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2 CENTS PER COPY VOL. XXXII: NO. 219. TAX BOARD AID GIVEN ANOTHER GOODRICH FIRM Jeffersonville Concern Has Low Value for Taxation, High for Rate-Making. GOVERNOR IS DIRECTOR The Constitution “The general assembly shall pro vide by law for a uniform and equal rate of assessment and taxation; and shall prescribe such regulations as shall secure a Just valuation for tax ation of all property, both real and personal."—Constitution of Indiana. The Jeffersonville Water, Light and Power Company is assessed for taxation by the state tax board at $170,000. The Jeffersonville Water, Light and Power Company is valued for rate mak ing purposes, by its indirectors in a report to the public service commission, at $274,662. The Jeffersonville Water, Light and Power Company has among its directors, according to its report to the commis sioners, J. P. Goodrich and J. T. Moor man. James P. Goodrich Is the governor of Indiana, who forced the tax law through the republican legislature and thereby conferred Jurisdiction over the assess ment of this company on a board of tax commissioners, which he later appointed. ALSO INTERESTED IN GARBAGE PLANT. J. T. Moorman is the same J. T. Moorman who appeared before the board of review of Marion county in behalf of the Indianapolis Reduction Company and swore that its property consisted only of a garbage plant, which was not worth the cost of Junking. The Indianapol s Reduction Company is the company which sold this same plant to the sani tary district of Indianapolis for $175,- 000. Subsequently this company was dissolved, and it was learned that both J. P. Goodrich and J. T. Moorman were stockholders in It, and profited by the sale. . The difference between the valuation w>f the Jeffersonville company for taxing purposes and the valuation it attempts to establish for rat 6 making purposes is $104,662. The tax rate for the city of Jefferson ville, on file in the office of the state tax board, is $2.66 for each SIOO of value. On this basis the company of which Goodrich is a director will save $2,784 in taxes this year. It has often been pointed ont and never disputed that whenever an Individual taxpayer is assessed at a lower rate than his neighbor, then that neighbor must pay an increased and unjust amount of taxes, for he must pay not only the taxes which are Justly taxed to him, bnt also a part of the taxes which his neighbor escaped. HOW LAW HITS MARION COUNTY. In Marion county it has been shown both to the satisfaction of the state board of tax commissioners and to the courts that property is taxed to its true cash value and in some cases the as sessments are greater than the true cash oralue. This is not the case, however, wrlth utilities in which Jim Goodrich is interested. The Jeffersonville company’s rcase does not differ from that of the Washington Water, Light and Power Company. Goodrich Is Interested in both of them. The state tax board fixes their assessment for taxation purposes at approximately half what their true valu ation is fixed at for rate-making pur poses. The connection of the governor with each is plain. But the iniquity of the assessments is no greater tban in other cases thst have come to light before and since Chairman Ed Wasmuth of the republican state committee declared that the dis satisfaction wit hthe tax law was due to the manner In which it was admin istered rather than to the law itself. NEWS CASE ITNE EXAMPLE. One has only to go as far as the case of the Indianapolis News to see how for tunate aro those taxpayers who are in n position to receive and grant favors. The News was appraised by'tbe apprais ers of the probate court of Marlon county at $2,000,000. It is appraised for taxation at approximately $297,000. Tn the case of the News the appraise ment was made by local taxing officials. It was subject to review by the state board, but the state board did not re view it. In the cases of the nttlitles with which Jim Goodrich is connected the state board of taxation had original Jurisdic tion and fixed the valuations. The foregoing provisions of the con stitution do not appear to have been considered in the fixing of any of the valuations here enumerated. ANDERSON VOTE CASE IN COURT Statehouse Employe Charged With Changing Ballots. Special to The Time*. ANDERSON, Ind., Jan. 21.—Trial of Homer Kimberlin, republican politician and deputy clerk in the supreme court at Indianapolis, charged with tampering with election ballots, opened here this morning. A jury was completed late yesterday. Kimberlin, It is charged in an affi davit filed by-Ljohn Beeler, an attorney, jjjj’oke into ballot boxes holding the votes In tee Madison county superior Judgeship election In 1918. Forest Ag new Is accused with him. In one precinct the ballots supposed to have been altered showed a wide dif ference, it is said, from the original count favoring L. E. Kimberlin, repub lican candidate for Judge. The case has attracted considerable In terest over the state. After a contest which went into courts here, Willis Ellis, democrat, was declared the duly elected superior Judge over Kimberlin. Ex-Divorce Proctor Gets One Herself KANSAS CITY. Jan. 21.