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•MERICAN TAL Lit £ v** *• . Established 1890 " 1. Woollen IDENT v-~ -me Office, -rket ft, Monument Place, Indianapolis, Ind. Public Complains of Prices, but Buys More Luxuries NEW YORK, Jan. 1. —The past year, which* normally should have been the “reconstruction year,” following the great war, with adjustments back to a peace basis in the business, financial and industrial world, has been marked by labor troubles and financial problems of the first magnitude. In normal times of peace they might have led to a panic, but the United States is emerging triumphant, and the outlook is full of promise. These troubles, which have so greatly retarded ft return to normal condition*, have not been confined to any one coun tiy. They have virtually been world wide. But in the United States they were emphasized by the fact that Europe had been looking to this country to take n leading part in the rehabilitation of the world's trade and industry. The delay over the peace treaty, which culminated in the United States in the rejection of the treaty by the senate in November, created an atmosphere of un certainty which was felt throughout the whole realm of business. WORLD KNIT CLOSE TOGETHER. The war had brought the United States and Europe more closely together than they had ever been before. Consequently developments in Industry, business and finance have had a closer reciprocal effect. When 400,000 coal miners went on strike In this country It struck the chill fear of a coal famine Into the heart of Europe. Wliefn the clouds of bankruptcy loomed upon the horizon In Europe American bankers began active operations to help stave It off. Labor unrest, accompanied in some quarters by threats of bolshevism, has caused apprehension in both America and Europe. Hasty steps have been taken to combat it on both sides of the Atlantic. The fears were about equally divided. Europe knew that a tie-up of American industry would prevent shipments of goods that Europe must have If she is to recover. And America knew that indus trial paralysis in Europe would choke off production that must be forthcoming if commerce is to be* stabilized and the ex change rates restored to normal. BUSINESS GLUTS U. S. FACTORIES. Here, then, w;as the situation in brief. American factories were glutted with or ders from at home and abroad, but labor would have to be brought back to r con tented frame of mind: ships must be se cured; exchange rates must be equalized so that an English pound sterling would be worth §4.86 In the United States In stead of less than $4, to which it had dropped; credits mnst be arranged so that the needed raw materials could be secured by Europe In the United States without immediate payment. Theme were the big problems upon which the cap tains cf industry and finance were at work at the end of this year. The cost of living has been a problem everywhere and has contributed to the goner'*! Bn rest. Coupled with high prices was a general Increase of taxation, adding ftill further to the popular dis satisfaction. There is little likelihood of a return to pre-war conditions for a long while. When congress opened it was estimated that it would cost #5.000.000,000 to run the country through the coming fiscal year. However, these were difficulties which economic experts promised would be naturally adjusted If production were in creased in every branch of activity—in dustrial and agricultural. CO-OPERATION IN WORK NEARS. There has been a curious intermingling of business and politics In this connec tion, but there are now evidences of co operation between the two factions of our .national life in an effort to allay national unrest, which, if not checked, might prove fatal to both. American business interests have been doing their utmost to take advantage of foreign trade openings, not only In Eu rope, but In the orient and South Amer ica. Large difficulties have loomed up here, nnjpng them one that has never bothered the United States before In all of Its commercial history; that is, the balance of trade. During the last few months It has been shown that the trade balance In favor of this country has been running forward at the estimated rate of $2,800,000,000 a year and there is no ilmlnutlon in sight. In the single month of October 13,688,675 bushels of valued at $33,010,872 were exported. In the ten months up to Nov. 1, $793,814,020 worth of breadstuffs. $774,4*3,702 worth of cotton, nnd $1,033,- 776,252 worth of meat and dairy products were exported from the United States. All of these figures show big gains over the same period of last year. farm