Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY I TIMES p 25-29 S. Meridian St. \ PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 3500 Automatic 28-351 RATES. One time 07 per line Three consecutive times 06% per line Six consecutive times 06 per line Male or female help wanted, sit uation wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted — One time 07 per line Three consecutive times 06 per line Six consecutive times , 05 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 07 per line Lodge and club notices 50c per insertion , Church notices (1 inch or less) 35c per insertion Over 1 inch, 5c per line addi tional. Death notices, 25c per insertion. The Business Office closes at 8 P. M. * - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director, 522 East Market. Old Phone Main 908. New Phone. 27-208. A. M. Ragsdale, J. Wash Price, John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. 323 North Delaware street. McKAHAN & WILHITE 37 West Thirteenth street, J. C. WILSON 1230 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 322. Funeral directors— WM. E. KP.IEGER. New 21-154. Main 1454. 1402 N. Illinois. UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASEXGYM 1635 Shelby St. Pros. 2670. Auto. 61-114. UNDERTAKERS— HI SHY £ TITUS, ~831 North Del, New 26-664. Main 3530. DEATH AN U FU NERAL NOT I CEE GILBREATH, ROBERT BELOVED husband of Mary’Gllbreath. 1268 Nor dyke Are., died Monday at 9 a. m.. father of Lester Gilbreath, 1429 Southern Ave., and Harry Gilbreaih. 1002 Lawton. Fu neral services at the residence Thursday, Feb. 26. 10 a. m. Burial Columbus, Ind. Friends Invited. Hall, william c.—husband of Lillian Hall, passed away at the M. E. hospital at 4:30 p. m. Tuesday. Feb. 24. Funeral at the home, 2928 West Michigan St., at 10:30 a. m.. Thursday. Feb. 26. Burial at Crown Hill. Friends Invited. Kane, william—died feb. 24, at the home of his nephew. Rev. James M. Downey. 1108 East Kelly. Funeral Friday. 9 a. m., at St. John's church, Loogootee. Ind. KANEY, MARY—MOTHER OF MRS. Harry Poland. Mr. Maggie Perkins, Mrs. Mery Gold , g p, trick. 1". 0,..ts and John Kaney, died Feb. 23 at the resi dence. .. . .ai:u-l. ot. Funeral mar Feb. 26. 8:30 a. m.. at residence, followed by services St. Patrick's church, 9 o'clock. Burial Holy Cross cemetery. Friends In vited. MAISH, CORDELIA—AGED 80 YEARS, o r ol M.uihms. Walter. Fred. Bertha Zr as and Mrs. Lola Sher rick. passed away suddenly Tuesday eve ning, Feb. 24. Funeral Thursday, Feb. 26. at 2:30 p. m., at the residence of her son. Matthias Maist, 346 West TANARUS enty-iirst St. Burial Crown Hill. Friends invited.- SCHREINER, JANET LOUISE—LITTLE daughter of Joseph and Julia (nee Pfleger) Schreiner, aged 4 years, died at noon, Feb. 24. Funeral from the home, c 34 Riley Ave., 11) o'clock Thursday morn it.g. Funeral private. uuS'i AND FOUND. L Ain'S WATI'H, CASE NO. S3OI 65. Elgin movement, fancy- dial, pi ture in front; engraving in back. “To Emma. by Arthur. Cferi.stmau, ’US.” Liberal reward for information leading to re covery. MRS. A. Li. GREEN. 2946 Clifton St. yhone North 3497. Lost— thin diamond ring ni karat each. In front of Isis theater, about 6 o’clock Sunday evening. Reward. Return to THELMA ALLEN. Regent theater. LOS T—FANCY HAIRPIN SUNDAY WITH white, blue and yellow stones. Valued as keepsake. Reward. Call Main 1047, --tk fcr Miss Thompson. STRING OF PEARL BEADS LOST; KE ward. Ma(n 6376. n— . . ■■ ROOMS -~. T -9- LET . , Nicely fcknished room for rent. 120 South Butler avenue. Call Irvlagton 2343. Fg|C RENT—2 MODERN SLEEPING rooms for gentlemen only. 61S East Market St. WANTED— TO TAKE SMALL CHILD TO board. Circle 2963. AND ROOMB—WANTED. WANTED— ROOM AND BOARD IN OR near downtown district In small pri vate family; no other roomers; want home, not boarding house; give full par ticulars in letter. Address A No. 2950, Times. -- BUSINESS SERVICES. ~~~ ‘ ‘ Happily Married ? Oh, boy! I’ll say I am! THE PRETTIEST LITTLE DOLL IN THE WORLD! THE BEST LITTLE HOUSEKEEPER! How can you bear to disappoint him? Keep yourself fresh and young: Use up to-date methods and