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Indiana daily times. [volume] (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1914-1922, January 01, 1920, Home Edition, Image 8

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I Huge Throng Gathered at
Pasadena as Oregon and
Harvard Teams Clash.
Odds Pick Up Only Slightly,
However, Due to Coast
I =
The Lineups Today
■ Harvard. Oregon.
PVhlnney Left end Anderson
J S,d|rwlck I.eft tackle Bartlett
Wood* : Left guard Mautz
Havemeyer Center T.es'lo
Brown Right guard Harding
Kane Right tackle Williams
Steele Right end Howard
Murray (Capt.) Quarter back . Steers
Humphrey Left half Jacoberger
Casey . Right half Brandenberg (Capt.)
R, Horxveen ... Full back ... Huntington
PASADENA, Cal., .Tnn. I.—Before the
greatest throng that ever witnessed n
lent on the Pacific eoast. East
at Tournament of Roses sta
afternoon, when Harvard uni-
J the University of Oregon
ims clashed here in the annual
s day gridiron classic. More
) people were massed in the
en the whistle blew for the
benefited by a sudden drop in
e, after a week’s unusual
ent into the big game a slight
ut Oregon supporters were
thousands and unusually con
-11 AND
Stic football fans, paying no
o the wonderful tournament of
[le, started early for the park
wn were taking their places
y the football fans picked
win| but coaches, officials and
t the Coaches Said
NA, Cal., Jan. I.—The follow
cuts were made by the rival
>yious to today’s game,
sher of Harvard:
to the coast is not a joy trip
se of the word. The Harvard
re to uphold the honor of the
and of the east. We will give
e have and will have no alibi
unting of Oregon:
egon players are not at all
l>y Harvard's reputation. The
toing in to fight and, win or
will give their best. The west
>e disappointed in the spirit
y Oregon.” |
rts agreed that *he edge was
rinson team. The one bright
e Oregonians was their fight
an i the possible chance that
have an edge on Harvard in
of condition, Oregon hav
tT~at Pasadena two weeks,
Cambridge team .lad but five
ich to reach top form.
mi the general interest in to
> there was much speculation
jerformances of the two most
ted stars of the two teams,
ward’s great half back, and
IU-Amcriean select! • on The
am, and Steers, Oregon’s giant
c and drop kicker, on the third
lamp’s all-Americans,
as considerable wagering on
g in the game. Many were
wager that. Casey would score
ne touchdown, while Oregon
were praying that Stears
e by the aerial route,
game was the first east vs.
est staged in Pasadena on
8 day since 1916, when the
regon eleven defeated Pennsyl-
pgßuncr in Accident Soon
After Death of Owner
ijSSTw YORK, Jan. 1. Koamer. ' star
WPD 1r of the Red Bank farm, and one of
best-known thoroug.ibrcdM of the
fell yesterday and Broke his b\g.
■[ may have to be killed. The accident
HSppened soon after the death of his
Howuer. Andrew .Miller.
f I ‘Y’ in Action
f ~ A game that will have a bearing on
the colored mid-west championship will
Ipe .stMSed this evening when the loon!
coloreta “Y” men encage the fa=t De
troit Wolverines at rlie Senate avenue
building. The Ford city hoys come with
the record of having defeated some of
the best teams in Michigan, and have
in their lineup three former local high
school namely, C:;pt. Leon Wheeler,
formerly of Shortrldge; 11. Butler and
Ted Sampson, formerly of Tech. Coach
Tlefrantz. though refusing to announce
his starting lineup, is predicting a win
for the present title holders by a de
"risive score. Bybee, former Manual star
■ iias recovered from his Illness and will
be seen at his position of floor guard.
J**Hap” FfaszartJ and tlie hard working
..‘‘Rail” Robinson are also primed for a
ruelling struggle. A curtain-raiser will
!in go, which will be called
Dut Tennis Cost
Jan. I.—An effort to re
f tennis to players so% the
is being made by the ex
tee of the United States
Tennis association. Let
sent to officers of clubs
country urging them to
racts with manufacturers
le purchase of tennis sup
botb clubs and players
iper prices. Players are
crate by purchasing only
,s is absolutely necessary.
