4 DRAFT REALTY LICENSE PLAN Kokomo Man Heads Commit tee on Legislative Issue. Announcement was made today by G. D. Gerhart, Kokomo, president of the In diana Real Estate association, of the ap pointment of J. S. Aldredge, Anderson, and J. D. Miltenberger, Muncie, on the special committee that is to draft a li cense bill for real estate brokers and salesmen. Other member.s of the committee who were named at a recent meeting of the hoard of governors are Louis L. Bart, Ft. Wayne, chairman; J. Edward Morris, C. B. Durham and Scott Brewer of In dianapolis. and Roy M. Frledley. Muncie. Mr. Gerhart stated that a meeting of the committee likely would be called within the next two or three weeks to draft the bill. After the draft has been completed it will be presented to the members of the governing board of the association for action. In case a special session of the legislature is called this spring, the bill will be submitted at that time, Mr. Gerhart announced. Says Officials Hide in Letters Too Much OTTAWA, Feb. s.—“ Public officials wrote too many letters,'' said T. G. Matheson, .head of the Dominion Public Works Federation, at a meeting here, “let them stand up in meeting," he declared, "and uot hide in foolish letters." 26 W. Wash. St. If you read this “ad" you will know WHY Tay lor’s is recognized all over Indiana as Linoleum Headquarters Satisfaction guaranteed. Buying for Spring Hundreds do it here every February, but this year it means more than ever before. Please believe us—it is to YOUR advantage to buy NOW. PAY PART—HAVE IT LAID AWAY. Here’s a List of Sample Values in This Linoleum Sale 1.500 yards, our won derful Oiltex grade Real Cork and Oxidized Lin seed Oil Linoleum, made on the best Scotch bur lap, 12 feet wide, all per fect goods; many dis tinctive designs for all rooms. In this sale, a square 'feet wide, large ment of designs and col ors for all rooms. In this sale, per a j ryo l square yard. Up 1 . / Zj2 The Advantages of cementing and rolling linoleum over wool-rag deadening felt when laid the “Taylor way.” 1. On all jobs the work of laying can be completed in a single trip—no going back to stretch or trim the linoleum. 2. The linoleum is secured firmly over the whole area and therefore can not bulge, expand or contract. 3. The wool deadening felt takes up ordinary expansion and contraction (on account of heat and cold) in the wood or concrete base and ends all buckling and cracking due 1o this cause. 4. The floor is made delightful to walk on, the felt acting as a cushion. 5. The felt deadens sounds. 6. The floor is "warmer in winter. 7. The linoleum wears a third longer. 8. The linoleum can be remoyed without damage and with little difficulty if occasion should arise. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1920. Pet Horse Follows Mistress to Grave LONDON. Feb. s.—“ Daffodil,” a blood ed horse, was shot here, in accordance with the will of his mistress, Mrs. J. W. Martindale. Mrs. Martlndale wrote; “If I die have the horse follow me.” Mississippi Gives Vote to Women JACKSON, Miss., Feb. s.—The state senate today without a dissenting vote passed two house resolutions proposing to amend the state constitution so as to confer the right of suffrage on women. It Looks Somewhat Like ‘Horse* on Him AKRON. 0., Feb. s.—“To the honor able mare” came a letter to Mayor Carl Beck here. Beck can’t understand the mistake. Ho! Alaskan Mushers Aim to ‘Doll Up’ Some SEATTLE, 5. —Twenty cases of talcum powder have been bought here for shipment to the Alaska Engineering commission railway camps in Alaska. MBS. ,T. E. FITZGERALD DIES. HAMMOND, Ind., Feb. 5.--Mrs. John E. Fitzgerald. 42, wife of a prominent man ufacturer and banker of Hammond, is dead here today, after five weeks’ 111- nesss from typhoid pneumonia. 