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CENSUS CUTS SBELBURN, INI). Sullivan County Town De creases 11.7 Per Cent. WASHINGTON, Starch 12.—The cen sus bureau today announced the follow ing preliminary population figures for 1920: Shelbum (Sullivan county), Ind., 1920 population, 1,814; 241 decrease; 11.7 per cent decrease; 1910 populiation,, 2,OSS. Coatesville, Pa., 1920 population, 14,515; 3.431 Increase; 31 per cent increase; 1910 population, 11,084. Forest City, Pa., 1920 population. 6,004; 255 Increase; 4.4 per cent increase; 1910 population, 5.749. Huntingdon, Pa., 1920 population, 7.501; 190 Increase; 2.8 per cent Increase; 1910 population, 9,691. Lewiston, Pa., 1920 population, 9.849; 1.683 Increase; 20.6 per cent Increase, 1910 population, 8,166. Waynesboro (Franklin county). Pa.. 1920 population, 9,720 ; 2,521 increase; 55 per cent Increase; 1910 population, 7,199. Chattanooga, Tenn., 1920 population, 57.895; 13,291 increase; 29.8 per cent in crease; 1910 population, 44,604. Cambridge, Md„ 1920 population, 7,167; I. Increase; 16.15 per cent increase; 1910 population, 6.407. Macon, Ga., 1920 population, 52,525; 11. increase; 29.2 per cent increase; 1910 population, 40,665. Canfield Looms Up in Fourth District Special to The Times. BATESVILLE, Ind., March 12.—An nouncement of the candidacy of Harry C. Canfield for the nomination for con gressman from the Fourth district has rested considerable enthusiasm in this section. He is a democrat. ‘ Canfield for Congress" clubs are be og organized in every county of the dis trict and preparations arc being made to set forth the qualifications of Mr. Can- Held upon which he bases bis claim for the support of the democrats. Mr. Can field's aggressiveness, bis capacity and willingness for hard work coupled with his sympathy with the cause" of the farmer (Mr. Canfield was born and reared on a farm in Dearborn county), as also his desire to render a service to the smatl business man and the wage earner, stamp him the Ideal man to bring about the district’s return to the demo ratle column. Labor Vital Issue, Cummins Declares CHICAGO, March 12.—“ The labor ques tion will be of supreme Importance in the coming presidential campaign, even over -bfdewing the country's foreign prob lems," Senator Cummins. lowa, declared n an address before delegates to the Na tional Petroleum congress, which Is meet ing here. He advocated the formation of a tribunal to adjust labor disputes In industries vital to the public. TODAY’S MOVIES ALHAMBRA —Elsie Ferguson in “His House In Order." ISlS—Bryant Washburn In "The Six Best Cellars.” MR. SMlTH'S—Constance Talmadge In "Two Weeks.” ' CIRCLE—Jack Pickford In “The L.U the Shepherd of Kingdom Come.” COLONIAL—Mary Miles Mlnter In “Judy of Rogue's Harbor.” REGENT—Harry Carey in “The Rider of the Law.” OHlO—Florence Billings in “Wit Wins.” Ever in the vanguard of civilization you find man’s faithful servant —the cow. From the beast of burden of pioneer days—incident ally giving man and his family a portion of their nourishment—she has be come the foundation of one of America’s greatest industries tne Dairying Business; the producer of one of man’s most vita! foods—milk and its prod ucts. chief among which is BUTTER. Thirty-six years ago, two brothers, living on a northern Indiana farm, de cided that Indiana could pro duce the best butter in the world—and they set out to prove it. Their first churning weighed 88 pounds; but it was good butter. Lsst year they produced 11.000,009 pounds; and every pound was good butter. So good, that the 1919 National Dairy Show at Chicago swarded BCHCOSSLH'S BUTTER First Prize for the Highest Scoring Entry for Indiana Creamery Butter REAL SIGN OF SPRING: FOLLIES COMES NEXT WEEK ‘Up in Mabel’s Room ’ at Murat—Ferguson Acts Well at Alkambra—Washburn at Isis JACK PICKFORD 1 ‘ A coon skin cap is on the head of Jack Pickford as Chad the plucky little i mountain hero of John Fox, Jr., "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come." The insert is that of Jack, a dog. which is Chad's pal In the story. This well produced and acted picture is at the Cir cle all this week. KILLED BY ELECTRIC WIRE. DEFIANCE. 