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2 CENTS PER COPY VOL. xxxn. NO. 260. BROTHER OF ‘HELL CAT’ ON THE WARPATH Marks 3 Policemen for Death; Accused of Slashing Wife of Colored Detective. OUT FOR VENGEANCE Henry “Hell Cat" Thomas’ brother is in Indianapolis to avenge the death of Thomas, according to the police today. He is known as “Bear Cat" Tolbert. Already menacing reports have reached police headquarters. “Bear Cat” threatens to kill lal po licemen who took part in the pistol duel late Thursday afternoon in which his brother was killed after he mortally wounded Sergt. Maurice Murphy. Police arc nervous ami watchful. “He must be caught. <leail or alive.” they sty. A dragnet is spread over the negro districts. When lie was reported to have been seen in the vicinity of Indiana avenue end the canal at 10 o’clock this morning a score of police were dispatched to the district. Two “fast wagons’’ carried squads of armed officers. One negro was taken to headquarters. He answered the description of “Bear Cat.” but proved an alibi. THB®rE POUCEMKN ARE "MARKED.” Lieut. Herbert Fieteher and Detectives Sneed and Trabue have been "marked" by the negro, it is claimed. "Bear Oat” Tolbert has toid persons la the colored neighborhood that be will kill. The slashing of Mrs. Sneed, -wife of Detective George Sneed, colored, in her home yesterday morning is laid to Tol bert. When detective roll cAll was held this , morning a picture of “Bear Cat" was shown to each man. “He’s the fellow you must watch for today—bring him in,” were the instruc tions. Police and detectives are reluctant to give out information about the arrival here of the supposed new terrorist. One negro says he knows “Hell Cat's” . brother, and says he is the man who robbed him yesterday. He told bis story to Detective Hanks. Other informants have confided in the officers the threats made by the in vader. He means business, they de clare. The pistol duel with "Hell Cat” Thomas was one of the most sensational In the history of criminals in the city. Thomas, defiant and menacing, had threatened to kill any policeman who tried to arrest him. He “broke loose” after his home was raided of $5,009 worth of loot and his wife arrested. He was wanted in connection with several rob beries here. WBOTS UWTTO TO DETECTIVES. After writing a letter to Detectives and Trabue, who were instrumental bringing about his wife's arrrest. in which he said he would kill them if they did not free bis wife, he eluded ar rest for several days 4 The two detectives found him shortly before 3 o'clock in the vicinity of Twelfth and West streets. They trapped him in an alley. The emergency was railed. Sergt. Murphy led the squad. Before he knew It a pistol in “Hell Cat’s” hand was (Continued on Page Four.) QUAKES ROCK ITALIAN TOWNS Tuscany Province Racked, but Damage Believed Slight. LONDON, March 9.—Earthquake shocks were felt throughout Tuscany. Italy, to day, said a Central News dispatch from Rome. Many persons fled from their homes, but tbe damage Is believed to be slight. Tuscany is a department in north western Italy bordering the Mediterran ean sea. It contains a number of in dustrial centers, chief of them being Florence, Leghorn, Pisa and Pistoja. The surface In the interior Is mountainous. BANDITS PULL DAYLIGHTRAID Invade Downtown Baltimore and Rob Jewel Shop. BALTIMORE, March 9.—Automobile bandits, operating in broad daylight op the busiest thoroughfares in tb:> shopping section here today smashed the big plate glass window of James Armiger & Cos., Jewelry store, cleaned tbe window of thousands of dollars’ worth of diamonds, shot and seriously wounded a man who attempted to pre vent their get-away and escaped int their waiting automobile. SPECIAL RUSHES SUFFRAGE VOTE West Virginia Senator Seeks to Save Day for Cause. CHICAGO, March 9.—State Senator Jesse A. Bloch of West Virginia left here by special train at noon today to save woman suffrage in his state from a dead lock. Bloch took tbe train instead of a prof fered airplane when his wife objected to tbe danger of the aerial trip. Bloch said he would reach Charleston. W. Va., in time to vote to ratify the suffrage amendment. Great Britain Winks at Daniels^Statement LONDON, March 9.