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TALK BUSINESS ! OF DRY GOODS! Indiana Dealers Open Spring; Session Tonight. Dry goods men of Indiana will discuss every phase of their business in tba an nnal spring meeting, which opens to ntgth at the Claypool bote! and continues ! all day tomorrow. More than 150 members of the Indiana | Retail Dry Goods association are ex- I pected to be present. Tonight a smoker will be held in the palmroom of the Claypool and a motion picture will be shown, depicting the man ner in which checks and drafts are forged. To-morrow, morning Stanley Wyckoff, federal fair price commissioner for In- j dlana, win talk to members, and G. A. Efroymon of H. P. Wasson A Cos., and j V. C. Kendall of It S. Ayres & Co_ will TgXnk A discussion on the subject of arbitrary increases in price of goods by manufacturers and jobbers after orders hare been placed will be led by AT. AV. Hammond of the ■firm of Jones, Ham- ! mond & Jones. Luncheon will be served In the Floren tine room and business discussions will be resumed tomorrow afternoon. F. A. Turner of Crawfordsrllle is president and Lee B. Nusbaum of Richmond is secre tary-treasurer of the association. SUCH IS LIFE The lee on the lake And the empty branches shake In a landscape that is desolate and drear. But despite the chill caresses Os the breeae as he undresses. HU ambition makes our hero persevere. Jimmy Jones, he never falters Never for a moment alters His resolve to be the first to swim this year. The Prince of Wales has starred on a trip to Australia. It Is a wager that he’ll have no better time that he did in Amer ica. The 15-year-old grandson of a New Tork millionaire, the boy's mother says, needs $7,500 annualily for his support. That Is a poor crutch for a lad of his age. Pugilist Jess Willard has been secured to referee some Kansas boxing exhibi tions. As "the third man in the ring" Jess will be comparatively safe. It is to be hoped that when the for mer crown prince completes his boxing course, which he is now taking in Hol land, he will be matched with J. Demp sey. The department of justice has fixed ipon this week as a "Cheaper Meat Week.’’ It sounds good and will be good J supported by fact. The class in arithmetic will please pay s attention: If an American dollar is worth but 47 cents, what is the purchas- Home Office Monument Place Indianapolis, Ind. ESTABLISHED 1899 This Company has paid to its policyholders $6,853,870.00 and has issued about 62,000 policies upon the lives of persons applying to it for insur ance. “A Good Place to Buy Everything” Hurst Bldg. Penn. & Ga. Sts. COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS OF Shoes Groceries Gents’ Finishings Paint Dry Goods Auto Accessories Stoves Furniture Electric Supplies Rugs Hardware Implements Tires Roofing Harness STANDARD QUALITY. REDUCED PRICES. You Are Always Welcome. HURST & CO. Norwegians May Sell Us U . S. Goods CHRISTIANIA, March can representatives are trying to pur chase dry goods and bearing apparel bought from the United States from 191S to 1920 for re-export to the United States, as the prices here are 50 per cent lower than now prevailing In America. \ J ing power of a nickel in a serve-self res taurant ? The suggested dollar haircut also sug gests shorter haircuts and longer Inter ims. Where Is Gertrude and Also Anna Lee? The police were asked today to search for Gertrude Sommers, 17, of 1130 West Thirtieth street. AAHlliam Sommers, her father, told the police she disappeared yesterday and that her suitcase filled with her clothing was found on the rear porch of his home. Burrell AVright, an attorney, 1514 Mer chants Bank building, requested the po lice to find Anna Lee Arnott, who re cently came to Indianapolis from Cham paign, 111. He said he wished to find the young woman so that he could com plete the settlement of her father's estate. “SYRUP OF FIGS’’ CHILD’S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poisons from stomach, liver and bowels. i %, .. -xJ , Acc< ,iia’’ Syrup of Figs only —look for name California on the package, then you are sure your child Is having the best and most harmless laxa tive or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its de licious fruity taste. Full directions for child’s dose on each bottle. Give It with out fear. Mother! You must say “California."