Newspaper Page Text
I'Pulling ' Power If von are in need of help for factory, office, store or any other line it would pay you to take a hint; be wise and let a small Times want ad pull results for you from its thousands of substantial, sensible readers. Call Main 3500 or Auto. 28-351 and start one work ing for you. RATES ,■ Per Line. One time $0.07 Three consecutive times .. .06% Six consecutive times ..... .06 Contract rates on application. *--■ _ ■ FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director, 522 East Market. Old Fhone Main 908. New Phone, 27-208. A. M. Ragsdale, J. Wash Price, John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. McKAHAN & WILHITE 37 West Thirteenth street. Main 3210. J. C. WILSON 1230 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 322. Ft -VERAL DIRECTORS— W.M. E. K RIEGER, New 21-lot. Main Hot. 1402 N. Illinois. UN PERT AKERS. ~~ ~ w. T. BLASENGYM 163a Shelby St. Pros. 2570. Auto. 51-114. UNDE RTAKFRS—HIVrVA TITUS," ~~ Oil . North Del. New 26-564. Main 3630. PEAJH AND FUNERAL NOTICED Adams, Frances t.—daughter of Robert H. anil Henrietta P. Adams, passed away Feb. 16. Funeral Services at her home. 2607 Ashland avenue. Wednes day at 2 p, m. Burial private. | ALBERSMEIER, IiERTKI DE (NEE Pearce), wife of William H. Albers meier, passed away Sunday afternoon at Methodist hospital. Funeral services at Kregelo & Bailey's parlors, 522 North Pennsylvania streiet, Wednesday at 2 p. in., Feb. IS. Friends invited. BLUE, LY riA—WIFE OF BERT BLUE and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Tullin, 1312 .Montcalm street, died at Deaconess hospital. Feb. 16. 12:45 a. m. Funeral Thursday. Feb. 19. 2 p. m„ at residence of her parents, 1522 South Bel mont. Buria! Crown Hill. Friends in vited. Blum, Frances—wife of edward Blum, died Saturday, S p. m., age 23 years. Funeral at her late home. 219 Terrace avenue, Wednesday, 3T30 a. m. Sacred Heart church 10 a. m. Burial St. Joseph’s cemetery. Deceased was member of Christian Mothers’ society. DRURY’, JULIA—BELOVED WIFE OF John Drury, died Sunday afternoon. Feb. 15. Funeral Wednesday morning, Feb. 18, at 9 o’clock at St. Bridget's church. Burial Holy Cross. Friends in vited. EDSON. NORA OLIVE—WIFE OF Ll ther O. Eason, died’ Sunday afternoon, t unerat services Tuesday evening. Feb. 17. 7 ;30 o’clock at her home. 2 1 South Tre mont. Funeral services at Eminence. Ind., 11 a. m. Wednesday. Burial Mannan cem etery. Fall, Harriett b.—mother of al bert Frank Gruber and Walter. How ard and Bessie Fall, died at her residenci 702 Wooaiawn avenue. Feb. 15 at 1 a. im age 65 years. Funeral services will be held at the Grace M. E. church, corner East and Market streets. Wednesday. Feb. 18, at 10 a. m. Burial Vernon, Ind- Friends invited. Hag ESty, m vrv-m>tei; of mrn. P. B. Gallagher, Patrick, Anna and John Hagerty. died Feb. 16. at the resi dence, 4! 1 West Norwood street, age 66 > cars. Funeral notice later. Please omit flowers. JACK. MIN, STEPHEN S.—AGE 42 years 5 months 4 days, beloved hus band of Bertha Jackson, passed away Mon day. Feb. 16, at 3 a. m. Funeral Wednes day. Feb. 18, 1:30 p. m., at residence, 1709 South Draper street. Friends Invited. Burial Southport. Ind. JOHNSTONE, MRS. MARY A DIED Sunday, Feb. 15, 11:30 p. m., age 86 years. Short service at late residence, 720 East Twenty-fourth street. Tuesday afternoon, 4:30 o’cloojt. Private for fam ily and relatives. Public service at Brook vflle, Ind., Wednesday, 10 a. in., at resi dence of son, W. A. Johnstone. Friends may call after 6 p. rn., Tuesday, until 4 p. m., Wednesday. STEM ART. JAMKS M.—DIED AT HIS late residence. 