Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 3500 Automatic 28-351 RATES. One time 07 per line Three consecutive times 06% per line Six consecutive times 06 per line Male or female help wanted, sit uation wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted — One time 07 per line Three consecutive times 06 per line Six consecutive times *.. .05 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 07 per line Lodge and club notices 50c per Insertion Church notices (1 inch or less) 35c per insertion Over 1 inch, 5c per line addi tional. Death notices, 25c per insertion. The Business Office closes at 8 P. M. >- . - ■ . —■> FUNERAL PI RECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director, 522 East Market. Old Phone Main 908. New Phone. 27-208. A. M. Ragsdale, J. Wash Price, John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. • 823 North Delaware street. McKAHAN & WILHITE" 37 West Thirteenth street. Main 8210. “OTWILSON 1230 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 322. FUNERAL directors— ’ WM. E. KRIEGER, New 21-154. Main 1464. 1102 N. Illlnola ~ W. T. BLASENGYH 1885 Shelby St. Proa. 2670. Auto. 51-114. UNDERTAKERS—HIBEY & TITUB, 951 II North Del— New 26-564, Main 3630. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES CRONIN, MARY A.—WIFE OF JAMES J. Cronin, mother of Martin F. Morau, died at St. Vincent's hospital, Wednes day, March 10. Friends may view the remains at the residence, 3735 College avenue. Funeral Saturday. March IS. 8:15 a. m., at the residence. 9 a. m. at SS. Peter and Paul cathedral. Burial Holy Cross cemetery. PUM, EMA DEB—WIDOW OF JOHN 1C B. Elam, died March 11. Funeral worn residence, 1340 Park avenue, Satur day at 2 o'clock. Burial private. GILKEY, SAM I'EL T.—HE SB AND OF Mrs. Carrie Gllkey. died Thursday, March 11. age 66 years. Funeral Saturday. March 13, 2p. m., at late residence, 1244 North Warman. Friends invited. Burial Crown Hill. McKENNA, LAIIU MARTEN WIFE of John McKenna, daughter of Mrs. Augusta Marten, died In Chicago. Wednes day. March 10. Friends may view the re mains at the home of Mrs. Augusta Mar ten, 1614 Broadway, from 3 to 8, Friday, March 12. Funeral private. Saturday afternoon. March 13. IN ME MORI AM. IN MEMORLAM—IN LOVING REMEM brance of our dear husband and father. Harvey A. Denny, who died March 12, 1915. When the evening shades are falling And we are sitting all alone. In our hearts there cames a longing If you only could come home. Oft and oft our thoughts do wander To a grave not far away. Where they laid my darling husband Just five years ago today. From his WIFE AND CHILDREN. LODGiES AND CLUBS. OE. a— NAOMI CHAPTER NO. 131. • Stated meeting in Masonic Temple, Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Special elec tion to fill the office of worthy matron. Conferring of the degrees. ELLEN BUCH ANAN. Worthy Matron. LIZZIE J. SMYTHE. Secretary. LOST AND FOUND. ~~ LOST— POODLE DOG WITH MARK IN forehead like feather. Finder will kindly return or let be known where to get said dog. Rear 633 South Illinois. Reward. PARTY WHO TOOK WHEEL FROM IN front of Kresge’s 5 and 10-cent store Is known. To avoid trouble leave wheel In front of Circle theater. Belmont 2812. Lost— pair of gp 1Y hoise slip pers; child’s white cooking apron on Northwestern car Wednesday afternoon. Call North 5675. LOST— LARGE YELLOW angora cat, gone two weeks. Return to 2508 Ash land. Phone North 4177. Reward (5. Lost saturday, gold-filled Eversljarp pencil. Birthday gift, so please return. Reward. Auto. 27-540. Lost— two wef.ks ago, 2433 n! Delaware, white Eskimo spitz dog. Call North 7273. Liberal reward. fOR SALE—BOSTON BULL TERRIER. cheap. Fine dog for baby. 2432 Northwestern. Found— a hound dog, old. call Indianapolis Humane. Main 3489.- NOTICES. WANTED CONCESSIONS FOR VIGO COUNTY WORLD’S WAR VETER • ANS’ CIRCUS AT K. OF C. HALL, TERRE HAUTE, IND., MARCH 22ND TO 28TH, INCLUSIVE: COOK HOUSE OR LUNCH STAND PRIVI LEGE, FRUIT WHEEL, NOVELTIES, PILLOW TOPS, PALMISTRY, •AND ANY OTHER LE GITIMATE CONCES SION FOR THE ABOVE CIRCUS, WHICH WILL BE THE LARGEST EVER HELD IN THIS pTY. THE PROCEEDS TO GO TOWARD BUILD ING A HOME FOR THE SOLDIERS, SAILORS AND MARINES OF VIGO COUNTY, Furnace, second hand, fob sale. We take out many furnaces in good condition and Install Moncrlefs. MONCRIEF FURNACE CO.. 91S North Davidson st. Main 7820. HORSES AND VEHICLES. Horse auction every’ Saturday, HARRIS’ STABLE. 