1,700 yards, Taylor’s “Inlalds” are best to buy because they don't “wear off.” Special Rug Veneer, splendid reproduction of a hardwood floor; three feet wide. In this sale, per yard vc/L This makes an effective border for rugs. It is good looking, easy to clean and Inexpensive. Thrifty Throngs Come Here Every Week for Friday Bargains The Week’s Peerless Bargain Day 25c Durable Durham Lisle finish cotton socks for men, first qual ity, fully reinforced; colors black, gray, navy and tan; also men’s 35c slightly imperfect black cotton fleece lined socks; Friday Bargain, 4 pairs, 75<; pair avV Boys* Negligee Shirts W ith collar attached; neat striped patterns; sizes 121/2 to 14 collar; dandy for school wear; Friday Bargain. Ot/C Men's 50c All-Wool Yarn Socks, slightly imperfect army re jects; 3 pairs, SjSI.OO, 35c Men*s Good Grade Dress Pants, shown in fancy eassimeres and worsteds; also heavy dark corduroys; sizes 28 to 42; Bargain #4 OUT Friday, pair C.B. Cones’s Union-Made Overalls and Jackets, seconds; made of extra heavy blue denim with bib; sizes 32 to 42; jackets, sizes tiJ9 90 38 to 46; $3.00, for Friday.. Boys 1 Suits and Mackinaws —the very latest styles, of exceptional wearing qualities; new seam-belted mod els. Mackinaws of neat, dark plaids: sizes 7 to 16. Formerly sold up to $12.75; for Friday, 9^ special 36-Inch Unbleached Mus lin. heavy quality, free from specks; lengths to 15 yards; regular 29c value, limit 20 yards; Friday only, 4 yard Notaseam Pure Silk Hose for Women 25-dozen lot with slight imperfec tion that will in no way affect the wear of these nationally known $1.75 and up to $2.50 stockings; colors black, gray, mouse and dark a* *m brown; big Friday special, *r I choice, a pair JL Shirting Madras, Light ana medium grounds, with large and small stripes; large selection of patterns to choose from ; lengths to 4 yards; regu lar 45c value; for Friday special, yard Women’s Sweaters, Slip over style, in Pekin blue, rose and white; some with Angora collars, slightly soiled from handling; special for ti£9 QQ Friday Bargain Day tyMmwCr Women’s Crepe and Flan nelette kimonos, exceptionally well made; provided in pink, blue, lavender and rose; $2.50 value; CkR Friday Beautiful Voile Organdy waists, trimmed with lace and em broidery ; worth $2.50 to $2.98; priced for Bargain |£4 70 Friday JL# I Children’s All-Wool Serge dresses, very practical for the school girl; trimmed in light blue; sizes 6 to 12 years; regularly $5.50 value, for Friday R & G Corsets, Medium bust or topless; flesh and white; sizes 20 to 26; specially 90 priced for Friday Women’s Stylish Boots, black, beaver, brown, field mouse or patent kid, with field mouse, black kid and cloth tops; Cuban or French heels; $lO, sl2 and sls A/? grades fsjO#pO New Spring Oxfords, the very latest styles; Cuban or Louis heel; specially priced for Friday o£u Bargain Day . Sample lots of Shoes and black and tan oxfords, $6.50 and $7.00* grade ; Bargain Friday, &9 QC pair Dutch Scrim Curtains, 2 l / 2 yards long, sheer quality, plain center with hem border, side and bottom fin ished with lace edge. Regularly $1.50, special for Friday Bargain I Day, pair CfOVr i stnrStore 360*370 St A Special February Sale of Silks and Georgettes Four of the most desirable silks of fered at the wonderfully low price of $2.25 Per Yard \ $3 Georgette Crepe, $2.25 —4O inches wide; an elegant qual ity, free from dressing, making it es pecially desirable for use where soft Hewing lines are desired. Full va riety of colors. $3 Crepe de Chine, $2.25 —An advantageous purchase enables us to offer for Friday several pieces of 40-inch pure silk crepe de chine. Extensive assortment of colors. $3 Satin Messaline, $2.25 —A splendid eolor range, full 36 inches wide. Exceptional quality —worth more at wholesale. Chiffon Taffeta, $2.25 36 in., black and colors, including navy, rose, champagne, gray, etc. Quality selling regularly at $3.25. Children’s Ribbed Fleece cotton vests, ages 6 to 12; some slight ly soiled ; formerly sold up to 60c, Fri day Bargain until sold, 9^#* each avv Women’s Fine Bleached cotton union suits, high and low neck styles with long or short sleeves; light fleecing; regular Hnd extra sizes; reg ular price $1.39 and $1.50, f£4 “€0 Friday Bargain, suit vAtJ-w Women’s Durable Durham fast black fleece lined