products WORTH $7,000,000,000. It Is estimated that the farm products this year approximate $7,000,000,000 In value. Corn led the cereal crops, but the cotton yield was one of the shortest In volume and medium grades In the recent history of the country. Europe has not got the goods to send to this country to stabilize exchange rates. If European factories and farmers were producing in largo amounts their exports to America could be used to meet the cost of our exports to Europe and the exchange rates would fall to the pre-war level. The English pound sterling dropped last month to $3.86, which ig just a dollar below Its pre-war value. The gold standard has already been suspended in most of the European*coun trles. In the meantime Europe is culling for iron and coal, wheat, corn, cotton, cop per, meats and manufactured products. American. British and French econom ic experts have united In predicting dis aster for F rope unless there is a change from prest it conditions. BANKERS MOVE TO AID EUROPE. Steps have been taken by a group of bankers to remedy This state of affairs, j 5 nanW'fll committee on European finance \ias with Harry A. Wheeler, j sTißgo baVker, at Its head, to study European pronVuns. f One complaint of economists is that the American people do not give sufficient consideration toifhe dangers of the inter national situation. Despite strikes, hampered production, excessively high prices and uncertainty over peace problems, this country Is en joying prosperity. United States has a bumper wheat Crop this yoar of 918,471,000 , bushels, against 917,100,000 bushels last year. The corn crop was bigger, too, being 2,910,250.000 bushel?, aff*lnst 2,582,- 814,000 bushels in 1918. The oats crop Was about 300,000,000 bushels lower than 1818, while the cotton cronfell off about Ll .846,000 bales IvearA cotton yj e hales-^j^B mi 3 - r American Central Life transacts a Life Insur ance business in Nineteen States. Its territory extends from Pennsylvania on the East to the Pacific Coast, and from the Gulf to the Canadian border. standing this fact it was estimated in November that one-half of the reserve coal supply of the world was held in this country until it was reduced by the bituminous strike. CRUDE OIL OUTPUT GROWS. The crude oil production of the United States reached the stupendous total of 34.487,000 barrels in the single month of September. The silver mines of .be west have been unable to cope with the tre mendous foreign demand and the metal has been selling around SI.BB an ounce, the highest price known for it here in the history of sliver trading. The people have plenty of money. The amount of money in circulation was esti mated ip December ai approximately $5,816,925,779, or *54.63 per capita. The farmers got higher prices for their products than at any other time In years. The commercial failures during the year averaged from 100 to 130 a week, but the bulk of them were small and unimportant. While the people complain of the high cost of necessities. It Is a paradoxical fact that the manufactories turning out luxuries and the jobbers handling them are taxed to the utmost with orders. While the dollar today has less than half of the purchasing power it had before the war, the general public has been and still Is spending with a lavish hand. The diamond Imports to the United States this year were estimated at $100,000,000, nearly twice wbat they were last year. To some extent the war taught the people the investment habit, due prin cipally to the various Liberty bond cam paigns. BOND DEALINGS GREATEST EVER. The bond dealings In November of this year were far ahead of any other No vember In the history of the market. Sales of bonds durlDg that month ag gregated $358,871,250. More than $1,000,000,000 worth of Lib erty bonds have been hought bj the Urited States treasury and retired dur ing the past year and a half, yielding the government a profit of approximately $35,000,000, and reducing the public debt. Purchases were made to stahllbe the market for these securities, the par vnl ue being $1,043,080,500 and the cost to the government $993,363,526, In addition to $14,204,779 accrued interest. There were waves of heavy selling of Liberty bonds during November, creating new low price levels. In one day, Nov. 26, over .$17,000,000 worth of war bonds and notes changed hands. MANY FOREIGN LOANS FLOATED. The following foreign loans were floated In this country during the year: Great Britain. 20-.vear. $28,179,000: Great Britain, 3-10-year. $250,000,000, French municipals: Bordeaux. $15,009/100; Lyons, $15,000,000; Marseilles. $15.000.00o! Republic of China, 2-year, $5,500,000. Sweden. $25,000,000. Switzerland, $30,000- 00Q, Canada. 