Newspaper Page Text
Membership of * 3,000 Goal of Woman’s Club Organization Plans Big Drive at Enthusiastic Session and Booster Supper. Three thousand members by July 1. That’s the goal of the 'Woman’s City club. This -was decided upon last night at a “get-together” meeting held at the club. Approximately 400 attended the dinner which launched the club on the road of renewed activity. A buffet supper was served to the women present at thW en joyable social function. Following the supper, the evening then became a booster meeting, at which the beat interests of Indianapolis was con sidered. PLAIT TO BOOST CLUB MEMBERSHIP. Miss Mamie 1,. Bass, president of the club, told of the plans to increase the membership of the Woman’s City club. She said that the object was to have a membership of 3,000 by July Ist and the best way to do that was for 300 members to each obtain ten new members. ”Our motto in the campaign will ne Tt’a Up To Yon,’ ” said Miss Bass. “This club is to help Indianapolis. We are here to serve, to be loyal, patient and charitable.” The remarks of Miss Bass emphasize the great work that the club is already doing. It gives /the business woman a social home. TO USE CU B AS SOCIAL HOME. “If the girls know that they can m et ’him’ at'the club, they will be glad to use the dub for social purposes and then become members,” suggested Miss Mercia Hoagland, chairman of the board of di rectors. Among the other speakers who spoke in favor of the plans for increasing the membership, were Miss Florence Herz, vice president of the club; Miss Ella M. Gronninger, Mrs. Sara Avery, Miss Char lotte Carter, chairman of the membership committee; Miss Dove Meredith, official reporter In superior court, Room 2, and Miss Anne Todd, executive secretary, as well as others. The club will back every good move ment in* Interest of better civic and so cial conditions in Indianapolis. OTHER NEWS OF SOCIETY Miss Virginia Treat, 395S Washington boulevard, will be back In the city Sat urday after attending the junior week festivities at Cornell university. • • * Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holt and children, 2430 North Pennsylvania street, are home after a visit with Mrs. Holt’s brother, Donald G. Small, In Cleveland. • • * Friends of Mrs. Wilbur N. Gannon. 3017 Sutherland avenue, entertained her at her home last night with a china shower. Mrs. Harry Strombaugh and Mrs. William T. McCullough assisted Mrs. j Gannon. The appointments were sug gestive of Washington’s birthday. • • Mrs. Walter C. Marmon, 1119 North Delaware street, will return early next week from Florida, where she has been spending a month. f • * The New Century club held its guest day meeting this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Otis McCracken, 3037 College ave nue. • • • Mrs. H. R. Williams of Kansas City, Mo., is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Rob ert Findley. 1207~8 road way. She has Just come to Indianapolis after being the guest of Major and Mrs. Harold R. Ijjfchards at Washington barracks, Wash ington, D. C • • • The Minerva club met this afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Maxwell, 3030 Park avenue. Mrs. Grant Fee read a paper on “Australia." • • • Reservations are being made for the first church supper to be held Thursday night at the Church of the Advent, Merid ian and Thirty-third streets. Those wish ing to attend should communicate with Mrs. Edward Kriel, Washington 4006. • * • The Women's association of the Merid- ! inn Street M. E. church had a luncheon ! this afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. O. Gorman, 2(X!2 North Meridian street. Mrs. Gorman was assisted by Mrs. J. W. Duncan, Mrs. Charles S. Woods, Mrs. T. C. Hood, Mrs. .James M. Ogden, Mrs. Henry McCoy and Mrs. A. P. Conklin. * • • Mr. and Mrs. Rex Boyd, 4130 Guilford avenue, has returned from a visit to Cleveland Credit Men Frolic at Dance and Show A merry minstrel show end rian'-f, k'iven last night by the Indianapolis Association of Credit Men at the in dependent Athletic club, was attended by more than 200 members of the asso ciation. their families and guests. nobert O. Bonner, ehalrruan