do your housework quickly, easily, and well. We can’t all have vacuum cleaners, electric washing machines, but V GEM POLISH —the last word In window cleaners is within the reach of all. Can you AFFORD to be without, it 7 For gale by all grocers, druggists, and at department stores. GEM POLISH MFG. CO.. 16 When Bldg. Main 367. L. R. STOCKWELL Building Contractor. All kinds repairs, call after 6 p. m. Bel mont 1977. - TAILORS AND CLEANERS. H. G. FITE Practical Tailor and Cutter Dry cleaning, pressing and repairing; army overcoats made over; ladles' work a specialty; work called for and delivered. North Capitol avenue and Ohio street. Automatic 26-641. Circle 690. Quit hearinolieady'slade pants? We make them to your measure. $6.00 and up. LEON TAILORING CO., 131 East New York street. Walk up one flight. OAPITOL GARMENT CLEAN ERS, “m* North Capitol avenue. Main 6477. Main 4160. Auto 21-241. I. SCHWARTZ, TAILOR AND CLEAN- K er. 31 Kentucky avenue. Main 2679. NOTICES. Come to the CENTRAL BEAUTY PARLORS 107-308 Odd Fellow Bldg., 1/ you want good work done, as we have three of the nest operators In the city. F-ES EVERYBODY SUFFERING plies, fistula, fissures, ulcerations, con stipation. bleeding, itching, write free trial. Positive painless pile cure. S. U. TARNEY, Auburn. Ind. ale TIh.LP—^WANTED. COLORED BOY TO WORK IN KITCHEN. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Stock Yards. BOY . FOR ERRANDS; GOOD PAY 7 FRANKLIN PRESS. 601 Murphy Bldg. AUTOMOBILE WASHER. 1820 NORTH Alabama. MALE HELP—WANTED. GLEANING All PRESSING PRISES LADIES’ WORK Jacket Suits, plain $1.50 Cloth Dresses, plain $1.60 Lady’s Coat, medium weight $1.50 Skirts, plain ~$ .75 Ladies’ Jacket Suits Sponged and pressed, 50c and up. cleanimc amd-pressihg prices MEN’S WORK Three-Piece Suits $1.50 Medium Weight Overcoats $1.50 Pants , $ .50 Suits Sponged and Pressed .*......$ .50 ILLINOIS CLEANERS 808 N. Illinois St. Main 4527. > Work is all guaranteed, called for and delivered. Special attention to parcel post orders and return charges paid. illlllT ENGINE o®. has opened for good, steady, reli able men, the fol lowing positions: A-l DRILL PRESS OPERATORS FIRST-CLASS INSPECTORS LATHE MEN FOR DAY AND NIGHT WORK Apply Employ ment Office, 19th and Martindale. Nordyke <& Marmora Cos. Ky. Ave. and Morris St. offers excellent opportuni ties in tlie following classifications INSPECTOR MILLWRIGHT MILLWRIGHT HELPER AUTOMATIC AND HAND SCREW MA CHINE MACHINIST VARNISH FINISHER HANDY MAN CRATER LABORER. | Match Yoor Coat h 48 W. OHIO ST. Near 111. 110 E. MARKET ST. Near Penn. CARPET AND LINOLEUM LAYER AND CUTTER. SAN DER & RECKER FURNITURE CO. Thousands railway mail clerks and other government employes needed; salaries, $1,300-12.100; expense al lowance. $2 dally; sample questions free. COLUMBUS INSTITUTE, 884. Colum bus, O. CIVIL. SERVICE POSITIONS, CLERKS, stenographers. typists, bookkeepers, letter carriers, railway mall clerks. For preparation call or write. INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL, 167 N. ILLINOIS ST. Room 307. WANTED AIMTNCE First-class show card writer. TWIET’S SIGNJ3UOP. 24 South Illinois St. FIREMAN, EXPERIENCED. APPLY EMPLOYMENT DEPT., IMPERIAL DROP FORGE CO., 510 8. HARDING. Machinists and - toolmakers to use production guaranteed to the tenth micrometers. See samples. K SPILLMAN. 2132 Elliott Bt. AOLORED MAN, TO CLEAN AND OIL U printing presses at night. BOOK WALTER-BALL PRINTING CO., fourth floor. Century Bldg. Experienced all-round machine men for planing mill work. WILLIAM F. JOHNSON LUMBER CO.. Nineteenth and Cornell. WANTED EXPERIENCED FIREMEN on chain grate stokers. Apply MR. RAY. Union Traction Power House, An derson, Ind. 8. GOVERNMENT WANTS MAIL i carriers, railway mail olerks; com mence SIOO month. Particular.? address A No. 2947, Times. ANTED —FARM HAND, SINGLE,' Friendswood, Martinsville line. In quire for GEO. W. ROBERSON. ELIABLE YOUNG MAN <TO LEARN optical work; rapid advancement. 604 Odd Fellow Bldg., Circle 472, PRESSMAN— COX DUPLEX PRESSMAN wanted. Give qualifications and wages wanted. DAILY NEWS, SIDNEY. O. