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Indiana daily times. [volume] (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1914-1922, January 01, 1920, Home Edition, Image 12

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047611/1920-01-01/ed-1/seq-12/

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Keep Tab
on your spending during
1920 as suggested in our
“Living on a Budget.”
Jot down in our Daily Ex
pense Record an account of
what you actually spend
and save each month. Ask
at the New Account Desk
for copies of these book
lets. They will help make
your new year a happy one.
ngg and tErMt
Northwest Corner Market and
HBicizes u. s.
pg&, PA( 1 Vi'AM)
‘Aghast at Hesitation.'
/ZyWk V s Stoi a 11—‘I lisast er
TW Facing Mankind'.
4 HR’ YORK. Jar:. 1 rMcr>-.,;r '
State* s
ho arrive-.'! fr..;n a! ’■! ’
steamer Nioiiw Av-t.r.jani i-r
---to retirement fr.-m ip'.•>-
MEM service, sai.l the who!" world was
at the* hesitation” of the* Cn
JM- cn the peace treaty.
y^^* p rrwtirrc," he said, 't !>■ -p- -i i
: *What is Ann-ri- do?'
■SSHm welfare aad the
|Ho dcpondi nr
* of nations that
idea Am- -d
nNH-nsM-. H"w ran i>ur rounlry stop
■Mm. hairs when tit-- world
.■•f-organized j ow.-r
T ..'■him w 'n
■ ■!''
' r
“ i V. .1 it t W
wti r. los possible! The nex-i
tuld Just as surely involve us.
i at the business side. Suppose
were unable to take the 10,000,000
t cotton and the 250.000.000 bushels
wheat, unable to pay for them on
: of the low r exchange and the
sos credit, what would happen in
th and west? Impoverishment of
th and west would soon affect the
America would become a hotbed
mtent and revolution.
about the Monroe doctrine,
one knows now that England
iave averted the world war if she
tepted Germany's offer to override
Monroe doctrine and divide tip South
The league of nations with
9Hgland and America would be the
guarantee of the Monroe dor
e_ Many people believe that if Eng
were to have live votes in the league
America would have just tit it.
more strength in the great pact."
Stovall added that if the United
senate should destroy the pence
by drastic reservations the result
BHthe referendum in Switzerland on the
of nations would he In doubt. At
he said, there wr strong sonU
for its approval.
■ DETROIT, Jan. I.—Sir Albert H.
Hitanley, made a baron in recognition of
■lB service to Great Britain during tbe
Swar and at the peace conference, began
■his career in Detroit in the early eighties
■as roustabout boy at the old Woodward
Favenue car barns, it developed today.
His was tbe job of providing provender
L for the motive power long before the day
Bof electric cars. In 1889 he became time
■reeper and later was given charge of one
the smaller lines, the first to be eicc
■rically equipped. In 1903 he went to
public service corporation of New
at $15,000 a year.
|h In a few years he wemt to London
he became manager of the under
ground system. A short time later be he-
known as Britain’s traffic king.
Stanley visited In Detroit last
His wife's relatives reside here.
■Jrink Proprietor
I Fined for Gaming
■ Ten dollars and costs and ten days in
Hail for keeping a gambling house is
Hhe sentence facing Martin Cahill, said
Robe proprietor of u dry drink plnee
W at ‘BIB South West street, Judge Pritch
ard imposed the sentence in city court
yesterday afternoon. Ten men arrested
with Cahill received the same sentence,
but It was suspended in the cases of
eight of them.
laas Will Manage
Fesler’s Campaign
rhuyler A. Haas, special representative
the republican national committee,
I manage the campaign of .1. IV. Fes-
Indianapolls attorney, for the repub
n nomination for governor, it is un
stood. He resigned his position to
ote all of his time to pushing Mr. Fes
s interests. He may be joined by Ed
rd H. Schmidt, former United States
•shal, in the conduct of Feeler’s cam
uoerty Nut Oleomargarine—Glossbrtuner's
■ETQGriAFn Secret Writing System
valuable lm- lovers anil for Keeping
addresses, secret memorandum u
|Sr informe.tion safe anti private. No
can read your postals If you use
Graph. Great fun for iovers or
Don’t miss It. Send 10c and we
- by malt with
Dry Law to Be Enforced Im
partially in Every State
of Union.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.—Constitutional
prohibition will be enforced strictly and,
equally in all states, Daniel C. Roper,
commissioner of internal revenue, today
declared. In backing the movement for
a “law and order" Sunday in all churches
on Jan. 18, the commissioner issued a
vrarning to all states which are threaten
ing to ignore the dry laws.