2521 Station street. Sunday. Feb. 15. 8:15 p. m.. need 64. Fu neral Wednesday. Feb. 18. 10:30 a. rn., at residence. Burial at Crown Hill. Friends invited. TYLER, BENJAMIN—PASSED AWAY at his residence, two miles north of Clermont, Ind., on county line, Monday, Feb. 16, at the age of 86. Funeral at Jones chapel Wednesday, Feb. 18, at 2 p. m. Friends invited. AND FQUNfr— WRIST WATCH LOST, GOLD, SATCTt day night, between Sixteenth and Sev enteenth on North Illinois street. North 4260 or Auto. 41-341. Reward. Yellow grip taken~by mistake at Big Four train. Arrived 2:35 from Cincinnati. Reward. Cali North 5493. BOV’S MACKINAW LOST] MARKET house; owner s name on box. Reward. Irvington 2375. LODGiES AND CLUBS. 0. E. S.—NAOMI CHAPTER NO. 131. Called meeting 'in Masonic temple to morrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 1 o'clock to attend the funeral of our late sister, Gertrude Albersmeier. Eastern Star services at the Kregelo & Bailey chapel, 532 North Pennsylvania street. ELLEN BUCHANAN, Worthy Matron. LIZZIE J. SMYTHE. Secretary. BUSINESS CHANCES. PRESENT OPPORTUNITIES Safeguarded securities. What are safe guarded securities? When are invest ments safeguarded? Pertinent facts. Will you Join thousands of your fellow men in receiving this information? We will glad ly mail you a booklet pertaining to these facts. Address the E. B. CASSATT CO.. 910 Hume-Mansur building, Indianapolis. Ind., or the home office in Cleveland, O. ' KKATIiF.RX Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. Esc 1886. E. F. BURKLE, 416 Mass. ave. Main 1428. New 23-775. HOOFERS Asphalt roll roofing and shingles, repair ing and recoating roofs and gutters. LASHBROOK BROS. CIRCLE 3058 DETECT IV E t Quigley-Hyland Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators 626-529 Law bldg. Main 2902. MALE HELP—WANTED. BOYS OVER 16. APPLY L. STRAUSS & CO. Experienced all-bound machine men for planing mill work. WILLIAM T. JOHNSON LUMBER CO., Nineteenth and Cornell. Wanted experienced" firemen on chain grate stokers. Apply MR. RAY. Union Traction Power House, An derson, Ind. COLORED BOY; .LIGHT FACTORY work and delivery. LEVY BERKO WITZ CAP cq.. 625 Century bldg. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened. TUTTLEDGE, 201 Indiana ave. Experienced colored janitor. Apply Cal Wilson, Peoples Bank ibuildlng, formerly Law building. ! MALE HELP—WANTED. X . , ‘f,V ■ ->!;/;■' • i *-' At 1 -’ ' • li* S*<\ ■—V- A' : A-l LATHE AND MILL ING MACHINE OPER ATORS AND INSPEC TORS* A-l GEAR CUTTER MAN. APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE MIDWEST ENGINE CO. NINETEENTH AND MARTSNDALE 9 DRAFTSMEN ' TRACERS AND DETAILERS GOOD PAY FOR GOOD MEN. ALLISON EXPERIMENTAL CO. SPEEDWAY BELMONT 3GpO. MR. BRAY. HuSSll liMlrf! mm E2OIA §Tmm LABORER* WHO AISE Kj©T AIFiSAI® IF WORK MILLNBLIAGSR MABRBNE 80. W. TWENTY-THIRD and belt. WANTED—LATHE AND SCREW MACHINE OPERATORS. GENERAL TOOL & GAGE CO., 115 N. NOBLE. WANTED COMMON LABORERS; MALE AND FEMALE; GOOD WAGES AND GOOD WORKING CONDI TIONS. APPLY AT THE INDIANAPOLIS CORD AGE CO., SOUTH MERI DIAN AND BELT R. R. f Match Your Coat with a pair of TROUSERS [jy| THE PANTS mW STORE CO. W m Two Stores a 48 W. OHIO ST. Near 111. 110 E. MARKET ST. Near Penn. Men, boys and* colored women wanted. S. Key stone Avo and Belt R. R. Take Prospect car to end of line. Fairinount Glass Works. Wanted—A fife instructor; must be union. Anply Circulation Dept., Times. Mr. Ring. Laborers, millwrights, inspectors. Apply employment dept., Im perial Drop Forge Cos., 510 S. Harding. Colored laborers to unload steel and coal; 45c per hour. Ap ply to Mr. Strange, Imperial Drop Forge Cos. WANTE7X— FIVE GOOD MENTO ~KEF resent us in this city; S3O per week to hustlers; experience unneceasary; refer encee and security required. Apply I to 1 p. m. Room 218. 