—A divorce mrmm entered in the circuit court yester day for Mrs. Tiera Farrow Moats, former divorce proctor of Kansas City. Kas. The decree was obtained against Franklin F. Moats, oil operator in the Oklahoma and Mexican fields, who lives at Tampico. Mexico. Mrs. Moats Is one of the best known women lawyers in the country. FLAYING LEADS TO DEATH. LONDON, Jan. 21.—“ Let's ■ play trag edy,” suggested Harold Ferris, 13. He tied his brother’s bands and feet and tossed him in a fish pond. by misadventure,” decided a coroner’s Jury. Published at Indianapolis, lnd„ Daily Except Sunday. New Paris Cabinet Head Was Former A Isace Governor PARIS, Jan. 21.—Alexandre Milleraad, governor of Alsace, has accepted the offer of President Poincare to head the new French cabinet. Georges Clemenceau, the retiring pre mier, and his cabinet turned over their portfolios to the new cabinet headed by Premier Millerand this afternoon. BOOZE STILL IN POLITICS, CLAIM Seek to Get Wets Into Office, Says Anti-Saloon League. The liquor interests of the connty are still in politics, the Anti-Saloon league of Indiana charged today. They are seeking to present men for office who will let down the bars on the enforcement of the liquor laws, from president on down to local officers, the trustees of the league declare in resolu tions made public today. "It was reported at our trustees meet ing, held yesterday afternoon, that a certain man who wants to be governoi of Indiana told members of a ministerial association in an address that he is op posed to the extension of reform to other lands,” said E. S. Shumaker, sec retary of the league, today. “This man has been considered a drry, and we are not saying that he is a foe.” continued Rev. Shumaker, “but we are going to investigate and find out how he stands on these great questions.” MAY ASK FOR STATEMENT. Asked if the candidate would be called upon for a statement, Mr. Shumaker said this course probably would be adopted. There is greater need than ever for a continuation of the efforts of the Anti- Saloon league, the trustees decided. In their resolutions they say that the hard est part of the battle which brought about nation-wide prohibition still Is ahead. Three lines of action were out lined, as follows: 1. Defense of prohibition against propaganda, including charges that pro hibition has widened the breach between capital and labor. 2. Obtaining strict enforcement of nation-wide prohibition. 3. Giving aid to the cause of world wide prohibition. A state-wide campaign in behalf of the Anti-Saloon league will begin Feb. 14, it was decided. Many prominent speakers will travel through the state, Including Col. Dan Morgan Smith of Chicago, who fought in France. NICHOLSON AGAIN HEADS LEAGUE. Timothy Nicholson of Richmond, who has been president, of tbe Anti-Saloon league since its inception, was re-elected. He is 92 years of age. Other officers chosen were: Bishop H. H. Fout of Indianapolis and Rev. Ft. C. T. Baron of Edinburg, vice presidents; H. L. Whitehead, Indianap olis, secretary; O. H. Palmer, Indianap olis, treasurer, and Mr. Shumaker, super intendent. Members of the local head quarters committee are Mr. Whitehead, P. C. Curnick, C. M. Dlnsmore, Rev. W. B. Farmer, Bishop Fout, C. H. Wind ers, F. W. Backemler, Charles A. Reeve, all of Indianapolis, and D. M. Horner of Middletown. One of the immediate objects of the temperance forces is to bring about pro hibition in Mexico, said Mr. Shumaker. “We believe that American temperance workers should lend friendly aid to bring ing about prohibition in all parts of the world, particularly in Mexico,” said Mr. Shumaker. ‘‘lt has been said that it was booze that maddened the brains of the bandits who ‘shot up’ the town of Columbus, N. M. The United States was forced to pa trol 800 miles of the Mexican border, evn while the war with Germany was going on. “The existence of booze in Mexico is ndlP helping the strained relations of that country and our own. A Mexican mis sionary who attended a conference in tills country recently declared that if booze were eliminated in Mexica the American soldiers could be withdrawn from the border. Many Driven from Homes by Smoke A number of persons living on the second and third floors over Mortimer Schlusser’s .meat market, • 63-65 Virginia avenue, were driven into the street at 4 o’clock this morning when the building filled with smoke from a fire In the basement. The cause of the blaze was not deter mined. The loss was about S3OO. Hoosier to Reswear Allegiance After Forced British War Service MUNCIE, Ind., Jan. 21.—Charles "Happ r ” Butterworth of Portland, Ind., is to become an American citizen again by taking the oath of allegiance to this country in the Jay circuit court, according to a ruling made by Fred VanNuys, United Sta* <s district attorney for Indiana. Butterworth ran awa from home sixi years ago and went to England on a cattle ship. When the war broke out he was unable to prove his American cit izenship and was conscripted into the British army, swearing allegiance to England. He served five years during the war and experienced much diffi culty in being discharged. Entered as Second Class Matter, July 25. 