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NO C. O. D.'* WINTER SIOO French Coney Fur COATS *49 75 Substantial, well made, stylish coat, reduced to less than cost price for quick clearance. mMMd Llii, | Sample Spring COATS SIB.OO and $20.00 Values Jauntv short sport fa M §£& “So l0 r” g I 11.00 freshingly differ- H| E a ent and so alto- || gether charming Bi are these coats that most women will tind tliem irresistible; sizes 14 to 44 New Spring Polo Coats and Full Length Coats Another shipment $25.00 Values received for Sat- _ urday. Coats for m 1 111 immediate wear, g| B |Jp as well as spring I and summer. Made S| __ fpf 1 l \ with attractive I MW I /jfj\ \ I / collars, large pock m 'll \ \ jl\ ets, fancy cuffs and some with belts. __ |Jj New Spring Coats IT Utility coats for $45.00 Values pra c t i c a 1 wear. _ _ s Most wonderful 4pt§| [|lwSl ft ft J / values of the sea- M Vj goldtones, broad '* cloths, velours, etc; sizes 16 to 46. §§ I $7.50 LADIES’ AN D ' $3.00 LADIES’AND $15.00 LADIES’ AND 1 MISSES’ SKIRTS, MISSES’ SKIRTS, MISSES’ SKIRTS, plain | plaids, serges and fancy plain and fancy and trimmed models; I mixtures; belt and but- models. Special large pockets and belts; | “ med :. s s.Oo ST:... *1.98 “'..*10.00 | Men! The Greatest Saturday of All in This Big Clothing Sale! Suits! Suits! Suits! /K \ Ideal Weight for Spring l K, In fact, many men wear tlfese suits the yea** .rzA. ’round! Young men’s suits—business men’s / IT# //n suits —conservative suits—snappy suits—suits in \ ; all the good styles and patterns! Suits that we / ' A/i are determined not to “carry over” and so sell them with little thought of profit. fit! Mens $27.50 Suits Men s $35.00 Suits j| Mens $30.00 Suits Mens $40.00 Suits Tl $19.75 $29.95 Men! Spring Hats, Enter on the Scene Hats for Mr. Good Dresser; new styles, new colors and new blocks; correct to the last detail. The Fair Store is the Indianapolis center for the best American and foreign hat. Priced specially for Saturday — r $2.50 to $7.50 ; OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK WINTER Fur Collar Coats Formerly priced S2O and $25 — $ IQ-oo This special lot of winter coats are offered Saturday at about half their real value. WINTER Saturday Cleanup of Winter Coats and Dresses Values up to $12.50 sgj.oo Odds and ends of coats and dresses that actually sold up to, $12.50. Real bar gains for Saturday only. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1920. WE ARE STILL DOING BUSINESS IN OUR OLD LOCATION. OUR NEW HOME AFTER JUNE Ist. ' Stylish Spring New Spring Frocks Dresses Worth up to S2O Values up to $25 Hundreds of fashionable Models featuring au street and afternoon dresses thentic new fashion just acquired in a most ex- VSwlilp9ruj* ,* . , . , . . YtSmißtMA features and many traordinary purchase and J sale. Dresses of such ex- beautiful HOW shades. ceptional style and desir /* They are charming ability you would expect to TOSSfrft 4 / frocks - sizes for women pay at least $20.00 for * r K. , . 1/. .I T Til n them. Special Saturday— and misses— s i rmw Women’s Up to $35 Spring Dresses Such delightful dresses in the newest IP® fIC and most unusual modes; some beaded or M ■ V W embroidered, others have silk braid frills, long and short sleeves fjL_ WkM Price-Breaking Footwear Sale Saturday These shoe prices invite comparison. Scan the news pages carefully to day and you’ll come here Saturday to make the most of these features. The usual standard of quality stands hack of these offerings. *34^ CHIkDMN-* SHOW $6.50 WOMEN'S HIGH OR $4.00 BOYS’AND YOUTH'S ‘.U LOW SHOES; blgh grade OUTING SHOES; black or shoes made of good quality brown leathers; one of the leather; in the season's biggest opportunities of the A. newest lasts; your choice season to save on boys’ fr*FT*‘**> of brown or black; all 6hoes. Just when they are 11 / sizes; Satur- *4 Q(* wanted for spring wear; j day only all are flrst-class shoes and I $6.00 LADIES' BOOTS; specially Satm- I3VUT I black kid or gunraetal; , Bp6 ' \9 09 Jj;/ \ some brown kid; welt colt clal &/ y'\ tops; military heels; all $5 .00 BOYS’ GUNMETAL A/ / jdfit Bizes; special 09 Qt SHOES, ENGLISH OR /y Saturday Vv.tf3 BLUCHER STYLE. They $2.50 LADIES’ ONE-STRAP equal in style and quality / KID SLIPPERS. With to others selling consider- W- / Baster just, a few weeks ably higher. This sale will 1 • J Mr ( away no woman or miss prove most welcome to par- \ ■l'*/ IT \ can afford to miss this sale; ents planning to fit the 1 -!