46 North Pennsyl vania street. . MALE HELP—WANTED. /*^IfVVVVVVVVVSAKAA^/VVVVSAfVVV<JW<JV^i LABORERS Working 50 to 55 hours a week. TRIMMERS BACK HANGERS METAL WORKERS VARNISH RUBBERS ROUGH RUBBERS MACHINE REPAIR MAN INSPECTORS TRACERS Call at employment office. NORDYKE & MARMON COMPANY Ky. Ave. & Morris St. % A-t TMI isfere HICK-CLASS HBEH §MW LATTICE E EG? AT© 35 8 8® - MOMISTIOJ3 MM iH mm MASHItSE OPEKTIK MIUMLAHD ' MACHINE Cl. W TWENTY-THIRD AND BELT It. R. lIP MUEfSS v Wanted to build high-grade automobile tops. Liberal piece prfres and steady em ployment. NORDYKE & MAR MON CO. Ky. Ave. A Morris St. Wanted —Expert belt sander on fine furniture work. Highest wages paid for competent man on shaped mouldings and all around shaped work. No others need apply. Apply by letter, giving experience and wages ex pected. Address THE ORINOCO FURNITURE (50., Columbus, Indiana. WANTED AT ONCE—A FIRST-CLASS TOOL DESIGNER. EXPERI ENCED ON JIG AND FIXTUR E WOR K. WRITE OR CALL GEN ERAL MOTORS, MUN CIE, INDIANA. WANT ED Automobile machinists. Madden Copple Cos., 209 W. North St. CIVIL. SERVICE POSITIONS, CLERKS, stenographer*. typists. bookkeeper*, letter carriers, railway mall clerk*. For preparation call or write. INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. IST N. ILLINOIS ST. Room 207. LABORERS Steady work, long Job. Apply 1251 West Morrt* etreet. BEDFORD STONE AND CONSTRUCTION CO. FIREMAN Reliable man. hand firing, one-half day Sunday*. ROCKWOOD MFG. CO., English avenue and Big Four track*. BALEBMEN—WANTED. 1 STOCK SALESMAN LIVE, ENERGETIC SALESMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS TO FOL LOW UP LEADS SECURED THOUGH ADVERTISING AND CIRCULARS. STOCK SOLD UN DER PLAN THAT ABSOLUTE LY GUARANTEES INVESTOR’S PRINCIPAL. CALL PERSON ALLY. 1104 ODD FELLOW BLDG. OPPORTUNITY Young men, are you contented with $25 per week? We will teach you salesman- Bhip and pay you well while learning. You will soon be making SSO weekly; experi ence unnecessary. Married men preferred. Advancement. Permanent. Reference nnd security required. We need ten. Call 5 to S p. m. 224 Saks building. c ALESMBN—Hid U- CL ASS SECURITY V men to place stock for expansion of dividend paying company. Liberal com mission*. 909 Merchants Bank building. Main 7111. WANTED— PIANO SALESMAN; Llß eral proposition. Phone K. H. HAN COCK PIANO CO., Seymour, Ind. AGE NTS—W ANT ED. Agents— make *io to gis a day selling Heberling’s medicines, extracts, spices, toilet articles etc., in your county. rEvery home a real prospect for our house hold necessities. Big profits, steady re peat*. Must have team and wagon or a car. Selling experience unnecessary. If you are a hustler you will make big money, write today for full particulars. HEBFJtLING MEDICINE CO, Bloomington. 111. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1920. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED JO—GIRLS— fl© v To sell tickets for big benefit show. _ BIG MONEY Call Room 571 Claypool Hotel, 8 to 10 a. in., 6 to 8 p. m GIRLS GIRLS WE HAVE QUITE A NUMBER OF POSI TIONS OPEN FOR GIRLS FROM IS TO 30 YEARS OF AGE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE. DON’T HESITATE, THINKING THE JOB WILL BE TAKEN BEFORE YOU CAN GET TO ST. COME OUT AND LET US TELL YOU ALL ABOUT THE WORK. TAKE W. MICHIGAN CAR TO HOLMES AVE., ASK FOR EMPLOY MENT DEPT., ANY DAY. AT ANY HOUR OF THE DAY. EXCEPT-SAT URDAY AFTERNOON OR SUNDAY. LINK BELT CO. YOUNG WOMEN WANTED Additional telephone operators are needed, due to constantly increasing requirements of service. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY , GIRLS WELL CARED FOR Light and airy switchboard rooms; comfortable rest and recreation room. Annual vacation with pay. Sicks benefits, life insurance, pen sions, without cost. Apply CENTRAL UNION TELEPHONE CO. Meridian and Now York Sts. ill from 18 to 35 years of age; light factory work. Also STAY MACHINE OPERATORS. HARRY B. MAHAN BOX CO., 320 W. South St. TYPIST MID-WEST ENGINE CO. Nineteenth and Martsndalle Ave. 10 GIRLS WANTED, EXPIIRI ENCED OR INEXPERI ENCED ON POWER SEWING MACHINES. GOOD SALARY AND STEADY POSITION. WORK ONLY FIVE DAYS A WEEK. CALL 132 S. PENN. ST. MAX KATZ BAG CO. GIRLS Experienced on power machines, for hemstitching. PAGE’S, 312 Occidental building. Wan te and Stenographer. Can use good beginner. Kail-mount Glass Works. W"~ A N TKI >— IV 011 AN COOK'; NO SUN-" day work, sl2 per week. SMITH'S DAIRY LUNCH, D32 East Michigan. W" ANTED—EXPERIENCED COO K 8 and laundry women. SMITH'S EM PLOYMENT AGENCY. Woodruff 8221. GiAl for general housework. 3730 North Capitol. Washington 2128. Maid; colored, rkT7i able; at once. COLONIAL HOTEL. GIRLS to make covered buttons, experienced or those wishing to learn. PAGE’S, 312 Oc cidental building. Q' IBLB FOR LIGHT, CLEAN WORST Engraving Department, WM. B. BUIb- FORD. WOMAN SECOND COOKj COLORED. 90 Chalfant. - -.v , • .<- WOMEN FOR GENERAL AND MACHINE WORK, GOOD STARTING RATE, EXPERIENCE DESIR ABLE BUT NOT ABSO LUTELY N ECESSAR Y. APPLY ROCKWOOD MFG. CO., ENGLISH AVE. AND BIG FOUR TRACKS. GIRLS OVER 16, WRAP PERS AND OTHER POSITIONS OPEN AP PLY 1,. STRAUSS & CO. WAiNTKB— A GIRL, TO ;> COOKING and downstairs work. 1421 Central Avenue, SITUATION wanted—flmale. Housekeeper, in respectable widower * or bachelor s bom*. By el derly woman. Small wages <• n.llered out of city, Addreys ... ;'9J9, Times. - - - AUTO U O . B L LE3 for sal.e. Used Cars at GIBSON’S At present we have in stock a number of extra good cars—a variety of makes, models and prices. You can surely find one here to suit you and at just the price you want to pay. Terms if de sired. Come in and see for your self. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. THE GiBSON CO. Corner Michigan and Capitol. BARGAINS IN USED CARS cash or terms Orsnt Six in *x.ellnf rordUtOh four *■...1 fir-.- , i 1919 Ford *hu{.* s49f ,1917 Ford, now tir.*. now paint, ovrr hauird, $499. .1915 Ford jut f.vrrhauird tun painl four good t:rn. * l 1519 MaiWfll, u**d a.. dmon<itrntor only IV l,umiM 'r: lock- itk* now 1 57 Cc ’ u P". first U-ui . ondition. merrit sales CO ~ 83! North Capitol avnu* _CaH for M G-.l*-. Main S2:. MAX4VEI.I, IOIH TOURING; BEST ujfht *ar In town at tba prtca wa | oner It. Ttrm.i over twelve monthly pay. S3SVS ~W 8 33 ‘ Ea " t •'>rk.t. CIIKVKOI i i. |gi9 -i i>\n. I> i\c ki, lent ihape g .and tir.-- nk s" ' • r.i-lor f... i.'rni. JONKS IVHITAS SAI.Ms '() h-P*. of i Cor.-. 148 Inter si i e ro vn-n with u;n ' trr top. In A l -hsp, good tiro* aud good paint. Bargain pro-. DlKi'i' 5 ; '14 1E3 ’ S3l Ea: * l ilurket oir*rt. Main HUPMOBIDE touring! PRACmrai •y nrw tir**; n*jw* pistons and rings A* good a* new. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 East , Market atreet. Main 5716. MAWVKI I. ROADSTER; PRACTICALITY new tire*, excellent condition Teruta over twelve monthly payin' nt* Dll-i'i’w- JAMES._f34 i:u- ■ Marke., m~„ CHEVROLET ROTAt. MAIL UOADUTEIi )U ' the car for , . • I r:u , over taejv* monthly payment*. iIIKTZ JABI Es. 234 h a*i .Market, M rin .',,'14. OOLUMBIA sl\, DEMONSTRATOR, AT a discount, or Ir.tde on m>ui car Sen at once. DIKTZ-J AM ES. 334 EaM Mar- .Mein 5716. Ford sedan, with "starter, late model, new tires Bargain price DIET2-JAMEB. 