Newspaper Page Text
12 National Life Insur ance Day January 19 Only a small amount a year is necessary to protect your loved ones with life insurance. Yet sometimes it is not easy to meet the premium payment. Why not deposit in the bank each month a certain percent of the premium and thus he sure of having the amount in hand when it is due? Jfletcljer £abtogg anb tEnisst Cempnjp Northwest Corner Market and Pennsylvania. SIPE TRIAL SEEN LATE THIS WEEK State Prepares Amended Re turn on Petition. Attorneys representing Adjt. Gen. flarry B. Smith and other officers of the Indiana state militia, made party de fendants to the habeas corpus proceed ings of County Clerk Richard V. Sipe, today were preparing an amended return to petition for the writ of habeas cor pus. Attorneys for Mr. Sipe maintain that the return Is not sufficient and that it should contain the oath administered to members of the court-martial that sentenced Sipe to five days’ hard labor at the Indiana state farm and ordered him dishonorably discharged from the Indiana state militia. Judge Louis B. Ewbank late Saturday continued the hearing until the amended return is filed. It Is expected the case will go to trial late this week on the facts of the case. Slpe’s attorneys attacked the legality of not only the court-martial which tried Sipe. but claimed that the court-martial in this case did not have the legal au thority to deprive Sipe of his liberty. Attorneys for Adjt. Gen. Smith con tended that the militia was legally or ganized and that the court-martial was regular. Attorney Edward W. Pelt, for Sipe, alleged that the whole affair was an “at tempt to railroad Sipe into punishment." Trustees to Plan Further Fund Drive / ......- Plans to raise $2,000,000 of the pro posed $7,000,000 endowment fund of But ler college will be made at a meeting of the executive committee of the board of trustees of the college Wednesday night at a meeting to be beld at the office of Attorney Emsley Johnson, 707 Law build ing. The executive committee consists of James L. Clark of Danville, who is chair man; Dr. Thomas C. Howe, president of the college; William G. Irwin of Colum bus; Merle Sidener of Indianapolis, and Hilton U. Brown of this city. Present plans call for the launching of the financial campaign as soon as possible. Kiss or Bite? Gash Takes 3 Stitches There may be doubt in the mind of Panl Graham as to whether Desa Wash ington was trying to kiss or bite him. But there is no doubt but that it took three stitches to close the wound in his lip. The woman is under arrest and Gra ham is recovering. He told the police he roomed at her home, 321 Toledo street. His key failed to open a door and he tried to enter the house" by the front window. A conversation with Miss Wash ington ended when she sunk her teeth in his lips, he said. Graham also was arrested by Patrolman Baker and Mc- Calllster. Both are colored. G. O. P. Editors Invite Candidates to Dinner Five republican aspirants for governor win be Invited to sit at the banquet of the Indiana Republican Editorial asso ciation at the Claypool hotel on .Tan. 30. They are: Wnrffen T. McCray, Jventland; James W. Pesler, Indinnapo- Hs; Edward C. Toner, Andersou ; I,lent. Gov. Edgar D. Bush of Salem and Ed .Taekson of Lafayette. San Antonio and Laredo, Texas Mr. Business Man or Woman You need a ten-day relax for those nerves. I have it for you Come join us on this personally conducted tour to St. Louis, through h Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas to San Antonio and Laredo At on the Mexican border, where the oranges are growing ripe, flowers are in bloom and Mexican peons going barefooted. A visit to quaint old San Antonio, a hunt and a trip across the border for those wish ing to participate, and returning, a trip through the oil fields. You yet have time to get ready. I will take your reservation up until the train leaves at 12:20 p. m. Tuesday, Jan. 20th. For the payment of $125.00 you have this splendid rest and vaca tion, which cost covers all transportation, standard Pullman and eating on diners, hotels and amusements. I have been sixteen years a Big Four railway conductor and will know how to make your trip enjoyable. We leave over Big Four and M. K. T. 12:20 p. m. Tuesday, Jan. 