Tosses Savage
an. I.—John Pesek, Ne
t to the wrestling charn-
In two straight falls from
lere last night. He won
1:27:42 and the second in
11s came as a result of a
, Jan. I.—Antonio Ortiz,
?tir champion of Spain,
lal Class B 18.2 balk line
>f the American Amateur
ition at the Morningside
he defeated George P. B.
mason's champion, in the
he tournament, 230 to 202.
n. I.—The engagement of
ton, battery coach for the
thletics last season, In a
v by the Boston Red Sox,
1 Wednesday. The Red
signed Hlliar, an infielder
lIIA, Jan. I.—Twenty-tour
eduled at four local box
afternoon. Johnny Kii
lght champion, topped the
irs in a bout with A1 Shu
ard. Mass. Jeff Smith and
■e to ,light their last bout
' before leaving for Eng-
x;,'r rf?T" r
>iy- ■' . ; x
Left to right—Mabel Stewart, Maude Weisharrt, Frieda Bohnenkamp.
Skating is for girls, too! The boys,
ean't have all the fun during the holiday i
vacation and they are not the only good
•skaters on the ice, either! Indianapolis |
misses like outdoor exercise as well as j
tlie boys and they are having much sport
these days where skating is good. The
three maids pictured above were
“snapped” at Garfield park and don't
they look strong and skillful? They are
ifoiSc UOOL
A great basketball show is carded for
this city Saturday night when Manual
meets Pendleton and Tech clashes with
Kokomo in a double bill on the Y. M.
C. A. court. This will be the first ap
pearance of the local teams jn two weeks
and as both of them have been stepping
fast in the win column recently two good
games axe expected. The Red and White
players will appear at 7:15 and the east
aiders will take the floor immediately
after the first game.
Technical went into the win section two
weeks ago with a victory over strong
Columbus five and Coach Black" squad
continued its work with a neat victory
over the Broad Ripple five in its last
game played. The (kreen and White aS
gregation looks like a strong contender
this season and since the east aiders have
hit their stride local fans are looking
for a strong showing by the Techites
Saturday night against the Kokomo team.
Manual, following an erratic start., has
also forced its way to the winning side
of the records and staged a great battle
against Huntington here two weeks ago.
when Coach Morrison's meu took the long
side of the score. The Kelt and White
machine was slow to start and was handi
capped by injuries to sevenl players
early in the season, but the team ap
pears to have pulled together and its
showing against Huntington has caused
dopesters to open their eyes. Pendleton
was defeated early In the season by
Coach Black’s men. but reports from the
Manual camp indicate that the south side
five expects a strong scrap.
K. V. Ammerman, manager of athlet i
ics at Manual, today became a member
of the board of control of the Indiana
High School Athletic association, suc
ceeding George Reltzell of Brown burg
as representative of the Third district,
of which Indianapolis is a member. Mr.
Ammerman was elected sonm time ago
but did not take office until today.
Mr. Ammerman has looked after the
athletic interests of Manual for several
years and he has become noted for Ills j
fair dealings with rival schools. Mr. ;
Ammerman made the following statement
till morning: “I take office today de
termined to perform my duties faithfully
and co-operate with the other members
of the board in their efforts to boost
high school athletics and the spirit of
good fellowship among the students.”
ELWOOD, Ind., Jan. I.—Shortrldge
High school of Indianapolis won the first
contest of its barnstorming trip here last
night against the Elwood five. 26 to 12.
The first half was close, w’th Shortrldge
on the leading end of a 6 to 5 count.
The Indianapolis team found itself In
the last period and ran away with the
contest, scoring twenty points in the last
few minutes. Stevens was the big pc-lnt
maker for the winners. The capital city
team used many men In the contest be
cause of a bard game on the schedule
a.list Rochester tonight. The team
will go to Argos Friday night and will
end the trip Saturday night at Wabash.