•‘I can not believe,” Roper said, “that
any state or other political division will
consciously bring disreedit upon itself
bv failure to respond promptly to its
full legal and moral responsibilities ot
initiative and co-operation In the en
forcement of tbe national prohibition
Rhode Island and New Jersey are the
two slates that have decided to fight
the constitutional amendment.
“I can have no different standard with
regard to prohibition than any other
law, and I shall compel strict observance
of this law,” Roper said.
“Whether prohibition is a wise na
tional policy is no longer a question for
debate among good citizens. It is part
of the constitution and all law-abiding
citizens will demand its observance.”
Judge Says Increase in Cases
Results from Vigilance
Over Boys and Girls.
More delinquent boys have appeared
before Judge Frank Lahr of the Marion
county juvenile court during the last
twelve months than in preceding years.
Although the official totals have not.
been prepared for the first eleven mouths
of last year, a total of 401 delinquent boys
and 223 delinquent girls have appeared in
For the fiscal year, beginning April 1,
1918, and ending March 31, 1919. a to
tal of 524 boys appeared as delinquents
and 185 girls. Attaches of the court
state that the official records for the
twelve months ending today will show a
large increase, probably of 150 over the
twerve calendar months of 1918.
“A delinquent boy does not always
mean that he is a bad boy, as the term
Is used,” said Judge Lahr. “Many 'lines
that boy is tbe Innocent victim of tin
happy domestic relations existing be
tween parents.
“The fact that the records indicate
that there were more delinquent boys
before the court this year than last does
not mean that Indianapolis is getting
any worse. Far from that. Since sa
loons went out of existence the police
women, as well as the regular police
force, have more time to devote to aid
ing and saving the delinquent hoy and
“Many boys are brought; into ;hN
court by the mutual agreement of both
father and mother. Parents are begin
ning to realize that a juvenile court can
aid in making a boy and a girl the
very best, possible citizen. Tbe court
doe*; not intend to punish but to aid.
"Realizing this, the police women are
going directly to the boy and the girt
and aiding them, as well as the parents,
to correct them from bad ways,” said
ihe court.
The juvenile court has a system l
which* every case considered t:y the i-our ’
is “followed up” every two weeks, to
see if tbe satisfactory progress lias in-eu
made and promises to the court kept. !
Iu tbe course of tbe year Judge Lahr
has emphasized the folowlug points:
Parents should be real pals to their
Three meals a day and a warm bed Is
not sufficient to fulfill the obligations of
parents to children.
Parents must be the leaders in the
moral and recreational life of their chil
Make a child by tbe proper treatment
glad to be home. Continual quarreling
and nagging between parents is the most
effective agent for making a delinquent
livery time a mother “goes wrong,” it
is an Invitation for some mother s daugh
ter to follow In that path.
Parents should set an example of right
living if they want their sons and daugh
ters to grow up right.
Train Runs Down
Man;jCuts Off Leg
Ernest Parlow, 27, 21 • East Raymond
street, is recovering at St. Vincent’s hos
pital today after a railroad accident
which cost him his right leg. Barlow
was run down by a westbound train
of the Indianapolis Union and Belt Rail
way Company as he crossed the tracks
near the White river bridge early last
Barlow is employed by the Powell
Brothers Company, commission mer
chants at the stock yards. He Is mar
ried and has two children.
1 1*40-19201
It is fitting sometimes to look
backward as well as forward.
The shop of Charles Mayer of 1840
has developed year by year into the
wonderful Gift Store of 1920.
Eighty yean of distinguished achieve
The generous patronage of our cus
tomers is largely responsible for our
We feel grateful and extend to you
in all sincerity the season’s greeting.