20th, 1920. VERNON HINKLE 337 LEMCKE BLDG. Circle 2791 GOODRICH COUP SINKS HARPOON INTO WATSON Violates ‘Harmony Agreement’ in Seeking Presidential Preference on Ballot. WANTS TO RUN THINGS Breaking faith with the supporters of James E. Watson in the republican ranks Gov. Goodrich has finally determined that he will seek absolute control of the re publican delegation to tbe national con vention through a primary preferential vote for himself, and has started peti -1 tions to put his name on the ballot. Unless this movement is checked at once It means that there will be a di vided delegation sent by Indiana to the Chicago convention or Watson will have few, if any, friends in the delegation. The determination of Goodrich to have his name on the ballot is a direct va riance from the “agreement for har mony” that was produced by Will Hays between Watson and Goodrich several months ago when it was announced that there would be no entrant In the prefer ential vote for the presidential nomina tion. v At that time it was agreed that for the benefit of the party it would be best for Watson to remain an acive candi date for senator and confine his work : on the presidential delegation to seeing that the delegates were men who could be depended on to gravitate to Wat son in the event there was a demand for Watson’s candidacy created from out side Indiana and developed on the floor of the Chicago convention. It was planned by Watson to have the delegates pledged to Goodrich as long as there was a chance of Goodrich being nom inated for president, but to take care to select such delegates as could be de pended on to break to Watson in tbe, event there was a chance to nominate j him and non© to nominate Goodrich. WATSON STRATEGY i GOES AWRY. The Watson people believed themselves ; jin a good strategic position as a re- j 1 stilt of this agreement and they allowed > the word to go forth that there was j ! complete harmony between Goodrich and Watson. This apparent harmony con- | tinued until last week, when the Wat- I son people discovered that Goodrich was | preparing to present his name in the primaries and was arranging to name delegates who were not agreeable to Watson, but could be swayed by Good rich to any candidate he saw fit when it became desirable to trade off the In- j diana delegation. Goodrich has gone about the selection j of the Chicago delegation with all the j smoothness that is characteristic of his j other political moves. He has Intrusted 1 the matter of getting up the petitions for his name on the preferential ballot to j Edward J. Robison, who, he once said, is j “one of my closest business and per- j sonal associates.” Robison was actively engaged In the j management of Goodrich’s campaign for governor and his name appears in a number of distinctly Goodrich schemes ; which have marked the administration in ■ the last three years. ALSO DIRECTOR OF GLOBE MINE. Robison is a director and active mans- j ger of the Globe Mining Company, the company to which Goodrich traded tbe services of convicts from the penal farm ; for the opening of the stripper mine In j Pike county. Investigation disclosed that ! Goodrich's son, Pierre, was also a dlrec- , .tor and stockholder in this companj j while the penal farm convicts were build ing a railroad to this mine and clearing DREADED FOR NIGHT TO COME ' ' Texas Lady, In Pretty Bad Fix, Heard of Cardui, Tried It, And Now Says It Saved Her Life. Chilton, Texas —Mrs. Mary Reese of this place states: “Some time ago I was quite sick and suffered a great deal. I had been suffering quite awhile ... At times I had such severe pains in my back, across my hips and in my sides — I was in a pretty bad fix . . . was so restless I dreaded for night to come. Having heard of Cardui, I thought I'd try it ... I commenced to get better with my first bottle. I took six bottles of Cardui, and will I tell any woman what this Cardui Home Treatment can and will do if taken according to directions. We not only feel it cured but . . . most likely saved my life. I am able to do my work with ease and know Cardui did it.” Cardui has been found to relieve many womanly pains and ailments, and thousands of women have writ ten to tell of the benefit it has been to them, in cases of female troubles and weakness. Cardui is prepared from mild, me dicinal ingredients, which act as a tonic and help build up health and strength in a natural manner. Try Cardui. At druggists.