834 East Market. Main OVERLAND MB ROADSTER; "GOOD tire*; overhauled. Good buy for ,itv salesman. DIETZ-JAMES SAI.KM Cos. 33 4 Fast Market arreo*. Main 5716. OVERLAND la IIiHINT.n; OVER hauled, new tires. D1 KTZ-J A M ES, 334 East Market. Main 5716. 191S Willy*-Knight; In exo• Meiitrid■ 11 onT STATE USED t' A It. MARKET, 233 North Pennsylvania. V 4 ln 2246. Ford coupe, 19ls, with Quarter" STATE USED i'AH MARKET. 23:. North Pannsyti inla • tin 2246. COMMONWEALTH FOl R-FORTY AU tomoblle. DIETZ-JAMES 234 E.iat Market, Marlon county deal r. SAXON SIX < TtiMMY ROADSTER. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 East Market. Main. 5716. 19)3 Stearns Knight I'hutumy roadster. A bargain STATE USED ' Alt MARKET. 235 North Pennsylvania. Main 2246. MITCH BEII rTS; Five wire wheels and five good tire*. STATE USED CAR MARKET. 235 North Pennsylvania. M tin 2244. Liberty u>;o toi ring; just \s good a* new; quick buyer will get a bargain. Main 334*. * tr . T RU . c _ Ka ~f ORS A GARFORD' TRUCKS For Low Cost Ton-Mile 111 FOM Distributor, 33 S. Senate Ave. V J MAIS TWO-TON TRUCK; EXCELLENT ahape; good tires; stake body; bar gain. J ONES-WHIT A K SIR SALES CO. Department of Used Cara. 343 North Capitol. Main 2345. ONE KISSEL iy*-TON TRICK; GOOD condition; cab and stake body; cheap for S6OO. Had to have larger truck. Phone Prospect 870. J. HENRY AMT CO. AUTOS AND TRUCKS FOR HIRE CARS FOR RENT—DO YOUR OWN driving. U-DRIVE AUTO SERVICE. 125 South Pennsylvania street. Telephone Main 6830. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES CASH PAID FOR ALE KINDS OF motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN, 800 Massachusetts avenue. Y* K BKT Room always uinui A among Times Want A4a. 1 OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE THetee’s foRTX cents? VcfsT — 1 [sd Obi 4GST A fyl ” ycow> HO,, J VO-11., - - ' * f YOU QOriROUjeD OUR V4<?UUM CLEANER AND tUHSAi UJ<5 W/SNTCD TO USC IT WC FOUND \T OW TH€ BUNK, IT WAS all SNARLED DP UMTH A or LONG HAIRS, THRSATSS ANO HAiR PINS U/HiCH i AW RETURNING. H^R^^ulTH# p,S,— ' _- u n_ ri _ n _ rL , u . miscellaneous—wanteo. ' ' \ YOU CAN MAKE MONEY by selling your household goods to us, because we pay \ more. Call our buyer on J cither phone. w j BAKER BROS. Pioneer Deal?r;t in Used Furniture That Is Better. 215 221-223 E. Wash. St. Old Main 3465-3466, Auto. 23-166. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. AUTOS WANTED We buy more cars for parts pur po p. 4 a:t:l to resell than any other dealer in tho country. There must be a rearson. This is it; We pay the best prices. Try us firtt and last, if you do not sell to us you are'losing money. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS & TIRE CO. M 8 North Capitol. Auio lltla till I WANT "YOUR _ CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If,you can't drive in. call Main 4 Hn and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YOKK ST. AUTOb WANTED W pay c*h. No delay tnr your mcnsy. It 4s her* for you. Com* In or call. I. Vfuif Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 119 N. Illinois *t. Main 1579 Auto. IJ-L Wa also buy Junk cara. AUTOS W ANTED Wa j >■ high - t prleas for utril car*. Sae uh be fori .• ■ i -■. l your car MERRIT SALES CO. 332 North ('.iptto! avenu**. Call for Is. M. GfiUa. .Main 6232. U TOMO3ILKS WANTED W huy, *ell and exchange used car*. STATE I SF.D i'AR MARKET. 