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Indiana daily times. [volume] (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1914-1922, January 19, 1920, Home Edition, Image 5

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WEEK to show
Lodge May Balk Negotiations
Entirely If Compromise
Is Not Effected.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 10.—The present
week 1* expected to show conclusively
-hether a compromise can be arranged
■ the peace treaty through the me
dium of the bl-partlsan conferences now
ing on. If this method falls other
inpromise attempts will doubtless be
iiiade, but failure of the present effort
would be exceedingly discouraging, sen
ators said today.
The chief reason so much Is held to
spend on the bi partisan conference is
that Senator Lodge, republican leader
*uid the man npon whom more than any
;ne else In the senate compromise de
oends. is one of the conferees.
' \r.K negotiations.
Should the present discussions demon
rate to Lodge that democrats will not
ield on article 10. the Monroe doc
*rine and other major points in dispute,
it is believed by his friends that he will
l>e reluctant to have anything to do
with any other proposal for bringing to
gether the disagreeing groups.
There Is growing feeling lri the sen
ate that the discussions now going on
will result during the week in an “agree
ment to disagree,” which will once again
demonstrate that the democrats are
standing firmly against any repudiation
of American obligations under the league
of nations and that the Lodge group of
republicans are Just as firm for the
Lodge reservations.
The bi-partisan conversations will be
resumed late today In Lodge’s office.
Roth democrats and republicans indicate
that today’s meeting may become a de
$25.00 Wing
Solid mahogany wing
rocker, very similar to
cut, but with medallions
in back.
$225.00 overstuffed davenport,
covered in high grade of tapes
try, loose spring seats, spring
arras and back. Sale price,
$450.00 Louis XVI period din
ing room suite, consisting of
ten pieces; Amer>cag walnut
veneer finish; sixty-inch buffet,
large size china closet and
server, five slip-seat leather
chairs, host chair to match, large
table. Sale price, 8369.00.
$362.00 three-piece overstuffed
living room suite, with loose
spring seats, spring arms and
back. Covered in a high grade
of tapestry. Sale price, 8279.
$375.00 three-piece overstuffed
living room suite, covered in a
high grade of combination ve
lour and tapestry. Large and
massive. Special sale price,
$280.00 three-piece overstuffed
living room suite; I'oose spring
seats and spring backs, covered
in a good grade of tapestry.
Sale price, 9237.50.
Ten-piece oak “dining room
suite, “Stickley” finish, plain In
design; consists of sixty-inch
buffet, large table, china closet,
serving table, five tapestry seat
chairs and host chair to match..
Very special at 9290.00.
$18. 75
This large size looker is
made of fumed quartered
oak. and covered with best
grade imitation leather. Has
full spring seat, and a Very
handsome piece of furni
cisive one, although efforts will be made
to stave off the final break as long as
Borah, one of the irreconcil
able group of republicans, today wrote
Leonard Wood a letter much like
the one he recently addressed to Go>.
Lowden of Illinois. Borah asked Wood,
as a candidate for the republican nomi
nation for the presidency, to state his
position on the league of nations.
President Wilson is keeping in close
touch with all movements now under
way in the senate to effect a compro
mise on the treaty.
Today the president received a com
plete report on the bipartisan confer
ences which were held last week be
tween Senator Lodge and republican and
democratic senators. Senator Hitchcock,
democrat, and Secretary Tumulty held
a long conference yesterday, walking for
many miles in the brisk winter weather
and discussing fully the treaty situation.
Speaker Launches
“Smile Campaign ”
at Big Meeting
~n®.brbert Leon Cope of Boston, Mass.,
wants all Indianapolis to smile with him.
He began a “smile campaign” at the
Y. M. C. A. big meeting Sunday after
“There is a lot of philosophy in laugh
ter,” he said. “I believe the time will
come when they will study it In the
public schools.
“God himself enjoys a joke. If he
didn’t some of you men wouldn’t be here
“You never saw a homely face wreathed
in smiles, for a smiling face is not
“Money is all right. A man has to
have ambition to make it, and I admire
The boys’ big meeting at the Y. M.
C. A. was addressed by S. 6. Schurte,
secretary of the Brightwood Y. M. C. A.
Sunday afternoon.