0.. March 12.—Adolph, 21. son of former Sheriff John P. Eiser, j was electrlcuted when he oame In eon ■ tact with a wire on the Eiser pretnis.-s. : a package today; a batch tomorrow and hear your feUjyH Folks say jpap ? ySgiHjßs, B-ii Eat More of tim Better Butter I \ “There is some substance in butter fat which is not found in fats generally, which is absolutely necessary for the maintenance of life in the young or the adult.” ♦ — Dr. S. W. McCollum, Professor of the School o t Hygieno and Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University. You get this necessary substance in good but ter. Oak Grove Butter is as good as butter can be; has been for years and years. Eat more Oak Grove Butter. Your grocer has it-ask him! Schlosser Brothers * Makers of Good Butter since 1884 F BltEMEJjfl PLYMOUTH INDIANAPOLIS FRANKFORT FT. WATNB 190 h 1909 1911 1917 The robin Is no longer the first sign of spring. There are some people who Judge the coming of spring by tne arrival of Zleg feld Follies in town. Spring must be here then as the Follies will hold forth all next week at Eng lish’s, beginning Monday night. The advance sale is said to be the largest in the history of English’s for this engagement The Follies comes direct to Indianap olis from the Chicago run. Marllynn Miller Is one of the real reasons for the popular appeal of the Follies. She takes part In a ballet written for her by Vic tor Herbert. i Also there will be Eddie Cantor, Bert Williams, John Steel, Doris LeVant, the Fairbanks Twins and many others. Mabel's rose pink cLemise continues to hold the center of the stage at the Murat. “Up In Mabel's Room'’ will com plete Its engagement at the Murat with a matinee and a night performance Sat urday. It is never too late to say something good about a fellow. In the rush of time we did not say as much as we wanted to about Eddie Buzzell and Peggy Parker in "A Will and a Way” at Keith's this week. Here is a team that has lots of class and a sure enough comedy punch that is delightful. They know bow to put over their numbers. Minstrels will never lose their appeal, and this Is demonstrated by the recep tion being accorded Arthur Detnlng and his minstrel act at the Broadway tills week. He sings a combination of the (ld-time successes. -I- -I- -!- The Crane family appear to be gather ing in most of the honors at the Rialto this week. This is the act that the people talk about when they leave the theater. That’s a gat'd sign. “My Maryland” Is nn of the popular songs rendered by Charles Levine this j week nt the Park with “Sweet Sweetie liiirls." He has another song in “Hineo IMppy Too." Max Field is the come dian. -I- -I- -I DOLLY WILSON. Remember Dolly Wilson? Well, if you were a patron of local picture houses some few years ago when “amateur night" was all the rage you Saturday Specials | Strictly Fresh Eggs, 48c Doz. | 5 lbs. Navy Beans, Michigan , 45£ H J 2 Sugar Corn, Boone C0unty.......2 cans, 25^ jj Best Lima Beans • pound, 17£ P j g Granulated Cane Sugar per lb., |ii ALL YOU WANT. I Grand Union Tea Go. 1 353 Massachusetts Avenue INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1920. VIVIAN ALLEN ' This is Introducing Miss Vivian Allen, who has one of the principal parts in "The Unknown Purple,” a mystery drama to be at the Murat all next week. The engagement will open Monday night. This mystery play Is the first of the new crop of plays of this character to reach Indianapolis. It had a satisfactory run In New York. are bound to recall Dolly—the little blonde, curly headed girl who nearly always carried off first prize. Dolly has grown up now. Sbo is scoring a hit at the Lyric this week. -I- -I- -I- Florence Billings will complete her en gagement at the Ohio with the Saturday showings In "Wit Wins.” Opening Sun day will be Mary MacLaren in "Bonnie Bonnie Lassie.” -!