Newspaper Page Text
gw IT CANADIAN ■tar VETERAN’S *U. S. CITIZENSHIP Woman With Man Held for In quiry Before Immigra tion Officials. WAS BORN IN INDIANA Citizenship status of those from the United States, who joined the Canadian military forces during the world war, was today before the immigration bu ; reau for solution, with the arrest of Walter N. Smith, 27, and Mrs. J. N. Martin, 34, who were taken into custody for deportation by W. C. DeMiller, immi gration inspector, in Hammond, Ind., Monday. Smith served two years overseas with the Canadian army. When examined here he said he was born in the south ern part of Indiana, and was a citizen of the United States at the outbreak of the war. The woman is a native of 'Canada, she claims. CHARGE VIOLATION OF IMMIGRATION UAH. It is alleged that after being discharged from the Canadian army, Smith met Mrs. Martin and moved to Hammond, Ind., where it is said that they had been liv • ing together illegally. They are held by the Immigration bureau for deportation on the grounds that the immigration law has been violated by reason of the fact that they entered this country for al leged immoral purposes. The woman is said to have left her husband and five children in Canada. The tangle may lead to an interna tional question, should authorities in Washington rule to deport the pair. The question of Smith's citizenship is the paramount issue. Asa rule veterans of foreign armies have been permitted to return to this country aud assume cit izenship without following any set pro cedure. A bill is n<pw pending in con gress prodding that citizenship may be re-established by war veterans taking anew oalh of allegiance. OATH BEFORE COIRT HELD SUFFICIENT. A ruling was made yesterday by Fred VanNuys, United States district attor ney, in a case in Muncie, Ind., to the effect that an oath of allegiance taken before a court was sufficient to restore citizenship to those men who enlisted in foreign armies while citizens of this country. However, in the case of Smith it is doubtful os to whether he will be per mitted to take an oath of allegiance while under the present charges and may be considered an alien when the case is disposed of. Both Smit,h aud Mrs. Martin arc held in jail at Kokomo in default of a bond of SI,OOO each. Immigration Inspector DeMiller held the preliminary hearing in i Kokomo and made his report to the im migration bureau in Washington. Sigma Delta Plan t° Purchase House A campaign to raise funds for the pur- i chase of a Sigma Delta Kappa fraternity house on North Meridian street will be launched at once as the result of plans: made at a meeting of the Eta and Gamma chapters of the fraternity at the Coluraiha clnb last night. The two chapters have an option on a house on North Meridian street, which will probably be purchased. The meet ing last aright was ln the nature of a banquet. Among the speakers were Henry M. Spaan, Judge Louis Ewbank of the circuit court. IvllHam M. Fogarty and O. S. Hack. This fraternity Is com posed of law students and lawyers. Water Works Men to Meet in March The thirteenth annual meeting of tht > Indiana Sanitary Water Supply asso ciation will be held at French Lick March 8 and 9, Dr. William F. King, a member of the hoard of directors og (lie association said today. About 150 persons are expected to at tend the meeting. The membership in cludes water works officials, engineers, • ity officials and others interested In public and private water supplies. John \V. Toyn© of South Bend is president of the organization knd ’L. R. Tayloi of French Lick is secretary and treae, urer. Over 100 Attend K. of C. Classes \ " More than a hundred students are at 'ending the night classes at. the Knights Columbus home, Thirteenth and Dela ware streets, which arc being held on Vuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Satur day evenings. Public speaking, mechanical drawing, business English and salesmanship arc now taught, but in a few weeks classes in Spanish, French and journalism will be opened. Tuition is free to all former service men, regardless of religious affiliation. Catholic Publisher at Capital Session Humbert P. Pagani, business manager 1 of the Indiana Catholic and Itoeord and \ national chairman of the business and Advertising division of the Catholic Press Association of the Cnired States and i Canada, left today for Washington, D. '• C., to attend the annual convention of the association, which will be in session i Friday and Saturday of this week. The Catholic Press nscociation comprises all the leading Catholic newspapers am periodicals published lu this country and | Canada. Ft. Wayne Democrat After Busies Place Formal announcement of his intention to seek the democratic nomination for lieutenant governor has been made by Samuel M. Foster of Ft. Wayne. He is the only democrat thus far to