of the en tertainment committee and C. C. Finne rork, Harold A. Brubaker, John C. Ru binstein, George A. Smith, Dale Crit l< nberger and it. L. Mellett so p’anned ■he program that there was not a dull minute during fbc evening. .Tack Tilson, Sam ■Waynes, Cet Neff, A! : ioffmelster and Sint Henderacn were th<- minstrel men. They sang the latest song hits and introduced a number of jokes ith anew local tinge to them. Arthur tclmont, styled tlie “Human Seal,’’ cn -rtnined with juggling feats. Some old dances were revived and in terspersed with tbe dance program, which followed the minstrel show It was the third annual entertainment of Ihe credit men. Eastern Man Buys Painting by Bundy A painting by .1. E. Bundy, the Rich mond (Inti.) artist, lias been purchased >v Alexander Simpson. ,!r.. of Philadel phia, an art collector who has representa tive paintings of the best American paint ers. Bundy's paintings of beech wood scenes, which attained popularity in the middle west several years ago. are now attracting much attention in the east. Shriners Take Over Theater for Night --- ffhriners today completed plans for a big theater party to be given Monday eight at (he tlrst showing of “Oh. My Dear” at the Murat. The seat sale will open at 0 a. m. Thursday. The Shriners ’ taken over the entire house for that *tgbt. CHURCHES TOO NUMEROUS. Dr. Robert W. Peach, pastor of a re formed Episcopal church in Newark, N. says there are in the United States 100.000 superfluous churches, costing ¥500,000.000. WHAT* WHY?’ 'ey WASHBURN DUE A T ALHAMBRA Wire Act at Broadway—Jumbo at Smith*s —Fun at Lyric Eight married couples all in a row. Six of the eight couples have interest ing cellars. These six couples are very popular, so the story goes in Bryant Washburn's latest movie, “The Six Best Cellars.” The owners of these cellars belong to the exclusive social set. They entertain their guests in their cellars Instead of their parlors. The efforts of Bryant W’ashburn in this movie to keep his cellar as popular as his social rivals, makes the story of "The Six Best Cellars.” At the Alhambra beginning Thursday. -1- -!- -|- CONCERMNG BARBIE. Barrie is a Scotch dramatist. He is re sponsible for "Dear Brutus,” which comes to English’s Thursday for the week end. William Gillette is the chief player. He will take you to fancy land. It is a com- S— THEATERS TODAY MURAT —Cecil Lean and Cleo May field In “Look Who’s Here,” at 2.15 and 8:15. ENGLISH’S —“A Tailor-Made Man,” at 2:15 and 8:15. B. J>\ KElTH’S—Metropolitan vaude ville, at 2:15 and 8:15. LYRlC—Vaudeville, continuous from 1 until 11 BIALTO —Vaudeville and pictures, continuous. PARK—Musical extravaganza, at 2:15 and 8:15. BROADWAY—Vaudeville and ple j tures, continuous. ody. The action transpires on Midsum mer eve. One of the I'harncters is Lob. Lob is one of the aliases of Puck or Robin Good fellow. Violet Kemble Cooper and Anne Morrison are prominent In the cast. First showing here Thursday night. “A Tailor-Made Man” completes its en gagement at the English today with a matinee and night performance. ... -|- THOSE BELL HOPS. Bell boys are girls In “Dreamer’s Inn" in the Cecil Lean show, "Look Who’s Here.” The “boys” are Alicia McCarthy and her sister Mary. Nifty is no word for these dainty maidens, who sing and danoe so well. Their song triumph is “The Bell Hop Blues.” Splendid exponents of putting a song over us it should be. These bell hops, Lean. Miss <3eo May field and the others remain all week at the Murat. -I- -I- -l- Ml BAT. The Shriners will welcome “Oh. My Dear” on next Monday night at the Murat and the Elks will give a big party on Wednesday night. The show Is now In Chicago. It Is the New York company. Includes Juliette Day. Hal Forde, Lor raine Manville and others. -I- -1- -I* KEITH’S. Musical comedy manners are also proper on the vaudeville stage. This Is shown by the mannerisms of the singers surrounding Charles King In "Dream Stars.” now at Keith's. In addition to impersonating the sweethearts of King in the revue, each member Is known in musical comedy. Marie Holly well, was - — ;; Was Only Kidding; Judge Misses Joke ‘ Kidding" policemen is expensive business. Especially when Judge Pritchard, in city court, can't see the Joke. Richard Laiunr. 