—Officials here to day generally were inclined t© regard the recommendations of Secretary Daniels for a greatly Increased American navy unless the United States enters the league of nations as "designed for home con sumption.” The Westminster Gazette asserted that Great Britain does not propose to com pete with the United States in naval con struction “because we do not regard the United States aa a possible enemy.” Published at Indianapolis, Ind., Daily Except Sunday. Booze Is Dead Issue and Can't Be Revived, Says Sen. Sheppard By SENATOR MORRIS A. SHEPPARD. Author of the National Prohibition Amendment Resolution- Prohibition as a political issue is so dead that wets who are trying to revive it will be unable to make even a respectable im pression at either the republican or democratic convention. No one need he worried by the present wet flurry—the at tempt to revive a political corpse. It is hopeless. The agitation represents no change in sentiment —no weakening of the Amer ican people on the eighteenth amendment. It is all noise and clamor, originating with and confined to an irreconcilable minority. This minority represents certain wet elements that do not recognize the truth that the liquortraffic is dead beyond resur rection. They will be unable to make even a respectable im pression in either national convention. DOUBLING OF STATE UTILITY RATES FEARED Alarm Created by U. S. Su preme Court's Ruling on Valuation Basis. Possibility of rate increases of pearl., 1(0 per cent for all poblle utility oper ators in Indiana is seen in the decision of the Fnlted States supreme court up holding the “reproduction nevs" as the valuation basis for fixing railroad rates, pxperts of the public service commission said today. The decision was made in the case of the Kansas City Southern railroad against the interstate commerce commis sion. According to press dispatches front Washington, the supreme court held that the present value of physical property of the railroad should be accepted as the basis for determining rates. estimated cost OF REPRODUCTION. In most cases physical property of rail roads, street car, telephone, electric light and power and gas companies of the country would cost nearly double their original values if reproduced today. Property value is the largest item con sidered in rate fixing. Other items are operating cost and percentage of profit. From the valuation must be deducted tbe amount of depreciation. In fixing the new schedule of rates for Bell Telephone companies operating in Indiana the public se'rvlce commission recently refused to accept tbe “repro duction new" basis offered by the com pany. but based the new rates on the reproduction values of companies' va rious physical properties throughout a period of five years. Many other rate, cases have been decided by the commis sion on the same basis. Conditions similar to those created in Indiana by the basis established by the supreme court exist in Yarious other states. —e 'VTDE-REACHING EFFECT OF RULING. T.ittle doubt is entertained by rate experts here that the railroad decision will he so far reaching as to .'street every form of industry over which n govern (Contlnued on Page Four.) CAILLAUX ACTS AS OWN LATTER Accused in Treason Trial Doesn’t ‘Let George Do It.’ PARIS. March 5k —Former Premier Joseph Caillaux, on trial on the charge of having treasonable dealings with the enemy in wartime, evidently has decided that being bis own lawyer Is'best and is playing a powerful part In directing the defense. At acute points in the proceed ings he beckons to his counsel to be seated and he himself arises and reads important documents to the court. “Excuse me. but I prefer to read this myself," Is tbe defendant’s polite meth od of putting bis attorneys in the back ground. Tbe accused statesman was as spick and span and smiling as at the begin ning of tbe trial when he faced the judges this afternoon at the twelfth session. Public interest, instead of de creasing. has increased and the Judges were overwhelmed with for seats. Most of the requests came from women. Newberry Defense Attacks Testimony GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., March 9. - Attorneys for the eighty-five defendants in the Newberry conspiracy trial de voted much of today's trial session to what probably will be a last effort at direct attack upon government evidence. The assault was concentrated upon the testimony of Henry A. Montgomery, De troit manager for Chase S. Osborn, that Milton Oakman, county clerk and one of the defendants, had