236 North Pennsylvania. Phono 2246. AUTO REPAIRS AND SU P P LIEB. AUTO PAINTING Get that Ford painted this month. $lO and up Other cara In proportion. All work guaranteed. D. FLEMING, painter, 20 West Wabash street AUTO WASHING Onr Specialty. 322-334 North Illinois. s & s Auto Laundry LOWEST PRICED HIGH GRADE BAT DIXIE STORAGE BATTERY CO. Main 51*1. 529 Mawclwwit*qva. 0m: MAN AI TO TOPS, SIDE CUR-' tain*, teat and radiator covers. PER FECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell etreet. North 546. W 6c P. PAINT SHOP Automobile painting. ts 9 East Washing ton. TAILORS AND CLEANERS. H. G. FITE Practical Tailor and Cutter Dry clrnnlng proving and repairing; army overcoat* m.Klo over; ladle*' work a specialty; work called for and delivered. North Capitol avenue and Ohio street. Automatic 26-641 Clrclo 690. Quit wearing ready made pants? We make them to your measure, $5.00 and up. LEON TAILORING CO., 131 Eafst New York Htreet. Walk up one flight. itAPITOL GARMENT CLEANERS, I*4* t* North Alapttol avenue. Main 6477. Halo 4100. Auto. 21-241. Y ,S(TI W A RTZ, TAILOR AND C'LEAN -13 er. 31 Kentucky avenue. Main 2679. ROOMS—TO LET. FOR KENT—COLORED; TWO PARTLY furnished rooms, suitable for light I housekeeping for man and wife. Call Woodruff 3854. Delaware, north? dm; modern rooms, steam heat; home cooking. Clr | ole 5334. Nicely fuknishe* room for rent. 120 South Butler avenue. Call I Irvington 2848. Large nous eke epi no rooms. si6 North Meridian. HOU S E S—W ANT ED. WANTED— 5 OR 0-ROOM HOUSE. modern, north or east; best of ref erence. Call Main 8026 or address F. M. DUNCAff, 839 West Pratt street. W!BCONSIN FARM LANDS? LANDOLOGY. A MAGAZINE GIVING the facts In regard to the land situa tion. Three months’ subscription. FREE. If for a home or as an investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands, simply write nie a letter and say, "Mall me LANDOLOGY arid all particulars FREE ” Address Editor, Landology, Skidmore Land Go, 113 Skidmore bldg.. Marinette, Wis. It yon really want It hack, tnaart a ■nail ad In the "Lost and Feoad" eat- Burns of The Times and D -rtU aoon M rttaraed. Piaon* Mala 88*4. data ItdlL L. R. STOCKWELL Building Contractor. AU kinds repairs, call after 6 p. m. Bel mont 1977 LEW SHANK pay* best prices in city for household g. od* and fixtures of eii kind*. 227 North | New Jersey street. Main 2025. USED GOODS STORE : Buys store and office fixtures, household [ furniture and rugs. Main 2268. Auto. 22- j ?*'. 42 4 Vasa, avenue. ELECTRIC WIRING. FOR A REASON i t able estimate call FRANK KAN- I KAMI*. 1903 Bellefontaine. North 4554. IF YOUR CLOCK IS NOT RUNNING I phor.e Circle 4307. M. R. SHEARN. 611 North Alabama. Wi\t>:d —( Dll it Ft;INTERS, WILL pay cash. 23 Baldwin bio- k. Main 6571. Auto. 21-754. M ISC ELL AN EO US—FO R SAl_e. USED RUGS ARE BETTER w rugs today are Inferior In quality and coet double, food used rugs are bet ter at the same price, doubly better at our price, which is half. We have the finest selection in Indianapolis, more than all other dealers combined. USED GOODS STORE 424 Ma*s. Ave. WAXTFD— A SFC’OND HAXD BLUE PRINT MACHINE. CAJJi AIR. McCLASHAN, BEL. 67. MARTIN-PARRY CQRP. A. spa Drop-Had glrger, 810; sMT CK other bargains, SI.OO per IJf }ft week. All makes RE- V |7j r PAIRED. HKMSTITCH 2jLN' Si ING while you wait. 10c “fSTIlii i " PER YARD. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. Main 600; Auto_s-216. 312 Mass. Ave. For half— office furniture.