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2 FRANCE HONORS MEN WHO DIED IN WORLD WAR Memoriam Certificates to Be Given Relatives on Wash ington’s Birthday. LEGION IS DISTRIBUTOR France will pay homage to Americans who died in the world war hy sending memoriam certificates to their next of kin on Washington’s birthday. By ar rangement with the United States army nary departments distribution .of the certificates will be made through American legion posts, it was announced today at American legion headquarters here. Approximately 118,409 soldlert. sailors and marines, who died in France, and the thousands who died in this country, will be memorialised. Legion posts will be requested to arrange fitting ceremonial observances for the distribution. A number of the certificates have been shipped from headquarters here to Le gion posts of Indiana in the following cities: Terre Haute. Kokomo, ville, Huntington. Hammond, Elkhart, Anderson, Logansport, Gary, Michigan 'City, Newcastle, Richmond. Muneie. South Bend, Lafayette, Ft. Wayne and Marion. The certificates were addressed to re crulting stations In those cities and posts ibave been instructed by L. Russell New gent, state adjutant, to ascertain from the stations the number of memorials they are to present. QUOTATION FROM HUGO ON CERTIFICATE. | The certificate bears a gronp figure on ia cenotaph on which is engraved the 'Signature of President Poincare and the ; inscription, “To the Memory of (blank) of tbe United States of America, Who 'Died For Liberty During the Great War, tbe Homage of France.” An inscription above is a quotation from Victor Hugo: “The people shoujd come to pray at the .graves of those who died for their eoun -1 try.” [ The Indiana state department of the ; legion has enclosed in each shipment of memorials a suggestion by Franklin D’Olier, national commander, concerning the form of memorial' service for dts : tributlon of the certificates. He ad vises post in ea'h city to co-operate in HAAG’S CUT PRICE DRUGS Another Big Cut In the Price of Drugs For years the Haags were loyal to the people of Indianapolis and central Indiana. The crowds of satisfied customers that can be found at all times in all the seven Haag Drug Stores prove that the general public is loyal to the Haags. Asa token of appreciation of this kindly feeling, another big reduction has been made in drugs and other merchandise. These can be bought cheaper every day and evening, including Sundays, in all the Haag stores since the war tax went in force. Before the war tax, these stores sold the $1.25 Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound for 89c, they now sell it for 79c. The sl.lO S. S. S. Blood Purifier for 74c, now 67c. Other goods in proportion. No mail orders filled at these prices. A SAMPLE OF DIFFERENCE IN REGULAR AND HAAG’S PRICES Everything Fresh, Genuine, of the Purest and Best Quality. Prices Subject to Change Without Notice Drugs, Medicines and Food OOe Eatonlc ooC sl.lO 8. 8. 8. Blood puriflw 67 80c Corega 23 9 81.20 Swamp Boot ...74C 600 Swamp Root 39 C SI.OO Vinol 099 $3.00 McDade’s Prescription... .$1.58 SI.OO Pepgen 099 SI.OO Peruna Q&C $1.25 Pinkham Veg. Comp 799 sl.lO Stiles Nervine 74e 76c Mellin's Food 649 75c Mead's Dextr© Maltose 649 $1.50 Maltfne 51.19 60c Mulslfied Cocoanut Oil 37C 80c Musterole.. 24C 000 Musterole . .499 75c Nestle’* Food 49c SI.OO Horiick’s .Malted Milk 699 $1.25 Gude’s Peptomangan 88 C SI.OO Bliss Native Herb Tablets.. .749 25c Carter* Little Liver PHI* 149 80c Bell’s Plae Tar Honey ..... .199 000 Doan’s Kidney Pills 459 *so He Lost’s Headache Powder... lgd 000 Drake’s Croup Remedy 379 $1.20 Hood's Sarsaparilla 7!)C 86c Dandertne 23c Be Lysol 1.69 500 Lysol 42C 000 Hays’s Hair Health 339 000 Walnutta Hair Dye T 5 Quban Hair Color Restorer. ...59C 85c Stcro Cubes 299 SI.OO Lotus Hair Dye 749 00c Plnex for Coughs 49c 80c Plso Cough Syrup 199 500 Stanoiax 399 SI.OO Nujol .