10-year, $00,000,000. Canada. 2-year $15,000,000. Rio de Janeiro. $lO.- 000,000. City of Sao Paulo, $8,500,000. Copenhagen, $15,000,000. Canadian mu nicipals: Toronto, $1,000,000; Province of Ontario. $1,000,000; Manitoba, $500,000; New Brunswick, $1,000,000; Ontario, $4,- 000,000; Vancouver, $2,600,000; Ontario, $500,000. There were a number of great ques tions of national Importance to the busi ness world before the country when con gress convened Dec. 1: 1. The Mexican situation and the threat of a rupture. 2. Pending negotiations between the miners and operators for a settle ment of the coal strike, following tho rejection by the miners of a proposed wage Increase of 14 per cent. 3. Unrest among the railway employes with strike threats In some quarters. 4. The absence of any definite plan for giving financial assistance to the railways when they were turned over to their private owners by the govern ment. , 5. Growing dissatisfaction over the Increasing cost of living, the price ot necessities in the east having jumped 144 per cent in October and early No vember. Gloomy predictions of “financial disas ter’' if the railroads were turned back with no provisions for financial support were heard throughout December. Keen students of the labor situation believe that the eristic of industrial un rest in this country has been reached and passed. v Big industrial enterprises are making plans for expansion that will run into many millions of dollars. A tremendous building boom In every part of the coun try is expected, despite the high cost of brick, timber and nails. While America is growing at home it Is planned to win back as much os pos sible of her old-time commercial prestige on the high seas. The federal shipping board, in addition to its great program for the construction of freighters, ar ranged tciestablish passenger lines on all of themportant ocean routes. Thl? project caßed for about sfcxty passenger liners. Aut half of them were former German snips and had been used as transports by the United States. Twenty mo others were ships that the United States had ordered for transport service after this country entered the war. Rhode Island May Indorse Suffrage PROVIDENCE, R. 1., Jan. I.—Suffrage will be Indorsed by the general nssem bly, according to political leaders and suffrage workers. Oov. Beeckman says: “I have advocated suffrage before now. 1 will make it a special order of business when the gen eral assembly convenes. I believe it is time the legislature Indorsed this meas ure. As they will be obliged to do so sooner r later, the sooner they do so the better. I am certain the legislature will ratify the Anthony amendment with out unnecessary argument or delay.” itfil ,t"0 NQUIE i Oli FOR WEEK U. S. Grand Jury Not to Begin Probe Here Until Jan. 7, It Is Announced. ’ Members of the federal grand jury which Is Investigating the coal business were notified by District Attorney L. Ert Slack today that the jury will not be reconvened until Jan. 7. The jury ad journed before Christmas to meet on Jan. 5. Mr. Slack said the tvfo-day postpone ment was necessary because he Is to ap pear before the circuit court of appeals In Chicago on Jan. 6 to argue for the government upon the appeal of Louis G. Berman. Chicago wholesale liquor dealer, charged with violating the Reed amend ment. Berman was fined SBOO and costs and sentenced to serve six months In the Marion county jail by Judge Ander son. VIGOROUS INQUIRY PROMISED HERE. Vigorous prosecution of the probe of the coal trade when the grand Jury re convenes, was promised by Mr. Slack. The district attorney’s resignation Is to take effect Jan. 10, but this will not In any way affect the Investigation. Spe cial Assistant District Attorney Dan W. Simms will continue to direct the probe in co-operation with Mr. Slack and the new district attorney, Fred VanNuys, who takes up his duties Jan. 12. Mr. VanNuys is serving under on appointment ea special assistant district attorney now. INVESTIGATORS STUDY COAL MINE CONDITIONS. Up to the time the grand Jury ad journed most, of its time was spent In educating Itself upon the coal Industry. From now on, the district attorney Indi cated, direct evidence of violations of the federal statutes, by coal operators, min ers, retailers, jobbers and any others who may be Involved, will be sought. The Investigation will be centered upon the period immediately preceding and during the coal strike, but will Include all the time from the beginning of the war to now. Missing Serb Prince Turns Up in Paris PARIS, Jan. 1. —Prince