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jPnaiattn ilailii aTirnce INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Daily Except Sunday, 25-29 South Meridian Street. Telephones—Main 3500, New 28-351 MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS. Advertising Offices—Chicago, New York, Boston, Detroit, G. Logan Payne Cos. E red as second-class matter at the postofflce at Indianapolis, Ind., under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Rates—By carrier, Indianapolis, 10c per week; elsewhere, 12c. By mail, 50c a month, $1.25 for three months, $2.5C for six months, or <5.00 a year. L GOODRICH IS AFRAID to face the Indiana legislature in open session. ■What would he do in the face of the congress? Bh YES, THERE ARE a few more criminals left in the state institutions might obtain pardons before the end of the year. 4wAYOR JEWETT has not yet mustered sufficient courage to let Rufe mg|flLnd others of his type name anew chief of police. ■HKItE THE WOMEN of Indiana willing to he represented by the paid of the republican state committee, or do they claim the independ entitles them to the ballot? gBB'HE CONCERN that has filed suit against the government for the of 35.000,000 gallons of booze It didn't sell, might be sued by the kov- for the damage done by the 35,000,000 it did sell. 90 Right or Otherwise |HWhat strange god is this who has come among us attempting to force mothers, wives and daughters to bargain with him for the political |ts nation has said shall be their own? Mb What magic power has been conferred on the man who attempts to de the destiny of this great state, that he should seek to dictate the on which he will perform the duties conferred upon his office H*® our constitution? In other words, where does Jim Goodrich get that noise about gagging legislature or depriving our feminine voters of their rights? Hi It is time the women of Indiana realized that if they are going to enter 9|to the spirit of politics as is in Indiana they must take cognizance of the ■let that the cross, the double-cross and all the other crosses known to Hpte scheming politicians are as applicable to them as to the men. Jim Goodrich has double-crossed the women of Indiana more than >nce. Now he attempts to repeat the process, only this time he is so devoid >f chivalry that he proposes to make the women work for him in a way hat Is wholly unnecessary for the accomplishment of their desires. Woman’s suffrage will he ratified in Indiana. There isn’t, in the com lined influence of all the political interests in the state and nation, suffi dent power to prevent this community from giving to the women the bal ot they have so richly deserved for so many years. The question now is whether the women of the state will accept the franchise as their right, won after a long struggle against the self-seeking political interests, or whether they will accept what is already theirs as a "gift” from Jim Goodrich and his ilk at the expense of their political honor. Goodrich's proposal that the women help him control the legislature In eturn for ratification of suffrage is a bribe, cunningly wrapped in a rib ton-bedecked package, and dangled before the eyes of a group of alleged epresentatives of the feminine population of the state as an inducement o them to mar a campaign record that has been clean, wholesome and ■uccessful. We have too much faith in the good sense of civic righteousness that must prevail among the women of Indiana to believe that any considerable proportion of them will sully their yellow banners by using them to bridge the political mire through which Goodrich must wade to extricate himself from the blunders of his personally prompted executive record. We are anxiously awaiting for that moment when the clear-sighted women of the state will hurl back to the scheming politicians of the re state organization their nefarious proposal for mesalliance and jjHfii oa their rights in a demand for the unconditional ratification of suf- Re Goodrich promised them long ago and which neither he nor the party dares long refuse them. WMhe Worst Criminal of All Who is the Worst criminal? The highwayman who gets the drop on at the point of a pistol takes jour money and leaves you stunned the ground when he flees? The burglar who invades your home and Rakes your silverware and your jewelry? The crook who swindles you? MBad enough, they are, but not the worst, because the things that they steal ■ are material things and you can replace them. The worst criminal is the [ one who preys upon the weak and helpless, who slips around in the dark [places and steals your reason; who peddles suffering and distress to inno- Rfcent women and children; who causes passions to be inflamed. He is the J criminal