-64 c 80c Pbenolax Wafers 199 85c Omega Oil 23d Wc Capudlne 18d 85e Freetone 23d 50c Nature Remedy 32d 10c Sch>enfeld’ Tea 109 50c Miller’s Anttsep. OH 349 60c Paraflne Floor Oil • 5f 81.00 Liquid Albolene 74c 30c Boruen’i Eagle Milk, 2 f0r....489 25c Alcock’s Plaster* 159 25c J. A J. Belladonna Plasters. 15d 26e Nature’s Remedy Table**.... 19d Aspirin Tab#., 12, 10c{ 36, 25c : 100, 45c 25c Calomel Tabs, 100, any size, lOC 60c Bitter Casoara. 3 ounce# 259 20c Quinine Caps. 2-gr., 1 d0z....15d 10c Carbolic Add. 1 os., es 6..259 10c Box Epsom Salts, 8 os# 5d Haag’s Insect Powder Kills Insects. 15c Peroxide Hydrogen Od 25c Celery Vesoe 1.99 60c Celery Tesoe 39d 20e Hill’s Cascara Quinine Tab#.. 19d 60c Canthrox -..499 $1.50 Scott’s Emulsion 989 25c Glover's Dog Soap 499 800 Clayton’s Dog Remedies 39d 10c Powd. Boric Acid 5d $1.50 Fellow#’ Comp. Sy. 15c Comp. Licorice Powder 409 35c Seldllts Powde*# 19d 80e Caacara CathajMc, Hinkle's.-249 60c Arom. Cascara, sweet, 3 ors. 259 750 Alopher Pills. 100 49d 80c Lapaetic Fills ’ 3.">9 25c Bells-Ans (Papayans) 499 76c Bell-Ans tpapayans) 59d $1.25 Veracolate Tablets, 100 98d 800 Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin 39d 85c Haarlem Oil Caps., Tilley’s..299 Ssc Haarlem Oil Caps. Gold M’d1..299 SI.OO Oil Korein Capsnies 859 $1.50 Santal Midy $1.19 300 Sal Hepatica 24d 60c Sal Hepatica 49 and 60c Milk Emulsion 459 60c Limestone Phosphate 399 50c Phosphate Soda, Merck’* 249 60c Eff. Phosphate Soda 399 50c Cutlcura Ointment 39d 30c Mucol 29d SOc Miles* PaJn Pill# ..249 SI.OO Bltro Phosphate -859 800 Abbott’s Saline Laxative. .29d 25c Edward’s OHve Tablets I9d 75c Rbeama, for Rhenmatiam. . 59d 50c Pape's Diapepsln 39d 25c Burkhardt's Veg. Tab 19d $1.25 Csdoment Tablets 9Sd 60c HorUck’s Malted Milk 399 $8.76 Horlick’s Malted Milk.... *2.98 *B.OO Nestle** Food $2.48 75c Imperial Grftnum .. . 59d $1.25 Imperial Grannm S9d 60e Armour’s Ext. Beef 4K<* 35c Castorla 25c 61.00 Veronal Table!#, 1 do* 80d Falryfoot Bunion Plasters. 10c Box Epsom Salts 5 HOT WATER BOTTLES, FOUNTAIN SYRINGES AND COMBINATIONS AT CUT PRICES 20c Camels, Lucky Strike, Chesterfield and Favorite Cigarettes, 17c, 3 for 50c. Honest Scrap, Beechnut, Mall Pouch, Union Workman, Pay Car and Tlahimingo, 3 for 35# 26c Omar and Fatima Cigarettes, 20c \ Haag’s Pills for Indigestion, Sick Headache, Biliousness and Constipation, 25£ HAAG DRUG STORES, 53 South Illinois Street, Corner itryWl vr^ A w i^ AB “ NGTOKM | £ ii^r oLi S Shoes Religious or Not , Question RANGOON, Jan. 30.—Tbe eternal shoe question has again bobbed up and been finally settled. Ancient, us age dictates pagoda visitors be bare footed. Young Burmese “conscientious ob jectors’’ insist that shoes are far tnore religious. The British govern ment has ruled that the trustees of ‘ each temple shall decide the shoe matter with respect to the wishes of a majority of their congregations. obtaining a large ball for the ceremon ies and to have uniformed men for' ushers. ORDER OF EXERCISES AS RECOMMENDED. The order of exercises, as recom mended. Is as follows: Orchestra—(A French composition is suggested.) Opening remarks by commander of post. Reading of scripture by Jewish rabbi. Prayer by Protestant minister. Orchestra—(An American composition.) Reading of Edwin Markbam’s poem, “France in Battle Flame.” Address—Speaker to be chosen by legion post. Song—“ The American Come.” Pageant Scene—“ Columbia" welcoming “LaFrance..” “LaFrance” giving testimonials to “Columbia.” Reading of honor roll. Songs—“ The Marseillaise,” and "Star- Spangled Banner.” Benediction by Catholic priest. State Commander Raymond Springer of Coanersville hopes to have simul taneous presentations in every county in the state. Local posts will be per mitted to decide whether to have separate exercises or to combine the county wide services. Willing to Give Wifeto Another LONDON, Jan. 30.