210 BLAKE ST., 10 A. M. Farm mares, work horses and drivers; farm wagon and bed, extra side boards; spring wagons, good top buggies ugid runabouts; heavy double and single harness. We sell on commission; horses (2, vehicles sl. Circle 121. BURK HARDT. Auct. LOSS HARRIS. Mgr. JOSEPH HAAS pays highest prices for dead horses, cows and hogs. Call Main 1039. Auto. 25-778. LARGE PRO rajs from small expendltureOfollow Raid •state advertising In "Watt Ad” columns ”*■ ""h# Tlmea MALE HELP—WANTED. Nordyke Marmora Cos. Ky. Ave. and Morris St. offers excellent opportuni ties in the following classifications INSPECTOR MILLWRIGHT MILLWRIGHT HELPER AUTOMATIC AND HAND SCREW MA CHINE MACHINIST VARNISH FINISHER HANDY MAN CRATER LABORER. GOOD OPENING For woodworking machine men in anew organization. Two band sawyers. Two markers for band saws. Four offbearers. 25 factory laborers. \ Call at Employment Dept. MARTIN-PARRY CORP. Henry and Holly Sts. Match Coat 48 W OHIO ST. Near 111. 110 E. MARKET ST. Near Penn. WANTED EXPERI ENCED DIE AND TOOL MAKERS. THE OAKES CO., WHEELER ST. AND ROOSEVELT AVE. TAKE BRIGHTWOOD CAR. Men, boys and colored women wanted. S. Key stone Ave and Belt R. R. Take Prospect car to end of line. Eainnowit Glass Works. MEN FOR SHEET METAL WORKING FACTORY al9o MACHINE HANDS Steady indoor year around positionn. GOOD PAY CHAPMAN-PRICE STEEL CO.. LABORERS at S. M. Blxby Bldg., Morris and Harding Sts. Steady work; long job; good pay; 56 hi hours a week. BEDFORD STONE AND CONSTRUCTION CO. WANTED— TWO HIGH-GRADE MEN at once; forceful, self-confident, ag gressive and not satisfied with small com pensation; unusual opportunity for the man who qualifies. Call in person at 607 Odd Fellow bldg., or Bell phone Main 687 6. Railway maii. clerks are or' sered 81,300 entrance salary with pro motions, to 32.125. For full particulars and preparation, write INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL, 157 N. Illinois at., room 207, Indianapolis, Indiana. Young man to learn shade and urapery business; steady position; good pay. C. B. HOWARD CO., 14-16 E. Washington. Salesmen in drapery dept.; steady position. C. B. HOWARD CO., 14-16 E. Washington. NIGHT WATCHMAN - White or oolored; must give references. Apply at once, ROCKWOOD MEG. CO., 1801 English avenue. Young men, 17 upward; desiring railway mall clerkships; 1110 month. Write for free particulars, examinations, it. TERRY (tormer government examiner*. f>6s Continental Bldg,, Washington. D. C. Average $125 month: railway mall clerks; hundreds needed. List positions open, free. Write FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Dept 95-C. Rochester, N. Y. WANT ED CARPENTERB, WAGON wood w-orkers; work In winter quar ; ters and travel with circus. HOWE'S I GREAT LONDON SHOWS. Peru. Indiana. WANTED— BLACKSMITH THAT CAN shoe horses; work In winter quar- I ters and travel with circus. HOWE'S ■ GREAT LONDON SHOWS, Peru, Indiana. JANITORS, WHITE, FOR OFFICE building work; good working condl -1 tlons all the year round. Apply MR. I DONAHUB, 906 Merchants Bank bldg. First-class all - around tvpl writer repairman; salary 340 per week. (CLARK TYPEWRITER SHOP, 18 West [ Market street. MAN r FOR PACKING DEPARTMENT In wholesale grocery; must be steady; I references required. Address A No. 2964, i Times. WANTED EXPERIENCED FIREMEN on chain grate stokers. Apply MR. ] RAY, Union Traction Power House, An i derson, Ind. COLORED BOV; LIGHT PORTER work. LUDWIG ECONOMY MILLI NERY. 314 E. Washington. SHOE REPAIR MAN. CALL B. B. HOLTAM. Prospect 771, or 6024. PT COOK; GOOD PAY. APPLY REAR COLUMBIA CLUB. G‘ OOD, FIRST-CLASS NON - UNION carpenters. Washington 2566. . MALE HELP—WANTED. PRESSER on men’s clothing; steady posi tion, good salary, to competent man. Apply Supt., seventh floor. THE WM. H. BLOCK CO. MEN TO UNLOAD LUMBER Dynes-Pohlman Lumber Cos., East 28th St. and Monon R. R. HELPER in dye works. A good chance to learn the dyer’s art. French Steam Dye Works, “The Garment Cleaners,” 49 Monument Circle. PRESSER Machine pressed. French Steam Dye Works, “The Garment Cleaners,” 49 Monument Circle. FIREMAN, 8 lIOURS, GOOD PAY. APPLY ENGINE ROOM, CITY HOSPITAL. Men for 'light FACTORY wokkj 35c per hour. No experience neces sary. BBBRHART & CO.. 122 S. Capitol. Main 3273. Man for can goods department in wholesale grocery; must be steady; referncee required. Address A No. 2968, Times. DTK HOUSE HELPER WANTED. Ii Chesapeake street. FRENCH STEAM DYE WORKS. See Mr. Betschey. BARnER, STEADY; S2O GUARANTEE | 89 Friday and Saturday. 30 Kentucky avenue. SAFETY‘RAZOR BLADES " sharpen'd. TUTTLEDGE. 201 Indiana ave. Electrical engineer for motor sales. Address A No. 2961. Times. SALESMEN—WANTED. STOCK SALESMAN LIVE, ENERGETIC SALESMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS TO FOL LOW UP LEADS SECURED THOUGH ADVERTISING AND CIRCULARS. STOCK SOLD UN DER PLAN THAT ABSOLUTE LY GUARANTEES INVESTORS PRINCIPAL CALL PERSON ALLY. 1104 ODD FELLOW BLDG. WANTED— HIGH POWERED SAI.EH men; big money during next six weeks. Call Saturday a. in. at MELLETT PRINTING CO., 475 Century Bldg. Live, experienced salesman to fill vacancy In Indiana; brushes, -/weeping compound and Janitor supplies. (3,000 to (5.000 propoet lion. Call after noons at employment office, HOLCOMB Jk HOKE MFG. CO. Ask for Borders. STOCK SAI - ESM AN High-grade men can make 16,000 to M.