- Two bookkeeper's standing desks, $lO each; 12 Shaw-Walker oak document sec tions, stx drawers to section, 12'0. THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY, IS East Vermont street. Fl\E HO R.SE-POWER UPRIGHT KN gine, fifteen horse-power horizontal engine and one steam jacket kettle (90- gallon). 403 West Washington street. Circle 1071. FfcK'CE VnßTsTXT' ' io AVB 23 cents apiece; strips at 6 cents. 736 North Miloy avenue. Mahogany table, *5? mahogany chair, $4; flemish oak hall rack. $8; no dealers. Woodruff 2011. C MCAt lAMKljiaVls, KKUIKPe, rolls, cut price. TI'TTLS. 301 Indians s\ enu*. ECOND-HAND fURNACR VLIK SALK. f'all Main *TB. COAL AND WOOD FOR^ALeU Pocahontas M. R SB.OO Kentucky Sh. L 7.75 Illinois Lump 7.00 Indiana Lump 6.50 M. $531. L. H. BAI.V COAL CO. M. 8531. SUCCESSOR TO ANCHOR FUEL CO. MAIN BLACK HAWK FORKED LUMP, $6.50 PER TON.. STANDARD FUEL CO., NORTH 1102. ILLINOIS COAL, $0.75; WEST VIRGINIA, $3.25; Kentucky lump, shoveled, SB. Prospect 2201. PET STOCK AND POULTRY^ FOR SALE—EXTRA FINE SINGING canaries. To see them end hear them wing mean* to buy. Woodruff 5519. CANARIES, FEMALES AND SINGERS; ready for mating. Belmont 3656. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. ***** ■**>■ -w Gtt /7 storage cheapest \Vy RATEB IN CITY. CALL US. Everything at rea- I] sonable price. Packed, J II shipped anywhere. 41 Locked room If desired. 30 West Henry. Main 4698. SHANK FURNITURE AND STORAGE CO.. 227-229 North New Jersey street. Phone Main 2023. LOCAIYn D OV ER LAND HAULING, a K. TRANSFER CO.. 938 East Wash tpgton street. Prospect 9882. HORSEB AND VEHICLES HIGHEST PRICES PAID for dead horses, cowe and hoga. Call Bel mont 459 and got our prices. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Buy This and Quit Paying Rent Four brand-new, strictly modern homes In the 4806 block on Broadway, the most popular residence in the city. Theee houses were constructed by Mr. Bartholo mew, one of . the best and most reliabio contractore In the city. He believes In having everything perfect and up to date. These houses range from six to seven rooms, bath front and rear porches. All Improvements are in and paid so: Houses have never been occupied. imme diate possession. Priced from $8,500 to $9,600; $2,000 cash, balance monthly. "LIVE WIRE" T. R. JONL’S <£: GO., Suite 220-221 Farmers Trust Bldg. IT,O East Market street. Business phone, Circle 37. Res. Bel. $L BRIGHT WOOD * BUNGALOWS Get your order in now. I will build five rooms and bathroom, semi-modera, near car line; one-lifth cash, balaoS monthly. W. L. Bridges, Realtor 339_ K. of P. building. Main lltfe Modern Double Bungalow Practically new; four rooms and bath; can be bought for $4,400 if sold at once. Owner going to California; wants to settle estate. Part cash and balance terms. Bee Mr. Mclnteer. with I. N. Kichie & Son, Realtors lu-l East Market. ' Main SJO. Sn *• 15C2 Naomi, seven rooms. bath. furnace, garagj; /\\ $4,C00; excellent tffma. at IX 2628-30 English avenue. 2643-45 Southeastern ave nue. These properties will net 16 per cent. Call GEORGE A. LUCAS. Realtor, for par ticulars. Circle 6600. Evenings. Irvington 338. 208 American Central Life, jl STREET,' NORTH OF ROOUK II velt avenue: five-room cottage; prica only $1,850; S2OO cash and remainder monthly payments. H. G. UO.NE.V, 405 Peoples Bank bldg. Main 3138. Ssrt y Two seven-room modern homes, near Fletcher avenu9 and State. $3,250 and $3.0-10. JL respectively. GEORGE A. LUCAS. Realtor. 