—Kao Lun, Chinese, is suing Mrs. Bella Hale for breach of promise. After an engagement of a year' to Kao. Mrs. Hale eloped with Percival Hale, whom she had known a week. Kao says he wants her back. Hale’s willing, but Mrs. Hale hasn’t made up her mind.* Piles Cured In 8 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINT MENT fails to cure Itching. Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles. Stops Irrita tion; Soothes and Heals. You can get restful ?le.ep after tbe first application. Price 60c.—Advertisement. Big Cut on Toilet Articles 51.00 Beim wort Tablets 84d 60c Sulpherh Tablets 49d 25c J. A J. Baby Talc 15c SOc Williams Shaving Cream 240 25c Lip Sticks ..19f SOc Java Rice Pewder 339 Mary Garden Face Powder. 35c Sanitoi Face Powder 23d 55c Jap Rose Talcum 12 C 50c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 39c 25c Humphrey's Remedies... 22d 35c Kol.vnos Tooth Paste 189 SOc Pepsodent Tooth Paste 33 C 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 33d 6C-c Forhan's Pyorrhoea Paste...3Bo 25c Listertne 169 50c Mennen’s Shaving Cream 39d 35c J. A *J. Shaving Cream... 24d 350 Palmolive Shaving Cream 24d 35c Palmolive Shaving Stick 2*4. loc Cosmo Buttermilk Soap ?C 25c Spiro Powder IfeC SOc Mil mm 179 SOc Non-Spi .....iiiid 25c Pond's Vanishing Cream. 1.69 260 Rosaline lj*t' 50c Stillman’s Freckle Cream ....33d 46c Orchard Whit* i!B< SOc Woodbury's Facial Soap ....X6C 30c Reslnol Soap 189 25c Cutlcura Soap ’l**** SOc Pompeian Massage Cream.... 389 SOc Pompeian Day Cream 39C 60c Sempre GiovLne 39d 35c Senreco Tooth Paste 23d 50c Gillette Blade# (6’s> 37d 50c Gem Blades 34d 60c Durham Duplex Blades ... ...37d 40c Ever Ready Blades 349 75c Tooth Brushes, guaranteed.... 59c 400 Prophylaetic Tooth Brush 299 250 Child’s Prop. Tooth Brush 15d 380 Tooth Brush, guaranteed ifiSd SOc Tooth Brush, guaranteed 35 and 20c Children’s Tooth Brush 109 ?0c Camel Cigarettes, 17c; 3 f0r...50c 20c Lucky Strike Cigarettes 17d 25c Fatima Cigarettes 20c 51.00 Llsterln# 84d 250 Lavorls 23d 600 Lavorl* - ....429 300 Giycothymollne 249 SOc Giycothymollne 45d 30c Bromo Seltser 23d 60c Bromo Seltzer 460 30c Sanitoi Tooth Paate or P0w..24d 35c Euthymol Tooth Paste 24c SI.OO Pv orrhoclde 85d SOc Sanitoi Face Cream 24d 30c Cream Demeridor 240 50e Derma Viva Liquid Powder.. 399 50c Milkweed Cream 39d 50c Melvin* Cream 450 65c Berry's Freckle Cream 499 35c Colgate’s Cold Cream 24d SOc Hind's Honey A Al’d Cream.. 399 35c Theatrical Cold Cream 299 50c Theatrical Cold Cream 390 250 Peroxide Cream .... 19d 25c Daggett A Ran*. C. Cream.... 199 50c Daggett A Ran*. C. Cream.... 399 SOc Satin Skin Cream 24d Harriet Hubbard Ayer’s Goods. 25c Dorln’s Lip Stick 19d Mary Garden Lip Rouge. 40c Djer-Kiss Talcum Powder... ,34d 60c Levy’s Laßlaehe Powder 49© SOc Djer-Klss Rouge 43d 75c Djer-Kiss Face Powder 599 51.75 Azurea or LaTrefle Pow $1.34 60c Porin'* Brunette Rogue 499 35c Satin Skin Powder.... 