1914. at Postoffice, Indianapolis, Ind., under act March 3. 1879. EDDIE WEBER NOW RUNNING MAYOR’S AUTO Former Pugilist and Ex-Boss of Notorious Saloon on City’s Payroll. JEWETT IN AN ACCIDENT Eddie Weber, former prize fighter and a man well known to the police because of his former connection with the notorious Weber saloon at 1102 North Senate avenue, is now Mayor Jewett’s chauffeur. Weber is on the payroll of the city in that capacity. It is not known whether he was employed because of his former connections with the saloon, which had the reputation of always being protected by the police. The Weber saloon was formerly one of the most notorious places in the city and Is said to have run wide open on Sundays, as well as other days. It fig ured largely In the city’s record of crime. TWO MURDERS IN WEBER’S SALOON The police have records of two mur ders which were committed there. On Aug. 4, 1912, a man known as Henry Jameson, 1215 North Missouri street, was stabbed by “Peachy" Butler in a fight in the saloon. The second murder was committed there July 30, 1913, when Pearl Bedloe was shot and killed by Harry Dyson, a negro bartender. Eddie Weber was for a long time as sociated with this place, and is said to have spent a greater part of his time (here before prohibition closed its doors and Eddie was elevated to the position of chauffeur for the “good government” mayor. EDDIE AND MAYOR IN AN ACCIDENT. The first public notice that Eddie hart become chauffeur for the mayor was given following an accident in which he and the mayor escaped serious in jury. The accident was said to have oc curred last Saturday night on the Pen dleton pike; east of Brigbtwood, and It was reported that the car in which F.ddie was driving the mayor turned over an embankment. It was not an nounced whether the car was the new one purchased without an appropriation by the council, which car was stoieu several months ago, Just before the mayor and his party intended to go to Cincinnati to attend the world series in it. This car was afterward recov ered in Chicago, It originally cost the city of Indianapolis $2,550 and a subse quent bill was allowed covering the cost us its recovery. BOLSHEVIKI SET TO CRUSH POLES Terrific Spring Drive Would Wipe Out ‘Buffer State.’ WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.—A ferrlfl sprlng offensive by tbe boisheriki against the Poles Is expected by military experts here today. This drive, they believe, will be cal culated to annihilate Poland as the “buffer state” between red Russia and the non-sovlet nations of Europe, per mitting Trotzky’s hordes to advance into them. Simultaneous with this of fensive, military observers expect the bolshevik! will stage a major demonstra tion against India, which will force the British to divert their troops to that area and prevent them from intervening in Europe. In their plans the red leaders are be lieved to be counting on a “tired of war" spirit in England and other allied coun tries which will prevent the people from heartily supporting their government in fighting the bolaheviki. Winston Churchill, British war min ister, has seen the peril, in the opin ion of military men here, and he Is try ing to persuade Premier Lsoyd George to take steps now to ward it off by taking the aggressive against the reds. Maj. Gen. Bliss recently returned from Paris, also sees the danger of a renewal of large scale warfare if the bolshevikl break through Poland and is advocating allied aid to the Poles. Bolshevism was a live topic today with delegates to the Pan-American con ference here. Methods of keeping It out of South America were unofficially dis cussed. ‘Bolshevism Is ten times worse than militarism,” said Dr. Carlos Sampaio of Braztl. “I would rather have Germau militarism than Russian bolshevism. In Brazil, however, the people do not re spond. to It and we deport them as fast as we find them.” $200,000 LOSS CAUSED BY FIRE Part of Fond du Lac Business Section Is Destroyed. FOND DU LAC, Wis., Jan. 21.—The most disastrous fire in twenty years started in the business district early today and had caused a loss of more than $200,000 before it was brought under control. The fire started In the Rub building, the most pretentious structure In the city, and swept through two ad joining blocks. Three firemen were overcome by smoke and taken to tbe hospital. Many Boats Lost in Storm Off Norway LONDON, Jan. 21.