—Adver tisement. INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA. There Are 25 Parks, With an Acreage of 1,901, inlndianapolis There are twenty-five parks in Indianapolis, distributed through out the city, with an area of 1,901.6 acres, valued at $4,680,938. A boulevard system connecting these parks encircles the city. There are three publio golf courses and many public tennis courts. —One of a series of articles prepared for The Times by the convention board of the Advertis ing Club of Indianapolis. away the ground preparatory to taking out coal by steam shovels. This is the company which Martin Lowisb, one of the stockholders said, under oath, gave Goodrich and Ward Watson $25,000 of its capital stock “for services." Robison’s name has also been connect ed with certain transactions which the state board of accounts has been inves tigating in connection with its recent probe of the affairs of the state fair board. He is said to have had a connec tion with the ownership of certain res taurant fixtures which were bought by the state fair board at a price higher than they were once offered to the board. Robison is generally regarded as a "smooth" political manager and in con nection with the governor’s selection of candidates for delegates be is expected to deliver to Goodrich whatever Goodrich wants to the entire exclusion of the Watson element—Copyright, 1920, Indi ana Publicity Bureau. FEAR REDS? NO!- SAYS DR. HOUGH He’s More Afraid of Men Who <( See Red.” Don’t fear the reds. This is the advice of Dr. L. H. Hough, president of Northwestern university, who has traveled extensively In Europe studying social conditions. “I am a great deal more afraid of the man who ‘sees red' than the man who is red,” ho said. “The man who ‘sees red’ is filled with fear, but fear is worse Itself than that which causes it.' Dr. Hough told an audience at the Meridian Street M. E. church last night that stability, sobriety and good will are forces which will safeguard the fu ture of America. These forces will guld* and restrain the new liberty we have found since the war, he said. Ever Good Oleomargarine—Glossbrenner’s. CHEST CLOGGED DP WITH HEAVY COLD? Don’t give it a chance to “set in’—Use Dr. King’s New Discovery. THAT dangerous stage where a cold or cough or case of grippe might get the better of you may be nearer than you think. Prompt action with Dr. King's New Discovery will avert a long I siege. For fifty years It has loosened eon- ; gested chests, dissipated tight-packed phlegm, broken vicious colds and coughs. Give It to the youngsters—take it your self. There will be no disagreeable after- j effects. 60c and $1.20 a bottle. At your drug gist’s. Bowels Become Normal —liver livens up, bile flows freely—head ache, biltousness, tongue-fur, stomach sourness, disappear when Dr. King’s New Life Pills get in their natural, comfort able action. Purgatives, never pleasantly correc tive, sometimes habit-forming, should not be taken to rack the system violently. Nature’s way Is the way of Dr. King’s New Life Pills—gently hut firmly func tioning the bowels, eliminating the intes tine-clogging waste, and promoting the most gratifying results. Cleanse the sys tem with them and know the boon of reg ular bowels. 25c at ail druggists. Cups and Saucers 18£ up Dinner Plates 10£ up Fancy hand-painted Plates. j 30-piece Dinner Set $4.95 Little Furniture Store 211 E. Washington St. The Easier Kind of Coffee —No Coffee-Pot Needed i 1'- * ' XTQ boiling, no straining, no muss, no bother, no grounds, no waste, no coffee-pot. Scientifically refined by Mr. Washington’s refining process. It comes to you in concentrated powder form, and all that is necessary is to add the water —hot or cold. Dissolves instantly. Any one can make absolutely pure, delicious coffee, with strength to , <lJ^l suit individual taste. Made in the cup at the table. Send for Free Recipe Booklet . G. Washington Sales Cos., Inc.