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ELKDOM HAILS 39TH BIRTHDAY OF CITY LODGE Proud War Record and Ameri can Flag Long in Ritual Banquet Themes. NATIONAL HEADS TALK William E. English, a charter member of the Indianapolis Elks’ lodge and a past exalted ruler of the national body, noted as toastmaster at a banquet at the Claypool hotel last night celebrating the thirty-ninth anniversary of the In dianapolis lodge No. 13. Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Distinguished guests at the banquet Included many- officers of the national lodge. They were: Frank L. Kain, grand exalted ruler; Fred C. Robinson, grand secretary: .Tohn K. Tener, chairman; Joseph T. Fanning, secretary,- and James E. Nicholson, Edward RlghSor, Fred Harper, Bruce A. Campbell of the Elks’ war relief commission, all past grand ex alted rulers; John P. Sullivan, John Gal vin and Eloyd R. Maxwell of the grand lodge new membership committee. Robert A. Scott of Linton, chairman of the slate association, and W. \V. Moun tain. chairman of the social and com mniiiter' welfare (iommission, also were guests. TELLS OK ELKS’ RECORD IS WAR. Mr. Rain recounted the t\ork done by the order in the war, mentioning the equipment of two base hospitals far over seas service with the Red Cross; erec tion of a $350,000 reconstruction hospital at Boston, which was given to the gov ernment; erection of a community house at Camp Sherman, and the raising of funds for tin Salvation Army. the last, he said, was the most im portant ‘war v Cl done by the or do:. Elks should remumbo-, Mr Rain said, that the end t v war did not re iece the order or .ti Ujum-jcuc anil patriotic obligations. Mr. English related many anecdotes of the Indianapolis lodge and told of the initiation of charter members Sunday, March 20, ISSL X'ine of those charter members, who are still living, besides Mr. English, are Senator Harry S. X'ew, Jo seph T. Fanning, John IL June, James T. Cook, Frank U. Vaille, John J. Cur tis, E. A. Cooper, Charles F. Cleveland and George June AMERICAN FLAG LONG IN' HIT CAL. Fred VanN'uys, United States district attorney, speaking on “E'.kdom, the Order American.” said ho took pride in the fact that the Elks' lodge had given the American flag a place in its ritual long before it became necessary to raise a cry for 100 per cent Americanism. Joseph T. Fanning spoke of the days when the Elks lodge was generally known as a social organization of the atrical folk, and then traced its history through the Johnstown flood, the San Francisco earthquake and other great dis asters, in which The Elks rendered relief, until the order became known to have a side of sterner merit than mere so ciability. Other speakers included John Galvin, mayor of Cincinnati; John K. Tener. for mer governor of Pennsylvania: Fred Harper of Virginia, Bruce A. mpbell. William W. Mountain, Lloyd R. Maxwell, John P. Sullivan, Joseph E. Messick, Fred f. Robinson and Robert A. Scott. is phnnyaph? HOW did you decide which is the best flhonogTaph? Did you hear them all? All right! But did you hear them all in the same room, under exactly the same conditions? Unless you did, you missed the whole point of the comparison. The Edison Turn-Table Comparison gives you ev erything you need to make your own complete comparison. It is the first method which puts each instrument squarely up against the best its rival can do. It plays each make under the same conditions, in the same room. You can measure * with scientific exactitude how good each instru ment is. THE EDISON SHOP ADSIT MUSIC CO., Owners. 122 N. Pennsylvania St. Opposite Keith’s SnAeial Wc Invite yen te hear tW The Talkinr Machine* need in helpful comparison—even If t!*''*' 1 • re ** y .¥?, * n tphii. Tit. tv. , . . , _. the et possible condition. While the Turn- yon do not want to buy. It Man ifactorers of such rnn- Tahle Comparison in purely a service on onr rhinjs. or their representatives, la Installed as a • .. * . , . . are invited to inspect them, te service to the pah- part—in the interest of bet- reflate them, orto substitute Me it will he i„m. tear tnnsio In the home. Stop otter mavhiires of llie same • H S t r*i?t'od - whenever yon are in the open your definite neighborhood with tea min- tin,, during business reaeat. utea to spaca. hour*. Ask to Aw the EDISON TURN^TABDS COMPARISON Fadventures IgTTI UxfJ OF THfc TWINS INJ jjHk by Olive. Robevky Barhon Pntf gjff MR. BEAR FILLS UP. A RE you getting any?” called Nick as he and Nancy |tood watching ■LA-the bear (a very wee bear, you remember, because lie had borrowed the Green Shoes) backing out of one blossom and crawling into