told him he hid received $20,000 in payment for New berry campaign work. Teachers to Wage Pay Fight at Mass Meeting Next Week School teachers of Indianapolis will hold a mass meeting in Caleb Mills hall, Shortrtdge High school, next Monday, when demands for better pay will he voiced. Representatives of the federation will report on the conference held with Superintendent Graff last week, when the teachers’ demands were presented and on a conference held by representatives with the state board of tax commissioners. The school city of Indianapolis has not reached the limit of its borrowing power, in the opinion of Chairman Fred A. Sims, chairman of the state tax board. His opinion is contrary to that of George C. Hitt, business manager for the board of school commissioners, who believes that the city can not legally borrow money to grant city teachers a S3OO bonus for this year. TEACHERS REQUEST INTERPRETATION OK LAW. A delegation representing the teachers of Indianapolis, headed by Miss F.lsa Huebner, president of the teachers' fed eration, called upon the tax boatd to obtain an interpretation of the iax Jaw. Others on the delegation were Daniel B. Carroll, Technical High school; Miss A. Al. Locke and William F. Hlaor, for Em merich Manual Training High School, and Miss Zella O’Hair, for Shortridge, and Miss Grace Turner, for the federa tion. Tbe teachers presented to Siperln- Juirtatta Dail® Suites Entered as Second Oiass Matter. July 25. 1914. at Postofftce, Indianapolis, Ind., under act March 3, 187 9. Maintenance Men Vote Against Strike WASHINGTON. May 9.—Allan Barker, president of the Brotherhood of Main- , fenance-o^- Way Employes, today an nounced here that his organization has decided not to strike. Want Extra Session to War on H. C. L. MADISON. Wls.. March 9 —Gov. E. L. ' Philipp today considered culling a R. j C. L. session of the state legislature. ; State organizations asked him to demand ; cold storage and anti-profiteering legtsla- I tion. Plead Kidnaping as Self Defensive Act TOMBSTONE, Art*., March 9.—Kid- ; naping in self-defense will be the answer : of defendants in the Bisbee, Arts., de- j portation trial. It was Indicated today. 1 Taking of evidence will be resumed to- 1 morrow. Bank Bandits Kill One and Wound Two KANSAS CITY. March 9.--Glen M. Shawkey, cashier of tbe South S’de bank was shot and killed and J. M. McEllls, vice president, and .James Smith, a night porter, were wounded la a gun battle with three bandits who attempted to bold up the institution today. Engineers Invite Guests to Meeting Guests are Invited to the regular meet ing and luncheon of the American As- ; sociation of Engineers, Indianapolis chapter, at the Chamber of Commerce j tomorrow noon Tbe local chapter announces that the; nomination of H O. Garnian. chief en- | gineer of the public service commission, ! for national director, has been scut to i headquarters Worker, Crushed by HeavyJLathe, Lives Gene Calhoun, 22, of 840 North Me ridian street, was crushed under u 794 pound lathe today and still 11 -es. At the \ City hospital it wa* said his back Is In jured and he may have suffered Internal Injuries. . Calhoun is employed by the American Railways Express Company The arcl dent happened In the rear of 1019 North Pennsylvania street. Denies Fesier Out of Republican Race Ed Schmidt, campaign manager for James W. Fesier. candidate for tbe re publican nomination for governor, today denied a story circulated at Evansville to tbe effect that Mr. Fesier bad with drawn from the primary contest. An Evansville newspaper had asked for-con firmation of the report. “That is Just another one of those stories being circulated by the enemy," he said. "Mr. Feeler will not withdraw from the primary race until May 4 when he will be the nominee. He will be In tbe race until that time unless he dies." WEATHER,! Local Forecast—Fair and warmer to night, with lowest temperature S3 to 10 degrees; Wednesday fair with moderate temperature. HOURLY TEMPERATURE. a- m 30 7 a. m :;o S a. jr. 9 a. m as 10 a. m 43 11 a. 41 12 (noon) 4 1 P. m 49 2 P- m 5i Sun sets today, 5:45; rises tomorrow, 6:06; sets, 5:46. One year ago today, highest tempera ture, 39; lowest, 29. Additional weather reports on market page. teudent Graff a request for a S3OO boons for every school teacher In tbe city and for other change.? lu the salary schedule, last Saturday, and were told the bonus