipment by this line. 110-if OCEAHIC STEAMSHIP CO. -K iJ&Tv Australian Mail Service. For San Francisco, The new and splendid AI Steamship " MARAROA," Of the Union Steamship Company, will be dae at Honolulu irom Sydney and Auckland on or about June 5th. And will leave for the above port with mall and pa scngcr on or about that date. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agent. For Sydney and Auckland, Tht new and fint AI Stmiitp, " MARIPOSA " Qf the Steamship Co., will be due at from San Francisco on or about June 12th, Aud will.have prompt dispatch with mail aad piss est gers for the above ports. For freight or having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to WM. G. IRWIN & CO. Agent. 1.VXTV3E OO. No,'34 Fort St., Olook Building, Have received a consignment of the most Econonusm and Valuable Feed for all kind of stock, via! COOKED JjINSEED MEAL, h greeted Flesh former, Milk aud Butter producer in use. Oil Cake Meal shows aboat ay per tent of nutritive matter ; this nearly 39 per cent. 100 lbs. of this meal is equal to 300 Ibe. o) oau. or 318 lbs. of com, or to 767 lbs. of wheal bran. Also, our Unrisaled MIXF.D FLED, at well aa our usual supply of the beet ktnds of llnj. Oast, Wheat, Corn, Etc. Which 1 offered at the Lowest Mattel Kale, sjs delivered free to any patt of the city,.. Agenu for the Pacllt Mutual Life Insurance.Cs. of California. AgeaUforthe HOOVKR TKLEPHONt CesHsalssIoaer at IHeJi for )ie Stale of California ' TKL& M , -' -. CtJ r .11