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LUSITANIA SUNK BY SHOT—LOG (Continued From Page One.) or powder.” Fire bro&e out and the smoke obscured somewhat the view of the submarine commander. As the log of the TT-20 consists of technical and nautical terms and a trans lation into American naval language would be mostly unintelligible to the average reader, I will paraphrase parts of It except those relating to May 6 and May 7. For these were the days when the U-20 sank three large passen ger ships Including the Lusitania and the reader Is given the words of Schwie ger as he set them down with his own hand. The inscription npon the little paper bound volume containing Schwieger’s log follows: “WAR DIARY.” "H. M. U-boat U-20, for the time from March 18, 1915, to Aug. 31, 1915. A.merican Sciubbing Equipment Cos., . 3rd Floor, Lemcke Building, Indl- " "* . \ . Please let me know how W , ■ A I can become one of the owners ft-* ~ m f > of a PIONEER industry which, f/ ? though 9 years old, is just entering ~■■■■■■•l an era of wonderful prosperity. m ■ Sending this coupon obligates me In ■ Whl noway. TN the Claypool Hotel — as in B V : "’ % 1 the Wm. H. Block Cos., E. W. f. fjgf \' < 'yf I Steinhart’s and hundreds of a y . If My name is stores and factories the country % I “lk a,. £} over American Scrubbing '#*->& ? >~f _ & ►— Equipment is proving its worth \ in daily practice. . . *■' ’’ This Coupon Is the Key to OWNERSHIP in a PIONEER Industry FROM the bowels of Necessity sprang the Linotype, the Add ing Machine, Fulton’s steamboat and the Phonograph. Each one under went a strain of development, arriving at a point where its value to the world can not be reckoned. In proportion to the value of each in terms of public service, so have the rewards been heaped upon those sharing the inventions until the mind grows dull in computing the millions of dol lars. Nine years ago the ELECTRICAL SCRUBBING MACHINE was born. ♦ • • Educating the World A world, which had known only the mop and the scrub brush and the "tired elbow as implements of floor cleaning, at first greeted with indifference, a MACHINE that would save its labors. So with the Bteamboat. So with the addfhg machine. So with all the other PIONEERING products. From the reign of Nero— and earlier —a slosh of water and a swirl of the mop had been sufficient unto the day, and the world needed education on the SERVICE-VALUE of a machine that would not only save the labor of armies of scrub-women, but would also perform scrubbing duties more nearly PERFECT than any unaided human agency. • • • And so it was taught! In the teach ing, an electrical scrubbing machine was developed to exert SIXTY STEADY POUNDS continuously upon any kind of a floor service, cutting away with a flexible circular brush MORE surface dirt than ever haunted the dreams of a tired scrub woman. There was de veloped a machine that could be moved into most any corner and cranny in any kind of a building; that cleaned floors far more thoroughly than any human hand, SAVING not only labor but TIME. Among the nationally known users of our equipment THESE ARE A FEW: National Biscuit Company. Packard Motor Company. * Holeproof Hosiery Company. National Cash Register Company. Remington Arms Company. International Harvester Company. Firestone Tire & Rubber Company. Knox Hat Company. N Sears, Roebuck & Company. Bell Telephone Company. • oats THIS ADVERTISEMENT American Serubbinq Equipment Qx WRITTEN BY EMERSON \ A. } BECK KNIGHT, AP- CHICAGO,ILL. HANNIBAL, MO. INDIANAPOLIS, INH.' District Offices in 26 ™. BV RIGID CEN ' HerveuA.Baldwin Principi " Ci,ies ' 503 Lemcke Building Indianapolis “Commander CapL-Lieut. Schwleger.” Schwieger thus tells or! the start: “April 30, 1915, 7 a. m.—Pnt to sea from Emden on long-distance mission to Irish sea. 10:10-8:30 a. m.—Try a test drive. 12 noon—Steer carefully to avoid sus pected mine fields. Afternoon spent try ing out radio equipment and In sending and receiving messages from H. M. S. Areona. 8 p. m.