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SAYS MEXICAN WAR BOOMERS ’ GOT $20,000 YEAR Border Probe Witness Tells cf American Rights Associa tion’s Work. SENTIMENT AT ODDS By CHEBTEB M. WRIGHT, NEW YORK. .Tan. 30.—1 t costs SIOO per year, and whatever else you want to jrire, to be an active member of the Na tional Association for the Protection of American Rights in Mexico, according to the testimony of Executive Director Charles Hudson Boynton, before the Fall committee, which is investigating the Mexican situation for the senate. Boynton is paid $20,000 a year for his work. There are "between 130 and 140 active members. Associate members bring the total up to about 2,000. As sociate members pay $1 per year. It is this association that conducts the propaganda in the United States for American owners of oil wells, mines and other property In Mexico. Boynton says that expenses are met by dues and as sessments. He made public no record of assessment levied. DISAVOWS DESIRE FOR INTERVENTION. This association disavows any desire for American intervention in Mexico. When I asked one of its representatives in Washington what the association had in mind as a proper means of “protect ing American rights” In Mexico, he said he didn’t know. I asked why they didn’t come out plainly and openly for inter vention, and he said the members “couldn't agree” on such a proposal. It may be accepted as a fact that some members of the association oppose inter vention unequlvocably." I got in the Washington office another brilliant bit of comment. I had asked for news stories furnished to the press by the association during the senate com mittee hearings. I was given a bundle •f "copy." “Have you got any copies of feature •y liman interest stories that I can t*ttr I asked. "No,” was the answer. “We started to put some color Into the stories, but as the hearings went along we cut out the color.” In the New York office the working methods were explained carefully. Use of the word “intervention” 13 avoided. Little press matter is issued from the New York office. Some thirty-four pieces In a year. I was told. “HAND-OUT COPY” PASSED TO PRESS. But issuing prepared “hand-out” copy Is the method of second-rate publicity men. And Boynton’s office is no second rate office. This office sees to It that the newspapers learn about things that happen—atrocities, for example. It sees that the state department is informed. It sees that the press is informed. In formed, that is, of what th eassociatlon. wants published. “Digging it out of the state department” has constituted much of the association's publicity work. “The murder map” and the “disorier map” were Issued by this association to show how bad conditions are in Mexico. The "murder map” shows in regular "X marks the spot” fashion how many American lives have tbeen lost in Mexico since 1910, a period of ten years. “Map shows 65 1 American lives sacrificed to Mexican lawlessness,” says the caption. Examination of the tabulation shows that all kinds of killings, including ci vilian murders of the ordinary criminal Character, are included in the list I was assured that this story was pub lished widely by newspapers. This map and tabulation was released for publica tion on Dec. 14. t For Nov. 16 the “disorder map” released. The caption over this map was, “Map proves unrestrained reign oj rebellion and outlawry throughout Mex ico.” A sub-caption refers to the “out rages” shown on the map. PROPAGANDA OF PROVOCATIVE KIND. This map and tabulation constitute a piece of provocative propaganda, for the reason that while the heading declares positively that rebellion and outlawry are “unrestrained," the tabulation con tains a large number of “outrages” which consist of clashes between Carranzis f u troops with rebels in the Mexican gov ernment’s campaign to suppress and wipe out banditry, rebellion and outlawry. A count of the "outrages” shows that in forty-six of the cases listed the “out rage” consisted of aggressive action of federal troops against bandits, rebels and outlaws. How these instances of restraint got into a tabulation of “un restrained rebellion” is unexplained. “Rebels in vicinity” and “rebel raid” characterize many of the “outrages.” The tabulation is made