299 $1.25 Djer-Kisg Vegetate $1.12 30e Odo-ro-no 24d COc Barin’# Depilatory Powder... .45 9 SI.OO DeMlracle Depilatory 899 SI.OO Del-A-Tone Depilatory 89d $3.00 Azurea Toilet Water 82.48 $1.75 Aiurea or LaTrefle Veg.. 51.39 Mary Garden Perfume. Mary Garden Toilet Water. Mary Garden Vanity Box. $1.50 Djer-Kls# Vanity Box $1.24 80c Williams’ Shaving Cream 249 15c Kirk’s Cocoa Castile, 3 for 259 10c Phys. and Sur. Soap, S for 259 30c Packer’s Tar (Soap 23d 50c Packer’s Liquid Sham. 50ap..459 25c Cnticura 80ap....Jc. 3 for 559 30c 4711 Give. Soap 24i\ 3 for Od 25c Pear’s I'n#een*ed Soap 15 9 25c Pear’# Give. Soap. 10c; S for 559 20c Conti Italian Castile Soap.... J 250 Ender*# Razor Blades 23d Playgrounds of City Attended by 881,242 During the past summer 881.242 chil dren attended the public playgrounds and park athletic grounds in Indian apolis, according to an annual report compiled by R. Walter Jarvis, director of recreation. Extensive plans for playground activi ties have been made for the coming year, Mr. Jarvis announced today. The attendance last summer Included 309.720 girls and 353.550 boys. The boys’ swimming pool was used by 25.70 Sand the girls pool by 11,113. There was an atendance of 75,160 on the baseball dia monds at the public park. Other figures on attendance w T ere: Evening programs, 60,200; football, 20,000; pageants, 16,001; athletic carnival, 1,500, and community centers, 10.000. J. C. Hart to Be Buried at California Home The funeral of John C. Hart, proprietor of the Fashion Shoe store, 126 North Pennsylvania street, will be held in Ri vera, Cal., it was announced today. Mr. Hart died Tuesday in Chicago, where he was stricken with lobar pneumonia while en route to Indianapolis from Ri vera. Mr. Hart was born east of Indianapo lis in Marion county. He established the first ■ exclusive ladies’ shoe store in the country at 11 North Pennsylvania Street tn 1889 and has been in business at several locations since that time, un til 1906, when he retired from active business. Mr. Hart is survived by the widow, five sisters and a brother, Wil liam, proprietor of the K. of P. build ing cafeteria. Globe Trotter Plans New Circuit Tour Sam 8., Davis, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Benjamin Davis. 701 South Illinois street, who Just returned from a trip around the world, Is expecting to make another circuit of the globe in the near future, it was announced today. Mr. Davis is staying at the Claypool hotel. He recently returned from Eu .rope and Asia, where be was agent for tbe United States-Siberian Company, distributor for the California Wine as sociatlon. Mr. Davis,, on his last trip to Europe, left California with a $1,000,- 000 cargo of wine, which he disposed of in foreign countries. He is prepar ing to make another trip in company Bath and Household Needs % Saxollte 75c Formaldehyde 499 0c Mercelized Wax 74d 50c Denatured Alcohol 25e O’Cedar Polish 169 25c Liquid Veneer 199 Ssc Colorite 1 9d 35c Stearns’ Roach Paste 229 10c Sulphur Candles, 5d i 7 feir 25d 40c Ground Flax Seed 2oC SOc Ext. Witch hazel, Pints 23d 10c ( oeoa Butter 5d 15c Camphor Icc A ..139 750 Carbolic Acid (pin*) 46d 25c. Household Ammonia ( Pint).. . 159 25c Peterman’# Roach Food 19d 25c Peterman’s New Diecov .199 10c Swat That Fly, 3 fur 35d SOc Mufti Cleaner 22C Ssc uljcerine l.otion SOc Metalglass Pollsn 289 SOc Putnam Dry Cleaner 29C 25c Liberty Dry Cleaner 149 26c Knergine Dry (leaner XSC 25c Nichol#’ Dry Cleaner 19C 10c Insect Ponder Guus 89 15c Moth Balls 1(IC 200 Napthollne Flakes 139 35c Merk's formal Disinfect 24d 25c Mentholatum Most of the 10c Tobaccos, 3 for 2c>9 COc Pound of Absorbent Cotton..4Bd 15c Absorbent Cotton 10d 75c Sterilized Gauze, 5 yds, ,1 A J t>9e> 20c Gauze Bandage, 10 yards. ... 1 5*; 15c Gauze Bandage, 10 yards lOd $1.50 White Enam. Douche Pan..9Bd $2 White Lm.m. Douche Pan.. sl.4s $5.00 Perfection Douche Pan... 83.74 $2.50 Wh. Enam. Douche Pan.. $1.89 81.50 Wta. Porcelain Red Pan..