Tad Jones May Return
NEW HAVEN, Conn, Jan. 1. T. A.
D. Jones, a former coach, probably will
come to Vale as a football mentor next
fall, according to an announcement by
Prof. C. W. Mendcli. chairman of the
board of control of the athletic associ
ation at the university. Prof. Mendcli
said that at this time he was not ab’e
officially to give the details of .Tones
return to Yale, because the written reply
to the offer has not yet been received.
Bender a Manager
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 1.- Charles
(Chief) Bender, famous Indian pitcher of
the Athletics, has signed to manage the
New Haven baseball club.
All followers of basketball in the vi
cinity of the Chrlstamore gym are ex
pected to be on hand Monday night when
the Cubs mix with a team made up of
former star players from the club.
Owing to several of the former players
being in college and only in the city for
the holidays tnls will be the only oppor
tunity for fans to see their old favorites
in action this season. Capt. Harmon ex
pects the following men to be in his line
up. and If they are In old-time form they
should be able to make the fast flying
Cubs step lively: Wagner, Lawson, Fehr,
South. Keough and Campbell. The Cubs
have made unite a name for themselves
in the past two seasons and will rely on
their fast team work to baffle their op
VAI.PO “l” WlSs.
VALPARAISO Ind.. Jan. i —The Val
paraiso university basketball quintet
met the Valparaiso High school alumni
squad last night and won, 20 to 21. Both
teams fought hard and made the an me I
one of the best played
skimming right along in expert style
with not a thought of failing, and in
fact it is seldom that they do fall be
cause they have learned nearly as much
as boys about the skating art. They
have their games and find keen pleasure
in jaunting up and down the ice in the
great outdoors. Oh my. won't they
have lots and lots to tell teacher when
school reopens next Monday!
First Baseball Call
CLEVELAND, Jar.. I.—Pitchers and
catchers of the Cleveland baseball
club were today ordered to report
at the New Orleans training eatno
on Fell. 27. The rest of the player
will reach the training camp March
,8. The team will i main in train
ing quarters unit! April 11 and wlli
jump direct to Cleveland unless two
or three good games can b® arranged,
according to tentative plans of Bus!-
ne-s Manager Speaker.
Merchants vs. Huntington
The Merchants Heat and Light basket
ball squad traveled to Huntington to
day for a return engagement with the
Huntington Athletic five. Cept. Born and
his tosaers were to be tne attraction at
that city today in a double bill. Two
games, one in the afternoon and the
other in the evening, were scheduled with
the Athletics.
The local five was reported in condi
tion for the scraps today, in spite of the
overtime battle with Indiana university
Tuesday night, which forced the Heat
and Light aggregation to go the limit for
a victory. The Merchants defeated Hunt
ington in an early season game by a close
score and a hot competition was ex
pected by the locals in the games today.
Capt. Born, Smith, Cannon, Itehrent. Ste
vens, Brown and Yaver composed the
M. H. and L. squad making the trip.
Hens Get Three Yanks
NEW YORK. Jan. 1. The New York
American league club Wednesday an
nounced the release of the following
players: Pitclfers Cliff Markle, Luther
Nelson and Paul Carpenter to the Toledo
club of the American association; Pitcher
Alexander Ferguson to the Jersey City
club of the International league, Pitcher
A. C. Vance to the Sacramento cluti of
the Pacific Coast league, Outfielder
Everltt Bankston to the Dallas club of
tiie Texas league, and Outfielder Curtis
Walker to the Augusta club of the South
ern Atlantic league. Os fliese players
only Nelson, Carpenter, Walker and Fer
guson were with the New York club in
Big Sale
of Repaired 11. S.
Ikrmy Shoes
wamaumammmsatmmmmmgmam —WBaaßsmssmßßmsßtostsßSßtmm
Good soles, heels and uppers. You know the quality of
leather used in making government shoes —no need to dwell
on that point.