who makes criminals out of others; who causes men to shoot other men, to steal, to lie, to commit a hundred and one crimes because he has deprived them of cold, sober judgment, of their power of reasoning, of their moral sense of right and wrong. This master criminal is the L bootlegger. ) The bootlegger does not deal with strong men. He plies his illicit trade among the weak and diseased, who are incapable of resisting him when he lures them with his distilled poison. He wants only the dollars of thtse he deals with and he cares not a jot that when he takes their money he also takes their brains. He peddles his goods on the sly and it does not concern him that death may lurk in them. His sense of decency is at zero, his feeling of responsibility toward his fellowman does not exist. It does not appall him that the house he lives in, the clothes he wears, the food that keeps his family are bought with the brains of other men wliom he has destroyed. From time immemorial the finger of scorn has been pointed at the child of the scarlet woman. Today it points even more scornfully at the child of the bootlegger. The man, as he goes about his illicit trading, does not OOnsider the misery which he is laying up for his offspring. He lacks the vision to see the degradation into which he has slipped and the depths into which be is plunging his familj-. His mind does not picture his inno cent child’s broken heart when companions ignore him. or refuse to play with him, or taunt him with their cries of “Look at (he bootlegger’s kid.” ‘le not look further into the future and see the blush of shame man itling the cheeks of his son or daughter as they admit that their father sup ' Ported them with 'the proceeds of theft—the theft of other men’s brains. Many men are driven into theft by dire necessity, by sudden tempta tion, or in the heat of passion. They can. if they wish, turn over anew leaf. In many cases they can make restitution for -what they have taken. The bootlegger ts different, for lie has chosen his illegal business of his own free will and he could not make restitution if he wanted to, for the thing that lie steals away he can not give back.—W. D Boyce in the Sat urday' Blade, Chicago. Watson Still Present Having announced his determination to stand for re-election as senator and on that ground insisted on representation in the party organization, it * is not surprising that vSenator Watson should declare that he will support any Indiana man who receives a preferential vote for the nomination for president. Watson is too astute a politician to lay himself open to a charge of disloyalty to the party. He can better afford, publicly, to appear to indorse Jim Goodrich for president than to furnish the -wedge with which (he republican party in Indiana can be driven apart. But it may be said without fear of successful contradiction that the same\persons who have been so steadily at work since last spring en- j deavortog to shape a Watson for president boom, are just as busy now as then, r plans have not been disconcerted in the least by any statement that Watson, has made to date, and their original hopes of stam peding the republican convention to Watson are just as rosy as they were nine months ago. Watson,‘himself, will never be an avowed candidate for the nomina tion. His friends will thrust it upon him if they can corral it, and Jim will be right there with his broad back waiting for the tAiaLlf lingers in the minds of of lEe(xioii^^^®o ose velts Letters Hi sCh i ldren * r *' PUCKUN Tmior NS. Roosevelt a war on Y/all street gam- I bling was at its height at this time. It was 68id that hia personal fortune was tied up in railroad securities and that the campaign he staged by making stocks "nervous,” incidentally damaged his own investments. Senator LaFollette was framing the legislation by means of which it was hoped to do away with the evils of speculation. The president was fighting in congress for a big navy, but was violently opposed. He lost his battle through the conservative forces which controlled the senate.