up from reports U Mexican newspapers. MnJ. John G. McDonnell, retired, repre senting the association on the Pacific coast, made this statement in an inter view real into the Fall committee record: “Mexico is a haven of refuge to which the I. W. TV., which is an alias for an archists, were sent to be tutored by Ger man propagandists. The product of this Joint labor of anarchy and wultur was bolshevism, which was first put into ef fect in Mexico in ail its details, even to public ownership of women and corrup tion of children. Bolshevism was trans planted from Mexico to Russia, where it Is now bearing Its perfect fruit. From Its original source in Mexico its evan gelists of anarchy hope to introduce it In the United States. They have made no little progress.” HaVe All The Ned ' PLMROI/S All The Time Here’s Your Order Blank Twelve Best Sellers From January List I Left My Door Open and My Daddy Walked Out (Fox Trot) SI.OO There’s a Lot of Blue-Eyed Marys Down In Maryland (Fox Trot) j*. . .SI.OO Old Fashioned Garden (From Hitchy Koo— 1919) (One Step) $1.25 Royal Garden Blues (Fox Trot) SI.OO 80-La-Bo (Oriental Fox Trot) $1 25 I'm So Sympathetic (Fox Trot) !.!! .! .. sl*2s The Yellow Dog Blues (Fox Trot) .!!!!!!!si’oo Bless MySuwanee River Home (Fox Trot) i'ok You Are Free (Waltz) ] 2“ That Naughty Waltz (Waltz) Sl’2^ DARDANELLA (Fox Trot) !*.!!!!'.! $125 Dreamy Amazon (Waltz) !!!!.!!!' $1!25 The Starr Piano Cos. manufacturers PIANOS-PLAYER PI AMOS -PHONOGRAPHS GENNETT RECORDS PENN.ST vf^ TWO MEN HELD AS STILL MAKERS South Bend Tinsrdths Ar rested by Federal Officials. The government’s campaign against il licit whisky stills was under way to day. Announcement was made that _M* H. Voorhies and O. B. Goss, operators of a tinshop at South Bend, Ind., were bound over to the federal grand jury following a preliminary hearing before Thad Taleott, United States commis sioner, at Soutn Bend. Voorhies and Goss’ were arrested on charges of manufacturing whisky*stills and selling tLum to citizens in and around South Bend, it was stated by Joe Wartha, deputy United States mar shal, who arrested the men. Mr. Wartha stated that Voorhees and Goss are expected to appear before the grand jury. Both were released under a bond of SI,OOO. The agents of the government to en force national and constitutional prohi bition have determined to wage unceas ing warfare against whisky stills which are absolutely prohibited under the amendment to the federal constitution. The federal net has been carefully Set for weeks and it is thought that arrests within the next month will be frequent and of large numbers. Indiana Tomato Men Form Organization An organization of tomato growers jyas formed as a branch of the Indiana Fed eration of Farmers’ associations at the elese of the meeting yesterday afternoon. Representatives of eight of the ten dis tricts of the association were present. The following were named as a commit tee representing these eight districts: E’irst district, Percy Jensen, Gary; Fourth district, D. N. Kemp, Kempton; Firfth district, X. E. Parsons. Plainfield; Sixth district. Christian reaper, Marioß county; Seveiitn district, Emery Lett, Washington; Eigtth‘district, Chester De- Vore, Franklin; Ninth district, H. H. Starkey, Velpen, and Tenth district, J, R. Robinson, Brownstown. Bush Headquarters Formally Opened Headquarters hare ben opened I y Ed gar D. Bush, republican candidate for governor, in the Claypool hotel. A 7 l four of the republican candidates now have offices in the hotel. In addition, bead ouarters are maintained there for Sena tor Watson and for the Wood campaign committee. Edmund M. Wasmuth visited the various headquarters last night. Stock Promoter Gets Three Years in Jail NEW YORK, Jan. 30.