—Pass several fishing boats flying Dutch flag on Doggerbank.” Schwleger devotes his log for May 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 to accounts of the weather and his flights from squadrons of patrolling war craft. He teUs of efforts to attack merchant ships. On May 4 he was about to open fire against a vessel, which turned out to be a neutral—the Swedish ship Hibernia. On May 5 he sank the Earl of Latham of Liverpool and turned the crew adrift in small boats. DOG STOPS ARREST: SHOT. DES MOINES, March 23—“ Panhandle Percival," a white bulldog prevented offi cers from arresting his master, William Lanther, who is said to have been drunk. The cops shot the dog. Way Tea’s Prepared Called Main Point More tea is being consumed in this country than . ever before. This was the statement today of A. H. Brokaw, Indianapolis salesman for the “Salada” Tea Company. Medical men point out, he said, that good tea possesses a stimulating and restorative effect on the human system. “It makes all the difference in the world whether a cup of tea Is rightly or wrongly made,” said Mr. Brokaw. “There is only one way to make a cup of good tea and that Is to scald out a crockery teapot and while it is warm to put in a teaspoonful of tea for every two cups. Pour on fresh boiled water (be sure that It is bubbling) and allow it to steep for five to eight minutes. If you follow these directions you will have delicious tea.” While Salada tea has just recently been introduced to the Indianapolis public, the repeat orders inflicate that the product is meeting with great favor, he added. Thousands Converted The world has learned its lesson. Today, thousands of factories, schools, office buildings, hospitals, hotels and other great structures from coast to coast are using and APPROVING the American Scrubbing Equip ment Company’s wares. These wares include three types of scrubbing machines and the scouring powders which are sprayed with clear water be fore the brushes. * * • Conditions FORCE This Extraordinary Offer So fast has the demand grown in these nine years that the Company can not meet it on its capitalization. An issue of 20,000 shares of Preferred Stock has been authorized. The price of each share is $10 —and it can be. bought on convenient terms! Behind each share stands more than sl6 worth of tangible assets —for the Company is as firmly established as the Rock of Gibraltar. Besides receiving a liberal inter est on each share of Preferred Stock the owner of each share is made by agreement PART OWNER IN THE AMERICAN SCRUBBING EQUIPMENT CO., with full rights to share in all Its earnings. Stress of business forces this most unusual offer. Standing and prospective orders demand that more than a million dollars’ worth of scrubbing machines be manufactured in 1920. Rapid factory expansion must he made to face that requirement. Capital MUST be obtained immediately. * • ♦ A Pioneer ALONE in Its Field The American Scrubbing Equip ment €O. has no able competitors. An impregnable chain of patents makes it secure as the PIONEER AND ONLY concern of its kind in the country. The fruits of its labors can be claimed by no other. Hundreds of thousands of prospective users need these machines TODAY! INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1920. The' Cathartic FOE CONSTIPATION An Indianapolis Man Received These Letters — From Kaufman-Straus, Louisville: “We have been using these machines for two years and are certainly pleased with them.