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened. TUTTLEDGE. 201 Indiana are. WANTED— LUNCH COUNTER MAN. Apply Union Station Restaurant. Factory - hand, apply iso south Liberty. EMPLOYMENT MANAGER Experienced, to take charge of employment department welfare work and supervise company cafeteria, etc. This is anew department in a new and live organization, and to the right man a profitable and excellent opportunity for ad vancement. Phone Mr. Callahan at Belmont 67 for appointment. MARTIN-PARRY CORPORATION, Henry and Holly Sts. cabinet MAKERS EXPERIENCED ON HIGH-GRADE CABINET WORK, ; 60c TO 65c PER HOUR. SHOP LOCATED IN INDIANAPOLIS. IDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS AND SURROUNDINGS. ADDRESS A 836, TIMES. ill CLASS FLAKIER MGS A-t SHAPER HARRS KiLUiOLLAHS IMSBLffi ffiJJ. W. 2311D AND BELT R. R. LABORERS WANTED— BEMIS BROS. BAG CO., BARTH AVE. AND BELT R. R. APPLY GAMBLE CONSTRUCTION CO. | RELIABLE KIEBT RTM- I m m (BFiS. RANT MtUmiMß HMK 11. W. 23RD AND BELT R. R. attention! TEACHERS AND FACTORY MEN We can use 15 red-blooded men on our 1920 sales force, experience not necessary Ten men earned S6B 50 last week. If your present position holds no future for you and you are ambitious and can give refer ence and security, call at 224 .Saks Bldg 3 to 7 p. m. Men, boys and colored women wanted. S. Key stone Ave and Belt R. R. Take Prospect car to end of line. Fairmount Glass Works. N LABORERS; STEADY WORK. IMPERIAL DROP FORGE CO., 518 S. HARDING. ANTED—MEN. 18 UP; RAILWAY Mall Clerk*. Commence sllO month, dst position*, free FRANKLIN INSTI TUTE, Dept. 95 B. Rochester, N. Y. r BAL EBM E N—VV ANT EQ. STOCK SALESMAN Jil7 I ?;^JSi rERQB!TIC 'SALESMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS TO FOL LOW UP LEADS SECURED THOUGH ADVERTISING AND CIRCULARS. STOCK SOLD UN DER PLAN THAT ABSOLUTE LY GUARANTEES INVESTOR'S PRINCIPAL. CALI. PERSON ALLY. 1104 ODD FELLOW BLDG. I Salesman— city - man with ford or light car to sell the beet auto ac cessory ever put on the maiket. One man made $1,200 In tec day*, another made SIOO first day. See Mr. Mosher. U. A J. CARBURETOR SALES CO., 120 K. New York Bt. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25,1920. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. GU I-R=Lc S AT ONCE BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 33; FOR LIGHT, CLEAN WORK THAT PAYS WELL. THESE POSITIONS ARE PER MANENT. GIRLS WITH AMBI TION CAN STEADILY INCREASE EARNINGS. ELI LILLY & CO. TAKE GARFIELD CAR TO M’CARTY ST.. THEN ONE BLOCK EAST TO EM PLOYMENT OFFICE. APPLY ANY TIME BETWEEN 8 A. M. AND 6:30 P. M. % 706 S. ALABAMA. YOUNG WOMEN WANTED Additional telephone operators are needed, due to constantly Increasing requirements of service. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY GIRLS WELL CARED FOR Light and airy switchboard rooms; comfortable rest and recreation room. Annual vacation with pay. Sicks benefits, life insurance, pen sions, without cost. Apply CENTRAL UNION TELEPHONE CO. Meridian and New York Sts. ? ft Samples now readv. * Have your old hats made into new spring models. INDIAMAPOLIB HAT BLEACHERY 28 Kentucky Ave. Main 6179. Wr —-J L. s. AYRES & CO. need girls of 15 to 17 years of age for light work in pleasant surround ings. APPLY TO SUPERINTENDENT, SEVENTH FLOOR. WANTED—OPERATORS TO SEW ON POWER MACHINES. ADVANCE TENT & AWNING CO., ADELAIDE ST. GIRLS WANTEI) OVER 16. CENTURY BIS CUIT CO., BLACKFORD AND NEW YORK. WANTED— WOMAN TO OVER SEE SEWING IN OUR DRA PERY WORK ROOM. SAN DER & RECKER FURNITURE CO. Women to iron women's gar ments ami fancy articles. French Steam Dye Works, “The Garment Cleaners,” 49 Monu ment Circle. Young lady ro take charge of talking machlns department In large retail store. Answer in own handwriting, stating age, experience and salary ex pectetL Address A No. 2982. Times. Young ladies for house-to house selling. Salary $2 per day. carfaro and bonus. Apply Wednesday and Thura day. 12-1 Hotel Brevort, MR. MODI'. CASHIER, EXPERIENCED; ~ ANSWER In own handwriting, stating age, ex perience and salary expected. Address A No. 2968, Times. Chocolate "dippers and candy wrappers. Inexperienced or experienced. Apply 641 North East St. HOMER J. WILLIAMSON. STENOGRAPHER, ~NO EXPERIENCE necessary. Apply at once. FURNAS OFFICE FURNITURE CO , 124 8. Liberty. Ladies to take course in~ hack dressing, manicuring, etc. Day and evening (lasses. North 4701. WANTED— II OUSE KEEPER FOR TWO elderly ladlee desirous of home. 1609 Spruce St., Prospect 1363. mi. FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: stay nights. North 1262. 