Regent Alex ander of Serbia, who was reported In a Berlin dispatch to have been killed by an explosion, Is In Part*, and well. The whole story of his death, therefore. Is without foundation. Events of Past Year Add New History to Indiana Jan. 9—State legislature convenes. Jan. 10—Supreme court declare* 1917 highway commission law valid. Jan. 11 Haag drug stores rallied; $25,000 worth of booze taken. Jan. 14—Legislature ratifies national prohibition amendment. Jan. 21—-‘‘Blue sky” bill Introduced In legislature. Jan. 24- Fred LinvlHe, who stole $3,793 from office of secretary of state, con fesses. Jan. 31—Henry F. Campbell, broker, beaten and robbed of $5,000 by man wearing soldier's uniform. Feb. -3 —Far company ordered to abol ish skip-stop system. Feb B—Two8 —Two killed In fire In Palace hotel. Feb. 17 —Federal grand jury iudlcts 486 persons for liquor law violations. -March 11 —State legislature adjourns. March 17 George HarVey speaks against the league of nations. March 20- Trial of Mrs. Cecil Buchanan for murder of 7-year-old sou starteii. March 24- Mrs. Buchanan found not guilty because of unsound mind. March 31-i-First trial of Haag brothers ..opens. April 1 Victory loan drive opens. April 7 Hang Jury disagrees. April B—Homer S. Cummins speaks for league of nations. April 10 Gov. Goodrich announces he may call special session of legislature. April 14— 1 Gov. Goodrich says he will, not call special session. April 16—Senator Atlee Pomerene and George W. Pepper debate league of na tions. April 29—State trooops sent to Linton to stop strike riot. April 30 Troops withdrawn from Linton. May 7—lndiana Welcome Home day. May 10—Indiana goeß over top In Vic tory loan drive. May 20—Second Haag trial opens. May 23 —Haags acquitted of perjury charge. May 26—William Jennings Bryan in Tndianapolls speech predicts world pro hibition. k May 28—Ex-President Taft speaks for league of nation*. May 31—“ Howdy" Wilcox wins 500- mile speedway race. June I—Body of Miss Minnie Mae Wil kins found In cistern. June 4—George Kessler arrested for murder of Miss Wilkins. June 10—Shriners’ convention opens. June 21—Muncie fake fight swindle in dictments returned by federal grand Jury. June 25—Gov. Goodrich announces spe cial session will be called late in fall. June 30—Merger of Indianapolis Street Railway Company and Indiana Traction and Terminal Company completed*. July 7 —Merger of Central Union Tele phone Company and Indianapolis Tele phone Company approved by public serv ice commission. Mrs. Lulu Bulger hears that her son, Harry S. New, Jr., has killed Miss Frieda Lesser In California. July 14 —Third Haag trial opens. Nerves on Edge From Headache and Nausea "I used to be positively afraid to meet people. My nerves were In such a ter rible state from sick head aches and nausea that I sim ply could not appear pleas ant or agreeable. "One of my friends per suaded me to take a glass of Celery-Vesce. I was com pletely worn out at the time. That single glass straight ened me out in a jiffy, soothed my nerves, drove away my headache and made me feel like anew person. "Now, when I feel the least bit tired, I take Celery-Vesce before my feeling of fa^ n, “ brings on a severe b or a case of nerves. e tea spoonful in a third of water makes a for 4/ drink that Is pleasant ar.i. Immedi ate in effect. It p omptly re lieves iifdigestloi and gas pains, neuralgia, sleepless ness, nausea ana fatigue. It is perfectly safe—contains no harmful or L*bJ f t forming drugs, freshes in- a^fl^^BL,iounr£ ca^' W, THURSDAY, JAiijAlß 1, 1920. July 23 —Haags convicted of operating blind tiver. July 30 —Gov. Goodrich postpones spe cial session call. Aug. J—George V. Coffin resigns as chief of police and Jerry Kinney is tip pointed In his place. Aug. B—Federal government takes up price war in Indiana. Aug. 16. —City market assailed by in vestigating committee. Aug. 20—State troops sent to Hammond In steel strike. Aug. 30—County grand Jury Indicts twelve food handling concerns. >?ept. I—State1 —State fair opens. Sept. 4--President Wilson speaks in Indianapolis urging ratification of league of nations covenant. Calls upon senate to ’ put up or shut up." Sept. 11 Senator Hiram Johnson Speaks against league of nations. Sept. 25—One hundred cars burned In Horace Wood garage fire. Oct. 4 State troops sent to Lake coun ty In steel strike. Oct. 11—Edward PeValera. “president of the Irish republic," visits Indianapolis. Oct. 15—Coal strike order sent out. Oct. 16— -George Kessler convicted of murder of Minnie Mae Wilkins. Oct. 27—Pelavan Smith, owner of In dianapolis News, arrested for filing falsu affidavit of ownership. Nov. I—Mine strike opens. Nov. B—Judge Anderson orders coal strike called off. Nov. 11 —Mine officials order miners to go back to work. Mayor Bunch of Mun cie, Horace G. Murphy, Delaware county prosecutor, and others convicted In fake fight swindle. Nov. 15—Coal conservation orders be come effective. Nov. 20—Central Union Telephone Com pany asks for Increase in rates. Nov. 25 —Fake fight swindlers sen tenced. Nov. 29—Industries put on four-day week coal saving schedule. Dec. 6 —John L. Lewis, acting pres!