—George Graham Rice, whose stock promotions have been given attention by courts several tiipea in recent j J ears, today was under sen tence to three years in Sing Sing prison for grand larceny in appropriating $721 sent to him by a customer to buy stock. Sciatica, — Lumbago,— Rheumatism Caused by Uric Acid Laporte, Ind.:—“l suffered for nearly a year with sciatica. I was unable to work for Stwo months in the spring and about three weeks in the fall. I took electric treatments and sev eral different kinds of medicine but got no relief until a short time ago when I iv came in possession H of a bottle of Dr. W* Pierce's Anuric (anti uric-acid) Tablets, which I took in ac cordance with direo- I tiona. One week after I started taking : ‘Anuric’ I went back to work in a greatly ; improved condition, and today no matter what the weather is I have no pain from | sciatica, so I will recommend the 'Anurio Tablets’ to all who are suffering from rheumatism.” —GLEN HINES, 204 Wash ington St. A WONDERFUL REMEDY FOR KIDNEYS, BLADDER, URIC ACID Through failure of kidneys to act, through congestion, inflammation, any person’s condition is ripe for disease to fasten its told upon the system. 1 At' Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel and ! Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y„ there has been tested for the past few years anew remedy for kidney, bladder, uric acid troubles, rheumatism, gout, and such ail ments as follow, and so many cases, both acute and stubborn, have yielded to this wonderful remedy that Dr. Pierce decided to name it Anuric, (anti-uric-acid) and arrange for its distribution to the publio through medicine dealers everywhere. You will find it many times ffnore active than lithia, dissolving uric add as water does sugar. Obtain a bottle of these tablets today from your druggist here in town. Simply ask for Anuric Tablets and notice the gratifying results. DENIES GUILT IN VOTE CASE Kimberlin Claims He Worked Night Ballots Were Changed. ANDERSON, Ind., Jan. SO—Making n complete denial of all allegations made by Forest Agnew relative to his part in changing votes cast for superior judge in November, 1918, Homer Kimberlin, on the stand In his own defense in the case in which he is charged with election fraud, stated that he worked in his drug store here until 9:30 p. m. on the night cf Nov. 10, when the votes were changed, and that he afterward went directly home. He flatly denied that he promised Ag* new, one of his accusers, SIOO for his aid in changing the ballots, and also denied that he gave Agnew tWo player pianos in lieu of the SIOO. Kimberlin flatly stated that he had nothing to do with altering ballots at tyjy time. Mrs. Winifred Kimberlin, wife of the defendant, testified that her husband came home and went to bed about 10 on the night of the alleged election fraud. In substantiation of the claim, that Kim berlin did not give Agnew the pianos on any promise, the defense introduced as -l witness Harry Moore, moving van own er, who testified that he moved the two pianos to Agnew’s home on Oct. 1. The defense ended its case with Klmberlln’s testimony. The state attorneys gave Kimberlin a severe grilling in cross-examination, but did not shake his testimony materially. The state introduced a few witnesses late yesterday to testify agaiust Kimberlin’s character, and other character witnesses were introduced today to close the evi dence in the case. Blackleg Epidemic Is Death to Swine NORMAN, Okla., Jan. 30.—According to L. E. Bogan, county agent, blackleg has killed a large number of hogs be longing to farmers living near Ftanklin, in the eastern part of Cleveland county. The epidemic started about a month ago, but farmers were ignorant of the cause until a veterinarian was called In. Full Woman Suffrage in Nebraska Basic Law LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 30.—The state’s constitutional convention today approved an amendment to the constitution which, if adopted by the voters next fall, will give full voting privileges to all Nebras ka women who are citizens of the United States. A Grand Clean Up of Odds and Ends Every odd piece of furniture in our store must go. Our big spring stock is coming in. You have a rare opportunity now to pick up just the odd piece you are probably wanting. You know our slogan, “Truth in Advertising." That protects you against any extravagant claims. We assure you that these goods are marked at 20 to 33V3 Per Cent. Less Than Regular Price > 1 ' fr'&lr-ff iri? Big Sale of Sample White Enamel $0.98 Ijj 1111 ron an<^rass Set of Six Just received, a delayed j-acec*. ,^[**j/■. and table lamps. The lamp I ILl* * r ” ■--* 11 here pictured is 21 inches This {g one of tlie mog j popu i ar chair sets that we have ever