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PHONE RULING MEANS EARLY MERGER STEPS State Supieme Court Upholds Mandatory Injunction of County Court. Steps toward consummation of the merger of the Indianapolis Telephone company's properties with the Central Union company will be taken promptly as a result of the state supreme court ruling, affirming a Marion county court order for the merger, 'William Fortune, president of the Indianapolis Telephone company, said today. The supreme court upheld a man datory injunction of the lower court to compel the Central Union company to execute Its contract to purchase the Indianapolis company's property. The court held that the city is no longer a party to the transaction as its contract ual powers In dealing with public util ities has been vested in the Indiana public service commission. The public service commission has ap proved the contract between the two campanies. The city council had refused to ap prove the contract under which the Cen tral Union Company assumed the burden of paying the city SO,OOO annually for nnieteen years In compliance with a franchise agreement between the city and the Indianapolis company. The court finding raises some question as to whether the company will have to make the payments even though it had agreed to do so. Frank Wampler, vice president of the Central Union company, said today that attorneys for the company were examin ing the court’s ruling and that no state ment would be made for a few days. It has been asserted by Central Union officials that the case was appealed to the supreme court only for the purpose of making sure the title to the property named In the contract would be good. The only point in question concerned the right to merge the two companies. The price to be paid for the Indianap olis company’s property according to the contract is $4.550,000. That Includes payment for all property held by the company and its business “good will.” NEW’S APPEAL TO BE HALTED? Statement That Girl Killed Self Changes Situation. LOS ANGELES, March 12.—That the appeal of Harry S. New, Jr., alleged son of United States Senator New of Indiana, will not be pressed because of News recent declaration that his sweet heart, Freda Lesser, committed suicide and was not murdered by him, appeared certain here today. • New is serving a life sentence In San Qnentin prison upon conviction of sec ond degree murder. His.amazing state ment, made to his half sister, when lie alleged he believed he was soon “to die,” is viewed by the prosecuting at torneys as anew phase of action to gain New’s freedom by parole or pardon. One thing is sure, however. Attorneys Leeompte Davis and John L. Klchard son. well known criminal lawyers, who defended New, will not continue in his defense even if the appeal should bo pressed and the lowere courts reversed, resulting in anew trial. Both attor neys insist the insanity defense was the sole defense for New and are non plussed by his sudden statement of al leged suicide. H. W •i. ,1.;.. .£■ ’• if:? • 'KiWIf OT^riOT^CTWra’''’:." SiEiilt* STOKE CLOSES AT l*. M. S\Tt ItIMVS; ON OTHER DAYS AT 8:30 T. M. flt . l.'SW.aSWSiKtfi -iFt ® g , ——• ■■ ■ ' " I F„ r r • ■ at Right -• V Goodrurmture T f;;L National k IGocarts for Spring Days ' I Fibre Reed Furniture ! * htaby needs plenty of sun* / shine and fresh air. He’ll be ' in a Variety of Charming Colors I proud and happy to ride in / a cunning new gocart. / You may think you know what reed furniture Is, but wait till you nee what’s v~i || ,< • down at the National! Wo doubt if you’ve ever seen anything in furniture tOllaDSlDleS . . 3)7.751 UD as utterly lovely as these chairs and rorkers and settees that have just r come in. They’re decidedly new and “different,” and so gayly suggestive of . fnllanciHiP SllllfipQ Qfi nn spring. Just a touch here and there of frosted blue, blue and rose, or putty n J n , (PO7 ■ C7C the right note of color and cheer to your home. National prices and National l\66u uOCaflS, <pZ l up to {) | J _/i easy payment terms on any suite or single pieces you purchase. VJ£A-NOLA Q k PHONOGRAPHS Mil fj uailv „ „ ...... |l 088 ¥ 1 Hive features than Twenty selections bPWPI 'the market*' An un- gs JIKAr (ten and double-faced |U WVfi Vi usually high suction j liiri Gas §€pi ;aO *T 1| *SO ■H This is the range that has the famous “Lo* puts one in yoiir mjjgXl Mg a■■ .!■■■ —A - ->v rain” oven —an oven in which you can cook a S whole meal at one time. See It. nome. puts a Vita-Nola in ji -s*' ~ w Wrist Watch you** realize kfyou } Alarm Clocks fun cost P ' l Prices \V ' and 10-year guaranteed gold- J) I&P This is a good m 7A range from $95 ~ VSS / filled case. Sold m aO * clock—not the S| . | is9i7 Immediate on easy terms. Jg Iff M ... . t H * delivery Specially 1 l /|-= JO shoddy kind so | - I delivery. priced i ■■V* often used as a NATIONAL COMPANY I High°Ren°t District. 