* 334 Fifth Avenue, New York /jflf v I 'i3m YjP the tajb/e. yf iHiMwfaiiTniTmTf V —. J I" LL Went toWar JTH jy Originated by Mr. Washington in 1909 ) Juinana §aihj kitties GOMPERS RAPS SEDITION BILL Unamerican and Kills Lib erty, Says Union Head. WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.—Denouncing the peace-time sedition bill urged upon congress by Attorney General Palmer as Prussian and czaristic, Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, today said: “American citizens who love liberty and love America can not stand Idly by and permit this legis lation to be enacted.” Mr. Gompers’ indictment of the bill is sweeping. He asserts that not only is It a grave threat against labor, but that It could perpetuate autocratic censorship over the entire American press, and would re-establish the censorship of the postmaster general even to private cor respondence. y The measure in general is character ized as a bill against opinion and advo cacy designed to set’ up a government not of law but of men. Berlin Denies She’ll Treat With Soviet BERLIN, Jan. 19.—Newspapers here to day denied a report printed in Paris that Germany will send a commission to Moscow to negotiate with the bol sheviki. ABANDONED 1JA..1 DIES. A week old colored baby was placed on the doorstep of the Colored Orphans’" home, 317 West Twenty-first street early yesterday morning. By the time it was found It had died of exposure. Micros It’s Easy—ls You Know Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to feel young—to do this you must watch your liver and bowels—there’s no need of haiing a sallow complexion—dark rings under your eyes—pimplesr-a bilious ’oos in your face—dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from inactive bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act cn the liver and bowels, which he gave to his patients for years. Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, are gentle in their action yet always effective. They bring about that natural buoyancy winch all should enjoy by toning up the liver and clearing the system of impurities. Dr. Edwards’Oiive Tablets are known by their olive color. 10c and 25c. Easy Way to Keep Your Hair in Curl If you have trouble keeping your hair in curl, you'll do well to try plain Liquid Silmerine. Apply a little at night with a clean toothbrush, drawing this down the full length of the hair from root to tip. The hair will dry in the prettiest waves and curls that you can arrange, and the effect will appear al together natural, instead of that dull, dried-out look whtch the heated iron gives, the hair will be bright, lustrous and beautiful. # Liquid Silmerine is, of course, per fectly harmless to hair and scalp and Is neither greasy nor gummy. If you will get a few ounces from your druggist you will find it quite inexpensive to use.— Advertisement. 134 SOUTH ILLINOIS STREET- Just received anew shipment— gj% £% I* HEAVY RIBBED SWEATER GOATS, All sizes &U.9OJ An opportunity of a lifetime to buy at these prices— * >\ neiv raincoats. Special this week only— Army field and march- Gas-mask material sl2 00 ... , . , , . , , . . Serge *0 50 All our reclaimed woolen mg shoes; newly repaired ; a belts*’ ?he£ ye co r at°aro e- undershirts and drawers and soled by the U. S. waterproof- and * uaranteed at— Government— 55c $3.00 QUEEN CITY SALVAGE CO.lX‘ South Illinois Special Attention Given Mail Orders * wIMHII IHllilrlw VII ¥¥l When accompanied by cash, certified check or money order. - v Store open f* ,m 8:00 a. ra. tiU 8:00 p. m. APPONYI IN BUDAPEST. \ PARIS, Jan. 19. —Count Apponyl, head of the Hungarian peace delegation, re turned to Budapest today. Indianapolis Public Schools E. U. GRAFF, Superintendent. R. C. LOWELL, Director of Vocational Education. - Free Public Evening Schools SECOND TERM NOW OPEN At Manual Training High School. Foreigners’ House. Arsenal Technical Schools. Slovenian Home Association. Schools Nos. 8,9, 12, 41, 51, 52, 55, 17, 23, 24, 26, 42, 63? 