OCR Interpretation

Indiana daily times. [volume] (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1914-1922, January 01, 1920, Home Edition, Image 6

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047611/1920-01-01/ed-1/seq-6/

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The January Sale of Linens
From an economy standpoint this sale is the greatest we have ever held. A comparison of the
prices listed below with prevailing prices will easily convince the housewife that now is the time
to stock up on linens. The Pettis January Linen Sale is an event of importance eagerly looked
forward to by housewives, and this year will exceed all anticipations for those who wish to save
30c Crash, 22c
Three thousand yards of unbleached crash.
Half linen quality with blue border.
25c Cotton Crash, 17*40
Twelve hundred yards cotton crash of uice
soft finish. Washes soft and nice.
39c Bleached Crash, 28c
Pure linen bleached crash, good width and
excellent quality. 2,400 yards in the sale at
the above price.
25c Bleached Crash, 18c
►Soft, round thread, bleached crash, with
red border.
30c Glass Toweling, 23c
Checked glass toweling in red only. 3,100
yards at this exceptionally low price.
28c Crash, 21c
Bleached crash, with blue border only.
Sale of Notions
10c sheet glass head pins..
8c men’s shoe laces, all
lengths, pair 3<
5c hooks and eyes, all sizes,
3 cards 5*
Hair pin cabinets, all kinds —
8c size 5<5
10c size ....
12c size 7^
15c size 9^
20c size 12<*
10c Nye’s machine oil
5c stocking darners 3<J
10c Dorac’s knitting cotton.
15c inside skirt belting, to
' 9c
20c bulldog hose supporters,
men’s women’s and chil
dren's 12^
li to %-inch, yard B <p
Women's Fancy
Handkerchiefs, 5c
A manufacturer’s odd dozens
of handkerchiefs. All of splen
did quality materials and neatly
embroidered in one corner in
white or colors. Would sell reg
ularly for 8c to 10c.
¥-' E NEW yeRK STORE S. 9T, >gg3
18c to 26c guaranteed elastic,
% to 1 inch, 15C
8c paper of pins, 3,000 to
pape 4#
15c Elberon cap shape hair
nets, 6 for 35<*
Ironing wax, with handle, 4
for 5<J
6c French darning cotton,
small ball, all colors 4
SI.OO scissors and shears, 4%
to 7 inches long, for sewing and
embroidery 49£
10c to 12c bias tape of good
material, all widths 5^
6c safety pins, nickel plated,
all sizes 4<*
8c to 15c guaranteed elastic,
15c stickerei braid, all widths,
bolt B<*
January Sale of Handkerchiefs
Women’s 25c
Handkerchiefs, 6 for 98c
Pure linen handkerchiefs
of excellent quality, with
neatly embroidered fancy
Table Damask
$1 Table Damask, 68c
Beautiful quality mercerized table damask,
sixty-four, inches wide.
$1.50 Table Damask, sl.lO
Linen finish cotton table damask. Two
yards wide and Irish manufacture.
$1.75 Mercerized Damask, $1.25
Fine imported table damask, two yards
wide and comes in two-yard and two-and-one
half-yard lengths.
Pure Linen Damask, $3.50
Seventy-inch pure linen damask, in several
very pretty and attractive designs. “Heath
er” brand. This price is actually less than we
can buy it for in today’s market.
$1.35 Cotton Damask, 96c
Nice soft finish cotton damask, launders
nicely. Full mercerized and two yards wide.
15c cretonne covered asbestos
iron holders 9^
10c snap fasteners, all sizes,
dozen 5£
10c and 12c insoles for men’s,
boys’ and women’s shoes,
pair 7^
10c to 15c trimming and nov
elty braid, all colors,
15c Unicum hair nets, cap and
fringe shape, 3 for 28<*
15c to 20c English twilled tape,
U to %-inch, bolt 9£
25c Lady Dainte celluloid hair
pins, 3 to 12 in package 17^
25c peacock trimming braid,
all color edge, bolt 16^
—Pettis notions, street
aisle one.
Men’s 12c to 15c
Handkerchiefs, 9c
Plain handkerchiefs, with
hems neatly hemstitched. Made
of splendid quality material and
nice size. A manufacturer’s
odds and ends, hence this ex
tremely low pnlce.
—Pettis handkerchief dept., street floor, aisle two.
$2.25 Tablecloths, $1.65
Two-by-two-yard tablecloths, with border
all around. Pretty, attractive designs.
$3 Tablecloths, $2,10
Pattern tablecloths in two-yard size. Very
attractive arid will give excellent service.
$2.75 Tablecloths, $1.98
Beautiful cloths with artistic circular de
signs. Size 64x64,
$2 Tablecloths, $1.65
Two-yard long tablecloths, neatly hemmed.
Cloths that will launder nicely.
Old Napkins at
Reduced Prices
17-inch size, 6 f0r....... . .59£
17- size, 6 for 98£
19-inch size, 6 for 81.35
18- size, 6 for $1.50