enter the race for lieutenant governor. Mr. Foster is president of tho Lincoln ■‘‘National bank of Ft. Wayne and Is well known in business nnd commercial cir cles there. In his announcement he said he had been asked to run for governor, but that be did not desire to mak. *he race. 16799 DIED in New York City alone fr r *n Md ney trouble last year. Don’t allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking COLDMEDAL "be world’s standard remedy for kidnap iiver, bladder and uric acid troubles Holland’s Rational remedy since 1696 All drugg fits, three sizes. Guaranteed Leak for tut name- Gold Medal on every be and accept no imitation REDS RELEASED ON LIBERTY BONDS Immigration Inspector Says Cash Not Acceptable. Liberty bonds are required as security for alleged members of the communist party by W. C. DeMiller, immigration inspector. Mr. DeMiller said today that men taken during the red. raids of Jan. 3 were released only on security of SI,OOO each, provided either in Liberty bonds or on bonds signed by two property owners. Cash is not accepted. The im migration inspector said he did not ac cept cash because he had no facilities for handling it. Six men being held here for deporta tion as a result of the raids were released on bond yesterday. They are Felix Mazolis, Clinton, Ind.; Antonio Palmier!, Clinto.n, Ind.; John Jankowski, Vin cennes, Ind.; Isadore Blazlus, Valparaiso, Ind.; Robert Pressler, Vincennes, Ind., and Carl Schroeder, Vincennes, Jnd. About nineteen of the thirty arrested In the state for alleged disloyal ac tivities have been released so far and practically all of them have provided Liberty bonds as security, according to Mr. DeMiller. HERO MEDALS FOR 2 HOOSIERS Youth and Widow of Attorney Get Carnegie Medals. PITTSBURG, Jan. 22.—Marcel C. Swift of Butler, Ind., and the late George F. Batteiger of Porter are Hooslers among thirty-five Americans who have been awarded medals by the Carnegie hero fund. Announcement of the awards were made here today. Two of the medals are silver and thirty-three bronze. Swift, 18, was awarded a bronze medal for attempting to save Foster O. Teutscb, 29, a farmer, from drowning at Hamilton, Ind., July 29, 1917. QUICK TO ANSWER CRIES FOR HELP. Teutsch dived from a dock into Ham ilton lake, became distressed and called for help. Swift swam twenty-five feet to Teutsch, put his arm around Teutsch and swam two or three feet nearer to the dock. Their legs became entangled and they went pnder the surface again. Swift jerked away from Teutsch, pushed him upward, rose, and then swam to the dock. Teutsch -was rescued by a man in a boat. SAVES WOMAN BIT LOSES LIFE. A bronze medal and death benefits at the rate of $75 a month and $0 additional on account of a son, were awarded to the widow of Batteiger, who died lu at tempting to save Lola H. Hemstock, 30, from drowning at Porter, Ind., July 4 last. Batteiger, 37, was an attorney. While swimming in Lake Michigan 200 feet from shore Miss Hemstock let down to re6t where there was a swirling un dercurrent, and went under the surface. She came up and tried to swim, hut lost consciousness and floated. Batteiger swam 150 fct to her, took hold of her, and swam five to ten feet with her to ward shore. He then disappeared under the surface and was drowned. Two boys rescued Miss Hemstock, and she was revived. Prominent Men in “Slippery Gulch” With Judge John B. Ross serving as Justice of the peace, John “Ananntas" ; George, local coal merchant, as sheriff and tamer of bad men, and Mayor Jewett expected to act as mayor of ’’Slippery Gulch," it would appear that the most prominent characters bad been chosen for the Gatling Gun clubs' frolic, which opens at Tomlinson hall Saturday ntght for a night's run. The only hitch iu the arrangements is that no one wants to be lynched, a part necessary to the frolic. Work will commence tomorrow to set up the show and by Saturday night the miniature village is expected to be ready for the public. The cast for Slippery Gulch is entirely local. The proceeds will be devoted toward paying for the Gatling Gun clubhouse, which was re cently purchased. Navy Orchestra to Give Concert The Navy Jazz orchestra, which Is making a tour of this country in interest of navy recruiting, will give a concert at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon before the I*oy Scouts at tbe Y. M. C. A. At night the orchestra will play at a dance at the Marsh studio given by Dewey post No. ", American Begiop. j GIRLS! AT ONCE! j HAIR JS GLOSSY ! THICK, BEAUTIFUL t j Use moist cloth! A mass of ! strong, luxuriant hair In a few moments you can transform your plain, dull, flat hair. You can have it abundant, soft, glossy and full of life. Just get at any drug or toilet counter a small bottle of "Danderinc” for a few cents. Then moisten a soft cloth with the Danderlne and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. Instantly, yes, imme diately, you have doubled the beauty of your hair. It will be a mass, so soft, lustrous and so easy to do up. All dust, dirt and excessive oil Is removed. Let Danderlne put new life, color, vigor and brightness in your hair. This stimulating tonic will freshen your scalp, check dandruff and falling hair and help i your hair to grow long, thick, strong und | beautiful.