A Happy New Year
Charles Mayer $
Wants Men to Don
Wedding Rings
NEW YORK, Jan. I.—Wedding
rings for men as a protection against
“vamps" and as warning to women
against “predatory mates,” was advo
cated today by Miss Lucille Pugh,
prominent New York attorney.
"If men were compelled by pres
sure of public opinion to wear wed
ding rings, the same as women, they
would be less inclined to engage in
"entangling alliances," Miss Pugh
said. "At the same time, women would
be warned that these men were the
"property of other women."
Man and Wife Held
Up in Own Home
John J. Heldenrelch, 1426 East Market
street, and his wife were held up by two
intruders in their home last night. One
of the men took Heidenrelch’s watch
chain. Mrs. Heldenrelch screamed. The
men fled.
Charles R. Meek, who was nearby, took
up the pursuit. When he began to gain
ground on the robbers one of them fired
at him. A police squad searched the vi
cinity for the men. They were given a
good description by Heldenrelch.
Sir William Osier, the kindly, witty
scientist, had no notion of the trouble
he was starting for himself when, on
leaving Johns Hopkins hospital, BaTtt
more, to become regius professor of
medicine at Oxford, he sprang his mod
est jest.
All he did was 1 express the whimsical
opinion that the brunt of the world’s
v.ork was done by men under 4<j and
that it would be just as well If men
over fio were to be rbloroformr-d.
That was in 1905. Dr. Osier was then
s*l. The public, especially that portion
of it past fio. failed to catch the point
of bis pleasantry, and for the rest of
his life the great physician was haunted
by the echoes of his chance remark.
He was 70 when he died, and the clos
ing years of bis life were marked by
notable achievements in grappling with
the medical problems of war and in
teaching and inspiring the new genera
tion of physictans.
What 7>r. Osier’? remark accomplished
of good whs to call attention t<> the
ceptlonal value of the services tendered
by men far outliving rin- nge specified
in that, historic after-dinner speech.
John Burroughs, the naturalist, is busy
w’th books, birds and beasts at 82. Dr.
t’bnrles W. Eliot, dean enioritils of Har
vard, is 84 and has put In more than
a score of years of usefulm- s s.nee | K
reached fiO. Uncle .Toe Carno>> I-. a po
tent factor In national politics nt 83.
Rev. Dr. L.vman Abbot, publicist, i- <-•
ive, although he has passed his eighty
fourth birthday.
Cardinal Gibbons Is 85. William Dean
Howells, now S3, has >
dozen of his most famous book.; since
he was 60.
In the war. youth did the fighting,
but the directing geniuses were most of
them men past fib. Clemenceau was fi7;
Von Hindenburg, 70; Gen. Foch, 07;
I’resldeut Wilson and Gen. I’etain, 02.
Much of the world’s responsibility rests
on old men. Judges, lawyers, bankers,
teachers, preachers, writers and doctors
are often at the climax of their careers
as they near three-score and ten.
In humbler walks, extreme age is more
often an asset than not.
Look, for example, at William Edward
Crithlow, who, at 90, travels up and
down the land selling, and incidentally
demonstrating, hickory pipes.
Jn&iana Bailij eirncs
/jfm ■ Real Harvest for
Coat Buyers
#\ Two Thousand
l . All at_ a Big Reduction
/f% $ $25 to S3O Fur-Trimmed p AO i. c $I O Cfl
// or Plain Tailored |
\J, ft $45 to $55 Hudson Seal p An i. c SOQ CO
Collar or Plain Tailored
fptv $55 to S6B Extra Fine p An i. c CO
or Plain Udlo^
/I IrW Til 1 /"*1 J.L P a Fine quality, richly tailored—Bolivias. ker-
J KlJlCk Until toats spys ’ velours and broadcloth—all greatly
/ j I\ f v v reduced in price.
fALL FURS At a Tremendous Reduction
Wa pa r the HIGHEST pataaa. praJa
fM y mod IlWally. mod GUARANTEE
you Ml traction. Hera la a typical U*Wi
I vMto thank gam tot ***&•§ f*rm**U
to promptly for shipoumts I have mad*. I
got star* than l oxpocioi and am glad to ad
pit* of your reliability and fine treatment. I
am t/upping to yon rxelnoioUp from ml.