*/ j/.' .X every newest spring style youngsters out for spring; I ’rj X/ / \ in the lot; all sizes; spe- sizes 1 to 6tt. Spe- J .11 daily priced for quick c * al Satur- QC / clearance, A| A A day fvav3 /\. Saturday Ii 9 j 3too BOYS’ SCHOOL $4.00 MISSES’ TAN CALF SHOES; box calf, blucher BX V OR PATENT COLT SKIN lasts, sizdfc 10 to 6H. We SHOES. Any mother who are featuring all day Satur has been looking around day a group of boys’ shoes < qM town at the prices shoes that we guarantee are the I ’.ttU sell for will realize what an best in the city at this low A. exceptional opportunity this price; about 100 pairs in is. Sizes 11% 09 ij a the lot will be closed out XV^jj to 2 Saturday gg $6.50 MEN’S SHOES; English or broad toe Nv lasts. Why discuss values? Any man knows I 'N. that shoes like these for $4.95 are almost being given away. Special, ap Saturday VTaS) $5.00 MEN’S WORK SHOES; brown or black; 'Wbk blucher or outing styles; all solid leather. You I can’t appreciate these values until you 6ee tliem f for yourself. Good, strong, servlcable M shoes, special Saturday y Removal Sale of Children’s Dresses CHILDREN'S DRESSES Neatly hade in good quality voiles, prettily trimmed with organdie sashes, in all the wanted new spring shades, light blue, pink, maize, rose, etc. Size range from 2 to 6 AQ Aft years, special Saturday $Wa*TtJ DRESSES FOR THE TINY FOLKS-^- Cunning styles for little chaps. When you see these pretty little dresses Sat urday you will want to buy two or three at the price; ribbon lace and embroidery trimmed. A| ft ft Special $ 1 iVU A WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT OF DRESSES FOR THE KIDDIES— CoI- Iars and pockets neatly trimmed in pink and blue, some with pretty sashes. Sizes from 2 to 6, spe A i qa daily priced for Saturday... $ I avC Women’s Spring SUITS There are the $75.00 Values fancy backs; tacked and nar- Q O row pleats; if B JJ Q string belts; others have plain tailored straight lines; small notch collars, litted sleeves, narrow shoulders; plain and fancy pockets; beautiful skirts gathered at the back, loose belts; neat small pockets and deep hems; sizes 16 to 44. Easter SUIT Sale \ Tricotines , Goldtone, Silvertone u We arc enthusi- $50.00 Values \ astic about the a m wonderful val- Gp || m ues of . these sV CJ 1. imagine that in \ J l order to get a stylish, worth while suit for ' jk eL Easter that you must pay a high price we urge J 0 you to attend this sale tomorrow \ Women’s $30.00 Spring SUITS Snappy tailored models of fine grade all-wool M m&ljk J serges and poplins. The coats are particularly || BJ e f \J smart with belts, tucks, braid, button and em- H broidery and splendidly lined. Remarkable ■ values at f§ Boys’ New Spring Two-Pants Suits nisi * lB - 50 and S2Z5 ° Valaes 1 OC l§3/ ALL-WOOL BLUE SERGES, FANCY 1 fl lW UIU T‘ CASHMERES, HOMESPUNS, PLAIN | TT P ■ FLANNELS AND WORSTEDS. New- ~ f \ ' VvW'rX shades of tan, brown and green mixtures. Your boy can’t help '■ I \ V xMlk. \ but look well dressed in these clothes, their style and patterns H 'fr ..IS\ \ are so prepossessing, their tailoring so praiseworthy, their ma- 1 7\a. 7 terlals so staunch; in sizes Bto 18. z VC M Blue Serge All-Wool Saits $lO and sl2 / \ Special for Saturday Only Boys’ Wool SUITS .. |p| $16.50 Values at —■ Q g tMn $10.95 9>/ ' yo 1 of fancy cashmeres and A W 300 boys’ all-wool blue serge suits, cheviots, in brown, green 7 pi tailored throughout, made in the and gray mixtures, in lat \ j very newest models; pants all est models; pants full * 1 fully cut and lined. Size 7 to 18. lined; sizes 7 to 17. BOYS’ PANTS, up to size 10. $3.00 BOYS’ PANTS, fancy Boys’ $10.50 Suits * s9c 32STS “ B d .o°i7. $1.95 in blue twill and fancy mixture, lined pants, size $2.00 BOYS’ PANTS, large CHILDREN’S HATS AND 7 to 16, Saturday only— assortment of new and desir- CAPS; new spring styles; gpk able patterns and materials. $1.50 value , 95<^ afl.yo Size 7to 01 OC * 2 - 25 valuo fI.4K 16, at $ 1143 $3-00 value $1.95 Men’s New Spring —1 Shirts and Neckwear y ML I New Spring Shirts JSSJwfSS: SM M silk mixtures and silk striped madras, woven madras and fine B WjmeUZlJ&v&i count percales in an endless assortment of plain colors and neat and various colored 6tripe effects. Negligee style with soft cuffs, some with collars to match $2 to $16.20 (j/i/tf /k Nerhwpnr and knitted four-in-hands and the lat est batwing bow ties in plain colors, em- broidered figures, Persians, stripes, etc. Made with slip-easy bands, at. ,y. i 45 < to $4.15 NO REFUNDS DAINTY LITTLE DRESSES FOR SMALL TOTS —Dainty little dresses that make an appeal. Because of their crisp newness and becoming styles they give excellent service, yet the prices are reasonable; prettily made in voiles of all the new shades. Sizes 2 to 6 years. A A ft ft Special f bivO GIRLS' WHITE DRESSES—AII fresh new dresses shown for the first time Saturday; a number of attractive, serviceable styles, made of fine quality organdie, embroid eiy and lace trimmed, girlish and beccmming models; Aft a q Sizes 8 to 14 years y 3