#1.19 $2.50 VVh. Enum. Bed Pan...... J .S9 $-.00 Enamel Bed Pan $1.25 $2.26 Wb. Enamel Bed Pan.... $1.48 75c Fountain Syringe 599 BJ.OO Fountain Syringe 74d $1.25 Fountain Syringe 89d $1.60 Fountain Syringe 98d $2.00 Fountain Syringe -81.48 $2.35 Fountain Syringe .$1.74 $2.75 Fountain Syringe, $1.98 SB.OO Fountain Syringe $2.24 $3.00 Fountain Spray $1.98 $2.00 Fountain Spray $1.48 GOc Household Syringe 499 SI.OO Hot Water Bottle 749 75c Household Syringe 59d si.oo Household Syringe 74d $1.50 Hot Water Bottle 989 $1.50 Household Syringe 98d $1.75 Household Syringe .......$1.19 $1.50 Com. Syringe and 80tt1e...98d $t.75 Com. Syringe and Bottle. $1.19 $2.00 Com. Syringe and Bot*le. $1.34 $2.25 Com. Syringe and Bottle. .$1,74 75c Combination Fittings ....... 59 and 75c Breast Pump 599 SI.OO Breast Pump 74d 15c Hard Rubber Fittings JQd 75c 2-qt. Wh. En. Douche can 59d $1.25 2-qt. Douche 8., complete. . .©Sd $1.60 Egyptian Henna Hair Dye..©Sd 75c Egyptian Henna Hair Dye...SOd 35c Rubber Tubing 259 $1.50 Fever Thermometer 98d $2.00 Fever Thermometer $1.48 600 Atomizers 499 flso Nose Atomizer 49d SI.OO Atomizer 749 $1 Nose and Throat Atomizer ...749 '.25 Nose and Throat Spray ....89d $1 SO Atomizer 98d $1.50 Nose and Throat Atomizer .989 $2.00 Nose and Throat 35e Dobell’s Solution 25d 25c Boric Acid Eye Water 159 Mo Atomizer Balbs, complete 25d 40c Army and Navy Bandage ....24d 60c Army and Nory Bandage 39d 75c Army and Navy Bandage... .599 40c Suspensory Bandage 24d SI.OO Old Point Comfort Bandage.. 749 SI.OO Athletic Supporter 74d *1.50 O. P. C. Bandage .-98d $1 Climax Athletic Supporter... 749 $1 Acme Athletic Snppor*er ~..74d 30c Dr. Hall'# Health Bnndage. .399 75c Dr. Hali’* Health Bandage... 599 *1.25 Dr. Hall’s Health Bandage..B99 40c Razor Strop 249 75c Razor Strop 4Sd 6! .00 Razor Strop 74d $1.50 Razor Strop 9Q9 $3.00 Razor Strop $1.98 INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1920. Cat Death to Baby GLASGOW, Jan. 30.—A black cat. brought to the home for luck, is said to have brought death last week to a baby in the bouse. The cat slept in the crib and suffocated cht!d.''it, is said. with George Ja.rrot, formerly of the Russian army, to dispose of a large stock of wine. Will Draw Plans , for Standard Road John J. Griffith, county engineer, was back at his desk in the courthouse to day after attending tbe~ Indiana county engineers’ school at Purdue university. Griffith was elected president, of the County Engineers’ association of In diana, and was empowered to name his own committee to draft standard road specifications. “This committee will draw up stan dard specifications, which will be of a similar nature to those of the state highway commission," said Griffith. 6SlffT| SCHOOL [§=pflf SHOES Z VS 'K We are prepared to ttieet every need of every schoolboy and girl tomorrow. Our N store is filled with bar gains in school shoes. € Beys’ Shoes In Russia leather, English last ; a reg-, uiar $4.00 value— <3iq> oe Boys’ gunmotal. English last; the kind for rough wear; a regular *7 El $3.50 value CW Children’s Shoes ) Children’s gunmetal calf, solid leather soles; made for service; sizes 5 to 8; $2.50 $1.98 Sizes BV-j to 12: $3.00 ft values Sizes 11 to 2, $3.50 pm • values w£miD (.'iris' kid or patent leather button it}) dress shoes, with genuine buck tops; sizes -4 ill i 11 to 2. A regular $4.50 value - ’ j .. , er ** ■> The Real Big Money Saving Sale of the Season S ! -igiii*i| - !iucc xvlncli 110 man who wants to practice real Every Suit and Overcoat Price Reduced , | is the* sale pnee on is the sale price on is the sale