50.75 SQ.SO
These 4re Bargains
Come Early. All Sizes. On Display in Window.
151 N. Illinois St.
4 Doors South of Ohio Street /
Local Basket Fans
See Purdue Annex
Spectacular Contest
With Score Even First Half,
Collegians Speed Up and
Beat Em-Roes.
Purdue university did what few col
lege teams in the country -can and
Boilermakers defeated the Em-Roe inde
pendent basketball champions of Indiana.
The score was Purdue 27, Em-Roes 24.
The game here last night was witnessed
by the largest crowd of the year and
many basketball fans failed to gain ad
mission to the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium
because there was no room left.
Followers of the great indoor sport
will wait many years before they will
see a better or faster game of basketball
than the Purdue-Em-Roe clash. It was a
cleanly played, hard-fought battle, in
which not only the players proved that
they were true sportsmen but the of
ficials demonstrated that they knew how
to handle the game in the best way
The showing of Purdue last night does
not in any way discredit the Em-Roe
team, but rather indicated that Coach
Lambert's team this year will have a
real chance at landing first >"iiors in the
Big Ten college eonl-> w<- race. Not
only was the passing and offensive play
of both teams unusually good, but the
wonderful defensive play will long be
A1 Feeney and Behrent never played
a better defensive game for the Eni-
Roes. White and t’offing proved Just as
strong for the college boys. To be sure,
it was not Just ttie defensive play of
the guards that counted, but rather the
defensive play of every man on both
teams, for they played a five-man de
fense. Purdue, however, varied that type
of play occasionally, using Tilson, the
rail pivot man, near the basket to try
and worry Feeney. Tilson kept Feeney
busy, but only caged one field goal. On
any other guard lie probably would have
scored a half dozen. It was M. M. Smith,
the Purdue forward, who came through
with a series of six field goals and
spelled defeat for the Indianapolis team.
At the close of the game a group of
newspaper men and basketball officials
and conches were dismissing the game
and someone asked who the star was.
li seemed that .-Very man picked n dif
ferent player. However, it finally ended
when Church was named ms the star
of the Purdue team and Feeney of the
Em Roes. Not that Church was a goal
getter. But that tittle speed merchant
was without a question the fastest man
at covering tin- floor spen in Indianapolis
in ten years. His defensive play, pass
ing and general work over the floor made
possible Purdue's field goals. Not only
that imt he handled the ball in a way
that is seldom seen in any basketball
game. He Is one of the basketball won
ders of the central west.
Al Feeney always steady, always at the
right place when most '.ceded, played
a game at back guard that the college
Notre Dame Star Gets
Place in Discus Event
on All-American Team
NEW YORK, Jan. 1. -The all-American
college track team, picked by F. W.
Rubien, secretary of the A. A. U.,
100-Yard Dash—Charles W. Paddock,
| University of Southern California.
440-Yard Run—E. C. Curtiss, University
of Chicago.
880-Yard Run —Kurt A. Mayer, Cornell.
One-mile Run- —Dennis O’Connell, Har
Two-mlle-Inven C. Dresser, Cornell.
Cross Country John Simmous, Syra
: case.
120-Yard Hurdles Walker Smith, Cor
! noli.
220-yard Hurdles—Carl Johnson, Mich
Running High Jump—lt. W. London,
Running Broad Jump -Sol Butler, Du
i buque college.
Pole Vault —E. A. Myers, Dartmouth.
Putting Sixteen-pound Shot -N. 11.
Allen, University of Maine.
Throwing Sixteen-pojmd Hammer—L.
11. Wold, Dartmouth
Throwing Discuss- E. Gilfillau, Notre
Dame. . ,
Throwing Javelin —E. M. Angler, C-hi—
! cago.
Pentathlon -Robert Le Gendre, Goorge
i town.
I wood like it es I cud play half a
seson with one lege and half with the
uther, then I'd sho these pichurs sum
lilttJn’. Milo Haekett, the butcher. Is
ruttln’ ice on Sugar crlk so we can’t play
ice bassball hear.
boys will not see surpassed this season,
no matter what team they meet.