—Advertisement. Adler-i-ka Again! “Adler-i-ka has entirely CURED my constipation. I took ONLY one half bottle and have not taken any I since.” (Signed) A. S. Eaton. Adler-i-ka flushes BOTH upper and lower bowel so completely it often CURES constipation. Relieves ANY CASE gas on stomach or sour stom ach Removes a surprising amount of foul, decaying matter from the ali mentary canal (which poisoned stom ach for months). Prevents appendi citis. The INSTANT pleasant action of Adler-i-ka astonishes both doctors and patients. It is a mixture of buckthorn, cascara, glycerine and nine other simple ingredients. H. J. Huder, druggist. Wash. & Penn. Sts. I —Advertisement. ED JACKSON IN OLD JOB AGAIN Sworn as State Secretary to Succeed Roach. After an absence of more than two years Ed Jackson resumed his duties as secretary of state today. He took the oath of office at 2 o’clock yesterday aft ernoon and immediately assumed the duties of the office, thu# abandoning his campaign for the republican nomination for governor. In accepting the appointment as suc cessor to William A. Roach, who died last Saturday, Mr. Jackson made the following statement: “When the government became in volved in war with a foreign power I felt it my duty to resign the office of secretary of state, to which I had been elected by the people of Indiana, to en able me to enter the military service of the country. PAT'S TRIBUTE TO LATE SECRETARY. “I was gratified by the appointment of such a conscientious, able and dis tinguished citizen as William A. Roach to We my successor, and it is with deep regret and a personal sense of loss on my part that his untimely death has again made the office vacant, and now that Gov. Goodrich has done me the honor to offer to appoint me to fill the vacancy in this office caused by the death of Mr. Roach, it came to me like a mandate from the people to again take up the work that was confided to me by an election to that office, and I find my self without courage to refuse ft. EXPRESSES GRATITUDE TO SOLDIER FRIENDS. “As to my candidacy for the nomina tion for governor, I most sincerely and earnestly thank my many good friends throughout the state for their loyal and enthusiastic support. “Especially do I appreciate the efforts on my behalf of my soldier friends. The friendship and sympathy they have manifested for my efforts In that regard, will never cease to stir pay deepest feel ing of gratitude aud comradeship. “As secretary of state 1 shall endeavor to serve the people of Indiana with that same earnest devotion, zeal and pride, with which I first assumed the duties of that office." Mr. Jackson was elected secretary of state in 1910 and resigned in 1917 to enter an officers' training school at 1 t. Benjamin Harrison. He served in the army with the rank or major until the close of the war. Following his release from the army he practiced law at Lafayette. Club Memorializes Dead jState Official Resolutions of condolence have been sent by the Marion club to the family of Secretary of State William A. Roach, who dieil last Saturday. The resolutions were prepared by the memorial commit tee composed of Claris Adams, A. C. Ball and Harry McMichael. SO EASY! CORNS LIFT RIGHT O'JT Doesn’t hurt at all and costs only few cents. Magic* Just drop a little Freezouc on that touchy com. instantly It stops ach ing, then you lift the corn off with the fingers. Truly! No humbug! I Ira ° L Try Freezone lour druggist sells a tiny bottle for a few cents, sufficient t rid your feet of every hard corn, soft ■'em, or corn between the toe'.-, and cal without one particle of pain, sore ness or irritation. Freezone is the dis covery of a noted .Cincinnati genius.—Ad vertisement. KEEP URIC ACID OUT OF JOINTS Tells Rheumatism Sufferers to Eat Less Meat and Take Salts. Rheumatism is easier to avoid than to cure, states a well-known authority. We are advised to drefts warmly; keep the feet dry; avoid exposure; eat less meat, but drink plenty of good water. Rheumatism is a direct result of eat ing too much meat and other rich foods that produce uric acid which is absorbed into the blood. It is the function of the kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast it out in tlie urine; the pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this impurity. In damp and chilly cold weather the skin pores are closed, thus forcing the kidneys to do double work, they be come weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate the uric acid which keeps ac cumulating and circulating through the system, eventually settling in the joints and muscles causing stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoonful in a glass of water and drink before breakfast each morning for a week. This is said to elim inate uric acid by stimulating the kid neys to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these impurities. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and is made from the acid of grapes and lem on Juice, combined with lithia and is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent llthia-water drink, which helps overcome uric acid and is beneficial to your kid neys as well.—Advertisement. WARNING il* kespln* your bowels regular do not ■ become addicted to weakening purgative* ffl or mineral laxatives; juat try KOROLAX; 9 afe, gentle, wholesome. Best and goe* H farthest. Obtainable at buay druggiats. every- 9 where. Korol ax ia relief for many aliments 9 Including consdpaUon. headaches, dizzy 9 ***• heartburn, torpid liver. 9 bad breath, nervousness, dyspepsia, indices- B Ooa. obesity, mental and physical dutlaeai. | nxjlhajnA JDAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1920. Rich Old Ladies Here 9 s Your Chance CHICAGO, Jan. 32—Rich old ladles step right up and register with Rob ert Schweitzer, clerk of Cook county. Clerk Schweitzer today displayed a communication from Herr Walther von Grafen in Germany, who said that "owing to the war," he was obliged to accept a position. He asked Clerk Schweitzer for a list of rich old ladies who have “registered to marry.’’ Herr Walther is 30. R. V. Law Heads Auto Trade Body R. V. Law of the R. V. Law Motor Company, Twelfth and Meridian streets, was elected president of the Indianapolis Automobile Trades association. N. H. Cartinhour of Cartinhour-Bowmah Com pany, 619 North Capitol avenue, was re elected vice president and Andrew W. Hutchison of the Detroit Electric was re elected secretary. H. C. Lathrop of the Lathrop-McFarland Company, was elected treasurer. Uhl Re-Elected Head ofj\thletic Club Albert E. Uhl was re-elected president of the Independent Athletic club with out an opposing vote st the anuual election which closed late last night. Other officers were elected, ns follow’:* t Harry O. Stutz, vice president; James D. Pierce, corresponding secretary; Rus sell G. Sumner, recording secretary; Charles Grinslade, treasurer; George K. Jone>s, librarian; George WoldeJy, Ar nold Fuchs, Henry Dithmer, Edward Rnuh and Clarence Sweneey. JUMP FROM BED A SINGIN 1 Take “Cascarets” for Your Liver and Bowels and Wake Up Clear, Cheery, Fit—Don’t Stay Sick! Tomorrow the sun will shine for you. Everything will seem clear, rosy and bright Your system is tilled with liver anil bowel poison- which keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset, your head foggy and aching. Your muuls are turn ing into poison, gasses and acids. You 9 % A GOOD REMEDY j Coughs, Colds and I LfrnMMMr^ I as your fathersdid, I fji family medicine cabinet for 1 ggEgffi'jV'X t insurance. Its prompt use ■ 39>r-v A*s beaten off many a serious sickness. A. Tonic Laxative of Known Virtue and jjjj SOLD EVERYWHERE. TABLETS OR LIQUID. How Many Women Are Like This? Can anything be rnoie wearing for women than the ceaseless round of household duties? Oh! the monotony of it all— work and drudge; no time to be sick; tired, ailing, yet can not stop. There comes a time when something “snaps” and they find themselves “ simply worn out,” and to make matters worse,have contractedserious feminine disorder which almost always follows the constant overtaxing of a woman’s strength. Then they should remember that there is no remedy like Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound—the expe rience of these twt> women establishes that fact: Cedar Rapids, la.—" After the birth of my last child I had such painful spells that would unfit me entirely for my housework. I suf fered for months and the doctor said that my trouble was organic ulcers and I would have to have an opera tion. That was an awful thing to me, with a young baby and four other children, so one day I thought of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and how it had helped me years before and I decided to try it again. I took five bottles of Vego table Compound and used Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash and since then I have been a well woman, able to take care of mv house and family without any trouble or a day’s pain. I am ready and thankful to swear by your medicine any time. lam forty four years old and have not had ad ay ’s illness of any kind for three years.” —Mrs. H. Koehio, 617 Ellis Blvd, Cedar Rapids, lowa. All Worn Out Women Should Take Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound CHICAGO REDS FACE ARREST 38 Indicted, Including Million aire W. B. Lloyd. CHICAGO, Jan. 22.