could not be given because of the financial situation of the school city. POWER TO USE TEMPORARY LOAN. The hoard of school commissioners has authority to petition for a temporary loan with which to raise the money needed for the teachers, the delegation was Informed. Mr. Hitt says that the : city has borrowed to its constitutional debt limit. The estimated taxes to be collected is $1,300.00(1. and $575,000 has been borrowed, according to him. Mr. Sims says the city still can borrow on the tuition fund, which will be approxi mately $900,000 this year. The law pro vides only that the school city may not borrow more than one-third of the esti mated revenue for the school city's “special fund.” INDIANAPOLIS, TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1920. OH, NO, MAYOR HASN’T CLOSED RUFE’S JOINT 1317 North Senate Avenue Public Gambling House, but What of It? THAT SUNDAY A. M. RAID Rufe Page and John Overton are still operating a poolroom at 1317 North Senate avenue. ' Their license has not been re voked by Mayor Jewett, despite his recent promise to revoke the li censes of operators of poolrooms ■who have violated the law. At least three have resulted in Judicial recognition of the place ns a public gambling house. The letter of Mayor Jewett to Judge Pritchard |n which he declares be will revoke the license of poolroom operators who have been convicted of Inw violations calls attentions to the fact that when the police made their most recent raid on the Page place they overlooked, either in tentionally or unintentionally, a most obvious violation of the law. HAPPENED AT SUNDAY RAID. The raid was made at 3 o’clock Sun day morning, March 1, and twenty-three negroes and one w hite man were arrested. Later all were released because the police produced no evidence of gambling. They did however, produce conclusive evi dence that there were twenty-four per sons In the poolroom at 3 o'clock In the morning. This was a direct violation of the law and yet no charge was made against either Page or Overton for such violation. Here is the inw on the subject as found In Sections 7 and 8 of the municipal code : “Prohibited hours. No person who Rhail keep or operate any billiard or pool table under a license issued by the city shall permit any person to play bil Hards or pool on such table, or permit any person In the ro- t In which such table is kept, between tbe hours of 12 o'clock, midnight, and •> o'clock a. rn, "Penalty. Any person violating either of the foregoing two sections shall, upon conviction, be fined In any sum not ex ceeding $50.” POOLROOMS MIST HE LICENSED. The other section referred to ts Sec tion 6. which requires poolrooms to lie licensed. According to records iu the of fice of the city controller. Robert Page and John Overton paid a license Jan. 13, 1920. for tbe operation of three tables. The mayor has not only not revoked the license of the place operated by Page and Overton, but he has not revoked any poolroom licenses lu hl letter to Judge Pritchard he said; "It has been called to my attention that several persons holding poolroom licenses hate been convicted tn yonr court of gaming and other offenses. "On your recommendation, persons holding poolroom llceuses who have ljeen convicted In yonr court, and whom you deem unworthy Os holding atjch license* In the city, will be Investigated, and if the facts are sufficient. I will immedi ately woke any such licence." F.ither Judge Pritchard did not deem any poolroom proprietor unworthy of holding a liceuse, or Mayor Jewett did not find the facts sufft-len! to Justify the revocation of any license. It appears. SHANK NOT OUT FOR ANY OFFICE Wires Flat Denial of Story of Congressional Race. Lew Shank is not a candidate for con gress or for any other office. He made this plain today in a telegram to The Times. “Not a candidate for office. Will be home next week.” Mr. Shank wired from Hot Springs, Ark. The telegram was in reply to state ments made by certain republican news papers that Mr. Shank would be a candi date for congress on a wet platform and that he would make an announce ment on his return to Indianapolis. The story stated that Mr. Shank was “said by friends" to have decided to seek the nomination on a wet platform. It added that Mr. Shank expects to rally around himself the members of the home rule party, whose candidate he was in the city election of 1917, and