1323 West Market street, told the Judge he was Just "kidding" Sergts. Russell, Sheehan and other officers when he told them he was a “bootlegger.” The police said they found three quart bottles, partly filled with rai sin whisky, in his home. The fine was SIOO and costs. Tams Still Popular Woman*s Headgear Costume hats, fashioned of tbe ma terial of which suit or gown is made, are expected to continue in vogue dur ing the summer, though at present the greatest demand is straw, or straw with satin or taffeta. Hat crowns, are, for the most part, tailored, but a few are draped, and the “turn” is still popular. The newest "tam” crowns are all of fruits, flowers, or gly cerined or plain ostrich. They present a semi-tailored appearance, which makes them suitable for both dress and tailored wear. Washing the Dishes When She Learns She's Prize Beauty V^ c m/llam NORMAN, Okla., Feb. 25.—While she was washing the breakfast dishes on a Sunday morning Miss Margaret McMil lan of Dallas, Tex., learned that she had won the 1920 Sooner Beauty Queen contest at the University of Oklahoma. Miss McMillan is a senior and is ma joring in domestic science-—all geniors in this department must spend a month in the practice model house condacied by the department. It was Margaret's time to wash dishes and although the- contest bad closed Saturday, so many .votes had been east that those in charge of the contest worked until the wee small hours with adding machines and it was kiot until the morning paper was received that Miss McMillan iearßad that shejhad won. ERIC STROHEIM Jjt i g?, vr f^Y This movie actor sold flypaper In real life before he became, famous In the movies. Stroheim even aided as a man ager of a big California estate and has been a boatman, lie admits that be has been everything except a waiter or a bartender. Now he Is a big movie tnau. Acts chief role in "Blind Husbands” to day at the Ohio. Stays there the rest of the week. with “Head Over Heels”; Evelyn Gregg understudied for Anna Wheaton In “Oh, Boy”; Jane Castle and Josephine Adams have been In Schubert productions. Othe* acts on the bill. •I* -I- -I* PARK. Mis* Ida Nicolai Is one of the many supporting Billy Gilbert in "The Girls From Joyland," now at the Park. Miss Billie Davies has her song number of ■lmportance under the head of “Pretty Rainbow.” There are two acts and sev eral scenes. At the Park all week. SHE’S TOO SMALL. Ml*# Frost is a wee little person. She is a member of the team of Warren and Frost, now at the Lyric. She owns a prima donna voice. Mis# Frost wanted to sing in grand opera but she had to give up on operatic career because she Is too small to play print* donna roles. Remember that grand opera prims donnas are built according to a certain large pattern. -I- -1- *l* CIRCUS ROMANCE. The lure of the circus is the nppeallug feature of "Mer Klephaiit Man.” Shirley Mason plays the main rule In this movie of life under the big top. This circus r PONFESSIONS OF A BRI D E > — / I Fear to Tell f hry* the Awful News of the "Irone’a” Fate. "In n world so crammed with sorrow, It's strange that a man and a women can achieve their supreme happiness merely by being together,” 1 though ns 1 regarded Jordan Spence and Chrys while they chatted away in complete oblivion to their surroundings. It was my unhappy duty to spoil their small portion of joy by handing them the paper with Its dreadful new*. 1‘ let them chat on, and smile on while I gathered up my courage. The report that the "lone" had gone down could not be concealed from J. D. t.orlmer's daughter for any length of time. Chryslobel I.orlmcr had nlwav* prided ftersalf on her ability to face the hard facts of life. She had a pet theory that men and women behave in an emergency according to the habtts they have formed under ordinary conditions. If a man or a w-ornan lias been accustomed to meet small daily trials calmly, be or she will be brave in the face of tragedy. Only those who shirk their portion of minor hardships will slump like cowards when confronted by accident or sudden death. Chrys’ pride In her personal