—Capiases were to be lssied today for the arrest of thirty eight alleged reds, indicted by the crim inal court grand jury on charges of conspiracy to overthrow the government. The grand Jury continued its investi gation and additional indictments are expected. Included iff those already indicted are: William Bross Lloyd, millionaire so cialist; L. E. Katterfleld, Topeka, Kas.; Alexander Bilan, New York;- Max Be dacht, San Francisco; Edward Lindgren, New York; Jack Carny, Duluth, Minn.; L. K. England, Rock Island, 111.; John Reed, New York; Charles Baker, Cleve land, and Margaret Preve, Akron, O. All are alleged members of the communist labor party. Show Spaces Offered to Business Bodies Exhibit space has been offered to the Chamber of Commerce and the Indianap olis club at the coming industrial show of the Optimists’ club to be held at Tom linson hail Feb. 17-21. If the two bodies accept the invitation, exhibits will be placed which will boost Indianapolis as an industrial center. Judge Bash Able to Resume Duties Judge Maholm Bash of the probate court, who has been ill for several days, was again on (he bench today. can not G-el right. Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel splendid always by taking Ousea rets occasionally. They act without griping or Inconvenience. They never sicken you like Calomel. Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh Fills. They cost so little too—Cascnrets work while you sleep.— Advertisement. Sandusky, Ohio.—“Afterthebirth of my baby I had organic trouble. My doctor said it was caused by too heavy lifting and I would have to have an operation. I would not consent to an operation and let it go for over a year, having my sister do my work for mo as I was not able to walk. One day my aunt came to see me and tola me abont your medicine—said it cured her of the same thing. I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and used Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sana© tive Wash and they have cured me. Now I do my own housework, wash ing and ironing and sewing for my family and also do sewing for other people. I still take a bottle of Voge table Compound every spring for a tonic. I recommend your medicine to other* who have troubles similar to mine and you can use my letter if you wish.’ I —Mrs. Paul Finiit kus*,l32s Stone St., Sandusky,Ohio. THIN, NERVOUS PEOPLE NEED BITRO-PHOSPHATE What It Is and How It Increases Weight, Strength and Nerve Force In Many Instances SHOULD BE PRESCRIBED BY EVERY DOCTOR - AND USED IN EVERY HOSPITAL Says Editor of “Phyticians* Who't Who.** Take plain bitro-phosphate is the ad vice of these physicians to thin, delicate, nervous people who lack vim, energy and nerve force, and there seems to be ample proof of the efficacy of this preparation lo warrant the recommendation. More over, if we judge from the countless preparations and treatments which are continually being advertised for the pur pose of making thin people fleshy, de veloping arms, neck and bust, and re placing ugly hollows and angles by the soft curved lines of health and beauty, there are evidently thousands of men arid women who keenly feel their exces sive thinness. Thinness and weakness are often due to starved nerves. Our bodies need more phosphate than is contained in modern foods. Physicians claim there is nothing that will supply this deficiency so well as the organic phosphate known among druggists as bitro-phosphate, which is inexpensive and is sold by Haag’s seven stores also Hook’s drug stores and most ail druggists under a guarantee of satis faction or money back. By feeding the MONNETT S KAN-DO-ITS For Rheumatism and Nervous Exhaustion, Lame Back, Kid ney, Bladder and Stom ach Troubles. And All Forms of Blood Diseases. September 15, 1919. The Monnett Medicine Company, 9 North Temple Aveuue, Indianapolis. Ind. Gentlemen Two months ago I was suffering with gall stones and the doctor that was attending me said nothing would do me any good but an operation. Monnett came in to our store, 1230 Oliver avenue, and he persuaded me to try a hos of his remedy. Kan-Do-Its, and I bought one box and took them and the results were marvelous. I have no more trouble with my liver or any other ail ments, have gained twenty pounds and am feeling fine. me say to those that are suffering as I was with gall stones or other liver ailments, don’t hesitate to try Monnett’s wonderful remedy Kan-Do-Its. for it will do what he claims for it. Our telephone number is Belmont 121 and wilt gladly answer any one who cares to inquire of me as to what It did for me. Yours verv truly. H. V. PATTERSON. MONNETT MEDICINE COMPANY, 9 North Temple Avenue, Phone Wood. 1548. Indianapolis, Ind —Advertisement. NERVES TRUSTED FREE Dr. I’nuiklln Miles, the Great Specialist, Gives New Book and