- -I- -I- Helen Gibson in "Daring Danger" and Harry C&r#y in “The Rider of the Law” remains at the Regent up to and includ ing Saturday night showings. .j. -|- -|- Mary Miles Min ter is the main attrac tion this week at the Colonial In “Judy of Rogues’ Harbor.” Underlined for Sun day is Bert Lytell In "The Right of Way.” -I- -I* -I TBE ISIS. A prohibition comedy, "The Six Best Cellars,” opened a three-day engagement Thursday at the Isis. Bryant W'ashburn plays the lead. It Is a comedy with 'a kick to It. The comedy ends with Bryant stepping out of his character, pointing his finger squarely at the audience and asks him what he would do If lie was in the same fix. As said before in this space, “The Six Best Cellars” Is satisfactory entertain ment. -I- -j- -I CONSTANCE TALMADGE. Constance Talmadge Is forced to glide down a fire escape to get a square deal In “Two Weeks," a movie. Misp Talmadge takes the part of a chorus girl. She is in her tiny flat try ing to escape from a bill collector, when a wealthy young clubman calls. She Take Care of the Little Ones This is the thought that is uppermost in the minds of all natural parents. IF YOUR CHILD’S WELFARE LIES so near to your heart, why not deposit a moderate sum in the little one’s name—it will grow to be a tidy sum in twenty years. Open an account as a “nest egg’’ for the baby. This bank will pay 41% on savings, compounded April Ist and October Ist. $1 or more will open an account. Meyer-Kiser Bank 136 E, Washington St. (Open 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Saturdays.) 350-354 E. Washington St. THE BIGGEST RETAIL GROCERY IN INDIANA EGGS, selected and strictly Creamery Butter, Hoosier fresh, one dozen in M M Gold and Eversweet carton Tt*lC lb OOL Leaf Lettuce, hothouse, crisp and tender, 1b.... * 20* Michigan Potatoes, nice sue and good cookers, pk 87* Pink Salmon, Waif, *4-lb. flat can 2 for 25* Potted Tuna and Sardines, No. 1 tin, each Loganberry Preserves, Del Monte CHOCOLATE CAKE— brand, 15-oz. cylinder big three Q CZs* jar OIC layer OOiZ Fresh Roasted Virginia-i Salted Peanuts, crisp-fl 6%l 0 Peanuts, x / 2 lb lUv and fresh, Va lb wLM2^ Chocolate Creams, an extra high-grade chocolate, assorted flavors, lb Mrs. Austin’s Pancake or Buckwheat Flour, sells regularly 15c; our price Saturday, 3 for PENNANT SYRUP, with a delicious Maple Flavor— No. li/ 2 ... * 21* I No. 5 64* No. 2Va *.33* 1 No, 10 91.26 Powdered Sugar, 1 Granulated Soft A Sugar, Dark Brown lb., 20* ' Sugar, lb., 19* lb., 18* Sugar, lb., 17J^o California Bartlett Pear*, Santa Clara Apricot*, medium lb 47* size, lb. 45* California Stewing Figs, Blue Ribbon Peeled Peaches, lb. 21* lb 30* WILSON or J tall \ small PET MILK ! can can DC Phoenix Chili Sauce, a large 17-oz. bottle *,**,..31^ Pilgrim Rio Coffee, O/t Old Crop Santos, • lb., 25c; 3 lbs I M\. \ steel cut, lb *IAV Taggart’* York Butter Crackers, hot from the oven, f ftp | TAGGART’S TEA CAKES— . • , 4 varieties—Raisin Cookies, Sugar Liberty Ginger Snaps, crisp and CookleSi Hoosier Belle, ft*. • b na PPy’ 17C Daisy, lb ZOC Dromedary Dates, I Layer Figs, Sun Maid Raisins, carton, <>*•, large size, with seeds, 25* | 11* lb., 35* Boiled Ham—49c lb. —Dried Beef Georgia Squares, Boneiess Butts, Breakfast Bacon, sugar medium weights, sugar cured, cured, extra quality, piece lb., 20* lb., 38* or sliced, 3 lbs., 81.00 Early June Peas, lowa Sugar Corn, 1 Indiana Tomatoes, 12J/2* 12'/2* I big No. 3 can, 17* IIbXPs 4 J!:!