—The Editor. Good Reading for Pacifists March 4, IPOS. Nearest Hermit-—You have recently been writing me about Dickens, Senator Lodge gave me the following first-class -quota tion from a piece by Dickens about "Pro-' posals for Amusing Posterity." "And I would suggest that if a body of gentlemen possessing their full phrenological share of the combative and antagonistic organs, could only be in duced to form themselves into a society for declaiming about peace, with a very considerable warwhoop against- all -nou declalmers, and If they could only be pre vailed upon to sum up eloquently the many unspeakable miseries afid horrors of war, and to present them to their o;n country as a conclusive reason for its being undefended against war, and be coming a prey of the first despot who j might choose to Inflict those miseries and horrors —why then I really believe we ! should have got to the very best Joke we j could hope to have in our whole complete jest-book for posterity and might fold i our arms and rett convinced that we had ; done enough for that discerning i Patriach’s amusement.” This ought to be read before all the i tomfool peace societies and anti im i perialist societies of the present-day. Quentin as a Ballplayer Whltehouse, March s*. I!WK. ' Dearest Archie—Yesterday morning j Quentin brought flown all his Force ! school baseball nine to practice oti the i whltehouse grounds. It was great fun ito see them, and Quentin made a run. It | reminded me of when you used to come 1 dow’n with the Friend's school eleven. Moreover, I was reminded of the occa j slonal rows In the eleven by an outburst ! In connection with the nine 'which re | salted in their putting off of it a small boy who Quentin assured me was the j “meanest, kid tn tow9i.” T like to see Quentin practicing baseball. It gives me i hopes that one of ray hoys will not take ; after his father tn this respect, and will prove able to play the national game! Ethel has a delightful new dog a white bull terrier —not much more than a puppy as yet. Khe has named 1t Mike and it seems very affectionate. Scamp is really an extraordinary ratter, and kills a great - many rats 1n the whltehouse. in the i cellars and on the lower floor and among i the machinery. He is really a very nice '■ little dog. Whltehouse. March 15, 1!>08. Dearest Archle-Quentln is now taking a great Interest in baseball. Yesterday the Force school nine, on which he plays sec ond base, played the P street nine on the whltehouse grounds where Quentin has marked out a diamond. The Force school nine was victorious by a score of 22 to 5. I told Quentin 1 was afraid the P street boys must hare felt badly and he answered, “Oh, 1 guess not; you see T filled them up with lemonade afterward!" Charlie Taft is on his nine. Did you hear of the dreadful time Ethel : had with her new hull terrier, Mike? She was out riding with Fitz Lee. who was on Roswell, and Mike was following They suppose that Fidelity must have acci dentally kicked Mike.. The first they knew the bulldog sprang at the tittle mare’s ; throat. She fonght pluckily, rearing and | plunging, and shook him off, and then Ethel galloped away. As soon as she halted. Mike overtook her and attacked BRINGING UP FATHER. ” 0 KEEP II jj a [ MERE l*b WTN DOLLARS | | /- N \ j}".. \ jj| e>ROTHER ' —\ HE MAOB ANO HE TOLD . XySIU O ® i* % I I HQH ÜbT want to you l nrM me TO t;iVE IT To YOU T..4s •• N \ ... . -, J | || ' ’°’ OU ' ' ' gTaOU -- , ~ ' ‘ ~ @ 1020 or nrrt. Fssvuwm Sswvies. WS> ABIE THE AGENT. ? : h ' ■■■ ■- r : No\) p, twiKMSt, TJTsTwTsv.'-:.7 T~ — 1 lit C p UY IKJ A p ARb! 1 NVft’oMQ&UE Nou qoT ut?S§L> Mpu V !P AKjfc 4 -° \ — Akfo S\fjec You cyorW, [ \ H J| IW / ? (.11 ou KAt.* v HOW DO THEY DO IT? r * - 1 'Trtt ScrtolPkßS tTT c\ ( a rt , i( >. - I ."thke "TrttM I>\zH\oM Tofcfty- \ 1 r i°_ (n mi. iw -Wo .*- Indiana daily times, Thursday, January , 1920. Fidelity again. He seized her by the shoulder and tried to seise her by the throat, and twice Ethel had to break away and gallop ofT, Fitz Lee endeavor ing in vain to catch the dog. Finally he succeeded, Just as Mike had got Fidelity by the bock. He had to give Mike a tre mendous beating to restore him to obedi ence; but of course Mike will have to be disposed of. Fidelity was bitten in sev eral places and it was a wonder that Ethel was able to keep her seat, because natually the frightened little mare reared and plunged and ran. Four Sheepish Small Boys Whltehouse, April 11, J9OB. Dearest Archie—Ethei has bought on trial an eight months bulldog pup. He is very cunning, very friendly, and wrig gles all over in a frantic desire to bo petted. Quentin really seems to be getting on pretty well with his baseball. In each of the last two gnmes he made a base hit and a run. I have just had to give him and three qf his associates a dressing down—one of the three being Charlie Taft. Yesterday afternoon was rainy, and four of them played five hours Inside the whltehouse. They were very boisterous "and were all the time on the verge of mischief, and finally they made spltthalls and deliberately put them on the por traits. I did not discover !t until after dinrer, and then pulled Quentin out of bed and had him take them all off the portraits, and this morning required him to bring in the three other culprits be fore me. I explained to them that they had acted like boors; that It would have been, a disgrace to have behaved so in any gentleman's house; that Quentin could