*’ The Starks Realty Cos., Louisville: “We have been using the scrubber in our fourteen-story build ing for seven years and have found it most satis factory In every way.” Hotel Radlsson, Minneapolis: “The machine Is entirely practical and is a labor-saving device.” Hudson Motor Car Cos.: “With rererence to the American Scrubbing Machines, have been using their two sizes for three months and have found them entirely satisfactory, doing a line of scrubbing that Is an unusually hard test on machines of this kind.” The Coca-Cola Cos., Atlanta, Georgia: “We con sider these machines essential to cleanliness, and take great pleasuro in recommending them.” Sears-Roebuck & Cos.: “We have used the ma chines for the last 20 months and have had very good service.” American Scrubbing Machines save Marshall Field & Cos. of Chicago thousands of dollars yearly. • • * ZWf Dilly-Dally Will you rest idly in face of this opportunity? Tt is not an experiment. Tt: is not industry fatted upon the spoils of war. It is a solid, substantial business enter prise, nine years out of the infant class, operating upon a basis of PROVED reliability, offering to MAKE YOU ONE OF ITS OWNERS simply because it needs more money to grow faster! Send the coupon for all full explanation. You will agree with us that it is one of the most inter esting stories any one ever received. Don’t make the mistake of waiting, for this is a small stock Is sue, wonderfully attractive even without the own ership feature. SEND NOWI THE BASEMENT STORE Marked for Instant Disposal Fifty SPRING SUITS tFor Women and Misses i of Wool Jersey Think of being able to get a suit in the new est style for the spring season for any such price! A group of tine suits recently purchased have sold down to just fifty—women will throng the department here tomorrow to buy them — early choice essential. Charming sport models of wool jersey, beautifully made, fine for sports or general wear. Sand, peacock, tan and Pekin blue; special while fifty last $19.75 One Hundred DRESSES For Women and Misses Sizes 16, 18 J 34, 36 and 38. fIHHH The fact that they are in small sizes only is the reason they have been reduced. The dresses are all fine—suit- , ‘ able for spring street wear—worthy of a much higher tp#ilr Dresses of georgette crepe, satin, messaline, jersey, \l serge, georgette and taffeta combinations, etc- Just one / A hundreds in the lot; special ............ $12.93 Lingerie BLOUSES For Women and Misses #r pQ /v ' iShm —greatly re- hHHIHb IVoftl; duced in price. ff! u"C‘Jr Sheer blouses of corded voiles, plain voiles, lawns, organdies, yl| if Bedford cords, etc., which have become slightly soiled, have been |r jj I marked way below their value. Strictly tailored modes or soft ■ &A dressy blouses, lace trimmed; special for Wednesday 0n1y.51.29 Bungalow APRONS lyf. For Women and Misses ISS€S $1 OQ 43c JL You'll realize this is an extremely low price for them when you see them —made possible only by a fortunate purchase. In- With spring housecleaning approaching, eluded are aprons of fine quality percales, every woman needs aprons. These are fine bib style, trimmed with, rickrack braid; ones taken from our regular stocks that gingham aprons in banded style and black were higher priced. Well made In various sateen aprons with ruffles and patch pock styles, light and dark colors, including pink ets. (No phone, mail or C. O. D. orders— and blue; regular and extra sizes, 3ff to 44 limit 4 aprons to customer). Special for and 46 to 54; special....' $1.39 Wednesday only 43< Domestic and Bedding Specials UNBLEACHED SHEET- UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, BLEACHED SHEETS, 81x ING, 2% yards wide, smooth yar( j wide, firm even thread, 90 inches, seamless, deep thread, easy to spe- bleacheß nlce . hems #1 QQ yard 75C ly, yard 25C sl.^o UNBLEACHED SHEET- PILLO WCASBS, of ING. 2% yards wide, heavy LONGCLOTH, yard wide, smooth finish bleached clean thread. RfSP soft even thread > suitable for muslin, hemmed — special, yard UUL > _ _ _ -undergarments, Size 42x36 QCT BLEACHED SHEETING. 7-yard bolt ey 4 inches each OOC 2% yards wide, strong even for. 1 „ 4 - r\ thread, spe- HQr* bize 4oXob ‘JQa cial, yard /Ot inches, each..... .KJ *7\j PILLOW TUBING, heavy LONGCLOTH, yard wide, soft thread— chamois finish, launders per- BED SPREADS, full don -42 Inches wide, yard. fectly, suitable for flue under- ble bed size, hemmed, good ; 40 inches wide, garments; Ofr weight, various qaq P j 86 inches wide, yard. special, yard......,~.00C patterns, special. V7O THE Wm. H. BLOCK CO. 11