—Many boats have been lost in severe storms off the coast of Norway, a dispatch from Christiania re ported today. Thirty-seven fishermen were drowned when one vessel foundered. He was informed that swearing alle giance to England took away his cit izenship rights in the United States and that he would have to be naturalized like other foreigners, but the rulings of Van- Nuys makes only on oath of allegiance to the United States necessary to restore him to his United States citizenship. INDIANAPOLIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1920. Apple Cider off Market; Grows ‘Hard ’ too Fast Commission Men Say Strength Passes Law’s Limit While Waiting Sale. Commission men announced today that they have discontinued the sale of apple cider. The Volsted prohibition act was given as the cause. According to the provisions of this act any drink is barred that has more than one-half of 1 per cent alcohol. Com mission men say they can not sell cider fast enough to prevent it from "harden ing” Just a little bit. Walter Hitz of the firm of George Hitz & Cos., .said if the commission man could tell every day just what his sales were going to be, cider could still be sold. But if the day’s sales were not equal to the cider made by the time the stock was disposed of, it might have accumulated enough of an alcoholic kick to put it under the ban of the law “For the present we are not making any cider,” Mr. Hitz explained. "Later on there may be some ruling that will put the commission man on surer ground. Until then my advice would be for cider dealers to go easy." CRASH AFFECTS PASTOR’S HEART Rev. Paige Hurt on Car at Ft. Harrison, Confined to Bed. Rev. Lucius R. Paige, pastor of the Central Unlrersallst church, who was one of fifteen passengers Injured last night when an Anderson car on the Union Traction line crashed into a cut of freight cars at Ft. Benjamin Harrison was confined to his bed at his home, 1649 North Delaware street, today. Rev. Paige was badly cut about the head and the shock of the accident af fected his heart. Physicians are unable to say whether he suffered internal in juries. John D. Clifford of Connersvllle, presi dent of the state Unlrersallst church, and Carl D. Mock of Indianapolis, presi dent of the Universallst Sunday School association, who were accompanying Rev. Paige to a meeting at Oaklandon, also were hurt. Others were not seriously hurt. According to officials of the traction company, the motorman was unable to stop his car because of slippery rails. ROADS TO BUCK RATES IN SOUTH Hines Notified of Opposition in Letter from Willard. WASHINGTON. Jan. 21.—That trouble is brewing for the south Atlantic and gulf ports and for the foreign trade In terests of the middle west was evidenced today In the publication of a formal letter to the railroad administration from Daniel Willard, president of the Balti more & Ohio, announcing that the trunk lines running into New York intend, as soon as possible, to fight the new freight rates accorded to the south and gulf ports by the railroad administration. The letter from Willard and Director General Hines’ reply to him were made public today by the middle gulf south Atlantic foreign trade and transporta tion committee, with headquarters hero. LOWDEN PLEADS LAWANDORDER Illinois Governor Points to Peril of Radicalism. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 21,-r-Sound popular government is America’s pro tection against the red evil, said Frank O. Lowden here today. 1 The governor of Illinois, who is campagning for the re publican nomination for president, ad dressed a large gathering here last night, pointing to the perils of bolshevism In this country. “The first principle of Americanism is orderly development,” he said. "The ballot is the ark of our covenant. The soviet government Is an attempt to sub stitute rule by one class for rule by another. If it is treason in a monarchy to lay violent hands upon the king it is treason in a republic to lsy violent hands upon the law. Government is our great est possession, for without it all is ruin." Referring to Mexico Mr. Lowden said: "It is a land of untold wealth. The same sun shines upon her fetrile fields that shines upon our own. But on one side of the boundary the fields are. waste, the people starve and want and despair are everywhere. We are not appreciative of the blessings of our gov ernment.” Flames Cause $65,000 Loss in Milroy, Ind. MILROY, Ind., Jan. 21.—Fire today destroyed a block in the city section of Milroy, with an estimated loss of $65,000. Among the buildings burned was the K. of P. building, which housed a bank and a general store. Edward Fisher and wife, aged couple, in whose building the fire started, were dragged from their rooms before they were Injured. The blaze is thought to have started from a gas stove when pressure came on. Britons Have Way to Rebuke Officials WREXHAM, England, Jan. 21.