have- no friend to see him. and the other three could ned come inside the whltehouse. until I felt that a sufficient time had elapsed to serve as punishment. They were four very sheepish small hoyi when I got through with them. (To Be Continued.) f^EADTHESfiBcoks 4 ~at IjoufDubHc Library All children are born actor*. They can transform an old shawl, a silk scarf and a walking stick into almost any kind of a costume. There is much tn the way you drape them and In the manner you cfl-ry yourself—to show whether you be a l ing or a ruffian. To satisfy this dramatic instinct in all children, the public library has a host of plays for children. Some have music with them, as “The Urowntkins and O'her Fairies.” by Ruth Arkwright, with music by J. W. Wilson. Some’are plays for very little children, as “Nursery Comedies." tweivp tiny plays for chil dren, by Lady Bell. Children learn his tory easily by acting its dramatic mo ments. and for this purpose there sre “Historical Plays for Children,” by Bird and Startling, and “Dramatized Seeies from American History,” by Augusta Stevenson, tn which are such plays as "The Settlement at Jamestown,” “The Puritans at Sorooby," “The Pilgrims and Their Journeys,” “The Boston Tea Party." “The First Continental Con gress," “A Brnve Deed by Rrave Men” or “The Declaration of Independence," anil “(Jen. George Washington." There are also ‘'Colonial Plays for the School Room." designed for rlHt*srnom work In the sixth and seventh grades, by Blanche Shoemaker. The plays In this book are: ' “The Columbus Story.” "Colonial Vir ginia." “The First Thanksgiving,” “A Witchcraft Story.” “LlSe In New York.” "The Georgia Debtors.” "An Indian Ktocy.” “Revolutionary Days,” "Three Compromises of the Constitution." An other collection of plays of this sort is "Little Plays from American History for Young Folks.” by Alice Johnston Walker. EVERY SOLDIER MUST HAVE JOB By MAJ.-GEN. WILLIAM G. HAN, Assistant Chief of Staff, in Charm of Employment for Discharged Service Men. New year, 1920, finds the war depart ment still engaged in the enormous trork of finding Jobs for all the men who one year ago, were members of Amelca’s victorious army and navy. At the very beginning, the department announced its intention not to relai its efforts until every discharged soldier, sailor and marine had secured a satis factory Job. We still stand by tha! promise. On July 1, 1919, the appropriation o th# United States employment servin was reduced considerably and on Oc. 10, their funds were" exhausted, forcirf them to leave the field. A double duf was now put on the war department It became necessary to reorganize ofr work, and with the aid of thousands if willing volunteers it has been possibles keep in operation approximately 2 po employment bureaus for returning fl diers and sailors. As an instance work being done by these bureaus, In ninety-seven cities alone, for a perio of four weeks in October, 41,548 fojner service men were put in Jobs out oft”,- 54ft registering. In addition to this there is maintjned a special section at our Washigton headquarters which deals exclulvely with officers and men who are teclfical ly trained. This section up to Nf. 11. 1919, placed 11,321 such men out f 1". 577 applying. But what about the vast majorij’ who came back before this time? Sftlstlcs show that only about 25 per cent f those demobilized asked for assistance, but this in itself represents a tremendous task when it is realized that ft round numbers this means 1,000,0 ft) nfn. The other 75 per cent secured their old Jobs which patriotic employed throughout the nation held open for tlein ill during the war. The war department, recog nizing the service renderfl by these em ployers, issued to each such employer who applied an official citation in the form of a certificate. Trdate over 04,000 of these citations have been issued. A great work has ben a< complished, but the Job Is not yfl finished. Some of the most difficult ‘ases remain tin placed, and we owe 1 to tie men and our past record not to quit until we reach the 100 per cert mark. When I look back and recollect the tremendous assistant glvm by the civic and welfare organtation *, and by the American Legion, wilen tins of late en tered the field. I cai only be filled with admiration. By tlptr untiring efforts and assistance, hot! mon-tary and oth erwise. they have een a source of in spiration t rt all of ns. A year of ceasele* won? has only tend ed to redouble thsr eff->rts and as we approach the last phase of this problem we find them at work with the same en thusiasm and enemy as displayed during the first days of the work. IbcleAM) A Column Conducted I nder Di vection of Di. Rupert Blue of u. S. Public Health Service. Uncle Sam, M. £>.. will answer, either In