CDCC sa>* ™ ,r cm mum worn
rUCt twruxn tut smenas tmm
26 Vest 26tkSi0ept. 42NYCitjt®
— "2 L.!_"lS"™=!|
The Best WatchesA
Small payment down; then every week.
rWlien you buy at OUR STORK
' you are absolutely sure
IjpnJ of getting the best po
eible vnlue for your
money. You may know
there are atylea for
#Pll2 (“TIK Indie* and gentlemen
Jf-vu* —engraved and plain
design*. You may
J*” YW know the watehea are
backed by the makers
■k IxiVAO and by us! You may
know a better value
can not be secured.
Gray, Gribben & Gray
Corner Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.
We Trust Anyone Who Work* '
910.00 VALUES fit S’ Qfi
Sizes 8 to 14
Roszell’s Sedative Restorer
602*604 Indiana Trust Bldg.
si| mm buys
JM JSV B Hanchnfl* Wolf
Scarf* In black, brown
or taupe. Lar(e head*
M H and tall*; silk lined,
M ag B| worth $35.00.
•1-23 N. ILUNOIfi ST.
Come In now—ln your 1 <.
new holiday outfit—for /
real photographic por-
Ninth Floor, Kahn Bldg.
Clearance Sale
All Trimmed Hats
All Trimmed Hats
All Trimmed Hats Remember— l
4 C Fourth Floor \• * /f
lIP 10 P 1 to tbe F.le- A
$5 for X vfct ° r M “'
All Tailored Hats All Tailored Hats
up to $ up to SE?
$5 for X $lO for
All White Beaver Hats up to $12.50 for $5
All Other Children’s Beaver Hats up to $12.50 for.. .$7* 98
All Children’s Velour , Hats 2
All Children’s Dress Hats
All Flowers, Fancy Feathers, etc., price
Fourth Floor State Life Building
We wish all our friends
and patrons a very
Happy and Prosperous
The Albert Hutchinson Store
Prospect 581. 312-314 VIRGINIA AVE. Auto. 24-560.
try a classified advertisement in the times.
E. Wash. &t. Sgmiafe
Cor. Delawarß
Daniels, Inc., Wishes Yoa a Most Happy New Ye<
—anil a Most Prosperous One, Too
r ti |p Ust
Our Regular sl.4 r JH
Men's and boys’ double stitched gray ■
Sweaters ]
Special while they last—
(Limit of 2 \
Sweaters to I JUH====H
a customer. / \T alßl®
—Strongly knit, heavy I ■ZZZT=
qualities, shawl collar ■
styles. All sizes for men
and boys, 28 to 46.
panlela MH
One short block east of Pennsylvania
=•- =■
Another Record of
Achievement \dl
In spite of the high cost of material and
the prices of glasses down to a minimum.
helx.'ed to increase our business to such an
IF-19 has been our banner year. Service,
factor in bringing about these splendid K
public that LOW PRICES. SERVICE and r V
tamed here in 1920 as m 1919. Here are
the New Year: JSNSra
leneec wi,h s ” y KrJl
JuvllOvO frame or ill J*. >v* vsT ••
mounting in stock, • Jon tH f
A cement® *
plete ••Vv at Jgl >
We examine your eyes at home wflflHH
Hoosier Optical sap
148 N. Illinois St. Open SB -
Manufacturing Opticians. No CwmK^gg;-;,
—"Start .Janu^l
Beginning MID-WINTER terra. Make c,"'",, *fV
yield ex 'client dividends In all the >o a rJ/K&gES^jlftZy,
from year to year, as yon gain in expJH
situation. It will be decidedly to your
t'OLLKC.B V\V. If possible It U • T
start In a business offles. Answer tn
TfNITY by starting v-rar IM< F.d‘ \ Kat iHHNHMHHMHPI
Day or Night. HhHHH
Our active, lively. Inspirational >;\gu
von cannot attend DAY SCHOOL.
keepers. stenographers, steaotypists,
day will be the managers. C*. <
business tomorrow. Start Jeauarv Nt
Case. Principal.
I’ennsj ivn‘ sand t, ermort—Vlf
4 the f HJSmMmi.
D. N. FOiMs
sn-u*-i iv- ’’V '■ yC

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