22-inch size, 6 for $1.95
98c Sheeting, 72c
Bleached sheeting, yards wide; a splen
did quality that will give excellent service.
90c Bleached Sheeting, 72c
The well-known and reliable “Well-Wear”
brand; full 2 yards wide and one of the very
best grades.
69c Unbleached Sheeting, 56c
Made especially for single beds. flood
quality and one that will launder nicely.
$2.10 Bleached Sheets, $1.75
Single bed size, 63x90 inches; splendid qual
ity muslin and will give exceptionally good
The January Sale of
Ait Goods
Offers many unusual savings on both things for the home and for the
people in the home.
Children’s 98c Stamped Dresses, 69c
Dresses and rompers in pink, blue and yellow,
also check designs, in sizes 2 to 6 years.
SI.OO Stamped Bath Towels, 49c
Large size towels stamped in neat conventional
75c Stamped Towels, 44c
Large size towels of good quality material.
Sea rs Centerpieces
Regularly $1.50 to $3.50 at % Off
A.JI of these beautiful filet pieces are in very neat and elaborate designs
75c Stamped
Scarfs and Center
pieces, 59c
Scarfs 18x54 inches
and centerpieces to
match in 36-inch size.
Both are of good material
and stamped in very pret
ty patterns.
39c Huck Towels, 28c
Good quality hack towels, either hem
stitched or plain hem. All white with Jac
quard borders.
35c Huck Towels, 27c
Good size huck towels, with red border
29c Huck Towels, 21c
All white huck towels, of exceptionally good
quality. Have plain hem.
45c Huck Towels, 38c
Half linen huck towels, with plain hem.
85c Huck Towels, 65c
Pure linen huck towels, heavy, soft and
absorbent. A splendid value.
$2 Huck Towels, sl.lO
Pure linen huck towels of very fine quality.
28c Huck Towels, 21c
Fast color huck towels, with red border.
49c Bath Towels, 38c
Blue border bath towels, large size, and ex
cellent quality.
47c Bath Towels, 35c
Plain white bath towels, nice, generous size.
8c Wash Cloths, 5c
Double thread Turkish w r ash cloths. Just
five to a customer.
—Pettis linen dept., street floor, aisle two.
$2.50 “Bulldog” Sheets, $1.89
Linen finish sheets in size 81x90. The well
known, dependable “Bulldog” brand.
90c Unbleached Sheeting, 69c
Two yards wide and a most excellent qual
ity, that will give the utmost in service and
$2.65 Sheets, $1.98
“Quaker Lady” sheets in 81x90-ineh size.
Splendid quality.
$2.25 Bleached Sheets, $1.75
Nice soft tiuish sheets in size 81x90. Pure,
clear bleach.
—Pettis beddings, third floor.
$1.29 to $1.98 Stamped Scarfs
One-Third Off
Just a few lace trimmed scarfs, neatly
$1.19 Card Table Cover, 69c
Neatly made hemstitched covers stamped in
corner for embroidery.
$2 and $3 Stamped Nightgowns,
$1.39 and $1.98
Nightgowns In several different styles with
variously shaped necks and many attractive pat
terns for embroidery.
89c Combination Suits, 59c
Combination suits of good quality material,
stamped in simple, attractive designs.
—Pettis Art Goods Dept., fifth floor.
The Pettis program for 1
scale. We are going to cl
rnous with the name Pjl
The first shopping dafl
event scheduled —anfl
everyday needs of lif ,
Whatever you buy
and furthermore btfl
expended. H
This store does not
thing sold here mustft^
Take advantage of tfl
for savings.
The M
I * 'u SI.OO Mary Gardei^Kg|
Face Powders
50c Freeman’s Face Pow
der— 35 ?.
50c Ingram’s Velvela—3s?
50c Java Rice Powder—
65c Djer Kiss Powder —
25c Woodbury Powder—
50c Elcaya Powder—3s?.
25c Sylvan Powder—lß?.
50c Jardin de Rose Powder
65c La Blache Powder—
50c La Belle Face Powder
50c Nadine Face Powder—
60c L'ame Face Powder—
50c Babcock’s Face Powder
25c Babcock’s Face Powder
30c Sanitol Face Powder—
Creams and Lotia
60c Victoria Cream —45<L
25c Creme Elcaya—lß<L
50c Malvina Cream—3sf.
75c Kosmeo Cream—so^.
50c Marvelous Cold Cream
30c Sanitol Cold Cream—
50c Pompeian Day Cream
50c Pompeian Massage
75c Pompeian Massage
Cream —55*.
50c Nadinola Cream—3s*.
50c, 75c and $1 Fu
Ivory, OfP
Combs, buffers, perfume bottles, nail
hooks, cuticule knives, corn knives, etc.
25c DjeiwWjji
iOc MenrW"
cum—2nr iSpy
15c Elcaya
20c Babcoclfl
and Cut
190 Queen
20c Jergen’sß
Ross Talcum —ll
20c Colgate’s
Cashmere Bouq
Dactylis, LaFraJ
20c Lazells T
satta, Sweet P<
25c Spiehier’
Corylopsis, Tiaili
—l4?. j
Creme Em
r reai-—i
50c Daggß
deli's Cold fl
85c Daggl
dell’s Cold <■
25c Cremß
18*. ■
50c Cremß
3oC. ■
35c Jergel
Almond Lotil
50c Hind’*!
mond Crevml
50c Certiffl

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