$1-84 Larabees \ ' Enterprise Flour, 24 lb. Sack, $2.00 Buy the high-grade advertised brands of flour, those you know. They may cost a little more, but you take absolutely no risk. Every sack of Gold Medal, Diadem, Enterprise, Pillsbury and E-Z-Bake Flour bought of us Is guaranteed by the manufacturer to give absolute sat isfaction or we will refund your full purchase price. Why gamble with the unknown variety? HERE TODAY, GONE TOMORROW, AND NEVER FORGOTTEN. Evaporated Corn, lb 22* Clabber Baking Powder 9* White Corn Meal, 5 lbs 23* Black Pepper, / 2 lb IJT* Rolled Oats, bulk, 4 1b5....25* Llbby’-s or Phoenix Asparagus, Steel Cut Oats, 2 1ba...... .13* No. 1 square can 42* Alaska Chum Salmon, Libby’s Chill Con Carnl, No. 1 lb, can .......10* can ....... ~i 12!4* \ v. > 1 THEATERS TODAY MURAT —“Up la Mabel’s Room,” at 8:15. ENGLISH’S—Dark. B. V. KElTH’S—Metropolitan vaude ville, 2:16 and 8:15. LYRlC—VaudevUle, continuous, from 1 until 11. RlALTO—Vaudeville and pictures, continuous. v BROADWAY—Vaudeville and pic tures, continuous. PARK—Musical extravaganza, at 2:15 i and 8:15. knows this means a good dinner and she Is hungry. But the bill collector Is camp ing on the trail. < So she climbs on the fire escape and gets the good dinner. To be seen at Mr. Smith’s. ELSIE FERGUSON. Elsie Ferguson as a classic dancer. That Is what she Is In “His House In Order,” now at the Alhambra. This unusual effect Is obtained In the beginning of the film and shows the Imagination of the young girl, Nina. The story of “His House In Order” concerns the matrimonial troubles of Nina and her husband, Fllmer Jesson, M. P. Jesson has the abominable habit of comparing Nina to his first wife, Anna belle, whom he worships. No, Nina Is not Jealous, AnnabeUe Is dead, but as has been said, comparisons are odious. Whenever Nina displeases her husband, IWanser’s Modern Market 215 North Illinois Street Here*Ytt riKtsTKINDOf>CES TWO TALL Af- EVtRYOOftCe IS CANS Of* ft Pel Milk Lull Eggs AGo ®* pictly Fresh, Cocoa (in bulk), very choice, per pound. / 30* Navy Beans, Michigan hand picked, per pound 10* Coffee, Old Reliable or Hoosier Boy, per pound 49* Pure Lard, kettle rendered, per pound 24* Loin and Round Steaks, per pound .28* Beef Roasts (from choice young cattle), per pound..2o* Fresh Hamburger, all beef, per pound 15* Plate Boiling Beef, per pound 15* Fresh Hams (skin and fat off), whole, per pound 26* j Good Luck Oleomargarine, per pound 40* Special for Saturday — Last Call for . ARMY s*) “f'C BACON f B H 12-lb. Tins Central Meat Market 245 E. Washington St., Opposite Street Entrance to Courthouse. Phone Main 1863. MEATS, LARD, BUTTER AND EGGS SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Lard, absolutely pure, 2 lbs, for 45^ Eggs, strictly fresh and candled, doz • carton a 45£ Sweet Creamery Butter, per lb 65^ Banquet Coffee, regular 60c quality, lb 48* Wilson or Fet Cream, 2 large cans for w..,n...M.25d Tomatoes fancy packed, 25c value, 180, 2 f0r.... 35* Sweet Sugar Corn, 18c quality, 2 can5.^......,^...^.....25* Catsup, J. T.,Polk's, id-ounce b0tt1e...... lO* 20 pound sack Gold Medal Flour for $1.60 | 5 lbs. free running granulated sugar 90£ | THE NORTHWESTERN BEEF AND PROVISION COMPANY .“VS 246 INDIANA AVE. All Our Meats Are U. S. Government Inspected. 1269 Oliver Ave. 1755 Howard St. Most Complete and Popular Markets Young Chuck Roast 20* Veal Stew —.^^.2s* Tender Boiling Bacon, own cure. Beef 12V2-15* Picnics, 5 lbs average.,2s* Chuck Steak ..250 Smoked Jowls 25S Hamburger 15* franks and Weinera. „20d v. • w,.,. „ . Sliced Liver ....^.^^,.B* Prune Rib Roast 2o* Fregh Tongnea _ 2 s* Choice Veal Roast..... .30* Fresh Hearts .. . 15* Choice Veal Chops 35* Shoulder Bones 10* Our Swiss Steaks from Prime Select Beef For the Success of the Afternoon Tea Highest quality teas ‘‘Packed only in tin To keep the flavor in.” ißiifffusqysTea J “Safe-Tea First.” / Seven different flavors to choice from* „ - and he Is not hard to b9 a **‘. torts with words of praise for his wife. \ V . . . But he learns that Annabels had noy been the wonder that he had and realized how much truer his Bfecond wife was. Opinions Satisfactory character work by Miss Ferguson; a good story; an ex ceUent cast. 9