20 % to 40 % Savings, and In Some Cases Half
It would be impossible to go into the market and duplicate at
wholesale the furniture in this Semi-Annual sale at anywhere
near the prices—and we are offering this furniture at 20% to 40' o
and, in some cases, 50% less than prevailing retail prices.
The Semi-Annual Furniture Sale is a tradition in this store.
We can point with pride to the number of comfortable homes in
this city and state that owe their comfort to this sale.
Deferred Payment Plan
Furniture delivered immediately;
payments can be arranged in con
venient monthly terms.
Adam Period Mahogany
Bedroom Suite
This very fine Adam period. bedroom' suite, in antique
mahogany (exactly as pictured), consists of 4.6 bedstead,
42-inch bureau, triple-plate toilet table and 34-inch chiffonier.
Beautiful Three-Piece
Cane Suite, Special
Just a few suites, exactly as sketched. Have loose-spring
cushions in seat, three sunburst pillows and round bolster roll.
All covered in beautiful and artistic two-toned blue velour.
$420.00 two-piece living room
suite, covered in high-grade wis
teria tapestry; loose spring
seats, spring arms and backs.
One of the most handsome suites
we have. Sale price. 9369.00.
$450.00 Louis XV ten-piece din
ing room suite, in Jacobean oak
finish. The suite consists of
sixty-inch buffet, six-foot fifty
four-inch table, 'china closet,
serving table, five tapestry seat
chairs and host chair to match.
Special sale price, $290.00.
$415.00 three-piece overstuffed
living room suite. Covered in
an excellent grade of verdure
tapestry. Large and massive in
design. Sale price, $350.00.
The Little Theater society will present
Thursday evening at Ft. Benjamin Har
rison. a one-act comedy, “Enter the
Hero,” under the direction of Mrs. James
Harris. The members of the cast will
Include Miss Jean Holmes, Miss Marjorie
Childs, Miss Louise Bennett and Thomas
Flaherty. The program will be com
pleted by readings by Miss Helen Floyd,
vocal numbers of Miss Ruth Sterling and
Merle Krug; dances by James Kellar,
and piano numbers by Ethel Martz.
The Writers’ club has extended in
vitations to the society to be present at
their meeting, which will be held in the
Cropsey auditorium at the public libra
ry. Tuesday evening. Jan. 20.
The cast for “Bushido,” which will be
given Friday, Jan. 30, by the society, will
include the following: Miss Emelle
Kipp, Mrs. Margaret Beazley, Miss Elsie
Goett, Lauren Stokesbury, James
Anthony,- Charles L. Rorhmann, George
Somnes, James Morgan, Charles Wil
liams, Ralph Ballou, Edward E. Werner,
Raymond Gregg, Horace Slraler, Miss
Caroline Hendricks and Herman L.
Thpee other plays will be given at
this time, “Woman's Honor,” by Susan
Glaspell. the cast of which will be made
up by James Morgan, Edward LaShelle,
Mrs'. " Elizabeth Schofield. Mrs. Stephen
Bogert. Mrs. R. L. Moreheacf Miss Mary
Parks Thomas, Miss Caroline Hendricks,
Mrs. Homer B. Anthony, and Mrs. De
marchus Brown; “Moonshine,” by
Arthur Hopkins, to be given by Robert
T. Tracey and 11. B. Williams and “Un
spoken,” by Clarence Stratton, to be pre
sented by Mrs. Elizabeth Fair, Mrs. Her
bert Foltz, Russell Stewart and H. L.
COLUMBUS, Ind.. Jan. 19.—There was
an increase in the number of buildings
erected and homes remodeled in 1919,
according to construction men here to
<t y. Figures showed the total projierty
valuation was $188,785. The largest per
mit issued was for $30,000.
The Layaway Plan
Furniture may be selected now
and a small payment will hold it
for future delivery.
$450.00 Louis XV dining room
suite, in Jacobean oak finish.
The suite consists of buffet,
table, china closet, serving table,
five genuine slip-seat leather
chairs and host chair to match.
Special sale price, $369.00.
$75.00 triple mirror dressing
table, Chippendale period,
American walnut finish, $49.00.
Wool Man Says Nebraskan
"Framed” IL S. People.
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Jan. 19.
W. J. Bryan was named here today by
Frank J. Hagenbarth as an agent for
the high cost of living.