335, 337, 339, 341 and 343 West Washington Street District. | 1 THERE AF.It NO PARKING RESTRICTIONS FOR ALTOMOHH.ES IN THIS EXE OF TOWN. hlilltillltlllllUllllittlllllilllllllitailffiiaigliliii{llflHlHllttlllßlHltlltll[nimillllHlliimtHm)iiitimDlHmnnillninfru)mmtmM BONUS IN CASH WINNING FAVOR (Continued From Page One.) he writes, “will Impose a heavy financial burden upon an already tax-ridden peo ple.” “World War Veteran” of Rutherford. N. J., declares: “The government should keep faith with those ex-service tnen who can prove they need the bonus, and give only to such kind of service men. ’ Rrattleboro, Vt.. and Greenville, S. (\, posts have opposed the national executive committee’s plan for SSO Liberty bonds for each month’s service of ex-service men. Lucien S. Breckenridge, secretary, and George B. Compton, chairman of the bonus committee of the New York County American legion, have both declared the government should not be asked to give cash bonus awards to the ex-service men. Mr. Breckenridge insisted that such a plan was “unworthy of the high pur poses of the American legion” and should not be endorsed. Mr. Compton argued that ex-service men “should not barter their heritage of patriotic self-sacrifice by asking for money awards from the government.” jj : fl 2 m BEST FOR windows, mirrors, pictures, silver ware, white shoes, bathroom doors, white enamel beds, etc. GEM POLISH MFG. CO. 16 When Building. Main 367. AMUSEMENTS. ALL THIS WEEK CHAS. M. BAKER Presents “SWEET SWEETIEGIRLS” With Max Fields and a Beautifully Gowned Chorus. This coupon and 10 cents entitle lady to reserved seat at any matinee during week. Police Add S7OO to Little Pdary Fund Seven hundred dollars was added to the Mary Murphy fund today by mem bers of the police department, comrades of her slain father. Police Sergeant Mau rice Murphy. The total amount of >he fund reached $3,253.04 today. AMUSEMENTS. Msm BERirri 3 times only URA 1 TONIGHT 8:30 I Matinee Tomorrow 2:30 P. M. A. H. Woods Presents The New York Laughing Success, IF] ill I B' M -Ul|i •'lt'll' i" , ’E A Frolicsome Farce of Feminine Foibles Prices, Tonight, 50c, 75c, sl, $1.50, 92. Matinee Tomorrow, 50c, 75c, sl, $1.50. 2 Box Offices Open. Seats Selling. All Next Week—Seats Now MATINEES: Wednesday, Saturday. ROLAND WEST’S THRILLERS I\\ It :i t.t.UKt.t-. I I.IIIII.;, 1. I PRlCES—Evenings, 50c. 75c,51, $1.50.52 Bed.. Sat. Matinees, 50c. 75c. Si. $1.50 Hj ONE BLOCK SOI Til RIALTO. NOWSHOWING J 3— Big Features— B gJU —lncluding THE BEST KNOWN MAN IN THE WORLD I JACK DEMPSEY JH LadlM* Bafgiln Matinee \ur> HU Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I RIALTO I All This Week Big Double Feature Program ■ 7 s'™ ACTS H Ladies, get coupons at this the ■ ater good at the Broadway Sf 9 Mon., Wed. and Frl. matinees. ■HHinv ENGLISH’S Next Monday—Seats Selling MATINKKS HKD. ANY) SAT. World** (ireatrnt Show ZIEGFELD FOLLIES Prices— Nlte, $! to $1; Mats. *1 to $3. NO PHONE ORDERS INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1920. Silent Orator Pleads for Daylight Saving What does daylight saving mean? W. H. Balch, secretary of the Mer chants association, gives an answer in electric letters on the motograph of the Merchants Heat and Light Company, AMUSEMENTS. Every Day at 2:15 and 8:15 1 a •B M jj SjrfU *1 Seats One Week in Advance. ■ m -j**! Mat. 15c-50c —Eve. 15c -$1 Here’s On© of the Best Shows w© have had this season. Our headliner is the Surprise of the entire year— “CreoßeFashion Plate” DELINEATOR OF SONG AND FASHION Our Feminine Patrons M ill .Insist Upon Seeing This Newest Arbiter of Style, and the Men Will Go Out of Curiosity. Frank J. Conroy Barto and Clark Blackface Comedian A Musical Oddity Spirits of 1020. with Irving O'Hay “COLUMBIA AND VICTOR’’ Eddie Buzzell and Peggy Parker Offering a Me- sage of Good Cheer “A WILL AND A WAY” Espe & Dutton The Briants Topnotoher of Versatility Dreams of a Moving Man ESsie White & Cos. Libby & Sparrow You’ll Be Surprisedl Marvelous Duncing KINOGRAMS AND LITERARY DIGEST TOPICS CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE .J?