1816 North Delaware. COLORED GIRL TO WORK AT LUNCH counter. EXCHANGE HOTEL. Stook Tarda. STEADY, RELIABLE CLERK. TUTTLE MUSIC STORE. 201 Indiana Ave. 6001), RELIABLE THIRD COOK. EX CHANGE HOTEL. Stock Varda. WANTED— A KITCHEN GIRL. APPLY Union Station Restaurant. G" IRES FOR LIGHT FACTORY TVORIL WM. B, BURFORD. 408, Meridian, bETECTIVEt Quigley-Hyland Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators 636-629 Law bldg. Main 2902. automobiles for sale. VALUES OBTAINED BY BUYING USED CARS HERE OVERLAND 85 six-cylinder. MAXWELL 1919 driven less than 800 miles. STEARNS-KNIGHT chummy roadster. In good condition. WILEYS-KNIGHT touring, In A-l condition. MITCHELL. 1918. Wire wheels, repainted; A-l condition. 1917 B-uick sedan. 1917 Bulck touring. 1917 Bulck six roadster, new paint and top. FORD COUPE. 1918. STATE USED CAR MARKET 235 North Penn. Main 2246. W. W. Fancher, Mgr. 1916 DODGE ROADSTER Winter top. Thoroughly overhauled. Guaranteed to be In first-class running con dition. Price S6OO. Open Sunday. MUTUAL SALES CO., Used Cars at GIBSON’S At present we have in stock a number of extra good cars—a variety of makes, models and prices. You can surely find one here to ssuit you and at just the price you want to pay. Terms if de sired. Come in and see for your self. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. THE GIBSON CO. Corner Michigan and Capitol. PACKARD ROADSTER Thin car must be seen to be appreciated; newly painted; six new cord tire*; A-l j mechanical condition, open Sunday MUTUAL SALES CO.. <27 North Meridian St. BARGAINS I SED CARS INVESTIGATE OUR WEEKLY PAYMENT PI,AN. Mnrt of these cars have been overhauled. ] repainted and retopped. > _ , . , Down.. Weekly. Overland roadster $75 $4 00 Regal touring 75 4 oa 'l6 Maxwell chassis 12 ; 5.00 ! ’l7 .Maxwell chassis H 5 5.. , ,t> ’l6 Maxwell touring 145 j’f.o ’l7 Maxwell touring 165 6.9 J ; 'l7 Maxwell coupe 195 6.50 Overland 83, touring 145 6.50 ’l7 Oakland 6 speedster 245 6.1,0 : 'l7 Helen touring 245 g.:,<7 Franklin 8. touring 335 7.00 Packard C. touring 74 5 9.0" Cadillac 8, touring 495 8.00 Ford Form-a-truck 145 5.00 No brokerage No red tape. If you are honett we want your business INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE TO. Main 2638. 618 N. Cap " Auto. *2-019 PREMIER Rebuilt. In fine condition; six wire wheel* and six g >od tire*, seven-pasj-.enger touring Open Sunday. ~ MUTUAL SALES CO.. 427 North Meridian. Main 3549 rSKDCAK BARGAINS 1919 Maxwell; demonstrator only. 1918 Maxwell coupe; first cl*** condi tion. 1917 Jackson 8-cyllnder chummy road ster; 4-paa*enger. j I*l9 Ford touring. I 1915 Ford touring. 1917 Ford touring I*l7 Grant six touring ' These <*r are all In tlrst-rlasa condl ; tion. Can be bought at a bargain. Cash !or terms MERIT SALES CO. 312 N Capitol Ave., Main 6293. i L M UOLAB CHALMERS, 1917 five-passenger touring; overhauled, newly , painted; tires practically new. No better buy at our pries. Open Sunday. MUTUAL SALKS COM PANT. 477 North Meridian street. Nash, folk with sum mer arid winter top. wire wheels, cord tlrea THE MOTOR MART Main 19S*. no n Delaware St. Opposite Public Market STUDEBA KER Seven passenger Curing. tire*, motor and paint In excellent condition; immedi ate nale. 1550 Open Sunday. MUTUAL SALES CO., t. 7 North Meridian St. OVKRLANOj EI.F.f ritK UGHTB AMD ■itarter; newly painted; $350; term* if desired • THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware St.. Main 19*4. Opposite 1 übllc Market. \v i llys k n io i rr Thl* car tuunc a* new , only used short while; v Ire wheels; Hr.>• mechanical con dition. Open Sunday. OI.HHM Olill.E, 7-PAS.SE.VGEK; ALL ne v cord tires. THE MOTOR MART Mnln 1984. 