Hagenbarth, president of the American
Wool Growers’ association, told his con
vention today:
“It isonow geven years since an iniquit
ous frameup, engineered by W. .T. Bryan,
fastened these free trade shackles on
the unorganized American farmers. It
is only by the grace of and the
artificial help of the war that American
meat and wool husbandry has survived.”
Hagenbgrth attacked the railroad ad
ministration and the federal trade com
“Railroad service has been so poor as
to Inspire the thought it was deliberately
so,” be said.
Criticizing the trade commission, Ha
genbarth said the big packers are
“quasi-public institutions and should
operate under fair federal supervision.”
Hagenbarth claimed there •will be no
reduction in wool prices. He asserted a
50 per cent reduction in the price of
•wool would mean only a $2.50 reduction
on a suit of clothes.
Camp of Woodmen
Adds 1,540 to Roll
Marlon camp. Modern Woodmen of
America, added 1,540 new members dur
ing the campaign which has Just ended,
it was announced today. A class of 170
was Initiated Saturday night. W. D.
Headrick presided as toastmaster at a
banquet which was held in the Chamber
of Commerce. John T. Harris of Rock
Island, 111., national editor of the lodge's
official publication, was among the
SSO ivory enameled Wil
liam and Mary period chif
fonier. Sale price, $37.50.
$75 odd rockers, loose cush
ions, spring seat, cane backs
and sides. Covered in high
grade of striped mulberry
velour. Sale price, $55.00.
S9O Colonial period ma
hogany chiffonier, $72 50.
$454 Ivory, enamel torch
poster period bedroom suite,
consisting of six pieces.
Large massive dresser, full
size bed, triple mirror dress
ing table, chiffonier, chair
and rocker. Sale price, $360.
$45.00 William and Mary pe
riod library table, small oval
wood center inset in a full cane
top. mahogany veneered. Sale
price, $35.00.
$45.00 Charles II solid mahog
any rocker, upholstered seat
and back in a good grade of blue
velour. Sale price. $27.50.
$27.76 wing back, medallion
center <iane chair. Upholstered
in mulberry velour. Special sale
price, $22.50.
$60.00 open top desk, Chippen
dale period. American walnut,
finish, $42.50.
$46.00 triple mirror dressing
table, birdseye maple, plain
style plate mirror, $35.00.
$310.00 three-piece overstuffed
living room suite, covered in an.
excellent grade of tapestry. The
three pieces, $249.00.
$t96.00 high grade overstuffed
loose back spring seat and arm
davenport, Large and massive,
full spring back, removable
arms. Covered in good grade
of tapestry. Sale price, $155.
$49.75 Colonial period library
table. Mahogany veneered. 48
inches long, and scroll design,
Mrs. E. C. Rumpler, chairman of the
women's division of Near East relief, is
sues an appeal to the women of Indiana
on behalf of'the sufferers of Armenia and
asks support for the campaign to be con
ducted from Feb. 1 to 22. Mrs. Rumpler
“The sorrows of the Near East are
so great and its_ sufferings are so in
tense that we are compelled In the name
of humanity to listen £o the cry of its
stricken people. Women and little chil
dren are pleading for help from the
women of America. Thousands of starv
ing and homeless orphans cry to us tor
food and shelter and for the care of the
mother torn from them by cruel Turks.
Many young women enduring shame and
degradation as Slaves in oslem harems
call to us for release 'from bondage.
These helpless women have but one hope
“I know that these calls will not fall
on deaf ears. American women will sac
rifice much to meet the needs of their
sisters in these stricken lands. Contri
butions to be made later through tte
Neast East relief committee will be/dis
tributed by American workers who are
ministering angels in the land of stalking
"As chairman of the woman's division
for Indiana I appeal to every organiza
tion of women -church, clubs, fraternal
order, labor union, social organization
and to individual women to do their ut
most to save a life this year. Five dol
lars per month for one year will save a
life. I am confident we will not fall
them in their hour of need.”
Housewives to Hear
Committee Report
The purchasing committee of the Tbir
tentb ward organization of the House
wives' league will make a report; at the
weekly meeting in the branch library at
Madison avenue and Prospect streets on
Tuesday evening. Members of the Tenth
ward organization arc invited to attend.