that he ex pects to give Impetus to his campaign by declaring himself in favor of the return of booze. FOUR CONGRESS ASPIRANTS FILE Three Democrats Ask Names Be on Primary Ballot. Four candidates for congress were among those who filed petitions with the secretary of slat" today asking that their names be placed on the primary ballots. They arc: At niter J. Wakefield, Grant, Greene county, democrat. William D. Rioketts, Rising Bun, democrat. Charles F. Howard. Windfall, democrat. Oscar E. liland. Linton, republican. The following candidates so- the leg islature filed petitions with the secretary of state: Noble Malott, republican, Tunnelton, state representative; George *H. James, republican, Clay county, state representa tive; William B. Cobalt, republican, Ko komo, state representative; Alfred M. Beasley, republican, Linton, state repre sentative; .Tames J. Fagan, democrat, Vigo county, state senator; Sam L. Beecher, republican, Vigo county, state senator. The following tiled petitions with the clerk of the Marion county circuit court: William D. Wilson, republican, 1054 Con gross avenue, state representative; Wil liam J. Hourlgan, democrat, 1420 Nor dyke avedue, committeeman Sixth pre cinct, Fourteenth ward; Murray Huce, republican, 3115 Northwestern avenue, ccmmitteeman Seventh precinct, Fourth ward; Ray Lawson, republican, 843 Park avenue, committeeman Fifth precinct, Eighth ward: Alfred I’. Ferguson, repub lican, Senate hotel, committeeman Sixth precinct. Sixth ward; William A. Mur phy, republican, 1200 Olsen avenue, com ndtteeman First precinct, Fourteenth ward; John Tynn, republican, 1079 West McCarty street, committeeman Second precinct, Fourteenth ward; David Cald well, republican. Pike township, commit teeman Second precinct, Pike township; Floyd Levi Morris, republican, 2046 High- TAGGART WITHDRAWS HIS NAME Hays to Lose Out if Wood Nominated, Report WRITES LETTER GIVING REASON HE WON’T RUN Communication Received by A. C. Sallee Springs Sur prise on Democrats. EXPRESSES HIS REGRET Thomas Taggart today announced his determination not to permit the use of his name in the Indiana demo cratic primaries as a candidate for the United States senate. His reasons for refusing to accept a nomination that has been tendered him by the unanimous desire of the whole democratic party in Indiana are contained in a letter which waa received at Democratic headquar ters this afternoon. Mr. Taggart gave a* his reaion for withdrawing in the following letter: "My Dear Mr. Snllee —As chairman of the democratic state committee, I desire to make known through you to the democ racy of the state my position In regard to the senatorial race. "Writing this letter Is the hardest po litical task I have ever undertaken. The democracy of [ndiana has always been moat generous with me, In fact, every personal wish that t have expressed po Htlcallv that was within the power of the party to confer upon me has al ways been granted. That la what makes this task so hard. TRIED TO STA\ OtT, HE SAYS. "In recent years I have tried to im press upon my friends in the state that 1 was not seeking any office. "Recently my name has been used by my friends as a candidate for the l otted States senntorshlp. A few week* ago I stated through the public press that I was not a candidate for senator, and did not want the nomination. Notwith standing the notice that I had given, pe titions continued to b" circulated in my behalf and on Tuesday, March 2. n pe tition was filed with the secretary of state, naming tne as a candidate for Fnlted State* senator. "I appreciate more fully than I ran ex press In words this great honor, par ticularly the compliment of receiving the nomination to the highest office in the gift of the people of the atate without opposition, wot ld hi; PLEASE BYT TO SERVE. •Nothing could give me greater pleas ure tbsn to serve my psrty In answering this cal! were It not for the fact that I do not feel physically able to undertake this campaign. "About two years ago I had a very serious Illness which vsj only overcome by the greatest of care and perfect rest and In entering into a campaign snch as I would desire to make in order to win, f am afraid of a recurrence of my former ailment. "For the reason mentioned above. I must, therefore, respectfully but ur&entlv request that my name be withdrawn aa a candidate. "In closing thta letter I want to ngatn thank