Tfie first half ended with the score an
8 to 8 tie. Then came the battle and It
would seem that the college athletes had
a slight shade In endurance, and physical
condition counted. First one team and
ilien mother got a slight one or two
point lead. Scnoeneman was the danger
ous goal-getter for the Em-Roes. for
Klein was not hitting the nets last night
as hp has In other games. It was after
the middle of the second period had been
passed that the Boilermakers got started,
and then they went wild. It was In those
minutes of play that Church, whose .floor
work had been the marvel of the game,
seemed to Increase in apeed, and he
worked to M. M. Smith. That athlete
shot goals at bad angles and with less
than a fraction of a second In which to
get rid o' the hall, for those green and
white-shlrted athletes were on him like
a flush, hut It was too late. Purdue got
what might, he almost termed a com
mandlng lead cf three baskets, and then
the Km Roes staged a rally. Schoeneman
and Klein found the basket, but It was
ton late, and Purdue had won by a mar
gin of three points In what will go down
in history as the best basketball game of
thp 1919 1920 season In Indianapolis.
One thing was demonstrated In last
night’s game and that Is that. Indian
apolis needs a gymnasium large enough
to accommodate the hundreds of basket
ball fans who went to see games in this
city and it Is to be hoped that In an
other year such a building will be
erected. Lineup and summary:
Purdue (27). Em-Roes (24>.
Church ....Forward Klein
M. M. Smith Forward... Schoenemun
Tilson Center F Smith
White Guard Behrent
Cofling Guard Feeney
Field goals—M. M. Smith 8. Church,
Tilson, White, Klein 2. Schoenemnn 4, F.
Smith 2, Behrent, Feeney.
Foul goals—White 5, Klein 4.
Referee—Head (Centre); umpire, Mo
lony (Notre Dame).
KOKOMO, Ind., Jan. I.—The Wabash
college basket men overcame an 18 to 12
lead in the closing minutes of play here
last night and defeated the Kokomo
Chamber of Commerce quintet, 84 to 23,
In the first game of their barnstorming
trip. The Kokomo team started the
game with a rush and looked like easy
winners, but In the middle of the Initial
period McNutt, center and star of the
outfit, was disqualified for four personal
fouls and their play was greatly weak
ened. The half ended with Kokomo
leading by a good margin. In the second
period Adams, Etter and Kashner found
the basket for Wabash and scored sev
eral field goals in rapid succession.
The college squad will play at Tipton
tonight and close their trip at Lebanon
Tom Velonls won a fall from Mike
Candy In five minutes in a wrestling
match last evening at the V. M. C. A.
The winner weighed In at 133 pounds,
while Candy tipped the scales at 125
pounds. Mick Sammons of Detroit and
Sam Davis of the Y. M. C. A. wrestled a
fifteen •minute draw In the other match
of the evening. Sammons challenges any
middleweight wrestler in the state and
Davis Is anxious to hook up with a light
weight. Athletic exhibits of nil sorts and
descriptions were on the “Y" card for
|iiiiMinmiiiiii[iii J iitiiiHiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiia BY EDDIE j |
Wonder what kind of anew profiteer
will spring up this year. /
The water wagon has been Junked, but
water rates are going up.
Why don’t the editors have a heart
and quit playing up those New Yorn
’•parties?” Don’t they know that In
dianapolis is the greatest inland city in
the country? No three mile zone privi
lege here.
Someone asked Charlie Greene what
lie had planned for the evening. “Get a
shine and attend a movie,” replied Chas.
Present day yeggs are not satisfied
with a f.w thousand; they either get
$50,000 or SIOO,OOO or they don’t play.
Some small town teams don’t seem to
mind a little thing like a robbed bank
if their basketball teams can beat rival
burgs In the court game.
Instead of passersby assuming a look
of amazement when the newsboy cries
out about another bank being blown
they now chuckle about It.
