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r OMEN'S CLUBS WILL BE GUESTS AT TEA FRIDAY fca gc Attendance Expected at Fourth of Series of Big Functions. The Woman's Department, club ''Till give the fourth of a series of teas for the Federated clubs Friday afternoon, Feb. 13, from 3 until fi o'clock, when the clubs to be honor guests will include the mem bers of the Woman’s. Philomathean, In diana Yassar, Woman's Research. Irv ington Tuesday, Vincent C. L. 8. (.. Kornlghtly Book. W. O. X. A. It. D.. Expression and Monday Afternoon Read ing clubs. Mrs. W. J. Beckett will be in charge of the tea with the following assistants: Mrs. George F. Bass- Mrs. 8. R. Art man, Mrs. Samuel Ashby, Mrs. Franz P. Bopp, Mrs. Thomas M. Bosson. Mvs. A. I/. Bowman. Mrs. A. E. Bradshaw, Mrs. ,Tohn It. Brant. Mrs. A. W. Brayton. Mrs. Henry P. Breadheft. Mrs. Pon E. Brewer, Mrs. W. A. Bristow. Miss Anna Brock Aausen. Mrs. G. P. Brooks, Mrs. Ernest Pj), Cofieid. Mrs. William If. Coleman. Mrs. .T. G Pollicott. Miss Anna Collier, Mrs. George W. Combs. Mrs. Payton C. < AMUSEMENTS. , I ONE BI.OfK SOI TH OF THE RIAI-TO N0 ,?% T J LL CONTINUOUS COM T f A E Ny RLCIXI^ITIbd 1 Features Monday “JUVENILE FOLLIES” A Fast Moving Aggregation of Bewitching, Captivating, Singing, Dancing and Prancing Doll Babies in Motion LADIES’ SPECIAL BARGAIN MATINEES fijfe Monday Wednesday Friday " “ n VAUDEVILLE 4 FEATURE PICTURES ENTIRE SHOW TOMORROW I DRESSLER and WILSON I DAVIS HUNT COLUSTER Novelty Dancers |f Assassinators of Gloom §f In PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE i You’ll laugh until tears come to your eyes. V BUBHHBinHHHF I RUDER & O'BRIEN I Three Moran Sisters I i ROBERTS & STRAW In |i Queens of Music | K,n °* Harmony Comedy,Singing,Talking || A Triangle of Beauiy, Brace an Jlgility ; § Pep, Ginger and Jazz HMMHBF 1 |walshin “The Shark'' sffi.. Ssl NOTE:—Lady Patrons of This Theater Will Receive Special Bargain Matinee Ticket for Our Broad way Theater. Good Monday—Wednesday or Friday. Is a Wife Cheaper Than Housekeeper? SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 7.—“ He was a bum hubby,” Mrs. Mabel Roberts told the court today when she asked divorce. “He said he married me be cause a wife was cheaper than a housekeeper.” Condon, Mrs. Alfred P. Conklin, Mrs. George M. Pickson, Mrs. William Pob son, Mr. "William Podds, Mrs. Robert Elliot. Mrs. Rowland Evans, Mrs. E. E. Flickenger. Miss Helen C. Floyd. Mrs. Harry 1,. Foreman. Mr'. W. If. Fore man. Mrs. William Forsythe, Mrs. G. IV. Gordon. Mrs. E. U. Graff, Dr. Hannah M. Graham. Mrs. Ronald Green. Mrs. John C. Henley, Miss Edna G. Henry, Mrs. Edward G. Hereth. Mrs. F. G. Herman, Mrs. Frederick M. Herron, Mrs. William M. Hersebel], Mrs. Fred A. Hethering ton. Mrs. H. B. Haywood. Miss Gertrude V. Hinson, Mrs. Percy Johnson, Mrs. Richard O. Johnson. Mrs. Colin E. King. Mrs. Emma B. King. Mrs. Irving C. King, Mrs. Virgil H. Lockwood, Mrs. F. A. Likely. Mrs. Nicholas H. Long. Miss Lucy Mayo. Mrs. George Phiilip Meier. Mrs. John M. Mendenhall. Mrs. Pearson Men denhall, Miss Augusta Moving. Mrs. Bar clay Hering, Mra. E. L. Mick, Mrs. W. F. Millholland, Mrs. Frank E. Miller, Miss Mary E. Nicholson, Mrs. Meredith Nicholson, Mrs. Harry L. Orlopp, Mrs. Lawrence F. Orr. Mrs. William H. Per kins. Mrs. Ethel C. Peters, Mrs. Charles A. Pfafflin, Mrs. W. A. Pickens, Mrs. Otis W. Pierce. Mrs. Dick Richards. Mrs. Henry L. Richardt, Mrs. J. B. Rickey, Mrs. Clayton 11. Ridge, Mrs. Hermann H. Rtnne, Mrs. Charles R. Sowder, Mrs. J. F. Spaunhurst, Mrs. Samuel D. Spell man, Mrs. W. S. Spring, Mrs. Anna K. Stafford, Mrs. H. E. P. Stanford, Mrs. Anna Nye Stanton, Mrs. Guy L. Stay man. Mrs. Harry L. Stedfeldt, Mrs. Theo dore O. Steele. Mrs. W. W. Thornton. Mrs. Maurice ,T. Tibbs. Mrs. William S. Thomlin. Mrs. O. C. Wilcox. Mrs. T. J. Williams. Mrs. Luther Williams. Mrs. Myron R. Williams, Mrs. Arthur G. Wills, Mrs. Fletcher Wills. Mrs. A. Earl Wilson, Mrs. G. Gardner Wilson, Mrs. John A. Osbon. A N NOP N CEMENTS. The Industrial Euchre club will give a card party at 8:30 o'clock Sunday night In Musicians' hall. 113 East Ohio street. * • The newly elected officers of St. An bony’s Social club will entertain with a card party at 8:30 o'clock tomorrow eve ning in St. Anthony's hall on Warman venue. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1920. New Musical Comedy Has Booking at Murat Cecil Lean, remembered for his suc cesses in the musical comedy field, comes to the Shubert Murat theater ail the week of Feb. 23, with matinees Wednes day and Saturday in the musical com edy, “Look Who's Here,” with Cleo May lield, comedienne, In chief support. The book and lyrics of the comedy were written by Frank Mandel and Ed ward Paulton and are a brilliant result of the pairing of these clever writers. The music Is of special merit, judging from previous works of Silvio Hein, its composer, who has been noted for his tuneful scores. The story concerns an author of fervid love stories who does not practice what he writes, with the result that his charm ing young wife lacks the tender atten tions which all wires expect. This re sults in her adopting means to obtain them that jire not at ail unusual save in the results of her efforts, and these results bring on the complications that create the comedy of the piece. Prominent In the east are such wel: known players as Georgie Mack. SUvl-t DeFrankle. George R. Lynch, John F. Morrlsey, Eleanor -Henry, Pavtd Quix nno. McCarthy sisters, Madge Kush and others. Survives Battles for Death in Street NEW YORK. Feb. 7.—After serv ing fifteen months In France as a machine gun officer, where he took part in three great battles, was gassed and decorated for bravery, Lieut. Col. Frederic L, Davidson of the twenty-second infantry, met his death In New York's blizzard. A snow-laden theatrical sign fell upon him. William Gillette to Bring Favorite Star Few actresses have, in their careers, been associated with more important events In the history of the theater thru has that sterling player, Marie Wain wrigbt, who plays Mrs. Coade in Bar rie’s “Dear Brutus,” in which William Gillette comes to English's opera house Feb. 26, 27 and 28. She made her first appearance on the stage as Juliet, in 1877. in support of the English star. George Rignold. After this auspicious beginning she went to another extreme, for she is down on the records as the first, American .Toseph'ne In Gilbert A Sullivan's "Pinafore.” This appearance was at the historic Boston museum. She was also the first American count ess Zicka in Sardou's “Diplomacy.” Foi five years she was leading woman with Lawrence Barrett, later with Louis James, and in 1886 she became leading woman with the Bootb-Salvinl combina tion. Then, in “Amy Robsart," she be came a star. In "Pear Brutus" sbe re sumes a former relationship with Mr Gillette: for she was the mother in “Samson.'' )n 3908, and three years later was Mrs, Varney in “Secret Service." More recently she was seen as the mother superior in "Marie Odile.” War Mothers' Head to Attend Meeting The Marion county unit of the Amer ican War Mothers of Indiana will hold its regular meeting Thursday in the au ditorium of the public library when Mrs. Alice M. French, national war mother of that organization and associate editor of the new official American War Mother magazine, “The American Soldier,” will give an outline of the new magazine. She will have a number of the books, for Feb ruary, which has published in full the constitution of the organization. Dr. Olive will give a talk on the work of the Indiana Historical commission. AMUSEMENTS. CHAS. M. BAKER PRESENTS THE Sport Girls WITH HARM S. LEVAN AND SAM BACHEN This eonpon and ten rents entitles lady to reserved .*u at any matlnev during week. Next Wc>eß - /O , -Xf ■ ■ w TWA (continuous v J y VAUpEVULE BIOY VOi 111 MB PAST MASTERS OF SYNCOPATION IN A RIOT OF TANTALIZING JAZZ MELODIES. JERGE and HAMILTON EARLE and EDWARDS BILL anil IRENE TEIAAK In “Miss Summertime” Musical Comedy Comedians Versatile Entertainers Eton " r^ HraPi juggling delisle MAREENA 1 il' OS I CIIOI § fOil! FEATS OF DEXTERITY ami BELTON Mriwr CHRISTY COMEDY COMEDY ACROBATS U iHJ'lL'l I7M ALLO En.ME ARCS DANCING IN THE LYRIC BALL ROOM AFTERNOON AND EVENINGS. Women Will Continue Citizenship Classes Miss Sara Lauter, president of the In dianapolis Franchise league, announced Friday at the meeting of the teachers' institute that the meetings would be continued through Monday and Tuesday of next week regardless of the flu epi AMUSEMENTS. j, p t 2 15 and 8 15 " ' ** '—■——————■ Return for a Limited American Tour of M ALICE LLOYD Eminent English Comedienne W Jane Courthope Ep-, l§|ggf offers “Our Family” tfk An ,ncident of Every-Day Life fp§- A JACK LAVIER JLA “flying monologist” MARTIN WEBB Bn JOSEPHINE HARMON ADELAIDE BELL HAZEL WASHBURN "WE AND US" BARNEY ZEEMAN LAZIER-WORTH GO. COOK and PERRY An Evening at Home Discoverers of Comedy Don’t Forget to Arrive in Time to See the Kinogram News Weekly and the Literary Digest Sayings. " domic, as the course is so near comple tion. The school has been well attended and it is the Intention of the league to continue these institutes following the national convention which will be held In Chicago. The three subjects for Monday and Tuesday will be “Political Parties and System.” “Primaries and Conventions'’ and “Election and Voting Machinery.” The Institute is open to any one in terested and is free of charge. It is be ing held at the local league headquar ters, 204 Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. H. E. Barnard is in Greenfield today, where she is to talk at the first citizenship school there. Robert E. Tracey of the Chamber of Commerce will speak on “City Govern ment'’ Friday, Feb. 13, at the citizen ship class to be held at school No. 57. 7