140 N. Delaware St. _____ Opposite Public MarkeL FORD TOURING ‘ Winter top; A-l mechanical condition; good tires; price, 8525. Open Sunday. MUTUAL SALES CO., WILLI S-KNIGHT. 8-CVI.INDEB. CORD tires, wire wheels and Perfection windshields. . > THE MOTOR MART i 140 N. Delaware St. Main 19K4. | Opposite Public Market MI TCI l E LLCi 11 MM Y~ Rebuilt and repainted, good tires. In tine condition. Open Sunday. MUTUAL SALES CO.. 427 North Meridian. Main 3549. Ford, ion, tu ling, m u top, new paint, good tires, bargain. Term* If desired. JONES-WHIT AKER SALES CO., Department of Used Cars. 341 N. Capitol. Main 2345. Maxwell toi iti sg nx#ly pAIMT* ed, new top. Bp.itllght, extra good tires. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware St. Main 1984. PREMIER seven-passenger; electric gear'shift: car In excellent condition. See thl* bargain. MU TUAL SALES CO.. 427 North MerWlan street. Open Sunday. APPERSON LIGHTESTX This car ran be bought at a bargain; In best condition, new paint, top and cur tains. This car must be sold at once. 1008 South Illinois. Prospect 336. MAXWELL touring oar. 1918; lino mechanical condi tion. bargain. MUTUAL SALES CO. Main 35 19. or 427 North Meridian St. dodge'‘roadster Winter top, A-l mechanical condition; recently overhauled. MUTUAL SALES CO.. 427 North Meridian street. Open Sunday. COLE EIGHT ROADSTER Rebuilt; in A-l condition; bargain If sold at once. MUTUAL SALES CO.. 427 North Meridian. Open Sunday. GOING GOING GOING Ford touring. 1917, $825; new- tires and j top. Will trade. 409 Moreland Ave. MAX WELL, - 1918 TOURING; BEST light car In town at the price we offer It. Term* over twelve monthly pay- i mente. DIETZ-JAMES, SSI East .Market. I Main 6718. _ INTER-STATE ROADSTER^WITHIVIN ter top; In A-l shape; good tires and good paint. Bargain price. DIETZ JAMEB. 834 East Market street. Main 8716. Hupmobile TOURING PRACTICAL; ly new tires; new pistons and ring*. As good as new. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 East Market street. Main 6716. BUfCK. 1917 TOURING, SY?S~ MAX well truck. $550; take Ford truck In trade; Studetaker touring, electric lights and starter. Main *l2O. COLUMBIA SIX, DEMONSTRATOR? AT a discount, or trade on your car. Seo at once. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 East Mar- j ket. Main 5716. COMMONWEALTH POUR-FORTY" AU- I itomoblle. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 Ea>. Market. Marlon county dealers. INTER-STATE TOURINGj RUNS LIKE! j new car; terms or trade. DEITZ JAMES. 334 E. Market, Main 5716. ■-' ■ ■ WHY RIDE the crowded street cars when there is a motor car for the mod est purse? The difference between a used automobile and anew one is in dicated more by its LOWER PRICE than by any loss in pleas ure, safety or comfort. To the man who has yet to buy and drive a car, a used automobile is in deed a sensible way *to get the “hang” of the thing. And bar gains! There never were such prices and terms as are now of fered in the “Automobile for Sale” columns of The Daily Times “want ads.” Read them today— all of them. Some folks think they must have anew machine every spring—hence the low prices on high values. Lr.--;.-.- j AUTOMOBILE S FOR SALE. FORDS 1917 roadster. 1917 touring. 1919 touring with r.ew block for Ford starter. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware St. Main 1984. FORI) ROADSTER Newly painted, motor recently over hauled; good tires; $325 for immediate sale. Open Sunday. MUTUAL SALES CO.. 427 North Meridian Bt. OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX; LOOKS like anew car. Better snap this car quick, as it is a bargain. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware SI., Main 1984. Opposite Public Market. CHEVROLET ROYAL MAIL ROADSTER, Just the car for a city salesman; terms, over twelve monthly payments. DIETZ JAMES. 