— Advertisement. NO C. O. D.’s Hi REMOVAL SALES We are still doing business in j —l^ill We are sfi// doing business in 407-417 W. Washington St., *** Pf ff 407-41Tw. Wnhhgton St, Until June Ist | 407-417 WEST WASHINGTON STREET | Until June Ist Sc'e if Sample Easter SUITS °|^ lln^e Taster COATS choice of fabrics and an arrangement of prices Not in many seasons have th fashions been /J which Ave believe will answer any call women so smart and youthful as we are showing in £ ?, may make for suits this spring. this lot of New Spring Coats. They are a jjj S4O Sample SUITS coats that youth Anil welcome with enthusiasm. fjpj II SrS£ ; SQEf,OO Sample Polo Coats fit if it l§Er SrH'LT £ J Up to $25.00 Value. $50.00 Sample SUITS for Spring n pf| New Polo Coats for Women and Misses Tricotines, I oiret twills and gold tones. These extraordinary The favored coats for spring wear, surpassing every exhibit previously assembled. The \alues will attract much ia\ora>le attention W ednesdav irorn ** J|§ neAver coats for spring in their greatest glorv, varving in richness, smartness and elegance, women and misses who appreciate smart, distinctive modes and Hji || at prices which are always moderate. Narro'w shoestring belts of leather or self-material, qualities out of the ordinary Mfflv deep yokes and patch pockets. Specially reduced for "Wednesday 815.00 I Two Weeks Till Easter 1 And The Fair Store is Ready With a Truly Sensational Sale of Mens and Young Mens SPRING SUITS , If you have come to the con- I elusion that it la necessary to I pay a high price for a fine 3 WBlult ° r clotlies spring sea- 9 21' son come and Investigate the I fine Bu!ts wa are offer,ns ln | The smartest styles to be 1 worn this season, unique in jg liiirllM exce^ence °f su mfflM siTso Imjw $24.85 ||P I $29.85 1 WMMMMBBHWMaiBBWIWWIIlMMMMWillBIIIIBIlWlll!IBlllllBWIIIII!l!IHWIWi!l!iattlMH8I! ll illlMMitNlWWßlWtMWlHHßlltllllßaißMinßlßilMßllii^S “Like Two Suits In One” Two-trouser suits are practically double life, double service suits—almost like two suits for the cost of one. They appeal to the econtnical parent. Boys’ $18.50 and $22.50 TWO-PANTS SUITS fW Wool blue serge, fancy cassimeres, ( A homespuns, plain flannels and wor steds, sizes 8 to 18 years— *{"'/ $14.85 At>%ak Boys’ All-Wool Blue / / Serge Suits J f yLg $16.50 and SIB.OO values k J faWj $10.95 300 BOTB’ ALL-WOOL BLUR SERGE I^mMTir^K SUITS, finely tailored throughout, made I | $;, In the newest spring models. Pants are 1 , I ‘SSt/A full lined. Sizes, 7 to 18 years. A I I WMjm $lO and sl2 Easter Suits $7.95 Mr Dressy and durable. At Easter you want MSBjffs? f your boy well-dressed and you want that laUfr well-dressed look on the solid foundation of durability. Our boys’ clothes are the B/ffljS best values you can buy ; fancy cassl- MSB metes and cheviots in brown, green and wjST mixtures. Sixes, 7 to 17 years. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1920. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK Sample Sale of Dresses SIB.OO and $20.00 Values Satins, taflfotas, jerseys and serges—whpn women are of fered, right before Master, dresses like these for $9.85, is it any wonder that our dress department is the talk of the city? Come tomorrow and convince yourself that this is the store for every economical woman to buy her Easter dress. Sizes lt> to 44. Special Wednesday— > $9.85 Sample Sale SSO Sample of Dresses Dresses Samples of $25.00 models. Tricolette. kitten's ear. crepe. J , chiffon and taffetas. These Classy styles, long and short dresses express so many dlf sleeve*; made up ln wonder- ferent themes and are de ful quality georgette, crepe de signed with such rare flne chlne, trlcotlne and heavy taf- nesß a8 *o constitute the most unusual display. Sizes 16 to fetaa. sizes 14 to 48, $-0.00 50 Specially priced Wednes values, Wednesday— day— sl4.9B | $25.00 Men's Furnishings Specials $4.50 MEN’S BLAZER 85c MEN’S TlES—Beautl- SILK SHIRTS —Exact cop- ful mixed patterns and les (of $15.00 and $20.00 plain colors and stripes, expensive silk shirts; Spe- Mr some woven madras shirts cial 43C Included; collars to match. Spe- A* HE $2 00 MEN ’ S KNITTED cial sSio9 TIES, in fancy stripes and $15.00 MEN'il SILK [? I !* t l ir > eB ‘ f I Afl BHlßTß—Crepe tie chine, Special $ ■ IHI pusßy willow taf'eta and 19c MEN’S BLACK HOSE heavy tub (Aft A|? —Over 2,000 pairs to clean silks; special... t# 0■ O 3 up Wednes- |Ai SIO.OO MEN’S FIBER day at I &2V SILK SHIRTS In beautl- $6.00 MEN’S SHIRTS— fuI stripes and figures. Silk and linen mixtures, Spe ‘ QC fine hairline and nifty ▼*** stripes. Aft $2.60 AND $3.00 MEN’S Special i” l " T , 5 T^ rC * , “- Z- n. MEN’S SELTB and. and 51.85 ->*;*”r.....50c 50c MEN’S HOSE—A spe cial lot, extra good quail- $2.50 MEN’S SWEATERS, ty, 50c values. Priced spe- In gray only; heavy Shak cial Wednes- er knit. A | M|| day 331? Special g I ■||U I Dainty Spring Blouses BEAUTIFUL GEORGETTE EXCEPTIONAL WEDNES BLOUSES, long and short DAY SELLING Beautiful sleeves, exquisitely trimmed new T*™* blonßes , . tng fresh new wash silks, with lace and embroidery, all long and short sleeves, collar the new spring shades, flesh, and coUarless, a large assort rose, white, etc. Specially ment of colors and sizes. Spe priced for A A Qfi cially priced for £ f QQ Wednesday shio Wednesday glawv BEAUTIFUL HIGH GRADE BEAUTIFUL NEW SPRING GEORGETTE WAISTS, ex- BLOUSES—lntroducing fresh qulsite blouses representing new effects and novelties, 3 every exclusive type, smartly each an exquisite production 8 tailored blouses to frilly lace of art. originality and skill, a creations, long and short featuring new beaded and em | sleeves, In all the wanted broldered effects in white 9 S new spring Q A and suit AF* Aft £ shades wSavO shades ySiUU §| I Dress and Sports Skirts Because of the Important position which they have assumed in every feminine wardrobe, the exceptional values add great interest to this sale. $5.50 Ladies’ and Misses’ Sample Silk Poplin Skirts Plain and fancy models—belted and TX/^Tt-pRS |j button trimmed. Specially priced I $2.98 $7.50 Ladies’ Sample Skirts fIFjQPj Plaids, serges and fancy mixtures — B belts and button trimmed, in ail new spring model* — H $4.98 f -J ?s > fln( J £ SKIRTS I ed models, plaidß and y IMI lUu large belts and pock- It lng. Special Wednes- LJ? MAI >.98 "V Surprisingly Low Prices on Girls’ Easter Dresses f GIRLS’ EASTER DRESSES—GirIs’ white voile dresses, beautifully trimmed with lace and wide pink and blue ribbon. These charm ing dresses will be sure to be appreciated by mothers and daughters. Sizes Aft ftg 8 to 16 years; $7.50 values v3avv CH ILDREN'S DRESSES—NeatIy made in good quality voiles, prettily trimmed with or gandie sashes, in all the wanted new spring shades, light blue, pink, maize, yose, etc. Size range from 2 to 6 years. *6 m a Special Wednesday ..f di*rO GIRLS’ WHITE DRESSES—AII fresh new dresses; a number of attractive, serviceable styles, made of fine quality organdie, embroid ery and lace trlmiried, girlish and becoming models. Sizes 8 to 14 GIRLS’ BEAUTIFUL EASTER DRESSES— White voiles and organdies; girlish and be coming models; ruffles, pleatings, tuckings and embroidery adorn these frocks. Discrim inating girls of 8 to 16 years will find models to their liking; SIO.OO A*f Aft values Wednesday f/ivO •NO REFUNDS: 3