sold; t tv,'! • a ss ° r n H e ** these chairs are well made and will give excellent service, finished in at the price one ea. imitation quarter sawed oak, saddle shape seats; twelve sets to go Terms to Suit. at this price $12.60 K - - - wJ / ■* 3-in-l Sanitary Davenport, and Crib, $10.95 A special feature of this couch is that it can easily be converted into any one of the three pieces here illustrated. The frame of this convenient article is made of high-grade steel; strong, rigid construction throughout. The fabric is supported in the center by four rows of heavy steel coil springs, which prevent sagging. * ’ sampieaof Ism M BpST! sughtlylmperfect Reed Carriages t&LJm S Tf*4Tll S6jS RUGS Sulkies and Gocarts at WBM J* ® Just a few > but tho 7 Wm " TRUTH fN ADVERTISING " Wf| will be sold at a 810 REDUCED PRICES. J D/f?£CTIY CPPOSIIi S'tAlfl EJffJbWCE] J9K aßk J REDUCTION. . . . J m-rr-mm SXXII WASHINGTON ST. - l , .a* . . ' ... * INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1920. German Scientists Use U. S. Apparatus BOSTON, Jan. 80.—" Children who are not working up to their level best are “BAYER CROSS” ON GENUINE ASPIRIN i - - ■ _ Always insist upon true “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin”—ln “Bayer package" The “Bayer Cross” on Aspirin tablets has the same meaning as 14-Karat on gold. Both mean Genuine! “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” should be taken according to the safe and proper directions in each “Bayer package.” Be sure the “Bayer Cross” is on package and on tablets. Then you are getting the genuine, Aspirin prescribed by generally better* grade, mentally,” 'de clared Dr. R. Piritner of Ohio State uni versity, addressing the joint meeting of ■the American Association of Clinical Psychologists and the American Psycho logical association. German psychologists are not the most physicians for over eighteen years for the relief of Colds, Pain, ITeadaehe, Toothache, Earache, Rheumatisiti, Lumbago, Neuritis. For a few cents you can get a handy tin box containing twelve tablets. . Druggists also sell larger “Bayer packages.” Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic acidester of Salicylicacid. original In the world, for photographs and literature just received by Dr. H. G. Langfield of Harvard and exhibited be fore the session showed that much of the apparatus used by the Germans in psy chological army jtests was merely a repro duction of American apparatus. SPRING TOUR TiU MEDITERRANEAN VISITING Naples, Florence, Venice, Milan, Lugano, Lucerne, Monfreaux, Geneva, Nice, Paris-* with optional trips to the Battlefields, the Chateaux district, Brussels, etc. Personally Conducted, Limited Membership. For Rates, Sailings and Reservations address Main 1576 Foreign Department Auto. £6-386 UNION TRUST COMPANY . 120 EAST MARKET STREEI Welcome Relief from Tortures of Rheumatism Can Come Only From the Proper Treatment. Many forms of rheumatism are caused hy millions of tiny germs that infest the blood, and until the blood is absolutely freed of these germs, there is no real relief in sight. And because so many people treat the pain, and not the disease itself, is one reason why rheumatism in many cases is a permanent disease, increasing in severity year by year. The most satisfactory remedy for rheumatism is S. S. 3., because it is “ONLY ONE THING BREAKS MY COLD! “That’s Dr. King’s New Dis covery for fifty years a cold-breaker” NOTHING but sustained quality and unfailing effectiveness ran arouse such enthusiasm. Noth lng but sure relief from stubborn old colds and Rnrushing new ones, grippe, throat-tearing coughs, and croup could have made Dr. King’s New Discovery the nationally popular and standard remedy It is today. Fifty years old and always reliable. Good for the whole family. A bottle In the medicine cabinet means a short-lived cold or cough. tiOc. and $1.20. AU drug gists. Stubborn Bowels Tamed Positive In action, yet natural, com /fortable, pleasant. Dr. King’s New Life Pills are a boon to bowels that need assistance. They eliminate fermenting waste and put the system In normal shape. Ail druggists.