- 000 per year, leads furr Ulted. MULTI X AIR CRAFT A MOTOR CO., 112 East Market. STOCK SALESMAN. <> K. GIANT BAT* tery Cos. Dry rechnrgeahle batteries. Call Prospect 9167. Pembroke Ar ade. Room 12. HAYES * KENNEDY. District Sales Managers. S~ TOCK sAiTeSMAN.Y’A KT TIME MAX Call Prospect 9187. Pembroke Arcade, Room 12. HAYNES & KENNEDY. Dis trict Sales Managers. PERSONALS. LAW BUSINESS HANDLED in all courts, criminal, Juvenile, civil, and damage suits; fees reasonable. FITZ GERALD’S LAW OFFICES. VI Peoples Bank Building 1(4 East Market street. ROOMS—TO LET. Nice sleeping room. 120 s. SB,OO per week; all modern conven iences. Call Irvington 2343. go oms-wan t e and. WANTED— TWO ROOMS AND KlTCH enotte furnished for light house keeping; married couple with child 2 years old. Address A No. 2960. Times. INSTRUCTIONS. RAGTIME Plano playing In 20 leaaons. Professional style for play ers. Booklet sent flee. CHRISTENSON SCHOOL, 106 Pembroke Arcade. Circle 3034. Foundation work taught ok piano; children 9 to 15 yerrs solicited. S. E. WHEELING. Irvington 4099. DETECTIVE*. Uuigley-HyJand Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators 626-629 Law bldg. Main 2902. DANCING. STAGE AITS, VIOLIN; ALL KINDS OF fancy artiatlc Hteps; staff** dancing acts tauKht and completed; for good ea- Bon’s engagement* Matl.sfactlon guaran teed. Call PROF\ RAY NO, 224 West Ohio Btreet. Main 2069. TAILORS AND CLEANERS. H. G. FITE Practical Tailor and Cutter Dry cleaning, pressing and repairing; army overcoats made over; ladles’ work a specialty; work called for and delivered. North Capitol avenue and Ohio street Automatic 26-641. Circle 690. Quit wearing ready mads. pants. We make them to your measure, $6.00 and up. LEON TAILORING CO.. 181 East New York street. Walk up one night. CAPITOL GARMENT CLEANERS, 1246 North Capitol avenue. Main 6477. Main 4160. Auto_2l-241. J. SCHWARTZ. TAILOR AND CLEAN er. 81 Kentucky avenue. Main 267*. COAL AN D WO OP FOR SAL E, Pocahontas M. R SB.OO Kentucky Sk. L 7.75 Illinois Lump 7.00 Indiana Lump 6.50 M. 3531. L. H. BAIN COAL CO. M. *6*l. SUCCESSOR TO ANCHOR FUEL CO. MAIN 2151. Dry Kindling. Call Main 7451. PET STOCK AND POULTRY. WHITE ORPINGTON EGGS FOR hatching from extra fine mated pens. L. .1. JONAS, R. R. 11., box 331. Irvington 141*. Automatic 67-321. Cumberland 6 rlngsjm line 19. INCUBATOR~ 2>SO~EGG; GOOD~CONDI tlon; also duck, geese and hens’ eggs for setting. 1118 Holliday street, near Shelby. For sale—boston bull terrier, cheap, fine dog for baby. 2422 Northwestern. The best bargains In automobiles are listed under Automobiles and Supplies In The Times Want Ad columns. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1920. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. f" ' ft Samples now ready. Have your old hats made into new spring models. INDIANAPOLIS GMT BLEACHERY 28 Kentucky Ave Main 6178. , ■■ G-I-R-L-S * AT ONCE Between the ages of 18 and 33; for light, clean work that pays well. These positions are permanent Girls with ambition can steadily In crease earnings. ELI LILLY & CO. TAKE GARFIELD CAR TO M’CAHTY BT.. THEN ONE BLOCK EAST TO EM PLOYMENT OFFICE. APPLY ANY TIME BETWEEN 8 A. M. AND 6:30 P. M. 706 8. ALABAMA. ATTRACTIVE POSITIONS OPEN TO YOUNG WOMEN Between Ages of 16 and 25 IN TELEPHONE WORK. Apply Room' 522, CENTRAL UNION TELEPHONE BLDG. wmm 18 to 30 years of age for light fa<*ton r work. HARRY IL MAHAN BOX CO. 320 W. South St. GIRL for counter work; good wages; steady em ployment. Payne’s Cafe teria, 112 East Washington St. Typist— to do BILLING FOB GOOD firm; well located. Congenial sur roundings. Must bo accurate aud pains taking. Call at once at employment de partment. Do not phone. A*k for Mr*. White. University Park building. Ver mont arid Pennsylvania The school, same location. Is the CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fred W. Case principal, G LRLS WANTED OVER 16. CENTURY BIS CUIT CO., BLACKFORD AND NEW YORK. L 8. AYRES A CO. Wanted alteration help. on skirts, coats and dresses. Apply Mr. Lyons, sev enth floor. WOMEN TO SEW ON POWER MACHINES. EBERHARDT & CO., 122 S. CAPITOL. MAIN 3273. WANTED—Cook. Payne’s Busy Bee No. 5, 122 S. 111. St. EXPERIENCED DISHWASH ER, COLORED. BUSY BEE NO. 1, 144 N. ILLINOIS. Saleswomen in drapery dept.j steady position. C. B. HOWARD CO., 14-16 K. Washington. MANGLK GIRLS GOOD PAY TO BEGINNERS Sterling Laundry, Lexington and Pine. Reliable 'white woman ok girl for housework and part care of child; room and board furnished; good wages. Family of three; light work. 1841 North Delaware. Drapery sewers; steady posi tion. C. B. HOWARD CO., 14-16 K. Washington. ATpRKNTICES _ GOOD CHANCE to learn everything. LUDWIG ECON OMY MILLINERY. 