OCR Interpretation

Navajo times. [volume] (Window Rock, Ariz.) 1960-1984, November 14, 1963, Image 5

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047513/1963-11-14/ed-1/seq-5/

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Rosebud Sioux Pass Three
New Law and Order Codes
ROSEBUD—Three new law and
order codes were to go into full
effect recently on the Rosebud
Sioux Reservation.
The codes, passed by the Tri
bal Council here last July, have
been approved by the Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs. They in
clude the highway traffic, juvenile
and dog ordinances.
Superintendent Harold Schunk
said he will give the BIA-Indian
police full authority to enforce the
provisions ofthenewcodes. Mean
while, Cato Valandra, tribal presi
dent, emphasized that the codes
are amendments to the complete
Tribal Code.
The Tribal Council, acting un
der its Constitution and By-Laws,
passed the codes on July 12 after
several months of investigation
and debate on the subject matter of
the ordinances. They apply to
territory within the Rosebud Re
servation. t
Approval of the highway traffic
code gave the BIA-tribal police
jurisdiction on highways within In
dian territory.
Last year the Circuit Court of
Students of the Month for Sep
tember 1963 at S'niprock Subagency
according to Lee Payton at the
following school and students are:
San Juan Boarding School Hernelia
Mae Yazzie - Beginner, Helen
Buck - Grade One, Linda Mae
Badoni - Grade Two, James Lee
Paul - Grade Three, Harrison
Pete - Grade Four, Jonas Nakai -
Grade Five.
Toadlena Boarding School Jus
tine Deal - Beginner, Charles
Etsitty - Beginner, Marilyn Bon
ny - Beginner, Lorraine Begay -
Grade One, Laverne Yazzie -
Grade One, Matilda Begay • Grade
Two, Emerson Lee Charley -
Grade Three, Debbie Maize -
Grade Three, Raymond Henry -
Grade Four, Bill Smiley - Grade
Four, Larry Watchman - Grade
Five, Rosie Bunion - Grade Six,
Hard water got you
mad as hops?
There's no need to put up with
that nasty old hard water. To en
joy an unlimited supply of pure,
filtered soft water, just remem
ber those three little words:
vv Call and say...
101 East Coal
Phone UN 3-4782
Serving McKinley County
and the reservation.
209 West Broodwoy
Phone Davis 5-7763
Serving San Juan County and
the Reservation.
South Dakota ruled that the state
has no civil or criminal juris
diction over highways within Indian
territory on the Sioux reserva
An appeal has been made to
the Supreme Court of South Dakota
and as of today, no decision has
been handed down.
The approval of assumption of
jurisdiction by the Rosebud Sioux
Tribe came in the form of a letter
from John O. Crow, acting Com
missioner of Indian Affairs. He
said that the traffic code had been
reviewed and ‘‘no reason prompts
us to recommend its rescission by
the Secretary of the Interior.’'
This meant that the code, as
passed by the Tribal Council,
went into full force and Indian traf
fic violaters would be charged
under specific counts at tribal
court in Rosebud. The court has
no jurisdiction over non-Indians.
The juvenile code pertains to
the treatment of anyone under 18
years of age in tribal court, if
he is an Indian. The dog ordinance
provided procedures for handling
dogs and Indian dog owners.
Phillip Rodriquez Alfred Garcia
IBM Operator Custodian
Frank Mraz Tony Salas
Trainee Trainee
You’ve seen all the pictures of the nice folks who work
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Third at Aztec Gallup
Arizona 4—H Winner
Ferry 1 Gale, 17, son of William
Gale of Duncan, Greenlee County,
is a young man with a personality
of many sides.
These many sides show up in his
4-H work, where he has excelled
in poultry, rabbits, home beautifi
cation, gardening, electricity,
sheep and as a junior leader.
Enough said as far as explain
ing why Ferryl is the Arizona win
ner of the “Santa Fe Achievement”
award and will go to the National
4-H Club Congress in ChicagoNo
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Page 5
THE NAVAJO TIMES November 14, 1963
vember 30 through December 5 is
The award was given by the
Santa Fe Railroad.
Ferryl is a senior at Duncan
High School and a member of the
Duncan Wildcats 4-H Club. His
4-H leaders are Mrs. Betty Lou
Tipton and H. T. Clothier, both of
Ferryl has been a 4-H boy for
seven years and has carried seven
projects—poultry for six years,
rabbits for seven years, home
beautification for five years, gar-
dening for two years, electricity
for four years, sheep for two years
and junior leadership for three
years. ... *
He has become proficient in
poultry flock health sanitation,
selection find replacement of
birds, the feeding and care of birds
and the control of diseases and
parasites in birds.
He is constantly active in poul
try judging and has won state
honors in that field. He also has
shown champion rabbits at the
state fair.

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