384 East Market. Main 6716. Maxwell roadster : practically new tires; excellent condition. Terms j over twelve monthly payments. DIETZ JA.VES, 334 East Market. Main 5716. OVERLAND 7514 ROADSTER; GOOD tires; overhauled. Good buy for city , i-alesnian. DIETZ-J AM ES SALES CO., 334 East Market street. Main 6716, TRUCKS—FOR SALE. APEX TRUCKS 1 Ton lli To A 2 4 Ton. KOMAIN APEX TRUCK CO.. Indiana Distributor, 3009 Central Ave. 1 43-705. Bell, North 6650. IMs'TON IN'DlANaTtruck Tires lii good condition; new paint: com pl< tt i> overhauled, price for quick sale. INDIANA TRUCK SERVICE AND SALES CO. 4 6 N. Senate. Indianapolis. Ind* ONE KISSEL 1 Vi-TON TRICK; GOOD condition, cab and ttak* bodyr-eheap for 8600. Had to have larger truck. Phone Prospect 37 (g. J . HENRY AMT CO. 1 AUTOMOBILES— WAN TEU. WWwVSfV-xAArvWVk AUTOS WANTED We buy more cars for parts pur poses and to resell than any other dealer In the country. There must lea reason. Tht Is it: We pay the best prices. Try us first and last. If you do not sell to us you arc losing money. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS & TIRE CO. 511 North Capitol. Auto. 22-019. Main 2C38. 1 WANT VOIR CAR and will pay you cask for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can't drive in, call Main 4440 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED We pay cash. No delay for your money It 1* here (or you. Come In or vail. 1. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 11l N Illinois * Main 1579 Auto 22-o*l. W* *l*o buy Jticfcr coxa. AUTOS WANTED We pay highest prices for used can See us before you sell your car MERRIT SALES CO. $32 North Capitol avenue. CalJ for L M. Golaa Main 6295. WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used ca re. ! STATE USED CAR MARKET 1 135 North Pennsylvania. Main 2246. \V. W FANCHER. CYiTtoI AUTO P \RTS AND VISE CO. I* buying nnd veiling used care, ttree. ; tube? and parts at 7f> per cent of list. 319 North Illinois. Main 6090. AUTOS AND TRUCKS FOR hTre DO YOUR OWN DRIVING j Go* where you please, day or night. Wo furnish the car at prices cheaper than owning a car. U-DRIVE AUTO SERVICE ! At Hooelt r Auto Laundry. Back of Keith’s . Theater. Main $921. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIEB. AUTO PAINTING Get that Ford painted this month. 110 and up. Other cars in proportion. All work guaranteed. D. FLEMING, painter, v. h street. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 322-334 North Illinois. s a s Auto Laundry LOWEST PKIC2SD HIGH GRAD E BAT - mude. DIXIE STORAGE BATTERY CO. Main 3isl. 529 Massachusetts ave. ONE MAN At TO TOI'S, SIDE Cl R tnlns. seat and radiator covers. PER FECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell ; street. North 545. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. TWIN INDIAN ! far sale. In A-l condition, fully equipped with presto tank, brilliant burner light, j tandem, horn, and two good- tires, one j practically new. For a bargain call Main ! 3500 and ask for Mr. Robison or call at | 5021 Orion Ave. after 8 p. in. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 500 Massachusetts avenue. AUCTIONEERS. DEE RING & HARRIS AUCTIONEERS i 223-225 Hume-Mansur. Circle 1650. AUCTION3. Come to the big AUCTION SALE at our auction rooms, 227 North New Jersey. Thursday, 9 a. m.; following Is a partial list of the offerings; look It over; If you don't find what you want, come to the auction, you'll probably find It there. For the bedroom Bed*, Iron and wood; mattresses, springs, bed clothes, dressers, washstands, dressing tables, wardrobe, mirrors. For the living room | Davenports, sofa, settee, rockers, pnr i lor chairs, library tables, pictures, ruga, stand tables, one fine tapestry rocker, pedestal, magazine rack, combination desk and bookcase. For the dinisg room Extension tables, square and round, dining room chairs (some leather seated), buffets, sideboards. For the kitchen Kitchen tables, gas ranges, coal ranges, linoleum, refrigerators. Also two fino Upright pianos Some -player piano music, an organ j bench, piano stool, one Revving machine. ! LEW SHANK INSTRUCTIONS. Learn magic ; entertain your friends. HarrUon BQ. 1 REAL ESTATE—FOR BALE. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY VACANT LOTS. We are offering many real bar gains in all parts of city. PAYMENT PLAN IE DESIRED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES COMPANY. FRANK K. SAWYER, President. Third Floor, Law Bldg. I i . Seven-Room Modern, East Genuine Bargain Only $4,500 This is a positive bargain. The material in the house can hardly be bought today. The beautiful quarter-.-awed oak wood work downstairs Is practically unobtain able. Large lot. South front. Good rea son for selling. Cal! Circle 6431 after ‘ 6 p. m. Cash or Payments W. 29th St. 6-room dwelling, semi modern. Easy terms. see Indianapolis Securities Cos. - Frank K. Sawyer, Pres. Third Floor Law Bldg. SYI/ l HAVE on Cottage avenue, Vs on the south side, one elght /w room modern house, sleeping porch, bath and extra toilet, stesm heating plant, every thing on the Inside of this property right up to the minute and the outside couldn’t be better, modern to the ex treme. four-car garage, any one desiring the very best bargain on the South Side for J. 300. call GEORGE A. LUCAS, 208 American Central Life Bldg., Circle 6600 evenings. Irvington 338. East New York St. Eight rooms, modern, bath, furnace, double basement, electric lights, hardwood floors. Cash or Payments Indianapolis Securities Cos. Frank K. Sawyer, Pres. Third Floor Law Bldg. SYt jr 2628-30 English Ave., 2643- 45 Southeastern Ave.; 4- apartment house will rent al for $72 per month; price, $5,500; four years old. In good condition: modern; terms. GEO. A. LUCAS. Realtor. 208 American Central Life, Circle 6600. Evenings. Irv. 338. GOOD 5-ROOM Cottage on South Warman. $1.550. Terms. Good 5-room double in 500 block on South Warman. $3,100. Terms. STATE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO., W. S. Montague. Main 4515. Res. Belmont 2037. SUBURBAN “ Lot 60 by 200 feet, with four-room house, near Stop 4, Plainfield line. Price. $1,250. on terms. Can sell lot adjoining also on terms. H. G. MONEN, SVI jF Two seven-room modern VAF homes, near Fletcher avenue yCw and Noble, $3,350 and SB,OOO. JL IX. respectively. GEORGE A. LUCAS. Realtor. 208 Amer ican Central Life. Circle 6600; evening. Irvington 338. “COLORED BUYERS 200 HOMES ON EASY TERMS Good location, prices reasonable, a square deal to all. See me before buying. F. G. BULLUP. 1349 North Senate Ave.. Circle 4956. Auto. 26-519. WE 1.1 Itl 11/r SIX-JtoOM HOME. BEST location North Indianapolis: inclosed rear, double porch; linn fruit and shrub bery; barn. A real bargain at $3,250. BOH REN A BERRY, 416 American Cen tral Life. Main 3734. Evenings, Belmont 3941. .rt • Gladstone, near Washlng ton; double; five rooms to a side; modern; $5,600. GEO. Aw J /U. A. LUCAS, Realtor. 208 American Central Life. Cir cle 660 C. Evenings. Irvington 338. HOICK LARGE LOT NEAR MAPLE road boulevard, within two squares ol fair Grounds; $lO cash, balanoe $1 week ly. 640 Lemeke Annex. Main 140$. N~ ORTH—FIFTY MODERN AN D SEMl modern; cash or easy terms. F. G. BULLUP. 1349 North Senate. Circle 4956, Auto. 26-719. E~ABT— SEVENTY-FI4 K FINE HOMES on easy terms. F. G. BULLUP, 1349 North Senate Ave.. Circle 4956, Auto. 26-71JL Eight-room home, modern . except fur nace. Tacoma near New York; $3,300.00; terms. ffd. 3400 after 7:30, Seven rooms, senu-medern, on paved street, garage; $3,000, S7OO cash, S3O per month. Wd. Seven-room modern, garage, paved street; S7OO cash, SBO monthly. N. 7476 after 6:30. Bargain in ikvington, almost new. double ’lined, 6-room semi modern, $2,300; part .erma. Main 6704. Lots for sale, - near garfield park. In fine neighborhood. Circle *766. INDIANA TRUST CO. “ Sells reel estate, collects rent, writes Sre lesnrenoc. South sMs modern horns, five rooms, garage, pi,ved street. Main 142. REAL ESTATE—F9R SALE. Cash or Payments f W. 33rd St. Eight-room, high-grade modern; furnace, bath, hardwood floors, dou ble basement; elegantly finished. For terms see Indianapolis Securities Cos. Frank K. Sawyer, Pres. Third Floor Law Bldg. N. Keystone, near Wash ington, 6-room cottage, semi-modern, gas, electric lights, city water. Street improvements all made and paid. Price $2,600. Terms. Double house on Jeffer son ave.; semi-modern; 5 rooms a side; $3,400. 