reaction (o (he inevitable was about to he tested, but 1 had to admit that I wan a plain coward. I could not force myself to tell whnt (he paper said. “Dr. Spence!” I called. Spence crossed tlie room and I thrust the newspaper into hts hand. His Jaw set hard as he grasped the meaning of- the big black type at a single glance. Then he adjusted the window shade In order that he might turn his back to Chrys while be framed a question with his lips. I answered In a whisper: "You tell her!" He raised his eyebrows ns if he doubt ed my wisdom. "Tell her at once -she Is very liravc! She will like you the better for treating her as if you expect her to be brave." With that tic went over to lief, 1 foi lowing hint. He sat down by her side, opened the paper and spread it ou Uer knees. Chrys snatched (he meaning from the dreadful heads and then, without a word, she wilted Into her lover's ready arms. Her head went down upon his shoulder as if she had been accustomed to seek comfort there for ages and ages, and bis face rested on her hair and re malned there as if lie had given her of his strength and courage a hundred hun dred times. I stood an unwilling spectator at thin Strange confession of their>- love.' Was there, I nßked myself, ever an other such silent betrothal? Not even the thrill of a kiss told-them how/ they adoyd each other. Something liner than that—her need to lean on him In her dark hour and his need to share her sorrow—had destroyed all the barriers between them and they knew without saying a word to each other. Nothing could ever part them again. I stole back to my window knowing that they would not miss mo. ..Naturally my mind turned to my talk with Daddy I.orimer. He had laughed because his valet had been so dismayed at finding his shoes on a high shelf. "The ‘lone’ Is bound for Davy Jones’ locked this trip,” Daddy had concluded. It was only a horrid coincidence. I shuddered as I re called it, but ray moat poignant regret was connected with the strange "hunch" I had received from Bob. “Walt! Walt!” I had heard him whisper. Or did I only imagine that toy mes sage came from my husband! Doubtless some persons would take It as a warning from the unseen world—a warning which, had it been obeyed, would have saved the yacht from destruction! Whatever the significance of the pre monition, however, it had originated, I had done my part in trying to persuade Daddy to remain m the harbor another day. And Daddy lad* s refused for no good reason whatev! . "Why do .human beings £t so perverse 1 4DIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25,1920. has a sawdust ring, too, now at the Rialto. William Russell is appearing in “Shod With Fire.’ It is a story of the west ern plains. Six acts of vaudeville also makes up the current bill at the Klalto. -I- -I- -I-- BROAIIWAY. Two men and ten girls take part in “Oh, Billy,” now at the Broadway. It is condensed musical comedy. Lots of songs. Harry Bugler is In the cast. Mile. Llngurde appears in some classical poses. Carl and Emma Trable 4-omp on a tight, wire. Other acts and pictures. -I- -I- I MOVIE NOTES. Dorothy Dalton in "Black Is White” | moves over to the Isis Thursday. The' Dalton movie is completing an engage ment at the Alhambra today. Charles MOVIES TODAY CIRCLE—"The River’s End.” MR. SMlTH’S—Madge Kennedy in “The Blooming Angel." OHIO—“Blind Husbands." ALHAMBRA—Dorothy Dalton in “Black Is White.” ISIS—“The Clodhopper.” COLONIAL—“His Wife’s Money." REGENT—Emmett Dalton iu "Be yond the Law.” Ray In “The Clodhopper" Is closing his engagement at the Isis today. -I- -I- I CIRCLE. Marshall Neilan Is remembered for pro ducing "Daddy Long Legs.” That \pic turp caused the movie world to open its eyes and lo.k about. He has d/Sue the same thii:. In ’’Tiiio River’s End.” at the Circle all week. Neilan knows how to se lect a cast. In "The River’s End,” fee obtained Lewis Stone for a dual role, Marjorie Daw, Jane Novak and others. It required six mouths to make this movie. Neilan Is sakl to be the youngest producer in tho film business. A big feature of the present Circle show is the Zlmmerer setting with its gorgeous ballet. A beautiful, fanciful, oriental