Prepayment of Freight
We will prepay freight within a
radius of 200 miles of Indianapolis.
$125 large and massive
scroll Colonial dresser. Has
large plate mirror. In ma
hogany veneer. Very spe
cially priced fpr this sale at
S2BO four-piece Adam pe
riod, Ivory enamel bedroom
suite. Full sized bed, large
dresser, full size vanity
dresser and chiffonier. Sale
price, $237.55.
$125 Adam period, bow
front bed, full size. Very
special at $98.00.
SBS ivory enameled Adam
period dresser, has fine plate
mirror. Sale price, $69.50.
$55.00 Queen Anne period
solid mahogany library table.
Sale price, $45.00.
, $295.00 three-piece cane living
room suite, upholstered in fine
grade of verdure tapestry. Two
loose pillows, large size daven
port and rocker to match. Spe
cial sale price, $255.00.
Three-piece overstaffed living
room suite, loose spring seats,
cushion spring backs and arm.
Chair and rocker to match. All
covered in good grade of tap
estry. Sale price, $337.50.
$65.00 heavy Colonial period
triple mirror dressing table,
ivory enamel finish, large and
massive, $45.00.
$165.00 two-piece ivory enam
eled dresser and triple mirror
dressing table. Adam period,
large and massive. Sale price,
$75.00 Louis XV, ivory enam
eled chiffonier; has deep draw
ers and nicely finished. Special
sale price, $57.50.
$55.00 ivory enameled triple
mirror dressing table, Adam
period in design. Sale price,
We want to keep this tradition. We want to keep on making
new friends through this great sale and that is why we are hold
ing it, in spite of all indications of higher prices to come.
If your home needs new furniture, this sale is your opportunity.
If you are planning to establish anew home, it will amply repay
you to make your selections now and have them laid away until
needed. .
Mail Orders Filled
We will fill all mail orders for
Semi-Annual Sale furniture, subject,
of course, to prior sale.
Says First Class Sea Force
Essential to United States.
BOSTON, Jan. 19.—“ We need a first
class navy, always ready to meet the
demands of the nation,” Maj. Gen. Leon
ard Wood, candidate for the presidency,
declared at a meeting ip the Old South
church here. "We want a good navy,
highly trained men and good ships.”
Wood said. "They are a very active force
for peace.
“I do not think we want a large army.
I am very much opposed to it. We only
want a large navy. The army should be
Just large enough to police the uation
In time of ileaoe." Wood also advocated
bulidlng up a larger merchant marine.
Wood declared there is no time for
new ideas of a loose and dangerous kind.
Referring to the activities of “reds,” he
"You find too many men advocating
radical ideas under the guise of liberal
ism. The danger within our homes comgs
not alone from the radical element, but
as much from our indifference.”
Commenting upon woman’s suffrage,
Wood declared :
"I ,think women coming into politics
will do a lot of good.”
Baking* Plant Till
Robbed of $237
Burglars got $237.65 from the cash reg
ister in the Porterfield Baking Company,
4 East Washington street, it was dis
covered when the store was opened this
morning. The robber entered the front
door with a key.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 19.—Lily Frank
enstein, sale* girl, says she sold Alvin
Frankenstein a necktie one morning. By
ntglit he had it around her neck and lcj
her to the altar. She asks the court to
untl the knot.
$450.00 Period
Dining Room Suites
Queen Anne period, as illustrated, or in Louis XV or XVI
periods. American walnut, antique mahogany or Jacobean
oak finishes, making nine different suites to select from.
These suites consist of 10 Fifty - four - inch dining
pieces— room table.
Sixty-inch buffet (with Cabinet serving table,
either wood or mirror Five slip-seat, leather
back). bottom chairs.
Large size china cabinet. One host chair to match.
~ s3lo.ooßeautiful
Overstuffed Suite for
This high-grade three-piece overstuffed suite, exactly as
pictured, has soft spring arms, lo'ose spring cushions in seats.
Covered in good grade of beautiful verdure tapestry.
Census Inspectors
Threaten Arrests
John E. Spiegel, supervisor of the cen
sus for the Marion county district said
today that the Indianapolis canvass has
been completed with the exception of a
few omissions and a few persons who
have refused to answer questions put to
them by the enumerators. Those who
have refused to give information will be
called upon by an inspector, and if they
persist in refusing, arrests may be made.