—Be cause, in the words of. the mayor, the town counsellors made fools of them selves on peace day, hereafter on state occasions they will wear cocked hats fur nished at the town expense. LEGION SPURNS DEMPSEY PLEA IN DRAFT CASE D’Olier Wires Boxer’s Man ager He Can Not “White wash” Military Record. KEARNS CRIES ‘FRAMEUP’ By DICK FARRINGTON, Jack Dempsey, world’s heavy weight boxing champion, is not com ing to Indianapolis to explain his war record—or lack of war record —to the American legion. But it isn’t Jack’s fault—the American legion doesn't care to have him come. In short, the legion, it became known today, has summarily dismissed Demp sey's plea for an investigation of his military draft status and as Shakespeare once said, has left him to the “bow wows.” Jack Kearns, manager of Dempsey, in submitting the boxer’s draft record to the legion asked that the champion be given a hearing. Franklin D’Olier, commander of the legion, today forwarded this information to Dempsey’s manager: “J,t Is not a function of the Ameri can legion to review acts of the gov ernment during the war In connection' with the classification of men subject to the selective service act, or to re view the claims of any individual who finds it necessary to justify his exemption from military service." NOT TO BE PARTY , TO CONTROVERSY. Hence it is declared to be plain to be seen the American legion ns a unit does not care to become a party to the con troversy over Dempsey’s military affairs, which had Us inception when several eastern legion posts adopted resolutions condemning the pugilist. Dempsey has maintained, in his effort to "whitewash’’ the smirch placed on him, that he was placed in a deferred classification by his local draft board in San Francisco because of a wife and dependent mother. At first he was placed in class A-4. Later this classification was changed in such a way that the pugilist would have been called Into service Inside of a month had the war continued. The draft board official, who reviewed his case, has defended bis ac tion. At this time the attack on Dempsey’s war record is particularly obnoxious to him because his manager is talking in half-million figures of a bout with Georges Carpentier. So strong is becom ing the pressure and feeling agiinst the boxer that promoters fear It will be un wise to stage the championship match in the United States. FRENCH CONTENDER WAS WAR HERO. The fact that Carpentier is Dempsey's logical opponent is one of the chief fac tors in bringing out sentiment against the champion, for the Frenchman was a hero in the war. He wears several decorations won in the air am! in the field. Coincident with the charges against Dempsey comes an echo of scandal in :ho heavyweight ranks. Jack’s manager asserts that much of the anti-Dempsey feeling is being created by the manager of Bob Martin, a heavyweight, who served overseas. Kearns claims insldulus propaganda is being spread against Dempsey by Martin’s manager, who has ulterior de signs. He charges that Martin, with his war record, Is seeking to “over throw" Dempsey and thus place himself in a position to demand the match with Carpentier, with its resultant rolls of wealth. CALL A HALT, KEARNS. WIRES. Kearns has wire Jimmy Bronson, man ager of Martin, the following request: "Cease spreading propaganda to boost Bob Martin and to promote a fight between him and Carpentier by sending out literature, false and misleading, In which you are at tempting to convey the impression that Jack Dempsey was a draft dodger and unfit to represent Amer ica In titular battles.” This should be interesting to the box ing enthusiast. In the first place it is generally agreed that Martin is not tn a class with Dempsey as a fighter. It . Is doubtful, many say. If Martin could last a round with the champion. But, be that as It may, Dempsey Is “on the coals" while' Martin Is basking in the sunshine of a war hero and getting the plaudits. So Kearns may know what he’s talking about. Boxing fans have taken the view that the Individual legion posts which con demned Dempsey did not investigate bis case before taking action. If Dempsey was given deferred classification when he wasn’t entitled to the same It Is a (Continued on Page Eleven.) CARRANZA TRIES COUP ON RIVAL .. . Concentrates Railroad Prop erty in State Obregon Perils. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Jan. 21.—Fol lowing reports that Gen. Obregon Is in open revolt against Carranza, advices reached here today stating that Carranza hns ordered concentrated in Mexico City all the railroad material and rolling stock In the neighboring state of Michoacan. The dispatches relating to the revol were received with great credence by Mexicans here. A parallel is drawn be tween the government's present con centration order and similar steps taken by Carranza in 1916 when Villa was pre paring to launch a rebelion in Aguas Callente. MRS. FLEISCHMAN GRANTED DIVORCE Millionaire’s Wife Names ‘Mrs. Hemenway’ Likely Successor. CINCINNATI, Jan. 21.