production, i Ileal live dancers are used. -I- -|- -I COLONIAL. Music 1* a feature of the Colonial shows. People like music. They like it with their meals. So we lmd the dinner cabaret. They like It with their movies. So we have the Colonial. There is jnot a minute which lacks melody at This theater. The American harmonists and the Liberty quintet are responsible for the success of music in this niovieland. Eugene O'Brien continues In “Hts Wife's Money," as the principal movie feature on this week’s bill at the Colonial. MR. SMITH'S. A big elephant aids Madge Kennedy In making 'em laugh. This l being done at Mr. Smith’s. Coined* Is Miss Kennedy's strongest thing. She has a comedy wallop and this picture has It. Clean remedy. The movie Is called “The Blooming Angel.” -I- -!- -!- Emmett Dalton continues his outlaws career at the ltegcnt In “Beyond the Law." The story has a moral, too. Lady Astor Makes . Hit in First Speech I,OND<*N, Feb. 25. -‘The people In the future Will be lens Interested 1 what Viscouutea* Astor wi'Hr* th" what she sy,” said the Manchester (•uardian today lu rommuitln* p<>; Viscountess Astor’s maiden speech In the house of commons last nigh when she defended liquor control lu Kngland. The sener:.! tine of the pres* ne i parliamentary comment was that th'- rlseouideas had made a triumphal! entry Pile eoiniu>us deliberations. over trifles?" I wondered. Ilelug stub j born about very unimportant matters bad [ been the pet hobby of Itaddy T.orlmer's I Hfe. Verhaps that little habit had i brought Ills life to close: (To lr cnnllntiril.l Radicals Deserted by *Beauty * Who . Periled John D. Jr. U suy&7 /VA/?/£”gA/V2 NEW YOIIK, Feb. 25.—Are the red i going out of business? "Sweet Marie” (innz. who threatened (he life of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and served tiiue in jail for il, tins renounced her allegiance to the red flag. In 282 pages of a book she is -writing, "Marie" tells why she did it. "1 fell in lovo with Nat .T. Ferber,’’ says she. "He Introduced me to a kind of people 1 bad never met before." HINTS ON TEA America’s Most Popular Drink Keep your tea in airtight tins, with tight titting lids, even in your home, for unless you do this, tea will very soon absorb surrounding odors such as oranges, kerosene, onions or tobacco. Better still, buy all your tea Packed only in tin to keep the flavor ip. ‘‘Safe-Tea First” Seven different flavors to choose from. To Plant Trees in Memory of City War Dead Elaborate Service Planned for Fall by Service Star Legion of Berry Chapter. Plana, are being made for a tree-plaat ing memorial service by the Service Star legion, Hamilton Berry Chapter, to be held in the early fall. A grove of trees will be planted In memory of the lndian 'apolls boys who died in the war. A general committee for the memorial, named Ht a meeting of the chapter yesterday, is as follows: Mrs. W. W. Winslow, Mrs. It. W. Mcßride and Mrs. Frank Gavin. A committee on location is composed of Mrs. Frank Nessler, Mrs. Bruce W. Maxwell, Mrs. E. J. Robison and Mrs. D. M. I’arry. Members of the program committee are Mrs. Herman Munk, and Mrs. H. J. Eddy; of the pub licity committee, Mrs. Julia C. Hender son and Mrs. D. J). Jordan. Workers o? the chapter engaged in Armenian relief work are: Mrs. E. J. Robison. Mrs. R. E. Kennington, Mrs. W. W. Winslow, Mrs. O. 11. Sort well, Mrs. F. A. Brier, Mrs. Henry Coerper, Mrs. Ross Hill, Mrs. L. B. Skinner and Mrs. F. C. Severn#. Y. W. C. A. HEADS PLAN FOR SIXTH A NNUA L SESSION CLEVELAND, Feb. 25. The sixth convention of the Young Women’s Chris t!:m associations of the United Stat"- will be held in Cleveland, April 13-20. Preceding conventions have been hep, in New York, St. Paul, Indiuihtpol.s. Richmond and Los Angeles. Problems to be considered at the meet | ing In April, as announced, concern the readjustment of the organization to a peace-time basis, taking Into consider ation unstable eeouomtc and social con ditions following the war. Mrs. W. P. Harford of Omaha, presi dent of the organization, will preside at the convention, which will be held !n the new Masonic temple. Other leaders in the association work, who will be