- Hood’s Pills In small doses A GENTLE LAXATIVE In Larger Doses A THOROUGH CATHARTIC Made by C. L Hood Cos., Lowell, Mail. Eyes Tired? If your eye* are tired and over worked; if they itch, ache, burn or smart, go to any drug store and get a bottle of 800-Opto tablets. Drop one tablet In a fourth of a glass of water and use to bathe the eyes from two to four times a day. You will be surprised at the rest, relief and comfort Bon-Opto brings. Not*; Doctors say Bon -Opto strengthens eye sight 50 7* In a week’s time in mang instancea “Your stomach may rebel at the sight of food or drink, but you can always take Celery- Vesce. It clears the brain and braces you up wonderful ’ * I keep a bottle handy at - . ’mes." Celery v 09 ia sold by l eadinp druggists 10c, ijo, 50c and fr.oo bottle< ff haa been on tho market 13 years, ygt many people ,;< never tried f. If you are o r-v . f theae, orddr a bottle from yovr druggist ta- , day. Ha eithar J, it ttoto <w can gat it for you quickly. If you wish, u>e toll tend you ip fraa trial bottle u; reoeiptjf your name and c, ■ •oee. Jb* Briggle Chemical , . Deotm. Indiampolie, Ind. V 1 dent of United Mine Workers goes to Washington to confer on strike settle ment. Dec. 9—A. Mitchell Palmer, United States attorney general, announces strike settlement terras. Dec. It* —Coal strike settled. Dee. 17- Federal grand Jury begins In vestigation of coal operators and miners. Dec. 26 “Chappie" Moran, member of fake fight gang and Internationally known “con” man gives himself up. Dec. 30—Gov. Goodrich announces a special session of the legislature will be called on condition that nothing but suffrage will be considered. A street ear and electric power were employed at La Crosse, Wls., to move a city dwelling. The house was being moved on a brick paved street where the etreet car operated. Schloss Brothers Gompa • STATE LIFE BUILDI MmS Childre Hair Cutting Barber & *t> Manicuring 25c Hazers Force Boy to Role of Tramp SPRINGFIELD, 111, Jan. I.—Student member* of the Theta Tail Sigma fra ternity of the college at Carthage, 111., found a unique way of hazing Albert Nicholas, freshman, sou of a pastor here. They made him dress as a tramp and beg on the public square of Carthage. The police officer came along and ar rested Nicholson for vagrancy. Albert was thrown In Jail, where he spent three lugubrious hours while the students cackled to themselves, for the arrgst. ami incarceration was a frame-up. Finally the students made a thrilling “reseiie" of Albert, who, until many hours after ward, did not learn that the tncident was part, of the hazing ceremony. In the meantime Albert had written to his pastor father here asking forgiveness for his "disgraceful conduct.” And now comes the Annua] Winter Clearance of Fancn Suits and Overcoats. A 2100 Schloss-labeled Garments ,M at Radical Price Reductions. fl ■B TOMORROW morning at store opening tf| you will have a chance to buy the fines, ( .KW Schloss-labeled fancy Suits and Overcoats iB: eluding choice garments from our showing I<K KUPPENHEIMER and other famous lines, j 1 Original price tickets remain, but you will mnH great savings as attested by this revised schedule. Suits and Overcoats J B SO marked at $25.00 1 U are now reduced to.. A Suits and Overcoats marked at $35.00 v fl *= are now reduced to.. Ld t Suits and Overcoats marked at $45.00 < h are now reduced to.. Suits and Overcoats $ J n marked at $55.00 are now reduced to.. Suits and Overcoats $m C ft marked at $65.00 l— are now reduced to.. hJ A Suits and Overcoats* CH marked at $75.00 kU— are now reduced to.. 1 3 T 1 HEIMER Clothesi^Bß^polis CITY USHERS IN YEAR QUIETLY (Continued From Page One.) was followed by dancing. The New Year’s eve celebration at the Athenaeum was highly successful. Dancing, vaude ville features and .a supper were on the program. ’ The advent of 1920 was celebrated in royal style at. the Independent Ath letic and Canoe club. The main ball room was thronged with dancers and cabaret features were interspersed during the dancing program. As the old year died and the Dew came in the club was filled with shouts, blowing of horns and toasts