my friends for the great confidence that they have reposed lu me and to as sure you that there la nothing la my heart but the kindliest feeling to every human being. "With additional assurance that any thing I can do to help In the coming campaign will be done with pleasure, I beg to remain, yours very truly. "T. TAGGART.” GIRL ESCAPES IN CAR CRASH Interurban Hits Aulo and Damages Second Machine. Miss Genleve Hughel, 88 Whittier place, narrowly escaped serious Injury this afternoon, when an automobile she was driving was struck by an Inbound interurban car. Miss lfughel was driving north In Whittier place, in a light automobile, and the tntrurban was going west. See ing the approaching car too late to avoid a collision, she turned to the left, but the trolley side-swiped her auto, sending It 'rashlng Into a large ma chine owned hy C. L. Rlllinan of the William B. Burford Company. Bill man’s automobile was pushed over on to the sidewalk and slightly damaged. The steps were ripped from the front of the Interurban oar, hut Miss Hughel's auto was only slightly damaged. She escaped Injury. Sergt. Huston and a •squad from police headquarters iuvestl gated the accident. Two persons were injured when an In bound Brookside avenue car crashed Into the rear of a Central car headed the same way at Massachusetts a'enue and Delaware street this morning. Claussan Plumber, 30. 1938 Tarker ave nue, was cut about the face and bruised and Milton S. Meier, 09, 2300 Brookside avenue, suffered Injury to his left shoulder. Both were riding on the Brookside car. Tbe impact threw Meier against the side of the car, while Plumber was struck by flying glass. There were no .passengers on the Central car. ' James Neleis, 2322 Brookside avenue, motorman on the Brookside car told the police the window In his vestibule had fallen down and that he was trying to get It In place and did not know he was so close being the Central car, which was standing still waiting for the "g>" signal at the intersection. ITALY HAS NEW CABINET CRISIS Reorganization May Let in Clerical Party. LONDON. March 9.—A “political crisis has followed the ministerial conference called by Premier Nitti of Italy,” said a Central News dispatch from Romo today. "It is expected that the cabinet, will be reconstructed to contain members of the clerical party.” t-,,. ) By Carrier. Week, Indianapolis. 10c; bubscriptlon Rates. j Elsewhere 12c . By Mail, 30c Per Month. Mary Says She Won't Wed ‘Doug'; Got Divorce to Make Her Will DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS AND MARY PICKFORD LOS ANGELKS, <*aT.. March 9.~Mary Pfctford. : *AtHrlea’s 9wetheart,” Isn't going to ftinrr'y Doug Fairbanks, hut Dori’t they look Just too cute In the picture ? She said today she got her divorce from Owen Moore so that she could make her will. And Mary, to substantiate this an nouncement, has already outlined her plan <-f distributing her wealth when she dies. It might be hard for the moving pic ture loving public to Imagine “Little Mary" even thinking of death, but that's Just what abe'g doing. of course should she enter Into an other matrimonial alliance there natur ally will be entanglements to ber will, so we'll have to take her at her word. Butler Students Put College Honor System Under Fire The honor system of Butler college was under tiro by students today. Growlug dissatisfaction among some students of tin* college the con duct of the student affairs committee resulted in open attacks on the present system, when the committee made a re port in chapel today. Some of the changes in the system demanded hre: That offenders against tlie students' lan* be given public Instead of private trials. That names of offenders be published, and evidence taken In “trial*" be made public. That students oa a whole be giveu more authority. That supervision of class elections b*. taken from control of the student affair* committee. Fnder the present honor system at But , ler all students are placed upon their honor, during examinations and at class elections and at all other times. Each j student is expected to report to the stu- j dent affairs committee the name of any j other • student whom he sees cheating, during examination or violating any oth j er college rule. The committee heurs the case and prescribes punishment if j the student is found guilty. These hearings have all been in secret, I and It Is charged