Assistance Reaches
Fishing Steamer
BOSTON. Jan. 19.—The steamer Sea
Bird was standing by the steam trawler
Curlew of the East Coast Fisheries Com
pany to render any assistance necessary,
acceording \to a wireless messsage re
ceived here today.
The Curlew sent out distress calls last
night, but did not state the nature of
her trouble.
Marines to Be Given
Victory Buttons Soon
Victory buttons soon will be issued
to former marines at the Urtited States
marine corps recruiting office, 157 North
Illinois street, it was announced today.
Men who desire the buttons should ac
company their application with their dis
charge papers.
Capt. Bairnsfather
' to Be Here Jan. 29
Capt. Bruce Bairnsfather. the creator
of “Old Bill" and his pal "Alf,” will
appear here Thursday night, Jan. 29.
Caleb Mills ball, under the auspices of
the William Noble Wallace Post No. 19$.
American Legion. Capt. Bairnsfather
had five years experience In the big
fight “over there,” and his two cartoon
characters reflect the spirit of tbe Tom
mies. He will illustrate his talk with
cartoons and sketches.
Charge Purchases
Upon request, will be placed on
February bill, payable in March.
$195.00 overstuffed davenport,
covered in good grade of verdure
tapestry. Loose spring seats,
spring back and arms. Sale
price, $159.00.
Great Victory for Cause Seen
in Raising of Blockade.
LONDON. Jan. 19.—Moscow newspa
pers saw in the supreme council’s ordef
lifting the blockade against Russia a
“great victory for the soviets,” an official
bolshevik wireless communique said to
The newspapers expressed elation over
resumption of foreign trade.
“Those heretofore regarding tbe sov
iets as merely a passing phase in Rus
sian government,” the communique said,
“now appreciate the fact soviet power is
established firmly and that it has accom
plished a great advance toward recon
struction which will forever change the
physiognomy of our social order.”
One newspaper, according to the com
munique, asserted “our enemies now real
ize they are powerless to strangle ns by
armed force. The blockade has been
broken* through her victories of red
armies. However, we must beware of ex
cessive optimism. We must ever be ready
to repel attack.”
Fraternity to Give
Dance on Feb. 14
The Thi Delta Theta fraternity will
give its state dance Saturday night, Feb.
14, at the Athenaeum. J. P. Kinsey of
DePauw university is of the
committee on arragements and he In
sures a number of novel features. In
cluding a southern tpusical organization
to play for the dancers, and professional
entertainer to perform during the inter
mission. This dance wdll be the first
big social affair the fraternity has given
in this city since the close of the war
and will serve as a general Jollification.
A personal appeal is made to every
member of the fraternity In Indiana to
attend. The committee arranging the de
tails of the dance will open headquarters
in this city this week.
$65.00 Four-
Poster Bed- v
stead, $52.75
This four-poster bedstead,
has mahogany panels in the
head board and very mas
sive posts made out of four
inch stock.
Nine-piece dining room suite,
mahogany veneer. William and
Mary period. Consists of sixty
inch buffet, large table, *'hina
closet, five genuine slip seat
leather chairs and host chair to
match. Sale price, 9325.00.
$120.00 Tudor period mahog
any buffet, sixty inches long,
with plate mirror. Sale price,
$375.00 mahogany Adam pe
riod dining room suite of ten
pieces, large size buffet, china
closet, table, serving table and
five' genuine slip seat leather
chairs and host chair to match.
Special sale
Nine-piece walnut veneered
William and Mary period dining
room suite, consisting of large
size buffet, table, china closet,
five genuine slip seat leather
chairs and host chair to match..
Special sale price, 9325.00.
$290.00 overstuffed living room
suite of two pieces, covered in a
high grade of tapestry. Loose
spring seats, spring back and
arms. Spec ia 1 sale price,
$290.00 two-piece overstuffed
living room suite covered in a
high grade of tapestry. Loose
spring seats, spring back and
arms. Special sale price,
Fireside Chair
♦This beautiful Queen Anne
Fireside chair, exactly as
pictured, is of the big,
roomy, comfortable type,
deep and luxurious and
covered with extra good
grade of tapestry.
—Pettis furniture dept., fourth floor.

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