—Mrs. Lily Fleischmann was granted a divorce here today from Julius Fleischmann, New York millionaire and former mayor of Cincinnati. He did not contest the suit Hearing lasted less than a half hour. Mrs. Fleischmann will receive $25,000 a year from Fleischmann and their sum mer home at Eastern Point, Conh. In addition, in dividing his fortune, Fleischmann agreed to give his two children their portion of his estate and, besides alimony, has settled upon Mrs. Fleischmann a large sum, said to be be tween $1,000,000 and $2,000,000. The name of the woman who, it is charged, Fleischmann may wed, was given by Mrs. Fleischmann as “Mrs. Hemenway,” and she gave as her au thority George B. Lester, Fleischmann’s personal attorney in New York. Subscription Rates. { Elsewhere> By Mall, 50c Per Month. MARTIAL LA W DECLARED IN ITALY AS RAIL STRIKE SPREADS OVER KINGDOM SUE BANKS FOR BIG SUM PAID ON CITY CHECKS Claim Payroll Was Padded When Dennis J. Bush Was Street Commissioner. ASK $16,000 IN ACTION Seven suits, asking Judgments aggre gating $16,000 for payments made to al leged fictitious persons on the pay roll of the street commissioner's department ! under the administration of former Mayor j Joseph E. Bell, were filed by Attorney General Ele Stansbury against seven banks j and trust companies of Indianapolis be fore Judge Linn Hay of superior court, ! Room 2. j The city of Indianapolis is the plain tiff in each case and the alleged state of facts set up are based upon the findings of James D Smith and Tracy W Whit aker, state field examiners. It Is alleged the seven Indianapolis banks paid out on checks properly made out by the city officials a total of sll,- 299.35 on alleged fra idulent claims pre sented by Denni 1 ' J. Bush, former street commissioner under Mayor Bell. BANKS NAMED IN PKTITIbN. The following Indianapolis banks were j made defendants in the seven suits: The Merchants National bank, judg ment of $2,500 asked on checks totaling $1,742.06. The Indiana National bank of Indian apolis, judgment of $5,000 on checks totaling $3,474.98. The Aetna Trust and Savings Com pany, Judgment of SI,OOO on checks to taling S7OB. The Continental National bank. Judg ment for $1,700 on payments of checks totaling $1,257.85. The Fletcher Savings and Trust Com pany, Judgment of S7OO on payment of checks totaling $491.90. The Fletcher American National bank, judgment of $3,200 on payment of checks totaling $2,265.36. The National City bank of Indianapolis. Judgment of $1,900 on payments of checks totaling $1,359.20. The banks are in no way accused of fraud and there are no accusations nude ! against the hanks. The one who is charged with the al leged fraud is Dennis J. Bush, former ; street commissioner. CLAIM BUSH DEFRAUDED CITY. Tt is alleged that Bush during 1914 and 1915, as street commissioner tn the Mayor Bell administration, "practiced a , fraud on the city v>f Indianapolis, the j board cf works, the city controller and the city treasorer, by filing with, and '■ presenting to, the board of works of ; the city of Indianapolis, false and frau | dulent claims, in the names of fictitious 1 or non-existing persons for work al leged to have bqen done for the city of Indianapolis.” The board of works relied upon the certificate of the street commissioner, it is alleged, and did not know that the claims were filed for people who never existed or who never did any work for the city. The claims were then presented to Tn cob P. Dunn, the city controller, who approved the claims and drew warrants 1 on the city treasurer. Carl Von Hake, city treasurer, coun tersigned the warrants and then deliv ered the checks to the city controller, who in turn delivered them to the street department. AU of the suits allege that City Con troller Dunn and City Treasurer Von Hake did not know that the checks were In payment to persons who wore fictitious or nonexisting. OFFICIALS IGNORANT OF ANY FRAUD. After the checks were delivered to the j ! street department, it Is alleged that "some person or persons unknown to i the city of Indianapolis wrote the name , of the payee named in each check across ; the back and that each check was pre sented to the seven banks, that tlio checks were paid and charged to the city of Indianapolis. It Is also alleged that the board of works, the city controller and the city treasurer bad no knowledge of the forged indorsements of the names of the alleged fictitious or non-existing persons on the pay roll of the city street de partment at that time. A large number of alleged false and ! fictitious names and those of persons who are said to have never existed, were recorded in the various suits. Among the alleged fictitious persons to whom the checks were made payable on pay rolls alleged to have been submitted by Bush are: Leo Anderson, John Beach, Frank Can ton. Ernest Davis, Ernest O. Davis, Frank Dickson, William Gill, Roy C. Gates, Harry Graves, William Henry, John Harris. John Hendricks, Harvey Jones, George Jones, Sherman Jackson, Roy Z. Kimball, Alford Knott, •William Lenord, Louis Myers, James Smiley, Charles Self, E. B. Tolan, Ed Wren, Mark Williams. ; Frank Akers, M. McGlinchey, Roscoe Jones, W. J. Robinson and many others. CITY OFFICIALS FREED OF LIABILITY. Some months ago Judge Louis Ew bank of the circuit court held that city officials were not liable for payments 1 made to persons who actually performed no work for the city, but gave Judg ment against Bush for $6,500. The present suits against the seven banks are based upon the theory that the city warrants which were cashed were forged. By agreements all of -the seven cases' filed against the banks today were filed before Judge Linn Hay of superior court, room 2, instead of being scattered around to the other four superior courts. As the seven cases are similar, one ruling probably will affect all of the cases. The question Involved at this time is whether the banks who caßhed the vouch ers or checks are liable. Lake Ship in Ice Sends Call for Aid | CHICAGO, Jan. 21.