314 E. Washington. WOMEN FAST Mil) OLE AGE~~ TO shake out and fold clean linens. SANITARY LAUNDRY. 2441 Central. Elderly lady to care for three children by the day. Will pay $4 per week and board. 628 Fulton street. Needle womenj mist be quick sewers. LUDWIG ECONOMY MIL LINERY. 314 E. Washington. Ladies to take course in hair dressing, manicuring, etc. Day and evening classes. North 4701. WANTED— EXPERIENCED AND IPG experienced help. SANITARY LAUN DRY, 2441 Central. WANTED— WOMAN TO CALL FOR and deliver washings. Prospect 7928. Girls to line hats, ludwig econ- millinery, 314_E. Washington. IDDLE-AGED LADY FOR LIGHT housework. Call Belmont 1417. ANTED—A PANTRY GIRL. APPLY UNION STATION RESTAURANT. GIRL FOR GROCERY WORK. CALL E. It. HOLTON, Prospect 771. or 6024. Girl" to assist with mdubeyvork. 1926 N. Delaware. MU S I CAL I N STAgj; * b HD.II l,li 41.1. I I YN^B^"'. rent. 12 South -■ F- V; i t.!_ ■ i- < fe.-t AUTOM OB IL ES FO R SALE. MARMON 34’s Renewed and Guaranteed We have a few renewed Marmon 34’s that will be available for delivery as fast as they are re built and refinished. There are many reasons why one of our renewed Marmons is a better buy than any new car selling at the same price. Every Marmon 34 lias the Mar mon light-weight scien tific construction and is an up-to-the-minute high grade car in design, con struction, road ability and riding qualities. GUARANTY Each renewed Marmon 34 is warranted to be free from mechanical de fects in material and workmanship under nor mal use and service for a period ninety days after delivery to pur chaser. Loral Branch NORDYKE MARMON COMPANY, MERIDIAN AND ELEVENTH STS., INDIANAPOLIS. SPECIAL SALE for this week only 1919 Maxwell demonstrator touring; this car Is ns good as anew car, SBOO for this week. 1917 Jackson 8 chummy roadster; this car has been remodeled and repainted and she runs and looks Itko new. $650 for this week. 1917 Ford touring; new ttrea, fits paint; has been remodeled: $375 for this week. 1918 Maxwell coupe; this would he suit able for a physician, A-l condition as good as new. $675 this week. 1916 Dodge roadster. In first-class condi tion; can be bought for $675 this week only. 191* Cole 8. In flrst-class condition; a bargain at $675 MERIT SALES CO. 382 North Capitol." Main 6292. BARGAINS USED CARS INVESTIGATE OUR WEEKLY PAY MENT PLAN. Most of those cars have been overhauled, repainted and retopped. Down. Weekly. Overland roadster $ 75 $4 00 Regal touring 75 4.00 ’l6 Maxwell chassis 12 : 6.00 ’l7 Maxwell chassis 145 6.69 ’l7 Maxwell touring I*s 6.99 ’l7 Maxwell coupe 195 6 50 Overland 83. touring 145 6.50 ‘i7 Oakland 6 epsreate- ..... Hi 6 60 ’l7 Allen touring. 245 6.50 Franklin 6. louring ......... 395 7.00 Packard 6. touring 745 9.00 Cadillac 8. tou'lng 495 8.00 Ford Form-a-U uck 146 6 00 baxon roadster 125 6.00 Oakland speedeter 2lf 6.u0 No brokerage. No red tape. If you are honest we want your business. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. Main 2636. 61$ N*. Capitol. auto. 22-019. USED CARS AT GIBSON’S During show week we will have an unusual display of used cars —all makes, models and prices. Como in and see for yourself. THE GIBSON CO. Corner Michigan and Capitol Av*. INTER STATE KOAUSH K. WITH WlN ter top; In A-l shape, good tires and good paint. Bargain price. DIETZ JAMES. (34 East Market street. Main (716. OVERRAN D 718 ROAD ST KK; GOOD tiros; overhauled. Good buy for city salesman. DIETZ-JAM ES SALES CO.. 834 East Market street. Main 6716. AXVVELL ROADSTER; PRACTICALLY new tires; excellent condition. Terms over twelve monthly payments. DIETZ JA.MKS, 834 East Market. Main 6716. I FMOBU.E TOI KING. FRACTICAL- Iy now tires; new pistons and rings. As good as new. DIETZ-J AMES. 334 East Market street. Main 6716. COLUMBIA SIX,' DEMONSTRATOR, AT a discount, or trade on your car. Bee at once. DIETZ-JAMES, 834 East Mar ket Main __ FO It BA I-E—Ft )R!) TOl'Hl NGVA R 7 1 #lO model; new In October and In excel lent condition. Call Main 4074. COMMONWEALTH FOIKTOKTY Au tomobile DIETZ-.! AMES. 334 East Market. Marlon county dealers. CHUMMY roadster, BIX-CYLINDKH; terms or trade. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 E. Market. SAXON SIX ( 111 MMY ROADSTER. DIETZ-JAMES. 331 K. Market. Main 5716, TRUCKS—FOR SALE. CHEVROLET 1-ton worm drive truck; been used slightly; pneumatla tires. See this at on no. Terms If desired. Department of Used Cars. .TONES-WHITAKER SALES CO.. 343 N. Capitol. Main 2343. ONE “kissel' 1% ton TRUCK; GOOD condition; cab and stake body; cheap for S6OO. Had to have larger truck. X*hone Prospect 370. J. HENRY AMT CO. AUTOMO BILES—WANTED. fiAeee^eeeeAeA*vvwvwv'v\-.