# Cabaret DeLuxe | With Broadway’s Famous Eccentric at W Jazz Band Un)|| “ r LCGGIE PIUAKRO TKOI l*E . . Redman A- Metis. Merliees * Doria, Mantelle & Wood, Three Bel monts, Austin At DeLuncy, Christy Comedy, “Save Me Sadie," * * Bully Wilson. p ||| Dancing in (he Lyric Ballroom Afternoon & Eve. MOTION PICTURES. iliUr (T TODAY and SATURDAY |*k Jack Pickford in THE LITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINGDOM COME” By John Fox, Jr. HAROLD LLOYD Norma Gregg and Anne Walter In Ills cleverest comedy. In an original lyric and dance erea “HAUNTED SPOOKS" tlon written by Mis. Gregg. THE CIHCLETTE CIRCLE ORCHESTRA rsrnrm all week MpAftfeySU FLORENCE BILLINGS in “WIT WINS” BALI ROOM BOYH COMEDY— MUTT AND JKFP COMEDY LITERARY DIGEST TOPICS—LATEST NKM 9 WEEKLY -his house in order” LYONS-MORAN FARCE. • VOX NEWS MEEKLY. Meridian and Washington streets, begin ning tonight, as follow's: “Daylight saving for five summer months gives you better health, long, light evenings, and more gardens. Neigh bor cities have it; we must get it, too. Daylight saving aids production, helps you save and increases your pleasure. Use more daylight.” $1 Fine, 180 Days for 3; Days Suspended Three neatly dressed young men, all 18 years old, promised Judge Walter Pritch ard In city court today that they would pay for the articles stolen from stands in Broad Ripple park and from eighteen Select Your Easter Clothes Now tNew Spring Styles for Men and Women Come prepared to feast your eyes, to see for yourself the becom ing rqodels, the rich fabrics, the striking color combinations and charming trimming effects shown in our magnificent display of Use Your Credit Living Costs Have Increased H,j?k 12S°Io Since Pre- War Times /f /[\ Our charge account plan offers the I \ only solution to the problem. You Jj £ j jL \ * simply select the clothes you need /> and pay small amounts as you get ) There’s no red tape, no needless in- / \ quiries, no references are required. Q ;jf j j Ladies’Suits, Coats, Blouses, | Dresses and Millinery / 111, MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHES 'Mwfl c - -?J —the kind of tailoring that makes clothes hold their shape and look well as long as they last. ' / In fact the best that money can \ Whether you plan to invest much or little COME IN THIS WEEK and get the cream of our Quality Offerings, unskimmed and un m PEOPLES CREDIT eLJ 'CLOTHING COMPANY c Z°Z'j [ J 46 N. PENNSYLVANIA ST. 2nd FLOOR. V J IT IS NEW—IT SAVES LABOR fgh Old English fiTWiSm. Floor Wax and Polisher You put a bit of wax in the cloth and use It J} Zjwjß like a carpet sweeper—it’s so easy. And then you polish with the same device, simply using ' ; T \ u anew clothl A big improvement over it j* vj y'TfeLll a weighted floor brush, for it waxes as well *y/,I / 4 as polishes. Nothing to wear out. A slm- \ffawt pie way to get the beautiful floors all your P 9 friends will admire. /ft ' ■ ’ With each floor waxer and polisher sold we (ft ~ M ill give free pound of Old English Floor f r { \ Wax. Special price of waxer and polisher... yLlvw | i|^||P!||||| BRUSHES—See West Window Display Varnish Brushes op Floor Sweeping Faint Brushes 45C up Brushes $1.15 up /" " Camel's Hair Lacquer Closet Bowl. Cuspidor, Bottle T ~ , Brushes up und Tube Brushes of all kinds JLtcLWII UrfclSS OG6CI Camel's Hair Moulder n K ta, ‘ l Aut ° Ir ant to know what ® ru ** >ef ' nP cl^ ru ’n M v ®t‘Oo up kind of seed to use, when to sow Glue Brushes up Shoe Brushes 4 OC up It and how best to rare for your S*"* 1 np < loth Brushes ........up lawn, ask one of our men at the \\ hlti\vntih Brushes • up ila ir Brushes 81.1a up need counter. Main llwr, near eu- I Kalsomtne Brushes... $1.25 up Bath Brushes sl.lO up trance. M e can furnish blue Paperhanger’s Smoothing M'ool Wall Brushes.... 80C up K ras. re<l top or white clover in . Brushes 400 up Turkey Feather bulk. In 10-pound lots at 350 a Scrub Brushes .50 P Dusters 400 up- pound; less quantities at 40e a Dilating Brushes 400 op Ostrich Feather pound. Grass seed should be M lndow Washing Dusters 900 up fresh and bought In bulk rather Brushes §SO up MMndow Rubbers 200 up than tn packages—it will grow Sponges 100 up Chamois Skins 900 up better. I l L Vonnegut Hardware Cos. 120-124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET Eng 24 selections on delivery I iwn choice) and ONE NEW H M) every month for six SI * * *l3s= I m Special Weekly Terms. ■ j * s '"- * H Baldwin Piano Cos. B \\ j B lockers at the Green City boathouse, if be would suspend a penal farm sentence. The three youths, charged with bur glary and larceny, were George Vestal, 431 North Gray street; Harold Bosler, 2408 Central avenue: Clemmens Tatman, 212 North Gray street. Detective Brady told the court of the confessions of the young men. He said cottages of campers at 1 the stands of refreshment the park and the lockers sons at the Green City bad been broker, into and robbed, t J Judge Pritchard fined each of tfie three $1 and costs and sentenced them to serve 180 days on the x>eual farm. The pe nal farm sentence was suspended during good behavior. 13