—2sc. a bottle. TORTURED TEXAS WOMAN WRITES Standing On Her Feet Torture to This Lady. Had to Ride Everywhere She Went, Until Cardui Brought Relief. McKinney, Texas. —Mrs. A. B. Sto vail of this place writes: “Some time ago I was in a critical condi tion. We only lived two squares from town, yet I wasn’t able to walk the two squares. “I had to ride everywhere I went and suffered at that, but not so much as when I tried to walk. Standing on my feet was torture. “My greatest suffering was -in my right side. It was so sore and I felt If I stepped down or jarred ifayself the least bit, I could not stand it —so just walked mostly tiptoe. This kept up until I was just about discouraged and decided I had best try something else. “Someone told me of Cardui, and where It had benefited cases similar to mine. I felt at least it would not hurt to give it a trial. “After my first bottle I felt better —there was less pain and soreness in my side. “After my third bottle of Cardui I was well and have been ever since.” Cardui may be just what you need. Try it. —Advertisement. QUICK RELIEF FROM COMPAIffI. Get Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets That is the joyful cry of thousands since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. No griping results from these pleasant little tablets. They cause the liver and bowels to act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets fire a soothing, healing, vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. If you have a bad taste, bad breath, feel dull, tired, are constipated or bilious, you’ll find quick and sure re sults from Dr. Edwards’ little Olive Tablets at bedtime. 10c and 25c a box. —Ad srtiaement. Exhausted Bodies TIRED NERVES Relieved Absolutely by Cadomene Tablets The Real, Satisfying Tonlo. | Sold by All Druggists. one of the most thorough blood puri fiers known to /medical science. Thin fine old remedy cleanses the blood of impurities. Being purely vegetable, without a particle of mineral or chemical in its composition, It w r orks by eliminating and forcing out of the blood impurities, acting as a tonic to the entire system at the same time. S. S. S. is sold by druggists every where, and any of them will tell you that it is a thoroughly honest and re liable old remedy. Write our medical department for valuable literature and free advice. Alddress Chief Medical Adviser, 303 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.—Ad vertisement Three Crop Corn Killer “Gets-lt” Stops Pain Immediately and Corns Go Quick. The way to handle corns ts the tried and proved “Gets-lt” way—the way that millions have found quickest, easiest, saf est and most reliable. A few drops of "Gets-lt” knocks the hurt out of any corn at once and soon loosens it so It lifts right off without any feeling. Oh, what comfort! How grand to walk and dance and jump with out a single twiuge! Why not? “Gets-lt,” _ the never failing, guaran teed money-back corn remover, costs but a trifle at any drug store. Mfd by E. Lawrence & Cos., Chicago.—Advertise ment. Wins Back 6ood Looks How a Complexion Disfigured With Pimples, Blackheads, Muddiness, . And the Sallow Appearance Gives Way Before the Wonderful Stuart’s Calcium Wafers. You might look at half a dozen girls who have made their complexions beau tiful by clearing their skin with Stuart’s Calcium Wafers and be puzzled to decide which Is the prettiest. It Is remarkable what happens when those unsightly pimples, blackheads, etc., and the muddy, oily appearance disappear. Beautiful skin is lovely in the extreme. Stuart’s Calcium Wafers bring in a short time a more beautiful complexion. By cleaning out the pores, throwing off all skin discoloration, they do their work of beauty building almost before any one can believe It. Get a 50-cent box of these wonderful wafers from any druggist anywhere.— Advertisement. I“BALMWORT” FOR RHEUMATISM Mr. J. M. Hunter, Longmont, ! Colo., writes: "I have been \ taking Balmwort Kidney Tablets ! for my rheumatism and find they ] help me more than anything I ; ever took,” etc. Some forms of ; rheumatism are caused by fail- j ure of the kidneys to secrete and ! throw off the waste and poisons ! of the body. If kidneys and ! bladder are not doing their full ; duty, Balmwort Kidney Tablets ; will thoroughly revive their ac- ; tivity. Sold by all druggists.— | Advertisement. TIMES SPORTS are Correct. 11