Now that the colleges have adopted
boxing what is the Indianapolis anti
boxing clique going to do about it?
V. Fowler says his home town was so
tough mattresses were stuffed with ce
If the bidding for the Carpentler-
Dempse.v bout continues admission will
be so high no one will be there but
the Itockerbilts, Vanderhips, sugar kings,
bootleggers, yeggs, rent gougers and
cloth and shoe makers. ___
CHICAGO, Jan. I.—Joey Fox, Eng
land’s featherweight champion, and for
mer bantam king, arrived In Chicago yes
terday for a short visit here. He is ac
companied by his brother and manager,
and the party looks typically British.
Fox has just come through three hard
bouts, all within a week, aud shows lit
tle marks of them, except for a cut on
the lower lip. where Lynch him
one In the east. The partF expects to
hook an early match with Johnny Kll
bane either In Newark, N. J., or New
NEW YORK. Jan. I.—When Johnny
Dundee, local Italian lightweight, enters
the ring against Champion Benny
Leonard for their twenty-round bout at
New Haven Jan. 16. the Italian boxer
will he competing in his eleventh con
test over this distance. This experience
In long distance bouts is expected to
serve Dundee well. liConard never has
boxed more than twelve rounds, and is
more unaccustomed In the matter of
gauging bis speed.
OSHKOSH, W!s . Jan. I.—The Oshkosh
lodge of Elks having received a state
license from the boxing commission per
mitting boxing shows at the clubhouse,
a: rangements are under way to hold a
series of contests this winter.
Merchandise purchased from U. S. Government and governmentnß*' :
contractors—also surplus stocks of commercial merchandise.
EXTRA 1 ArrivcdM
New equipment, made for soldiers and
sailors, now on sale at bargain prices
Following is a parfiiß
Attention-High School Cadets! Lut of the Many B
„ „ t j —Articles Now Reai ß
U. S. Army h ” : —■
O. D. Wool for Your Selection M
0 . 11l Ilk JS. IMBM —Liberty Lights
/f\OrC (Electric FlashllßhJH
COdlo —Watch Guards m
Three-quarter length ISSn / j A I —Money Belts
\ f I id\ ("Leather or
,K (1 A / J —Map Cases
gjgpf / /I -yf! ... "*/ (Leather or Ca^l
m -sa^y
S V/U —Blanket Rolls TB
j/ j|f Pyramid TenuJ^^H
—Snappy looking coats.: I II — Bathtubs ffl
Just the garment all the I M , (With stand.
boys ha\e been looking for f • TT
Every coat is In good con- If O&llOrS H&miElH- r,'' -
dltlon, and cleaned and II Hemember —OII 1 J
thoroughly sterilized; while If 4 qq fhe.se COatd. Sleeping .PtlgS JBUfEg 7
-100 last at ST.SO. If
}} —bet yours early. —and score* of
m^—— J too numeron* to nH'v
All Goods as Advertised—-Everything Marked in Plain F;||
—Money Refunded
Orders IBiSr A lrj ** k imsaFSl Ik. r A \ A BflH
Promptly Evening!
A heavyweight champion is a fellow
who always says he prefers to fight and
doesn’t want to be an actor and then
goes and does exactly the opposite.
The fight fan helps a good hoy to the
top and then the good boy demands so
much money for his end that the fight
fan never sets eyes on him again.
The high class basketball displayed
by the Purdue and Em-Roe players was
not the only thing that amazed the
fans last night. One spectator appeared
In a full dress suit He still lives.
According to the latest fashion talk
from Paris, the French dears evidently
are going In for basketball. The new
modes call for extremely short skirts,
sandals, no sleeves and no stockings!
Slim Sallee, Bill Rarlden and Eddie
Rousch are farming near Cincinnati.
Why not change the name of the club
to the Cincinnati Aggies?
Someone asked John Tracey about
the “shorty" quotations and he replied
they were beyond reach. ,
“How much can you get for a dollar?”
the friend asked.
“You said a mouthful,” answered John.