price on H ’ s . # Suits & Overcoats Suits & Overcoats Suits & Overcoats \ worth S3O to $35. worth $35 to S4O. worth $42.50 to SSO. Other Equally Interesting Values up to $48.50 J Children’s Clothing, $ 7 IS tn s l 7 w s . ui l and o?ercoats : i. 5 ’ •W IV 11. J J Worth $lO to $25.00 39 West Washington Street j Big Audience Hears Capt. Bairnsfather Cspt. Bruce Bairnsfather. English car toonist, who created “Old Bill” and his pal. “Alf,” spoke under auspices of the William Noble Wallace post, No. 198, American legion, at the Caleb Mills hall last night before a large audience. As Capt. Bairnsfather told of his experi ences during the war he Illustrated his remarks with cartoons and drawings thrown on a screen by a stereopticon. At the close of his remarks the cartoon ist drew three charcoal caricatures of “Old BUI." The captain appeared to be sincere when he praised the part the American soldier played ia bringing the war to a close. Following the address he left for Chien go. // * If they Tire, Itch, for cSmart or Burn, if Sore, rv/rClrritated, Inflamed or Sl/UR LY Lj Granulated, use Murine often. Soothas, Refreshes. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. Horiae Eye Remedy Ce,, CMc^ Asks SIO,OOO Damages for Injury to Child Judrment of SIO,OOO is asked by Wil liam Arthur Moore in behalf of MS daughter, Morean Moore, aged 7, against the Fame Laundry Company for alleged injuries sustained when she was struck by a delivery truck belonging to the company. The accident is said to have occurred at Merrill street and Madison avenue, April 10, 1918. Tbe suit was filed in the circuit court.. r—■ ~ ~ ' ’ ~ DECAYED TEETH Will Msr Your Appearance and Impair Your Health. Let our dental experts make them sound and attractive so you will re tain your good appearance and > health. Our charges are reasonable and our'terms eqsy- to pay. New York Dentists 41 East Washington Street 204 SAKS BUILDING very latest PJI Fox L Trot Mr for your phonograph— Can be played on any phonograph. Hear it played by Bern ard and Black. A Saxophone record. % Reverse side, 80-La-Bo —a lively one-step. A eolion Vocation I ocalion Records y • MStS Jk*t Fourth Wife Severe LONDON, Jan. 30. —“He should have known better-—l’m his fourth-wife,” Mrs. William Bates told the judge In response to the allegation of her husband that she slapped ' bis face for wearing his shoes in the house. ■ ! • “Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets” %Q- ,JlfcSfo'Gr2r£. How To Keep Young As You Grow Older It is possible to have a hale, hearty old age. The body in youth possesses more heat than the body of middle age or old age, because the blood contains more oxygen. It is possible for middle aged and older men and women to increase the oxygen carrying capacity of their blood—not by pumping oxy gen into the lungs, but by supplying the blood with the organic iron which attracts oxygen just as the magnet attracts steel. Two warring forces—the red blood cells and the white blood cells are always contending in the blood. They are the processes of building up, and tearing down. During youth the hot, red blood, vitalized with oxygen, enables the building up process to overcome the tearing down process, and the tendency of the body is all toward growth and development. As middle age approaches, the two forces tend to equalize each other, and the body retains its vigor and vitality. out, with the coming of old age, the victory of the tearing down process is manifested by the slow, gradual decay of the vital energies. The stress of modern life makes us old at fifty, decrepit at sixty, and useless, helpless wrecks before we pass our seventieth