present,' are Mrs. Stephen B. Penrose of Walla Walla, Wash., for merly president and now first vice pre?t dent; Mrs. W. A. Mose* of Los Angeles, second vice president and member oi the Pacific coast field committee; Mrs. Robert E. Speer, president of the na tional board since 1915; Mr*. John French, chairman of the executive com mittee of the national bgard; Mrs. .lames S. Cushman, formerly chairman of the uar work council, now chairman of tho continuation committee and vice presi dent of the national board. NEW GIRLS* CLUB ON SOUTH SIDE Youthful Patrons of Prospect Branch Library Members. Anew organization, known as the Pros- I pert Library club, made up of eighteen : enthusiastic patrons of the Prospect street branch library, has Just been or- j ctstiir.rd These girls are from 12 to 14 years of age. The purpose of the club is twofold: !■> carry on personal charity work and to promote the interests of the branch library In ev*ry way possible. Mrs. ; Millie Drane, branch librarian. Is sponsor for the eluh. Meetings tre held every Friday afternoon at the branch. A campaign for new patrons for the branch library will be undertaken dur ing the first month, at the end of which time the club member bringing the most applications for borrowers' cards will i rtecelve a prise. The first charity work tu the club will be the making of scrap books f or ||,e children's ward at the ('tty hospital. I.ater on personal visits will be made to the wards and If permis sion can be gained, stories probably will lie told to the convalescent children. Helen Wanghtel Is the president, and Lucinda Smith, treasurer. The other members are: Edna Moore. Mary Lou- i lse Woftrtng. Lttclle Conway. Bessie Kthsb, Marie Tacoma, Hilda Berndt. Katherine Tacoma, Phoebe Wlchmann, Emma Moore, Frieda Swobada. Mildred Rcdelmann. Dolores Snyder, Clara Green span, Katherine Louise Smith, Orpha Kraft and L>-na Hoover. \ Appeal Granted to Woman Syndicalist! OAKLAND, Cal., Feb. 25. Pending an appeal to a higher court, a stay of sen- \ truce has been granted Miss Anita Whit- j uey. well known lecturer and writer, sen tenced to from one to four years' Im prisonment on n charge of,criminal syn- I dlealism. Harmless Means of Reducing Fat Many fat people fear ordinary means for reducing their weight. Here Is an extraordinary method. Extraordinary be cause while perfectly harmless no dieting or exercise Is necessary. Marmola Pre scription Tablets are made exaotly In ac cordance with the famous Marmola Pre scription. A reduction of two. three or four pounds n week Is the ride. Procure them from any druggist or if you prefer send tl. to the Marmota Company, am Woodward avenue, Detroit, Mich., for a 1 -trite case. Advertisement. Friend c Expectant Mothers ' Used By Three Generations At AH Druggists fodJrt <.„ M.0.,,1**-) „t Bah,. Fm HAPrai.U RECI'LATOg CO. POT SD, ATCAKTX. CX —: 1 ‘WHY?’I TEACHERSAYS VEP WILL LIVE Slang of Today Correct Lan guage of Tomorrow. MADISON, Wis., Feb. 25.—That the slang and idioms of today will be cor rect English tomorrow, is the opinion of Prof. H. Glicksman of the English department. University of Wisconsin. “Our language Is made up of what was once slang, idiom, colloquialism and Jargon,” he said, and warned that the only deplorable feature about slang was its tendency to produce meDtal sloven liness. , Prof. Glicksman then referred to the word “mob” as slang of 200 years ago and denounced In the Spectator by Ad dison. "It is aa abbreviation of the word Open Dally T .O' 1 „ . Close Dally M o Co* •** Early Spring Days Issue a Call Tailored Street FROCKS * And the smartest tailleurs are ready! And what with their simple, chic, short, lines and unique or conventional trimming, the Ayres collection of dresses can not help but do honor to the new season. •/ Tailored tricotine frocks are done with black braid gV' or conventional embroidery in metal and dull color- f J Anew thing of men’s wear serge in navy blue is rather plainly cut as to blouse, with crisp white or- flfjj n juM gandy collar and cuffs, and a small bright-colored Hi i vestee of braid. It is only $39.50. I IB Another navy blue model. This is trieotine, is era- Wd \ broidcred