a $2.50 Neuro pathic Treatment free as a Trial. Sick people whose nerves are weak or deranged—who have weak heart, stomach, bowels, bladder, kidneys or liver; blues, headache, dizziness or dullness: nervous dyspepsia, irritability, cold bands and feet, shortness of breath, palpitation or irregular heartbeat, drowsluess, nervous ness, sleeplessness, trembling, wandering pains, backache, irritable spine, rheuma tism. catarrh, constipation, hysteria, would do well to accept Dr. Miles’ lib eral offer. You may never have auother opportunity. Write now. His Book contains many remarkable cures’after five to twenty physicians and specialists failed, and also endorsements from Bishops, Clergymen, Statesmen, Ed itors, Business Men. Farmers, etc. Send for Astonishing Testimonials. His improved Special Tteatmeufs for these diseases are the result of thirty years’ experience and are thoroughly scientific and remarkably successful, so much so that he does not nestltate to offer Free Trial Treatments to the sick that they may test them free. Write at once. Describe your case and iie will send you a two-pound Free Treatment aud Book. Address Dr. Franklin Miies. Dept. NS 154 to 164 Franklin street, F.lkhart, Ind.— Advertisement. ja TryMakingYourOwn fr Cough Remedy J> n] Ton can save a boot $2, and h[r Ln z better remedy than the ready- pJ Qi made kind. Easily done. “] If you combined the curative proper ties of every known “ready-made” cough remedy, you probably could not get as much real curative power aa there is in this sjmple home-made oough syrup, which iat easily prepared in a few minutes. Get from any druggist 2% ounces of Pinex, pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with syrup, using either plain granulated -sugar syrup, clarified ! molasses, honey, or corn syrup, as de sired. The result is a full pint of really better cough syrup than you : could buy ready-made for three times the money. Tastes pleasant and never Spoils. This Pinex and Syrup preparation gets right at the cause of a cough and gives almost immediate relief. It loos ens the phlegm, stops the nasty throai tickle and heals the sore, irritated membranes so gently and easily that it is really astonishing. A day’s use will usually overcome the ordinary cough and for bronchitis, croup, hoarseness and bronchial asthma, there is nothing better. Pinex is a most valuable concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, and has been used for generations to break up severe ”oughs. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for “2y 2 ounces of Pinex” with full directions, and don’t accept anything else. Guaranteed to give ab solute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Cos., Ft. Wayne, Ind. —Advertisement. Cured His RUPTURE I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk several years ago. Doctors said my only hope of cure was an operation. Trusses did me no good. Finally I got hold of something that quickly and com pletely cured me. Years have passed and the rupture has never returned, al though I am doing hard work as a car penter. There was no operation, no lost time, no trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will give full Information about how you may find a complete cure without operation, if you write to me, Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 330 F, Marcellus avenue, Mnnasquan, N. J. Better cut out this notice and show it to any others who are ruptured-—you may save a life or at least stop the misery of rupture and the worry and danger of an opera tion.—Advertisement. nerves directly and by supplying the body cells with the necessary phosphoric food elements, bitro-phosphate should produce a welcome transformation in the appearance; the increase ln weight fre quently being astonishing. Clinical tests made in St. Catherine’s Hospital, N. Y. C., showed that two pa tients gained In weight 23 and 27 pounds, respectively, through the administration of organic phosphate; both patients claim they have not felt as strong and well for the past twelve years. Increase in weight also carries with It a general improvement ln the health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of energy, which nearly altvayg accompany excessive thinness, should coon disap pear, dull eyes ought to brighten and pale cheeks glow with the bloom of per fect health. Physicians and hospitals everywhere are now recognizing its merits by its use in ever increasing quantities. Frede rick Kollo, M. D., editor of New York Physicians’ "Who's Who.” says; "Bitro phosphate should be prescribed by every COUGHED UNTIL HE WAS WEAK AND THIN Has now gained 44 pounds, and says he’s absolutely well. “A year ago I was down with pneu monia, which left, me with a deep-seated cough. My doctor said he couldn't do me any good and I would have to go to Colorado. I went but I didn't im- j prove, and at the time I left the hos pital. I was a mere skeleton. “I met a person who bad used Milks Emulsion and he asked me to try It. T have now taken 21 bottles and have gained 44 pounds in weight and I am today in as good, sound health as I ever was in my life."