-vw\wv. AUTOS WANTED We buy more cars for parts pur poses and to resell than any other dealer in the country. There must be a reason. This is It: We pay the best prices. Try us first and last. If you do not sell to us you are losing money. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS & TIRE CO. 518 Nofth Capitol. Auto. 22-019 Main 2638. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. CAPITOL AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. and selling used cars, tires. MfrfrGßnd parts at 75 per cent of list. Illinois. UG'j'J. jPPjIis'AND TRUCKS FOR HIRE FOR KENT. DO YOUR OWN U-Drive \uto .Service, at Laundry. U'-f Is it It’" r, AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. TIRES Twenty-five standard makes. Including Batavia. Goodrich. United States, Portage and many othera 80 per cent to 70 per cent oft llet. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. Main 2638. 618 N. Capitol. Auto. 22-019. Open evenings. GEARS New and used transmission and rear system gears for 300 cara INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO„ Main 2638. 618 N. Capitol. Auto. 22-019. Open evenings. f PINION gears for 300 cara. 30 per cent to 90 per cent oft list. INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO.. Main 2638. 618 N. Capitol. Auto. 22-019. Open evenings. AUTO PARTS, for 300 oars. 80 per oent to 90 per cent off llart. INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO.. MMn 2638. 618 N. Capitol. Auto. 22-019. Open evenings. AXLES. New and used, for 300 cars. 30 per cent to 90 per cent off 11st- INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO.. Main 2638. 618 N. Capitol. Auto. 22-019. Open evenings. Batteries. New and Guaranteed 6-Volt, $20.00. 12-Volt, $30.00. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO. 607 Massachusetts. Main 3145. RING GEARS for, 300 cars. 80 per cent to 90 per coDt off list. INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO.. Main 2638. 518 N. Capitol. Auto. 22-019. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 322-334 North Illinois^ S & S Auto Laundry LOWEST PRICED - HIGH GRADE BAT* tery made. DIXIE STORAGE BATTERY 00. Main 5181. 629 Massachusetts ave. ANE MAN AUTO TOPS. SIDE CUR (J tains, seat and radiator covert. PER- IfECTION auto TOP CO.. HOT Udell street. North 546. , AUTO PAINTING Ford. 910 up. Others. 815 up. I). D. FLEMING, 20 W. Wabash. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. EVANS LIGHTWEIGHT Motorcycles, $135.00 MERZ MOTOR CO., Twin speed Indiani good tirjkmi tandtvm; presto tank; brilliant burner light; flrst-class shape and ready to ride. Main 8500. MR. ROBINSON. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 600 Massachusetts avenue. MISCELLANEOUS— FOR BAHL BIG SALE ON YOUNG MEN’S AND GENTS’ LATEST STYLE SUITS IN THE LOW RENT DISTRICT. CALL AND SAVE 40 PER CENT ON THE DOLLAR. LADIES’ BUNGA LOW APRONS, $2.00 VALUE, $1.50. DON’T MISS THIS SALE. 607-609 E. WASHING TON ST. J. GILBERTS. a , uk Drop-Head Singer. 110; other bargains. (1.00 per 0 \ *¥* week. All makes RE ftJT PAIRED. HKMSTITCH —i . —i ~ INQ while you wait. 100 Hit * PER YARD. WHITE BEWINU MACHINE CO., Mala 600. Auto. 26-216 312 Manx. Ava. Mail ’Em In 2 O.G.Klugel.P.D. IV a 236 South Meridian ‘ y Main *B2B. Steel tape repairing. 200 SHAKES OK ~GIANT BATTERY stock for eale. I* per ehara. Writ* or telegraph me and will make Immediate delivery. E. A. BARGER & CO., Grand Ilidg., Gary, Ind. WHY LOSE ml II REVS? 15c FOB identification tag will put your name and addree* on. J. F, HERMAN, Mar tinsville. ind. Leather handbag; solid leath er. slxe 20. slightly used. *l6 Indiana avenue. Record and fi.ayrr roll kx- Vmange, tittle music SHOP 201 INDIANA AVE. Fence posts for balk, 10, is. to. *s cent* apiece. 736 North Mlley avenue. TWO BARBER CHAIRS; FIRST-CLASS condlflnn. 114 West Olrto. Main 8560. For SALE —TWO POOL TABLES. 555 W. Washington st. Call Circle 2991. M\f HIN 1 NT'S TOOL C ASK W ITH SIX drawers. 316 Indiana avenue. National gash register, sia in ■l i: .1 avenue. _ Ellington mam em> ; will give 100 rolls. Prospect 1676. ROLL~Tbr _ ! DESK CHEAP. 816 In diana avenue. T YI E WRITER. 316 INDIANA A YEN 18. MISCELLANEOUS—WANTEDy^ Office Furniture Wanted Used Goods Store. Majn 2288. Auto. 23-2(6. LEW SHANK rnd fixtures o‘f° New Jersey Majn 2036. IF YOUR CLOCK IS NOT RUNNING I phone Circle 4307. M. R. BHBARN, 811 North Alabama. . WANTED HOUSE PAINTING; Ex terior and Interior. Call North 3ti67. Get our prices. . IDEAL CEMENT SLACK MACHINE I and pallets. Belmont 3103-1. . F~OR PAPER HANGER, CALL JOHN s SON. Woodruff pATCH PLASTERING. BELMONT 1580. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. China Cabinet Sale A certain factory making dining room suites complete, sold 23 sets without the cabinets. We bought the cabinets at a low figure. They were made to retail at S6O. All are period pieces, mostly William and Mary and Chippendale, in Jacobean oak, walnut and genuine ma hogany. Your Choice for $35.00 Wo alsc bought 15 serving tables of similar designs, made to sell at $36. They hive compartments for dishes. Very nlfty-looklng. Fine for small flats or to All out your suite. Your Choice for $19.50 USED GOODS STORE, 424 Mass, Ave. Furniture GAS STOVES, OIL STOVES. Cheaper here and easier terms. KROOT * SON, 609 W. Washington St. EDROOM AND BATH RAG RrGi Alsoi weaving by the yard. Prospect 4194, 450 Shelby St. BUSINESS CHANCEB. OPPORTUNITY Have you SIOO or more to Invest where the risk is .small and the profits large? It will pay you to INVESTIGATE The E. B. Cassatt Cos., 910 Hume-Mansur Bldg. FEATHERS ~ Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. Est. 1886. E. F. BURKBE. 416 Mass. ave. Main 1428. New 23-775. HOOFERS Asphalt roll roofing and shingles, repair ing and recoatlng roofs and gutters. LASHBROOK BROS CIRCLE 3066 VKK BEST ROOMS ALWAYS LISTED 1 Ktnong Times Want Ada “LET’S GET TOGETHER” With warm weather comes the desire for anew home. Hundreds of them will be sold this year. Indianapolis, the “Heart of Trade,” center of population and courteous city that It is, ofTers wonderful in ducements to the prospective home buyer. “Operators of Real Estate,” it behooves you to get busy now. Let the public know you are on the map. Through The Daily Times want ad columns you can reach thousands of interested, thrifty people who are all prospects. REAL EBTATI—FOB SALE. We Recommend This Bungalow as Being an Excellent Value LaTge living room, dining room with built-in buffet, pantry and back porch. Two delightful bedrooms and bath. Newly painted, and has beautiful light ing fixtures. Large two-car garage. Lot 42x150. Shade trees and an abundance of shrubbery. Located on Bradley, north of Washington St. Call us for an ap pointment to see thia home. Price, $4,800. Terms if desired. Tibhs-Bose Realty Cos., Realtors 436 American-Central Life Bldg. Clr. 430. Auto. 27-436, Nights, Wash. 4165 North Indianapolis Cottage on Payments $l5O cash, balance {13.50 per month, for a nicely located cottage of five rooms on Eugene street. J. S. Cruse Realty Cos., Realtors MODERN DOUBLE In good rental district, can be bought for {4,700. About {1,600 cash required. Rents {25 a side. Located on West Twenty-sixth street In the 800 block. Call North 948 after 6 p. m. Dandy Little Home on Warren Ave. Nice tour-room cott&fe on Warren tva, In cood condition. Might arrange to gall on easy term*. See us for price, eta J. S. Cruse Realty Cos., Realtors Yt T Six rooms, thoroughly mod ern; northeast; Immediate AA possession. All on ground J. Yk floor. GEO. A. LUCAS. Realtor. 208 American Central Life. Circle 6600. Evenings Irv ington 338. Brightwood Cottage on Payments Nice four-room cottage on Adami at.; electric lights, well and cistern; cement walka Price only (1,260; 1150 cash. J. S. Cruse Realty Cos., Realtors Sri y Northwest, in the loop, beautiful 8-room house, on AA the finest lot In that eec- JL vL tlon .of the city. Thorough ly modern. Price (6,000. GEORGE A. LUCAS. Realtor. 208 Ameri can Life. Circle 6600. Evenings, Irving ton 338. SUBURBAN One acre with flve-poom house, half aore with four-room house near Stop 4, Plainfield line. See me for location and term*. H. O. MONEN Main 3181. SOUTH. Frame cottage; E Raymond at.; cash or payments, (2,100. Frame double; five rooms each. ((.100; Harlan near Prospect. J. BUENNAGEL. AGENCY. 613 State Life Bldg, Main 786. COLORED BUYERS Indianapolis avenue. 6-room bungalow; fumaca lights and gaa, (3.500; (800 down. House practically new. S. G. BULLUP. : 1849 North Senate. Circle 4966. Auto. | 2 6-719. r'o SMALL HOUSES ON ONE LOT. 1267-69 S. East street; In good repair; i can be bought for leas than the Improve ments cost before the war. Make one your home and rent the other. EjDSON WOOD, 48 N. Delaware. Home ani> investment, s lots and good house, large chicken house and 1 scratch rooms, large shed, good well, grapes, strawberries; all under good fence; lon East Eleventh St.; 92.200; lmprove ' ments alone will cost thla Main 6*04. Se r Fletcher ave.. $2,800: stx room cottage. 1400 block. GEO. H. LUCAS, Realtor. 208 Amercan Central Life. Circle 6600. Evenings Irv ington 898. F' OR SALE—NINE-KOOK HOUSE ON South Olive street. Price 81.800; S2OO cash, balance monthly. BRANDON & JAMESON Main 6762, 127 N. Delaware St. EAST. Four-room cottage; Marlowe ave.. $2,809. Five-room frame. Dorman st., $2,000. J. BUENNAGEL AGENCY, 613 State Life Bldg. Main 786. FTne c orn f.r lot north of fall creek. Price (2,004. Exchange for equity In a modern home. Call North 4201. north! 