as to lower skirt, has a long, narrow V\\ > vestee and collar of beige georgette, and girdles its \K V 1 lovely lines with silk braid, heavily tasseled. Price V\\ \\ I $49.50. Other spring street frocks, equally attractive as to price and style, range from $25.00 to $59.50 Jjjh and up. „ —Ayres—Third floor. GROCERIES Serve Yourself and Save BREAKFAST BACON, Swift’s Empire brand, sugar cured, rna rhlne sliced and derlnded; pound, 370 Margarine, Rwlfi’a Premium brand, pound, 30C; Getn Nut brand, pound, 320 Noodles, Ludwig's home-made, wltn eggs; large box. 8 1-30- Salrnon, Batavia Royal .Chinook, No. J* flat x cans, 320; No. 1 flat cans. 520- Flsh FliUses, B. ft M. or Batavia brands, two sizes, 150 and 250- Purity Cross Chefservlce Delicacies for Lent (Teamed Ktnnnn Raddle, s tin, 250 and 450- Creamed Salmon, a tin, 250 and 450 Creamed Codfisn, a tin, iso and 300 Lobster ala Newburg, a tin, 350 and fIOO —Ayres—Basement. Two Household “Specials” Special Aluminum convex kettle—pure 1 I aluminum, with cover, black eb <lt J onold knobs, patent riveted ears, j, l on / tipping handles, retinned wire ' bail. '• t i Water palls, seamless, of ocean special l bi ue enamel with wood ball han at \ d'*’ B ' Your choice of 10 or 12- I quart capacity. 89c ' —Ayres—Basement. Only Fastidious m workers , such as we employ , ' could do justice when cleans- jig I ing such a stylish and beauti- \ n ful evening wrap of black jjUjj \ A velvet and white chinchilla. mm jlfc Telephone STORES: • _ S pp||M Private Branch Penn, and Washington X ■s/F Exchange Madison and Ray J 3 Prospect 7600 Fountain Square l&arJH'Ht' Auto. 51-763 Meridian and Morris ‘mobile.’ Even so the word ‘pep’ is vital and virile and will survive with the word ‘snappy.’ But to gain recognition slang must be free from vulgarity and cheap ness,” said Glicksman. -“The term ’How do you get that way?’ is condemned because it is meaningless but the term ‘be has puli’ is approved as It la the opposite of ‘push.’ a word that has forged ahead through its own strength.” Churches to Make Indiana Fund Drive Under direction of Frank J. Resler of Columbus, 0., the Evangelical Protestant churches of Indiana will conduct a financial campaign beginning April 25 and terminating May 2. Mr. Resler will confer with the mem bers of- the various financial committees and will advise how to conduct tha cam paign. The counties will be organized for the coming campaign. Artificial Flowers To Do Artistic Duty In lieu of the Real In color and form the gar)lea variety of spring and summer flowers does not surpass the beautiful collection that have “bloomed" opportunely in the Ayres Art Department. Jonquils, singly, lOo; dou Anemonie, 63<*. Magnolia, ble ones, 20p. $2.00 the bunch. Cosmos, 25c the spray. Hollyhocks, 95.50 the Nasturtiums, 230 aud 500 ! stalk, the hunch. Bachelor buttons, 500 the Exquisite Scotch heather, bunch. 500 and 91.50. Straw flowers, $1.50. Marigolds. SOc. Daisies, , Twitps, 250- SI.OO. Small rosebuds, yellow, Clover. 91.00. Dandelions, P ink . red > 50< * the bunch. 50c. Large pink roses, 91.25. Cyclamen. 25c and 4,00. Red ones ’ 65 <* and *IOO - Floor, Embroideries With Attractive Special Prices A . r>Q „ the yard, corset cover and camisole ■*“ embroideries, of cambric and swiss; blind, eyelet and Venetian patterns. 18 inches wide. Ax. f}Q „ the yard, nainsook and swiss flounc- ings In patterns suitable for chil dren's clothihg and petticoat flouncing. 10 to 12- inch widths. —Ayres—Street floor. School Children at Anderson Thrifty Life insurance Is carried by 63 per cent pf the public school pupils of Anderson, according to a report from W. A. Denny, superintendent of schools there, received by L. N. Hines, state superintendent of public instruction. Commenting on this, the result of a thrift campaign carried on In the Ander son schools, Superintendent Hines today said It was one of'the most important school movements in his experience. The report showed that nearly twice as many pupils In the junior high school of A) - derson earn money as in the senior high school. This is taken to show the les son of thrift is being learned by :h younger generation of children. 7