—With part of its steering cable ripped away by huge masses of moving ice in the lake, the steamer Illinois of the Northern Michi gan Transportation Company wirelessed to Chicago today for aid. The Illinois is bound from Chicago to Milwaukee with freight. She carries a crew of thirty men, but no passengers. The SOS message stated the ice was eight feet high, In the lake. JEANNE DE KAY BELIEVED FOUND Arrested in South Dressed in Male Costume. ATLANTA, Ga., Jan. 21.—A young woman giving her name as Jean de Longe. but who is believed to be Jeanne De Kay for whom search has been insti tuted all over the country following her departure from Hull House in Chicago, is held here, charged with disorderly conduct for appearing publicly in man’s attire. She is five feet five Inches tall, has brown hair and blue eyes and her face is pimpled as though from recent ill ness. Her hair has just been cropped. AVhen closely questioned the girl ad mitted she had been in Chicago, Ohio and the west but said she was a native of Switzerland. She claims to be an aviatrix and that she has been making flights in the in terests of army recruiting. She says she was married to a French aviator named LaUue but that he was killed in action. N. Y. WORLD BOOMS HOOVER Declares Partisan Objections Arguments in His Favor. NEW YORK. .Tan. 21.—The New York world, in Its leading editorial today, declared for Herbert C. Hoover for president. The World, a democratic pa per, has been a strong supporter or President Wilson. “We should be glad to support Mr. Hoover as the democratic candidate for president,” the editorial said, “on a plat form that represented the historical principles of the democratic party. We should be glad to support him as an independent candidate on a platform ol progressive liberalism. We should not hesitate to support him as the repub lican candidate on a platform represent ing the kind of government which Mr. Hoover has exemplified In his public career.” The Wohld declared partisan objec tions to Hoover are arguments in his favor, adding: "The American people are tired of professional politicians and disgusted with party politics. The old party lines have been broken down • • and in respect to principles both parties are bankrupt." Most of the presidential candidates t,. both parties, the World says, “are sc inadequate in view of the Issues that the next president must meet that their aspirations are little short of ridiculous. • • * Os all the men whose names have been mentioned, the World believes Mr. Hoover alone measures up to the presidency In the fullest sense.” SIMS EXPLAINS HIS KNOCKING Rear Admiral Admits U. S. Navy Is ‘Entirely Solid.’ NEW YORK, Jan. 21.—Rear Admiral William S. Sims, storm center of the present naval inquiry at Washington, at a dinner for the Army and Navy clnb here last night, pleaded for the un muzzling of American navy officers dur ing peace times. He declared this was necessary, that their criticisms of the administration of the "first line of de fense” might tend to its improvements. Sims declared he had only done his honest duty as a naval officer in ex pressing his views upon the awards of medals and the geenral conduct of the naval administration. He declared several times that the “navy was entirely solid" and “that it was all right,” adding that "the difficulties were administrative and not operative.” WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.—Senator Walsh, Montana, today asked the senate to adopt a resolution censuring Rear Admiral Sims for making public his memorandum to Secretary Daniels in which Sims stated he had received or ders not to let the British "pull the wool over his eyes” and that "we would as soon fight the British as the Germans.” LOUISIANA VOTE FAVORS PARKER Democrat Claims Election to Governor’s Chair. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 21.—John M. Parker, candidate of the progressive party for vice president in 1916, was ap parently nominated on the face of the returns as governor of Louisiana on the democratic ticket by yesterday’s pri maries. A heavy vote was cast all over the state and Parker's reform candidates, waging a bitter fight against what they characterized as “the ring” in New Or leans, cut the majority of CoL Franklin P. Stubbs in this city to less than 5,000. Four years ago R. G. Pleasant, the present governor, who was one of Parker’s supporters, defeated him in this city by more than 14,000. Minneapolis Men Start Hoover Boom MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 21.