5-room cottage, East Georgia St. Price, $2,000. North California St., 2- storv, 6-room bungalow; modern; corner lot. Price, $3,500. A good bargain. 5-room cottage on Taco ma. Modern except fur nace, $2,400. GILL REALTY CO., Realtors Main 1646. Auto. 28-236 Easy Payments Cottage in Ben Davis district; new and choice. Indianapolis Securities Cos. Frank K. Sawyer, Pres. Third Floor, Law Building. Modern Cottage, East On paved street five rooms ana bath; • ong living room, full lot; can he bo-.gbt for $3 300, part cash; can arrange terms for balanca. See Mclnteer, with I. N. Richie & Son, Realtors 151 East Market. Main £2*o. i Alter 6 p. m. call Irvington 2324. STt Ir Seven-room modern i-egi- W dence, Irvington; $4,500 for a few days. GEORGE A. A VX LUCAS. 208 American Cen tral Life.- Circle 8600. Evenings and Sundays, Irvington 338. Home north, five rooms and garage, modern; terms. Main 107. REAL ESTATE—WAiMTED. Modern home for colored on reasonable paymente. In neighborhood of North Indianapolis: 'customer waiting. W. H. COOPER. 838 Lemeke Bldg. Let me sell your property"- customers ready. F. G. BULLUP, I 1849 North Senate Ave., Circle 495*. Auto, j 26-719. SUBURBAN PLACE, SOUTH OR WEST; about 1 acre, 5 or 6-room houge, 1 garage. Cash. Address A No. 2954. i Times. Have customers for five and six-room houses on south side. If yours is for sale call us. Main 107. From owner, five, to seven-room house, not necessarily modern, cash. Main 142. FARMS—FOR GALE. 120 ACRES. NEW SIX-ROOM BCNGA- Iow, good barn, plenty good water, j orchard, three miles from lnterurban. five miles from county seat, one-half mile to school, one and one-half miles to .church; thirty acres timber; SSO per acre. A. J APPLEGATE. Scottaburg, Ind.. R_ 1. 200 ACRES, JENNINGS COUNTY j beautiful home; sacrifice to settle es ! tale; $14,000. Write owner for description. L. R. REAM, North Vernon, Ind. WISCONSIN FARM LANDS. Landology, a magazine giving the facts In regard to the land sltua ; tlon. Three months’ subscription. FREK. I If for a home or as an investment vou are thlrfklng of buying good farm lands. i simply write me a letter and say. ’’Mai! <me LANDOLOGY and all particulars | FREE ’’ Address Editor. Landology, Skidmore Land Cos.. 113 Skidmore bldg.. Marinette, Wls. DON’T uaib,i,. If you really want It back. Insert % ! small ad In the "Lost and Found" oat •mm of The Times and 1c will soon US re tars *A Phone Mala 36—■ Auto. 31. UL BUSINESS CHANCES. ’ ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE—LEAV ing city to go on farm. Will sell ray 8-room rooming house; velvet rugs, some mahoguny furniture; weekly income from $19.75 to $22; rent is $45 per month: walk ing distance. Price. SBSO cash, or will consider $550 cash and reet In easy pav ments. Immediate possession. Circle 6236. WANTED— HUSTLING MAN OR WOM an with few hundred for "Worlds Chautauqua.” Business will net over $30,000 yearly. Permanent and honorable. Bonanza. DR. SOUTHERN. Hotel Lorraine. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. Est. 1886. E F. BURKLE. 416 Mass. ave. Main 1428. New 28-775. HOOFERS ’ Asphalt roil roofing and shingles, repair ing and recosting roofs and gutters. LASHBROOK BROS. CIRCLE 3058 For sale—small confectionery; husband dead, wife leaving town. Call 801 Indiana Ave., or Circle 1549. For sale or lease—-electric shoe-shop. Prospect 8736. \ Meat market for sale—7o7 east Michigan St.. Main 4917. The be*t bargains In automobiles are listed under Automobiles and Suppliea la The Times Want Ad columns TRANSFER AND STORAGE. STORAGE CHEAPEST // l \y/ RATES IN CITY. CAli, (I I If US. Everything at re*- l >. ] sonable price. Packed. \L/T IJ II shipped anywhere. V/ttvJ LI Locked room If desired. .BRITTON TRANSFER Moving and light hauling; trunks and baggage. QUICK SERVICE, 839 Eaat Wash street. Prospect 3848. SHANK FURNITURE AND STORAGE CO., 227-229 North New Jersey street. Phone Main 2028. a OUAL AN I) OVERLAND HAULING. Ot. L K. TRANSFER CO.. 938 Eaat Wash ington street. Prospect 8282. DID TOD SELL ITT It not try the automobile columns ot The Times Want Ads. (Continued on Next Page) 9