64. Classes In English for foreigners Common school branches in the Elementary Schools. High School subjects In both High Schools. Vocational Trades and Home Economics classes Id High Schools and several elementary buildings. Tills Is Your Opportunity to LEARN MORE TO EARN MORE Old classes continued and new classes started the second term. Classes In other subjects started If fifteen people apply. High School classes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 7:30 to 9:30. Elementary classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7:30 to 9:00. ENROLL EARLY AT THE SCHOOL BUILDINGS L , mm t H Giving Up Our I I Shoe Department H | WATCH-WAIT | 1 Sale Starts Saturday, January 24th m WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN THIS PAPER FRIDAY | SACKS BROS. AH,I Electric Washing Machines fiunstMd te wish 100 per cent eleeJL ***** Sold on convenient term*. *■“- HATFIELD ELECTRIC CO. CLOTHING ON CRE DIT PEOPLE’S CREDIT CLOTHINO CO. N. PENNSYLVANIA ST. 2nd FLOOR ALL INTERURBAN ROADS LEAD TO D. N. FOSTER FURNITURE COMPANY 117-119-121 West Market St. Across Market Street From the Terminal Station. COP BREAKS HIS ANKLE. Patrolman J. T. Fields encountered an icey sidewalk Sunday and today Is at his home, 1222 Churchman avenue, with a broken ankle. MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1920. “TVhat a splendid-look ins old lady.” “Yes, and s she’s just as kind as she f is pictured in that pho tographic portrait by WPW * irS Jr Ninth Floor Kahn Bldg. " . 1 *4 'T&hmnti ITMI74* L Washington ft * ■■■ ■■■■■ ■ ,i Mending TISSUE ~WSSTSSS No darning. Repairs clothing, ■llk. satin, cotton goods, ribbons, fabrics of all kinds, kid gloves, mackintoshes, umbrellas, parasols, stockings, etc. Pack age postpaid. IS cents, two packages, 24 cents. Address PENN PUBLISHING CO., WnlrsviUe, Pa. Right Now! —With every clock tick, something big passes by. Do you know what it is? It’s the whole world. But more than this —your chance to do something very much worth while —it also speeds past, unless you do it very quickly. There is only one time to do what you have in mind to do, and that is always—Right Now. So, Right Now, say tbe things you want to say. Right now do the big thing you had in mind. Right now take heart and hope. Right now step up and on. Right now beam out that smile. Right now think up that thought. Right now all things must be “done up brown.” Tomorrow’ is sure to be too late —no matter how tired or disinclined you may be today. For tomorrow' there will be no today. And today there may be no tomorrow. So you see. Right Now is the time to open that Savings Account We Pay —O/ on Savings £- T2 /o Meyer-Kiser Bank 136 East Washington Street The Home of the $4.50 Eye-Glass Lenses with any desired mounting in O i fiT A stock, case and cord complete y* Kryptok invisible bifocals for f A FAR and NEAR vision (ground 17'HJf I together, not cemented), com- V J V J p’ete, with your choice aj a of mounting $8 to &JLM A splendid iwmptot* MMrtn ent of mounting* to Mleet from, Hoosier Optical Company 148 N. Illinois St. Open Saturday Evenings Manufacturing Opticians. No Charge for Examinattana. THIRFT SALE OF CANNED GOODS Government Canned SUGAR CORN, A Ala 48 cases large No. 2 cans, each Im2V Per case, $2.50. 48 cases fancy INDIANA TOMATOES, A— No. 2 cans, each Per case, $2.80. 60 cases fancy INDIANA TOMATOES, A 71^ No. 3 cans, each M. 4 2V Per case, $4.00. 100 cases Scott County RED BEANS, 4 No. 2 cans, each lvL Per case, $2.25. 100 cases large cans PINK SALMON, large cans, each Avt Per case, $9.00. The above prices will hold good all this week; the thrifty housewife will take advantage of these offerings. WILLIS MODERN DENTISTRY Is Absolutely Painless ]T p 1 There was, of course, a time when some dental work could not be done without considerable pain. But, in these days of anesthetics and scientific methods pain has been driven from the dental office. Os course, ex perience and equipment enters into dentistry to a great extent. Better choose a dentist who has a large practice. He generally knows every phase of the business aMittle better. EITELJORG & MOORE MT, r\r*xtticTC • Ground Floor. M DENTISTS . Ladj Attendant. L ~ T-r- I ' ■ IF IT IS IN tHB LINK OF HARDWARE YOU CAN GET IT AT VONNEGUTfI HO TO I*4 CAST WASHINQTOM ATRKKT MEN’S REGULAR $L29^ Jersey Sweaters 97c —Come in navy bine only. 36 to 44. While they last, 97^. Panlelq ©OUTLET® GREER-HANKINS LBR. GO.l Appllers and Retailers A VULCANITE ASPHALT SHINGLM and ROLL ROOFING 1 tM MASS. ATE. Main 747. Phone*. Auto, S2-21M DETROIT VAPOR STOVES PENINSULAR STOVES GURNEY REFRIGERATORS CHENEY PHONOGRAPHS For Sale by HOOSIER OUTFITTING CO 443-5 E. Wash.