another. The bear nodded, for he couldn’t speak just then —his lips were stuck together with honey. Finally he said, “Yes, indeed, I guess this is bear- He lost his balance coming down, and got a dreadful bump on his head as he landed. heaven. No bees and all the honey you cau eat. Much obliged for the shoes. You won’t be needing them soon, 1 hope.” Ar.d he smiled a queer “A Good Place to Buy Everything Hurst Bldg. Penn. & Ga. Sts. COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS OF Shoes Groceries Gents’ Furnishings Paint Diy Goods Auto Accessories Stoves Furniture Electric Supplies Rugs Hardware Implements Tires Roofing. Harness STANDARD QUALITY, REDUCED PRICES. You Are Always Welcome. HURST & CO. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1920. Facts Read to Aid Essay Contestants Facts about Indianapolis were read to pupils In tho four upper grades of the seventy-three grade schools of Indian apolis today to aid them when, on Thursday, all of the pupils write es says on “Why Indianapolis Is a Great City to Live and Grow In.” The twelve leading facts about Indian apolis and its many natural advantages have been prepared in pamphlet form by little smile down at the twins, that made them feel most uncomfortable. They did hope the bear would hurry, so they could continue their Journey. But the Magical Mushroom told them not to worry. In a minute the bear called out “Woof! One shoe gone’! Stuck in the honeyl Oh, well, I’ve got three left!” And he went on eating. But the twins, anxiously watching, thought he was a little bigger. At least the blossom was swaying. In another minute the bear said, “Woof!" again. “Two shoes gone, but Ive got two left!” and he went on eating. This time he was much bigger, and the blossom trembled and sagged with his weight, but he held on. Then came, “Woof!" again. “Three shoes gone, but I’ve one left!” Still he kept on eating. But he was so big now the whole vine shook and he had to hold on with all four feet, and his tongue was too big, almost, to reach the honey. Then he said, “Woof!" again. "All four shoes gone, but I’ve finished!" Then he let go. But he lost his balance coming down and got a dreadful bump on his head as he landed. The last the twins saw of him he was running, howling into the woods. —Copyright, 1920, N. E. A. YY7TTH Easter less than two weeks away, there’s just barely time to make your selection and be properly fitted without hurry and worry; a fact in itself which means additional comfort and cnjoyraent in the possession of a garment. STORE HOURS—DAILY, 8:30 A. M. TO 6:30 P. M A Thousand Easter COATS and SUITS At Cost of Manufacturing Yes , Ready-to- Wear Garments Are Cheaper! The long looked for “break” in the ready-to-wear market has taken place. The manufacturers prepared for an immense business, which failed to materialize. The price advances this year proved the “last straw.” The public bought sparingly, merchants thoughout the country countermanded or ders. The manufacturers tharply reduced their lines, and our buyer’s quick action makes this wonderful sale possible. L, - S the board In charge of arrangements for the world’s advertising convention to be held here June 6 to 10 and the pamphlets are being used in all of the grade schools. Prizes of $25, $lO and $5 will be given by the Advertisers’ convention board for the three best essays of 100 words or less on “Why Indianapolis Is a Great City to Live and Grow In.” In addition to the cash prizes, diplomas will be awarded the writers of the best essays for each grade. The contest is confined to only the four upper grades of the Indianapolis grade schools. goldsteinS Overstocked manufacturers, faced with the loss of an entire season's profits, sharply reduced their lines of fine garments. A thousand Suits and Coats purchased at one-fourth to one-third below regular value are priced to you at the same savings. Just Received and Marked in Time for Easter $45 and SSO SUITS *36=25 The most comprehensive and exclusive collection to be seen anywhere at these prices. Suits of fine all-wool trieotines, serges and velours—flare, pleated, tucked and plain tailored styles—button and braid trimmed with novelty pockets and belts —lined with flowered silks. There’s a style about them that puts them in a class wholly apart from the commonplace—in colors of tan and blue. S6O to $75 SUITS *49— —the designers have effectively combined trimmest of tailoring with little feminine touches that emphasize their absolute newness. The collection offered at this price is notable, not only for the clever styles featured, but for the large and vat iod assortment, which