hose, seamless; spliced sole, wide elastic flare top; 39c value; Friday Bargain, 25c Clean-up of WomensWinterCoats Included are smart and $10.45 distinctive models that, S S have sold up until now as high as $25.00. Kil vertones, velours, velvets; fur and plush trimmed; belted and loose back models. Felt Base Floor Covering, 6 feet wide, waterproof, tile and hard wood floor patterns; regular 85c qual ity, for Friday special, square yard tltlv Axminster Rugs, size 9x12, oriental patterns, deep heavy pile, extra heavy quality; worth SA9 today $65.00, special aUI tj Nurses’ Comfort and Korn Kure shoe, $6 grade; specially priced for Friday only, pair m#o€J New Printed Georgette, 40 inches wide, beautifuj patterns, light and dark grounds; used for waists, sleeves, overdrapes, etc.; specially priced for Friday, €£9 yard Young Men’s Suits and Overcoats Seam belted models. Overcoats— the very latest models, in rich nov elty mixtures; snappy suits of all wool French serge; blue flannels, also novelty mixtures. S3O and $35 val- &9ZI 7C ues, Friday 4 *# / 9 Pink Jersey Bloomers for Children Ages 4 to 12 years; elastic waist band and knees; well made, felled seams. Lot of 25 dozen. 50e and 59c regular price, Friday f + Bargain, pair jdm l tJJ Every Article Exactly As Advertised Lot of Children’s Fine ribbed cotton stockings; black, sizes B Y2, 9, 914; dark tan color, sizes bto 9V2; up to 39c value; Friday 9'°’° Bargain, choice, pair Men’s Hygienic Fleece lined shirts and drawers, Jaeger color, good heavy weight; all sizes; OR** Friday special, garment OvC Men’s Winter Union Suits, fleece lined and ribbed fleeced; broken lines; mostly all sizes in the lot; worth up to $2.50; until PV| sold, Friday, suit Mp Bust Confiner in pink and white mesh. Open front or back; all sizes; for Friday Bargain /■ /k Day DlfC Outing Flannel in dark stripes and checks, also white - good heavy quality; regular 29c value; 250 yards for Friday’s selling, yard Bookfold Dress Percales in navy, gray, black and lights, in neat stripes and figures; regular 99#* 29c value; Friday, the yard Unbleached Canton Flan nel, 27 inches wide; good heavy weight, long nap; very suitable for infants’ wear; regular 29c value, 99#* Friday, yard Window Shades, 36x7, dark green, mounted on dependable rollers; special for Friday WA* Bargain Day | tfC Boys’ Medium Weight Ribbed Fleece Union Suits Seconds of Oneita and Setsnug brands; ecru; cotton; ages 2 to 16 years. Priced according to size, Fri day special— Suit 87c up to $1.29 Matting -Rug, size 9x11.8, reversible, Japanese designs: colors green, tan. blue and red; regular $6.50, special A*or Cut Glass Cream and Sugar sets, new shape, pretty floral cut; reg ular $1.48 value; while 20 70# sets last, Friday, the set i & C Dyco Crochet Thread, odd lot of colors, most all numbers in each color; up to 19c values, G%TT*% Friday, 4 balls for Hair Switches, 26 and 28- inch, three strand, fine, fluffy, extra fine quality hair; all shades except gray; $2.98 and $3.9S regular 90 price; Friday special....... wAmtmV Childrens Coverall Aprons —made of light pink, blue and navy blue percale; sizes 4 to 16 years; 98c regular price; Friday special § vC Boys ’ Shoes on the bargain table, all calfskin button styles; worth up to $3.50; for Friday, (I*4 pair t) 52-inch All Wool Serge, sponged and shrunk, all wool, full 52 inches wide; navy, black, myrtle, etc.; a $3.50 value, Friday $Z# • v Ladies storm and croquet rubbers, high or low heels; for Friday Bargain Day / vC HOUSEFURNISHINGS •-quart pure Aluminum Preserving Kettles; extra ~****rtr\ heavy weight; best quality; IS?***:..,;. $1.39 srS ■f t Is' e-qnart pure Aluminum Bice or Miami* ißiv- Double Boilers: best quality Viko il® $1.43 White Granite Comblnette* or Slop Jars: tight lid and bail handle; $2.29 value; only 49 to sell; while they last; $< CQ w // Friday 91v# Vte- • Jr ■ •-quart Gray Granite Convex Kettle, with lid; first qual ity; actual size; baU handle; lVfc-quart handled Bake ■ — T* Pans and Sauce Pans; deep 1S W -n style; first quality; 35c value; Visfc' IJ7 22c