to the new year. Dancing was the chief source of entertainment. CHURCHES HOLD IVATCH PARTIES. Many Indianapolis persons welcomed the new year at watch parties and spe cial devotional services In the churches. Musical programs were given at some of the edifices. • One of the most unusual New Year’s eve events was at the Third Christian church. A track meet opened the pro gram and was followed by a program given by the Sunday school classes. Music and recitations preceded the serv ices which were conducted by Rev. Thomas W. Grafton. At the Central Reformed church the service flag of the members of the con gregation who served In the world war was lowered and placed with the church relics. A literary nnd social program marked the watch services at the Irving ton Methodist church. At the North Park Christian church a special musical program was a feature. Th* Wheeler Rescue Mission held a midnight praise service. NEW YORK HAS ONE WILD ORGY NEW YORK, Jan. I.—This U a city with a headache. For New York was recovering from the wildest and wettest spree In its entire career. ' The new year literally floated in on an ocean of booze, and the old year was drowned In the same flood. The big betels, restaurants and cabarets turned away thousands of persons who had neglected to make reservations days or weeks in advance, at from $lO to SSO a reservation. Practically every one brought his, or her, own refreshments. They were car ried In pocket3. traveling bags, suit cases, old umbrellas and in one or two in stances drawn on children's sleds. Some of the cases fulfilled advance notices by giving away bottles of wine and whisky to “old friends.” In many places it seemed the degree of one’s friendship was determined by the size of their pocket book. At midnight the popping of corks and clink of- glasses was temporarily drowned in a bedlam of whir,ties, guns, shouts and tooting of horn*. CHICAGO HAS TAME CELEBRATION CHICAGO. Jan. I.—While Chicago’s New Year’s celebration was rather tafne compared with previous ypars there was no particular shortage of booze. The cabarets and cases locked their doors early when all available accommodations had been gobbled up. Police bad orders to take the names of those who carried liquor on their hips. Calculating ocean depths by means o( sound Is tbe purpose of anew Invention, the marimeter, which sends a sound to tbe bottom to be returned as an echo. Suits and Overcoats .50 marked at $30.00 F % = are now reduced to.. Ld%F Suits and Overcoats $01.50 marked at $40.00 I == are now reduced to.. *F A Suits and Overcoats J q # 50 marked at $50.00 are now reduced to.. Suits and Overcoats $ d*] 50 marked at $60.00 £Wt / ===== are now reduced to.. j J. I Suits and Overcoats Jmf w* 50 marked at $70.00 are now reduced to.. %F Suits and Overcoats t J /L CQ marked at SBO.OO ! * f|% ■v^= are now reduced to.! 9/ I 1 DR. S \\ AlH| One of First J dans in Stilt*' •'* Ten Afer practicing lis for almost fifty years Swain, 80. is dead In Fong Bjß She dip,i y< sterday a r-liiif^Hj reaching friends hero. Pr. H| known as one of the first sicians in Indiana. For maintained an office c n scy street and later at 60S MtSB IVondruff Place, retiring about ten years ago. During most of the last Swain made her home with old Swain, in New Yorok was spending the wlntgr forn'a when illness fades the son she Is oirvived tor-in law. Mrs. Bertha Pr. Fremont Swain, who llve^^B ruff Place. 2198 After the death of her von Swain, of Indianapolis, half a century ago. Mrs. the study of medicine. a degree at the Woman's Medic* of Philadelphia, the only collegß time where a woman could stniß cine. fl The body will be cremated irfl nia and the ashes sent to be deposited beside tbe husband. 89 Before Invention of the para'iSß submarines, there was of submarine rake which ac fHj principle of the hay rake.. W BIG ULCER I ALL HE J “Now I Can Walk,” fig Southcott of Me*j| ' Here is anoiher letter happy," says Peterson, of that I would rather have K3<MB sand dollars." jflcHK "Money isn’t everything ■ESS There is many a Mg who would glee all he h* able r 0 produce a rem<^9*VA mighty healing power i Hutment, to sell at all a box." f^HB Read tills letter, wr111e 1018, by Mrs Albert dma, N. Y. It seems it * - true, every word of I know it because I ge almost every day. BH| Is it any wonder 1 ac.i feirMm Ointment ro.^HggKS Pear Ml re I was .in untold rtniping -ore and u; me*? ev..rv rhirg without pain. \ friend told me B9§T|fe| fn! ointment and tbe HHH ft wa v ;he pair: that before in years, and debars- worth ; r : The u! -w waSfejfegLffi ' all benled^BMpgSwll v. ■ .. ; i gain. Smßraggßj j&m Bfß y-Y , •*! iff