—J. H. Johnson, 510 No. S2d St., Mattoon, 111. To give your body strength to resist disease, try building it up with Milks Emulsion. A trial costs nothing. Milks Emulsion is a pleasant, nutri tive food and a corrective medicine. It restores healthy, natural bowel action, doing away with all need of pills aud physics, ft promotes appetite and quick ly puts the digestive organs in shape to assimilate food. Asa builder of flesh and strength, Milks Emulsion is strong ly recommended to those whom sickness has weakened, and is a powerful aid’in resisting and repairing the effects ol wasting diseases. Chronic stomach trou ble and constipation are promptly re lieved—usually in one day. This is the only solid emulsion made, and so palatable that it is eaten with a spoon like ice cream. Truly wonderful for weak, sickly children. No matter bow severe your case, you are urged to try Milks Emulsion under this guarantee—Take six bottles home with you, use it according to directions and if not satisfied with the results, your money will be promptly refunded. Price 60c and $1.20 per bottle. The Milks Emulsion Cos., Terre Haute, Ind. Hold by druggists everywhere.—Adver tisement. DRIVE AWAY HEADACHE Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples A headache remedy without the dan gers of “headache medicine.” Relieves headache and that miserable feeling from colds or congestion. And it acts at once! Musterole is a clean, white oint ment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Used only externally, and in no way can it affect stomach and heart, as some internal medicines do. „ Excellent for sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, all pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). hospitalize $2.50, RHEUMATISM LEAVES YOU FOREVER Deep Seated Uric Acid Deposits Are Dissolved and the Rheumatic Poi son Starts to Leave the System Within Twenty-four Hours. Every druggist In the county is au thorized to say to every rheumatic suf ferer In this vicinity that if two bottles of Allenrhu, the sure conqueror of rheumatism, does not stop all agony, re duce swollen joints and do away with even the slightest twiuge of rheumatic pains, he will gladly return ycur money without comment. Allenrhu lias been tried and tested for years, and really marvelous results have been accomplished in the most, severe cases where the suffering and agony was intense and ptteous and where the pa tient. was helpless. Allenrhu relieves at once. Immediately after you start to take It the good work begins. It searches out the uric acid de posits, dissolves the secretions and drives rheumatic poison out of the body through the kidneys anil bowels. It's marvelous how quickly It acts. Blessed relief comes In tvo days, and even In cases where the su.Terlng is most painful all traces disappear In a few days. Mr. .Tames TI. Allen, the discoverer of Allenrhu. who for many years suffered the torment of acute rheumatism, de sires all sufferers to know that he does not want a cent of any one’s money un less Allenrhu decisively conquers this worst of all diseases, and he has in structed Haag Drug Cos. to guarantee It In every instance.—Advertisement. : GROWING DEAF WITH HEAD NOISES? TRY THIS | If you are growing hard of hearing and fear Catarrhal Deafness or if you have roaring, rumbling, hissing noises In your ears go to your druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strength), and add to It 14 pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar. Take 1 table spoonful. four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It i 3 easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take. Anyone ■who Is threatened with Catarrhal Deaf ness or who has head noises should give this prescription a triaL—Advertisement doctor and used in every hospital to in crease strength and nerve force and to enrich the blood." Joseph D. Harrigan, Fortner Visiting Specialist to North Eastern Dispensatory, says: “Let those who are weak, thin, nervous, anaemic, or run-down, take a natural, unadulterated substance such at bitro-phosphate and you will soon see some astonishing results in the increase of nerve energy, strength of body and mind and power of endurance." Bltro-Phospbate is made entirely of the organic pbospbato compound referred to iu the National Standard Dispensatory a? being an excellent tonic and Dervine and a preparation' which has recently acquired considerable reputation In the treatment of neurasthenia. The standard of excellence, strength and purity of it* substance is beyond question, for every BUro-Phosphate' tablet is manufactured in strict accordance with the U. S. Phar* inacopoeia test requirements. Bltro-Pbos phate is therefore not a patent medicine and should not be confused with any of the secret nostrums, so-called tonics or widely advertised “cure-alls.” CAUTlON—Although Bitro-Phoaphate Is unsurpassed for relieving nervousness, sleeplessness and general weakness, ow ing to its tendency to increase weight it should not. be used by anyone who does not desire to put on flesh.