that “politics” has j been played in conducting the trials, i Demands have been made that the stu- j j dent affairs committee be abolished, j j Changes in tbe constitution governing j i the committee were suggested today by > the students as a compromise. Two men j and two women will be named by the j president of each class as a committee I to draw tip proposed constitutional j changes, which will be submitted to the j student body. Among those who voiced the demands j [ for changes in the constitution were Tel- I j ford Orblsou, Truman Felt and Hope j I Bedford. U. S. JURY ENDS COAL INQUIRY Report on Findings in Indiana Probe Expected Tomorrow. The federal grand jury, which has been conducting a sweeping investigation of the coal Industry In Indiana since last December, completed its work today and will report to Federal Judge A. B. An- j dersou probably at 2 o’clock tomorrow ! afternoon. No information has been given out as to the findings of the jury. Fred A. Sims and L. Ert Slack, special United States attorneys, have conducted the investigation for the government. The probe is said to have Included all mining operations in the state, especial- j ly during the war period, and the activl- i ties of miners unions. Explaining she said: "Every one has b*r life to live, and mine Is only a small part Tn this big world. "Owen Moore and I tried to live ours as man and wife, and failed. We sepa rated long ago. We could not agree, but there waa no ill feeling. The sepa ration and unsettled marriage relations caused tangled business problems. I was married, yet not a wife. A divorce decree offered tbe only way out. I was opposed to this idea. I would not con sent, Business worries grew and I still held out. Finally they became so great that I consented. I have made my wil, ended my problems and am happy or at least will be If the public will let me alone and forgive me and forget this incident la mj life.” FIRE DAMAGES AUTO COMPANY Loss $5,000 at Jones-Whitaker Sales Rooms. Fire that started in the demonstrating room of the Jones-Whltaker Automobile Sales Company. 133 West Vermont street, at 2:30 o'clock this morning, caused a loss estimated at $5,000. Firemen give the cause of the fire as defective wiring. Damage to the building was estimated at SI,OOO. The room usually is filled with automobiles, but last night only four cars were in the place. G. T. Whitaker, a member of the firm, estimated the loss at $5,000, and said it was covered by insurance. A gasoline tank on one of the four automobllees exploded and flaming gaso line spread to all parts of the room. Four new- automobiles were bndly dam aged. Mr. Whitaker said tire fire would not Interfere with business as it was con fined to the room where the demon strating cars are kept. Rose Pastor Stokes Granted New Trial ST. LOUIS, March 9.—The case of Rose Pastor Stokes, convicted in the federal court In the western district of Missouri of violating the espionage act. was re manded for anew trial in the circuit court of appeals here today. Trail the Indians! With Eddie Ash ( Times' Sports Editor ) Early Wednesday morning tbe Indianapolis hall club leaves for sunny Florida to be gin spring training. In a few days the new men on the team and the old-timers will be toss ing the ball around, batting ’em out and getting In shape. Ton’ll want to know what's going on—the intimate, oloseup stuff. This the Veteran Times’ sports editor will give you. He'll be right there, weather eye open. He'll give you the “inside” stuff —first! He knows the game, the players and, best of all, what the fans want. So if you want to keep posted on the home team— WATCH THE TIMES SPORT FAGF.! Home edition TWO CENTS. GENERAL FOR HITCHCOCK IF HE WINS OUT? That’s the Gossip at Chicago Meeting, but Confirmation Can’t Be Obtained. LOWDEN TIAS MISSOURI* CHICAGO, March 9.