6lx-room two-story frame; modern; near Thirtieth, (3.800. J. BUENNAGEL AGENCY, 613 State Life Bldg. Main 786. Buy a home from the owner and save rent; 7-room modern home; garage, fruit, east front, near Maple Road boulevard; part cash, balance payments. 557 West Washington street. - BARQAIN Seven-room dwelling. double garage; large lot, 1600 block W. New York st.; (2,600; (200 cash, balance S2O per month. Call Belmont 2717. Srt y Seven-room modern, eatit; North Denny; $4,250; a very yA rare bargain. GEORGE A. / LUCAS. 208 American Cen trxl Life. Circle 6*oo. Eve nlngs and Sundays. Irvington 838. S2OO CASH balance monthly payments; four-room bungalow; four-room cottage; eight-room dwelling, five-room double. 1500 block West New York street. Call Belmont 2717. SW y Gladstone, rear Washlng ton; double, live rooms to a side; modern; 15,600. GEO. Vk. LUCAS. Realtor. 208 Amer ican Central Life. Circle 6600. Evenings. Irvington 338. OUTHERN AVE. LOT, ONLY (150. Terms (1 cash and (1 weekly. I. N. Richie & Sod, Realtors. 151 E. Market St. I x”ltOO>L BEMI-MODKRN COTTAGE at Fletcher avenue; newly decorated Inside; city water and gas. A real bar gain $2 500: SI,OOO cash. Call W. D. WOODS, Irvington 5164 for appointment. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 2200 block N. Illinois; hardwood floors; new furnace, garage; large lot, $5,000. BOH REN & BERRY, 416 American Central Life. Main 3734. HAVE SOME OF THE BERT BAR gains In modern and semi-modern properties on the eotuh side; some near Fountain square. Call Prospect 6184 after 4 p. m. Equity of $8,700 in a strictly modern 7-room house north, 2705 Shrlver ave.; Farquar furnace, sleeping porch, garage. Price (4,900. By owner, North 4201. New five* room modern, just completed. (4.800; SSOO cash. (43 per month. 3528 East Seventeenth street. Phone North 4201, Emerson Heights Lot. Bargain Improvements all In and paid; near St. Clair street on Wallace. For a few days only. Call Irvington 3597. TEN- ROOM DOUBLE ON RURAL NEAR Michigan, on payments; some cash. J balance like rent. 557 West Washington I street. Eight- room modern; cash or payments. Call E. B. HOLTOM. Prospect 771, or 6024. FIVE a cres ba^t! Neur National road Fine level land, $2,000: payments. W. H. COOPER & CO., 83S Lemcke bldg. Double hoime J good location ; modern. st p Call Prospect 7216. 22 S. ' modern. Mala ifiS RE A L EST AT E—l F O rIM! % YOUR Beautiful lots well located. "Up north, up where they all want to go.” Where values have and will continue to Increase by leaps and bounds. Within two squares of Fair Grounds, just south of Maple road boulevard Thirty eighth street), within two squares of lots selling for (100.00 per foot front. Surrc undid by paved streets. We have sold more than three hundred of these choice lota in a very short time. We only have a few left. When they axe sold you will never again have the opportun ity to buy such choice lots so close In North at such low prices and easy term*. (4(0 to (700; (10 cash, then (1 to (1.76 weekly.' Buy now for a home. Buy now for an Investment. Buy now be fore prices advance. We are at your service with auto to show these choice lots at any time. Call for appointment Aot now and have no regrets later. OATEB - COMPANY, (40 Lemcke Annex. Main 140$. BUNGALOW BARGAIN 831 South Chase St. Four rooms, semi-modern; elec trio lights, well, otstern; built only four year*. Prloe (1,(50: (360 cash, balance monthly. Tibbs-Bose Realty Cos., Realtors M 33 American Central Life Bldg. Circle 4(6. Auto. 27-436. Nights, Wash- lngton 4166. For sale—sex-room cottage on South State street near Prospect oar line; garage, electric lights, gas, city water In kitchen, fruit cellar. See this If you want a comfortable home on the south side. Price (2,700; (250 cash, balance payments of (24.50 per month. BRANDON & JAMESON Main 6763. 187 N. Delaware 8t Home Bargain North Here Is a splendid 8-room modern home near Sixteenth and Bellefontalne north. Pre-war price of (4,000; (1.000 cash, bal ance payments. This won’t last long. Robert S. Nordyke, Realtor 401 City Trust Bldg. Main 7113. COLORED BUYERS Twenty-sixth street, modern double four years old, (4,400 cash, (4,160 on terms. Rents for (60 per month. 8. G. BULLUP. 1349 North Senate. Clrole 4965. Auto. 86-719. LOTS. Two lots 40 foot front each! Audubon road near Beech wood ave., (1,900 each or (1,860 tor both If sold In 80 days. J. BUENNAGEL AGENCY, 118 State Life Bldg. Main 78*. 200 HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. modern ahd semi-modern, It. all parts of the city. First payment, #IOO, (900, 1(00 and (500. Call and see S. G. BUL LUP, 1849 North Senate Ave., Circle 4350, Auto. 24-719. COLORED BUYERS 1129 North Senate. 11-room house; gas and city water. (3,750, terms. Worth $4,000. Ask today. S. G. BULLUP, 1849 ; North Senate. Circle 4956. Auto. 36-719. 