—Adver tisement. DON’T NEGLECT A RHEUMATIC PAIN Buy and keep handy a bottle of pain relieving Sloan's Liniment. YOU NEED it when the unexpected rheumatic twinge starts—the pain* and aches following exposure sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles, stiff Joints, neuralgia. Forgot all about buy ing another bottle and keeping It handy, didn't you? Get it today—play safe— you may need it tonight! Thiß famous counter-irritant penetrate* without rubbing and scatters the con gestion. The pain or ache is soon re lieved, leaving no plaster or poultice musslneßs, no stained skin. Thousand* of regular users keep it handy for emergency—they don't suffer needlessly. Three sizes at all druggists—Soc., 70c, $1.40. HJggEH FOREMAN TELLS ABOUT TROUBLE Colton Suffered Seven Years— Gains Twenty-two Pounds After Taking Tanlac. “No. sir, I wasn’t much surprised when I got on the scales the other day and found that I bad gained twenty-two pounds in weight, for I have been eating like a wolf and picking up rapidly over since I finished my first bottle of Tanlao a little less than two months ago.*’ The above statement was made by George Colton of 1114 East 21st St., Kansas City. Mo, while discussing the merits of the medicine, recently. Mr. Colton has been foreman for one of the large coal companies in Kansas City for a great many years and is highly re spected by ail who know’ him. "My wife and I both tested Tanlac, ** he continued, "and it has helped us s much that we want everybody to know about it. As for my own case, my kid neys bad been bothering me for seven years or more and there were such fear ful pains in the small of my back at times that 1 could not get up or down without help. My kidneys disturbed, nte so often at night that I could get very little sleep snd T was in such a badly run down condition that I was forced to stay away from my work for days at a time. My appetite was very poor and my stomach so upset that I could not eat anything but what would sour and cause the w’orst kind of pains in the pit of my stomach. I lost a great deal ln weight, often had dizzy spells, and was seldom free from headache. “Well, nothing ever helped me until I got Tanlac and goodness only knows how much money I have paid out trying to get relief. I had heard a great deal about Tanlac but never thought much about it being what I needed until my wife took it with such wonderful re sults. She had been suffering for a long time from very much the same kind of troubles and after seeing how the medicine was building her up I began taking It myself. She was in such a bad condition that none of the neigh bors thought she would get well and she had lost nearly all hope herself. But In just a few weeks after she began taking Tanlac she was feeling like a new woman and had gained ton pound* in weight. Well, the way Tanlac has helped me Is just about as remarkable as the way it helped my wife. By the time, my first bottle was gone I wa feeling like a different man. I am a well man now and I mean to say by that that I haven't a pain of any kind. My kidneys never bother me any more and my ap petite couldn't be better. I never miss a day from my work now and there’s nothing too good for my wife and myself to say for Tanlac. Anyone wishing to do so may either write or call on us and we will gladly tell them our experience with what we consider the grandest medicine on earth." Tanlac is sold ln Indianapolis by the Hook Drug Cos. and Haag Drug Cos. un der personal direction of a special Tanlac representative.—Advertisement. GREAT FOR ECZEMA AND OLD SORES I Guarantee My Ointment, Say* Peterson. “If you are responsible for the health of vour family,” says Peterson of Buffalo "I want you to get a large 35-cent box of Peterson's Ointment today. "Remember I stand back of every box. Every druggist guarantees to refund the purchase price if Peterson’s Ointment doesn’t do all I claim. "I guarantee it for eczema, old sore*, running sores, salt rheum, ulcers, sor* nipples, broken breasts, itching skin, skin disease, blind, bleeding and Itch ing piles as well as for burns, scald*, cuts, bruises and sunburn. “I bail thirty running sores on my leg for eleven years, was in three different hospitals. Amputation was advised. Skin grafting was tried. I was cured by using Peterson's Ointment."—Mrs. F. K. Root, 287 Michigan Street, Buffalo, N. Y. —Ad var tUem&Pi. ... 3