—Ousting of Will H. Hays as chairman of the re publican national committee if Gen. Leonard Wood gets the presidential nomination, and the succession of Frank H. Hitchcock into the job, to run the presidential campaign for the republicans, was freely predicted today among party organization lead ers following the arrival of Hitchcock to take charge of the Wood cam paign. Denial that any such course was co* templated was made loudly at Wood headquarters, but among other leading republicans attending the national com mittee meeting the story constituted their chief tld-blt of gossip. Mr. Hitch cock remained in seclusion and could not be seen to comment on tbe pre diction. Lowden backers today made tbe -lalm that most of the uninstrueted Missouri delegates are strongly back of the Illinois governor's campaign. The Pershing candidacy -was kept to the foreground by the presence of Mark Woods of Lincoln, Neb., who is direct ing the movement to make the general the republican nominee. Appointment of temporary officers for the republican national convention here June 8 will be made in Chicago In April. A call for the meeting of the repub lican committee on arrangements, which appoints the officers, is expected to be issued within the next two weeks. So far only two names have received much attention for the chairmanship. They are Senator Lodge, republican leader in the senate, and Elihu Root, former secretary of state. Others mentioned for the chairmanship were former Senator Joseph Dixon of Montana and Senator Med ill McCormick of Illinois. PREPARE FOR WOOD CONFERENCE HERE Nearly every county In Indiana will be represented at the conference with Gen. Leonard Wood when he arrives In In dianapolis Triday to speak at tbe Colum bia eiuh and to confer with his managers. Gen. Wood is expected to arrive at 7:30 o'clock Friday morning. He will visit Ft. Benjsmin Htrrison in the morning, and will speak at the Columbia club at noon. In the afternoon he wiji confer with his managers, and la the evening be will ad dress a Masonic meeting In the Scottish Rite temple. The following special committee has been appointed by John Ruckelshaus. president of the Columbia club, to greet the presidential candidate: Charles Mar tlndale, William H. Thompson, Erasley IV. Johnson. Richard Smith, Ernest Rross, Louis L. Kiefer, George C. Hitt, Harry Hendrickson. Charles W. Jewett, Charles O. Roemler, Irving W. Lemaux. Harry O. Chamberlain. Harry G Hogan, Ebcn H. Wolcott. Wlllite A. Bastian, Henry W. Bennett, William C. Bobbs, Charles A. Bookwalter. Edmund M. Was rnuth and Linton A. Cox. WOOD REFUSES USE OF NA ME LOS ANGELES, March Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood has declined to allow hie name to be submitted in tbe presiden tial primary of this state, according to A. G. Browne of the local Wood-for i’resident club. It is stated the reason is to avoid a three-cornered spilt In the republican vote for Johnson, Hoover and Wood. DEALERS OPEN ‘SHOE SCHOOL’ Big Display Shown at Annual State Convention. Shoes for both sexes, all ages and to fi< all purses, are on display at the Clay pool hotel today before delegates to' the annual convention of tbe Indiana Retail Shoe Dealers' association. Nearly three entire floors of the hotel have been taken v the shoe men. Every manufacturer of consequence in the country is represented. The conven tion opened this afternoon with a "school.” Julien Kiser of the Meyer- Kiser bank delivered an address on “The Banker as Your Business Partner”; Har old Noble, accountant of the George J. Marott store, spoke ou "Business Rec ords,” and Frederic M. Ayres of L. S. Ayres & Cos. spoke on “Methods of Com pensation.” DELEGATES GUESTS AT AUTO SHOW TONIGHT. This evening the convention delegates will be guests at an automobile show party and will ti*avel to the fair grounds aboard a special car. Tomorrow morning the time of delegates will be devoted to examining the many exhibits and buying. A business meeting will be held in the afternoon. A banquet and dance will be held in the Riley room to morrow evening. Two committees of women are provid ing eutertainment for the women visit ors to the convention. Mrs. C. E. Young is chairman of the retailers' committee. aDd Mrs. James B. Meek, of the travelers’ committee. KOKOMO DEALER PRESIDES AT SESSION. Victor E. Vaile, Kokomo, president of the association, Is presiding at the con vention. Other officers are: Frank E. Gaines. Indianapolis, first vice president; Pnu! S. Kuehn, South Bend, second vice president; S. H. Cooper. Indianapolis, secretary and treasurer; O. P. Nusbaum, Richmond; John H. Miner, Frankfort, and G. C. Gelssler, Evansville, directors. FUNERAL PARLOR ZONKS. SAN DIEGO, March 9.—lt is planned here to establish a “tone system” for undertaking parlors and crematories. These establishments could be located only in a certain dlatrlct unless 90 per cent of the property owners In another district consented to other location.