year. There is absolutely no necessity for this premature senility, this surrender of strength and vitality,' this abandonment of the pleasures and responsibilities of life. The bodily forces and energy can be maintained, the arterial degenera tion prevented, and a hearty, healthy, old age assured. REOLO supplies to the cells of the body the organic iron— which is easily assimilated by the blood— and attracts oxygen just as tbe magnet attracts steel. It enricheSK the biood with cell-salts and vital-; izes it with life-giving oxygen—in creases the circulation, and by its power of cell nutrition and recon struction—its tonic and stimulating qualities makes the entire body glow with health. Start the REOLO TREATMENT today and you will be delighted with the steady improvement in' your strength, energy and vitality. The large package of 100 pleasant, tasteless tablets, enough for two Weeks’ treatment, only costs sl. REOLO is sold in Indianapolis by Henry J. Huder, Washington and Pennsylvania streets, and Huder’s Drug Store, cor. Illinois and Michß gan.—Advertisement. Have You a “Gone” Feeling? Fagged Out in the Morning? Dc you get any rest at night? Or are your nights tiled with nightmares —in the morning you arc more fatigued than the evening before? Many suffer needleealy from kidney trouble. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. If they fail in this, your life is made unhappy by poisoned fluid coursing through your vein*, making you irritable, stupid, quick-tempered and utterly miserable all the time. Stop it! Your only hope is in awakening your slacker kidneys—putting them to work at purging your system of germ-lade* waste matter. Dodd’s Kidney Pills will aid you effect ively in cleaning your system of ail poisons, resting tired organs and muscles, and putting vou on the road to good health. Make you* life a series of bright, happy days. Each morning to be looked forward to as a tims of good cheer. Open np the windows enjoy the freah air. Don’t be a slave t# ill health. You can get Dodd’s Kidney Pills (three D’s in the name) at your dmggist, unless he’s sold out. Then send 60c. in stamps for the flat, round box. Address Dodd Medi cine Cos., Buffalo, N. Y. ARE YOU OONJtTTPAT ED? Diamond Dinner Pills are mild cathartics that are healthful and pleasing. No ill after-effect* Don’t Pamper Your Stomach Fear of Dyopepoia Robt the Entlr# System of Necessary Nutriment. Eat a Diversified Meal And With Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tab lets You Will Avoid the Dis tress of Indigestion. Jug? because the stomach sours with gassiness, heartburn, water brash and such distresses after eating, ia not a good reason for depriving the system of nourishment. Instead of indigestible and innutritiou# bran and skim milk try the better pMJ' of eating what you like and follow your meals with Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablet* They digest food, they assist the atom aeh to secrete juice* that keep the atom aeh sweet, active and with the alkalin* effect, just as when the atomach ia in perfect health. Nor ia it necessary to discriminate. You mav eat freely of onions, sausage, mince pie and baked beans, or other dishes, such as the av erage dyspeptic view# with horror, and suffer no distress if you follow with Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. There is thus no ueed to fear any kind of food at anv Dime or place, for with these tab lets you may prevent those distresses that formerly made you pamper your stomach as if it were a tender infant You can get Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets in any drug store at 90 cents a box. — Advertisement.