this column or by mall, question* of general Interest plating only to byg'ene, sanitation and ttr prevention of dlaeaae. It sill be imposilble for him to answer questions of n pirely personal nature, or to prescribe so? cdivldual diseases. Ad dress : INFORMATION EDITOR, u. S. Pufllc Health Service, WASIINGTON. D C. “THE HUMAN FI REBOX." Every englnter who understands his business pays attention to the work of his fireman. Moreover, he see* to It ths good coal Is fiirchased ; that the stoking Is carefully lone; thnt the draft* are in order and properly used; In abort, he see* that all the principles of firing nre observed What a cntrast this Is to the hap SAVE DURIMC uWFFIfW THE YEAR CHRISTM ;CHRISTMAS lKjjijf -afßßfcy p accounts Ir mi [j J W'lTm Join the Christmas Thrift Clfib Tomorrow! Everybody welcome! A plan to suit every need or desire! ] I FLAN A—SECURES $13.75 I PDAN G—SECURES $63.75 First deposit lc, increasing lc each First deposit .$2.50. decreasing 5c each week, for 50 weeks, last deposit 50c. week, for 50 weeks, last, deposit sc. PI \ v K—gFCf rs s-xso PLAN H—SECURES. $127.50 1 V-i . **7” , o , First deposit $5.00, decreasing 10c each if 8 r„ <le rSS[ B il ,v 7 C nn° aCh week, for 50 weeks, last deposit 10c. week, for 50e weks, last deposit SI.OO. PLAN ,t SECURES $12.50 PLAN C —SECURES $63.75 Deposit 25c each week, for 50 weeka. First deposit sc, increasing 5c each FLAX K—SECURES $25.00 week, for 50 weeks, last deposit $2.50. Deposit 50c each week, for 50 weeks. PLAN D—SECURES $127.50 PI A AN —-SECURES $50.00 First deposit 10c, increasing 10c each Deposit SI.OO each week, for 50 weeks, week, for 50 weeks, last deposit $5.00. PLAN M—SECURES SIOO.OO ..i v v Deposit $2.00 each week, for 50 weeka. 1 . a -a , , . „„ u PLAN N—SECURES $125.00 y r f and £ nfil f ’ p ' . reaß, Ve i C cach Deposit $2.50 each week, for 50 weeka. weke, for 50 weeks, last deposit lc. PLAN O—SECURES $250.00 PLAN F—SECURES $25.50 Deposit $5.00 each week, for 50 weeks. First deposit SI.OO, decreasing 2c each PLAN P—SECURES $600.00 week, for 50 weeks, last deposit 2c. Deposit $40.00 each week, for 50 weeks. We add interest of 4% to accounts paid in full. Bank open every Saturday until 8 p. m. Ask about our BONUS PLAN of paying 25c for each new member secured. J. F. Wild & Cos. State Bank 1 123-125 E. Market St. hazard wny in which many of us look after the human machine. With a serene disregard of Mae first principles govern ing the use of fuel, we frequently expecx the body to derive Its heat and energy from a cumbersome and badly assorted mixture of foods. The heat-producing fats and oils, su gars and well-cooked starches in their simplest forms, constitute an Ideal fuel with readily available heat. In all of these there ts'more thorough oxidation, less effort on the part of the digestive organs, less overtaxing of di gestive Juices and less indigestible resi due (cinders and ashes) than with the highly compounded products of the pas try cook. In the latter, associated with the In creast ' proportion of waste, there !s often over-burdening and overworking of the digestive system, and sooner or later that common American complaint, dyspepsia. ANSWERS. Q. Several people have told me that chewing gum will affect the eyes. Do you think it does? If so, in what way? A. The chewing of gum probably will have little or no effect on the eyes. Q. I am troubled with a sour stom ach quite often. Do you think there la any medicine that will remedy it? A. A person suffering from sour stom ach will obtain temporary relief from medicines, such as ant-acids. Among the ant-acids in common use, bicarbonate of soda, calcined magnesia, or magnesium carbonate are effectual. A regulation or the diet is Important. It is a very bad practice to treat this condition yourself, for sometimes what a patient believes is ‘merely a sour stomach Is really the be ginning of some serious stomach trouble. Be sure, therefore, to go to a reputable physician, have him examine you, and follow* his advice. Shade Trees Hewn During Fuel Famine LIN< OLN, 111., Jan. I.—Beautiful shade trees here fell victim to axes wielded by sturdy high school boys when the pinch of the fuel famine was first felt. On or- B ROT HER MADE IT. ALH PRETTY SPRY YET, IS TH! der of the mayor all ’ B along lawns that could ■ chopped down by the bifl 50 cents an hour for thl erahle fuel w-?s obt.iine* helped materially in lesfl Ing of the poor. I Receives Po M After! ARDMORE. Okla., M ‘■n rd. travel-stained, rl \yh received :i few dai by Mr. anri Mrs. MarsH Thirteen jears after in a post office at a card was at Oklahoma City, t^K f ft... Texas line <^H| * e es a mile a ycr^H i: "'l N•> fl.m !- 'trgi:.-,IK wanJerings of the Cora messaze of N frrl’les on t!ieir mH| IF WISHES WERjC HORSia