—A “Hoover for president" boom was launched here today by a temporary organization ot several Minneapolis business men, formed last night The organization plans to push Herbert Hoover for the republican nomination for president Chinese Passenger Liner Hits Rocks SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 21.—The steam er China, a passengbr liner of the China Steamship Company, bound from San Francisco to the orient, is ashore five miles off Nagasaki, Japan, according to a cablegram received by the marine de pa rtmept of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce today. Home edition TWO CENTS. TROOPS PATROL LINES IN AREAS HARDEST HIT Abbreviated Service Kept Up- North and Central Sections Effected Most. SHOTS FIRED AT TRAINS ROME, Jan. 21.—A state of 6iege was proclaimed by the government today at Milan, Turin, Genoa and other cities in northern and central Italy as a result of the unrest which has accompanied the new railway 6trike. The strike areas are being patrolled by heavy forces of troops. A train near Genoa was fired upon, pre sumably by strikers. The railway strike is now general throughout the northern and central parts of the kingdom, but the southern railway employes have not yet Joined the movement. The Catholic workers are not participating. MEAGER SERVICE STILL MAINTAINED. The government, by use of troops, Is maintaining an abbreviated service on the trunk lines. The government has issued a procla mation prohibiting assemblages of more tban five persons. The confiscation of motor trucks has been ordered. The railway telephone employes ars joining the strike. The government professes not to be alarmed over the political aspect of the situation and Is relying upon the public to prevent anarchistic outbreaks. Government officials stated that the strike in south Italy ordered from Na ples was a failure and that only 13 per cent of the employes in other sections had quit. ALL TROOPS ON LEAVE RECALLED. Troops on strike duty were under spe cial orders to prevent sabotage. Tbe gov ernment has recalled all students in gov ernment schools, officers and privates, who were absent on leave. Former Minister Bissolati, leader of the right wing of the socialist party, is supporting the government and volun teered his services as a strikebreaker. The railway workers at Foggia have sent a message to King Victor Emmanuel guaranteeing their loyalty. The seamen's strike, which was to be part of the general plan to tie up traf fic and industry, was said to have failed. The railway strike came after the work ers bad rejected concessions offered by the government. Tbe government prom ised a wage increase and representation by the unions on boards of railway man agement, but the workers wanted more. WOMAN DOCTOR IS FOUND DEAD Dr. Luella Schneck, Active in Medical Affairs, Heart Victim. Dr. Luella Schneck, 52, one of the most prominent women physicians in Indian apolis, was found dead Ln bed at her apartments, 319 North Pennsylvania street, early today. Death was due to heart disease. Dr. Schneck had not complained of ill health and was active ln her practice up to within a few hours of her death. She retired last night but did not turn out the lights, and this morning Mrs. Louise Hysong, who lived in the same apart ment, discovered the body upon investi gating the lights. For eight years Dr. Schneck had been the physician for the Girls' school at Clermont. She has been active ln social work as well as in the practice of medicine. She has lectureo on medical subjects at the Indiana Medical college and at various hospitals in this city. She wa* graduated from Indiana Medical college in March, 1895. Dr. Schneck was born at Seymour, Ind., and lived there until she came to In dianapolis to attend medical college. After she graduated, twenty-five years ago, she returned to Seymour and was married. Her husband lived only a year after the wedding, and Dr. Schneck re turned to Indianapolis. She has prac ticed medicine in this city twenty-four years. She had her office and living apartments at the North Pennsylvania street address for four years. She was a member of a number of medical so cielties and also a member of the Me ridian Street Methodist church. Dr. Schneck is survived by a brother, Charles Miller of Seymour. Funeral ar rangements will be made upon his ar rival. Noninterference Japan’s Russ Policy TOKIO, Jan. 21. — A policy of non-in terference in Russia has been decided upon by the cabinet It was learned to day when the government declaration to that effect was made at a meeting of the diet. The cabinet has slso decided to make a frank explanation to America with re gard to the Japanese attitude toward the economic situation in Russia. Berlin Publishers Protest Suppression BERLIN, Jan. 21. —Publishers here to day protested formally against suppres sion of newspapers by the government. ifeTHEWKTHER,) Local Forecast—Fair and colder to night, with lowest temperature about 10; Thursday fair and continued cold. HOURLY TEMPERATURE. 6 a. m.... 21 7 a. m 23 8 a. m 22 9 a. m 22 10 a. m. • • •'V 23 11 a. m 23 12 (noon) 24 Sun sets today, 4:51; rises tomorrow, 7:01; seta. 4:52. One year ago today, highest temper** tore, 65; lowest, 40.