comprises every late model, including belted blouses, box, full ripple and plain tailored styles fashioned of Tricotines, Polret Twill and Men’s Wear Serges, em- . broidery, braid and button trimmed, lined with beautiful flowered silks —the workmanship on these garments provide that "fin ished” appearance only gar ments of the better sort f display at $49.50. $25 and $35 New Spring COATS $ 1 O- 75 Dashing styles, bright, attractive colorings and ultra-fine materials char acterize these coats as being exceptional values at this price. The sport length and three-quarter length coat is pre eminent, and there are also stunning full length models. Sport coats fashioned of the softest lightweight spring woolens of surpris ingly beautiful texture, including polo cloth, velours, silvertone, goldtone and mixtures. Full length coats of all-wool velour, in tan, Pekin blue, rose and Copen, at $19.75. —Goldstein’s, Second Floor. Hits Decision on Stock Dividends CHICAGO, March 22. —The government will find a way to tax stock dividends despite the decision of the supreme court, it was declared in an address here by. Federal Judge Kenesaw M. Landis, speaking at a mass meeting of postal employes caUed to protest against low wages in the postal service. 1 JUST JOKING WANTED QUICK ACTION. Real estate man (aboard ship); I have a nice suburban lot I can let you have for a couple of hundred dollars. Seasick passenger: I'll give you ten thousand for It if you’ll deliver it im mediately.—Home Sector. HEAT LADY NICOTINE. Mrs. A.—l notice that your husband doesn’t smoke. Is It because you object to the habit? Mrs. B.—Oh, dear no! If I objected he’d smoke.—Answers, London. HENCE THE HOLLER. "What’s your baby howling aboutY” "I guess he’s protesting because na ture has denied free speech to children under eighteen months.” —Home Sector. CENSUS REPORT Columbia, S. C., Now City of 37,524. WASHINGTON, March 22.—The census bureau today made public the following preliminary population figures: Columbia, S. C., 1920 population, 37,524; increase, 11,209, or 42.6 per cent; 1910 population, 26,319. Alton, 111., 1920 population, 24,714; in crease, 7,184, or 41.0 per cent; 1910 popu lation, 17,528. Keokuk. la., 1920 population, 14,423; in crease, 415, or 3 per cent; 1910 population, 14,008. Newton, la., 1920 population, 6,627; in crease, 2,011, or 43.6 per cent; 1910 popu lation, 4,616. Red Oak, la., 19J0 population, 6,578; In crease, 748, or 15!o per cent; 1910 popula tion, 4,830. Columbia, Mo., 1920 population, 10,681; Increase, 1,109, or 10.5 per cent; 1910 pop ulation, 9,662. Menosha, Wls., 1920 population, 7,214; increase, 1,133, or 18.6 per cent; 1910 pop ulation, 6.018. Bismarck, N. D., 1920 population, 6,951; increase, 1,508, or 27.7 per cent; 1910 pop ulation, 5,443. Mayfield, Ky., 1920 population, 6,583; Increase, 667, or 11.3 per cent; 1910 popu lation, 5,916. Crowley, La., 1920 population, 6,108; in crease, 1,009, or 19.8 per cent; 1910 popu lation, 5,099. SILK braid embellishes many of the more dressy suits offered in this sale; others, strictly tailored, display smart notches, Tuxedo collars, odd belts and pocket arrangements and numerous buttons STORE HOURS—SATURDAY, 8:30 A. M. TO 6 :00 P. M. Burglar Succeeds on Second Attempt An insistent burglar visited C. C. Bruchla’s home, 827 West Thirty-ninth street. He told the police today someone entered his house by prying open a side window. The burglar first tried to jimmy the front door, but couldn't get In, he said. A few dollars in caßh was reported missing. The house was ransacked. Bill Gives Disabled Anzacs S2O a Week MELBOURNE, March 22,—A govern ment repatriation bUI just Introduced raises the censions of permanently dis abled Australian soldiers to S2O weekly for life for unmarried men, to $24.50 for a man with, a wife adn no chUdren, and to S3O for ft man with a wife and three children. Partially disabled men are to receive $lO weekly. PUPILS AID ARMENIANS. Public school No. 45, Miss Georgia Alexander, principal, contributed $521 to the Armenian orphan fund Saturday eve ning. The number of orphans yet to be provided for by Marlon county is 803. County Director Ortt Bays. The county quota is 2,000. fpHIS is the newest out standing feature of our series of demonstrations of value-giving to reduce the high cost of women’s apparel. You owe it to yourself to in vestigate before you buy. Do not judge these suits by the price, for the price is lower than one has to pay for a commonplace suit at most stores. If we had marked these suits one-fourth to one-third high er we would not be asking more than garments of this grade are sold for elsewhere. 5