Looks like the sport world would raise
a lot of things this season. The big
league baseball mags have raised the
price of admission to the bleachers. Babe
ltuth has raised his own salary demands.
John McGraw has rased his offer for
Roger Hornsby. Promoters trying to
sign Jack Dempsey are raising hundred*
of thousands of dollars dally. Ban John
son and his cohorts, and his enemies in
baseball are raising b—l.
Seems strange that no one has raised
the 1920 pennants yet. And it looks
as If the war-time ban on kicky throat
washes would not be raised.
Party of human bounds were out
hunting. One fellow who had used up
more ammunition than the other four,
and hadn’t bagged a bunny, drew the
sympathy of the party. His four com
panions were loaded down with rabbits.
But hunter No. 5 couldn't hit ’em. Along
toward sundown his four companions
ci)nie across a rabbit in a snow drift
and caught him alive. They tied a
string to one of his kind legs and lei
No. 5 shoot at him. On the first shot
he scored a hit. vHe cut the string In
two and the speedy hare hot-footed it
out of range.
Now they're boxing on skates. • Pretty
soon someone will try to play checkers
on the Ice.
Chief received a setback In his local
amateur tbree-cushlon championship as
pirations yesterday afternoon at the
Board of Trade when he was defeated by
Houseman, 45 to 25, In 101 innings. The
defeat dropped Chief out of a tie for the
first position with Ferguson and Ander
son. Houseman and Chief are now tied
for second place with eight victories and
three defeats. No more games will be
played in the tourney until Friday, when
three games are on "the card.
Chance of Sport Being Legfl
ized Puts Gotham in Carfl
pentier-Dempsey Race.
Principals Biggest M
and Care ■nttle
United Press Sports Editor.
NEW YORK, Jan. I.—Jack Dempsey
will give Carpentier a chance at the title
In America.
This hunch Is growing Into a con
viction In sporting circles. Every move
being made recently by the army of
womld-be promoters and the fighters them
selves seems to Indicate that the Cham
pion will defend his crown not In France
or in London, but In the United States.
There’s a hunch of the same size that
the fight will be staged right here in
New York. Such strong assurance has
been given that the state legislature will
legalize boxing that some of the pro
moters are acting as if it had been done
already. >
Both Kearns and Deschamps can talk
big money, and It will take a b!g pro
moter with big money to listen to them.
A million dollar gate seems to be the
ambition of the rival managers and It
seems sure that America can come
closer in approaching that sum than any
of the foreign countries. Dempsey
wants to flght in America. There’* no
doubt of that. He has expressed- hie
x. guess to cross the water bit Iml
doesn't relish the chances. Jack
rather flght here where he knows HI
climate, where he knows the rulos
where he has the crowd with him.
Carpentier also wants to flght on
side. It is not generally known that tH
Frenchman prefers to leave his natlH
land for the biggest battle
Georges makes no Senes :i b Jpr,, ; aLs.& S
‘ money and ;,e's ijfit sf . 5
he .-an the nje.-r of it. 'j
H •h■ nk < that is Anier !■-,. pilllyllllill
ev.-r here for a tneatrleal
“Pr-t'i The trip will hcM -
: ■" 1. than tha^B^^S&^s
■he 1 re;;.-* man a '. ce-e to HHHHHI
"f 'he mid learn hj*E
n-Gh 'he Yankee fans. \£gsSS£Q' jt
< '...’hr;, n. It N tree
|e. JME:,,
O- . . _-e -V,.' right in I O’,as L 4 4 . ;
L; id H
Hot that eon: r *
a -Ht
*' ' •• wii: Se if Deni
'I ( • -t aid ’\. : i
' ' • ■\ i ■?".*.
1 ' ' h •g h
g ■ *
■ H
r k• • i’Lv ’.-'T”;
f .ii: .-••>(...• i•• and
loss. /f , i -
The place that lands tHH' '
he the plfl.-e that has the
to ofl i and America has a rej^K.A' 1 ;
for dough.

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