206 Amer ican Central Life. Circle 6600; evening, Irvington 338. - For sale—northwest ; six-room house, front and hack porchoa, tlM trie lights, gas, well and cistern; near car line. Cash or payments. Phone, Harri son 2339. _____ 175 GOOD HOMES, MODERN SEMI modern, good location: cash or easy terms; act today. S. G. BULLUF, 1348 North Senate avenue. Circle 4956. Auto. 26-719. . CHOICE LARGE LOT NEAR MAPLE road boulevard, within two squares of Fair Grounds; $lO cash, balance $1 week ly. 640 Annex. Main 1409. >2O GRAND" AVENUeT IRVINGTON J five-room bungalow, garage, etc.; timis, SSOO cash, balance monthly. TUB si II'THERX LUMBER CO. j| ORTH GALE, IN 2700 BLOCK, BEVEN- Jl room house, electric lights, gas. Prica 82.750. on payments. W. H. COOPER & CO.. S3S lemcke FI FOR SALE; MODERN and seml-iuodern; different parts of city: cash or terms, f?. G. BULLUP, 1349 North Senate. SIX ROOMS. BATH, GAS, ELECTRIC lights, paved street; $2'.650; $1,600 cash. Woodruff 2092. ‘ ’■ Modern home? ~i?ong livino room st>l.*. east, near good car line. Terms. Woodruff 7024. Sri x Seven-room modern resl dcnce. Irvington: $4,500 for a tew days. GEORGE A. Ji LUCAS. 206 American Cen tral Life. Circle 6600. Evenings and Sundays. Irvington 338. INDIANA TRUST CO. Kell, real estaU. ooU*ct* rant write* fire lasurano*. NEAR EAST TVASHINGTON CAR LINE; four rooms, paved street and alley; $2,200. Terms. Woodrutt 3400 after 7:30. F" IVE-ROOM MODERN HOME? NORTH; garage: lot 40x210, $3,650. Terraa Main 14 7. SET ENTrOOM MODERN HOUSE WITH Sara;.', $3,150. Term*. Main 10L Sn j- Gladstone, near Washlng ton. double; five rooms to a /Ox side, modern; $5,500. GEO. A ML A LUCAS. Realtar, 30* American Central I.lfe. Cir cle 6600. Evenings. Irvington 338. The best bargains In automobiles are listed under Automobiles and Supplies la The Times Want Ad columns ~~~REAL~ESTATE—WANTED. LET ME SELL YOUR PROPERTY; OVER 300 customer* ready to buy. S. G. BULLUF. 1 149 North Senate avenue. Cir cle 4956. Auto. 26-719. Hr ave CUSTOMERS FOrf r MODERN AND *eml-mr.ilern homes. Can pay froin SI,OOO to $1,500 cash. Call us at once. Main 107. U j ROM OWNER. FIVE TO SEVEN-ROOM house, not necessarily modern. Cash. Main 14 2, LARGE PROFITS from small expenditure follow Real jEt ,te advertising In "Want Ad" coiamna Os The Times financial] WE LOAN YOU $5 00.00 3 Mo., Total Cost $6.97 Get what money you nerd on your furniture, pianos. live stock or auto mobile. All other amounts up to S3OO at the same proportionate rate. All Dealings Strictly Confidential call a: and get acquainted with our- plans. A telephone call will bring our representative to your home to ex plain more fully. Annertcan Loan Cos. 205 Peoples Bank Bldg. (Formerly Law building.) Main 2983. Auto. 37-432. Will Momey Help You df you are keeping house and need money, we can advance you what you want t.j furniture, piano, auto, fixtures, etc. See us about terms on SSO, SIOO, S2OO or S3OO You can repay it in payments and us* twenty months If necessary, call, write or phone. State Loam Cos. 305 ODD FELLOW BLDG. Corner Penn and Wash. sts. I’honea. Main 4819. New, 34-629. .Under State Supervision. MONEY TO LOAN * ‘ On First Mortgage Security J SIX PER GENT A GILL REALTY GO M Main 1640, Auto. 28~23^H WI \KU I'lti r Mil n m mu i!h ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. PURCHASE REALTY CONTI gaM MORTGAGES. BONDS AND S'IEViS LISTED AND UNLISTED. HH INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES FRANK K. SAWYER. 305-309 LAW BLDG. ASSETS Money to loan on second gages on Indianapolis and 1 ndlsfSSKsii estate. GIBRALTAR PA NY. 208 Fidelity Trust bullding^^^H Wi. mini: m:< g\i> farm nr city property. AKT AND INV. CO. Main 7101. 503 INMKOir IN Ml I- iu;BK§£sflfc AUBREY D. PORTER. Sl6 Main 7049. t 1 OAN 8 ON DIAMONDS; *%% L BURTON JEWELRY CO.. i teat. DID YOU SELL IT? . If not, try the automobll* coß<- The Times Want Ada ?,/>> 9