1231 E. Market st., six rooms, gronud floor plans cotage. (1,500 cash, balance monthly. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. 255 KEYSTONE AVE.; SEVEN ROOMS, eemi-modern, garage. (8.000, (700 cash. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. Ritter are., Irvington, seven-room mod ern; paved street, (4.500; (1,500 cash. Woodruff 3400 after 7:30. 8438 Prospect st., seven rooms, semi modern, (3,200; (1,500 cash. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. REAL ESTATE FOR COLORED. House, seven rooms; a bargain for cash. (1,175, Inquire Circle 2174. | INDIANA TRUST CO. Sells real estate, collects rent, writes fire Insurance. Five-room semi-modern bungalow; lot 51x286. A good chicken ranch. Terms. | Washington 1979. Tacoma, near New York, eight rooms, {modern except fvrnace, (3,300; SI,OOO cash. , Main 107, | Seven rooms, partly modern; east on paved street; garage. Terms. Woodruff ; 7024. Six rooms modern, paved street. (1.759; (1.600 cssh. North 7476 after 6:30. R E A L~ESTATE—WANT ED.~ LET ME SELL YOUR PROPERTY; cus tomers ready. What have you to sell? . S. G. BULLOP. 1349 N. Senate ave. Circle * 4956, Auto. 28-719. Wanted modern home East or North for cash customer. THE SOUTHERN LUM BER CO. We have cash customers for houses of five to seven rooms near Fountain Square. Main 107. Five to seven-room bouse, not neces sarily modern. Cash. Main 142. DON’T UMI&vE. It yen really went It back. Insert a •mall ad in the "Lost and Found** col umn* of The Times and is will soon M returned. Phone Mai• 6—. Attta. IkllL / FARMS—FOR SALE. 120 ACRES, S MILES FROM MADISON. Ind.; 3 miles from Hanover college; fenced Into 8 fields; 18 acres tiled; Im provements; built since 1909; 6-room mod ern house, front and rear verandaa. large barn,, granaries, chop, tractor house, wood and poultry house, 2 silos. | windmill, water piped to residenoe and tank at barn; electrlo lighted city service; 95 acres cultivated, balance timber and meadow; 40 acres In clover; 10 acres tim othy meadow; possession given soon as can sell tools and livestock. Address owner. W. H. MILLER, Madison. Ind. For sale—good, level farm of 88 acres; well Improved; surfaced; drained; near small town In Ripley county; splendid location; beautiful place; immediate possession, (6.000 buys It. 25 ACRES SOUTHWEST; UNUSUAL Improvements; rightly priced. BOH i REN & BERRY, 416 American Central Life. Main 3784. LEGAL NOTICES. * No. 7946. UNITED STATES MARSHAL’S NOTICE. United States of America, District of In diana, ss: Whereas, a libel of Information was filed in the district court of the United States for the district of Indiana on the 6th day of March. 1920, by Frederick VanNuya, Esq., United States attorney, on behalf of the United States, against 340 sack a more or less, of a product pur porting to be wheat middlings, seized at said district In violation of the pure food law. and praying process against said property and that the same may be con demned and sold therefor. Now. therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the seal of said coart to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming said goods, or any part thereof, or In any manner Interested therein, that they be and appear before the district court of the United States, to be held at the city of Indianapolis, In and for the dlatrlot of Indiana, on tha first Monday* of April next, at 10 o’clock of the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpose the*r claims and make their allegations In that behalf. MARK STOREN, Marshal. United States. Attest: NOBLE C. BUTLER. Clerk, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice Is hereby given, that the under signed has duly qualified as executor of estate of Christina Waterman, deceased, late of Marlon county, Indiana. Said es tate Is supposed to be solven. No. 17954. JOHN W. BEHRM4NN. CLARKE A CLARKE. FINANCIAL. WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. W 8 PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES. BONDS AND BTOCKB LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER, Pres. *O6-309 LAW BLDG. ASSETS 3848.748. Money to loan on second mokt gages on Indianapolis and Indiana real estate. GIBRALTAR FINANCE COM PANY, 20$ Fidelity Trust building. Mala 2808. WE MAKE SECOND MORTGAGES ON farm or city property. AETNA MTG. AND INV. CO. Main 7101. 608 Fidelity Trust building. WE MAKE LOANS ON FARM AND city property on short notice. WAL TER ST. CLAIR, 615 Traction Bldg. Phone Circle 247. INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. AUBREY D. PORTER. 018 Law bldg. Main 7040. JOSEPH H. PATTISON, 1007 LAW Bldg. Loans on real estate made promptly. Loans on diamonds! n&% fem-Mo. BURTON JEWELRY CO.. 0* Menu •wat. (Continued on Next Page)*